26th chapter seven blind people

26th chapter Seven blind people

Early Fall, Glamorous Sunny Day

Sunshine shone through the paper thin windows, illuminating her smooth satin-like skin, the water temperature was coincidently warmer than the sunshine,

She leisurely laid down inside the water, rising up a pair of elegant and graceful legs higher, letting the heart in her bosom exposed by the comforting light of the sunshine.

Light must resembles the lover's hands

But Feng ShiNiang's heart was not pleased.

After half a month of traveling about, she was able to take a hot bath, even though she was practically able to experience the most delightful things in life, but inside a heart of someone like her was filled with so many concerns, in this world perhaps not one single thing that could make her feel happy.

Feng ShiNiang was normally not a melancholic person, but seemingly now it had become very melancholic.

Wind blew gently outside the window, outside was a sight of Mt Luan Shi (Mount Jumbled Rocks).

This place she had come, she was here two years ago.

Two years ago, she was also taking a hot bath in this same room , she remembered her extremely happy mood those days.

To say the least, it was much happier than now

Looking at her external appearance, she had not changed since two years ago.

Her bosom was still very firm, her waist was still very thin, her small belly was still very flat, her pair of slender legs, were also still equally smooth and firm.

Her eyes also still sparked with brightness, her smiled could also similarly move people's heart.

But only in her own heart she knew, she had already aged much, the weakening of one's inner feelings, was truly dreadful.

These past two years, she still had not treat herself unfairly.

She still rode the same fastest horses, climbed the highest mountain, ate the hottest food, drank the most intense wine, used the fastest knives, killed the most vicious men

She was still enjoying life to the greatest extent.

But it was a pity that regardless of any types of enjoyment, she had not been able to expel the loneliness in her heart

A kind that penetrated through her deepest loneliness, like the wooden pillars filled with termites, making her feel empty as a person

Beside of her loneliness, she was more importantly thinking of her own life.

Longing for her youth, longing for the past, longing for possessions, she was the only one person.

Even though she didn't wish to admit it to herself, but no one in this world could replace the person on her mind forever.

Yang KaiTai definitely could not.

She was married to Yang KaiTai, but she actually run away from the wedding festivities.

She remembered Yang KaiTai had a square face, well-mannered attitude, she also remembered his kind sincerity and genuine heart,

She also felt really sorry for this sincere gentleman herself, but she also couldn't help herself.

Because she was not able to forget Xiao Shiyi Lang !

No matter where he was on the horizon or on the cape, no matter if he was alive or dead, she still could not forget him completely, she could not forget him forever.

If a woman didn't have a man beside her, like the kind of man who could accompany her everyday abundantly, she still would always think of loneliness.

For a 35 year woman like her, what matter in this world was also being lonelier and unable to endure to long even more ?

She sentimentally looked at herself, smooth, crystal-clear, without the least of slight defects, her tears already started to flow down.

Suddenly a sound of crashing could be heard, the window, the door, and the wooden walls had been simultaneously broken leaving 7 big holes

Feng Shi Niang only smiled.

Two years ago she took a bath here, the same event also happened, why did history always have to repeat itself ?

And it was the same two years ago when she laid down comfortably inside the bath tub, lightly wiping her hands together with the silk handkerchief.

But now her complexion had actually changed, she felt really strange.

Right now men were peeping at her taking a bath, but unexpectedly they were all blind men!

Seven very big holes, then seven blind men walked inside, pitch black long hair, pitch black clothing, each of their eyes were all also left with two pair of shiny black holes, each left hand was carrying a white walking stick and each right hand was holding a fan.

The seven men encircled Feng ShiNiang, who was taking a bath inside the wooden bath tub, all seven men looked pale, all seven had pale faces, all entirely without facial expressions.

Feng ShiNiang laughed, “Even blind men came to watch me taking a bath, my charm must have not been little.”

The seven men were not only blind, but also appeared to be mute.

After a very long pause, then suddenly only a person said, “You don't have any clothes on ?”

Feng ShiNiang laughed, and said: "Do you take a bath with your clothes on ?”

The blind man said, “Good, we will wait for you to put your clothes back on.”

Feng ShiNiang said, “Since you already cannot see me, why should I put my clothes back on ?”

Her eyes drifted, she sighed again, “It is really a pity for you all, I am really such an attractive woman taking a bath, you are unexpectedly cannot see, this is really a regrettable matter.”

The blind man coldly said, “It is not regrettable.”

Feng ShiNiang answered: "Not regrettable ?”

The blind man said: "A blind man are also human, although a blind man cannot see, a blind man can feel, not only a blind man call feel, but a blind man can do many other things.”

What he just said was actually an obscene speech but his facial expression was extremely serious.

Because what he said was the truth.

Feng ShiNiang suddenly felt colder, she was aware of this type of people, but decided to persuade the matter by speaking further.

The blind man said again, “Therefore you better be serious, we ask you to put your clothes on, you better put them on immediately.”

Feng ShiNiang replied: "You want me to do what ?”

The blind man said, “We want you to follow and walk with us.”

Feng ShiNiang asked: "I have eyes, instead you want to follow a person without eyes ?”

The blind man answered, “Correct.”

Feng ShiNiang asked, “Regardless of where you are going, I have to follow you to wherever you are going ?”

The blind man answered, “Correct.”

Feng ShiNiang asked, “If you fall into a pit full of shit, I still have to follow you jump inside.”

His expression unexpectedly became really serious, Feng ShiNiang could not bear a smile again.

The blind man said, “We are not joking around.”

Feng Shi Niang answered, “But I actually think it's very funny.”

The blind man replied, “Very funny ?”

Feng Shi Niang said, “Why do you think I can listen to your speech ?”

The blind man replied, “Why not.”

Feng Shi Niang asked, “Although you are blind, but you are not deaf, haven't you heard that when Feng ShiNiang is taking a bath, her body can also equally become a murderous sharp weapon, she can equally kill people ?”

The blind man said, “We've heard it.”

Feng ShiNiang asked, “But you are not afraid at all ?”

The blind man said, “Are you saying to us that the world hasn't already had fearful matter ?”

Feng ShiNiang asked, “Do you all not afraid of death ?”

The blind man replied, “We don't need to fear death.”

Feng ShiNiang asked, “Why ?”

The blind man suddenly had a very strange expression on his face, he said "Because we all have already died before.”

Nobody can die twice.

The originality of his sentence might sounded very ridiculous, but when it was said from the blind man's mouth, people would not think it's absurd, because what he said it's the truth.

Feng ShiNiang suddenly felt extremely cold, as if she was sitting down on a cold water which quickly turning into ice.

But if she could be easily frighten by them, obdiently putting on her clothes to walk with them, then she wasn't Feng ShiNiang.

Feng ShiNiang took a deep breath and said, “Whoever peeps at me while I'm taking a bath will definitely have their eyes blinded, it's a pity that you are all blind men already.”

The blind man coldly said, “It's a pity indeed.”

Feng ShiNiang said, “Luckily, although I don't have a way to make you blind again, yet I actually want you to die again.”

Her hand lightly made a brushing move, like delicate jade orchid, suddenly sparks of silver lights flew in all direction.

Feng ShiNiang certainly didn't like to kill people, but there were times when not killing became impossible, her hands were no longer soft.

Although her silver needles were not as famous as the Shen's family golden needles by much, she also only seldom missed.

14 silver needles were sent out, separately aiming at the direction of seven blind men's throats.

The seven blind man suddenly raised their hands which were holding the fans, swung, the 14 silver needles suddenly had disappeared.

Only seven fan handles appeared, all had the same six characters written on them :


All were red characters, apparently written in blood

Regardless of who was willing to write on the fan with blood, it certainly showed an absolute determination that couldn't be changed, as well as unafraid to let people know.

Feng ShiNiang sighed and painstakingly said with a smile, “What a pity for Xiao Shiyi Lang, why do people always want this man to die ?”

The blind mand coldly said, “Because he deserves to die.”

Feng ShiNiang, “Do you all have grudges with him ?”

This blind man had changed his facial expression, full of poisonious hatred and deep animosity.

He didn't need to reply, regardless of wether anyone was able to see, the hatred between them was extremely profound.

Feng ShiNiang said, “Could it be that your eyes, because he blinded your eyes ?”

The blind man resented, “As I said, we have all died.”

Feng ShiNiang said, “Oh ?”

The blind man said, “Because we are now no longer the men we were before, those men have died in the hands of Xiao Shiyi Lang!"

Feng ShiNiang said, “What kind of men were you before ?”

The blind man said, “Before we were actually well-known men, but now we are no more than just blind men.”

Feng ShiNiang said, “So you all want him to die himself ?”

The blind man said, “Absolutely.”

Feng ShiNiang laughed once again and said, “In this case, you should try to look for him, why come to me, I am not his mother.”

This blind person coldly said, “Why have you come here ?”

Feng ShiNiang said, “This place is Mt. Luan Shi (Mount Jumbled Rocks), Mt. Luan Shi is the headquarter for bandits, I also happened to have a bandit friend.”

The blind man said, “Fast knife Hua Ping ?”

Feng ShiNiang said, “You also know him ?”

The blind man sneered, “Who has not heard of the notorious GuanZhong robber gang in jiang hu ?”

Feng ShiNiang took a breath of relief and said, “Since you already have known him, you should let me look for him.”

The blind man said, “No need to.”

Feng ShiNiang said, “No need to ? What do you mean no need to ?”

The blind man said, “It means if you want to meet him, I can call him to come anytime.”

Feng ShiNiang laughed and said, “Does it mean that he also listens to your order ?”

The blind man said, “Because he also knew that blind men also kill people.”

He suddenly waved his hands and lowered his voice, “Send Hua Ping in.”

Before he barely finished his words, something from outside the door flew inside, Feng ShiNiang extended her hand to catch it, unexpectedly it was an ebony box.

Feng ShiNiang said, “It looks like this is the only box.”

The blind man said, “Yes.”

Feng ShiNiang said, “Hua Ping certainly didn't look like a box.”

Hua Ping certainly is not a box, Hua Ping is a person.

The blind man said, “Why don't you open the box and take a look ?”

Feng ShiNiang said with a smile, “Could it be that Hua Ping can hide inside the box ?”

Her laughed suddenly stopped after she opened the box.

It certainly wasn't a person inside the box, but a hand, a right hand dripping with blood.

Hua Ping's hand.

Hua Ping has lost his hands.

A knife, certainly needed a hand to grip it on.

Someone with a famous knife skills, two of his hands had been cut off, how did he exactly go down ?

Feng ShiNiang sighed and said with sad voice, “Apparently, I am afraid that I won't be able to see this person anymore.”

The blind man said, “Now you ought to understand, if you want someone to die, you must chop his head off.”

Feng ShiNiang nodded, she really understood.

The blind man said, “Therefore we only want to destroy your face, you will be as good as dead.”

Feng ShiNiang said, “Therefore it's best for me to obediently put on my clothes and walk with you.”

The blind man said, “Correct.”

Feng ShiNiang suddenly laughed and said, “You are all blind eye bastards, you really have looked at the wrong person, neither have you heard that Feng Shi Shiang have lived for 30........ years. Can you understand this logic ?”

When she cursed at people, she also laughed very sweetly, this blind person was actually getting startled by her scolding.

FengShiNang said, “If you wish to invite me to go anywhere, at least you should first smell my horse fart, then look for a sedan chair to lift me on, perhaps I might consider then.”

She didn't have to say another word again.

At the same time, a a strange bamboo blowing sound suddenly heard from the mountain valley.

After that, a sound "ding" came from outside the door.

The blind men frowned and suddenly, four of them dashed inside, coming to stand next to the wooden tub. With a "du" sound, they poked its edges and inserted two poles to use them as support when they carried the wooden tub out.

As though they were palanquin carriers, these four people prepared to lift up the tub with Feng SiNiang inside.

Moving their hands together and simultaneously raising their feet, the four people passed through the door and arrived outside.

Outside the door stood a person, facing the blue sky, watching bits of stone underneath the white clouds. In his hand was a short stick.

Though he was not blind, one of his legs was crippled.

With a gentle downwards stroke, the short stick in his hand struck a piece of rock and again the "ding" sound was heard, creating four sparks of light.

This short stick was actually made of iron.

Lowering his short stick, the person paused, 78 feet away, but his eyes continued to rove around until they came to rest on Feng's head.

Feng sighed, muttering, "I never thought there would come a time when I would meet a gentleman. And it looks as though this gentleman has never seen a woman while she's bathing either.”

The mountain breeze blew and the sleeves of the cripple fluttered. In the wink of an eye, he was able to arrive at an extremely far distance.

This person had a handicapped leg, yet unexpectedly he could travel faster than any man walking on two legs.

The four blind people carried the tub with Feng inside, two people taking the left side while the other two taking the right. The rest followed behind. Although the path was rugged, they were nevertheless able to walk on steadily, splashing not a single drop of water from inside the tub.

That short cripple arrived at the top of an incline and made the "ding" sound, and they immediately followed.

Feng finally understood.

'The cripple is their guide. '

Undoubtedly, he knew that there was a naked, stunningly beautiful woman behind so he would not be able to help but turn around and look. But this man proved to be a true gentleman, determined only to maintain his status, not permitting himself to give in to the kind of idle talk most men have.

Could it be that this person's status was extremely high?

Could it be that he has also died once?

At the end of the cliff, the mountain breeze turned cold.

Feng SiNiang started to regret and thought that she should have worn her clothes first.

Now, she was feeling really very cold, yet she could not just leap out of the tub and run around the place naked.

Moreover, she really wanted to know: Where were these strange blind people bringing her? And what did they want her to do?

Her curiosity was piqued.

She had always been the kind of woman who enjoyed excitement and liked taking risks.

But the blind people kept their mouths tightly shut.

Feng could not stand it anymore. "Hey," she called. "The one-legged gentleman in front. Since you are a gentleman, why don't you take off your clothes for me to wear?”

But the cripple did not turn his head. Not only was he a cripple, but it appeared as though he was a deaf person as well.

Feng thought this was not unusual. If there were mute people who were blind, then there should also be deaf people who were lame.

The path on the mountain was originally going down, but after passing through a level area in the mountains, it was suddenly winding upwards.

Thereupon was a maple forest. The maple leaves already wore the red color of autumn.

Openly ignoring her companions, Feng started humming a verse in a low voice, "Stopping, [we] love to sit at night under a maple tree, [when] the red leaves of autumn bloom in February....”

Suddenly, the gentle silver bell-laughter of someone came from the maple forest. "Feng SiNiang is really Feng SiNiang. Even in this kind of time, she is unexpectedly still in the mood for humming poetry.”

From her voice like the golden orioles in the valley, the speaker should be a very pretty and charming young girl.

That cripple was originally preparing to enter the maple forest when suddenly he dashed forward and soared high into the air before flipping over. "Who are you?” He shouted in a deep voice, as his body fell.

When he dropped to the ground, he unexpectedly ended up right behind Feng SiNiang. But he did not dare look at Feng SiNiang and neither did he allow her to see him.

The blind people's footsteps also stopped, their faces showing tensed expressions.

From the maple forest, the laughter continued like the ringing of silver bells. When it stopped, a young girl wearing a comb on her big glossy black braid came out, smiling.

With autumn's setting sun reflected on her fair face, she was a portrait of spring flowered.

Feng could not help blurting out, "What a pretty little girl...”

This young girl smiled delicately and said, "Compared to Feng SiNiang, this little girl is but an ugly monster.”

"Seems like you're also bright," Feng replied, flattered. "Pretty little girl, you are not with this strange group, are you?”

The young girl bowed gracefully and said, "I am Xin Xin. I'm here to deliver these clothes to Feng SiNiang.”

"Xin Xin, that's a good name. Simple and beautiful like its owner.”

Happy with this thought, Feng sat up.

She saw that this Xin Xin girl was holding out a golden tray in her hands, on top of which were bolts of expensive clothes and brightly-colored garments.

"Although we don't know what Feng SiNiang's garment size is, we thought someone with such good figure would look attractive no matter what clothes she wears," Xin Xin informed, smiling.

"Such good manners in a young girl," Feng said, "you will certainly find a pleasant young gentleman in the future.”

Xin Xin blushed, shaking her head and saying, "The good intention was not my idea. It's our family's Honorable Hua.”

"Honorable Hua?” Feng asked.

"He knew Feng SiNiang was in a hurry and had no time to put on clothes," Xin Xin replied. "The mountain winds are strong. He's afraid Feng SiNiang might get cold so he sent me to give you these clothes.”

Feng stepped. "Looks like this Honorable Hua is actually a very considerate person.”

Xin Xin bit her lip, smiling. "Not only is he considerate, he's also very gentle.”

Feng said, "But how come I don't recognize this Honorable Hua?”

"Right now, you don't, but later you'll be able to," Xin Xin said, smiling.

Feng smiled, too, saying, "Right, who wants to know right away? As long as he is a good, considerate man, no woman would object to speaking with him.”

Smiling sweetly, Xin Xin said, "Honorable Hua only hopes that Feng SiNiang could remember someone like him.”

"I absolutely can’t forget," Feng answered.

Taking two steps forward, the young girl held out the tray for her to take.

"Stop!" The cripple suddenly shouted.

When the young girl did not answer, Feng looked back and asked, "What do you want?”

But the cripple paid her no heed. Instead, he said to Xin Xin, "This Honorable Hua, you say, is he Hua RuYu?”

His voice was so low and deeply hoarse that it was difficult to understand.

"Besides Hua RuYu, is there another in this world who is as considerate as Honorable Hua?” Xin Xin retorted.

"Where is he?” The cripple asked.

"You want to know his business?” Xin Xin said. "Don't tell me you want to go and look for him.”

The cripple looked scared at that, unable to stop himself from taking two steps back.

"I thought so," Xin Xin said smugly. "Since you don't want to look for him, then it's useless for me to tell you.”

The cripple took a deep breath, before saying harshly, "Return these clothes. Hua RuYu has touched them, it's poisonous. We don't want it.”

"You don't want it, but I want it!" Feng interjected.

Xin Xin said, "Since Feng SiNiang wants it, do you still insist on returning these clothes?”

He started to approach the girl, but when he reached for the clothes, he hesitated, looking fearful.

Xin Xin smiled faintly. "What are you afraid of? Even if a person's appearance is so terrible, he wouldn't dare to stop you....”

The cripple suddenly let out a sneer, the hand holding his short stick moving like lightning, heading straight for her throat.

This one was rapidly made as though imitating some type of fierce sword style. Not only was the sword style extremely high, but also the stance used was extremely deadly.

He unexpectedly used this kind of fierce style to do harm to a sixteen, seventeen year-old girl. Feng already thought this was not pleasing to the eyes.

When Feng thought a person's act is not pleasing to the eyes, sooner or later that person would find bad luck.

Who knew this person was actually looking for bad luck?

As his stick thrust out, Xin Xin suddenly bent downwards, following the direction of his movement like fish in the water before moving away just as quickly.

Feng started. From her looks, she had never expected the young girl to have such good kung fu.

However, instead of changing directions, the cripple only shifted his body, performing the "Falling Dozen Golden Bells (Dao3 Da2 Jin1 Zhong1).” His short stick stopped, then moved downwards, targeting the ribs.

Xin Xin laughed coldly. "This is your first move. Then, you must be looking for bad luck. Don't blame me for giving it.”

(NOTE: In the stance Falling Dozen Golden Bells, the same character for "dao3" is used in "dao3 mei2," which in Xin Xin's speech roughly means "looking for bad luck.” She's basically mocking him, but the words do not translate. )

After these three sentences were finished, the cripple attacked, launching 15 moves. With the short stick in his hand used like a sword, his sword style vicious and cruel, undoubtedly his skills belonged to that of a first-class swordsman.

However, Xin Xin easily evaded him, smoothly slipping away. Then, suddenly, four daggers, shot out of her hand, emitting a cool light.

The cripple was making his 16th move when Xin Xin lifted her hand as though to pull up her sleeve. Instead, a "ding" sound was heard and the short stick made of steel broke under the force of the saber in her hand.

"Didn't I say you are only looking for bad luck?” Xin Xin said, smiling. "Do you believe me now?”

Although her smile was adorable, it was actually very fearsome, like the cold sheen of her daggers flying towards him.

The cripple's iron stick was three feet in length, but after Feng put on the bright-colored embroidered gown in the fastest manner possible, what was left was only one foot and two or three inches.

The shining daggers enshrouded him from all sides. If all these daggers pierced him, it would be fatal. At first, Feng had worried for Xin Xin, but now she found herself a little worried for him instead.

Not only did she dislike killing people, she also disliked witnessing others getting killed in front of her.

Moreover, the sword style used by this cripple was very familiar so she thought she must know him.

But this girl had only good intentions in delivering these clothes. She could not help what the cripple said.

What was strange was how these seven blind people were not even worried and instead just stood there motionless, guarding, appearing like seven wooden statues.

All of a sudden, a "chi" sound rang out as a thin strip of blood splashed. On the cripple's shoulder was a seven, eight-inch gash and his mouth was splattered with blood.

Xin Xin let out a wicked laugh, saying, "You kowtow to me like a good child and call me 'Third Great Aunt. ' And I'll spare you.”

The cripple launched another seven moves. Again there was a "ding" sound as the one-foot long short stick in his hand was cut anew -- cutting off a section of it.

It was doubtless that in Jianghu, he was considered a first-class swordsman. But in front of this young girl, his sword style was easily reduced to eighth-class.

Not only were Xin Xin's stances fast, the variations of her style was also very cunning and ingenious so that each attack against a person was inconceivable.

Feng honestly never thought that at such a young age, she could practice such kung fu.

"I ask you," Xin Xin was saying. "Are you ready to give up?”

The cripple abruptly issued a ferocious howl, hurling the short stick in his hand to the ground, before extending two of his fingers in a fierce stance, rushing to grab Xin Xin's throat.

Appearing stunned and startled by his savage cry, Xin Xin did not use the saber in her hand.

Both his hands were rushing towards her face.

But Xin Xin only smiled, saying softly, "You're really willing to kill me?”

Not only was her smile as soft and bright as spring flowered, but it was also as sweet as honey.

Mesmerized, the cripple's hand actually slowed down. Then, all at once, Xin Xin's smile turned cold like snow as the shining blade of the saber headed straight for his throat.

He was not willing to kill this young girl, but this girl was apparently willing to kill in the blink of an eye.

At that moment, a fierce wind suddenly blew from the maple forest as a four or five-feet long whip lashed out like a huge snake. Another fierce wind and the whip's tip lightly brushed against Xin Xin's wrist, sending the saber flying off her hand.

After that, her body was thrown off and spun four or five times in midair before falling back down, where she rolled several more times on the ground before managing to come to a halt. The hand that had been holding the saber was now red and swollen.

Feng herself also used a whip.

She knew that the longer a whip was, the more difficult it was to control.

Not only did she not know that there was such a long whip, but also that such a flexible one existed.

No matter who can use such a long whip and move it with such dexterity, he must certainly be someone of formidable character.

She suddenly thought that today was an extremely unlucky day. Today, she was going to meet someone who was very formidable and frightening.

As she waited for him to arrive, only then did she realize that the person's appearance truly was frightening.

This expert was really weird, a monster among monsters.

For Xin Xin, today was indeed an extremely unlucky day.

Clutching with her other hand the swollen one that had been struck, the pain was already enough to make her want to cry. However, when she saw this person, she was so afraid she really did want to cry, but she dared not do so.

This person neither walked nor rode on a carriage. And he certainly did not crawl.

He was sitting on the head of a person. The person he was sitting on was a giant, with the big head of a Han and a body that was 9 feet tall, bare-chested and wearing a large hat.

The hat was shaped like a square table and on its flat surface sat the man, wearing an embroidered gown which revealed a flying bird-pattern in five different colors, but the left sleeve was empty.

His face was not hideous even with his pale complexion. His carriage was proud, his eyes bright and shining, and on top his head of jet-black hair sat a crown of precious pearls.

As a matter of fact, if one only looked at his face, one can even say that he was a very handsome man.

However, his body seemed to emanate a dark cloud. After a careful look, one could see that he was actually not sitting down but standing up, supported on two stumps where his legs were cut off. Out of this person's four limbs, his single right hand was the only one that remained. He was clutching the five-feet long whip with this right hand.

Feng gasped, thinking that today really was a very unlucky day.

The blood drained from Xin Xin's face. All of a sudden, she said in a loud voice, "He was the one who made the first move. If you don't believe me, you can ask him!"

This person gave her a cold stare. After a long time, he nodded slowly. "I know," he said.

His voice, too, was unexpectedly clear and bright with a very pleasing tone. If not for his handicap, he would obviously be very attractive to women.

Xin Xin said, "I'm only here at Honorable Hua's request, to deliver these clothes to Feng SiNiang.”

"I know," the person said.

Xin Xin breathed a sigh of relief. Forcing a smile, she said, "Since you know everything, then I can go.”

"You can go," the person replied.

Without another word, Xin Xin turned around.

When this person did not try to stop her, Feng could not help thinking that he was not as terrible as he looked.

Who knew that barely had Xin Xin rushed into the maple forest when she suddenly returned. Originally, her right arm was already swollen, now it turned out that her legs were swollen as well. Her face, which used to be bright like spring flowered, had also turned ashen. She hissed, "There's poison on your whip?”

"You're correct," the person replied.

"How....” Xin Xin started to say. "How do I remedy it?”

The person said, "Do you know how I lost both my legs and one arm?”

Xin Xin shook her head.

"I cut them off," the person said.

"Why did you cut off your hand?” Xin Xin asked.

"Because my hand was hit by someone else's poison," he answered.

Xin Xin looked like she was struck with a whip. She froze and said in a perplexed voice, "You... You're saying you want me to become handicapped?”

This person said coldly, "Why not? Every person here is already handicapped.”

Pointing at the person in front, Xin Xin said, "He's not handicapped.” All of a sudden, this person opened his mouth to smile.

Xin Xin was startled.

This person had four limbs. He was not blind nor was he lame. However, he actually did not have a tongue in his mouth.

Xin Xin looked up at him, and suddenly tears streamed down her face. "You really want to cut off my hand?” She asked.

The person answered, "If the hand is poisoned, it must be cut off. If the leg is poisoned, it must be cut off.”

Xin Xin burst into tears and said, "But.... But I don't want to.”

"If you don't," the person said, "then you'll die in three hours.”

Unable to stop herself, Feng interrupted, "How can she follow you? She is a woman.”

The person answered coldly, "A woman is also human.”

"You're human, too, how come you're sitting on someone's head?” Feng retorted.

The person said, "Because I am a top dog.”

(NOTE: Pinyin for "top dog" is shang4 ren4 which literally means "top man.” Get the pun? )

"A top dog?” Feng repeated.

"If you can endure bitter hardships, then you're a top dog," the person said.

"You have endured bitter hardships?” Feng asked.

The person answered, "If you've experienced cutting off your own two legs and your hand, then you'll know what kind of hardships I have endured.”

Feng had no choice but to agree. This person had indeed endured bitter hardships.

27th chapter Monster among monster

So he really was a top dog.

The four daggers dropped to the ground, rolling near Xin Xin's feet.

Xin Xin slowly bent at the waist. After picking up the daggers, she looked tearfully at Feng SiNiang and said, "Now, you see what kind of man he is.”

"I suspected as much," Feng said through gritted teeth.

"Because he is handicapped, he wants others to suffer the same fate as he did. But if I....” Xin Xin said, pausing before continuing, "... if I have to cut off this hand, I won't let him watch.”

With that, she abruptly turned around and walked off.

