SlideShowPro parameters

SlideShowPro Parameters

compiled by Kenneth Huey


October 2008

See the Help Wiki’s API section (introduced at ) for fuller descriptions of the following functions.

(“Album” refers to the preview and/or description, found in a gallery display, of the gallery’s constituent albums.)

Album Background Alpha 100

Transparency value of album background.

0=invisible, 100=full visibility.

Album Background Color #000000

Color of album background.

Album Description Color #CCCCCC

Color of descriptive text.

Album Description Size 9

Point size for descriptive text.

Album Padding 8

Amount of padding to apply around album previews and text fields in each album element.

Album Preview Scale PROPORTIONAL, None, Crop to Fit

Type of scaling that will be applied to album previews (if previews are included).


Album Preview Size [54,40]

The width and height of the album preview images in the gallery.

Album Preview Stroke Color #FFFFFF

Color of the stroke (or line around the outside) of each preview image.

Album Preview Stroke Weight 1

Thickness of the stroke (or line around the outside) of each preview image.

0=no stroke.

Album Preview Style INLINE LEFT, Fill, Inline Right, Banner

Inline Left= preview graphic on left, album title/description on right.

Inline Right= preview graphic on right, album title/description on left.

Fill= no album title/description, preview graphic scaled/cropped to fill entire element.

Banner= graphic scaled/cropped to fit width, title/description positioned underneath.

Album Rollover Color #262626

Background color changes to this when mouse rolls over item, returns to previous color on roll-out.

Album Stroke Appearance VISIBLE, Hidden

Sets visibility of 1-pixel stroke around edges of album elements in gallery.

Album Stroke Color #141414

Sets color of 1-pixel stroke around outside edges of album elements in gallery.

Album Text Alignment LEFT, Center, Right

Alignment value for album text fields.

Album Title Color #FFFFFF

Color of text of album titles.

Album Title Size 10

Point size of text of album titles.

Audio Loop OFF, On

Controls whether an album's audio restarts upon completion.

Audio Pause OFF, On

Controls whether audio pauses when slideshow is paused.

Audio Volume 75

Starting volume for slideshow audio. User can adjust volume thereafter.

Auto Finish Mode SWITCH, Open Gallery, Restart, Stop

Assigns playback behavior when reaching the final image/video in an album.

Switch= continue with next album .

Stop= slideshow stops, and auto-playback changes to manual.

Restart= current album starts over.

Open Gallery= gallery interface is opened.

Cache Content NONE, Only Images, Only Thumbnail Images, All

Indicates whether SlideShowPro should cache (in advance) images and video from albums when loaded.

None= no content is cached and everything is loaded on-demand.

Only Thumbnails= only thumbnail imagery for the navigation and link previews are cached in-advance, and all slideshow content is loaded on-demand.

Only Images= only thumbnail imagery and slideshow images (no videos) are cached in advance.

All= thumbnails, slideshow images, and slideshow videos are all cached in advance.

(“Captions”can optionally add textual information to items in a slideshow. See )

Caption Appearance OVERLAY MOUSE OVER (IF AVAILABLE), Hidden, Inline, Overlay Mouse Over, Overlay Auto, Overlay Auto (If Available)

Hidden= caption area never appears.

Inline= captions are displayed inline below the Content Area and above the navigation in a static area that spans the width of the component window.

Overlay Mouse Over= caption area enters the component as a layer when the user rolls their mouse pointer over slideshow content, then disappears when they roll-out. Area spans the width of the content it is assigned to.

Overlay Mouse Over (If Available)= same as "Overlay Mouse Over" except SSPro will first test for the existence of a caption. If none exists, caption will not be displayed.

Overlay Auto= same as "Overlay Mouse Over," except no interaction is required. Caption automatically appears.

Overlay Auto (If Available)= same as "Overlay Auto" except SSPro will first test for the existence of a caption. If none exists, caption area will not be displayed.

Caption Background Alpha 75

Transparency value of caption background.

0=invisible, 100=full visibility.

Caption Background Color #000000

Color of caption background.

Caption Header Appearance IMAGE COUNT, Hidden, Album Title, File Name, Image Title

Hidden= removes the caption header.

Image Count= displays "[item number] of [total album items]".

Image Title= title as assigned in the XML file by adding a "title" attribute to an image element.

Album Title= title of album to which current image belongs.

File Name= image’s file name.

Caption Padding [5,5,5,5]

Amount of padding to apply around caption text fields. Like CSS, padding values are ordered thus: top, right, bottom, left.

Caption Position TOP, Bottom

Where captions should appear.

Caption Text Alignment LEFT, Center, Right

Alignment value for caption text fields.

Caption Text Color #EEEEEE

Color of caption text (duh).

