MI-5 Joann Mcoy, walked into her bed room, 2 months at the hospital had its toll on her.She had dark swellings under her eyes which had formed bags.Double mastectomy had left her upper thoracic region flat and her shirt hung flabby and loose. The bags under the eyes and tiredness of face repelled her but her chest shocked her. She lifted her shirt and looked into the mirror. Two horrible scars where the remenant of two beautiful breasts. She fought the abyss of despair that was crawling up. She cried for some time. She was only 30, god never did this , nobody could be so cruel . The prospect of life expectancy of another 50 years as a female without breasts. She could never go to the beach, her most loved haunt. She will no more draw looks of admiration only mortification and horror.What would Peter say, she thought. He had not been calling that much lately. As she got better at the hospital, the frequency of his visits had diminished.She took the mobile and dialled Peter’s number. Nobody picked up the phone. She was desperate to find some kind words, assurance and love. Poor Peter, he used to love her breasts so much, poor thing, what will he do now. She almost threw her phone down, but then somebody picked Peter’s mobile. It was a girl. The girl said something like Peter is sleeping, he doesen’t want to be disturbed. First she thought, Peter didn’t understand that she was calling,then slowly the realisation came, Peter had another girl, he didn’t want an eunuch, a female without breasts. Well how would Peter look at those horrible scars and make love again. He would vomit. Poor Peter, she cried again. Guilt, anger, tiredness, hoplessness kept on plaguing her like professional forwards trying for a goal in a football match. In the end Joan succumbed and fell on to the bed with the help of four sleeping pills. It was only 8PM. This pattern of self guilt, crying and despair went for a week. Her parents tried to console her, her sister visited her daily.They asked her to move back to family house. Joan was determined to stay alone. She boozed, cried, ate sleeping pills for breakfast and neglected everything. Finally the family came to one conclusion. Joan needs professional help to pull out.On Sunday morning when Joan wokeup a guy was standing infront of her. She sat up in horror. No she tried to sit up , horror on her face, for she was topless. The previous night she had gone under the covers on an overdoze of alcohol. She was wearing only shorts. She tried to call out for help, but her sound was weak. She was terrified because the stranger was wearing a skirt. Then she began to laugh.“Go ahead!!!, rape me, she pointed at the horrible scars, there is nothing here to steal”, the exhaustion made her swoon.When she opened her eyes again, she was in the hospital. The drip feeds, the white room,white spreads, she saw her mother first, then her crying sister, then dad who always looked so solemn now even so more,then she understood somebody was sitting near her head reading. It was the stranger who was in her bed room in skirt. He smiled and put a hand on her forehead.“Iam your help!!!, your family has arranged me to be with you.” She didn’t tell anything. She slept under the influence of painkillers. She felt comfortable when the stranger’s strong carefull hands wiped her face and removed saliva from corners of her mouth with wet tissue.His hands felt so warm and gentle on her forehead.She thought “Why a male nurse?” and he never explained, that the psychiatrist and surgeon had suggested a professional male nurse to nurture her back to confidence and normalcy.The male nurse and Joan stayed on, battled, with sleeping pills, alcohol, depression,mis behaviour and reverse raping for more than three months after which Joan began to sober slowly. When Joan opened her eyes on a beautiful Sunday morning, the stranger stood there in a skirt. He didn’t scare her any more. Without his help she couldn’t reach the alcohol bottle or pills. He had it all under lock and key and gave anything only as a ration when he felt she should have.“Iam having chest pain, please massage me, she showed him the horrible scars.” The pain was in heart.He sat near her head and started massaging her slowly, gently and professionally.“Why are you wearing a skirt?”“It is a kilt”, he went on kneading her scars gently and expertly. “I am from Scotland.”“What is your name?, I forget, such a strange name for a handsome guy” she said.He smiled, “Chingu.”“They have such names in Scotland?” , “Sounds Chineese to me.”