Unique Child Positive Relationships Enabling Environments

|EYFS Medium Term Planning Enhancing & Extending Spaces for Play |

|Term: Summer 5 |PLC: Take One Picture: Saint George and the Dragon – Uccello: What makes someone a superhero? |

|Specific Area: Expressive Arts and Design |

|Learning & Development Focus/Objective: |

|Aspect |Exploring and Using Media and Materials (EMM) |Being imaginative (I) |

|30-50 months: |Enjoys joining in with dancing and ring games. |Developing preferences for forms of expression. |

| |Sings a few familiar songs. |Uses movement to express feelings. |

| |Beginning to move rhythmically. |Creates movement in response to music. |

| |Imitates movement in response to music. |Sings to self and makes up simple songs. |

| |Taps out simple repeated rhythms. |Makes up rhythms. |

| |Explores and learns how sounds can be changed. |Notices what adults do, imitating what is observed and then doing it spontaneously when the adult is not |

| |Explores colour and how colours can be changed. |there. |

| |Understands that they can use lines to enclose a space, and then begin to use these shapes to represent |Engages in imaginative role-play based on own first-hand experiences. |

| |objects. |Builds stories around toys, e.g. farm animals needing rescue from an armchair ‘cliff’. |

| |Beginning to be interested in and describe the texture of things. |Uses available resources to create props to support role-play. |

| |Uses various construction materials. |Captures experiences and responses with a range of media, such as music, dance and paint and other materials |

| |Beginning to construct, stacking blocks vertically and horizontally, making enclosures and creating |or words. |

| |spaces. | |

| |Joins construction pieces together to build and balance. | |

| |Realises tools can be used for a purpose. | |

|40-60+ months: |Begins to build a repertoire of songs and dances. |Create simple representations of events, people and objects. |

| |Explores the different sounds of instruments. |Initiates new combinations of movement and gesture in order to express and respond to feelings, ideas and |

| |Explores what happens when they mix colours. |experiences. |

| |Experiments to create different textures. |Chooses particular colours to use for a purpose. |

| |Understands that different media can be combined to create new effects. |Introduces a storyline or narrative into their play. |

| |Manipulates materials to achieve a planned effect. |Plays alongside other children who are engaged in the same theme. |

| |Constructs with a purpose in mind, using a variety of resources. |Plays cooperatively as part of a group to develop and act out a narrative. |

| |Uses simple tools and techniques competently and appropriately. | |

| |Selects appropriate resources and adapts work where necessary. | |

| |Selects tools and techniques needed to shape, assemble and join materials they are using. | |

|Early Learning Goal |Children sing songs, make music and dance, and experiment with ways of changing them. They safely use |Children use what they have learnt about media and materials in original ways, thinking about uses and |

| |and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, |purposes. They represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, |

| |form and function. |dance, role play and stories. |

| | | |

| | | |

|Resources/ Links: |

|Role Play: Superhero Headquarters:– see photo and resources on laptop. Adults to model creating imaginative scenarios e.g. rescuing someone in a car from the top of a cliff; someone stuck in burning building; help to make comparisons |

|between real life superheroes and imaginary heroes. Support them to complete incident reports and engage in activities to encourage independent writing e.g. emailing/ writing a letter to another superhero, write a superhero shopping |

|list – what supplies would they need? Model and encourage children to take on the role of civilians and newspaper reporters witnessing a superhero saving the day – draw and write newspapers to recount events.(BI30-50g, i, j; 40-60e, f; |

|ELGii; EMM ELGii) |

|Week Beg/ Learning |Possible experiences, opportunities, activities inside and outside |Resources |Evaluation & Next Steps |

|Challenge | | | |

|28.4.2014 |Create bat-themed masks for imaginative play. AIA: Look at the pictures of Batman™ wearing his black clothing, mask and |Pictures of the comic book character, | |

| |flowing cape. Then look at pictures of real bats and talk about their prominent features, for example, the colour of their|Batman™, pictures of real bats; dark | |

|What do we know about|body, the shape of their face and the appearance of their wings. Encourage the children to notice fine details such as the|materials, for example, fabric, paper, card,| |

|superheroes? |texture of their body, the claws on their feet and the shape of their ears. Provide the children with a wide range of dark|felt and tissue; dark paints; felt-tipped | |

| |materials and invite them to explore how to create simple bat-themed items for imaginative play, for example, a large |pens and crayons; child scissors; | |

| |sweeping cloak, a black mask or a bat-shaped puppet. Encourage the children to use their clothes, masks and props for |strong PVA glue; child-safe stapler. | |

| |imaginative play based on superheroes. MA: Help the children during the practical task of cutting, gluing and trimming the| | |

| |materials. HA: Encourage the children to draw a picture of the props, masks or clothes and to make plans of what they will| | |

| |need before construction. LA: Provide a range of fancy-dress items and props to inspire and model imaginative play. | | |

| |(EMM30-50j, k, l, m; 40-60c, d, e, g, h, i, j; ELGii; BI30-50i, j; 40-60a, b, c; ELGi) | | |

| |Create large scale life-sized superheroes: Encourage chn’s creative skills by inviting them to create a life-sized picture| | |