Feng stamped her foot and said angrily, "You really want this beautiful child to look like you. Because you only have one arm, you want to spoil other people's happiness by making them suffer as you did?”

She never shouted at others, but she couldn't stop her eyes from becoming red-rimmed.

The top dog studied her for a moment. Then, he observed coldly, "I never expected Feng SiNiang to be the soft sort.”

Feng returned his stare, saying tonelessly, "If you cut off your remaining hand, then I have no reason to feel uncomfortable.”

"You feel sorry for her?” The top dog asked.

"Naturally," Feng replied.

The top dog said, "Do you know what kind of person she is?”

"She is a woman," Feng said, "as I am.”

"Those clothes you're wearing," the top dog said. "Did she give you those?”

"Yes," Feng answered.

"Then you'd better take them off," the top dog told her.

"Take them off?” Feng repeated.

"Take off those clothes," the top dog said again.

Feng gave him a knowing smirk, saying, "You want to look while I take them off?”

"--- of course, you have to take all of them off," the top dog reasoned.

Suddenly, Feng lashed out, "You're dreaming!"

The top dog sighed. "You don't want to take them off," he said tonelessly. "Would you rather I do it for you?”

"Do you dare?” Feng challenged.

Sighing again, the top dog said, "If I don't even dare to take off a woman's clothes, is there anything else I do dare?”

Gently he raised his hand and all of a sudden his long whip lashed out, curling around Feng's body like a viper.

Feng had never seen such a terrible whip. Barely did this whip enter her vision when its tip suddenly coiled around her, amid her clothes.

It seemed this whip itself could take off a woman's clothes.

Already rolled up in Feng's clothes, just one light pull of this whip and the bright, embroidered gown could rip up in half.

When Feng wanted to undress, she did it by herself. There was not a single man in the world who could take them off for her.

But it appeared that this was going to be an exception.

Already not daring to grasp this whip, it was also too late for her to dodge.

The tip of the whip barely stroked Xin Xin's hand, yet immediately afterwards Feng saw with her own eyes how it swelled up and had to be cut off.

Although she was not willing to let this person take off her clothes, she was also not willing to cut off her own hand.

A "shhh" sound could be heard as the front of her clothes was ripped.

"Wait, wait!" Feng abruptly exclaimed. "Let me take them off myself.”

"You will?” The top dog said.

"Such pretty clothes. What excuse is there to tear them to pieces?” Feng conjectured.

This scholarly person spoke, "Feng SiNiang is also fond of peasant clothes?”

"Feng SiNiang is also a woman," Feng demurred. "Is there a woman who isn't fond of pretty clothes?”

"Right," the top dog agreed. "Then, undress.”

The whip in his hand seemed to have a life of its own. As soon as he stopped talking, it immediately loosened its grip.

With a deep sighed, Feng muttered, "Really, when an old woman like me takes off her clothes, people think nothing of it. But you --- you're asking me to do it, then I have to do it. What else can I do?”

She was slowly undoing two buttons of her clothes when suddenly she sent a kick towards the bare shoulders of that giant Han's belly.

To shoot down a person, you must first shoot down his horse. If only this giant Han fell, then surely the top dog would fall down as well. And even if he did not fall dead, then at least that would not give him enough time to try to take off her clothes again.

Feng's martial arts foundation was not that formidable. Her formidability did not come from martial arts.

She always came and went as she pleased, mingled around in Jianghu for several years. If she relied solely on her martial arts, then no doubt her clothes would have long been taken off by countless men.

Although her feet looked extremely delicate, they have nevertheless kicked to death three would-be assailants and a mountain cat.

Furthermore, she had once seized the great bandit of Mount Qilian, Man Tianyun (Cloudy Sky) and kicked him off a ten thousand-foot cliff.

The force behind her kick was therefore not puny. But who knew that when she kicked this big Han's belly, he would not even budge? Not only that, but it appeared that he did not even feel anything. The effect was like drawing water from a dry well.

Inversely, it was Feng who felt pain in her leg.

Though surprised, she was still able to retract her kick. After transferring her weight to that leg, she immediately turned around and dashed off.

"If you can’t beat them, then run away.”

A person who has roamed around Jianghu for many years cannot deny the truth of this statement.

But she also knew that this trick did never work.

She heard the sound of rushing wind as the whip flew towards her, coiling like a serpent's tail. She was fast, but the whip was even faster.

At that moment, there was the swift twang of a bowstring, and suddenly two silver flashes of light flew, striking the whip. In an instant, the long whip held by the man sagged to the ground, resembling a quartered seven-inch viper.

"Trying to take a woman's clothes off in broad daylight and on the main road," a man calmly spoke from outside the maple forest. "One cannot ignore such an inexcusable transgression of the Wulin laws.”

Feng was by then sitting on a branch of the maple tree she had climbed earlier. As it so happened, she was able to get a good view of this person.

This person was tall with a large head, bright red face, and long silver hair that hinted at his age. He was wearing a large red cloak, which sharply contrasted with the long golden bow strapped to his back and reflecting the glint of the sun.

His entire body sparkled and shone under the light.

Watching him approach, Feng saw that his face had several wrinkles, revealing the unexpected fact that he was already old.

But when he spoke, his voice was like the tolling of a bell. His bearing was also high, straight and proud like a spear. He sported an entirely powerful build.

Feng had never met such a youthful old person.

By the time he finished talking, the two silver flashes of light also fell where it struck the ground and rolled back and forth for a bit. These two silver granules were about the size of a dragon's eyes.

The top dog took one look at these two silver pellets before he wrinkled his brow and said, "Golden bow, silver pellet, tiger-beheading saber?”

"Chase the clouds, capture the moon, floating on water," the silver-haired gentleman recited.

The top dog asked, "Li QingFeng?”

The silver-haired gentleman laughed abruptly. "I have been away from Jianghu for thirty years," he declared. "I can’t believe there are still those that remember me.”

His booming laughter was loud enough to crack stone, and the sound seemed to reverbrate through the whole forest, making the leaves shiver and the ground shake.

Even Feng nearly fell off the tree.

She had never met this person, but she actually recognized him.

"Golden bow, silver pellet, tiger-beheading saber, chase the clouds, capture the moon, floating on water.” She was just a newborn baby when Li QingFeng roamed Jianghu.

And when she came of age, Li QingFeng had long retired. For the past thirty years, no one had seen him.

However, Feng knew that there was a man like him in Jianghu and she also knew that his skills equalled those of current Wulin heroes. Working alone, he was considered as the most famous out of all the lone great bandits.

If Xiao Shiyi Lang had not come after him, he would have held the title of Jianghu's greatest lone bandit for almost a hundred years.

It was said that he once visited the capital. In the capital, daughters of wealthy families took only one look at him and that same night they left their windows ajar as they sat there, waiting for midnight when they would open the windows for him.

Feng always thought this was just a story.

But now, she thought there might be some truth to it.

For someone over sixty years old, he had a certain air about him and his carriage was refined. If he was thirty years younger, Feng would have joined the others in leaving their windows open at night to wait for him.

Like what she often did when she waited by the window for Xiao Shiyi Lang.

Li QingFeng suddenly raised his head to look at her. "Are you Feng SiNiang?” He asked.

"You have been away from Jianghu for thirty years," Feng said. "I can’t believe you recognize Feng SiNiang.”

"Well," Li QingFeng replied. "Feng SiNiang certainly lives up to her reputation. If I knew that there was someone like Feng SiNiang in Jianghu, I would have returned ten years earlier.”

"If I knew where you were, I would have looked for you ten years ago," Feng told him.

Li QingFeng laughed and said, "What a pity that I came a decade too late.”

"Who said you were late?” Feng said, smiling. "You came right on time.”

Li QingFeng's eyes flashed. He said, "Was that monster bothering you? Now that I'm here, what do you want me to do with him? Tell me.”

Feng rolled her eyes, saying, "He wants me to take off my clothes. But I think he only wants me to do that because he wants to look.”

Li QingFeng laughed. "Then, that's why you are up that tree, right?”

He was still laughing when suddenly he drew out his saber. That saber weighed 57 catties - the tiger-beheading saber. The saber swung, aiming for the maple tree in front of him.

There was a huge clamor as the maple tree crashed down, struck by his saber, emitting a noise that was similar to that of a bowl being broken.

Lucky for Feng, she was some distance away, but she could not help saying, "The tree wasn't bullying you. Why did you cut it down?”

"It was in my way," Li QingFeng replied.

"So regardless of who or what is in your way, you have to strike it down?” Feng asked.

"That's right," Li QingFeng answered.

Feng sighed, muttering, "One can’t find a man like him these days. Otherwise, how could a woman like me remain single?”

When she said this, her voice was just loud enough for Li QingFeng to hear.

Looking pleased, and looking younger because of it, Li QingFeng took an unhurried step over the fallen tree.

The top dog gazed at him coldly. Then he said smoothly, "A man of your age, showing off his power to impress a woman, now that is unusual.”

Li QingFeng's face sank. "You don't agree?”

"I'm only amazed how a man like you could still be alive," the top dog replied.

"You're lucky you only met me today," Li QingFeng said in a harsh tone. "If this moment happened thirty years ago, you would have died under my saber.”

The top dog said, "So now you only want to take my clothes off. Then, afterwards, you and Feng SiNiang will take a walk.”

"I intended to cut off one of your hands," Li QingFeng told him. "What a pity you only have one hand left.”

"This hand is not used to take people's clothes off," the top dog informed.

Li QingFeng sneered. "Is it for killing people?”

"It hasn't killed many," the top dog said, "but it can kill.”

And with that, his hand flicked and the long whip lashed forward like a viper, rolling towards Li QingFeng.

Li QingFeng's tiger-beheading saber also slashed forward.

One weapon was soft while the other was hard. Yet, even soft weapons could overcome hard weapons like Li QingFeng's tiger-beheading saber.

All of a sudden, the whip coiled around his saber, circling seven to eight times. Then, that bare-chested big Han took two steps forward; a single palm was headed straight for his chest.

Although that big Han looked very clumsy, he was nevertheless able to smoothly dodge the attack. His style revealed not a bit of brazenness, yet it was extremely powerful and extraordinarily effective.

Li QingFeng held on to his tangled saber at the same time he raised his left hand holding the golden bow, using its bowstring to block the big Han's attack. A "dang" sound was heard. The big Han's iron fist was cut and blood flowed out from his wrist.

The bowstring was actually as sharp as a saber's point.

The big Han howled. He extended his hand to grab the bow. But who would have thought that Li QingFeng would suddenly shift? The tip of his bow struck downwards towards the big Han's chest.

The big Han's body was like iron being struck. He struggled but he could not stop himself from falling down. If he fell, then no doubt the top dog would fall as well. But who would have thought that the top dog would suddenly soar into the air, flying over Li QingFeng's head?

At first, Li QingFeng thought he could deal with this person. Then unexpectedly, this person suddenly divided into two, one in front and one behind him.

He frowned. A section of the four-foot long whip was winding towards his neck.

Unfazed by the danger, he let his tiger-beheading saber drop. At first, the long whip was as tight as the string of a bow. Now, it was coiled around the saber, tugging hard at it.

Watching the two of them exchange several moves, one could see that although their stances were not fancy, the variations in their styles were so swiftly executed that if you were not paying attention from the sidelines, you would surely miss them.

If you were watching, you would not want to miss anything.

What a pity that the seven blind people were the only ones in the sidelines. Although the cripple was not blind, he actually had his back turned. His face showed worry as he searched for Feng SiNiang.

Feng SiNiang?

Feng had unexpectedly disappeared.

Sometimes this woman indeed resembled the equally elusive wind.

The spring river was like a silver thread, flowing down the mountain summit.

The setting sun lit up the sky.

Feng sat on a slab of rock, preparing to soak both feet in the cool, clear waters of the spring river.

This delicate and beautiful pair of feet, she had always taken very good care of them, leaving not a single scar in sight.

She often liked to look at her feet, and also knew that most men very much liked to look at them.

However, this pair of feet had just a moment ago endured the sharp rocks in the mountain and several sharp broken twigs.

So now, not only did her feet hurt very much, but her heart hurt as well.

Li QingFeng was not a loathsome man; he even saved her. It seemed she had no reason for complaint.

But Feng had actually discovered that he, too, had no good intentions.

Not only was he very forward with her, he also seemed ready to carry her off against her will.

He figured that if he could defeat the top dog and his servant, then he could face Feng without much resistance.

Feng did not really want those weird disabled people and the cripple watch as her bright clothes were taken off.

No one in this world wanted other people to watch as one's clothes were taken off.

"Since these two people are both good-for-nothings, why not let dog bite dog?”

And that was why as soon as she had the opportunity, Feng did not stay to see what happened.

She figured that if these two fought each other over mere trifles, then she wouldn't bother watching even with just one eye.

One look was all it took for Feng to understand things, being a very intelligent woman. Never had she made an error in judgment and that was why no man had ever outwitted her into taking off her clothes.

But for her, today really was a very unlucky day.

Today, not only did she find herself in many unfortunate situations, but each of these situations was strange.

The spring river was clear and cold. From her feet, the coldness traveled straight to her heart.

After forging through the confusing rocky mountains, she luckily came upon this place. Although she did not stop to ask anyone for directions, she still managed to arrive here.

Her whereabouts, like the wind, always eluded a man's grasp.

However, at present, there were at least three people looking for her -- Hua Ruyu, Ren Shangren (the top dog), and Li QingFeng.

How could they know she was here? How could they know she would end up here?

Feng had always been the kind of woman who was extremely fond of leisure. She could bear anything, even hardships.

It was unlikely that a person of low martial arts could withstand such hardships. Fortunately, she was very intelligent. Although she could sometimes be quite fierce, she never really held deep hatred towards others.

That was exactly why she was intelligent.

She was not only intelligent, but also very beautiful, so she always had many powerful friends.

She could be rude and spiteful like an old b**h, and then be soft and gentle like a dove.

Sometimes, she was as artless as an infant and sometimes she was as sly as a fox.

With such changes in one woman where nothing she did seemed real, who would want to annoy her?

Yet, today there were actually three people looking for her. What's more, they were three very extraordinary people.

Perhaps, some women would feel very flattered by this, but Feng was no ordinary woman.

She knew that a person cruel enough to cut off his own pair of legs and hand, when looking for a woman, it would not be because he wanted to remove her clothes.

A famous great bandit who disappeared from Jianghu 30 years ago, but if he was experienced at pleasing women, certainly he would not be so struck by a woman's beauty.

They had been looking for her. But why?

Feng thought it over, only to come up with one person who was the cause of all this -- Xiao Shiyi Lang, Xiao Shiyi Lang, the vexing Xiao Shiyi Lang. Why must he always trouble her so?

It seemed this person was born only to look for trouble. If others did not give him trouble, then he would go look for it himself.

The first time Feng saw him, she already knew he was trouble.

That time, he was only a teenager. He was trying to fight his way against the thundering current, climbing his way up Longjiao Falls.

He tried again and again even after falling on his head, making him go dizzy and his fancy clothes torn and bloodied. Still, he went on as though he was trying to prove something. But what was it that he was trying to prove?

Besides being foolish, it was a crazy thing to do.

Even Feng sometimes thought that he was foolish, but he was no fool.

Not only that, he was also intelligent.

He only did one foolish thing after another not because he wanted to but because he was compelled to do so.

So, was this person stupid? Or was he intelligent? Admirable? Or hateful? Everyone seemed undecided, even Feng SiNiang.

All she knew was that she could never forget him.

Sometimes, she thought he was going to drive her crazy. Other times, she could not bear to see him, did not dare to.

These past two years, she had not seen him.

Since that day he and Count Carefree (Xiao Yaohu) fell into the ravine together, she had not even said goodbye to him.

She thought she would never see him again.

Because in this world, not one living person was able to defeat Count Carefree.

There was no one who could compare to Count Carefree's martial arts, no one more sinister, more malevolent, more fearsome than him.

However, Xiao Shiyi Lang actually went to look for him and challenged him to a fight to the death.

Although no one knew how the fight turned out, everybody knew that Xiao Shiyi Lang could not have survived. Even Feng was near despair.

But then came a time when she heard news of Xiao Shiyi Lang.

And that was how she came to Chaos Rock Mountain, how her feet were in the state they were in. But all she ran into was more bad luck. So now, she was sitting here like an idiot, holding her foot and thinking of him, wanting to see him so much her heart ached...

What was it about Xiao Shiyi Lang that one wanted to forget but could never forget?

Suddenly, Feng realized she was hungry.

She was so absorbed in her thoughts of Xiao Shiyi Lang that she did not notice that she was hungry.

She decided she did not want to sit down any longer.

What place was this? How far was she from the Bandit Inn? She had no idea.

Her clothes, her things, her weapons, they were all still in the inn. She had gotten herself lost in this barren hill.

Now, it was already dusk; it was time for dinner. The smoke from the kitchen was hardly visible but as the sky blazed with the beautiful colors of sunset, she could see her surroundings better. The black smoke spewing from the kitchen chimney made an attractive sight.

Although she already knew the path she did not want to turn back, not because she was afraid of the people looking for her but because she did not want to her feet to suffer the rough terrain again.

In her opinion, her feet were more important than her stomach.

But her stomach disagreed. Already, it was starting to protest. "Gu gu," it grumbled. How to comfort this stomach?

Feng SiNiang looked around her, thinking she could see some unlucky mountain fowls or rabbits.

But she couldn't see rabbits, instead she saw six people.

Four vigorious men in bright brocaded clothes lifted the small green sedan chair, while two very young men with magnificent attires were following behind the sedan chair, they were coming from the hillside.

The mountain road was rugged, so it must be very difficult for them to lift up the sedan chair.

What kind of person sat in the sedan chair ? this person's style was definitely not inadequate, who could possibly ride inside the sedan chair in this kind of place ?

Feng SiNiang seldom rode in the sedan chair, she thought riding in the sedan chair was worrisome, instead she liked to ride a horse, to ride the fastest horse.

But she actually had ridden inside a luxurious sedan chair before.

Feng SiNiang couldn't help but to remember that day again, her seat was decoraded with flower for the celebration, but unexpectedly she saw Xiao Shiyi Lang and Shen Bijun by the roadside. She raised the red curtain and jumped off the sedan chair, causing all the people who were escorting her to the wedding at the Yang family residence scared to death.

Since that time, she had a nickname; she'd been called "The new bride who frighten people to death"

Therefore she couldn't restrain not to remember Xiao Shiyi Lang, moreover she remembered that pitiful loveable, beautiful woman, Shen Bijun. She remembered their tragic misadventure.

If not for Shen Bijun, Xiao Shiyi Lang wouldn't have dueled with Xiao Yaohao to settle the great injustice, he wouldn't have to seek Xiao Yaohao.

But if not because of Xiao Shiyi Lang, Shen Bijun wouldn't have to go through a tragic misadventure herself.

In wulin, which valued respectful people, the woman who were envied by everyone had completely fallen in love with the biggest thief in jiang hu.

She actually almost had the kind of life that everyone would envy, not only she came from a very good family background, but she was also young and outstandingly talented, with a husband who was skillful in martial arts and literature, moreover she was having his child.

But for Xiao Shiyi Lang, she had actually given up everything,

Who could be blamed?

Feng SiNiang did not blame her, because Feng SiNiang was actually also such a woman.

To show their true feelings, they were without hesitation willing to give up everything.

If not because of Xiao Shiyi Lang, how could she now get into kind of situation herself ?

At that time, she actually should put on the satin dress, while seating in the Yang family's golden and jade replenished guest hall and waiting for the servants to serve dinner.

Feng SiNiang sighed, then decided not to let herself down again.

She felt uplifted, only to discover that the sedan chair has been put down; two very attractively elegant young men had already raised the red curtain.

But there was actually nobody inside the sedan chair.

They rolled out a red carpet from the sedan chair, then put it on the ground, straight in front of Feng SiNiang.

Feng SiNiang opened her eyes wide opened, startlingly looked at them, while couldn't bear not to ask "are you people here to get me ?”

The two attractive very young men nodded, then smiled more sweetly than girls.

Feng SiNiang instantly asked "Who ordered you to get me ?”

"Jin Pusa" [Golden Boddihisattva]

Feng SiNiang laughed; she should have thought that Jin Pu Sa had ordered these people to get her earlier.

Who else had this type of style other than Jin Pusa?

She smiled then said "It looks like my luck is good to finally meet this person.”

All the people she met a moment ago weren't people, she simply thought she saw ghosts today.

Could Jin Pusa indeed was this type of person ?

He was a short and fat person, someone who always smiled everyday, similar to Mi Lei Fu [the laughing buddha].

Therefore other people just called him "Pu Sa" [the Bodhisattva]

Other people never knew about his immense family wealth, yet they only heard of his mountains of gold, so when he was in a happy mood, he may donate tons of gold to the surrounding families.

Therefore he was called "Jin Pusa" [the Golden Bodhisattva]

In order to to help those in needs, he would spend tens of thousand taels of gold in an instant, without even the need to wrinkle his eyes brows.

But when he massacred 17-18 people in an instant, he also did not even wink his eyes.

He had the most beloved concubine, called Hong Hong [literary : red red], because she always liked to wear red clothes.

During his big feast with Bohai Long Wang [The Dragon King of Bohai (the ocean between China and Korea)], Hong Hong poured the wine for the guests, she smiled for no reason at all, a very frivolously impolite smile.

Soon after Jin Pusa smilingly called her to go back inside, Hong Hong returned, her body was wearing a very bright red clothes, but she was actually seating in a big silver tray, which carried by a person to a table.

Because she had been steamed alive.

Jin Pusa unexpectedly smiled, narrowing his eyes, while at the same time cutting her body up to enjoy the most tender meat; he offered a drink to Bohai Long Wang

Bohai Long Wang was originally going to challenge him, to show off his wealth and power.

But after the food was eaten, the stunned wulin figure left at the same night.

Jin Pusa was such a person.

Feng SiNiang had already known Jin Pusa for a long time, additonally she also had good impression of him.

Because Jin Pusa had always been good to her.

"If you treat me well, I will also treat you well.” This was definitely Feng SiNiang's principles. She's a woman, and women normally always had their own type principles -- the kind that men always could never understood. But how did Jin Pusa know that she was there ? How was he able to suddenly arrive to greet her ? Feng SiNiang certainly had not thought of these questions. She was now thinking in her heart, can the cooked bowl be a rotten shark fin soup mixed with the chicken stock and ham ? Jin Pusa's eyes were already small, but when he looked at Feng SiNiang, his eyes became one narrow line. He was smilingly looking at Feng SiNiang, carefully examining her from head to toe, suddenly he said "I shouldn't have asked you to come.”

Feng SiNiang said "Why ?”

Jin pusa said "Everytime I see you, my heart is beating miserably.”

Feng SiNiang said "It seems like I'm such a smart woman, how can I make you feel miserable.”

Jin Pusa said "Because you are too attractive so when I look at you I feel miserable.

Feng SiNiang said "I don’t understand.”

Jin Pusa said "You should understand…. Aren't you hungry now ?”

Feng shiniang sighed "Extremely hungry.”

Jin Pusa said "If you see a big bowl of red roasted pork served in front of you but you cannot eat it, will you feel miserable.”

Feng SiNiang smiled.

When she did not smile in front of disgusting men, her smile had always been especially attractive, her laughter too has always been pleasant to hear.

Jin Pusa suddenly asked "Have you not gotten married ?”

Feng SiNiang said "Not yet"

Jin Pusa said "Why don't you want to marry me ?”

Feng SiNiang closed her eyes instantly then said "Because you are rich.”

Jin Pusa said : "Being rich is not a good thing ?”

Feng SiNiang said "Extremely rich men, outstandingly talented man, I don't want to marry them.”

Jin Pusa asked "Why ?”

Feng SiNiang said "Because this type of men are loved by women, I feared other women with snatch them.”

Jin Pusa said "You have never snatched other women's husbands, it's a polite behavior, so who would snatch your husband ?”

Feng SiNiang said "If these women can’t snatch him, I also will feel very anxiously.”

Jin Pusa said "Why ?”

Feng SiNiang said "As if you are holding a big bowl of red roasted pork while seating among a group of hungry ghosts at night, wouldn't you feel nervous ?”

Jin Pusa also smiled, his eyes once again turned into a single line.

Feng SiNiang winked and said "Actually my heart likes you, but only if you are willing to give me your mountains of gold, I will marry you immediately.”

Jin Pusa said "To have mountains of gold, or otherwise to have such a beautiful woman like you, but if I give the mountains of gold to other person, how could it not be harmful to her ?”

He shook his head heavily and said "Harming someone over this matter is something I never do.”

Feng Siniang laughed and said "After several years of not seeing you, you are still an interesting person, no wonder I always wonder about you.”

Jin Pusa said "It is a pity that I have too much money.”

Feng SiNiang said "You really can lend it"

Jin Pusa said "Therefore we can only be friends.”

Feng SiNiang replied "We have continuously been good friends.”

Jin Pusa said with a smile, "I have heard of these words before, they're also more delighted to hear than simply eating the red roasted pork.”

Feng SiNiang's eyes widened and said "Because we are friends, therefore I have some words I have to ask you.”

Jin Pusa said "I have been waiting for you to ask.”

Feng SiNiang said "You have been especially looking for me ? How could you know that I was here?”

Jin Pusa squinted his eyes, hesitatingly he answered "Do you want me to tell you the truth? Or do you want me to lie?”

Feng SiNiang said "I actually like to listen to a man who to tell lies a lot, because lies are always more pleasant to hear than the truth.”

Jin Pusa's eyes revealed the sign of appreciation, he sighed "You are indeed an intelligent woman, only the stupidest woman would compel a man to tell her the truth.”

Feng SiNiang said "But currently, I actually want to listen to the truth.”

Jin Pusa smilingly said "If you only want to listen to the truth, you always have to pay for the price.”

Feng SiNiang said "I Know.”

Jin Pusa said "You still want to listen ?”

Feng SiNiang said "Naturally.” *

Jin Pusa was silent for a while, then he slowly said "I was looking for you because of a person.”

Feng SiNiang asked "Because of who ?”

Jin Pusa said "Xiao Shiyi Lang.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang, it's Xiao Shiyi Lang again.

Everytime she heard this name, her heart felt something that couldn't be explained, moreover she didn't know if it was sweet ? Was it sour ? Or was it bitter ?

But her face actually made a very desolate expression, then she slowly said "You actually were looking for me because of Xiao Shiyi Lang ?”

Jin Pusa said "You want me to tell you the truth.”

Feng SiNiang sneered and said "What relationship does Xiao Shiyi Lang have with me ? I am not his mother.”

Jin Pusa said "But you are his friend.”

Feng SiNiang did not deny it, neither could she respond again.

^^^^^ end of translation ^^^^^

Xiao Shiyi Lang' foes are far more than the friend, in Jiang-hu nobody had not known nearly she is Xiao Shiyi Lang' friend.

Jin PuSa said, “Two years ago, he looks for the time which Count Carefree goes all out hears you also in.”

Feng SiNiang coldly said, “He is not goes all out, he is goes to bring death.”

Jin PuSa said, “Therefore since, in Jiang-hu each people all thought he has died.”

Feng SiNiang said, “In Jiang-hu did not know has how many people to hope he quickly dies.”

Jin PuSa said, “But he has not died actually.”

Feng SiNiang said, “How did you know he has not died? You have seen him?”

Jin PuSa said, “I have not, I have only heard his news.”

Feng SiNiang said, “What news?”

