Project 1.1.3 Manufacturing Research Rubric

Project 1.1.3 Manufacturing Research RubricTopics5 Points4 Points3 Points2-0 PointsScoreContentThoroughly and clearly states the main points and precise details that are accurately focused on the chosen topic.Adequately states the main points and details that are accurately focused on the chosen topic.States most of the main points and details that focus on the chosen topic. May include some unnecessary information.States few main points and details that focus on the chosen topic, or information does not relate to anizationClearly organized into a logical sequence.Excellent use of an outline. Excellent introduction and conclusion.Adequate evidence of a logical sequence of information. Good use of an outline. Satisfactory introduction and conclusion.Fair evidence of a logical sequence of information. Some use of an outline. Weak introduction or conclusion.Minimal or no outline followed. No logical organization; some digressions. Unclear or confusing. No introduction or conclusion.DeliveryEffectively and creatively delivers the information while staying on the topic and considering the audience. Uses voice variation; interesting and vivid to hear.Adequately delivers the information while staying on the topic and considering the audience. Speaks clearly and confidently.Delivers the information but does not stay on the topic. Little consideration of audience. Uses incomplete sentences.Little or no attempt is made to stay on the topic. Does not consider audience. Presentation is difficult to follow and understand.PreparationPresentation shows detailed preparation and practice in delivery, including use of voice, posture, eye contact, gestures and pace. Good use of pictures, graphs, computer models, etc. Interesting and vivid. Presentation shows satisfactory preparation, as well as practice in delivery, including use of voice, posture, eye contact, gestures, and pace. Some use of pictures, graphs, and computer models, etc.Presentation shows some preparation and practice in the delivery, including?marginal use of voice, posture, eye contact, gestures, pace. Limited pictures, graphs, and computer models.Presentation is lacking in preparation and practice of the delivery, including use of voice, posture, eye contact, gestures, pacing, and little or no use of pictures, graphs, and computer models. Difficult to hear. Speaker appears tense. Fidgets often.QualityEffective use of templates or designs makes the slides visually appealing. Presentation lasted twelve to fifteen minutes.Effective use of templates. Slides were somewhat appealing. Presentation lasted twelve to fifteen minutes.Ineffective use of templates. Slides were somewhat appealing, but were not consistent. Presentation did not adhere to timeframe.Slides were not effective or appealing. Presentation did not adhere to timeframe. Presentation showed little preparation.ThemeThe presentation had a consistent theme that flowed well throughout the presentation.The presentation had a theme, but the theme did not flow well throughout the presentation.The presentation theme was limited or unorganized during most of the presentation.The presentation had no evidence of a theme.ReadabilityAll words and text are large, bold, and easy to read. Statements are brief and concise.Most of the words and text are large, bold, and easy to read. Statements are brief and concise.Some of the words and text are difficult to read. Statements are too long or are missing important elements.Most of the words and text are difficult to read. Statements are too long or nonexistent. Presentation lacks detail.CreativityThe presentation has many exciting elements that make it stand out from other presentations.The presentation has some exciting elements which allow it to stand out.There is little evidence of creativity that would allow this presentation to stand out. The presentation lacks creativity and detail. PicturesAn abundance of relevant, high quality pictures support and enhance the presentation.Some relevant pictures helped to enhance the presentation.A few relevant or high quality pictures enhanced the presentation. There is little or no evidence of quality pictures.BibliographyFour or more Internet sites or other documentation are cited in the PowerPoint. APA style is utilized with no errors.Three Internet sites or other documentation are cited in the PowerPoint. APA style is utilized, but may include some minor errors.Two Internet sites or other documentation are cited in the PowerPoint. APA style is not utilized or citations included major errors.Only one Internet site or other documentation is cited in the PowerPoint. APA format is not utilized.Total Score: ................

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