These podcasts/readings are an essential part of the ...

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Aliens-- Podcast List

These podcasts/readings are essential to understanding the science and critical thinking components of the course and must be listened to or read before class.

Our quiz material on the possibility of alien life will come mostly from podcasts 1-4. You will also need to evaluate 1 other example from the other podcasts on the quiz. Pick a favorite.

Printing a copy for yourself or downloading the podcast to your mp3 player to study from is HIGHLY recommended.

Alien life in science (what does the science say?)

1. Are We Alone? (Skeptoid #272) - Are we alone in the galaxy, or might we have been visited by other civilizations?

2. Astrobiology (Astronomy Cast #143) Astrobiology

3. The Drake Equation (Astronomy Cast #23)

4. Where are all the aliens? (Astronomy Cast #24)

Alien life in popular culture

5. Aliens in Roswell (Skeptoid #79) - What was actually recovered from the Roswell desert in New Mexico in 1947?

6. Nocturnal Assaults: Aliens in the Dark (Skeptoid #08) - Alien abductions and Old Hags - things that go bump in the night.

7. The Alien Invasion of Phoenix, Arizona (Skeptoid #41) - Yet another rehash of the infamous Phoenix Lights episode.

8. Astronauts and the Aliens (Skeptoid #218) - A close look at some of the stories of UFOs said to have been reported by NASA astronauts.

9. Area 51 Facts and Fiction (Skeptoid #313) - Some say alien spacecraft are tested at Nevada's legendary Area 51 site; what does history have to say?

has some great pictures too

10. Ancient Aliens - Ancient Alien Astronauts

Alien life in the tabloids

11. Who Are the Raelians, and Why Are They Naked? (Skeptoid #59) - The Raelians are naked and they worship space aliens.

12. Betty and Barney Hill: The Original UFO Abduction (Skeptoid #124) - A critical look at the original UFO abduction story, that so many people take for granted.

13. Fire in the Sky: A Real UFO Abduction? (Skeptoid #94) - What evidence is there that Travis Walton was abducted for 5 days from an Arizona forest in 1975?

14. The Kelly-Hopkinsville Encounter: Hillbilly gun battle with what they thought were aliens

15. Here are links to more than a dozen pop culture UFO stories.





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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