Jin PuSa said, “Not only he has not died, moreover suddenly has also been in luck.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Looks like he that bad luck person, also can have the time which is in luck?”

Jin PuSa said, “When a person luck has come, links the city wall not to be able to block originally.”

Feng SiNiang said, “What did he walk to transport? Good luck?”

The golden Bodhisattva attracts said, “His good luck walked too much, therefore has bad luck only then frequently, but this luckily is not actually.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Oh.”

Jin PuSa said, “You now were at least cannot marry to him.”

Feng SiNiang put on a serious face, said, “World men all death ray, I have not been able to marry to him.”

In her mouth such said, in the heart resembles actually has a needle to puncture.

Jin Puzhong smiled narrows the eyes the crack to look she said, “You cannot certainly marry to this kind of person, not only he very young. Very outstandingly talented, moreover it is said also suddenly turned the world richly.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Compares you also to have the money?”

Jin PuSa said, “Was certainly richer than me have been more than.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Is his money falls from the space?”

Jin PuSa said, “Space although cannot fall down the money to come, on possible long to come out actually.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Oh”

Jin PuSa said, “In Jiang-hu a person all knew in this world has three biggest buried treasure, continuously the nobody cannot find actually.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Had he found?”

The golden Bodhisattva sighed, “I had said when, the luck has come, cannot block including the city wall.”

Feng SiNiang sneeringly said, “Several years ago, some people said he has made the great wealth, but on his body frequently the company asked me to eat surface actually the money not to have.”

Jin PuSa said, “I also knew before concerns his rumor to be very many, but this is not actually.”

Feng SiNiang said, “How did you know is not?”

Jin PuSa said, “Some people saw him to lose several hundred thousand taels with own eyes in Kaifeng, moreover all was the full ten silver bars, was a box of box lifts loses.”

Feng SiNiang said, “In him comes is a compulsive gambler.”

Jin PuSa said, “Also some people with own eyes will see him to use ten buckets of pearls, a Hangzhou reddest prostitute will buy down, also has spent 500,000 taels, has bought the place big dwelling for her.”

Feng SiNiang nip the lip, coldly said, “He is originally a sex maniac.”

Jin PuSa said, “But he only has lived actually in there three days, has thrown off that woman.”

Feng SiNiang complexions attractive, have coldly said actually, “This is not strange, he is originally a person who is not humane.” ......

Jin PuSa said, “Saw his these people all is before recognized him, moreover could not look wrong, moreover they looked mistakenly, moreover some people actually could not look wrong.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Moreover what person also has?”

The golden Bodhisattva had not replied this speech, asked in reply actually, “You saw seven blind people a moment ago?”

Feng SiNiang nodded.

Jin PuSa said, “Did you know who these blind people are originally person?”

Feng SiNiang shook the head.

Jin PuSa said, “Others I did not know, I only knew has in two Kunlun Mountains four swords eldest child and third child, but also some one was dark green incumbent leader人 Xie Tian. Feng SiNiang’s eyebrows has wrinkled. Xiao Shiyi Lang court disaster the original story, resembled has been more and more big. Jin PuSa said, “Their these individual cannot admit mistakes at least, because they all are compelled under Xiao Shiyi Lang knife to puncture the blind own eye, moreover ......”

His eye resembled suddenly 变大 two times, then said slowly, “They have admitted mistakes his person, also cannot admit mistakes in his hand that the knife, nobody can recognize a cona knife.”

Feng SiNiang change countenance said, “Deer-carving sabre?”

In the golden Bodhisattva's eye is dodging the light, said, “Good is Deer-carving sabre.”

Feng SiNiang said, “They before sees the transfer of ownership deer knife?”

Jin PuSa said, “Does not have.”

In Jiang-hu sees transfer of ownership Lu Dao truly a person, are not many until now.

Feng SiNiang coldly said, “Since has not seen, how can recognize?”

Jin PuSa said, “Deer-carving Sabre the shape originally is different on and the common knife, moreover, Xie Tianshi loose grain sword, fights an only move, is truncated broke.”

In Jiang-hu can truncate breaks the loose grain sword the knife not to be many.

A Feng SiNiang eyeballs revolution, said, “But Deer-carving Sabreye is everybody all may use, if you with shear the deer knife to kill people, is Xiao Shiyi Lang?”

The golden Bodhisattva narrowed the eyes takes off one's mourning garments had smiled, said, “Xiao Shiyi Lang if is long looks like my this vice- looks, in that martial arts world's first beautiful women could not have a liking for him, his trouble were also less much.”

Speaking of Shen BiJun, in Feng SiNiang hearts as if is being punctured by the needle.

Jin PuSa said, “Moreover Xie Tianshi before has seen Xiao Shiyi Lang originally, by him the status, I thought now he cannot lie.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why do Xiao Shiyi Lang have to compel him to puncture the blind own eye?”

Jin PuSa said, “Heard is because he in looked at accidentally Shen BiJun twice.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Because only he looked at Shen BiJun twice, Xiao Shiyi Lang must dig out his eyes?”

Jin PuSa said, “Good.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Certainly mistaken, Xiao Shiyi Lang was not this kind of person.”

Jin PuSa said, “He is.”

Feng SiNiang said, “No.”

Jin PuSa said, “Yes.”

Feng SiNiang' eyes straighten suddenly, on the face expression also suddenly changes very much strangely, makes an effort to clench teeth, is likely is reluctantly enduring patiently one kind of sharp-edged pain, also was likely had been mad could not say the speech.

Jin PuSa said, “Xiao Shiyi Lang and Count Carefree that war, actually who won who lost, in Jiang-hu also nobody knew until now, only Xiao Shiyi Lang indeed have not died, this already is does not certainly have the question the matter.”

Feng SiNiang was staring him, a nimble bright eye changes the dead fish delay unexpectedly.

Jin PuSa said, “He although now is also living, but sooner or later must die.”

Feng SiNiang' lips move, resemble want to say any, has not said actually.

Jin PuSa said, “Because on his body is bringing the buried treasure which in three type martial arts world everybody all want, that is his buried treasure, he Deer-carving sabre. With he item of on number of people.” He sighed, then said, “Regardless of on who body is having this ocean three treasure. Walks all the very danger in Jiang-hu.”

Feng SiNiang' hands resemble oneself to tremble.

Jin PuSa said: “If I were him, I regardless of what place has to arrive to go, all cannot let a person know, therefore I really do not understand, his why important contract do you meet in here? Why has to tell this news others? I ......”

This speech had not said, Feng SiNiang jump suddenly grasp the front a chair, made an effort to fall, then tore off own hair, poured hits on the place rolls.

The golden Bodhisattva drafts, he really could not think Feng SiNiang can make this kind of matter.

Was Feng SiNiang insane?

Feng SiNiang jump suddenly from the place, stands cluck-cluck smiled in front of the golden Bodhisattva not to stop.

The golden Bodhisattva has also smiled, said, “We are old friends, also good friends, what matter has all to be possible to discuss, you why are mad this appearance?”

His trade Feng SiNiang cannot really suddenly go crazy, who is she certainly is feigning madness to know the situation Feng SiNiang to call one suddenly, puts out a hand to clutch his neck, the golden Bodhisattva was startled now at last, although luckily he more and more fat response actually very quick, the skill does not inundate, as soon as moves sideways, has avoided 7-8 feet.

Feng SiNiang have not blocked his neck, has blocked own neck unexpectedly backhandedly, moreover clutches very much makes an effort, in the volume the storm left the blue vein unexpectedly, has all spat including the tongue, her hair this has hung loose, as soon as in addition this tongue spits, likely is really a live ghost.

The golden Bodhisattva is startled looks at her, discovered now at last she resembled is unexpectedly is really insane.

Elephant Feng SiNiang such like to look good woman, if not for has been really insane, how can reveal this kind of ugly performance in front of others?

The woman usually is rather die than is not willing to see by others oneself this kind of ugly performance.

The golden Bodhisattva's face is also unable to restrain a little to turn white, wants to think of a way comforts her.

Who knew the situation Feng SiNiang unexpectedly straightly but actually, moreover one got down but actually, moved has been also motionless, the golden Bodhisattva could not bear the late said, “Feng SiNiang Feng SiNiang......”

Feng SiNiang was motionless, a face turned the dead gray unexpectedly, the eyeball has resembled raised also.

The golden Bodhisattva is startled, walks slowly, put out a hand to search her breath, her company has breathed unexpectedly all stops.

Not only Feng SiNiang have been insane, moreover has died unexpectedly in here.

The golden Bodhisattva drafts, he really did not believe this is really, he from has also looked like the gearing all not to be able to move.

At this moment, only listens to the clothes ** 抉 belt wind sound, in front of him appeared a person suddenly, silver-haired, grasps the long bow, is precisely “Jin Gongyin the pill cuts the tiger knife” Li QingFeng. Then, also some heavy footsteps resound, the top dog also came.

As soon as Feng SiNiang walk, they do not have the reason which hits again.

They were all not the full of vigor young young fellow, went all out with no reason at all, they did not do.

Their goal is must look for Feng SiNiang, now finally found here to come, two are startled looks Feng SiNiang, could not bear want to ask, “How is this a matter?”

Jin PuSa said, “Also does not have what matter, but only has died a person oneself.”

Li QingFeng said, “She has really died?”

Jin PuSa said, “Looked like resembles not false.”

Li QingFeng 怒道, “You have killed her?”

The golden Bodhisattva sighed, said, “How do I give up kill her.”

Li QingFeng again had not asked, because he knew this speech not false — Feng SiNiang lived indeed are dying have been much more useful than.

The golden Bodhisattva sighingly said, “I only then knew now, the original person is really can irritate while still alive.”

Li QingFeng said, “She is irritates?”

Golden Bodhisattva forced smile said, “In addition, I really cannot find out other reason to come.”

The top dog said suddenly, “If you take off her clothes, you can find out why.”

Li Yufeng said suddenly, “Her person has already died, you also must escape her clothes?”

The top dog coldly said, “If you earlier lets me take off her clothes. Perhaps she might not die.”

Li QingFeng wrinkled the brows, the golden Bodhisattva already bent the waist, raises gets windy SiNiang' lower hem corners, deeply shouted the tone deeply, changes the color suddenly, “Poison is on her clothes.”

The top dog said, “This is not her clothes.”

Li QingFeng said, “Whose is it?”

The top dog said, “Hua RuYu this person you had heard does not have?”

Li QingFeng changed countenance said, “This clothes originally are Hua RuYu?”

The top dog nodded, sneered said, “I knew early so long as Hua RuYu has bumped the thing, certainly is all virulent.”

Li QingFeng said, “But if I also know do not have the advantage the matter, Hua RuYu not to be a willing worker.”

The top dog said, “Good.”

Li QingFeng said, “What advantage did the homicide Feng SiNiang also have?”

The top dog said, “I don’t know.”

Li QingFeng wrinkled the brows, “Only if Feng SiNiang is alive, she will be useful to him. He should not commit this kind of violent treachery.”

The golden Bodhisattva sighingly said, “Having Feng SiNiang, will have Xiao Shiyi Lang, this advantage is not really small.” His eye has narrowed the eyes, said with a smile, “Two since is, now might as well her who comes for this carries off.”

The top dog said, “We want an alive Feng SiNiang not a dead one.”

Li QingFeng said, “Since she dies in your here, you also should gather up dead bodies at least for her.”

The golden Bodhisattva sank the face, said, “Dies in my here, what speech is this?”

Li QingFeng said, “At least she when meets with you, a living person.”

The golden Bodhisattva coldly said, “But she comes time was poisoned on oneself's, if two both with her in the same place, two wanted to push at that time the responsibility on my body on rather too not the justice.”

Listened to have a person outside suddenly to sigh gently, said, “She is living when everybody plays snatches, now her skeleton not cold, three on have wished one could her to feed the dog, like this is not humane, Feng SiNiang underground are having the knowledge, only feared is cannot certainly let him off.”

28th chapter shows tender affection Hua RuYu

The dim light of night has been near.

A person flew fast walked lightly from the outside darkness, on wears goes against the purple satin to mount the pearl to go against the crown, on the body puts on to engrave silk Wan Zijin the bottom knurling gown, outside wrapped the purple satin to embroider all colors sleeveless jacket, on the waist gathers round the loose rock big leather strap, inlaid 24 very good pearls, the pearly luster is being clear, each all big like longan.

His face also likely is the pearl smooth clear, the stiff exceedingly high bridge of the nose, the neck is jet black, the lip red like cherry, does not smile actually when on the face as if is also having three minute happy expressions.

Looked like under the light, even if is the age of young beautiful woman, also does not have him such charming beautiful.

When each person sees him, the complexion resembled actually all suddenly changes.

“Hua RuYu” has not seen his person, also knew he is Hua RuYu.

He is indeed a as pretty as a flower person.

Is not the woman, is the man.

Hua RuYu also knew, looks like he such man, in the world not several.

Therefore his manner although gentle graceful, between the forehead is also having three minute arrogance actually.

He smiled is walking, Lian Kandu to the golden Bodhisattva they had not looked actually one, only is stared is well-grounded on Feng SiNiang, supple voice, “Is pitiful you are living when the acme of beauty and deportment, after has died actually nobody news, hopes a your wisp fatigue soul, ascends the throne early happy, although other person is not humane, I Hua RuYu certainly will look after you well actually.”

The top dog could not bear sneered said, “You look after her?”

Hua RuYu long sighingly said, “I with her although is neither relative nor kin, after does not endure to see with own eyes actually she died suffers a person to be so desolate.”

The top dog coldly said, “When do you turn such the good intention?”

Hua RuYu said, “I am a human who shows tender affection.”

The top dog said, “Listens to you to say such pleasantly to hear? Isn't she dies in your hand?”

Hua RuYu ascended to begin now at last looked at his one, chatted, “If she dies in my hand, do you also want to revenge inadequately for her?”

The top dog did not speak, he front cannot certainly in order to a dead person and Hua RuYu spell.

Hua RuYu smiled, said, “The golden Bodhisattva is kindhearted, is willing to attend to the things to do behind for her?”

The golden Bodhisattva does not open the mouth.

Hua RuYu said, “Li QingFeng person isn't 侠盗, willing?”

Li QingFeng shuts up.

Hua RuYu sighed, said, “Since you three do not want her, her things to do behind, also had to look after by me.”

He wielded has waved the hand, but outside has two black clothing young girls to move sideways immediately a person, lifted Feng SiNiang' corpses to withdraw from outside very quickly the gate, as soon as also moved sideways to vanish in the dim light of night.

Hua RuYu talks to oneself low-spirited, “The human sentiment changes in temperature fickleness of human relationships, I have today received her skeleton. One day when I die, I do not know whehe who can come to bury me?”

He was sighing, walked slowly, although his footsteps light, but so long as he passes through the place appears a very deep footprint immediately.

Li QingFeng wants to pursue originally, saw on footprint, has borne immediately.

The golden Bodhisattva shook the head, mutters, “Although this person is long as pretty as a flower, feelings actually very cruel, how don't I really understand him to be able to come for Feng SiNiang to gather up dead bodies?”

The top dog coldly said, “Perhaps he wants trades the taste, eats a dead person.”

Hua RuYu really ate dead people?


Feng SiNiang have not died, she opens the eye time, saw Xin Xin.

Xin Xin hand has not broken, her two hands not only complete moreover are gently beautiful elegant, does not have including a scar.

Feng SiNiang was startled look at her, said, “Your hand ......”

Xin Xin sweetly said, “My hand SiNiang have not been beautiful.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You also have two hands?”

Xin Xin said, “I continuously all have two hands.”

Feng SiNiang sighed, “I also thought you have 三只手.”

Xin Xin said, “How can have 三只手?”

Feng SiNiang said, “If does not have 三只手, was poisoned a moment ago how does that hand disappear?”

Xin Xin sweetly said, “If so is continually little poisonous I all to be able bear, I have 30 hands, now also already all all disappears.”

Feng SiNiang said, “That only is the little poison?”

Xin Xin said, “Very few little.”

Feng SiNiang said, “But you a moment ago ......”

Xin Xin said, “I only wanted to let SiNiang a moment ago know, that monster was any type person.”

Feng SiNiang stared at she to look at momentarily, said, “I had said a moment ago, you can certainly not be able to find pleasant my dear's.”

Xin Xin said, “* Graciousness.”

Feng SiNiang also sighed, “Now I poured really a little had worried for your that pleasant my dear, looked like you such wife, how the man eats disappears?”

The room in lininging buys for use is fine and is magnificent.

Feng SiNiang four looked at one, also could not bear asking, “How can I arrive here to come?”

Xin Xin said, “Is we lifts you to come.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Lifts me to come?”

Xin Xin said, “Your have died a moment ago.”

Feng SiNiang winked eye blink, said, “How do I die?”

Xin Xin said, “I send to on that set of clothes virulent.”

Feng SiNiang said, “All can intoxicate including clothes on?”

Xin Xin said, “Others cannot, only Honorable Hua.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why does he have to kill by poison me?”

As soon as Xin Xin purses the lips to smile, said, “Because he feared others rip you several petals.”

Feng SiNiang forced smiled said, “Snatched me the person really many a moment ago.”

Xin Xin said, “But as soon as you die, these people all moistened all do not dare to moisten you.”

Wind four Ji said, “Therefore you have lifted me.”

Xin Xin supple voice, “Regardless of you are die are live, we all equally can look after you.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Your dead people all can rescue exactly?”

Xin Xin said, “Others cannot, the dandy be able.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Looked like your dandy, is really great ......”

Xin Xin sighed, “说老实话, I really have not seen compared to he greater person.”

Feng SiNiang glance flow, said, “Why doesn't let me have a look him?”

Xin Xin smiled said, “I thought does not let you look at him, he does not comply.”

Only listens to outside the bead curtain to have the humanity, “The son conveys a message, if SiNiang have awaked, welcome use the liquor to the vestibule.”

The vestibule arrangement riches and honor are more majestic, looked like likely is the world which piles with the exquisite silk becomes.

On the table has also piled up with the food and wine.

Xin Xin said, “Today buys the vegetable is I prepares, has the fat chicken roast duck, the cloud piece bean curd one, the swallow chokes with rage smokes the shredded chicken, the wire-work steel burns the chicken one, the fat chicken fire smokes cooks the cabbage one, the mixed sea food meatball one, Lu Jindun the meat one, steams the duck to stick the pork one, fries the chicken one, the birdnest duck strip, the fresh shrimp meatball, the minced meat duck waist, the smooth trepang each one, the sur- chicken putty radish sauce, the shredded meat fries the shark's fin, the sauce duck, the brined vegetable fries the edible wild rice stem, four small dishes food that goes wells with wine, but also has the pheasant to raise one, the perilla oil eggplant one, the polished japonica rice meals one,Bamboo noddede volume capitellum one, beehive sponge cake one ......”

She had not said Feng SiNiang have heard was astounded.

Xin Xin also said, “This table of vegetable is I prepares according to imperial kitchen menu Huai, did not know suffices insufficiently to eat.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You did not know suffices insufficiently to eat?”

Xin Xin said, “Graciousness.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You thought who I am? Is maitreya buddha which is pregnant?”

As soon as Xin Xin the son-in-law however smiled, said, “I only knew you are certainly very hungry.”

Feng SiNiang sigh the forced smile to say, “I indeed am very hungry, let alone but such many luxurious feastings I eat, looked, also looked has been full.”

Her just sat down, saw a person to raise the bead curtain to walk.

All has not seen the such attractive man including Feng SiNiang, she has seen man this already many.

Hua RuYu has been smiling to her one 揖, suddenly wrinkled the eyebrow actually, said, “Today Lai is who prepares?”

Xin Xin said, “Is I.”

Hua RuYu four tones, said, “You really are a careless person, piles such many luxurious feastings on the table, SiNiang not said eats looked, also must look has been full.”

Feng SiNiang could not bear said with a smile, “Cannot think of the dandy unexpectedly Feng SiNiang the friends.”

Hua RuYu said, “Can have SiNiang such rouge knowledge already, but Hua RuYu dies not shakes.”

Feng SiNiang sweetly said, “You cannot die, you all can revive including the dead person, how you from have been able to die.”

Hua RuYu sighingly said, “Looked like is also Xin Xin talks too much.”

Feng SiNiang said, “But she has not told me actually, actually is here what place?”

Hua RuYu said with a smile, “SiNiang originally are to pay the place to come?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Chaotic rocky mountain.”

Hua RuYu said, “Here is the chaotic rocky mountain.”

A Feng SiNiang eyeballs revolution, said, “The chaotic rocky mountain has the such attractive place?”

Xin Xin is snatching said, “The place is originally unattractive, first but our son, has been attractive.”

Hua RuYu smiled, said, “I only ever am not willing to maltreat oneself.”

Feng SiNiang have smiled, said, “not only looks like you is my friend, my person of same belief or convictions.”

Hua RuYu said, “So long as SiNiang do not regard as me the golden Bodhisattva they the person of same belief or convictions, I have been well satisfied.”

Feng SiNiang was staring at he, after for a very long time, said only then slowly, “You are not their person of same belief or convictions?”

Hua RuYu smile said, “The golden Bodhisattva only wants to seek the wealth wholeheartedly, the top dog and Li QingFeng only wants to murder wholeheartedly, SiNiang looked I am likely a person who murders for money?”

Feng SiNiang said with a smile, “You do not look like, but whose wealth are they all want to seek, whose life harms?”

Hua RuYu said, “Xiao Shiyi Lang, are certainly Xiao Shiyi Lang.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You come for Xiao Shiyi Lang?”

Hua RuYu, “No.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Is really not?”

Hua RuYu micro said with a smile, “Not said only then Xiao Shiyi Lang, even if some ten Xiao Shiyi Lang, is also unable to move me, wants me to come to this kind of barren mountains and untamed rivers place.”

Feng SiNiang said, “What was has moved you?”

Hua RuYu said, “Is a person?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Who?”

Hua RuYu said, “You.”

Feng SiNiang have smiled said, “I like listening to the man to lie, the lie always makes one to listen comfortably.”

Hua RuYu sighed actually, said, “It was only a pity this I said am not the lie.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Oh?”

Hua RuYu said, “Besides SiNiang, in the world also has any person to be able to want me to come to this kind of place.”

Feng SiNiang stare said, “I resemble have not wanted you to this kind of place.

Hua RuYu said, “It was only a pity I am also must come.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Must comes? Why?”

Hua RuYu also sighed, said, “Is the husband if knew the wife had critically, certainly must comes.”

Feng SiNiang have smiled, said, “Spends eldest brother is originally for spend sister-in-law to come.”

Hua RuYu said, “Graciousness.”

Feng SiNiang say! “Our this position spends sister-in-law, thought also certainly was the as pretty as a flower beautiful woman.”

Hua RuYu nodded, an eye winks does not wink stared at on her face, also sighed suddenly, said, “This position spends sister-in-law is indeed a as pretty as a flower beautiful woman, I really did not know is good good fortune which several lives only then repairs?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Therefore you should better the careful spot.”

Hua RuYu said, “What is careful?”

Feng SiNiang smile, said, “Is careful your eye if she knew you such stare at I to look, perhaps will be jealous.”

Hua RuYu said, “She cannot.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Does this position spend sister-in-law not to be always jealous?”

Hua RuYu said, “She is jealous frequently, but cannot eat your vinegar actually.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why?”

Hua RuYu said, “Because spends sister-in-law is you, you are also spend sister-in-law.”

Feng SiNiang was astounded live.

Hua RuYu micro said with a smile, “Actually Since I has gotten married after you, again has not looked at other woman, regardless of who had you such as pretty as a flower lovely wives all not to be able to watch with the tail of eye again other woman.”

The wind four throughout in long puts out the tone, said, “I am originally spend sister-in-law.”

Hua RuYu said, “You are originally.”

Feng SiNiang said, “When do I am marry to you?”

Hua RuYu said, “You have forgotten?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I have forgotten.”

Hua RuYu sighingly said, “You should not forget actually, because that day is happen to in May fifth day.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Dragon Boat Festival?”

Hua RuYu said, “Good, we are kissing which Dragon Boat Festival that day becomes.”

Feng SiNiang' hearts have sunk.

Fifth day of the fifth lunar month around several days, her mood very much not good the new year's celebration celebrates a holiday whenever this year, her mood always not too good. Therefore she was also same with the old times, has looked for a place, one has hidden personally.

That several days she has already not seen other person, also does not have anybody to see her.

She knew certainly but she has not certainly married to Hua RuYu besides she, again also could not find other person to be able to prove for her.

Hua RuYu looks she smiled happily, also said, “Although our wedding hasty, but finally manages the whirlwind light, moreover also has the intermediary to have the card, you want to depend, is also cannot renege.”

Feng SiNiang have smiled suddenly, said, “Can marry to you such pleasant my dear, why do I like also without enough time act shamelessly?”

Hua RuYu said, “If you really likes me, why has to slip away secretly in wedding festivities night of that evening?”

Feng SiNiang said with a smile, “Because I have already been used to it, whenever wedding festivities time, I always must slide time.”

Hua RuYu said, “But now since I had found you, could not again let you slide.”

Feng SiNiang could not bear sighed, forced smile said, “I know.”

She indeed knew this is cannot slide absolutely.

Therefore she suddenly on already bewilderedly turned Hua RuYu the wife, you said this matter had wonderfully.

How regardless of looked, not only Hua RuYu all should be an extremely attractive man the young multi- golds, moreover sympathizes gently, regardless of who can marry to such a man, all should think has been very happy, but Feng SiNiang actually only thought now Lian Kudu cannot cry.

Hua RuYu in 深情款款 looks at her, resembles wishes one could quickly to hug this pretty new bride the nuptial chamber to go.

Feng SiNiang wish one could while still alive to pinch all of a sudden actually him die, It was only a pity she also knew, must pinch dies this person is not an easy matter.

Hua RuYu smiled the gentle voice to say, “The nuptial chamber I Huai have already arranged.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Oh?”

Hua RuYu said, “These things if you does not like eating, we may the advanced nuptial chamber go now.”

Feng SiNiang eyeballs have transferred the extension, said, “Such good vegetable, does not eat how could it not be may borrow?”

She eats really greatly, moreover has never eaten such many.

Because she knew this will eat from now on, next did not know when had to arrive can be able to eat the mouth.

Hua RuYu smilingly looks in side, is waiting.

Feng SiNiang was casting a glance him with the corner of the eye, bears sneered said, “Married the wife who such can eat, you also smile obtain?”

Hua RuYu said, “How can not be able to smile?”

Feng SiNiang said, “You did not fear I eat poorly you?”

Hua RuYu said with a smile, “Can marry the wife who you such have the good fortune, how can I be poor?”

Feng SiNiang teeth itch, really wants to nip his flesh, but she nipped down also cannot swallow.

Her Qian Rou could not swallow down continually, regardless of the long pig pork all equally cannot swallow down.

Hua RuYu said, “You finished eating?”

Feng SiNiang have to acknowledge, said, “Today my appetite is not good. Little eats.

Hua RuYu supple voice, “Then the present ......”

Feng SiNiang break his speech " I to want immediately to drink now, didn't you accompany me to drink several cups? “

Hua RuYu said, “I certainly will accompany you.”

Feng SiNiang' eyes have shone said, “How many do I drink, how many do you drink?”

Hua RuYu micro said with a smile, “Don't others fill my liquor, the new bride instead wants to get me drunk?”

Nearby Feng SiNiang is smiling said, “Wedding festivities night of time, the bridegroom palace how could it not be always must get drunk.”

She really smiled a little harbors evil intentions she is indeed wants to get drunk this person.