Caption Text Size 9

Point size of caption text.

(“Content” or “the content area” is the total area of screen real estate occupied by SlideShowPro. See )

Content Align CENTER, Top Left, Top Center, Top Right, Center Right, Bottom Right, Bottom Center, Bottom Left

Where images and videos are aligned within the Content Area.

Content Area Background Alpha 100

Transparency value for the general background behind everything in SlideShowPro.

Setting this to 0 effectively makes the background of SSPro invisible.

Content Area Background Color #303030

Color of background.

Content Area Stroke Appearance VISIBLE, Hidden

Sets visibility of 1-pixel stroke around outside edges of SlideShowPro.

Content Area Stroke Color #262626

Sets color of 1-pixel stroke around outside edges of SlideShowPro.

Content Format NORMAL, Full Screen

Whether or not to download larger files suitable for full-screen viewing.

(A “content frame” is the additional visible padding surrounding the slideshow which simulates a picture matte or frame. It’s an optional decorative element. See [sic])

Content Frame Alpha 100

Transparency value of content frame.

0=invisible, 100=full visibility.

Content Frame Color #262626

Color of content frame.

Content Frame Padding 0

Sets width of content frame.

Content Frame Stroke Appearance HIDDEN, Visible

Sets visibility of 1-pixel stroke around edges of content frame.

Content Frame Stroke Color #333333

Sets color of 1-pixel stroke around outside edges of content frame.

Content Order SEQUENTIAL, Random

Order in which slideshow content is loaded and displayed.

Sequential= in numerical order, random=not in numerical order.

Content Scale DOWNSCALE ONLY, None, Crop to Fit, Crop to Fit All, Proportional

Type of scaling that will be applied to slideshow content.

See [sic].

Content Watermark (this space is blank)

A “watermark” is a graphic which is layered over an image to deter copying.


Content Watermark Align BOTTOM RIGHT, Center, Top Left, Top Center, Top Right, Center Right, Bottom Center, Bottom Left

Where watermark will be positioned in image.

Director Large Image Settings [80,1,100]

Image processing settings for use when generating slideshow images with ImageMagick.

First number sets image quality, in a range of 0-100 (100 being the highest quality).

Second number sets sharpening, with a range of 0-5 (5 being the strongest).

Third number is image scale, in a range of 0-100 (100 being ‘normal’).



Director Thumb Image Settings [50,1]

Image processing settings for use when generating thumbnail images with ImageMagick.



Display Mode AUTO, Manual

Sets the slideshow’s starting playback mode.

Auto= slideshow progresses until user clicks a button.

Manual= slideshow loads first image/video and waits for user to click a button.

(Two "feedback" graphical elements, a preload animation and a timer element, visually communicate invisible events occurring in the background.

See )

Feedback Background Alpha 40

Transparency value of background of the preloader element and the display mode element .

0=invisible, 100=full visibility.

Feedback Background Color #000000

Color of background of the feedback elements.

Feedback Highlight Alpha 80

Transparency percentage applied to the top-layer highlights of the feedback elements.

0=invisible, 100=full visibility.

Feedback Highlight Color #FFFFFF

Choosing the color for the top-layer highlights of the feedback elements.

Feedback Preloader Align CENTER, Top Left, Top Center, Top Right, Center Right, Bottom Right, Bottom Center, Bottom Left

Alignment value for preloader element, relative to Feedback Preloader Position.

Feedback Preloader Appearance PIE, Hidden, Bar, Line, Pie Spinner, Spinner

Selects which style of graphic element will provide visual feedback of preloading.

Feedback Preloader Position INSIDE CONTENT AREA, Inside Content

Inside Content= puts preloader within the space occupied by slideshow content.

Inside Content Area= puts preloader inside the content area.

Feedback Scale 100

Enlarge or reduce size of feedback elements by percentage of their default size (100 percent). Size relationships between feedback elements cannot be altered.

Feedback Timer Align TOP RIGHT, Center, Top Left, Top Center, Center Right, Bottom Right, Bottom Center, Bottom Left

Alignment value for timer element, relative to Feedback Timer Position.

Feedback Timer Appearance VISIBLE, Hidden

Indicates whether timer element is visible.

Feedback Timer Position INSIDE CONTENT AREA, Inside Content

Inside Content= puts preloader within the space occupied by slideshow content.

Inside Content Area= puts preloader inside the content area.

Gallery Appearance HIDDEN, Open at Startup, Closed at Startup

Indicates how the gallery is presented on startup.

Hidden= no gallery interface at all, including the button icon in the navigation bar.

Closed at Startup= slideshow starts with first album, user may click Gallery icon to open gallery view.

Open at Startup= slideshow opens with gallery view, user then chooses an album to view.