“Well, Iam part Irish, the name is a bit strange, I agree.”He went on talking to her slowly and convincingly.After one hour of massage she said. “Fuck me, now!!!, you are paid for that to, I know.”He shook his head. “This is mis behaviour. Nobody has paid me for that, it is not there in the agreement,I can give you a copy.” “But it mentions doing my job professionally, taking care of your needs.” “So my suggestion is, once you brush your teeth, to remove bad odour and such, after a bath, doing hair properly,dress properly, we can have the Yoga session, exercise and break fast.”Then we have to buy some vegetables and house maintenance stuff.” “After that in the afternoon if you are still in mood, we will make love.” Tears started rolling down her cheeks. He wiped them and said gently. “Iam here to take care of you not to fuck you.”She took her mobile and pulled out a selfie,taken 1 day before mastectomy, “This used to be my breasts, aren’t they lovely?”“They sure are, I love red nipples,” and he kissed her scars.That made her cry again. Then she smiled,sunrays of hope started filtering in.His mobile started to ring. He took the call and went out of the room.She heard him telling something like, “Now, now you want me to come, well….., Okay, In 30 minutes.”He came back to the room in his blue kilt with a professional smile.“You will have to brush, dress and do yoga, yourself today. I will be back in an hour or two most.”Joan fidgeted with her hair band, “You don’t like my scars, you are going to some other woman, your girl.”He raised his eye brows a bit and retorted with a guffaw. “No, it is a call of duty and friendship.” “Iam working for a group called MI5”.Joan : “MI 5, what is that?” “Male Idiots 5?”He shrugged, “May be….”Joan: “Liar, You don’t love me,nobody does with these scars.”He went near her lifted her face and said slowly. “I care for you, it is not another woman.” “It is duty.”Joan with a wry smile : “I care you.”“I care you” he said with humour. “Sometimes care is bigger than love, love is always there in care,but care need not be there in love.”She turned away lifted her top and looked in the mirror,the scars were ugly. When she turned around again he had gone.She brushed her teeth, had a bath, did yoga, tied her hair up and had break fast. She started waiting for him. More than 1hour had gone by. She fidgeted around. She called her parents and sister. After another 40 minutes she began to get tired of waiting for him. She called him on the mobile and it rang in his room. She had checked his mobile a couple of times but it was always locked. She searched for liquor and sleeping pills but he had hidden everything carefully. She remembered the word care and it eased her out a bit.She went to the balcony. The sun light , wind ,birds and the garden lightened her soul. She noticed somebody opening the gate and coming up the drive.It was an old woman, tall but stooped.Joan shouted, “Hey!!!, You there, who are you?”The old hag looked up, “Zis is Mr Alfred’s house?” “Me Italiano.” She had an outrageous, orange skirt, golden hair, red lipstick and violet top.Joan : “Alfred?”, there is no Alfred in this part of village.The hag countered, “That one, tall, the nudist . She lifted her toop and showed two huge boobs under purple bras.”Joan almost cried, she shouted at the top of her voice, “Get out, you filthy hag and threw a book that was handy at the old woman.” After mastectomy , she had never used her bras, she remembered that she to had one purple bra, which she had given Chingu along with others to donate to charity. The old hag retreated in haste. Joan went inside. Another 5 minutes passed, when she heard the front door bell. She opened it and was happy to see Chingu standing in Kilt.He went to his room, changed and came out fresh after a bath.Joan was in kitchen preparing chicken soup. Chingu followed her to kitchen. The TV was on in the kitchen. Chingu went to Joan and took her hand. He drew stars on it. She sulked. Joan : “Iam in no mood for sex, peel these onions.”So Chingu started peeling onions.Joan : “So, you really didn’t want sex, you don’t find me attractive, it was duty I presume.”Chingu: “Well, I thought you meant it, I mean you just told me, you are not in mood for sex.”Joan: “I have changed my mind, I need a massage right now, full.”Chingu: “Women are complex, now I understand husbands.”Joan: “ I need a massage right now, full.”Chingu smelling his hands, “you will smell like peeled onions”.