Who knows Hua RuYu to look like although ruthless delicate, drinks the liquor to come likely is actually a liquor holds.

Feng SiNiang such women, want to get drunk her likely the man not to know has how many.

If her alcohol capacity does not have a few tricks, also did not know had to get drunk by others how many that she clothes not to know had to take off by a person how many.

She drinks also has a biggest original story, as soon as others liquor drinks many, the eye can change elects to confuse the flour gruel, but she more drinks a lot, is instead brighter with the eyeball, who also couldn't see her really to get drunk, therefore her alcohol capacity although not too good, also the very unusual person dared with her 拼酒.

Who knows Hua RuYu was also same, the liquor drinks many, he looked like is instead more sober.

Feng SiNiang' eyes have been bright likely are a lamp, is staring him continuously, could not bear saying, “you get drunk have not had?”

Hua RuYu said with a smile, “Drinks hasn't a person, who gotten drunk.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Therefore you have also gotten drunk?”

Hua RuYu said, “I am often drunk.”

Feng SiNiang said, “But you drink do not look like the appearance which Chang Hui gets drunk.”

Hua RuYu said, “Who said, I was drunk last year.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Last year?”

Hua RuYu said, “Five years ago I was also drunk.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Your this only is drunk for a lifetime two has chopped?”

Hua RuYu said, “Two very have already been many.”

Feng SiNiang sighed, forced smile said, “Some people one day are drunk two times, also did not dislike many”

Hua RuYu said easily, “I also want to be drunk actually several times, It was only a pity the liquor always is insufficient.”

Feng SiNiang said, “How much liquors wants only then to suffice?”

Hua RuYu said, “I not too clear. Only knew last year that I only have drunk 12 worlds Shaoxing wines, has lost consciousness.”

Feng SiNiang draft, 13 worlds Shaoxing wines, even if must toward the trough in but actually, also on but actually a long time.

Hua RuYu said, “This we come hurriedly, brings if the liquor are not many, resembles altogether only then 12 worlds you to think insufficiently, I incumbent may make one to descend a mountain buy.”

Feng SiNiang also sighed, said, “Let alone 12 worlds liquors drink, even if soaks me in inside, also enough was drown to death I.”

Hua RuYu said, “How many do you also want to drink?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Does not drink.”

Hua RuYu eye also looked like the golden Bodhisattva to narrow the eyes equally, supple voice, “Then present ......”

Feng SiNiang jumped suddenly, said, “Now we enter the nuptial chamber.”

Thereupon Feng SiNiang have entered the nuptial chamber with this strange man.

This is she second time enters the nuptial chamber, she walks, looked like resembles the martyr to step onto the battlefield.

This nuptial chamber looked like also with other nuptial chamber not any different, in the room the red candle burns high, on the quilt is embroidering the mandarin duck.

But this new bride looked like very is actually dissimilar with other new bride, she from head to foot simply does not have a place to look like is likely a new bride.

Xin Xin eats is smiling tenderly, is singing the happy song.

“Tonight the beautiful scenery on a beautiful day, the spring scenery create shades. Next year will live a fat baby, will hug sees the mother in the bosom.”

Feng SiNiang clapped suddenly said, “Sings well, the new bride has enjoys.”

Xin Xin sweetly said, “What enjoys?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Enjoys a your big ear and the area around it.”

Her ears and the area around it has really hit, It was only a pity Xin Xin this small fox, unexpectedly resembled already guards against this, has already slid, but also covered the gate for them in outside.

Hua RuYu was smiling, said easily, “You have no need for actually catch up with her to walk, she also can walk.”

Feng SiNiang was nipping the lip, said, “Who said I have no need for catch up with her to walk, I already died suddenly.

Hua RuYu narrows the eyes the eye, said, “What is anxious?”

Feng SiNiang also narrowed the eyes the eye said, “You guess?”

She resembles has somewhat been drunk has turned a body to pour suddenly in embroiders on mandarin duck's pillow to narrow the eyes the eye to look Hua RuYu, also asked suddenly, “Your has been big this year?”

Hua RuYu said, “20.”

Feng SiNiang cluck-cluck have smiled, said, “If I earlier gets married. Perhaps the son had you to be such big.”

This speech said although a little spoils enjoyment, actually the character and style which one kind arouses.

But Hua RuYu has also smiled, said, “I always like the age the woman who is bigger than me, the age big woman only then understand the character and style.”

He was smiling, Feng SiNiang walked slowly.

Feng SiNiang eye blink said, “You? You cannot understand the character and style?”

Hua RuYu said, “You very quick can know.”

Feng SiNiang' faces resembled a little have been also red, blushes shuts the eye.

Hua RuYu breath resembles more and more near already.

Feng SiNiang groaned gently, gently typical, “The kid brother, you are my kid brother, the elder sister like you ......”

Hua RuYu looked like also the dusk, crazily crazily has been smiling, said, “What do you like my?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I like you dying.”

Her person shot suddenly from the bed eye blink oneself to attack seven palms, kicked three feet.

A man is feeling dizzy time is originally hides absolutely only goes, all hides including one move only goes.

Who knows Hua RuYu one all not to be suddenly dark, as soon as he gets rid of, has gripped Feng SiNiang' feet, good quick getting rid of.

Feng SiNiang only thought a sole hemp, the whole body strength, all oneself has slid suddenly from the sole heart.

Hua RuYu has taken off her shoe unexpectedly, is caressing her foot heart lightly, is smiling said, “A good attractive both feet.”

Feng SiNiang whole bodies have been all soft.

Which female 人脚 heart also has not to fear itches.

She remembers that suddenly in order deer-carving sabre, falls in the alone arm hawk king Sikong 曙 hand, that disabled person monster has also taken off her shoe, the surface also uses the beard to puncture her foot unexpectedly.

Although Hua RuYu does not have the beard, but his hands compared to the beard also awfully, his hand at least must be much more nimble than actually the beard.

That was Xiao Shiyi Lang has rescued her. This? God knows Xiao Shiyi Lang now in where?

Feng SiNiang were mad wants to cry, itches actually wants to smile, she cries also not to be able to cry, smiled cannot smile, could not bear calls.

Hua RuYu micro said with a smile actually, “Your such ghost calls if is heard by the outside person, you guessed how others can think?”

Feng SiNiang really called all not to dare to call, was nipping the lip, said, “Calculated I have taken you, you let loose me to be good?”

Hua RuYu said, “No good.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You ...... How do you want?”

Hua RuYu said, “You guess?”

Feng SiNiang did not dare to guess, she wants all not to dare to think.

Hua RuYu said, “I already knew actually you can certainly get rid of, I continuously all am waiting, could not think you can such sink unexpectedly live were mad, can wait till continuously unexpectedly the present.” He sighed the gate gas gently. Also said, “It was only a pity you got rid of now or dislike too early.”

Feng SiNiang said, “When should I wait till get rid of again?”

Now she only hoped could compel him to speak several speeches.

Hua RuYu said, “You originally should wait for me to go to bed.”

Feng SiNiang sighed, she is indeed originally wants to wait by that time, she also knew at that time opportunity must be much better, only was a pity her too uncle, feared the man bumps into her.

She looked like although is a very casual woman, actually she truly has not been bumped into by the man.

Hua RuYu was sighing, also said, “Thus it can be seen, you cannot be a genuine fierce woman.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You are actually a genuine fierce man.”

Hua RuYu micro said with a smile, “Is also good.”

Feng SiNiang said, “For this matter. You have planned for a very long time.”

Hua RuYu said, “Also some 2-3 months.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You knew I celebrate a holiday at the new year's celebration, always meets a person to hide, therefore only then said is in Dragon Boat Festival that day kissing which becomes with me.”

Hua RuYu said with a smile, “Therefore you want to depend, also cannot renege.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You also knew I have slipped away from the nuptial chamber.”

Hua RuYu said, “This matter has very many people all to know, therefore you this secondary are want to depend, I may say definitely you have had old malady.” He is smiling, also said, “I also may say you are originally want to marry to me, as soon as but hears Xiao Shiyi Lang bright news. Wanted to renege on a promise.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Therefore I regardless of how denies, others all certainly cannot believe.”

Hua RuYu said with a smile, “Therefore you have been destined, had to be my wife.”

Feng SiNiang said, “But ...... Why but do you want to make this kind of matter?”

Hua RuYu said, “Because I like you.”

Feng SiNiang said, “If you really likes me, should not this appearance to me.”

Hua RuYu said, “Because I really like you, therefore only then wants this appearance to cope with you.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You ...... Do you really want ...... Wants ......” the under speech Feng SiNiang to discover suddenly his hand has placed on her leg, moreover also in gently moves, his hand is also light is also soft.

Feng SiNiang only thought oneself whole body all has been also soft, also hot is also soft, she must be unexpectedly a woman, must be unexpectedly 35 year-old woman.

Hua RuYu looks at her, is smiling said, “You looked like resembles is really very anxious, never have the man to bump you?”

Feng SiNiang clench teeth, the tear has flowed off along the cheek.

Hua RuYu smiled happily said, “Really does not have the man to bump you originally, can marry your such woman, I really was the good good fortune ......” his person crawled.

Feng SiNiang closed the eye to burst into tears, said, “You must regret one day, one day ......”

This is originally the threat is the warning, her tone actually has been what a pity soft, regardless of how hard woman, to this time, also can change weakly, moreover Hua RuYu must be unexpectedly an attractive man.

29th chapter Keeps close

The woman arrived when has no alternative, originally can accept own destiny, now she has prepared to accept this destiny.

Who knows Hua RuYu suddenly to sigh actually, said, “After has no need for waits till, now I have regretted.”

Feng SiNiang could not bear saying, “What do you regret?”

Hua RuYu said, “Regretted why I am not a man.”

Feng SiNiang was astounded.

Hua RuYu was sighing gently, feels her gently, said, “If I a man, how could it not be is happy now very.”

Feng SiNiang finally could not bear have called, “You ...... You are also a woman?”

Hua RuYu was said, “You wanted me also to remove completely have let you have a look”

Feng SiNiang to be mad Lian Liandu has been red, “You ...... You ...... You saw have been clever.”

As soon as Hua RuYu “puff rip” smiled, said, “I am a woman, why were you instead mad this appearance, you think very disappointedly?”

His hand is also moving.

Feng SiNiang blush, said, “Moves away quickly your hand.”

Hua RuYu said with a smile, “If I a man, you could not call me to move away this hand?”

Feng SiNiang was nipping the lip, said, “You saw the live ghost.”

Hua RuYu laughed, Feng SiNiang said bitterly, “I ask you, since you is a woman, why has to make this kind of matter?”

Hua RuYu said with a smile, “Because I like you.”

Her hand is not willing to move away unexpectedly, grinning also said, “Looks like the woman who you such have 诱惑力, regardless of is male is female, all equally likes.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Does your hand take away?”

Hua RuYu said, “I do not take away, not forgot you are my wife, your this whole life has been destined to need in any case to be me the wife, wants to depend also cannot renege.”

Feng SiNiang sighed, has discovered a truth suddenly.

Regardless of the woman marries to any type man, actually always marries at least is much better than for a woman.

If the woman also married to a woman, that really was an awfully matter.

Now continually this nuptial chamber looked like not likely was a nuptial chamber.

Feng SiNiang said suddenly, “You really also want to marry me?”

Hua RuYu said with a smile, “Certainly is real.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You are actually is what?”

Hua RuYu eye blink, said, “I said the sentence truth listens to you, to be good?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Certainly good.”

Hua RuYu said, “Since you now is my wife, could not remarry at least for others.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Who are others?”

Hua RuYu said, “Xiao Shiyi Lang! Certainly is Xiao Shiyi Lang!”

Feng SiNiang' faces have sunk immediately, said, “You do not want me to marry Xiao Shiyi Lang?”

Hua RuYu said, “Mmm.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Is because you want to marry to him?”

Hua RuYu smiled, said, “Since I is your husband, certainly cannot remarry for him.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Are you for others?”

Hua RuYu said, “Mmm.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Who are this few people?”

Hua RuYu said, “You should know.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Shen BiJun?”

Hua RuYu sighed, said, “I thought she too has been really pitiful, if Xiao Shiyi Lang married you, she have certainly been able to go crazy.”

Two legs, all may be a great great person. “

Feng SiNiang also have no alternative but to acknowledge, that top dog has indeed very much plants.

Has a person who plants is the strong person.

Hua RuYu said, “Li QingFeng is same with him, comes to here all is for want Xiao Shiyi Lang item of on the number of people.”

Feng SiNiang said, “What Li QingFeng does also have with Xiao Shiyi Lang to hate?”

Hua RuYu said, “Li QingFeng was Li Gang saw her, each person's eyebrow resembled all enhances two inches, the eye also enlarged one time. Can with own eyes see has just died a person from outside to enter living, this kind of experience after all very rare.

Feng SiNiang glance past, sweetly said, “Does not see only then quite a while, you did not recognize me?”The `gold Bodhisattva starts to cough suddenly, resembled coolly has been being suddenly same. Feng SiNiang said, “You have gotten sick?”

The golden Bodhisattva said with a smile reluctantly, “If I has gotten sick, certainly is the lovesickness, I each time see your time, can live this kind of sickness.”

Feng SiNiang said with a smile, “You will later do ten thousand cannot again have this kind of sickness, otherwise my husband will be jealous.”

The golden Bodhisattva said in consternation, “Your gentleman?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Gentleman's meaning is a husband, you do not understand?”

Jin PuSa said, “You ...... You got married?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Each woman sooner or later must get married.”

The golden Bodhisattva could not bear asking, “Did you marry to who?”

Hua RuYu said, “I.”

The golden Bodhisattva was astounded.

Each people all was astounded.

As soon as Feng SiNiang beginnings begin to the top dog smile, said, “Now we have averaged.”

The top dog said, “What matter has averaged?”

Feng SiNiang was suitable, “Now I also have died.”

The top dog resembles also must start to cough.

Feng SiNiang said with a smile, “Dies and gets married, all is originally the very rare experience, I completely have had unexpectedly during one day, you said is strange?”

Can a person who obtains these two kind of experiences in one day, in the world really not have several.

Feng SiNiang have arrived in front of Hua Ping, micro said with a smile, “Is also two years disappears.”

Hua Ping nodded slowly, said, “Two years, entire two years.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Calculated we already were more than ten years old friend.”

Hua Ping coldly said, “I am not your friend, I do not have any friend.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You did not have the hand, also may have the friend equally, does not have the hand also to be possible to go on living, does not have the friend the person, cannot live only then truly.”

Hua Ping pale face twists suddenly, stands suddenly, did not return has flushed.

He was originally not a person who can accept sympathizes with and pities.

Feng SiNiang sighed low-spirited, has turned head, looks for that cripple, she also saw him to sit a moment ago behind the top dog, she wanted to have a look him to investigate competes was any person.

But he unexpectedly could not see now.

“Why does he always want to hide me, why always doesn't dare to see my surface?”

Feng SiNiang again have not wanted to get down, also does not have the method to want to get down again.

She and Hua RuYu just sat down, saw Shen Bijun.

She first time sees Shen BiJun's time, thought Shen BiJun was in her this life, has seen gentlest, most beautiful, a demeanor best woman.

Now she has this kind of feeling.

But Shen BiJun somewhat has changed actually, changed quietly, melancholier, also changes thin and pale. Only these change India only then to cause her to look like beautifully, one kind of elated beautiful.

She glances forever is limpid and gentle, likely is in the spring day gentle breeze running water, her hair luminous soft, her waist is also soft, is likely in the spring breeze willow branch.

She was not that kind lets the woman who as soon as the man sees to be able impulse, regardless of because any type man sees her, could be able not help, to forget all.

Now she slowly was walking.

She was not artificial, but in every action and every movement, all is revealing one kind of simple and elegant exquisite graceful bearing.

She puts on is not the specially magnificent clothes, also has not worn any jewelry, because these things said to her, all already was unnecessary.

Regardless of the precious jewelry clothing and personal adornments, all cannot divide go to her itself one 光采.

Regardless of noble powder appearance, also all cannot again increase her — minute beauty.

Is this kind of lovable woman, why so star after?

Asked suddenly, in the hall all people, the breath all resemble have stopped.

This is in the martial arts world first beautiful woman Shen Bijun.

They finally saw Shen Bijun.

Concerns between her and Xiao Shiyi Lang, these miserable and beautiful story, they did not know already has listened to how many.

Now her person has stood in front of them.

They really want to look several, do not dare actually.

This was but actually not because of their for fear that offensive beautiful woman, but was because of behind that two pair of knife points eye.

Shen BiJun was not a person comes.

She behind also has two people.

Two are thin, is slender, resembles two bamboo poles same old people.

On their body is putting on the long gown, is actually magnificent and bright, one red one green, red like cherry, green like Japanese banana.

Their facial expression looked like is as if very weary, must send all already grayly, as soon as but they 走入 this hall, each people all suddenly feel to a swift and fierce threatening working off anger.

The sharp weapon 神兵, must have the sword gas.

Has on one's person the unique skill the martial arts world masters, regard a person life like worthlessly, on the body also surely the belt plants works off anger.

Regardless of everybody may be able to feel faintly, in these two human of life must kill people innumerably.

Saw these two people, Li QingFeng complexion first to change.

They originally are a person who belongs to the identical time, Li QingFeng know certainly these two human of origins.

Feng SiNiang also knew.

She could not bear puts out the tone gently, said, “Clasp.”

Hua RuYu said, “Two big clasps.”

Feng SiNiang said, “I have seen them.”

Hua RuYu said, “In in ramble period of five days puppet Manor?”

Feng SiNiang nodded.

Xiao Shiyi Lang and Count Carefree fight a decisive battle that one day, these two old people also meet by chance on the road.

Hua RuYu said, “You ought to know now, I said speech not false?”

Feng SiNiang nodded.

She did not know they and Count Carefree's relations, only know them also in Count Carefree disciple.

Count Carefree disciple person, cannot certainly harbor any good intention to Xiao Shiyi Lang.

Hua RuYu said, “Therefore you must certainly think of a way, lets Shen BiJun also know.”

Feng SiNiang said, “I cannot find out the method.”

Hua RuYu said, “Behind us is correct the gate, you have seen?”

Feng SiNiang saw, the gate is very narrow.

Hua RuYu said, “Went out, you may see to a tiny log cabin.”

Feng SiNiang was listening.

Hua RuYu said, “There is a place which the woman facilitates, if you can bring Shen BiJun to there to go, may feel relieved spoke.”

Here men rely on the status, certainly cannot arrive that kind of place to listen secretly.

Feng SiNiang sighed, said, “Good, I think of a way.”

They this in the whisper, the newly married husbands and wives, frequently can whisper in somebody's ear originally.

But that two old people's vision, the lightning has swept actually to them.

Although Feng SiNiang knew perfectly well they absolutely cannot hear the speech which here said, is unable to restrain to be startled actually.

By now her saw Mr. luckily Shen Bi the gentle smiling face.

Shen BiJun has certainly also recognized this “to scare to death a person the new bride” to smile to her is hinting. '

Feng SiNiang also smiled.

That Zhu clothes old person said suddenly, “Could not think 'Jin Gongyin the pill cuts the tiger knife, pursues the cloud by the month water winning side' Li QingFeng also in here. “

The old person in green, “He could not certainly think we can come.”

Li QingFeng complexion is pale, coldly said, “Two have not died unexpectedly, is really make a person accident very.”

Zhu Yilao humanity, “But you should die actually.”

The old person in green, “If not for we show mercy, 30 years ago you should die.”

Li QingFeng sneered said, “Good, I indeed already should die, who was called me always to come and go freely, did not have including helpers.”

The Zhu clothes old person sank the face. Said, “When I and you fight, he gets rid of by no means.”

The old person in green, “I also as necessary all may cope with you.”

Li QingFeng said, “If I has a helper, also cannot be called him to help me two to hit one, so long as he cheered on in side has sufficed.”

Zhu Yilao humanity, “Very good.”

The old person in green, “Very good.”

Zhu Yilao humanity, “Is you exits, I exit?”

Green old humanity, “This should be one's turn me.”

Li QingFeng laughed, said, “Very good, solid very good, 30 year ago that account, your I in light of this settled account happen to.”

Although these three people all had one in a big way the age, is unexpectedly nature of the ginger cassiabarktree, 老而弥坚.

30 year ago little hatred, they unexpectedly until now had not forgotten.

Li QingFeng long body, the green gown old person also has turned the body the suddenly.

Shen BiJun continuously quiet looks in side, gently sighed suddenly, supple voice, “Seniors if wants to kill people in here, should kill here master is first.”

Her sound was similarly gentle with the former days gracefully, but she said in the speech has been hiding actually sharply.

These for more than two years come the vagabond's life, has caused her to learn very many matters after all.

The green gown old person looked at Li QingFeng, coldly said, “Your Since I all has not died, also why anxiously in for a while?”

Li QingFeng is sneering, slowly has finally also sat.

Feng SiNiang smiled.

She walks, has held on Shen BiJun's hand, sweetly said, “I could not think you can come, you certainly also cannot think of me to be able in here.”

Shen BiJun was smiling, nodded.

Feng SiNiang said with a smile, “Between us, certainly does not have what old debt to have luckily to calculate.”

Shen BiJun sweetly said, “You have not changed.”

Feng SiNiang said, “But you resemble actually have somewhat changed.”

Shen BiJun in the pupil melancholy has enriched, lowered the head mournful, does not have the language silently.

Feng SiNiang also said with a smile, “But I am actually scare to death a person the new bride, I each time saw your time, resembles all is the new bride.”

Shen BiJun also thinks very surprisedly, but had not asked actually how she could be the new bride " this family background aristocratic family, the education good typical virtuous young woman, with before was same, never like inquiring about others private affair.

Feng SiNiang eye blink, look at her, said, “you walked certainly the very long road, only then arrives here.”

Shen Bijun said, “Mmm.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Then you certainly already ......”

She was attached to Mr. suddenly Shen Bi nearby the ear, lowly spoke two speeches lowly.

Shen BiJun has blushed, blushes nodded.

Feng SiNiang said with a smile actually, “This is not the disgraced matter, I lead you to go.”

She really pulls up Shen BiJun's hand, nearby the trend door.

Shen BiJun's face is redder, also only then lowered the head actually, is walking with her.

Old person isologue, in the eye has been unable to restrain to reveal the happy expression actually, they knew certainly Feng SiNiang was belt Shen BiJun do any to go.

They all thought Feng SiNiang was really a very wonderful woman, all thought this is really a very wonderful matter, others please come the visitor has just entered the gate, she pulls others side to cause unexpectedly.

This kind of matter besides Feng SiNiang, but also some who can do obtains? Also only then Feng SiNiang make this kind of matter time, others only then can think interesting, does not think the surprise.

30th chapter Can walk room

Outside the gate really has between a small log cabin.

Outside the log cabin has a small ladder, Feng SiNiang pulls Shen BiJun to step onto the ladder, entered between a very narrow gate.

The room is very small very is actually clean.

Feng SiNiang pull visited, only then long puts out the tone. She detected suddenly this is really a woman speaks the intimate conversation the good place, even if the courage is again big, facial skin thick man, also does not dare to break to rush to burst.

She tied up the gate, could not bear saying with a smile, “Now we casually say any in here, all did not fear has been heard by a person.”

Shen Bijun said, “You ...... You have the speech to say to me?”

Feng SiNiang said with a smile, “Is a little the intimate conversation must say to you, but if you has been really anxious, I may wait for you first — —.”

In the house has a small wooden frame, above also Ge Zhuoqi gold lacquer lace lid.

Shen BiJun's face is redder, the head hangs lowly, only is looks this very attractive cover stared blankly.

Feng SiNiang said, “A bit faster, this place although is not smelly, a little is always stuffy.”

Shen BiJun finally has the courage, the speak haltingly or slowly said, “But you — ...... You ......”

Feng SiNiang have smiled, she finally understood, “You want me to exit?”

Shen BiJun blushes, nodded.

Feng SiNiang said with a smile, “I am also a woman? What do you fear? Have I turned away am not good?”

Shen BiJun nips the lip to arouse the brave gas channel, “No good.”

She has a dream all had not thought, wants her to work as unexpectedly others surface is making this kind of matter.

Feng SiNiang look on her face the expression, could not bear nearly needs to laugh.

She finally bears luckily, only is sighed gently, said, “Good under, I exit, but you should better also quick, I also have the important speech to have to tell you.”

She pulls out the door bolt to put out a hand to push the gate. She was astounded. This leafed door could not push unexpectedly start. Did some people visit in the outside lock, must close them in here? This joke also rather opened too unreasonably.

Feng SiNiang were thinking the good gas, is also funny, discovered suddenly this room is moving unexpectedly. Moves toward front, moreover moves very quickly. This room resembles unexpectedly oneself can walk. The gate cannot push regardless of cannot push with the big strength. In Feng SiNiang' controls also braves to be in a cold sweat, she had discovered this matter not likely was cracks a joke. In the room a window does not have continually besides this leafed door. The woman facilitates the place should originally very strict. Feng SiNiang clenched teeth make an effort to hit the gate, the gate which the wood does, as soon as makes an effort by her to hit, this this is hit immediately is split up. Who knows this leafed door is not unexpectedly uses the wood to do completely, between the wood is also clamping the level steel plate. As soon as she makes an effort to hit, the gate has not been hit, she nearly are knocked instead down. Shen BiJun's complexion already started to proceed from, could not bear asking, “How is this a matter?”

Feng SiNiang finally long sighed, said, “Looked like on me others have worked as.”

Shen Jingjun said, “On whose working as?”

Feng SiNiang absorb hate said, “Certainly was on woman's working as, can want the man who I was swindled only to fear now has not lived.”

Shen Bijun said, “Who is this woman?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Hua RuYu.”

Shen Bijun said, “Who is Hua RuYu also person?”

Feng SiNiang said, “my husband.”

Shen BiJun was astounded.

She always very much is short the expression which reveals in front of others is startled to come, when she sees Feng SiNiang now. On the face expression resembles actually was looking an out-and-out lunatic is same.

Feng SiNiang said, “On me my husband's working as, my husband is actually a woman ....... , “She also sighed, forced smile said, “I thought you thought certainly I have been insane.”

Shen BiJun has not denied.

Feng SiNiang said, “She wants me to arrive you here to come, to want I to tell you that two old men is not approximately the good person.”

Shen Bijun said, “They are not good persons?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Because they must use you to make the bait, fishes Xiao Shiyi Lang that big fish.”

Her forced smile, was also saying, “I only then knew now, I am the strip compared to the pig also stupid big silver carp, on unexpectedly her hook.”

Shen BiJun sighed, passes “that two seniors is not gently an unprincipled person, if not for these for two years they look after me, I ...... I also did not live the present.”

Feng SiNiang said, “But they to Xiao Shiyi Lang ......”

Shen Bijun said, “They also do not have the evil intention to Xiao Shiyi Lang, in that puppet Manor time, they continuously in secret are helping him, because they also similarly injured by Count Carefree.”

Although she is controlling with every effort from already, but speaks of “Xiao Shiyi Lang” this name time, in her beautiful eye can not help sad meaning which reveals plants is unable to trace narrates. “

These are also bitter, the happy past events, how can she forget?

These for two years, which does she also have one day to be able not to think him? Which quarter also has to be able not to think him?

She wanted to result in the heart all to break to pieces, has broken to pieces piece by piece, has become the great amount piece garrulously ...... His blood, his perspiration, his chivalry and the tender feelings he that pair greatly shines eye.

“Xiao Shiyi Lang, you now actually in where?”

