The night Max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one ...

Transcript Analysis Project



The class is reading the book Where The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. Most of the students were read this book in Kindergarten the year before. The discussion takes place as the story is being read. I wait to show the pictures after we have discussed the content on each page. I did not include the introduction or the conclusion to this discussion.

Description of Students:

This is a first grade class with 11 boys and 10 girls. This is a rural school. Most of the students are from lower or average middle class families. Their parents mostly work in furniture or textile factories or local businesses. Of the 21 students, 19 are Caucasian,

1 is African American, and 1 is Asian. One student has Cerebral Palsy and has a personal assistant for her special needs. 6 students are below average academically, 13 students are average, and 3 students are above average. 5 students have speech problems and 3 of my below average students were labeled “At Risk” by their teachers last year.

Transcript of Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak

The night Max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind and another

Explain Teacher: Now what has happened so far to Max?

Incomplete Student 1: He’s wild

Turning Back Teacher: Did it say Max was wild? Listen. (reread sentence)

What do you know about Max from this sentence?

Incomplete Student 2: He makes one kind and another

Turning Back Teacher: What was that word? He makes………..Mischief. What’s mischief? What do

you know about Max? He makes mischief. What does that mean?

Correct Student 3: He’s making wolf sounds.

Agree Teacher: OK, that would be mischief.

Correct Student 2: Being wild.

Marking Teacher: Being wild might be mischief.

Retrieve And what is he wearing?

Correct Many students: A wolf suit.

Recapping Teacher: A wolf suit. So, so far you know that Max is wearing a wolf suit and he’s making

mischief of one kind and another. (Showed pictures)

Explain What kind of mischief is this?

Correct Student 3: He’s chasing his doggie.

his mother called him “WILD THING” and Max said “I’LL EAT YOU UP!” so he was sent to bed without eating anything.

Judgment Teacher: What do you think about Max’s behavior?

Correct Many students: bad

Describe Teacher: How would you describe his behavior?

Correct Student4: Bad.

Turning Back Teacher: Why do you say bad?

Correct Student 4: Because he said he’s going to eat his mommy up.

Turning Back Teacher: What’s wrong with that?

Opinion Student 4: Because that’s not nice.

Turning Back Teacher: It’s not nice? (Shaking head like I’m thinking)

Opinion Many children: That’s not nice.

Opinion Student 1: That’s bad manners.

Repeat Teacher: That’s bad manners.

Agree Good Student 1.

Correct Student 2: And because his mommy loves him.

Repeat Teacher: His mommy loves him.

Judgment Is this something you should say to someone who loves you?

Correct Many children: No

Retrieve Teacher: So what did his mother do?

Judgment How did she feel about what Max did?

Correct Student 5: She sent him without any food.

Paraphrase Teacher: She sent him to bed without getting any supper.

Opinion Student 4: That’s so sad.

Judgment Teacher: Do you think Mamas’ get sad when they have to punish their children?

Correct Student 4: Sorta upset.

Agree Teacher: Upset’s a good word.

Unrelated Student 6: But that’s what my mommy did?

Paraphrase Teacher: She sent you to bed without any supper?

(Elizabeth shakes her head yes and other children start to chime in so I begin reading.)

That very night in Max’s room a forest grew and grew

Judgment Teacher: What do you think the author means by that? Did a forest really grow?

Incomplete Student 1: It grew bigger and bigger.

Paraphrase Teacher: OK, you’re saying that the forest grew bigger and bigger,

Turning back but is that what the author meant, that trees really did grow in his bedroom?

What do you think Student 3?

Disagree w/ S. Student 3: I think the author that drew that was just trying to be silly.

Repeat Teacher: You thought they were trying to be silly.

Disagree w/ S. Student 2: I think the author that drew it was just telling you that he fell asleep and was


Marking Teacher: OK so Student 2 thinks he fell asleep and was dreaming.

Judgment Does anyone agree with Student 2 or do you disagree? What do you think, Student


Disagree w/ S. Student 7 : I think he’s imagining that there’s a forest in his room.

Repeat Teacher: You think he’s imagining that there’s a forest in his room.

Turning Back What makes you think that?

Personal Experience Have you ever imagined anything in your room?

Correct Student 7: yea

Personal Experience Teacher: Have you ever imagined or pretended? Do kids do that? Do kids imagine?

Correct Many children: yea. I do. I have.

(Showed picture)

Information Student 2: He’s closing his eyes.

Agree Teacher: He is closing his eyes.

Unrelated Student 8: Last night I dreamed…

(Everyone wants to tell me what they have imagined, so I read.)

and grew

Opinions Many children: Oh! Ooo!

He’s imagining that.

No he’s not.

Yes he is. He is too.

He’s sleeping.

and grew until his ceiling hung with vines and the walls became the world all around

Unrelated Student 8: I dreamed last night…

Turning Back Teacher: Now, I don’t want to know what you dreamed last night.

I want you to tell me what is happening to Max.

Correct Student 3: His whole room is turning into a forest.