“I don’t mind, infact I want to smell like peeled onions”, she squeezed onion juice on to his hand and made him smell his hands.His eyes started smarting. She pulled his hands up her jumper and made him feel her scars. Then she began to cry. He kissed her slowly and gently.Joan : “Do you hate those scars, I hate them.”Chingu: “In my world they stand for bravery.” “You are brave, you are more than a pair of breasts.After two hours Chingu got up from bed, his mobile was ringing. The whole bed and room smelled like onion mash. She was still sleeping like a child.He talked curtly into the mobile. He washed his hands . Once dinner was finished he planned to go out.One of the members of MI5 called him and warned.He had been photographed and possibly followed also.He thought for some time what to do. He wore a blue skirt.Put on purple bras, padded it up, put on a T shirt and brunette wig. He put make up, painted his lips red and checked his looks in the mirror. He gave a whistle, ‘What a babe’. He started preparing dinner.When Joan woke up it was almost 8 PM. She stumbled into the kitchen, yawning, she felt she smelled like a peeled onion. Dinner was ready, Chingu must have prepared Apple pie and cucumber sandwhiches. She got the shock of her life when she saw a stunning brunette sitting on the kitchen table having a bottle of Irish Whisky . Chingu had been lieing to her was her first thought. Terror, anger, fear everything screamed into her. Joan’s eyes caught the sight of two ton bobs which the brunette sported. She cried. Jealousy and sadness whipped her.She stiffled a scream with her forehand. She was sure, this was his other girl, they must have been planning something hideous when she was asleep. Slowly she gathered courage and asked in a squeamish voice.“Who are you?, where is Chingu?”The brunette looked at her adjusted her boobs with in the bras.“Chingu, darling is home, I guess.” Chingu said in a female voice.Joan: “Who are you?”“Somebody who loves you”, the brunette answered.“You love me?, I don’t even know you.”“You do”, the brunette lifted her top and showed purple bras.This was too much for Joan, first an orange skirted blonde , now a blue skirted brunette all were toying with her condition. She fainted.She woke up with some body splashing water gently on her face. It was the brunette. She cried with her palm on her face. “Shhhh!!!, baby it is me.”A startled Joan looked around, then understood the voice was brunette’s. Chingu removed the wig. Now Joan could see through his make up, wrinkles and screwed up face .Joan : “Chingu, what in the world?, Are you all right or are you kinky?”He prepared a Bull Frog for her and they had a great dinner. Since Chingu was watching news Joan also sat near him. She pulled his arms around her shoulder. He hadn’t given any explanation for the strange attire. He was watching news and switching channels. The TV showed news clipings . The anchor went on saying how a band of 5 women were making a difffernce in the town. The News reader listed out a number of circumstances where the group of five women had rescued people from robbers and thieves, prevented accidents, turned in dangerous drunk drivers, saved pets. There latest act was saving four residents from a burning house. They showed various clippings. Nobody had quite really managed to get their photos and in some cases on request of the 5 women, the beneficiaries deleted the pictures and videos. However this channel had a break through and it had got the photo of one of those mystery women.Chingu was glued to the set and Joan started watching TV with interest. “God bless those 5 women”, she said.The anchor showed the photo they were having. It showed the photo of a tall woman, she had orange skirt, Golden hair and violet top. The TV went on showing blanked squares where here face should have been. The anchor explained for security and legal purpose, they were not showing the face. These band of women were responsible for locking up 15 dreaded criminals, 4 rapists and two arsonists.Joan sat upright, she turned to chingu, her eyes were wide and mouth was open.She threw her hands in air, “I saw her today,Chingu I saw her today,”She was looking for a nudist, Alfred somebody, Chingu, I saw her.”Chingu took his hands of his chin and scratched his ear. He looked at her.“It was this woman, violet top, orange skirt and purple bras.”Chingu: “Purple bras?”Joan : “Yes, she lifted her top and showed me.”Chingu: “Why?”Joan: “Well, it beats me.”, then she turned to him sudddenly. Her hand covered her mouth. “You are wearing purple bras.”, “That woman was tall, You are tall” “and she came here at my gate”“It was you as a blonde, those are my bras. Chingu, why, Oh! My god , you are one of those women.”