Gallery Background Alpha 100

Transparency value of gallery background.

0=invisible, 100=full visibility.

Gallery Background Color #1C1C1C

Color of gallery background.

Gallery Columns 2

Layout of album previews within gallery view, in conjunction with Gallery Rows.

Gallery Navigation Active Color #303030

Sets background color of gallery's screen navigation buttons when they are enabled.

Gallery Navigation Appearance VISIBLE, Hidden

Sets whether gallery screen navigation controls are displayed.

Gallery Navigation Inactive Color #000000

Sets background color of gallery's screen navigation buttons when they are disabled.

Gallery Navigation Rollover Color #262626

Color of item changes to this when mouse rolls over it, returns to previous color on roll-out.

Gallery Navigation Stroke Appearance VISIBLE, Hidden

Sets visibility of 1-pixel stroke around edges of gallery navigation buttons.

Gallery Navigation Stroke Color #141414

Sets color of 1-pixel stroke around edges of gallery navigation buttons.

Gallery Navigation Text Color #CCCCCC

Color of text on gallery navigation buttons.

Gallery Navigation Text Size 9

Point size of text on gallery navigation buttons.

Gallery Order LEFT TO RIGHT, Top to Bottom

Layout of album previews within gallery view, in conjunction with Gallery Columns and Gallery Rows.

Gallery Padding 10

Amount of padding to apply around all elements in the gallery view.

Gallery Rows 4

Layout of album previews within gallery view, in conjunction with Gallery Columns.

Icon Inactive Alpha 40

Sets degree of transparency to needed to visually “dim” inactive navigational icons.

Icon Shadow Alpha 60

Sets amount of shadow applied to (default varieties of) navigational icons.

Keyboard Control ON, Off

Whether user can use keyboard to control slideshow.

If set to "On,” SlideShowPro for Flash accepts the following character inputs:

F: Enter full screen

G: Open/close gallery

N: Hide/show navigation bar

Left arrow: Load previous image

Up arrow: Skip to next image number group

Right arrow: Load next image

Down arrow: Skip to previous image number group

Space Bar: Pause/Auto-Play

(SSPro includes an integrated media player for video or audio. See )

Media Player Appearance VISIBLE, Hidden, Always Visible

Controls whether media player interface is displayed when audio or video content plays.

Hidden= media player never appears.

Always Visible= player is constantly visible during audio/video playback.

Visible= player is visible at beginning of playback, then fades after 5 seconds, reappearing when the mouse pointer returns.

Media Player Background Alpha 25

Transparency value of media player background.

0=invisible, 100=full visibility.

Media Player Background Color #000000

Color of media player background.

Media Player Buffer Color #000000

Color of video buffer load bar.

Media Player Control Color #FFFFFF

Color of circular control button in the progress area.

Media Player Elapsed Background Color #FFFFFF

Background color of the “time elapsed” pop-up that appears when the media player progress bar is pressed.

Media Player Elapsed Text Color #000000

Color of text in the “time elapsed” pop-up that appears when the media player progress bar is pressed.

Media Player Icon Color #CCCCCC

Color of the play/pause icon in the media player.

Media Player Position BOTTOM, Top

Where in the content area the media player appears.

Media Player Progress Color #CCCCCC

Color of the progress bar in the media player.

Media Player Scale 80

Sets horizontal width of media player, as percentage of width of content area.

(Always aligned center.)

Media Player Text Color #EEEEEE

Color of duration text and audio caption text.

Media Player Text Size 9

Point size of duration text and audio caption text.

Media Player Volume Background Color #000000

Color of background of the volume slider.

Media Player Volume Highlight Color #CCCCCC

Color of top-level highlight of the volume slider.

(Controls for the slideshow appear in the “navigation bar.” See )

Navigation Appearance ALWAYS VISIBLE, Hidden, Hidden When Gallery Open

Hidden= navigation bar is removed from slideshow.

Always Visible= navigation bar is visible whether gallery is open or closed.

Hidden When Gallery Open= navigation bar vanishes when gallery opens, returns when gallery is closed.

Navigation Background Alpha 100

Transparency value of navigation bar background.

0=invisible, 100=full visibility.

Navigation Background Color #121212

Color of navigation bar background.

Navigation Buttons Appearance HIDE FULL SCREEN CONTROL,


All Visible,

Hide Display Mode Control (i.e., play/pause buttons),

Hide Gallery Control,

Hide Display Mode and Gallery Control,

Hide Display Mode and Full Screen Control,

Hide Display Mode and Gallery and Full Screen Control

Indicates which controls / buttons should be made available in the navigation.

Hidden= removes all controls from navigation bar, leaving only navigation links.