She shuts the eye, the crystal clear teardrops treasure different rolled down.

Feng SiNiang just stood there staring at her, she knew in her heart in thinks any, because in her heart is also thinking the identical person.

“Haven't you seen him? Also does not have his news.”

This speech she wants to ask, has not asked actually.

She really did not want to ask, really did not endure to injury Shen BiJun again the heart.

“That day I although has been deciding with him, had not found him actually.”

This speech Shen BiJun has not said.

Her sound already hoarse, the throat sobbed.

Did Xiao Shiyi Lang, you know here has two unreasoning passion the woman, thought you wanted to result in the heart all to break to pieces become surely the piece.

— Xiao Shiyi Lang. Why don't you come back?

The room is also moving, moves quickly.

Feng SiNiang have smiled suddenly, said, “Others are, we who facilitates to here actually arrive here incident flow tear, you said is funny.”

She smiled the sound very much to be big, resembles always has not met the such funny matter for a lifetime.

But some who did know in her this laughter, how many is hiding bitterly? How many takes the tear?

A person when true sad should think of a way originally smiled, It was only a pity in the world can have this kind of courage a person are not many.

Shen BiJun could not bear gains ground. Is staring at her.

Now, on her face expression already is not likely is looking a lunatic, she had known she looks now, was how lovable, the how respectable woman.

Feng SiNiang was also looking she does pass “why the such funny matter you not to accompany me suddenly to smile?”

Shen BiJun dangles a said, “I ...... I also want to smile, but I cannot smile.”

Her lovable, because just she cannot smile.

Feng SiNiang' lovable, also because just Feng SiNiang can smile obtain.

They originally are two completely different women, but their emotion actually similarly sincere, similarly great.

If a woman can spare no sacrifice all for love, she on already is a great woman.

In Feng SiNiang hearts is sighing.

If but she Xiao Shiyi Lang she also can beautiful the unreasoning passion woman die for this.

She by does not live puts out a hand, feels Shen BiJun to send supply lightly, the gentle voice passes “you to have no need for uncomfortably, we certainly very quick can see him.”

Shen BiJun was unable to restrain “really to gain ground?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Hua RuYu was certainly wants to use us to hold under duress Xiao Shiyi Lang, therefore she can certainly let Xiao Shiyi Lang know us already in hers hand.”

Shen Bijun said, “You thought he can come to look for us?”

Wind four winsome said, “He can certainly come.”

Shen Jingjun said, “But that Hua RuYu .......”

Feng SiNiang smiled, said, “Do you have no need for worry her, how she can to us? ...... How no matter said she is also a woman after all.......”

On her face is smiling, the heart in toward sinks actually.

Because she knew the woman to the woman, is sometimes more fearful than the man.

She really thought the results like jade cannot use any method to cope with them, she even wants all not to dare to think.

At this moment, this can walk the room has stopped suddenly down.

The room was finally motionless.

But outside does not have the sound actually.

In room stuffy, inlays originally on the wall a lamp, also extinguishes suddenly.

Four changes a piece of darkness suddenly, cannot see including the opposite people.

Feng SiNiang only thought oneself resembled suddenly arrived in not a well ventilated grave, is stuffy Lian Qidu not to be able to pass nearly.

She instead hoped this room could again move.

But this awfully room, should not move time must move, should move time as soon as instead moves also motionless.

Feng SiNiang have smiled suddenly, others Lian Kudu cannot cry time, she also can smile unexpectedly obtains.

She was smiling said, “Now I could not see you, you always might the breathe sigh of relief.”

Shen BiJun does not make noise.

Feng SiNiang said, “If you like this suppress again, perhaps can suppress gets sick.”

Shen BiJun does not make noise.

Feng SiNiang sigh. Listens to a person to eat suddenly said with a smile, “This really emperor is not anxious, the sudden death court eunuch, others you anxiously extend not anxiously?”

The sound is hands down from generation to generation from above. The sound reaches time, the wind has also blown.

On the roof operated a small window unexpectedly, outside the window had a shining eye.

“Xin Xin” Xin Xin is also eating smiled not to stop.

Feng SiNiang wish one could to jump simply, digs out her this both eyes bead.

Xin Xin said with a smile, “Above this wind is very big, you are certainly warm very in under.”

Feng SiNiang clenched teeth said, “You are also willing down to be warm?”

Xin Xin sighed, “It was only a pity I cannot get down.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You cannot open the door?”

Xin Xin said, “Couldn't the key in son there, who also open the gate besides him.”

Feng SiNiang bear were mad, said, “His person?”

Xin Xin said, “The human has not come back.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why doesn't come back?”

Xin Xin said, “Because he also wants to accompany others to look for you, he cannot let others know, is he wants you to walk.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Actually does he want to us how?”

Xin Xin said, “He wants me to deliver you to go home first.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Goes home? Whose home goes?”

Xin Xin said, “Certainly is our family.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Our family?”

Xin Xin lightly said with a smile, “Son's family, how could it not be is also madame your family?”

Feng SiNiang said, “How do we go?”

Xin Xin said, “Goes by car.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You do not put us to exit, how do we sit board?”

Xin Xin said, “Now we on already on carriage.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You have lifted this room boarded?”

Xin Xin said, “An eight Ma La large cart is also quickly steady, three days, we might arrive the home.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Takes three talents to be able the can arrive?”

Xin Xin said, “Most three days.”

Shen BiJun groaned suddenly, put in order individual softly all.

Nobody can suppress three day-long, if but she facilitates in front of others simply was also equal to wants her life.

Feng SiNiang finally could not bear have called, “Do you want us to treat three days in this 铁笼子?”

Xin Xin long said, “In this 铁笼子 also does not have any not to be good actually, if you have been hungry, I also may deliver a delicious thing to go in, if has been thirsty, not only on the carriage has the water, but also has the liquor.”

Feng SiNiang have smiled suddenly, said, “Some how much liquors?”

Xin Xin said, “How many do you want?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Some what liquors?”

Xin Xin said, “What liquor do you want to drink?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Good, you first deliver 20 catties aging huadiao to us to come.”

As soon as is drunk the solution thousand to worry.

Sometimes was drunk has indeed had compared to sober well.

30 catties aging huadiao, with 56 bamboos tube-loaded, has delivered from the above window down, but also some 78 type drink vegetable.

The bamboo tube is very big, a casing most little has three catties.

Feng SiNiang have given Shen BiJun one casing, said, “As soon as is drunk the solution thousand to worry, if is not drunk, three day-long days feared do not feel better very much.”

Shen BiJun hesitated has been finally meeting down.

Feng SiNiang said, “Sings this casing of liquor you to be able to be drunk?”

Shen Bijun said, “I don’t know.”

Feng SiNiang said with a smile, “You also can drink several cups originally, I pour really cannot see Shen BiJun to smile reluctantly, said, “I am very young, the old mother wanted me to accompany her to drink. Feng SiNiang said, “You are drunk have not had?”

Shen Bijun nodded.

Feng SiNiang said with a smile, “You are certainly drunk, Chang Gennei a drunkard in the same place, thought is not drunk is not all good.”

Shen BiJun dangled in a heart to have a needle to puncture as if.

She has been drunk two, two both are for Xiao Shiyi Lang.

She as if 吩 saw him that miserable and the filled with grief singing sound, as if sees with the chopsticks to knock the wine cup, is singing loudly “late spring March loudly, the grass happy grass is long, the cold weather, asked who raises the wolf? Human all pity sheep, wolf alone filled with grief, the sky overhead is unpredictable, worldly affairs like frost!”Xiao Shiyi Lang, you not when mine one's side, in this world also some who can understand your pain and the loneliness? “

Shen BiJun has recommended the bamboo tube suddenly. Has all filled casing of liquor.

Looks like she such virtuous young woman, originally should not this appearance drink, but ready money control he!What virtuous young woman manages his?

Her this life, how could it not be is has been harmed by virtuous young woman these two characters, harms she already not to dare the love, also did not dare to hate, to harm her to be fed up painstakingly has experienced suffering the grievance, also did not dare in front of a person to say a character, she looks Feng SiNiang eat suddenly have smiled: “You are not the virtuous young woman.”

Feng SiNiang acknowledged “I am not, in my root always does not want to be the virtuous young woman.”

Shen Bijun said, “Therefore you live are happier than me.”

Feng SiNiang said with a smile, “I live very much compared to many people all happy.” In her mouth such said, in the heart was asking actually “has really lived really from me is happier than others?”

She has also filled casing of liquor.

The liquor is sour.

A person can happy perhaps in her be exactly a virtuous young woman.

Feng SiNiang said, “A person so long as can often want to open, he lived can be happier than others.”

Shen Pijun said, “If you I, you also can be able to look on the bright side of thing?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I ......”

She was astounded suddenly, she really did not know how should answer.

Shen BiJun eats had smiled, also smiled compares the liquor to be sour, compares the tear also painstakingly.

But she in straight does not stop actually smiled.

Feng SiNiang also asked suddenly “this you had found Xiao Shiyi Lang, could you abandon cut marry to him?”

This speech she usually originally cannot ask, but she suddenly thought now asked also might as well.

Shen BiJun was also eating smiled, “Do I certainly want to marry to him, why I cannot marry to him? Does he like me, I also likes him, why we cannot forever accompany together in the same place?”

She did not stop smiled, smiled turns suddenly has cried, to afterwards could not distinguish clearly was smiled is cries?

If this found Xiao Shiyi Lang she really to be able to marry to her?

If cannot marry, also why looks?

How had found? Is how could it not be more painful?

Shen jade soverign deep sigh rest, in the life originally had the matter which very has no alternative, if you must certainly go to think it, only then increases worriedly.

But if you does not go to think. Is also similarly worried.

Meets was inferior to didn't see, how saw? How doesn't see?

Feng SiNiang said, “You have been drunk.”

Shen Bijun said, “I have been drunk.”

Has really been drunk, if is drunk quick person to be really willing the really to be drunk, is drunk — decides very quickly. Because he is not drunk also may install is drunk.

Most wonderful is, if individual thought the attire is drunk, then actually arrived afterwards often links he also not to be able to distinguish clearly was is drunk in the attire? Is really drunk?

Feng SiNiang have sat, sat “I does not like Yang Kaitai on the place, because he too is honest, too stereotypical.”

Shen Xiejun said, “I know.”

Feng SiNiang said, “But Hua RuYu was actually dishonest, is not stereotypical.”

Shen Bijun said, “If he is really a man, you can marry to him?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I cannot.”

She discovered suddenly, if you have really fallen in love with a man, then has other man compared to his ten times, you can be dead set on love him.

The love, is indeed a very marvelous matter, also cannot reluctantly, also cannot disguise.

Shen BiJun also asked suddenly “you also want to marry to Xiao Shiyi Lang?”

Feng SiNiang said with a smile, “You are mistaken, even if the world men all death ray, I have not been able to marry to him.”

Shen Bijun said, “Why?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Because he likes is you, is not I.” Although she is also smiling, smiled very is actually miserable “therefore you are originally my love rival, I originally should kill you.”

Shen BiJun also smiled.

Two people smiled a group, two casing of liquors have drunk. Then they on did not know again oneself has made any matter, spoke any speech.

Blurry center, they saw Xiao Shiyi Lang as if, Xiao Shiyi Lang turned Lian Chengbi suddenly, turned Yang Kaitai suddenly.

Several thousand several hundred Xiao Shiyi Lang, turned several thousand several hundred Lian Chengbi, Yang Kaitai.

All turned — Hua RuYu to afterwards all people.

Hua RuYu was smiling, stands in front of them, smiled gently, is also moving.

Feng SiNiang was struggling, wants to jump, but hurts likely is actually must split is same, in the mouth does painstakingly.

Hua RuYu micro said with a smile, “This you have really been drunk, has been drunk three days three nights.”

Feng SiNiang really did not know how these three days three nights are pass, but did not know how could it not be compared to knows?

Hua RuYu said, “Luckily you now finally already as safely as family.”

Feng SiNiang could not bear asking, “Whose family?”

Hua RuYu said, “Certainly is our family.” He smiled gently, “Not forgot you acknowledged in front of very many people, you are my wife, now you want to depend, was cannot renege.”

Feng SiNiang said, “I only want to ask you, why you do want me to deceive Shen BiJun?”

Hua RuYu said with a smile, “Because that two old men not good cope with very much, I then use this method, can please obtain her.”

Feng SiNiang said, “How do you want to her?”

Hua RuYu said, “You guess?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Do you also want her to be the wife?”

Hua RuYu said with a smile, “Has been right, the wife is same with the money, is more the better.”

31st chapter Xiao Shiyi Lang where?

Xiao Shiyi Lang, is also Xiao Shiyi Lang.

World all misdemeanors, resembled all do to him.

Hua RuYu said bitterly, “” On because him has snatched my woman, therefore I also must snatch him the woman. “

Feng SiNiang said, “What person has he snatched your?”

Hua RuYu said, “He has snatched my Bing Bing?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Who is Bing Bing?”

Hua RuYu said, “Bing Bing is my younger female cousin, is also my unmarried wife.” He appears angrily, painfully, then said:”But ” that Xiao Shiyi Lang depend his wugong to be higher than actually me, depend him to be richer than me, has robbed unexpectedly mine Bing Bing, Lian Kandu does not have others to look at one. “

Feng SiNiang said, “Xie Tianshi because many her two, therefore the eye only then can blind?”

Hua RuYu nodded sneered said, “If you thought he to hello, you are mistaken, he to Bing Bing was really good, if iced his any matter for Bing Bing all to be a willing worker, Bing Bing he dig out your eyeball to come him not to be able to reject.”

Shen BiJun was called “me not to believe suddenly, you said the speech I a space did not believe continually.”

Hua RuYu sneered said, “You are really do not believe? Does not dare to believe? Does not endure to believe?”

Shen Bijun said, “I die do not believe.”

Hua RuYu sighed, said, “Looked like you really are a foolish woman.”

Shen Bijun said, “I before also has treated unjustly him, but I had known now, he cannot be this kind of person, cannot make this kind of matter.”

Hua RuYu said, “He before perhaps is not this kind of person, but each person can change.”

Shen Bijun said, “No matter how you did say, I do not believe.”

Hua RuYu vision flashes, said, “If I can prove, you how?”

Shen Bijun said, “So long as you can prove he has really made this kind of matter, how you all haven't related casually to me.”

Hua RuYu said, “If I can prove, you are willing to marry to me?”

Shen BiJun clenches teeth said, “I had said, how all hasn't related as you like to me.”

Hua RuYu said, “You had said the speech does keep a promise?”

Shen Dengjun said, “I although is a woman, always has not actually made the matter which fails to keep one's word.”

Hua RuYu said, “Good, I trust you.”

Feng SiNiang said, “How do you prepare to prove looks to her?”

Colored corundum said, “I prepare to let she see Xiao Shiyi Lang and Bing Bing.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Looks to where?”

Hua RuYu said, “big shot building.”

Feng SiNiang said, “What place is the big shot building?”

Hua RuYu said, “Is the place which spends.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Xiao Shiyi Lang in there?”

Hua RuYu said, “These days he certainly nearby Auntie Su, so long as he in neighbor, certainly can go.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why?”

Hua RuYu sneered said, “Because he now is a big shot, if does not bring he as pretty as a flower beautiful woman to declare a position to the big shot building, how could it not be in vain arrived Suzhou.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You also want to lead us to declare a position?”

Hua RuYu said, “So long as you are willing to comply my matter.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You said.”

Hua RuYu said, “You might 睁大 the eye to look, could not open mouth actually.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why?”

Hua RuYu said, “As soon as if because you make noise, any also could not see.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Good, I promise you.”

Hua RuYu said, “You really can shut up continuously do not make noise?”

The wind four reported, “You thought what type woman I am? Is talks too much the husband's mother?”

Hua RuYu smiled said with a smile, “You are certainly not talk too much the husband's mother, but I do not believe you to be able actually really that honest.”

Feng SiNiang resembled must jump, “you own wives all did not trust, who could you also believe?”

Hua RuYu said, “If a man too believed own wife, he is certainly a fool.” He is smiling, then also said, “Yang Kaitai was a fool, otherwise how can let you sneak off?”

Feng SiNiang sighed, said, “He is not a fool, only is a gentleman.”

Hua RuYu said, “But I already am not actually the fool, is also not the gentleman.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Therefore you had decided does not trust me?”

Hua RuYu smiled to Shen BiJun, said, “I may trust her, I knew she is the very honest woman.”

Feng SiNiang said, “I am dishonest?”

Hua RuYu said, “In this room the honest and good-natured person resembles only then her one.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Then how you do prepare? Sews mine mouth?”

Hua RuYu said with a smile, “Only the seam gets up your mouth not usefully, perhaps you can turn a somersault.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You ...... You ...... What method prepares to cope with me with?”

Hua RuYu was smiling, said leisurely, “I can find out a good method to come.”

If you Feng SiNiang such women, honestly sit likely in there motionless, that really needs an extremely special good method.

Feng SiNiang sit honestly in there, moves also motionless.

Because she simply cannot move.

On her body all joints neighbor acupuncture point was trigged all, on the face in Mongolia the level mourning band, in the mouth has also filled a walnut.

This method cannot calculate very ingeniously, but very is actually effective.

Shen BiJun on the face is also hoodwinking the level mourning band.

Auntie Su is not the place which clears very much, the lady of a renowned family comes out when takes a walk, hoodwinks the upper formation mourning band to cover up the face, also cannot calculate very special.

Therefore neighbor but actually also nobody specially pays attention to them.

They dress up very are all magnificent, brocade clothes Chinese dress, full pearls and jade, because here originally is only then the big shots can place.

This place is called the peony the building originally, but usually does not have the peony, only then big shot.

Therefore the peony building turned the big shot building.

Perhaps big shot's meaning, is the very great great person, the northerner cannot understand.

But area Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces' person, mentions “the big shot” these two characters time, all immediately can have profound respect for regardless of this kind of expression any place people all can understand the present is precisely the dusk.

Dusk, usually is also precisely the people is easiest to spend, most wants to spend time.

Had to spend to here comes is really good also did not have again, drank pot tea in here to have to spend your several two money.

Besides each type things all compared to other place expensive 78 times, here resembles also certainly does not have other specially place.

The peony already thanked early, outside in the building parapet, all is suspending several dozens troughs chrysanthemums.

The chrysanthemum opens just colorfully, the crab was also fat.

Eats the crab to enjoy the chrysanthemum, drinks wine to the flower, not only elegant, moreover materially beneficial, is precisely enjoying which the kind appeals to both cultured and popular tastes.

In the building several dozens tables, are emptying have not been many.

Man comes who to here, each one all is 满面红光, all puts on the fresh clothes, is riding the steed to come, some sabers, some swing the folding fan, on the sword all is inlaying on the gem pearl covering of fan all is famous expert's calligraphy and painting, the women certainly all dresses up the acme of beauty and deportment in, resembles arrives is not for eat meal, but is for show off own jewelry.

Did not know actually their itself is also precisely is brought by the men to here to melt Yao.

A man one's side, if has the beautiful woman who a whole body is bedecked with jewels, how could it not be is also precisely a kind of best decoration.

Feng SiNiang and Shen BiJun sit in the quoin close right up against the parapet on the seat, Hua RuYu black clothing skull cap, the gauge presently rectangular rectangular stood in them behind, unexpectedly the share becomes has served the young male servant who madame young lady came out declares a position.

Although they do not have the man to accompany in side, but is also not specially remarkable.

To here woman, not necessarily all has the man is accompanying, in Jiang-hu female big shot also many, moreover, but also has is thought here fishes — in the big shot building man, one each one all all is the big fish.

A biggest fish on the seat in front of them outside several tables, is keeping the middle-aged man who two casts aside the small beard, the round face, the fair and clear skin, both hands also maintain are tenderer than the young girl. In the hand wears compared to 铜铃 the also big Chinese jade ring.

His one's side woman certainly is also most beautiful, not only beautiful, moreover extremely young, looked like cannot be bigger than his daughter, a beautiful big eye, but is also bringing several minute children's naive, a small mouth resembles always is 噘, smiled time, the nose always is can wrinkle a wrinkle first, appears charming and attractive which cannot say, cannot say the love is tender.

This is precisely one kind of woman who the middle-aged man most likes.

Therefore the neighbor men could not bear want to look secretly her two, the women eye leaves could not bear must go to that pair which has a look on her ear to wear compared to the spring water also green jadeite earring.

That is true “the grandmother is green”, is green crystal clear, is much greener, was green all makes each woman's heart to move.

This kind envies the meaningful glance which, is jealous, always can make her to think very happily.

Can make “Liu Suzhou” the wife, is really a very happy matter, regardless of is the several wives similarly to be all happy.

On only this earring, paternal aunt Su Jiuhen difficult to look obtains the second pair.

They behind except a maidservant and a good-looking boy attendant, but also has a waist is the long sword, the pale face black-clothed guy, holds the sword to stand.

Regardless of Liu Suzhou all is leading a bodyguard to any place.

Liu Suzhou's four bodyguards, do not have one are not the skilled people.

This saber big Chinese surname was high, calls high just. The person “expels wind from the body the sword”.

Although Jiang-hu Chinese and foreign yell “expels wind from the body the sword” a person many, but can have this nickname a person, gets rid of thinks quickly always.

When but he sees two people who sat on the opposite table, on the face reveals color of actually the respect.

Not only high 剑法 was just quick, moreover also was a worldly-wise person, he recognized these two people.

Takes a walk on Jiang-hu, even if does not recognize these two people, also has listened to their name at least, not only “Ouyang brothers” is the famous family juniors, moreover made several in Jiang-hu to create a stir, the exciting matter.

Two variants Europe relief inscription Zhong, in the palm one pair “the child and mother to the soul circle”, is in particular the entrance door weapon which the long since is lost.

The Ouyang aristocratic family originally is in the martial arts world by one of three big aristocratic families which abundant is famous richly, this brothers two people, certainly are also the big pavilions.

Xiao Shiyi Lang?

Cannot see Xiao Shiyi Lang.

They have already waited in here two days, Xiao Shiyi Lang continuously all have not appeared, “so long as he arrived nearby Auntie Su, certainly can come.”

“How did you know he can arrive nearby Auntie Su?”

Feng SiNiang nearly already did not want again to wait to get down, this kind of matter she really cancould bear.

But at this moment, Xiao Shiyi Lang finally came.

The human often are this appearances, you more worry, more cannot wait, you did not want to wait, he came actually.

Brand-new, is pulling with eight steeds the black japan horse-drawn carriage, stopped outside the gate.

All never has seen the so magnificent horse-drawn carriage including Feng SiNiang.

Xiao Shiyi Lang was ride this horse-drawn carriage to come, he is not a person comes.

Except two boy attendants, four servant girls and that are putting on outside the satin clothes horse cart driver, but also has a hair to be jet black, the white clothing like snow outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman is accompanying him.

“This is Bing Bing.”

Looks from the building, also cannot see Bing Bing the face, only can see her one to give also smooth, compared to on the silk also soft jet black hair and the hair compared to the satin that compared to the longan also big pearl.

Xiao Shiyi Lang take the lead she to fall the latter half step, with a supple white delicately beautiful hand, is lightly pulling Xiao Shiyi Lang' arm.

They have gone down the carriage, enters the gate, looked from the building, also cannot see his face.

This person is really Xiao Shiyi Lang? Feng SiNiang and Shen BiJun all are unable to restrain 睁大 the eye to look at the staircase mouth, also thought the palpitation sped up three times suddenly, the breath has resembled all possibly stops as necessary, they hoped wholeheartedly could see Xiao Shiyi Lang, hoped actually this individual was not Xiao Shiyi Lang.

In the staircase had the sound of footsteps to pass on. Their palpitation is more and more quick, their breath stops suddenly, they already saw an eye, a shining eye, is bright was likely the fall night a brightest star.

This person is really Xiao Shiyi Lang

Xiao Shiyi Lang came.

Xiao Shiyi Lang originally are not fastidious very much the attire person, sometimes even all does not put on the sock. But on his body puts on now, is actually the material noblest clothes, tailors fine gives self up to, clothes are the pure black, is black is likely his neck is same.

Soft next to the skin clothes, cause him to put in order looked like personally likely was the gun which a pole just built up, luminous, was slender, is very straight.

His shoulder not too width, the waist actually very is thin, is the strip black skin waistband, the waistband acclivity is inserting a handle knife.

A handle form unusual short sword, the scabbard is unexpectedly as if the gold hits, is actually inlaying three grain of worlds rare black pearls.

Such a handle knife, is setting off that body black clothes, appears eye-catching which cannot say.

Besides this handle knife, on his body any other decoration, actually has not caused him to reach looked like personally highlights him extremely to understand now noblly puts on clothes.

Xiao Shiyi Lang originally are a person who is not fastidious very much decorates, the beard always do not blow, sometimes even meets several days not to take a bath, but his face actually blows now very much cleanly, all prunes including the nail very much neatly, his hair is obviously passes through combs carefully, each all combs very much neatly, his clothes are also very straight, from top to bottom, cannot find including a wrinkle.

Feng SiNiang was startled look at him, if not for the mouth is blocked, now certain could not bear must call, she really did not believe this individual was she before recognized that Xiao Shiyi Lang, Xiao Shiyi Lang resembled unexpectedly are old.

Besides that handle knife, Bing Bing is his only decoration, she is really the woman who a man 引以为荣, she is very young, extremely young.

Her skin appeared pale too slightly, caused her to look like actually delicately, her eye also likely was the child pure bright, also was actually bringing the melancholy which the kind could not say.

In Liu Suzhou place that girl, this already is the very rare beautiful woman, but one resembled now with her changes suddenly is more vulgar than.

Feng SiNiang detected suddenly her beautiful is unexpectedly and Shen BiJun belongs to the identical kind, only she is younger than Shen BiJun, more delicate.

She does not look like Shen BiJun to be so gentle, then quiet.

Regardless of everybody can see, she is a very arrogant woman, besides Xiao Shiyi Lang, in this world the good elephant already did not have a person was is worth her looking at one, even if others died in front of her, she could not look at one.

“This is Bing Bing.”

Shen BiJun's heart in toward sinks.

“For Bing Bing. If his any matter all is a willing worker, Bing Bing he dig out your eyeball to come, he cannot reject.”

Shen BiJun's hand and foot already ice-cold, all has no alternative but to acknowledg including her, Bing Bing is really worth the man sacrificing all women.

“Only then Bing Bing only then matches on Xiao Shiyi Lang, because she is also young, she has already not gotten married, also cannot bring the worry for Xiao Shiyi Lang.”

Shen BiJun was intimate friends all coldly has passed, she detected suddenly she originally should not come.

She had been determined does not let Xiao Shiyi Lang see her again, is also not willing to bring any puzzle again for Xiao Shiyi Lang.

“An my such person, he has not lived is how could it not be happier is much happier? Shen BiJun makes an effort to nip the lip, tear oneself is flowing off the cheek. Xiao Shiyi Lang knew others are looking at him, each individual all is looking at him, looked his clothes, looked his knife, looks at his one's side beautiful woman. He does not care about, he always does not like others paying attention to him originally, but the present has changed actually, not only changes completely does not care about, even looks like fortunately very happily, Xiao Shiyi Lang resembled unexpectedly turned a person who Liu Suzhou equally liked showing off likely. Bing Bing hand, pulls on Xiao Shiyi Lang arm, like this walks in the big crowd of people, without doubt was too intimate. But she does not care about, although she is smiling, treats Xiao Shiyi Lang one to smile personally actually. She smiled very much sweetly was also very arrogant. She knew in this peony building 光采, has been snatched completely by them. They walk go upstairs, are bringing the crowd, likely is a king accompanies his empress 走入 the palace. The storekeeper guides in front, 满脸 all is the smiling face which flatters, “The that side also has Zhang Kaochuang the table, sir sat first down in there, the villain soaks the pot good tea.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang nodded slightly, he has not paid attention listens to this person's speech, also has not paid attention to in the restaurant these people.

