HERPETOLOGY (B/C) – 18 Draft 6-1-16DESCRIPTION: This event will test knowledge of amphibians, turtles, crocodiles & reptiles.A TEAM OF UP TO: 2 APPOXIMATE TIME: 50 minutesEVENT PARAMETERS:Teams may bring the Official National List of amphibians, reptiles and turtles (which will be posted on the National SO website) and one 3-ring binder (any size) containing pages of information in any form from any source. THE COMPETITION:Each team will be given an answer sheet on which they will record answers to each section.Specimens/pictures will be lettered or numbered at each station.Each specimen will have one or more questions accompanying it on some aspect of its life history, distribution, etc.No more than 50% of the competition will require giving common or scientific names (class, order or genus as indicated on the Official List).Only the Official National List will be used for taxonomy questions.SAMPLE ACTIVITIES:Participants should be able to do basic identification to the level as indicated on the Official List, demonstrate knowledge of anatomy and physiology, reproduction, habitat characteristics, ecology, diet, behavior, conservation and biogeography. The event could include live and preserved specimens, skeletal material and slides or pictures of specimens. There should be a balance between amphibian, turtle, & reptile questions with some questions on crocodilians.SCORING:The teams with the highest number of correct answers will be the winners. Selected questions may be used as tiebreakers. SUGGESTED RESOURCES: All reference and training resources including the Bio/Earth CD (BECD) and the Taxonomy CD are available on the Official Science Olympiad Store or Website at For additional information on Herpetology, see- Official National List of Amphibians, Reptiles and TurtlesOrderFamilyGenus (species-none listed) - common nameCrocodyliaCrocodylidae - crocodilesAlligatoridae – alligators and caimanTestudinesChelydridae - snapping turtlesKinosternidae - musk and mud turtlesEmydidae - box, pond and marsh turtles Terrapene - box turtlesMalaclemys - diamondback terrapinsGraptemys - map turtlesChrysemys - painted turtles, cooters, sliders & redbelly)Pseudemys – cootersClemmys – spotted, bog, and wood turtles Deirochelys – chicken turtleEmydoidea – Blanding’s turtleTestudinidae - tortoisesCheloniidae - sea turtlesTrionychidae – soft shelled turtlesSquamata SUBORDER LACERTILA OR SAURIA - LIZARDSGekkonidae – gecko lizardsPolychridae – anolesAnolis - anolesIguanidae – iguanidsIguana – green iguanaDipsosaurus – desert iguanaSauromalus – chuckwallaCrotaphytidae – Collared lizardsPhrynosomatidae – earless, spiny, tree, side-blotched and horned lizardsSceloporus – spiny lizardsCophosaurus and Holbrookia – earless lizardsUma – fringe toed lizardsUrosaurus and Uta – tree and side blotched lizardsPhrynosoma – horned lizardsLacertidae – wall lizardsTeiidae – whiptailsCnemidophorus – racerunners and whiptailsScincidae – skinksEumeces – skinksAnguidae – glass lizards and alligator lizardOphisaurus – glass lizardsGerrhonotus – alligator lizardHelodermatidae – gila monsterSUBORDER SERPENTES - SNAKESTyphlopidaeRamphotyphlops – Brahminy blind snakeLeptotyphlopidae – blind snakesBoidaeCharina – rubber boa and rosy boaColubridae – typically harmless snakesNerodia – water snakes and salt marsh snakesStoreria – brown snakes and redbelly snakesThamnophis – garter, ribbon, lined snakesHeterodon – hog nosed snakesDiadophis – ringneck snakesColuber – racersMasticophis – coachwhips and whipsnakesOpheodrys – green snakesElaphe – rat snakesPituophis – pine, bull and gopher snakesLampropeltis – king and milk snakesTantilla – crowned and blackhead snakesElapidae – coral snakesHydrophiidae – sea snakesViperidae – (subfamily viperinae) pit vipersAgkistrodon – copperhead and cotton mouthsSistrurus – pigmy and massasauga rattlesnakesCrotalus – rattlesnakesCaudata (Urodela)Cryptobranchidae – hellbendersDicamptodontidae – giant salamandersProteidae – mud puppies and water dogsRhyacotritonidae – torrent or seep salamandersAmphiumidae – amphiumasSirenidae – sirensAmbystomatidae – mole salamandersSalamandridae – newtsPlethodontidae – lungless salamandersDesmognathus – dusky salamanders & kinPlethodon – woodland salamanders & kinEnsatina - ensatinaAneides – green/climbing salamandersBatrachoseps – slender salamandersHydromantes – web-toed salamandersHemidactylium – four-toed salamandersGyrinophilus – spring salamanderPseudotriton – red and mud salamandersEurycea – brook salamandersTyphlomolge – Texas and Blanco blind salamandersAnura (Salientia)Pelobatidae – spadefootsScaphiopus or SpeaBufonidae – toadsHylidae – tree frogsHyla - tree frogsPseudacris – chorus frogsAcris – cricket frogsRanidae – true frogsMicrohylidae – narrow mouth toads ................

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