Virtual Pig Dissection Assignment

Virtual Pig Dissection Assignment.

Name: Block: Date:

Go to this website:

You will be doing a pig dissection through the internet and answering questions as you go. You will also need to take the quizzes at the end and write down your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Begin by clicking on the link entitled: Anatomical References.

Regions of the Pig:

1. What are the five main regions on the pig?

2. What organs do you think the cranial region holds?

3. What organs does the pectoral region probably hold?

4. What organs does the pelvic region hold?

5. What organs does the caudal region hold?


1. By looking at the picture anterior means what?

2. Posterior means what?

3. A transverse plane cuts the pig into what two pieces?

4. A saggital plane cuts the pig how?


1. Looking at the picture, Dorsal means what?

2. Looking at the picture, Ventral means what?

3. What is a frontal plane?

4. Is the belly considered dorsal or ventral?

5. Is the backbone or spinal chord considered dorsal or ventral?


1. The picture says that A is medial with respect to B, so what does medial mean?

2. What does lateral mean?

3. If you were asked to cut the pig down a midsaggital cut, where would you cut the pig?


1. What area is the point of reference?

2. What does proximal mean?

3. What does distal mean?

4. Is point A proximal or distal compared to point B?

5. Is point B proximal or distal compared to point A?

Close this web browser and return to the starting point. Then click on the next subject: Sexing your pig.

Is it a male?

1. Is this pig laying ventral side or dorsal side up?

2. Do male pigs have mammary glands or nipples?

3. Towards the caudal region (anus) the male pig is lacking a ______________________ .

4. What are the swelling areas on a male pig ventral to the anus?

5. What do these contain?

6. Where is the urogenital opening on a male pig?

Is it a female?

1. What organ does the female pig have beneath their tail?

2. In a female what two things exit from the anal region?

3. Where is the urogenital opening on a female?

The Digestive System: Begin by clicking on the head (cranial region of the pig to view the start of the digestive system) As you answer questions you will either have to hit the forward button or click on the picture to view more information.

1. The nostrils are also known as what?

2. Air comes in through the nostrils for what two main purposes?

3. Describe the structure of the tongue (What does it look like, etc)?

4. What is the tongue made up of?

5. What is the main function?

6. What are the sensory papillae?

7. Where are the sensory papillae located?

8. What are the four main taste buds in humans and pigs?

9. Describe the first incision that is made to access the jaw and inside the oral cavity?

10. After the first incision what gland is exposed?

11. What makes up the anterior part of the roof of the mouth?

12. Describe how the hard palate looks.

13. What is the posterior part of the mouth?

14. Describe how it looks. How is it similar or different to the hard palate?

15. Which palate contains bone?

16. Describe the teeth? Are the pointy, etc and what are they called?

17. What is the pharynx?

18. Describe the location of the epiglottis.

19. What does the epiglottis do?

Abdominal section of the Digestive system:

1. Draw a small picture of the incisions that you would have made if you had dissected this pig in order to see the abdominal organs.

2. What is located right underneath the skin?

3. What cavity do most of the abdominal, excretory, and reproductive organs sit in?

4. List three organs that you can see once you cut through the membrane.

5. What is the large brown top most organ?

6. How many lobes does this organ have?

7. What organ is directly below this first organ?

8. How long can a small intestine of a fetal pig get?

9. Draw a picture of what the small intestine looks like.

10. How long is the large intestine and what is it responsible for?

11. What color is the large intestine?

12. Describe where the gall bladder was located?

13. What is the role of the gall bladder?

14. Once you remove the liver what are some organs that you can see?

15. Once you have cut the stomach open you can see the pyloric sphincter. What is its role?

16. What is rugae?

17. What other organs is the spleen close to? And what does it do?

18. Describe the location of the pancreas and what it does?

19. Why does the messentary have blue and red lines on it?

Close this box and return to the main starting page and click on the excretory system.

Excretory System

1. Where do the kidneys lie?

2. What is the kidney responsible for?

3. What does the kidney look like to you?

4. If we cut the kidney open, what are the three different regions the kidney is made up of?

5. Ureters connect what two structures together?

6. What shape is the bladder?

Close out this section and click on the Circulatory system.

1. What are two functions of the circulatory system?

2. Draw or explain the incisions lines in order to see the circulatory system.

3. Draw a picture of the heart, lungs and thymus gland.

4. What is the artery that can be seen on the heart that separates the right and left side?

5. How many chambers does a pig heart have?

6. Is a beef heart or a human heart similar to a pig heart?

7. Describe the flow of blood through the heart.

8. The chordae Tendinae helps to make up the heart valves, describe or draw what they look like.

Close out that section and click on the Respiratory system:

1. What is the passageway air travels as it enters through the nares?

2. To the left of the trachea or behind it is what other tube?

3. Which tube lets food down and which tube lets air down?

4. What is the name of the membrane that the lungs are in?

5. Describe what the lungs look like? (Color, shape, texture, etc)

6. The trachea splits into what when it hits the lungs?

7. Describe where the diaphragm is located.

8. How does the diaphragm aid in breathing?

9. Draw a picture of how the lungs and heart with the trachea all sit together.

Close out this section and click on the Nervous System. Once inside, begin by clicking on the cranial section of the pig.

1. Draw or describe how you would have cut the skull in order to see/expose the brain.

2. What is the membrane that covers the brain called?

3. Describe the brain: colors, lines, textures, size, etc.

4. What are the four lobes of the brain?

5. What is the main difference between the pig brain and the human brain?

6. Why does a pig also have two large olafactory lobes?

7. If you wanted to look at each hemisphere of the brain what would you do to see them?

Now click on the start over button to go to the cervical section.

1. Do pigs have a muscular neck?

2. Why is this important for them?

3. What has to be removed in order to actually see the spinal chord?

4. The bones that protect the spinal chord are called what?

5. Where do the nerves extend from?

6. Once you have removed the vertebrae, what does the actual spinal chord look like?

7. Draw a picture of the spinal chord with the vertebrae and draw another picture of what it looks like when that has been removed.

8. Last draw a picture of the spinal chord with the nerves attached.

9. Where do these nerves go to?

You are finished with this section. Now you must take the quizzes for each section besides the reproductive section. Good luck! Please write down your answers as there is no way to print them off.

You will hand this sheet in, your answers to your quizzes as well as your written lab write up. (This we will do Monday in class if you are here).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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