| |of their superhero. Model getting chn to lay flat on a long strip of paper, such as the blank side of a sheet of wallpaper,|Pictures, posters or photographs of | |

| |and invite pairs to draw around the body. Model and support chn to decorate the life-sized outline with paint or collage |different superheroes as a visual reference | |

| |materials to represent their self chosen special hero. If necessary, collect pictures, posters or photographs of the | | |

| |character as a visual reference. Display the life-sized superhero in an area of the setting to help inspire discussion | | |

| |about the character and their heroic actions. (EMM30-50j, k, l, m; 40-60c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j; ELGii; BI30-50j; 40-60a, | | |

| |c; ELGi, ii) | | |

| |Superhero Songs and Rhymes. WALT: Learn and remember a variety of songs about superheroes using actions and simple |Variety of songs and rhymes linked to the | |

| |percussion instruments. AIA: Learn a variety of songs about superheroes including ‘f I was a superhero…’ (EMM30-50d, e, f;|theme of superheroes. | |

| |40-60b ELGi; BI30-50c, e, f; ELGii links with PD MH30-50a, d; 40-60a, c, d; ELGi; ii; PSED MR30-50a, c; ELGi) | | |

| | | | |

| |Music - FSp: LCP Unit 3: Loud and quiet/short and long | | |

| |Session 1: Playing loudly and quietly. WALT: To recognise loud and quiet sounds. To recognise short and long sounds. AIA: |CD A: track 24 ‘Musical Statues’ | |

| |Play ’Musical Statues’ to loud and quiet music with short and long sounds, and move accordingly. Sing a song and play |track 25 ‘Pass the Beanbag in a Round’, | |

| |percussion instruments to accompany the song. (EMM30-50d, e, f; 40-60b ELGi; BI30-50c, e, f; ELGii links with PD MH30-50a,|track 26 Backing: ‘Pass the Beanbag in a | |

| |d; 40-60a, c, d; ELGi; ii; PSED MR30-50a, c; ELGi) |Round’, track 27 ‘Quiet to Loud (p–f), CD B:| |

| | |Moving images: Introducing musical | |

| | |instruments | |

|5.5.2014 |Use an enlarged version of the Superheroes poster as part of class discussions. Look at the poster together and suggest |Enlarged version of the Superheroes poster | |

| |that the children create superhero dolls, for example, a chef with a plastic spoon hand. Provide the children with a | | |

|How might a superhero|selection of fabric, plastic tools and utensils, recyclable tubes and boxes, tape and string and encourage them to try out| | |

|protect us? Which |their own ideas. | | |

|superhero power would|After exploring the poster, read stories about superheroes or visit bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/stories and enjoy the | | |

|you like to have? |adventures of Tommy Zoom to stimulate creative work. Try to find stories featuring female superheroes, such as Super Sue by| | |

| |Cressida Cowell (Walker Books, HB, £7.99) (EMM30-50d, e, f; 40-60b ELGi; BI30-50c, e, f; ELGii links with PD MH30-50a, d; | | |

| |40-60a, c, d; ELGi; ii; PSED MR30-50a, c; ELGi) | | |

| |Discuss the actions of the superhero in the poster, then ask the children to paint or draw pictures of something that they| | |

| |would like to do if they had special powers. (MM30-50g, h, m; 400-60c, d, e, f, i; ELGii) | | |

| |Explore the superhero’s costume together, then provide the children with plenty of attractive lengths of | | |

| |fabric and clothing such as leotards and all-in-one suits to create their own role-play outfi ts. Join in with their play |Superhero powers poster | |

| |and discourage aggressive actions, emphasising instead the helpful, supportive role of a superhero. (BI30-50f, g, i, j; | | |

| |40-60d, e, f; ELGii) | | |

| | | | |

| |Music - FSp: LCP Unit 3: Loud and quiet/short and long | | |

| |Session 2: Loud and quiet sounds. WALT: To recognise loud and quiet sounds. To recognise short and long sounds. AIA: |Voices; CD player; CD A: track | |

| |Listen carefully to loud and quiet sounds in the room. Use voices to make loud and quiet sounds. Sing a song using loud |28 ‘This Old Man’, track 29 | |

| |and quiet voices (EMM30-50d, e, f; 40-60b ELGi; BI30-50c, e, f; ELGii links with PD MH30-50a, d; 40-60a, c, d; ELGi; ii; |Backing: ‘This Old Man’ | |

| |PSED MR30-50a, c; ELGi) | | |

|12.5.2014 |Remind chn of the abstract or ‘pop’ collages created of their favourite superheroes during CL&L work in LC1. Explain that |Pre-made shield; pint with George’s Cross; | |

|How do ‘real-life’ |we are going to work as a class to create a colourful, abstract or ‘pop’ collage of the real life superheroes including St|access to the internet; some examples of | |

|superheroes help us? |George that we have been learning about onto a shield pre-made with t George’s cross background. Model using the internet,|pictures of photos superheroes for the | |

|Who is your hero? |printing and cutting out as many pictures of the superheroes as possible. Support chn to glue the pictures on to the |children to use; explosion bubbles in | |

