Mineral Deficiency Diseases - Intel

Food and Health

Know Deficiency Diseases

|Nutrients/Minerals |Sources |Deficiency Diseases |Symptoms of Deficiency |Pictures |

| | |Caused |Diseases | |

|Iron |Meat, Liver, Green Leafy |Anaemia- the deficiency |A person suffering from | |

| |Vegetables such as |of iron in the food leads|anaemia, looks pale, | |

| |Spinach (Palak, Saag) and|to a disease called |tires easily, loses | |

| |fruits like Apple, Banana|anaemia |appetite (that is, does | |

| |and Guava, contain a lot | |not feel like eating | |

| |of iron. | |anything), and loses | |

| | | |weight. | |

|Iodine |Iodized Salts, fish |Goiter |Abnormal enlargement of |[pic] |

| | | |thyroid glands | |

|Calcium, Phosphorus and Vitamin |Sunshine, cod liver oil, |Rickets in children and |Bones and teeth get |[pic] |

|D |egg-yolk, milk and milk |Osteomalacia in adults |affected. Twisted limbs | |

| |products including butter| |or unformed teeth | |

|Vitamin A |Milk, Fish, Cod liver |Night blindness |A person having | |

| |oil, Butter, Ghee, Green | |deficiency of vitamin A | |

| |Leafy Vegetables such as | |cannot see properly in | |

| |spinach (palak, saag) and| |dim light or at night. | |

| |yellow vegetables and | |Skin becomes rough and | |

| |fruits such as Carrots, | |scaly, together with | |

| |Pumpkin, and ripe Mango | |peculiar eruptions on the| |

| | | |arms and legs often known| |

| | | |as "toad skin" or "shark | |

| | | |skin". | |

|Vitamin B-Complex- |Groundnut. Dehusked rice,|muscle cramps, loss of |Weakness, (cracking of | |

| |Milk ,whole grain cereals|hair, beri-beri and |the skin) including | |

| |(like whole wheat), |dermatitis (skin |cracking at the corners | |

| |beans, soyabean, pulses, |diseases) |of the mouth, soreness | |

| |fruits, green vegetables | |and inflammation of mouth| |

| |and seafood | |and tongue | |

|Vitamin C |Citrus fruits like alma |Scurvy |Swelling and bleeding of | |

| |(Indian gooseberries), | |gums; loosening of teeth | |

| |lime, lemon, and oranges | |(which eventually | |

| |are good sources of | |fallout) pain in the | |

| |vitamin C or ascorbic | |muscles and joints, | |

| |acid. Guava, Uncooked | |accompanied by general | |

| |green vegetables | |weakness and fatigue. | |

| |(specially cabbage and | |Wounds do not heal easily| |

| |cauliflower), and | |and there is decreased | |

| |tomatoes | |'resistance to cold | |


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