Looked like he the person resembles also in another world, completely not nice others worlds.

When they pass through in front of Liu Suzhou, Bing Bing halt suddenly, the eye has observed closely that pair of jadeite earring.

Wears the earring the young girl had smiled, she finally has a type thing is this arrogant woman does not compare.

Bing Bing pulled Xiao Shiyi Lang, said suddenly, “You looked how this does pay the earring?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang have not gone to look, only nodded, said, “Is also good.”

Bing Bing said, “I like its color.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You like?”

Bing Bing said, “I like very much, did not know actually this girl is willing to give me?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “She is certainly willing.”

Liu Suzhou's complexion has changed, could not bear saying, “I know her certainly not to be willing.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled, smile also looked like before unexpectedly are same, sluggish, was bringing meaning of the mock which the kind could not say, said, “Her matter you know?”

Liu Suzhou said, “I knew certainly, because this pays the earring originally is I.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “But you have given her.”

Liu Suzhou said, “Her person is also I.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sighed, said, “You such speak, also did not fear has hurt her feelings? Liu Suzhou calm face, coldly said, “I had said, her person is also I.”

That young girl dangled the head, in the eye has been unable to restrain to reveal color of the hidden bitterness.

Xiao Shiyi Lang looked at her one, said with a smile lightly, “You are his wife?”

The young girl shook the head.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Is his daughter?”

The young girl shook the head.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Then how you can be he?”

Liu Suzhou resembles soon jumped, said loudly, “Because I have bought her.” “Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “How many money buys with?”

Liu Suzhou said, “You cannot manage.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “If I must certainly manage?”

What thing couldn't Liu Suzhou bear jumped “you is finally? Dared in front of me so impolite?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I am not the thing, I am individual.”

Liu Suzhou complexion was mad turns green, suddenly greatly drank “high just” Gao Gang hand already to grip the sword hilt, a horizontal body, stood suddenly in front of Xiao Shiyi Lang.

Liu Suzhou said, “I do not want again to see this person. Asked him to get down.”

Just coldly high sees Xiao Shiyi Lang, said, “He said he is not willing to see you again, has heard?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang, “Hears very clearly.”

Gao Gang said, “You 走远?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I like here.”

Gao Gang sneered, said, “Do you want to lie down in here?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You want me to lie down?”

Gao Gang said, “Has been right.”

He draws a sword suddenly, a sword truncates to Xiao Shiyi Lang' chest.

Sword brightness like the electricity, “expels wind from the body the sword” is really quick.

Some people have been unable to restrain to send out have called out in alarm, this sword looks pricked Xiao Shiyi Lang' chest.

Xiao Shiyi Lang gearing has not moved actually, only puts out a hand, on the ridges on the side of a sword blade gently a ball, only listened to “bit” a sound, the sword blade to break suddenly, broke 78 inches long one section.

Is also “ding” a sound, has broken off the sword blade falls on the place.

Gao Gang complexion has already changed, loses the voice, “You ...... Who are you person?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I am surnamed Xiao.” Gao Gang said, “Xiao? Xiao what?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Xiao Shiyi Lang.”

32nd chapter seniority order among brothers double marquis

Xiao Shiyi Lang!

This name likely is a big iron hammer, “Thud” knocked all of a sudden on Gao Gangtou.

Gao Gang also thought the ear “humming sound” the sound, is startled front looks this person, saw from his face his knife, “you are Xiao Shiyi Lang?”

“I am.”

On Gao Ganglian beads of sweat started place to brave toward outside, turns around suddenly, “He said he likes keeping here?”

On Liu Suzhou face also could not see the scarlet, nodded “I to hear reluctantly.”

Gao Gang said, “He is Xiao Shiyi Lang.”

Liu Suzhou said, “I know.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang' name, he has also heard.

Gao Gang said, “Xiao Shiyi Lang if said he likes keeping here, nobody can want him to walk.”

Liu Suzhou has gotten hold of the double fist, the pale face was saying, “He does not walk, you walk.”

Gao Gang said, “Good, I walk.”

He really said unexpectedly walks, does not return walks went downstairs.

Liu Suzhou pays his price although good, but always does not have own head to be good.

Moreover, is expelled by Xiao Shiyi Lang, is also not the disgraced matter.

Liu Suzhou looks he walks goes downstairs, sighed suddenly said with a smile reluctantly, “I really did not know you are Xiao Shiyi Lang.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said lightly, “Now you have known?”

Liu Suzhou said, “You really like this vice- earring?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “No I likes, is she likes.”

Liu Suzhou said, “She likes the thing, you all give her?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang nodded slowly, has duplicated a his speech character character “the thing which she likes, I all give her.”

Liu Suzhou clenched teeth, said, “Good, then I give you, we become friends.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I do not want you to deliver, also does not want to make you this kind of friend.”

Liu Suzhou's complexion has changed, bears the gas say, “How do you want?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “This vice- earring is also you buys down?”

Liu Suzhou said, “Yes.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “How many money buys with?”

Liu Suzhou said, “Several 1200.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I give you 16,200.”

He wields has waved the hand, has an intelligent clever boy attendant immediately, picked two paper money to deliver.

“This is Yang Jia 'the source records' the paper money which the money shop opens, full cash. “

Liu Suzhou clenches teeth has received down, loudly said suddenly, “For him.”

Young girl's eye socket has been red, takes off the earring suffering from injustice, places on the table.

Liu Suzhou said, “Now the earring already was you, if did not have any other matter, your excellency might as well did as you please.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled suddenly, said, “I also have the type other matter.”

Liu Su subian color, “Also what matter has?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I had said, I like here.”

Liu Suzhou said, “You ...... You ...... Do you want me to give this seat you?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Good.”

Liu Suzhou whole body all had been mad trembles, said, “I —. If I am not willing to let?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang chat, “You can certainly let.”

Liu Suzhou can certainly let, met Xiao Shiyi Lang, what other method can he also have?

Xiao Shiyi Lang sit down, takes up that vice- earring, micro said with a smile:This earring color is really very good. “

Bing Bing smiled said with a smile, “But I have not liked it now.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang were also unable to restrain was astounded, said, “Now you have not liked it?”

Bing Bing supple voice, “It let you annoy has such troubled. Am I how also sure to like it?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang have smiled, he smiled suddenly changes very much gently, very happily “since you has not liked it, I think it has also disliked.”

He was smiling, waved the hand suddenly vice- just uses unexpectedly this the earring which 16,200 money bought, ejected outside by far the window.

Bing Bing has also smiled, smiled gently, happier.

Feng SiNiang nearly gas have broken the belly actually.

She really could not think Xiao Shiyi Lang could turn a person unexpectedly who such domineerang and tyrannicaled.

As soon as if not for she moves cannot move, only feared already jumped, an ear and the area around it has slapped.

She really wants to go to ask him, was has forgotten the time which before Lian Chiwan the beef noodles all had 欠账.

She wants to go to ask him, was oneself has forgotten Shen BiJun, forgot this once to sacrifice all women for him.

It was only a pity a her space cannot say, only then sat helplessly in here looks at the vitality.

Before she was always complaining Xiao Shiyi Lang, why don't take a bath? Does not shave? Why liked putting on the double shoe sole already to come by the produce by rubbing or grinding big hole by the boots?

Now Xiao Shiyi Lang have been clean are likely have just peeled the shell egg.

But she thought actually, before that Xiao Shiyi Lang. Far compared to present this appearance lovable several hundred time, several thousand times.

Shen BiJun also motionlessly sat in there.

What taste now in her heart is?

Feng SiNiang want all not to dare continually to want not to endure to think.

If she Shen BiJun, perhaps had been mad now takes one 撞死.

Xiao Shiyi Lang, you originally are a person who feels emotion has righteousness, why can turn present this appearance?

Liu Suzhou walked, just sat originally down starts to drink “Ouyang brothers”, this moment could not drink unexpectedly as if the liquor, two human of isologues, has stood Bing Bing to cast a glance their one quietly with the corner of the eye, said suddenly, “Two oneself preparations walked?”

Brother Ouyang to looked at one, age young have finally turned head said with a smile reluctantly, “This girl is in speaks with us?”

Bing Bing said, “Yes.” Ouyang Wen extends said, “We and girl unknown, what does the girl have to advise?”

Bing Bing said, “You do not recognize me, I recognize you actually.”

Ouyang Wen Zhong said, “Oh ......”

Bing Bing said, “You call Europe relief inscription Zhong, he calls Europe the relief inscription uncle, brothers two people is both not the good thing.”

Ouyang Wen Zhong's complexion also changed.

Ouyang Wen Bo said sternly, “Did my brothers also have what place to offend the girl?”

Bing Bing said, “You do not know?”

Ouyang Wen Zhong said, “I don’t know.”

Bing Bing paid no attention to them suddenly, has turned the head to ask Xiao Shiyi Lang “you did not recognize them?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Does not recognize.”

Bing Bing said, “But they always use the eye to stare me actually.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Oh.”

Bing Bing said, “I do not like others staring me with the eye.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I know.”

Bing Bing said, “I do not like their eye.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You do not like?”

Bing Bing said, “I simply repugnant extremely.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sighed, said, “Two the speech which hears her to say does not have?”

Ouyang Wen Zhong complexion also already pale, bears reluctantly was mad, said, “What did she say?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “She said she does not like your eye.”

Ouyang Wen Zhong said, “Eye long on we body, has no need for others to like originally.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang discuss palely, “Others since dislikes your eye, what you also do want this eye to do?”

Ouyang Wen Bo changes the color, “What meaning are you are?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “My meaning you should understand.”

Ouyang Wen Zhong also pale face, said, “Did you think we dig out this eye to come?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Indeed has this meaning.”

Ouyang Wen Zhong sneered suddenly, said, “Such being the case, why don't you come to begin?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled said with a smile, “The eye is you, why wants me to begin?”

Ouyang Wen Zhong face up laughed, said, “This person wants we to dig out own unexpectedly eye to come.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Own dig out the eye, always is chopped by a person the head to be better than at least.”

Promises in the big peony building, changed suddenly links a sound not to have, each person's control all seeped the Ling perspiration.

Others only looked at her two, they want others to dig out own unexpectedly eye.

In the world has the such brutal person unexpectedly.

This person is unexpectedly Xiao Shiyi Lang

Feng SiNiang really cannot believe, does not dare to believe, but this matter unexpectedly is real.

Before she dies these speeches which did not believe, now looked like is not unexpectedly all false.

Feng SiNiang close the eye. She has not wanted again to look, also does not endure to look again, her clothing tear has also flowed down.

Brother Ouyang in the hand are raising a cloth wrapper originally, now suddenly has put, places on the table.

The cloth wrapper is as if very heavy.

Xiao Shiyi Lang look at them, looks on the table the cloth wrapper, smiled suddenly said with a smile, “The wrought iron mandarin duck turns with the child and mother leaves the soul circle?”

Ouyang Wen Zhong said, “Good.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Awfully the gold old seven died in years past since 12 series shipyards, in Jiang-hu resembled on nobody uses the child and mother to leave the soul circle again '' this kind of pointed weapons. “Ouyang Wen Zhong said, “Good.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “This kind of pointed weapons style change is it is said most unusual, completely is all different with all soft hard pointed weapons.”

Ouyang Wen Zhong said, “Good.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Because this kind of pointed weapons are not already long, is also not short, is also not soft, is also not hard. If does not have 15 year above the duration and degree of cooking, very is difficult to display.”

Ouyang Wen Zhong said, “Good.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Therefore in Jiang-hu always are not many with this kind of pointed weapons person, can use this kind of pointed weapons certainly is the master.”

Ouyang Wen Zhong sneered said, “Looked like your experience is not really bad.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “The wrought iron mandarin duck turns, one long one short is also the entrance door weapon which the kind very difficult to practice, moreover also may smuggle the hidden weapon, it is said in years past Tai Lake three outstanding, is dies under this pair of weapon.”

Ouyang Wen Zhong sneered said, “Dies a person who turns in this iron, also Tai Lake three outstanding.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Two family backgrounds famous families, with is also this kind of extremely rare entrance door weapon, wugong thought is good.”

Ouyang Wen Zhong said, “Pours also can pass.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled, said, “Very good.”

He has stood slowly, easily walks long-drawn-out, smiled was saying:Now “you might as well in once get rid of, so long as you can meet live my three moves, I .......”

Ouyang Wen Zhong snatches immediately is asking, “You how?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said lightly, “I on from have dug out me to give you from this binocular bead.”

Ouyang Wen Zhong could not bear face up laughed, said, “Good, good spirit, good Xiao Shiyi Lang.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Xiao Shiyi Lang regardless of is good is bad, said the speech, pours never has not to keep a promise.”

Ouyang Wen Bo said, “My brothers if links your three moves not to be able to meet, later also has not had the face to appear in public, would rather simply digs out this eye to come, to pour ends up to turn out a cleanness.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Such being the case, what do you also wait for?”

Ouyang Wen Zhong said, “You so long as we meet your three moves?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Good, three moves ......”

Nobody will be able to strike in three moves on “Ouyang brothers” but actually, Brother Ouyang will not be a person who easy to cope with.

Not only Feng SiNiang detected Xiao Shiyi Lang to change suddenly, moreover was unexpectedly likely oneself turns an arrogant lunatic.

The human has dispersed, draws back nearby the parapet.

And nobody pushes them, is working off anger which one kind cannot see, compels them.

Nobody is willing to approach Xiao Shiyi Lang and Brother Ouyang, nobody gives up actually leaves.

Xiao Shiyi Lang will really be able to shake the world in three moves “the seniority order among brothers double marquis” to strike but actually?

This fights is certainly so long as has the eye a person, all is not willing to miss.

Brother Ouyang had turned around to untie their cloth wrapper slowly slowly.

Their each movement very is all slow, obviously is wants to use this final moment time, causes oneself to get down calmly as far as possible, considered oneself should use any style to meet the enemy.

They all knew present must certainly be calm.

The master contends with, a flustered person, not different is a dead person, this brothers two people are really worthily the martial arts world masters who has fought many battles.

The wind 吹进 from the window, the wind changes suddenly very much coldly.

Only listens “to bite the bell bell” a sound, Ouyang Wen Zhong deters Jiang-hu the child and mother to the soul circle in the hand, Yu Muli the soul circle was dodging the light under the lamp, looked that only is the series steel loop which two none remainings four shoot, is only the genuine expert, only then knew this kind of art of making oneself invisible pointed weapons the might is how fearful.

The wrought iron mandarin duck turns is actually swarthy, is swarthy and is heavy, the right hand turns long, the left hand turns short, two bases altogether weight 63 catties. If does not have the astonishing strength of arm, Lian Tidu is very difficult to raise.

Xiao Shiyi Lang was smiling continuously, looks at them, loudly approves the road suddenly, “Good!Good weapon.”

As soon as Ouyang Wen Zhong skill shakes, the child and mother also was “bites the bell bell” to the soul circle a sound, the sound has shaken a person soul sufficiently.

This is his answer.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “With this kind of pointed weapons murder, looked like is really easy very.”

Ouyang Wen Bo coldly said, “No indeed difficult.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said with a smile, “If you today can be able to block my three moves, not only immediately 名扬天下, moreover achieves both fame and fortune looked like because resembles difficultly also not.”

Ouyang Wen Zhong sneered.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said easily, “It was only a pity the world does not certainly have this kind of cheap matter, since I dare to promise you, certainly has confidence.”

Ouyang Wen Bo also sneered said, “If you want to use this kind of speech to harass our mood, you made a mistake the idea.”

Ouyang Wen Zhong said, “My brothers body after size several hundred wars, but also does not have a list to depend on several speeches to frighten us.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled, said, “I only want to remind a your matter.”

Ouyang Wen Bo said, “What matter?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I only hoped you not had to forget me to use are any knife.”

Brother Ouyang all are unable to restrain the peak however to change countenance “shear the deer knife?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Good, Deer-carving sabre.”

Brother Ouyang are staring at on his waistband knife, a moment ago imposing manner resembled already the weak three minute.

Xiao Shiyi Lang discuss the pale said, “You ought to know, this is a treasured sword which the handle cuts iron like mud, turns including 63 catty heavy wrought iron mandarin duck, also can truncate equally breaks.”

Ouyang Wen Bo shakes a pair of hand which the iron turns, on the hand back was having a blue vein root bulge, the corner of the eye in does not stop is beating.

He this has gotten down calmly the mood this moment changes suddenly somewhat restlessly.

Xiao Shiyi Lang as if have not paid attention to their facial expression, also said, “Therefore I urge you, best not must use the weapon to put up my knife.”

His hand oneself has gripped the hilt.

Will his knife be will leave the sheath?

The wind is colder, some people have tightened the front of the clothes quietly.

Brother Ouyang the footsteps move suddenly, the personal appearance interlocks, in this flash, their oneself spoke two speeches, “Only defends does not attack” “retreats in order to advance” brothers two human of regards to be interlinked, the carriage coordination, is in perfect harmony, they collaborate to accept a challenge, this already was not certainly first.

Avoids three moves so long as in any case, even if won.

Your knife cuts iron like mud, we most do not put up your knife, links three moves all to dodge cannot avoid?

Two human of carriages unfold move, leaves outside unexpectedly continuously Xiao Shiyi Lang seven feet.

His arm adds on the knife, most also only in six feet, if wants to strike them but actually, takes advantage of a situation to move essential.

As soon as so long as his knife moves, even if attacked one move.

Xiao Shiyi Lang look at them, smiled suddenly.

Brother Ouyang have not seen his smiling face actually, is only looking his hand, grasps the knife the hand.

Xiao Shiyi Lang finally slow steamed bread draws out his knife.

His movement was also very slow, the knife is 淡青色, also not eye-catching ray.

But a knife sheath as if has the stock indescribable malignant influences threatening close.

Brother Ouyang exchanged a meaningful glance, the personal appearance still 游走 do not stop.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have raised his knife slowly, very slow very slow ......

Brother Ouyang's eye, along with his hand in knife migration, own carriage also was cannot help but slow.

But his knife oneself moves, as soon as so long as moves one move.

Is left over already only then two moves.

Xiao Shiyi Lang resemble unexpectedly is also appreciating own knife, said easily, “This is the first move.”

This move is certainly is unable to offend somebody, altogether only then three moves, his oneself even has wasted one move in vain.

Did this person is it possible that really turn an arrogant lunatic?

Suddenly, 淡青色 sabre brightness like the blue rainbow flies, the lightning attacks fiercely to Ouyang Wen Bo under.

This knife potential like thunder, the prestige cannot work as, already and that move was no comparison between them a moment ago.

Ouyang Wen Bo's complexion in sabre brightness under twisted.

In although his hand iron turns heavily, does not dare to meet hard frame this knife hardly actually, he then fends.

Ouyang Wen Zhong worried as soon as his elder brother dodges cannot avoid, sees behind Xiao Shiyi Lang the empty gate big dew, the child and mother to shake to the soul circle, has pounded to Xiao Shiyi Lang' 后背.

Who knows Xiao Shiyi Lang this knife unexpectedly is also the empty move, calculated actually he had this move to attack, as soon as wriggles the waist suddenly area, the lightning got rid of holds his child and mother to proceed to the soul circle.

Area this ferocity the strength, makes one be unable unexpectedly to imagine.

Ouyang Wen Zhong only thought the tigers mouth cracks, the child and mother has let go to the soul circle, the body with is running out to front, hits unexpectedly by chance in on Xiao Shiyi Lang' left elbow, if is struck by the iron hammer, the eye becomes dark suddenly, a blood has spurted.

In Xiao Shiyi Lang hand just seized gives the mother to the soul circle, the might has not faded to after has flung.

Ouyang Wen Bo's personal appearance is fending to here, considers only is fending his right hand the knife, has a dream also could not think his left hand have also been many a child and mother to the soul circle, as soon as only listens “to bite the bell bell” a sound, cold brightness dodges, then some piece of blood splash welcomed the face to spurt, spurted on his face happen to.

In this identical in an instant, the child and mother has also hit to the soul circle on his chest.

His eye is covered by that blood, although could not see this fatal weapon, may hear oneself rib disruption clearly actually the sound.

Covers up his eye the blood is his brothers spurts, hits on his chest the weapon is also his brothers' weapon.

Xiao Shiyi Lang altogether have only used three moves.

不多不少, only then three moves.

Each people all opened the eye, the screen have lived the breath, was startled looks Brother Ouyang got down but actually.

When they looked again when Xiao Shiyi Lang, Xiao Shiyi Lang have sat down, the knife has sheathed.

Bing Bing looks at him, the beautiful eye, filled has been honorable and is arrogant, sweetly said, “You resemble only use two moves to strike them but actually.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I have used three moves.”

Bing Bing said, “Your that first move also useful?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Certainly useful, each move all useful.” He is smiling, then said, “The first move is for must attract their attention, lets their complete spirit all concentrate on this handle knife. Their carriage also naturally could slow down.”

Bing Bing said, “Third move?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “The second move is for must compel both of them in the same place, also for is wants him not to guard against my left hand.”

Bing Bing sighed, said, “The third move was true fatal one has incurred.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said lightly, “They are also living now, because I do not only want their life.”

Bing Bing winked eye blink, also said with a smile, “Not only looks like your these three moves all usefully, spoke these speeches usefully including you also all.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said with a smile, “But speaks is cannot frighten a person, also cannot calculate offends somebody style.”

Bing Bing said, “Therefore you have only used three moves?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang nodded said, “I have only used three moves.”

Bing Bing said, “Therefore they have lost.”

Brother Ouyang struggle are standing, on Wen Botui bloodstain has not done, Wen Zhonggeng already surface like dying embers.

Bing Bing has turned the head, to look at them suddenly, said, “My brothers if links your three moves not to be able to meet, later also has not had the face to appear in public, would rather simply digs out this eye to come, also ends up to turn out a cleanness.”

This story-telling script is Ouyang Wen Bo said, now unexpectedly did not omit a single word said by Bing Bing, including the facial expression tone, all studied true to life.

“You also remembered who this speech is said?”

Ouyang Wen Bo clenches teeth, nodded.

Bing Bing said, “Now you already have lost?”

Ouyang Wen Bo cannot deny.

Ice-cold said with a smile, “Since has lost, what now you also do wait for?”

Ouyang Wen Bo suddenly face up mirthless smile, said sternly, “My brothers although scholarship not fine, is not actually a person who fails to keep one's word.”

Bing Bing said, “Very good, I also hoped you are not a person who fails to keep one's word, because you depend also cannot renege.”

Ouyang Wen Bo clenched teeth, stretches out two fingers suddenly, bends like the eagle claw, has dug to own eye.

But if regardless of who digs own eye, the hand always can soft.

Ouyang Wen Zhong said suddenly, “You dig me, I dig you.”

Ouyang Wen Bo said, “Good” this brothers two people must dig mutually unexpectedly the eyeball, some people had turned the head, does not endure to look, some people bent the waist the pedal, oneself could not bear nearly want to vomit.

Xiao Shiyi Lang maintain composure unexpectedly, really are this person's feelings the iron hit?

Listens to a person to say loudly suddenly, “If you they dig out the eye to come, first digs out my eye to come.”

The 33rd chapter Love is gives

Although the sound is shivering, although filled has been sad and is angry, but the belt planted the spring breeze actually gentleness, spring Shui Pan charming.

Xiao Shiyi Lang' complexion has changed, the palpitation resembles stopped suddenly, the blood resembles congealed suddenly, he can hear this sound.

He dies cannot forget this sound.

Shen Bijun!This is certainly Shen BiJun's sound.

Xiao Shiyi Lang die cannot forget Shen BiJun, even if dies 1000 times, 10,000, also does not forget.

He has not seen Shen Bijun.

In the quoin has the surface Mongolia mourning band the woman, the body in does not stop continuously trembles.

Is she Shen BiJun, is he remembers with eternal gratitude, is lost in a reverie a person who, the eternal life is also unable to dismiss from mind.

His whole body blood seethes with excitement suddenly, is intimate friends all resembles has burnt.

But he did not dare the past, he feared disappointedly, he already disappointed too many times.

Bing Bings a shining eye. Is also staring at this surface Mongolia mourning band woman, coldly said, “you do have to dig for them the eye? What person are you their?”

Shen Bijun said, “I am not their any person, but I rather die am not willing to see this kind of matter.”

Bing Bing said, “Since you they have not related, why hoodwinks the face not to dare to see the human?”

Shen Bijun said, “I have certainly my reason.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang also sit unexpectedly in there, the gearing has not moved.

— has he forgotten me?

Shen BiJun's heart has broken to pieces, puts in order individual all to resemble has become the great amount piece garrulously.

But she reluctantly is controlling own actually, she forever all is the woman who has the education.

Bing Bing said, “You do not want to tell yours reason I?”

Shen Bijun said, “Does not think.”

Bing Bing smiled suddenly said with a smile, “But I want to have a look you actually.”

She stands unexpectedly, walks, is smiling said, “I thought you are certainly a very attractive woman, because your sound was also very pleasant to hear.”

She smiled really sweetly, really beautifully, is really a beautiful woman who 倾国倾城.

She indeed has been able to match on Xiao Shiyi Lang.

Why but can her feelings be so virulent? Why do Xiao Shiyi Lang want to listen to her speech?

— she has come now, Xiao Shiyi Lang instead do not come, besides her, in his eye also oneself doesn't have other woman?

In Shen BiJun's heart on in by the acupuncture, on each piece of 破碎 heart all is being had as if a needle.

Bing Bing oneself arrived in front of her, smiled that is sweet, the supple voice, “Can you raise the face on mourning band, lets me have a look you?”

Since he could not listen to my sound, why I also do have to let him see me?

Since in his heart I, we why again have not met?

Bing Bing said, “Do you let me look is not all good?”

Shen Bijun said, “No good.”

Bing Bing said, “Why?”

Shen Bijun said, “No good is not good.”

She has been unable to control again nearly oneself, she will put in order individual all to collapse.

Bing Bing sighed, said, “Since you is not willing oneself to raise this veil to come, had to let me raise for you.”

She really extends unexpectedly got rid of.

Her hand is also beautiful, beautiful does not result in the slight defect.

Shen BiJun looked this both hands extend, nearly also could not bear must get rid of.

I cannot get rid of, could not injury his beloved woman.

— his after all oneself sacrifices in any event for me very many, has after all had the true feelings to me, how can I injury him the heart?

Shen BiJun made an effort to get hold of own hand, the nail all pricked the palm.

Bing Bing orchid's finger, has pressed firmly between the fingers her veil, put suddenly has gotten down said, “I have no need for actually looked, also knew you were long are any appearance.”

Shen Bijun said, “You know?”

Bing Bing said, “Has a person not to know has said in front of me yours appearance how many.”

Shen Bijun said, “Is who said.”

Bing Bing smiled, said, “You should know is who said.”

Shen Bijun said, “You ...... You also knew who I was?”

Bing Bing smiled a little sour acid the as if, said, “You certainly are in martial arts world's first beautiful woman Shen BiJun.”

Shen BiJun's heart in stabbing pain.

Why — does he want to mention me in front of her?