Recapping Teacher: OK, Now remember, some of you thought he was imagining. Some of you thought

he was dreaming. Some of you think that the forest really did grow in his room.

Opinion Many children: (Telling their neighbor what they think)

and an ocean tumbled by with a private boat for Max and he sailed off through night and day.

Explain Teacher: So what has happened now to Max?

Correct Student 9: The ocean sailed through his room.

Turning Back Teacher: OK, who wants to finish what Student 9 was saying?

Correct Student 2: It was going to sail through his room and lead him to the wild things?

Retrieve Teacher: What was going to sail through his room?

Correct Student 2: The sailboat.

Agree Teacher: Ohhh…!

Marking Teacher: Now listen to the way the author says this.

and in and out of weeks and almost over a year to where the wild things are.

Explain Teacher: What does the author mean by in and out of weeks and almost over a year? What

does that mean? Coty?

Incorrect Student 10: It means he’s traveling by walking and he’s getting ready to fall asleep.

Turning Back Teacher: (Reread sentence) Does it say he is falling asleep?

Correct Many children: No

Teacher: (Reread sentence) What does this mean? What is the author saying?

Student 4: It means that that’s how long it took.

Agree Teacher: How long… So the author is describing how long.

Retrieve How long did it take?

Incomplete Student 4: It took…. ugh

Helping Teacher: Almost….

Correct Many children: over a year

Explain Teacher: Over a year. So is that more or less than a year?

Correct Many children: More!

And when he came to the place where the wild things are they roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws.

Explain Teacher: What’s happening, Student 11?

Incorrect Student 11: He’s trying to be a wild thing?

Turning Back Teacher: Did it say that he was trying to be a wild thing?

Correct Many Children: No.

Agree Teacher: No, it did not say that.

Retrieve He came to the place where the wild things are and what did they do? Student 12?

Incorrect Student 12: They uh….

Describe Teacher: How would you describe the wild things?

Incorrect Student 6: They’re deciding, they’re ugh, they’re just deciding and…

Turning Back Teacher: They’re deciding?

Incomplete Student 6: uh ugh. They’re acting wild.

Teacher: How would you describe the wild things?

Incomplete Student 13: Mean

Turning Back Teacher: What did they do that made you think they were mean?

Correct Student 13: They showed their claws and their teeth.

Repeat Teacher: They showed their claws and their teeth.

Agree I might think they were mean too.

Disagree w/ S. Student 7: I think they’re just excited that Max is there.

Agree Teacher: Oh…! That could be a possibility.

Agree w/ S. Student 2: That’s what I think. I agree with her.

Paraphrase Teacher: They could be excited.

Agree w/ S. Student 6: That’s what I was thinking.

(Showed Picture)

Information Student 12: It looks like the lion is smiling.

Agree Teacher: It does.

Judgment So do you think they’re just excited or do you think they’re mean.

Correct Many children: They’re excited

Recapping Teacher: So now ya’ll have changed your mind, you think maybe they’re excited?

Disagree w/ S. Student 4 : I think they might be fighting over something, like fighting over who’s going to

eat him or something.

till Max said “BE STILL!” and tamed them with the magic trick of staring into all their yellow eyes without blinking once and they were frightened and called him the most wild thing of all

Explain Teacher: So who can tell me what has happened now with Max?

Incorrect Student 14: He’s going to be the king.

Turning Back Teacher: Well, first tell me what’s happened on this page? What has he done?

Correct Student 3: They called him the most wild thing.

Retrieve Teacher: What did he do to calm them down?

Correct Student 2: Said be still and he stared at them and scared them.

And made him king of all wild things.

Retrieve Teacher: Why did they make him the King?

Incorrect Student 9: Because he was…

Teacher: Student 6, why did they make him the king?

Correct Student 6: Because he was so scary.

Repeat Teacher: He was scary.

Turning Back They thought he was the what?

Correct Student 6 & other children: The wildest.

“And now,” cried Max, “let the wild rumpus start!”

Explain Teacher: What’s a rumpus? Let the wild rumpus start. Student 13, what’s a rumpus?

Incomplete Student 13: Noise

Repeat Teacher: Noise.

Agree Good.

More information How else would you describe a rumpus?

Correct Student 2: Dancing around and making real loud scary noises

Agree Teacher: This must be a rumpus. (Showed the picture)

Opinion Student 9 : Yea, I bet that’s a rumpus.

Agree w/ S. Student 12 : Yes, cause they’re stomping up and now.

Information Student 2: Actually they’re roaring at the moon.

Judgment Teacher: Is this a rumpus? (Showed the next picture)

Correct Many children: Yes!

Teacher: Is this a rumpus? (Showed the next picture)

Many children: Yes!

“Now stop!” Max said and sent the wild things off to bed without their supper.

Information Two children: Ah oh! Like his mother.

Explain Teacher: Why do you think Max did that?

Correct Student 2: Cause his mother did it to him.

Repeat Teacher: Cause his mother did it to him.

And Max the king of all wild things was lonely and wanted to be where someone loved him best of all.