“By god, I got it, five guys dressed as women.”“Oh Chingu, you are so brave, she lifted the top and kissed the purple bras with love.” Then she put her head on his chest and nestled her face there. Joan: “But Chingu, why?”Chingu: “Best camouflage, easy access,easy to get support, a hundred other reasons.”Joan : “Oh! Darling.” “I care you.”Chingu : “I care you.”Joan: “I always wanted to ask you something.”Chingu: “Shoot.”Joan : “Why do you like me, I mean Iam ugly with this scar and all.”Chingu: “Lets say you are beautiful , your face is beautiful, your mouth is precious, your hands are beautiful, your eyes are beautiful, your butts, your creek park, your sexy thighs, feet all are beautiful.”He continued.“I had a grand mother who had undergone double mastectomy. To all of us she was Grand Mother, so we just took it for granded that she will recuperate. I was a child then. I was closest to her. But to her she felt she had lost personality. For me, My Grand Mother was Grand Mother, it didn’t matter whether she had boobs or not, we still loved her, but for her, she felt like eunuch, so she didn’t take any effort to recupearate. She hid bottles and pills in her room and was on pills and alcohols most night. Then one night she had an overdose and she never recovered. I still carry that guilt.”“You are brave, You don’t have to feel bad”, Joan said kissing him on forehead.Chingu: “ And you can regenerate breasts with molecular techonology.” “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”Joan : “Silicon Implants?”Chingu: “No, re grow them,live tissues, you can choose the size, shape and nipple colour and structure.” It will lactate to.”Joan: “Really?”Chingu: “Yes they have developed it at Scotland under Dr Henderson.”“Oh! Chingu, Joan kissed him on the lips.” They were staying lip locked when there was a sudden crash of glass and a black BMW forced its way in through the french windows. Three guys got out, they had guns in their hands and masks on their faces.“Aha! Got you Bond, one of our men managed to follow the orange skirted lady, Gangsta 1 shouted, Gangsta2 pulled out his gun . Joan was tall.The gangsters completely ignored Chingu, they concentrated on tall Joan, whose hair was slowly growing back and who didn’t have boobs. She looked like male in her cotton pants on first look. Chingu had completely transformed into a stunning brunette with big boobs and long lashes.“Boss, he still looks a bit like female without tits and blonde hair.”Gangsta 3 gave a blowing kiss to the sexy big boobed brunette“Boss, let us have her after we shoot this egghead”, gangsta 3 said pointing his gun at poor Joan who had a flat T shirt and no hair on her head.Gangsta1 to Joan : “Bond, you sure got a big titted girl for you.”“After we finish you, we are gonna slowly enjoy her.”A mortified Joan was now beyond words: “Stooges, don’t I look a woman, with breasts or without breasts?, Iam more than a pair of boobs.”The three gangstas laughed, “The hell!,he is still trying to pull it of as a she.”“We are going to put in 17 bullets through your lousy head, for our friends whom you put in jail.”By this time the Brunette managed to get behind the gangstas without them noticing it.Brunette: “Drop your guns bango’s, I have you covered.”Gangsta 1 turned around with a silly smile, “Baby, what you mean” and he faced Chingu who had removed his wig now.Beofore Gangsta 1 could shoot, Chingu shot and blowed away his gun. He had a bleeding hand and he kneeled down with hands raised. The other two gangstas also kneeled down.Chingu: “Joan , call the police.”Joan obliged and in 15 minutes, they could hear screeching brakes and sirens.Three patrol cars slided to stop outside the house and six police men got out. They had guns levelled. An helicopter circled over the house, lighting the premises like day.Chingu had changed into kilt and removed his make up and wig. The Police officers saluted the Gentleman from MI5. The Gangstas were handcuffed and thrown into the patrol car.Police officer 1: “Those guys are sure confused or under drugs. They keep mentioning a brunette. They are calling you a girl and that gentleman over their a lady. Joan got red in face and shouted. “I am more than a pair of boobs.” Chigu winked at her told her to ease. Joan fully recovered in another 5 months. She under went breast resurrection surgery.Chingu: “Well, Coffee brown”, Then coffee crown,” Pyramids shape, All breasts are beautiful.”Joan smiled.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ................

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