— is he in shows off to her, lets her know before has a woman loves him?

Shen BiJun's hand grasps tightly, actually could not bear asking, “How did you know who I am?”

Bing Bing sighed gently, “If not for you Shen BiJun, how can he turn this?”

Her hand suddenly to latter figure. Is pointing at Xiao Shiyi Lang.

Xiao Shiyi Lang walked slowly, the eye winks does not wink stared at in Shen BiJun on the face on that matter mourning band.

His eye straightens. The human resembled is also crazy.

If not for — she said, perhaps he did not know who I am.

— he both oneself links my sound not to be able to listen, has already forgotten me, now and He Xu intentionally makes this appearance?

— is he wants her to know he is not a person who is not humane.

What now does he prepare to do? Wants to come to tell me, the before matter all past, has been called me well also to forget him, best not must be sad.

Shen BiJun loudly said suddenly, “You, I already have not been surnamed Shen mistakenly, is also not Shen BiJun!”

Bing Bing said, “You are not?”

Shen BiJun sneered said, “Who recognizes Shen Bijun? Who recognizes that kind also to be stupid the stupid woman?”

Bing Bing winked eye blink, also had smiled, said, “Do you want certainly me to raise your veil to come, you only then are willing to acknowledge?”

She extended got rid of, had opened Shen BiJun's veil.

Now each people all hoped she really raises this veil, each people all want to have a look in the martial arts world the first beautiful woman's elegant demeanor.

As soon as who knows Bing Bing to put actually started, to turn head to Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled, said, “I want you to raise good, you certainly already wanted to have a look her.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang crazily nodded crazily.

He wants certainly to have a look her, in has a dream, all hoped can see her in the dream.

He cannot help but extends got rid of.

— he really listens to her speech.

She wants others earring, he buys, she must dig out others the eye to come, he begins.

Now she wants him to raise my veil to come, he unexpectedly does not ask I want.

Now he obviously had known who I was, but also such to me.

— looked like she wants him to dig my eye to come, he cannot reject.

— Shen BiJun suddenly shouted, “Moves away your hand” in this flash, her oneself had forgotten tsince he childhood education, had forgotten the virtuous young woman should not such shouted.

She calls sound really in big.

Xiao Shiyi Lang were also startled, slow said, “You ...... You ...... —”

Shen BiJun said loudly, “You so long as dared to bump me, I die in front of you.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang was startled “you ...... You ...... Haven't you recognized me?”

Shen BiJun's heart broke to pieces.

— — I do not recognize you?

In order to — your I have gotten rid of all, has sacrificed all, honor, wealth, husband, family, in order to your I all all do not want.

— for you, I has been fed up the untold hardships, also did not know has been suffered how many grievance.

— you unexpectedly said now I do not recognize you?

She makes an effort to nip the lip, has tasted own blood taste, she exhausts all strengths shouted “me not to recognize you, I does not recognize you” Xiao Shiyi Lang to stagger the backlash, likely suddenly is trampled by a human foot on the chest, Lian Zhandu couldn't come to a stop — — Shen BiJun to change? Hua RuYu in calmly looks continuously, Shen BiJun pulled his arm suddenly, said, “We walk.”

Originally is this man lets her change.

This man is indeed very young very attractively. Moreover looked like is obedient very much, looks like the fool to stand unexpectedly continuously in her behind.

— no wonder these for two years I continuously cannot find her, originally she has not been willing to see me.

Xiao Shiyi Lang' heart also broke to pieces.

Because in their two individual hearts all has a poisonous snake, all bit theirs heart.

In their heart this poisonous snake, is suspected and is jealous.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have gotten hold of the double fist, is staring Hua RuYu.

Shen BiJun looked all does not look at him, is pulling Hua RuYu, said, “Why don't we walk?”

Hua RuYu nodded slowly, behind some people have helped up Feng SiNiang immediately.

Feng SiNiang was bursting into tears.

She bursts into tears the eye, continuously all is seeing Xiao Shiyi Lang.

She hoped Xiao Shiyi Lang also can recognize her, can to her explain this all matter all is misunderstands.

She hoped Xiao Shiyi Lang can rescue her, likely before such, leads her to eat the bowl beef noodles.

But Xiao Shiyi Lang Lian Kan all have not looked at her one actually because he has a dream also could not think, this the woman who moves cannot move, is likely the same Feng SiNiang.

Feng SiNiang only then walk.

Two people are putting up her arm, pulls her to invade slowly passes through in front of Xiao Shiyi Lang.

Xiao Shiyi Lang eye stared looks outside the window the dim light of night, he cannot see the star light, also cannot see the lights, only sees a piece of darkness.

He certainly also cannot see Feng SiNiang.

Feng SiNiang' hearts have also broken to pieces, tear spring welling up has flowed.

Now she only hoped can cry loudly big, but she cries not to be able to cry.

Her tear got wet the veil.

Bing Bing had detected suddenly on her veil tear stains “you are bursting into tears? Why do you want to burst into tears?”

Feng SiNiang had not replied she cannot reply.

Bing Bing said, “Who are you? Why has to burst into tears for others matter?”

In order to — — Xiao Shiyi Lang, I haven't sacrificed? Doesn't have the pain?

Now you actually said I am in order to others matter bursts into tears.

Feng SiNiang could not bear nearly want shouted, but she links a sound not to be able to call.

Is holding her two people, sped up the footsteps.

Bing Bing wants to pass as if blocks them to think, bears actually.

She understood Xiao Shiyi Lang present the pain, she has not been willing to be again meddlesome.

Therefore Feng SiNiang on walked like this from Xiao Shiyi Lang.

They walk slowly went downstairs, the seat boarded, the horse-drawn carriage vanguard, Huang Chendu who carries off including the wheel has vanished.

Xiao Shiyi Lang loudly said suddenly, “Delivers 20 catties liquors to come, must the best liquor.”

Certainly is the best liquor.

The best liquor, is also usually easiest to make one be drunk.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have not been drunk, more is willing to get drunk, why instead jumps over not not easily to be drunk?

Bing Bing looks at him, supple voice, “Perhaps that person is really not the Shen girl.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang have drunk the cup liquor, smiled suddenly, said, “You have no need for comfort me, I are not uncomfortable.”

Bing Bing said, “Really?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang nodded, said, “I only want to drink a liquor happily, I had have not had for a long time very much have been drunk.”

Bing Bing said, “But Brother Ouyang quietly have slid a moment ago.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I know.”

Bing Bing said, “Perhaps they also can again come.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You feared their helper has looked for me approximately?”

Bing Bing smiled, said, “I did not certainly fear, half has gotten drunk Xiao Shiyi Lang, also enough has coped with 200 sober Ouyang Wen Zhong Brother.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang laugh, said, “Said well, when floats three becomes known.”

He has drunk three big cups really immediately.

Bing Bing reluctantly has also decorated the mouth liquor, said suddenly, “I only in strange, moreover who is deceiving the mourning band woman is? Why does she want to burst into tears?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “How can you see her to burst into tears?”

Bing Bing said, “I can see, on her face that matter veil all oneself is soaked by the tear.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang discuss palely, “Perhaps she has gotten sick, a person when gets sick very much fiercely, often can burst into tears, in particular woman.”

Bing Bing said, “But I knew she has not gotten sick.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said with a smile, “She has gotten sick the road all not to be able to decide. You added she has not gotten sick?”

Bing Bing said, “That is not sickness.”

Bing Bing said, “Is seriously ill a person, the certain four limbs becomes tender, only then does not decide the path, but on her four limbs joint, resembles actually very difficultly curving, the whole body all resembles is stiff.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang, “You are really more careful than me.”

Bing Bing circle however said, “You not forgot I am originally a female child prodigy.”

She smiled very much happy, Xiao Shiyi Lang look her time, in the eye as if has actually plants very strangely pities sad meaning, is unexpectedly likely in regretted for hers destiny.

Luckily Bing Bing have not noted his expression, then also said, “Therefore I thought she was not has really gotten sick.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Is it possible that was she was trigged by a person the acupuncture point?”

Bing Bing said, “Very possible.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You looked she is bursts into tears for what?”

Bing Bing said, “Very possible is for yours matter, for Shen BiJun.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sneeringly said, “Who can burst into tears for ours matter? Others continually happy all without enough time, I die on the road, also the nobody can certainly fall a drop of tear.”

Bing Bing said, “At least I ......”

She as if is originally wants to say “I can shed tears.” But does not know for any.

Changed the topic suddenly, in a beautiful eye, resembles also reveals plants strangely is sad she in sadly 惋 to borrow for own destiny?

“But she shed tears actually, not only therefore I think her to recognize you, moreover very is certainly nice to the Shen girl.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Perhaps she is for other matter.”

Bing Bing said, “Here certainly did not have other matter to be able a moment ago to make one burst into tears.”

Xiao ShiYi Lang said, “You by you thought she is Shen BiJun's friend?”

Bing Bing said, “Certainly is.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang' eye has shone, said, “Since she were trigged by a person the acupuncture point, Shen BiJun very possibly has certainly also received that individual threat.”

Bing Bing said, “Therefore her could a moment ago to your that appearance.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang' face because of excited has also blushed, mutters, “Perhaps her is not really wants to me that heartless, why haven't I thought a moment ago?”

Bing Bing said, “Because in your heart has a poisonous snake.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Poisonous snake?”

Bing Bing said, “Suspicion and envy. Is in your heart poisonous snake.” She sighed softly, said gently: “Thus it can be seen, in your heart cannot forget her, otherwise you cannot suspect her, could not envy that man.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang have not denied, also cannot deny.

Bing Bing said, “Since you cannot forget her, why doesn't look for her? Now looks, certainly also with enough time.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang stand up suddenly, also the slow steamed bread sat down, forced smile said, “How do I look?”

His heart has been obviously chaotic, oneself does not have the idea completely.

Bing Bing said, “They are saddle horse Che Zou.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “What type horse-drawn carriage is?”

Bing Bing said, “Is the very new black japan horse-drawn carriage, pulls a cart the horse is also the whole body is jet black, cannot see varicolored, the horse-drawn carriage master, is certainly a human who has the status very much, the such horse-drawn carriage not difficult to look.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang have stood.

Bing Bing said, “But we best ask our cart driver young Song first.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Why?”

Bing Bing said, “The cart driver and the cart driver quite are always easy to become friends, they in outside and so on master's times, idles is being all right does, the speech also always is specially many, therefore young Song knows possibly are also more than us.”

She was indeed careful, not only careful, moreover intelligent.

Such a girl, others originally should be likely she arrogant is.

But Xiao Shiyi Lang look her time, why always appears regretted very much, very sad?

Young Song said, “That cart driver is a very strange person, we are chatting time. He always puts on a serious face, listens all not to be willing to listen, others want to say something to smooth things over with him, he also always ignores. Resembles some people to owe him 300 to hang money him not to be dissimilar.”

This is young Song to Hua RuYu that cart driver's description.

He knows is not more than Bing Bing.

Xiao Shiyi Lang' just thought when somewhat disappointed, young Song also said suddenly, “These two days come, they very were always early have come, very late only then went back, resembled in and so on a person is same.”

Bing Bing asked immediately “they have come one after another three days?”

Bing Bing said, “They already very remarkable, if the first company has come three days, this place storekeeper on very possibly knew their origin.”

34th chapter Peony building disturbance

The peony building storekeeper is surnamed Lu.

Storekeeper Lu said, “That two are deceiving the mourning band girl, these three days indeed each night all came, to be called a table vegetable, did not eat actually does not drink, when every day wanted to take a break time only then walked. But they give the tip are very many, therefore each waiters all very much welcome them.”

Bing Bing said, “The account is who pays?”

Storekeeper Lu said, “Is that young man who comes with them.”

Bing Bing also asked “you did know these three days come, do they evening all live in where?”

Storekeeper Lu said, “Heard they have gotten down a greatly cross courtyard continually in the cloud inn package, moreover prepayment ten day-long house rent.”

Bing Bing did not feel relieved “your this news is reliable?”

Storekeeper Lu had smiled “certainly reliably, Lian Yunzhan storekeeper is my brother-in-law.”

Lian Yunzhan storekeeper is surnamed Niu.

Storekeeper Niu said, “On that two faces deceives the mourning band girl to be possible to really be strange, daytime they the door all, Lian Fandu are deliver, to day quick black time which in the room eats on on peony building, has come these three days, here also nobody listens to them to speak a speech.”

Bing Bing said, “Which room do they live in?”

Storekeeper Niu said, “On in the east cross courtyard, the entire courtyard they has all wrapped down.

Bing Bing also asked” tonight they have come back? “

Storekeeper Niu said, “Just came back!”He is scratching with the finger the head, also said, “They since is comes back from the peony building, originally should eat full very much only then to, but they came back, has unfortunately called an entire table of liquor Lai.”

Bing Bing said with a smile, “Perhaps that table of liquor Lai is calls for us to eat.”

Storekeeper Niu said, “They knew two can come?”

Bing Bing said, “I don’t know.”

Storekeeper Niu is startled looks at her, he detected suddenly this place the odd person were more and more many.

In room brilliantly illuminated, is spreading on the scarlet tablecloth round table, has really chocked up the food and wine.

The elephant tender only then stood a moment ago in behind, that very young, the very attractive youth, now has traded the body bright and the magnificent and expensive long robe seat has poured out wine in there.

He poured three glasses of liquors to ascend to begin suddenly. Treats outside the window to smile, said, “Two since has come, why doesn't come in to drink the cup liquor?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang indeed on outside window.

He smiled, “Some people ask me to drink, I am always cannot reject.”

The gate has not tied up.

Nearby the table is suspending two chairs.

Hua RuYu 揖 guest “pleases sit down with a smile.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang being blazing with anger is staring at he, “These two seats are prepare for us?”

Hua RuYu said, “Is precisely.”

Bing Bing smiled suddenly, said, “The Shen girl aren't they with the son, the son always letting them sit down eat meal?”

Hua RuYu sighed a voice, “I have not prepared the seat for them, only because of them already not in here.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang complexion changed.

He was originally not a person who often can change color, but did the present complexion actually change very much fearfully “them to walk?”

Hua RuYu nodded, said, “Just walked.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You asked them to leave?”

Hua RuYu forced smile said, “In under is already not a bandit, is also not an offical mission attendant, they must walk, how remains in under is occupied by them.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sneer.

Hua RuYu said, “Is it possible that Hero Xiao doesn't believe my speech?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You looked like indeed does not look like the bandit, not excellent may not only the facial expression, this speech you thought also knows.”

Hua RuYu said, “What reason has in under to have to lie to Hero Xiao?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Because you are not willing to let me see her.”

Hua RuYu said, “In under if is not willing to let Hero Xiao see them, why has to return to here? Why has to await respectfully Hero Xiao in here your honorable self?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang could not say the speech.

Hua RuYu sighed, said, “Waits in under in this, is was must explain a moment ago misunderstanding to Hero Xiao.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang coldly said, “What had to misunderstand a moment ago?”

Hua RuYu said, “Shen girl originally continuously all with prunus pseudocerasus, Liu two seniors.” Xiao Shiyi Lang change countenance said, “Hongying Luliu?”

Hua RuYu nodded, said, “If Hero Xiao does not believe, all may go as necessary to ask them, these two seniors always cannot lie.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Has she how come with you to here?”

Hua RuYu was hesitating, thought as if very difficult to export.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You did not say?”

Hua RuYu forced smile said, “No is not willing to say in under, only ......”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Only how?”

Hua RuYu said, “Only in under lested Hero Xiao has listened, meets not happily.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “If you did not say, I only then can be angry, I am angry, always is does not reason with very much.”

Hua RuYu has hesitated for a very long time, sighingly said, “The Jiang-hu hearsay, all said Lian Chengbi son arrived this place the continually, the Shen girl has heard this news. Certainly must along with come in under to here.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang' complexion changed.

Hua RuYu speech, likely is a knife, compared to Deer-carving Sabregeng the fearful knife.

He thinks suddenly the whole body all already ice-cold.

If Shen BiJun changes for others. He also has the speech to say, but Lian Chengbi ......

Hua RuYu sighed, resembles also very much sympathizes with to him, said with a smile reluctantly, “Although her person oneself in, the liquor actually in, Hero Xiao was not inferior to drinks to one's heart's content first several cups, dispatches this endless night.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Good!I respect your three cups.”

Hua RuYu raises glass immediately said with a smile, “Is inferior to obey orders respectfully, invites.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “This wine cup is not good.”

Hua RuYu was astounded, “Isn't why good?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “This wine cup too is small.”

He a table on large bowl shark fin, a large bowl meatball, a large bowl birdnest duck silk, all sprinkles suddenly on the place, in three bowls but actually completely full three large bowl liquor.

“I respect you, you drink first.”

Hua RuYu face, is looking painstakingly on the table three bowls of liquors, finally long sighed, “Good, I drink.”

His face, likely is drinking the medicine to be same painstakingly, finally all drank three large bowls liquors Xiao Shiyi Lang also to drink three bowls, also but actually three bowls, “This this you respected me, the master certainly also first drank.”

Hua RuYu resembles was startled, “Again drinks these three bowls, only feared in under on extremely the potency of alcohol.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang stare said, “Did I respect you, you have disrespected I? You look down upon me?”

Hua RuYu only then forced smile said, “Good, I do in return Hero Xiao three bowls.”

He gets up hardly the scalp, held large bowl liquor, likely was drinks the toxicant to drink equally.

When but drinks the second bowl, he drank suddenly is happy, the toxicant was likely turned the syrup.

When a person had 7-8 minute tipsy feelings, drinks can change likely originally drinks water is same.

And so on Xiao Shiyi Lang drank three bowls, Hua RuYu also said with a smile unexpectedly:Comes, we come three bowls again, Hero Xiao invites. “

Xiao Shiyi Lang was staring him, said suddenly, “I also have two matters to have to tell you.”

Hua RuYu said, “Good, my institute.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “First, I am already not a hero, never a hero, second, If I discovered you said to me a character lie I on shear very much down your this lisper, you have understood?”

Hua RuYu tongue has been really big, goes all out to nodded, said, “I have understood, but I a little do not understand.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “What matter doesn't understand?”

Hua RuYu eats the tunnel, “Since she is comes for Lian Chengbi, now thought is also walks for Lian Chengbi, why don't you ask them instead to ask me to vent?”

A speech has not said, his human oneself but actually. Xiao Shiyi Lang pale face.

All uses the table on ten bowl of vegetables that scarlet table cloth wrapper to get up suddenly, said, “Since you has a mind to have to invite me, cannot finish eating I have carried off.”

Hua RuYu had not opposed, his person has poured on the place, is dead drunk, Xiao Shiyi Lang have face up laughed three, really mentions the cloth wrapper unexpectedly, pulls Bing Bing to swagger away.

Waited for them to go to be far, in the night breeze had a desolate elegy to transmit by far suddenly.

In the behind curtain a person gently is sighing actually, “Such evil guest, pours is really also very rare.”

The curtain raises, Xin Xin walked, smiled suddenly to the place on Hua RuYu, said, “Now the evil guest walked, you do not awake?”

Hua RuYu really immediately has awaked unexpectedly, 一跃而起 from the place, shook the head said with a smile, “This person good fierce. Really must get drunk me unexpectedly.”

Xin Xin sweetly said, “It was only a pity you sprinkle the quantity to imagine far him must be much better than.”

Hua RuYu laughed said, “I imagine actually compared to him must badly many.”

Xin Xin said, “In Jiang-hu if elects ten big evil people again, you are certainly one of them.” Hua RuYu said, “You?”

Xin Xin said, “My certainly also inescapable.”

Hua RuYu said, “was Shen BiJun walked?”

Xin Xin nodded, said, “I have called Bai LaoSan to lead her to walk, also told yours instruction Bai LaoSan.”

Hua RuYu said, “That female lunatic?”

Xin Xin said, “I feared looks for her the male lunatic to behind, therefore has to ask her to rest first to the bed under.”

Hua RuYu said, “Now you might ask her to come out.”

Xin Xin said, “What again then asked her to do?”

Hua RuYu said, “Then asked her to take a bath again, dresses up well for her.”

Xin Xin had smiled, said, “I also heard individual must enter the coffin time, always is must dress up first.”

Hua RuYu said, “I do not want to let her enter the coffin.”

Xin Xin got up the face, said, “Why?”

Hua RuYu said, “Because she very much is also worth the money.”

Xin Xin said, “Did you want to sell her?”

Hua RuYu said, “Mmm.”

Xin Xin eye has shone, “Who sold to?”

Hua RuYu said, “As far as I know has an old sex maniac to think she has thought very many years.”

Xin Xin said, “What type old sex maniac is?”

Hua RuYu micro said with a smile, “Certainly is a rich old sex maniac, moreover also gives up spends.”

Xin Xin looks he said with a smile, “You really are a big evil person.”

Hua RuYu said lightly, “I am originally.”

Xin Xin said with a smile, “You are taking advantage any, Xiao Shiyi Lang only feared the company has a dream cannot think.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang anything had not thought.

He only thought in the head hands over emptily, puts in order individual emptily all. In walks resembles on the road piles in the cloud is same.

He persisted is not willing to go by car, he said this road likely was just by the laundering, the second month of Fall nighttime sky also likely was just by the laundering, could under such autumn sky, on such stone anode circuit, rode the big sedan which eight people lifted to be also more satisfied than.

Therefore they sit the horse-drawn carriage, only then first goes back, therefore Bing Bing also accompanies him in side to walk, walked section of roads, he asked suddenly, “Are you hungry?”

Bing Bing shook the head.

In Xiao Shiyi Lang swing begin the cloth wrapper said, “I only want to remind inside your this to have stew chicken, the grilled meat, the crystal intestines, the sweet-and-sour fish, also have entire eight precious ingredients ducks, if you have been hungry, is casual you to want to eat inside any this all to have.”

Bing Bing looks in his hand this 汤汁 dripping cloth wrapper, wants to smile cannot smile actually.

She understood he the mood, she knew now he perhaps Lian Kudu cannot cry now.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have sat suddenly in the roadside down, looks the star light bright autumn sky, crazily left half deity crazily, mutters: “I should make his world liquor a moment ago to come out, drank in here is really good.”

Bing Bing is listening.

Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled, also said, “Regardless of actually in any place, so long as has the liquor to drink is all good.”

He smiled is not likely is smiling, this kind smiled makes others to look has only wanted to cry.

Since — she is comes for Lian Chengbi, now is certainly asked Lian Chengbi to go.

He was originally the gentle like jade gentleman, they this are the love husbands and wives, although she for a while muddled, now finally has thought through.

— she had finally discovered he originally is a person who is worth oneself depending upon.

Xiao Shiyi Lang grasp from the cloth wrapper only stew chicken, look, made an effort to fall.

Bing Bing has also sat down, calmly looks at him in side, could not bear asking, “That person said the speech, you really believe?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “An my character all does not believe.”

Bing Bing said, “Since does not believe, why has to walk?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Does he want me to accompany him to lie down on the place sleeps?”

Bing Bing said, “Why don't you look to behind?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Looks also cannot find.”

Bing Bing said, “You have not looked, how knew cannot find?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Looks like his kind of person, if is not willing to let me see them, how I can’t find.”

Bing Bing said, “You can see him are a very sly person?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang nodded said, “My first saw when him, has thought of one ......” Bing Bing said, “Who?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Young son, that compared to poisonous snake also poisonous 100 time of young sons.” As soon as so long as raises the young son, he resembles could not bear wants the shiver with fright. Bing Bing said, “That individual is certainly not the young son.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang nodded, said, “He is a man.”

The young son is actually a woman, is looked like likely is only the small pigeon, actually is actually the food corpse hawk's woman.

Until now Shen BiJun's had the nightmare time, but also could dream of her frequently, although she has already died, died in under Lian Chengbi concealing a sword in the sleeve.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “That man is long although effeminate, is actually the genuine goods at reasonable prices man.”

Bing Bing said, “You can determine?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Regardless of he is 女扮男装 also well, is 男扮女装 also good, I have a method, as soon as actually tries to be able to try him is male is female comes.”

Bing Bing said, “Oh?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said with a smile, “My this method is also the alone gate secret recipe, the inferior order is effective, has never malfunctioned a Shen. ? Bing Bing could not bear asking, “What method is?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Traces him.”

Bing Bing blushed.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “A moment ago already did not pay attention while you, has traced him.”

Bing Bing blushes said, “I thought you have certainly also been drunk.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang stare said, “Who said I have been drunk, I simply am sober now look like the owl to be same.”

Bing Bing said, “You are not drunk, does not have such badly.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang was staring her, reveals the tooth to smile suddenly, said, “You really thought I am a good person?”

Bing Bing sighed gently, supple voice, “No matter how others do look at you, only then I knew, you are ......”

Her speech had not said, hears a wheel hoofbeat suddenly.

A black japan large cart from them on the path, 急驰.

Bing Bing loses the voice, “This was a moment ago that person's horse-drawn carriage.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Oh?”

Bing Bing said, “The very late at night, they so anxious are driving a cart, is what does?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Perhaps on carriage nobody.”

Bing Bing said, “Has a person.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You saw?”

Bing Bing said,So long as as soon as I after looked the wheel the belt gets up the sand dust, knew on the carriage was some people. “

Xiao Shiyi Lang forced smile said, “looked like your eye is drearier than Xiao Shiyi Lang also fierce the thief”

Bing Bing finally to smile, said, “At least has gotten drunk compared to one thief Xiao Shiyi Lang fierce.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “We pursue have a look to be good? Looked actually that boy is playing what pattern?”

But the horse-drawn carriage already vanished by now in darkness, all gradually could not hear including the sound.

Xiao Shiyi Lang jump, sat down.

How — — overtook? How saw?

— — in the peony building, she how could it not be obviously has a moment ago refused his Xiao Shiyi Lang to bail out the eight precious ingredients duck from the cloth wrapper, went all out to resemble has eaten.

Eats, sometimes indeed may stabilize a person's mood.

Bing Bing is pondering actually, said slowly, “He certain has not seen us, certainly thought we already went by car.”

In Xiao Shiyi Lang' mouth has crowded the eight precious ingredients duck.

He very much likes eating the eight precious ingredients duck originally, but the present thought actually in the mouth is filling resembles all is the wood is same.

Bing Bing said, “Drove a cart a moment ago that cart driver, was already not original that. Why this kind of matter does she also want to pay attention? Bing Bing also said, “On carriage although has a person, but resembles only then individual actually.

Xiao Shiyi Lang start to think a little felt strange” how has been able only then individual? “

Bing Bing also in strange, said suddenly, “We return to Lian Yunzhan to have a look again to be good?”

Certainly good.

She said the speech, Xiao Shiyi Lang was ever cannot reject.

The light has not extinguished, a person walked actually.

The room is empty, in hall nobody, Fang Liye nobody. Not only nobody, does not have including the baggage.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “They all walked.”

Bing Bing said, “But on carriage actually only then a person.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Perhaps they are not a group walk.”

Bing Bing said, “Since is a group comes. Why doesn't a group walk?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang eyeball has transferred the extension, said with a smile suddenly, “Did they know we came back, all 藏到 under the bed to go.”

He jumps over suddenly, on has raised with a hand that sandalwood wooden bed.

Under the bed is certainly empty, besides the dust, where also has any other thing, he only thought the strength does not have the place to give vent.

But Bing Bing saw the thing actually, with dust color similar thing.

She passed has picked, only then saw that only is the root woman uses, already the very obsolete ebony hairpin.