Personal Experience Teacher: Where would someone love you best of all? Student 1?

Correct Student 1: My mommy

Paraphrase Teacher: Your mommy and daddy. They love you best of all.

Then all around from far away across the world he smelled good things to eat so he gave up being king of where the wild things are.

Retrieve Teacher: So what has he smelled, Student 15?

Incorrect Student 15: I think he smelled chicken.

Turning Back Teacher: Did it say chicken?

Children laugh

Annotating Teacher: We don’t know what he smelled. You can’t guess if it doesn’t tell you. Does it tell you what he smells right now? It just says that he smelled good things to eat. So we’ll have to wait and see what he smells.

(Showed picture)

Information Student 4: He looks lonely.

Agree Teacher: He does look lonely.

But the wild things cried, “Oh please don’t go—we’ll eat you up—we love you so!”

Retrieve Teacher: Where have I heard that before. “We’ll eat you up.”

Correct Student 15: The little boy said that to his mother.

Repeat Teacher: The little boy said that to his mother.

Helping And now the wild things are saying it to…

Correct Teacher and children: him

And Max said, “No!”

The wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws but Mac stepped into his private boat and waved good-bye

And sailed back over a year and in and out of weeks and through a day

Annotating Teacher: Look at his eyes. (showed picture)

Question to T. Student 8: Does it say if he was dreaming?

Teacher: (Shake head no)

And into the night of his very own room where he found his supper waiting for him

Agree w/ student Student 2 : I think he was dreaming.

Explain Teacher: Now what do you think the author meant to happen? Why is the forest not there? Opinion Student 15: I guess it disappeared.

Disagree w/ S. Student 2: It wasn’t in his room.

Turning Back Teacher: It wasn’t in his room?

Opinions Many children: He was dreaming. It was make-believe. It was his imagination.

Repeat Teacher: It was make-believe.

Opinion Student 4: It was his imagination or a dream.

Repeat Teacher: Imagination or dreaming.

More information Student 12 , how would you explain this?

Correct Student 12: He probably was sleeping and he was dreaming and he woke up and it wasn’t there anymore.

Information Student 4: Yea! Cause look at his eyes….in the picture.

Agree w/ S. I agree with Student 12 .

Turning Back Teacher: You agree with Student 12, why?

Agree w/ S. Student 8: I do too.

Turning Back Teacher: What about his eyes?

Correct Student 4: Because he’s like…(he squints)

Paraphrase Teacher: His eyes kinda look squinty.

Turning Back Why?

Correct Student 4: Like they’ve just been asleep.

Marking Teacher: Like you’ve just been asleep. Trent, that’s a very good observation.

Agree w/ S. Student 2: I think he was falling asleep. He was so hungry he fell asleep and dreamed that a forest was growing. Then he sailed and went to the wild things.

Turning Back Teacher: So, are you agreeing with Student 4 and 12?

Agree w/ S. Student 2: Then they roared and stuff like that and it kinda scared him and he was frightened and he woke up and started squinting his eyes like this

Question to T. Student 4: That’s sorta like Student 12 and me.

Turning Back Teacher: Yea! I think you’re agreeing….are you agreeing with Student 12 and 4?

Agree w/ S. Student 2: Yes. I’m definitely agreeing.

and it was still hot.

Explain Teacher: So had he been over a year and in and out of weeks. How do you know it had not been a year?

Incorrect Student 6: When he was gone, his mother quietly opened his door and put his supper in there and left his room.

Turning Back Teacher: What do you mean, when he was gone?

Incomplete Student 6: When he was out into the wild things.

Disagree w/ S. Student 4: He really wasn’t gone.

Turning Back Teacher: So you think he was really out of his room, out into the wild things? (Talking to


Disagree w/ S. Many children: No! He was dreaming!

Marking Teacher: These people think he was dreaming.

Turning Back What do you think Elizabeth?

Opinion Student 6: I think he really was out into the wild things?

Turning Back Teacher: Why?

Opinion Student 6: Because the forest grew and grew into his bedroom and didn’t go away until a

long time. I think that means it really happened.

Turning Back Teacher: Could that happen?

Correct Many children: No!

Correct Student 12: Unless you put plants in there.

Turning Back Teacher: Could that happen….? So, do you think that it really did grow? What do you think

? Student 6

Opinion Student 6: I think he was dreaming.

Repeat Teacher: You think maybe, he might have been dreaming?

Opinion Student 3: While he was sleeping, I think his mother went in his room and put some supper

on his table.

Agree Teacher: OK

Opinion Student 4: I don’t think that really happened because when he got back it was still hot. It

wouldn’t be hot if it was over weeks and years.

Helping Teacher: The food would have been what, Student 4?

Correct Many children: Cold

Paraphrase Teacher: The food would have been cold.

Opinion Student 2: I think his momma knew that he would wake up if he smelled the food. So she

put it on his table and he smelled the food and then he wanted to go home and eat the food. So then he woke up and ate the food.

Repeat Teacher: And so he woke up and ate the food.


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