Grade 1 & 2 Physical Education

Grade 1 Language Arts Benchmark Map

Semester 1 Semester 2


Word Recognition

1 .Identify letters, words and sentences. 2. Match spoken words with print.

3. See, hear, say, write the letters that correspond with common sounds of the English Language.

Word Analysis

1. Generate Rhyming words in a rhyming pattern.

2. Segment and blend beginning, middle, and end sounds to read unfamiliar words.

3. Use letter sounds, word patterns and parts of simple compound words to decode unfamiliar words when reading

4. Divide spoken and written words into syllables and identify phonemes and phonograms within words.


1. Understand the role of illustrations in conveying meaning in picture books.

2. Retell familiar stories using a beginning, middle, and end.

Read and listen to selections for personal enjoyment.

3. Write or draw a response that shows comprehension of a story that has been read.


1. Improve the formation of uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet and numbers.

Elements of Composition

1. Capitalize the first letter of proper names, the pronoun I, and the first words of sentences.

2. Compose simple sentences.

3. Use a period after sentences, numerals and initials.

4. Write simple sentences using a process and strategies to plan, compose, revise and edit.

5. Use correct spelling for grade-appropriate high-frequency sight words.

Spell grade-appropriate words correctly in final draft.

Listening and Speaking

1. Participate in and follow agreed-upon rules for conversation and discussions. 2. Recite and respond to stories, poems, rhymes and songs with expression. 3. Follow two-or three-step oral directions. 4. Ask and respond to questions. Viewing 1. Follow print from left to right and top to bottom. 2. Turn pages sequentially from front to back. 3. Identify the cover and title page of a book. 4. Recognize common signs and logos.

Listening and Speaking

1. Use voice level appropriate for language situation. 2. Communicate needs, feelings, and ideas to peers and adults in complete sentences.

Types of Writing

1. Write in a variety of modes to express meaning, including: narrative, informative, poetic.

Elements of Composition

1. Capitalize the first letter of proper names, the pronoun I, and the first words of sentences.

2. Compose simple sentences.


1. Use grade level appropriate reference materials to obtain information.

Types of Writing

1. Continue skills from Semester 1


1. Spell 3-4 letter words correctly.


1. Recall and use prior learning and preview text to prepare for reading. 2. Make predictions of outcomes and verify from texts. 3. Use story illustrations to enhance comprehension.


1. Retell familiar stories using a beginning, middle, and end.

2. Read and listen to selections for personal enjoyment.

3. Identify and describe main characters setting and sequences of story event.

4. Read from and listen to texts representing a variety of genres


1. Continue Semester 1 skills AND

2. Demonstrate literal and inferential comprehension by asking and answering questions. 3. Monitor comprehension and reread as need at points of difficulty, using strategies to self-correct. 4. Identify or infer topic. 5. Make simple inferences and draw and support conclusion. 6. Write or draw a response that shows comprehension of a story that has been read.


1. Use correct spelling for grade-appropriate high-frequency sight words. 2. Spell grade-appropriate words correctly in final draft.

Vocabulary Expansion

1. Use descriptive words when speaking of people, places, things, actions and events.

2. Identify and generate antonyms and synonyms, and use them to understand and express word meaning.

3. Learn new words through explicit instruction and independent reading.

4. Use context to predict and infer word meanings.


1. Space words and sentences appropriately.

Word Recognition

1. Read 100 high-frequency words

2. See, hear, say and write the letters, blends, and digraphs that correspond with the common sounds of the English Language.

Word Analysis

1. Notice when reading breaks down, reread and use phonetic and other strategies to self-correct.

Reading Fluency

1. Read grade-appropriate text with accuracy and emerging fluency.


1. Alphabetize by letter


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