Navigation Gradient Alpha 30

Sets transparency value for the gradient overlay that appears over the navigation background.

Navigation Gradient Appearance GLASS DARK, Hidden, Glass Light, Smooth Dark, Smooth Light

Sets appearance of the gradient overlay that appears over the navigation background.

Navigation Icon Color #EEEEEE

Color value of all (embedded) navigational icons.

Navigation Link Appearance NUMBERS, Thumbnails

Dictates which type of navigation links to use.

Navigation Link Current Color #EEEEEE

Color of the currently loaded image number or thumbnail background in the navigation bar.

Navigation Link Preview Appearance VISIBLE, Hidden

Whether link preview pop-ups are created when user rolls-over a content link in the navigation bar.

Navigation Link Preview Background Alpha 100

Transparency value of background of link previews.

0=invisible, 100=full visibility.

Navigation Link Preview Background Color #FFFFFF

Color of background of link previews.

Navigation Link Preview Scale PROPORTIONAL, None, Crop to Fit

How to scale images for link previews.

Proportional= images are proportionally scaled to either the width or height of the preview, whichever is larger.

Crop to Fit= images are proportionally scaled to fill the preview's width/height, and then cropped in the center for consistency.

Navigation Link Preview Size [80,60]

Sets the width and height (in pixels) of link preview images.

Navigation Link Preview Stroke Weight 1

How many pixels wide the stroke applied around link previews should be.

Setting this to 0 effectively removes the stroke.

Navigation Link Rollover Color #FFFFFF

Color of navigation links when rolled over.

If using "Numbers" style, text turns this color.

If using "Thumbnails," the stroke around the thumbnails turns this color.

Navigation Link Spacing 10

Amount of empty space between number/thumbnail navigation links.

Navigation Links Background Alpha 100

Transparency value of the radius-corner background under the navigation links.

0=invisible, 100=full visibility.

Navigation Links Background Color #121212

Color of the radius-corner background under the navigation links.

Navigation Number Link Text Color #999999

Color of numbers in the navigation bar.

Navigation Number Link Text Size 9

Point size of numbers in the navigation bar.

Navigation Position BOTTOM, Top

Indicates position of the navigation bar inside the slideshow component.

Navigation Thumbnail Link Background Color #666666

Color of backgrounds of thumbnail content links in navigationbar.

Navigation Thumbnail Link Inactive Alpha 100

Transparency value of thumbnail content links in navigationbar.

0=invisible, 100=full visibility.

If set below 100%, the thumbnail will change to full opacity on rollover, and when the image is currently loaded.

Navigation Thumbnail Link Shadow Alpha 60

Level of transparency applied to shadows underneath thumbnail content links in navigation bar.

0=invisible, 100=full visibility.

Navigation Thumbnail Link Size [20,20]

Sets width and height of thumbnail content links in navigation bar.

Navigation Thumbnail Link Stroke Weight 1

How many pixels wide the stroke applied around thumbnail content links should be.

Setting this to 0 effectively removes the stroke.

Permalinks OFF, On

Whether to activate permalink function.


Smoothing OFF, On

Specifies whether bitmaps and videos are smoothed (interpolated) when scaled.


Sound Effects [None,None,None]

Concerns sound clips in the FLA Library to be used for interface sound effects.


Transition Direction LEFT TO RIGHT, Top to Bottom, Right to Left, Bottom to Top

Which direction animated transitions should move, during "Dissolve,” "Push,” "Wipe,” and "Wipe to Background" transitions.

Transition Length (seconds) 2

Duration (in seconds) of the assigned transition.

Transition Pause (seconds) 4

Duration (in seconds) of the pause between transitions.

Transition Style CROSS FADE, None, Drop, Fade to Background, Lens, Photo Flash

(Flash 8 or higher only: ) Blur, Dissolve

Type of transition to be applied when slideshow content unloads and loads.

Typeface —General LUCIDA GRANDE, LUCIDA SANS UNICODE, VERDANA, ARIAL, _SANS (note: this is all one option)

Typefaces listed in order of preference for general use in slideshow.



Typeface — Headers LUCIDA GRANDE, LUCIDA SANS UNICODE, VERDANA, ARIAL, _SANS (note: this is all one option)

Typefaces listed in order of preference for slideshow headers.



Typeface Embed OFF, On

For when you wish to use a non-system typeface in SlideShowPro.


Video Auto Start ON, Off

Specifies whether videos auto-start when they are loaded.


Video Buffer Time 0.1

Specifies number of seconds to buffer in memory before beginning to play a video.


XML File Path (replace “images.xml” with actual filepath)



XML File Type DIRECTOR, Default, Media RSS, OPML

Set XML File Type to “Director.”




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