Military History

Military History

Room 137

Mr. Sayre

Thank you for choosing to take Military History. My training is based on political and economic historical analysis, not military history. Therefore, my knowledge of battles is limited. However, in this class, we are going to focus less on just battles and wars and more on what's awesome.....special forces, spying, weapons, training, stories, film of cool stuff, giant ships, strategy and counter strategy. Obviously, we will look at some battles and wars, but mostly within the context of all of these ideas. Like a great military, we will be working in teams (battalions), and we will be doing activities outside of the class quite a bit. We will hear from outside speakers who have experienced numerous military adventures, and we'll be reading stories from others.

Class Procedures & Rules

❖ The Class Rules are marked in the classroom. I do not expect any behavior problems, but those that do occur will be handled quickly and efficiently so to interrupt class as little as possible. I know that we’ll get along.


❖ Please be in your seat and working on the bell ringer or article when the bell rings.

❖ Students will be counted tardy who are not in their seat when the bell rings.

❖ Don’t be scared to try new things or talk about different ideas.

❖ Do not interrupt someone when he or she is speaking. This is very rude and will not happen.

❖ No late work will be accepted. GET YOUR WORK IN ON TIME.

❖ Students have three days after an excused absence to make-work up. Those with unexcused absences shall not have their work count on the missed day.

❖ Students get 1 bathroom break per six weeks. No others will be given & those students who leave will be given a referral. A note from a doctor will be needed for students who need to go more often. Be sure to use the restroom only when in an emergency.

❖ Most importantly: Have Fun. You learn more when you’re having fun.

Class Essentials

❖ Paper and pencil (or pen) are expected. I will not have pencils or pens for you, nor will I have paper.

❖ Each student should have a binder to keep journals, assignments, tests, and readings in.


Much of this class will be based on participation, research, a few tests, some battle plans, etc. I implore you to give this your best shot, as the more you put in, the more fun that you'll have.


Throughout the trimester, you'll be participating in several activities that will involve physical exertion. We will be playing military games, special forces fitness tests, etc. Please have your parents sign below that they understand that any injury at school is covered by board insurance, just like PE class or any injury playing a sport at ACHS. I do not expect this, and none of the fitness tests involve lifting anything other than your own body and running. However, as a precaution I would like your parents or guardians to understand.

How the class will be divided:

Military History Teaching Timeline

1. Battalion Groups - flags, mottos, positions

2. Strategy and Training

a. types of training (special forces)

b. looking at strategies and counter-strategies

c. intelligence and spying

ii. Post WWII (Cold War) Lesson

iii. Spy readings

3. Technology (each battalion has to research these as they've evolved from WWI until now (PP Pres with at least 20 slides with pictures and info) and sound is preferable (youtubes also)

a. types of technology over the centuries

i. guns

ii. artillery

iii. planes

iv. sea (ships and subs)

v. transportation (supply and troop movement)

4. 19th Century Battles


6. Vietnam & Desert Storm

7. Iraq and Afgan

8. On-going battles

I ______________________________________(Print Name) understand that my student will be participating in several classroom activities that involve physical exertion. I give my permission for my student to participate in all classroom activities.

Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________

Student Name: (Print) _____________________________________________________


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