Genetics of Sesame Street Characters

Muppet Genetics Project

Due _______________________


Much is known about the genetics of Sesamus muppetis. Karyotyping reveals that Sesame Street characters have six chromosomes: two homologous pairs and one pair of sex chromosomes. Chromosome pair #1 is the largest and has a centrally placed centromere. Chromosome pair #2 is much shorter with the centromere at one end. Sex is determined by X and Y chromosomes just as it is in the related species, Homo Sapiens. Through the process of gene mapping, geneticists have found the specific locations of the genes for eye shape, nose color, lip color, body color, and hair type. By observing the offspring of many crosses, geneticists also have determined the types of inheritance that several of these genes exhibit.


In this lab you will determine the genotypes of six Sesame Street characters, “mate” two characters to produce offspring.

The total project is worth 100 points and will be based on requirements outlined on the next page. The final information submitted to me on the due date should be neatly written in ink, typed, or generated on the computer. Your project grade will be based upon the completion of ALL requirements, neatness, and organization.


1. Completion of “Phenotype & Genotype Table” 20 pts.

a. For each Sesame Street character, describe each of the traits on the table on Page 3.

b. Use the Genetics of Sesame Street Characters Table (Page 3) to determine the possible genotypes for each of the Sesame Street characters based on each character’s phenotypes.

Use this information to fill in both genotype and phenotype on your table.

2. Completion of “Muppet Mate’s Characteristics” 10 pts.

3. Completion of “Punnett Squares AND Probabilities” 30 pts.

Use the six Punnett Squares to show the possible outcomes for male and female characters in your project. The probabilities, expressed as ratios AND percents, must be listed for each possible trait.

4. Completion of “Muppet Babies’ Characteristics and Sketch” 20 pts.

5. Family Portrait 20 pts.

Create a family portrait of your Sesame Street Monster Family. The following criteria MUST be met:

a. Paper must be white 8 ½ x 11 computer paper

b. Portrait must include “parents” and both “offspring”

c. Portraits need to be in color and the colors must match the genetic descriptions

d. Portrait must fill entire page, no mini-pictures

e. Genetics of Sesame Street Characters Table

|Characteristic |Phenotype |Genotype |Type of Inheritance |

|Eye Shape |Exo (pops out) |EE, Ee |Dominant |

| |Endo (flat) |ee |Recessive |

|Nose Color |Pink |PP, Pp, Pg |Dominant |

| |Orange |pp |Recessive |

| |Green |gg |Recessive |

| |Tan (yellowish) |pg |Incomplete Dominance |

|Lip Color |Red |MM |Incomplete Dominance |

| |Magenta/Purple |Mm | |

| |Orange |mm | |

|Body Color |Red |RR |Multiple Alleles: R, B, & O. |

| |Purple/Magenta |RB |Incomplete Dominance |

| |Pink |RO | |

| |Blue |BB | |

| |Green |BO | |

| |Orange |OO | |

|Hair Type |Hairy |HH, Hh |Dominant |

|(not Fur) |Bald |hh |Recessive (sex-linked) |

Phenotypes & Genotypes Table

| |Eye Shape |Nose Color |Lip Color |Body Color |Hair Type |

|Grover[pic] | | | |Blue - BB | |

|Elmo[pic] | | | | |Bald - hh |

|Zoe[pic] |Exo- EE/Ee | | | | |

|Telly[pic] | | | | |Hairy-HH/Hh |

|Honker[pic] | | |Orange - mm | | |

|Natasha[pic] |Endo-ee | | | | |

|Rosita[pic] | |Orange-pp | | | |

|Abby[pic] | | |Magenta -Mm | | |

Muppet Mates’ Characteristics

Using a female and a male Muppet from the list please record the characteristics for each category. You will “breed” these mates together to create two “Muppet Babies” of your own (a male and a female).

|Characteristics |Phenotype |Male’s [pic] |Female’s [pic] |

| | |Genotypes |Genotypes |

| |[pic] | | |

|Name (Gender) |Grover |Name_________________ |Name___________________ |

| |Elmo | | |

| |Telly | | |

| |Honker |XY |XX |

| |[pic] | | |

| |Zoe | | |

| |Natasha | | |

| |Rosita | | |

| |Abby | | |

|Eye Shape |Exo (pops out) |______________________ |_______________________ |

| |Endo (flat) | | |

|Nose Color |Pink | | |

| |Orange | | |

| |Green |______________________ |_______________________ |

| |Tan (yellowish) | | |

|Lip Color |Magenta/Purple | | |

| |Red |______________________ |_______________________ |

| |Orange | | |

|Body Color |Red | | |

| |Purple/Magenta | | |

| |Pink | | |

| |Blue |______________________ |_______________________ |

| |Green | | |

| |Orange | | |

|Hair Type |Hairy | | |

| |Bald |______________________ |_______________________ |

Punnett Squares for “Muppet Babies”

Please fill out the following Punnett Squares in order to determine the possible traits of your Muppet Babies. Then, using the space below each Punnett Square, tell the probability for each phenotype (dominant and recessive). First, write the probability as a ratio, i.e., 1:4, next as a percent, i.e., 25%.

Gender Eye Shape Nose Color


| | |

|XX |XY |

| | |

|XX |XY |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

XX (female) = 2:4 = 1:2

= 50%

XY (male) = 2:4 = 1:2

= 50%

Lip Color Body Color Hair Type

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

“Muppet Babies” Characteristics

Using your Punnett Squares, list the alleles (genotype) and characteristics (phenotype) of each of your babies. Remember, the characteristics of each baby MUST have been possible when using the Punnett Squares and found using a coin flip.

| |Boy |Girl |

| |Genotype |Phenotype |Genotype |Phenotype |

|Name | | | | |

|Eye Shape | | | | |

|Body Color | | | | |

|Nose Color | | | | |

|Lip Color | | | | |

|Hair Type | | | | |

Please make a sketch of each Muppet Baby below. This will serve as a rough draft for your family portrait.





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