|Why? |shield, demonstrating how to ensure each image slightly overlaps the one next to it. Model writing a selection of labels |various colours/sizes for the children to | |

| |for the collage using words that are relevant to the heroes. Frame the completed collage with narrow strips of ribbon, |write on. | |

|Why might St George |braid or paper. (EA&D EMM40-60e, h, j; ELGii; BI30-50f, j; ELGi, ii; links with W40-60b, d, e, g, h; ELGi, iiii links with| | |

|have been a real-life|PD MH40-60f, g, k; ELGiii) | | |

|superhero? |Look at picture books showing images of dragons from legends and fairy tales. Encourage children to use their imagination | | |

| |to describe the appearance of George’s dragon. Prompt them with questions about its colour, texture, shape, size, smell | | |

| |and sound. Focus on the dragon’s head by referring to exaggerated features: fierce, bulging eyes, smoke billowing from its| | |

| |huge nostrils and flames streaming through its sharp teeth. Ask each child to paint a bold picture of the dragon’s face on| | |

| |a sheet of card. When dry, trim away any excess card, make two eye holes and attach ribbon or elastic to create a mask. | | |

| |(EMM30-50j, k, l, m; 40-60c, d, e, g, h, i, j; ELGii; BI30-50i, j; 40-60a, b, c; ELGi) | | |

| |Explore pictures of St George showing him carrying a sword and shield. Use books and the internet to find pictures of |Drum, egg shaker, maracas, ocean drum, | |

| |shields carried by knights in the past. Investigate the different shapes, sizes and decorative features that appear on |rainmaker, triangle, woodblock (for the | |

| |them, for example, colourful symbols and patterns. Provide a selection of cardboard shapes to represent shields for |extension activity); CD player/ computer or | |

| |children to decorate with paints, pastels, sticky paper shapes or collage. Show them how to attach a strip of card to the |DVD player; CD A: track 30 ‘The Three Little| |

| |back to create a handle. (EA&D EMM40-60e, h, j; ELGii; BI30-50f, j; ELGi, ii; links with W40-60b, d, e, g, h; ELGi, iiii |Pigs’; track 31 Backing: ‘The Three Little | |

| |links with PD MH40-60f, g, k; ELGiii) |Pigs’ | |

| | |CD B: Moving images: ‘The Three Little Pigs’| |

| |Music - FSp: LCP Unit 3: Loud and quiet/short and long | | |

| |Session 3: The Three Little Pigs. WALT: To recognise loud and quiet sounds. To recognise short and long sounds. To perform| | |

| |for an audience. AIA: Produce a composition based on ‘The Three Little Pigs’ with narration and songs to perform for an | | |

| |audience. (EMM30-50d, e, f; 40-60b ELGi; BI30-50c, e, f; ELGii links with PD MH30-50a, d; 40-60a, c, d; ELGi; ii; PSED | | |

| |MR30-50a, c; ELGi) | | |

|28.4.2014 | Create a dragon using recyclable materials. AIA: Look at pictures, posters and story books featuring dragons. Talk with |Pictures, posters and storybooks featuring | |

| |the children about the features they would like to create on a shared dragon display, for example, flames blowing out of |dragons such as The Trouble with Dragons by | |

|What do we know about|its mouth, a rough scaly body and pointed teeth. Tape a large sheet of card to the floor and invite the children to help |Debi Gliori (Bloomsbury); large sheet of | |

|superheroes? |draw the outline of a large dragon. Explain that there is no right or wrong dragon shape and they can use their |card; strong tape; PVA glue; variety of | |

| |imagination. Provide the children with a wide range of recyclable paper and material to cut up and glue on to the dragon |textured recyclable papers and materials; | |

| |to create a textured body. Encourage them to recall some of their initial ideas, to adapt ideas and generate new ideas as |acrylic paints; painting equipment. | |

| |they work. Help the children to mix thick paints to decorate the textured dragon and to emphasise features such eyes, a | | |

| |nose, a mouth, claws and flames. Display the finished dragon in a prominent position. MA:Prepare a basic dragon outline in| | |

| |advance for the children to decorate and adapt. HA:Encourage the children to practise drawing dragon shapes before | | |

| |creating the giant-sized outline. LA: Help the children to tear and glue textured materials to create a colourful abstract| | |

| |picture. (EMM30-50i; 40-60c, d, e; ELGii) |Flashcards [pic]and [pic](see also CD | |

| | |B); CD A: track 27 ‘Quiet to Loud | |

| |Music - FSp: LCP Unit 3: Loud and quiet/short and long |(p-f); track 32 -44; CD B: Moving | |

| |Session 4: Short and long. WALT: To consolidate loud and soft sounds. To consolidate short and long sounds. AIA: Identify |images: Introducing musical | |

| |short and long sounds played on different instruments. Play percussion instruments to accompany a song. (EMM30-50d, e, f; |instruments; Moving images: | |

| |40-60b ELGi; BI30-50c, e, f; ELGii links with PD MH30-50a, d; 40-60a, c, d; ELGi; ii; PSED MR30-50a, c; ELGi) |Using hand signals | |


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