Regardless of nobody can have the interest to this kind of ebony hairpin.

She wants again to lose to the bed under. Xiao Shiyi Lang suddenly have snatched actually, only looked at one, the complexion has changed.

— Xiao Shiyi Lang was not a person who often can change color.

Bing Bing could not bear saying, “You have seen this ebony hairpin?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Mmm”

Bing Bing said, “What place has seen in?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “in on a person's hair.”

Bing Bing said, “On whose hair? Shen girl?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang shook the head, sigh were saying, “whose you forever can’t guess correctly this person are.

the ice hole in Bing Bing bead revolution, said, “Is it possible that is Feng SiNiang?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang also sighed, said, “You guessed.”

Bing Bing changed countenance said, “That company walks the woman who all the important person holds, is it possible that is Feng SiNiang?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang resembled until now only then think of this point, jumped immediately, said, “Certainly was she, she a moment ago certainly also in here.”

Although this ebony hairpin already very obsolete, but always is actually a thing which Feng SiNiang most treasure.

Because this is Xiao Shiyi Lang gives him.

“Her treasure jewelry, although did not know has how many, continuously all is using this Wu Shuizan actually, if not for her oneself is trigged by a person, the gearing all cannot move, cannot let it fall in here.”

“This ebony hairpin since under bed her person a moment ago is it possible that also under bed? — was surely we arrived a moment ago, by a person is hidden under the bed.”

“But under the bed only can hide a person actually.”

“On carriage also only then a person.”

“Has their gone person to where?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said bitterly, “No matter how, we so long as found that boy, always can ask comes out.”

Bing Bing said, “We so long as found that horse-drawn carriage, could find that person.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “We look now.”

In he finally falls started the cloth wrapper, discovered suddenly a person in the entrance looked was astounded.

Storekeeper Niu just walked, is looking the everywhere fish flesh stared blankly, looked the eye was all straight.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have to face him to smile, said, “We all are the very thrifty person, cannot finish eating the vegetable, we always bring to walk.”

Storekeeper Niu also reluctantly smiled.

He this leads the waiter to tidy up the room, examines the thing, could not think actually was bewildered several, also came back two.

Xiao Shiyi Lang really are not also willing to see on his face again the expression, pulls Bing Bing to walk.

Storekeeper Niu said suddenly, “Two must these vegetables again wrap the place on. Delivers oppositely goes?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang' footsteps stopped immediately, Bing Bing also return to the head, “Opposite? What place is the opposite?”

“Two didn't know? Two girls have moved to the opposite cross courtyard to go?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang' eye shone has gotten up has suddenly patted Storekeeper Niu's shoulder, said with a smile, “You are a good person, I like you, these Lai I all gave you to bring back to the night, you don't polite.”

Storekeeper Niu looks on the place a big pile of mud Lai, has sent quite a while was astounded, 满脸 all is an expression which does not know whether to laugh or cry, waits he gains ground again, a person disappears.

A waiter just came in, to prepare to receive the beginning room, Niu Zhanghuan also has suddenly patted his shoulder said, “These Lai all gives you to bring back to the night, you don't polite.”

35th chapter Deer-carving Sabre

In the west side cross courtyard has not lit a lamp actually.

Without the lamp, has the human?

Covers the tung oil tree, stands and waits for a long time alone under the moonlight, on 窗纸 has several piece of Chinese parasol trees fallen the shadows.

The window is Guan Zhuo, the gate is also closing.

Bing Bing has held on Xiao Shiyi Lang bright hands, said on the quiet, “In room such black, possibly has ambushes”

Xiao Shiyi Lang to nodded.

Bing Bing said, “We cannot like this flush.”

This Xiao Shiyi Lang have not listened to her speech actually, has thrown away suddenly her hand, ran overs, hits at one fell swoop opened the door.

In darkness has a person to flush the cold road suddenly, “Otherwise stood in there not must move me to butcher her.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled unexpectedly, said, “You dared to kill her? Do you also want to die?”

More dangerous time, he instead often can smile, because, he knew not only smiled can cause oneself mood to be stable, also can cause opposite party not to be able to find out his actual situation.

In darkness person has really silenced down, he smiled has really given the pressure which Daren one kind could not say.

But he also does not have to proceed again, he does not want to look this person gets rid of.

The lamp was suddenly luminous.

In a manpower holds the lamp, the light is illuminating in her examines.

But smiled the smart-alecky face sweetly, the jet black hair, is combing the root glossy black big braid, smiled likely is the spring flowered.

Feng SiNiang on the seat in hers side, dress up are likely a new bride are same, but statues sat actually in there, moves also motionless.

Xin Xin originally is wants to lead her to walk, It was only a pity by cannot untie her acupuncture point, also has no way in the back to get up she.

Even if can hug her, also can certainly overtake.

Therefore Feng SiNiang finally saw Xiao Shiyi Lang, Xiao Shiyi Lang also finally saw Feng SiNiang.

Feng SiNiang not old, looked like even compared to two years ago also young.

Her eye is that bright, this moment is looking Xiao Shiyi Lang, who the eye does lead kind of also not to be able to say has the how complex expression. Also did not know is likes or sad? Is the move or complained?

Xiao Shiyi Lang was also smiling, looks at her, mutters, “Was this person more and more why young? Her is it the female monster” on in this flash, he suddenly turned before that Xiao Shiyi Lang.

On his body this set clean very straight, most least values 82 money — set of clothes, now resembled just has swayed back and forth in the putty, on the face revealed that kind languidly, has resembled the smile which the day collapsed does not care about.

Feng SiNiang whole bodies blood resembles has seethed with excitement suddenly, wishes one could to ran over immediately, throws oneself in his bosom, also wishes one could to make an effort to nip his one, again gives him a big ear and the area around it.

She each time sees in his time heart all to have this kind of feeling, actually is this a love? Hates? She Shui Yuanye cannot distinguish clearly.

Xin Xin big eye, also stared at on Xiao Shiyi Lang face, sighed the one breath suddenly, said, Xiao Shiyi Lang are really worthily Xiao Shiyi Lang, no wonder has such many people to like him also having such many people to hate him. “

Xiao Shiyi Lang looked at her one a moment ago, only resembles her from head to foot all looked was clear.

Xin Xin sighingly said, “His this eye really it awfully, must look human's time, resembles on others body not to put on clothes to be same.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang also sighed, said, “It was only a pity you are a child, otherwise ......”

Xin Xin intentionally very got up the chest, is casting a glance him with the corner of the eye, said, “Otherwise how do you want?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sank suddenly the face, coldly said, “Otherwise you already have now died three.”

Xin Xin the complexion has changed, also said with a smile, “It was only a pity you have not walked, Feng SiNiang have also died three.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sneeringly said, “You also dare to kill people?”

Xin Xin said, “I do not dare.” She smiled, then said, “I do not dare to eat the meat, I fear fat, but I eat the meat every day.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You have killed people?”

Xin Xin said, “Kills are not many, to present up to, altogether also 80.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang also smiled unexpectedly, said, “I like a person who has killed people.”

Xin Xin thought has felt strange, “You like?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Only then has killed people a person, only then knew is killed by a person is a very bitter matter.”

Xin Xin acknowledged, “Is indeed very bitter, some human of at the point of death times, including the pants crotch can wet.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Therefore you do not certainly want me to kill you.”

Xin Xin said with a smile, “Regardless of who wants to kill me, I all can uncomfortable, you are not exceptional.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Therefore we might as well discussed a transaction”

Xin Xin said, “what transaction?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “If you walk now, perhaps I did not block you, you may live peaceful to 80 years old.”

Xin Xin said, “This transaction resembles very the justice.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Justice extremely.”

Xin Xin said, “But I also want to discuss a transaction with you.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Oh!”

Xin Xin said, “If you walk now, I do not block you, perhaps Feng SiNiang might peaceful too live to 80 years old.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang laugh, said, “This transaction resembles also very the justice.”

Xin Xin said, “Justice extremely.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang was laughing, resembles also wants again to say any, but his laughter suddenly stops actually.

On stops in his laughter reaches the flash, outside the window had a person to say slowly, “Regardless of you discussed any transaction, I all pull out three tenths.”

Speaks the sound is not loud.

Because he knew oneself speaks regardless of sound light, others all certainly can pay attention listens.

Only then these to own strength not self-confident person, speak only then can loud poor hou, for fear that others cannot hear.

Xiao Shiyi Lang sigh. He knew oneself has run into a person who very difficult to cope with.

This person looks like the appearance which does not injury actually very difficultly to cope with.

He looks like not too old, also not too young, on the body puts on clothes not too magnificent, also not too poor, stature not too fat, also not too thin, speaks very gently, the manner was also very friendly.

He was precisely that kind of you regardless of in any city, all as necessary possibly sees an average person.

A very ordinary top dog, had the little status, also had — the spot money, has a very virtuous wife, perhaps some 34 children, also some 12 concubines, very possible are the wife and children shop help boss, also very possible is the family big company's storekeepers.

He looked like even compares the peony building Storekeeper Lu as well as this inn Niu storekeeper is likely a storekeeper.

He did not only look like top dog's place, is he enters the place which this room comes.

Starts speaks, he also outside a behind leaf of window, but this speech just, he put in order individual to walk from the front gate.

He walks is not quick, is not actually slow, when exactly arrives Xiao Shiyi Lang one's side, has stopped down.

He smiled is hugging has held the fist in the other hand, said, “I am surnamed Wang, Wang WanCheng.”

Wang WanCheng, this is also precisely the ordinary name which that kind of you can hear as necessary, also as necessary can forget.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have not said “the greeting on first meeting”, because he did not know in Jiang-hu has such a person.

Wang WanCheng is smiling, also said, “Each position thought all had not heard in Jiang-hu has my such person.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang acknowledged.

Wang WanCheng said, “But my actually already greeting on first meeting each.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Oh.”

Wang WanCheng said, “Everybody all is in Jiang-hu the famous character, in particular Feng SiNiang and Xiao Shiyi Lang.”

Xin Xin suddenly said, “Since you knew he is Xiao Shiyi Lang, he discusses the transaction with me, you also dare to pull out 30%?”

Wang WanChengwei said with a smile, “Is the absolute monarch said the transaction in here, I also pull out 30%.”

His sound is very gentle, the manner is very friendly, but this speech already not likely was actually the top dog said.

Xin Xin eye blink, said, “This is your domain?”

Wang WanCheng said, “No.”

Xin Xin said, “Since is not your domain, we discuss the transaction, why you do have to pull out 30%?”

Wang WanCheng said, “Not why, I do want 30%.”

Xin Xin had smiled, said, “I thought originally you are a person who reasons with very much, who knows you horizontally simply compared to the robber also.”

Wang WanCheng said, “I am not the robber, the robber ten help want, I only pull out 30%.”

Xin Xin said, “You knew we discussed what the transaction is?”

Wang WanCheng nodded, said, “Is Feng SiNiang.”

Xin Xin said, “This kind of transaction you also can the oil 30%?”

Wang WanCheng said, “I so long as her — strip thigh, half chest, an eye.”

Xin Xin said with a smile, “What did you also treat as? A chicken?”

Wang WanCheng said, “If a chicken, I want the neck, does not want the eye, the chicken eye must not eat.”

Xin Xin the eyeball has transferred the extension, said suddenly, “Good, I let you pull out.”

Wang WanCheng said, “I pull out am not originally many.”

Xin Xin said, “Does not know your important place left leg actually, right leg?”

Wang WanCheng said, “About line.”

Xin Xin said, “If left leg meat tight, you the left leg, I also may present a pair of ear to give you.”

Wang WanCheng said, “Many thanks.”

Xin Xin said, “Do you have the knife?”

Wang WanCheng said, “Does not have.”

Xin Xin said, “Xiao Shiyi Lang have, as soon as why don't you use taking advantage of his knife?”

Wang WanCheng really smiled unexpectedly to Xiao Shiyi Lang, said, “I have used also you.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang continuously calmly are listening, on the face an expression also does not have, by now only then was light said, “Regardless of who has to borrow me this the knife, all must have to have the mortgage.”

Wang WanCheng said, “What do you want to mortgage?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I so long as a your pair of hand, half head.”

Wang WanCheng demeanor are motionless, micro said with a smile, “That also only then shears with the knife gets down. Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I have the knife.”

Wang WanCheng said, “Why don't you shear?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang to say, “Good.”

His hand was already grasping the hilt.

At this moment, that Niu storekeeper suddenly has flushed, said loudly:If “here is the inn, sirs shears human's head, must trade a place surely. If killed people in here, this place also some who do dare to live?”

He breaks through, keeps off in front of Xiao Shiyi Lang, bows bows in salute, has almost knelt, “Ask sir, you do surely do good, do not have to resort to arms in here.”

This speech had not said, after in his neck collar has projected three “to lower the head the tight back flower to install the crossbow”, about in sleeves of a dress, as soon as also projected two sleeve arrowses respectively, the skill then turned, left hand three moneys darts, right hand three migratory locusts stones.

3515 hidden weapons, also have sent out suddenly, strike to Xiao Shiyi Lang about 15 要穴.

Two people are away from also three feet, the hidden weapon get rid of suppress are also quick, regardless of who wants to avoid these 15 hidden weapons all difficultly like to ascend to heaven.

Therefore, Xiao Shiyi Lang simply no evade — — also radically have no need for fend.

As soon as sabre brightness dodges, three flowered install the crossbow, three moneys darts, three migratory locusts stones, the six roots sleeve arrows, unexpectedly all has been hewn by a his knife two half, the raindrop falls.

As soon as sabre brightness dodges again, arrived Storekeeper Niu's throat.

Storekeeper Niu's complexion has sent green.

Only listens — to coldly said personally, “Although my this does not compare the knife Deer-carving sabre, but must rip a person's head, pours was also very easy.”

This is Storekeeper Lu's sound, the peony building Lu storekeeper.

In his hand also has the handle knife, knife already in on Bing Bing throat.

Bing Bing other people resemble have formed Bing Bing, moves also motionless stands in there.

Again looked that Wang WanCheng, already arrived Feng SiNiang behind, is smiling said, “Some people do not need the knife also equally to be able to kill people, I kill people on always do not use the knife.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang' person resembled has also formed Bing Bing.

Xin Xin looks at him, sighed lightly after the place, said, “Looked like this you have lost decide Xiao Shiyi Lang to say, “ you? “

Xin Xin said, “I have also lost, moreover loses very much is convinced.”

Xiao Shi shiji said, “Oh?”

Xin Xin sighingly said, “I have come 45 days, has not seen unexpectedly continuously all these two palms to resist all is a master, therefore I lose take orally am convinced, is speechless radically.”

Wang WanCheng said, “The present winner is we, only then the winner only then has the qualifications to speak.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I am listening.”

Wang WanCheng said, “Do you think they are living?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Thinks.”

Wang WanCheng said, “Then you have put Storekeeper Niu first.”

Xiao Shi shibu said, “Line.”

A character said, his knife has sheathed.

Wang WanCheng said, “Also has your knife.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Knife in.”

Wang WanCheng said, “Gives him to bring to come.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Line.”

He considered all had not considered, has loosened his knife.

Deer-carving Sabre.

Storekeeper Niu received the knife, the eye has shone immediately.

Is this handle knife, once today under the hero altogether chases, on the knife did not know dyed how many heroes' blood.

Is this handle knife, in Jiang-hu did not know has created how many earthshaking important matter.

Now this handle knife unexpectedly arrived in his hand.

He grips tightly the knife tightly, the whole body all because of excitedly has trembled, he cannot believe nearly is real.

Xin Xin in the eye is also unable to restrain to reveal envies the color, sighed gently, said, “If some people are willing to discard for me shear the deer knife, I must die for him, also was is willing.”

Wang WanCheng is smiling said, “Could not think Xiao Shiyi Lang was unexpectedly a so full of affection equivocal person.”

His eye also stared at on the knife.

Storekeeper Niu is hesitating, finally is holding the knife, walked.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said suddenly, “Wait fora moment.”

Storekeeper Niu has not waited, his body leapt up, but at this moment, a hand suddenly extends, on his elbow gently a request.

His person unexpectedly cannot help but, flies high upward, when falls down, in the hand knife disappears.

The knife arrived in Xiao Shiyi Lang hand.

He on has delivered casually this handle knife, has wanted casually this handle knife, resembled unexpectedly this kind of matter treats as the child's play to be same.

Wang WanCheng wrinkled the brows, “You have not given up?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled, said, “The knife is originally not I, why don't I give up?”

Wang WanCheng said, “Since gives up, why recaptures?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said lightly, “I can deliver, can seize, can seize. Also can again deliver.”

Wang WanCheng said, “Very good.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Only I want to ascertain first — a matter.”

Wang WanCheng said, “You ask.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “It is said in recent years in Jiang-hu had a very fearful person, calls Xuanyuan SanCheng.”

Wang WanChengye is listening.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Regardless of 黑白两道 transaction, so long as were known by him, he all wants sleeve 30%, if some people are not willing to comply, on third, skeleton none left.”

Wang WanCheng sighingly said, “Good fierce person.”

Xiao Shi shiji said, “Not only it is said this person wugong high certainly, moreover surreptitious, can see his proper face goal person are not many.”

Wang WanCheng said, “Did you infer sees him?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “It is said he very much likes Auntie Su this place, whenever the Spring and Fall Period happy occasion, comes the period of time his general meeting to here.”

Wang WanCheng said, “Therefore you have also come.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I want to come with him to discuss a transaction.

Wang WanCheng said, “What transaction?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “In Jiang-hu did not know every day has how many transactions, if each transaction all can pull out 30%, only pulls out one day, has been possible to eat and drink life-long endlessly, moreover he has pulled out for two years.”

Wang WanCheng said, “Therefore you also want to come to pull out his 30%?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Pulls out his 70%.”

Wang WanCheng said, “70%?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “He so long as since 30%, I let him keep 30%.”

Wang WanCheng said, “He is willing to comply?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “If he is not willing to comply, on third, I also call him the skeleton none left.”

Wang WanCheng had smiled, said, “I am not luckily Xuanyuan SanCheng, I am Wang WanCheng.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “But you certainly are actually his under person.”

Wang WanCheng said, “Oh?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You how could it not be also only pull out 30%?”

Wang WanCheng finally sighed, said, “Looked like regardless of any matter very is all difficult to hide the truth from you.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Is indeed very difficult.”

Wang WanCheng said, “you want me to lead you to look for him?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang nodded.

Wang WanCheng said, “You thought I can comply?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “If you does not comply, now I want your skeleton none left.”

Wang WanChengyou smiled, “You did not fear I have killed them first?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Not uncle.”

Wang WanChengchen has gotten down the face, said, “First cuts a this Bing Bing girl ear to come, to let him have a look.”

Storekeeper Lu micro said with a smile, “This handle knife although was inferior to Deer-carving sabre, must shear a person ear, pours is also very convenient.”

A his knife point revolution, has unexpectedly really truncated to Bing Bing left ear.

Bing Bing — straight all peacefully stands in there, resembles an allow to oppressed the small pigeon.

As soon as only at this moment, her footsteps suddenly gently slide, left hand on Lu storekeeper elbow gently a request.

Storekeeper Lu unexpectedly also cannot help but, flies high, in the hand knife arrived in unexpectedly Bing Bing cold to the touch.

As soon as sees only sabre brightness dodges, a left ear suddenly piece ice-cold.

Waits when he falls down, Bing Bing unexpectedly the knife fill in his hand, upstream the knife point however is selecting only the fresh stranguria with hematuria clear ear.

Is not Bing Bing ear, is he ear.

Bing Bing stands peacefully in there, resembles is only only can allow to oppressed's small pigeon.

But Lu Zhangxiao had known she was not a pigeon.

Regardless of whose ear has been sheared by a person down, all cannot treat as again that person the pigeon.

He looks on the knife point the ear, looks again drops down the blood — — drop on his clothes blood from the ear.

But after he only then thought a severe pain, likely is a sharp needle, enters in the brain from his left ear straight thrust.

His sudden corona past.

Storekeeper Niu's complexion starts to send green.

A person in true fears, the complexion is not turns green, but is sends green.

One kind of very strange miserable green, if does not have has seen with own eyes a person, very difficult to imagine that is the kind of any type color.

Xin Xin complexion a little has also changed, is sighing said, “Cannot see this delicate girl, is also unexpectedly a master who the position has on one's person the unique skill, looked like my this eye should dig only then rightly simply.”

Bing Bing looks at her, supple voice, “You really want to dig?”

Xin Xin immediately shook the head, “false.”

Bing Bing said, “I do not like listening to a person to tell the lie.”

Xin Xin a speech all no longer said, has turned head suddenly, only has hit the arrow rabbit likely, leapt up.

Xiao Shiyi Lang sighed, he discovered suddenly the woman copes with the woman, usually all is much more effective than the man.

Wang WanCheng also sighed, said, “I always thought Feng SiNiang already are in Jiang-hu the most ominous woman, could not think also has you.”

Bing Bing said, “Do you also think the important person shears my ear?”

Wang WanCheng said, “Does not think.”

Bing Bing said, “You are willing to lead us to look for Xuanyuan SanCheng?”

Wang WanCheng said, “I am not willing.”

Bing Bing said, “How do you want?”

Wang WanCheng said, “I also have last the note, wants again to bet a gambling with you.”

Bing Bing said, “What is your gambling stake?”

Wang WanCheng said, “Feng SiNiang.” He smiled, also said, “I have killed Feng SiNiang, you cannot certainly be sad, but Xiao Shiyi Lang ...... You ought to know Xiao Shiyi Lang is a full of affection person.”

Bing Bing cannot deny.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “If you has killed Feng SiNiang, you also must die.”

Wang WanCheng said, “Therefore I do not want to kill her, only wants to use her to come to bet a gambling with you.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “What bets?”

Wang WanCheng said, “Bets your knife.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “How bets?”

Wang WanCheng said, “Since you can defeat Ouyang brothers in three moves, certainly also can defeat me in three moves, but I only am a peon oneself.”

Own said oneself is peon's person, thought certainly has real skill.

Xiao Shiyi Lang understand this truth, but he resembles already the choice leeway now.

Wang WanCheng said, “If I has won, I lead Feng SiNiang Deer-carving sabre with you to walk together.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang friendship, “If you has defeated?”

Wang WanCheng said, “I on have put Feng SiNiang first, then leads you to see Xuanyuan SanCheng.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You said the speech keeps a promise?”

Wang WanCheng sighingly said, “If I has been struck by you but actually, said how can the speech not keep a promise?”He is smiling, also said: “I certainly also believed you are a person who speaks keeps a promise. Xiao Shi shiji said, “Three moves?”

Wang WanCheng said, “The knife also in your hand, you also may use the knife.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “What do you use?”

Wang WanCheng sighingly said, “What weapon in the world also has to be able to compare favorably with Deer-carving sabre? I use the weapon why again?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Good, said it and mean its.”

Wang WanCheng said, “Said it and mean its.”

Listens to a person to sigh suddenly said, “Xiao Shiyi Lang, this you were really lose have decided.”

Speaks a person is Hua RuYu.

He was folding his arms, sighed was walking, also did not know was really in regretted for Xiao Shiyi Lang, at good fortune disaster happy 涡.

Which kind of reason no matter is, looked his look, resembles unexpectedly really calculated Xiao Shiyi Lang have lost decide.

Bing Bing could not bear asking, “Why did you say he has lost has decided?”

Hua RuYu said, “Only is one.”

Bing Bing said, “Which?”

Hua RuYu said, “In recent years in Jiang-hu also had a person who 45 very difficult to cope with, the shaft three achievements is one of them.”

Bing Bing said, “I know.”

Hua RuYu said, “Did you know this person is Xuanyuan SanCheng?”

This person is Wang WanCheng, Wang WanCheng is Xuanyuan SanCheng.

Bing Bing sighed, said, “I early should think actually.”

Hua RuYu said, “It was only a pity he looked like not likely is a that fearful person.”

Bing Bing said, “Because he looked like does not look like, therefore he is only then certainly Xuanyuan SanCheng.”

Hua RuYu claps hands said with a smile, “Makes sense.” He also asked suddenly, “Did you know what place I did arrive to go a moment ago?”

Bing Bing did not know.

Hua RuYu said, “I was a moment ago ask him to go.”

Bing Bing said, “Looks for Xuanyuan SanCheng?”

Hua RuYu nodded, said, “His I go approximately, because he wants to discuss a transaction with me.”

Bing Bing said, “What transaction?”

Hua RuYu said, “He wants me to sell Feng SiNiang to him.”

Bing Bing said, “His you had discussed approximately the transaction, he arrived here to come actually, waits when you came back, Feng SiNiang arrived in his hand, perhaps links your girls all to arrive in his hand,

36th chapter Meets again after a long separation

Fall night, night of depth.

The wind blows the Chinese parasol tree, the Chinese parasol tree is resembling is also sighing.

Xiao Shiyi Lang on station in Chinese parasol tree inferior, Xuanyuan SanCheng walked finally slowly.

This extremely ordinary person, looked like in others eye, between resembles suddenly turned an extremely extraordinary person.

Because he is Xuanyuan SanCheng.

He moved a chair to come out first, Storekeeper Niu held Feng SiNiang to sit on the chair.

In Feng SiNiang eyes filled has been melancholy and is nice.

She once had also hated Xiao Shiyi Lang, why does she hate Xiao Shiyi Lang to be able to turn this appearance, why hates him to be able to be so docile to Bing Bing? Why can be so heartless to Shen BiJun?

But so long as Xiao Shiyi Lang had the danger, she can change immediately cared about melancholily compared to everybody.

Hua RuYu looks at her, also sees Xiao Shiyi Lang. Is sighing loudly, said, “Xiao Shiyi Lang Xiao Shiyi Lang! If your this fought has lost, Feng SiNiang could hate you for a lifetime, therefore you were lost surely does not have, It was only a pity you lost have decided.”

Star light according to on Xuanyuan SanCheng face.

This vulgar and on ordinary face, also changes as if suddenly is very much extraordinary.

His eye her eye is calm likely is in particular on the far mountain crag tile Xiao Shiyi Lang looks at him, friendship, “Is you gets rid of first? I?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “You.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “If I does not get rid of, you are waiting?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “I do not want again again to step Brother Ouyang the road to disaster.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang friendship, “You indeed compare them to sink live the gas.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “I also want to use you originally to cope with their method, said a speech lets you mentally confused.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Why didn't you say?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng smiled, said, “Because I must say, Hua RuYu all said for me.” He smiled was also saying, “You certainly also understood, he is not real cares about you, he hoped your mentally confused, hoped I win.”

Hua RuYu laughed, said, “Why did I hope you win?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “Because copes with me to cope with Xiao Shiyi Lang to be easier than, if I have won, you also have the opportunity and shear Feng SiNiang the deer knife to be deprived of, is only a pity ......”

Hua RuYu said, “What is only a pity?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “It was only a pity Xiao Shiyi Lang looked like now does not look like the heart already chaotic appearance, therefore you should better walk quickly.”

Hua RuYu said, “Why?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “Because if he has won, you only feared gave up any idea of lives is going out this courtyard.”

Hua RuYu said, “He could not win.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “That but actually not necessarily.”

Hua RuYu said, “You have not grasped?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “Has, only then 30%.”

Hua RuYu was startled looks at him, loudly said suddenly, “I had understood, I have understood, you ......”

He had not said this speech, because of at this moment, originally needs to wait for the shaft which Xiao Shiyi Lang stem from first 30%, suddenly has gotten rid of unexpectedly.

What has Hua RuYu understood?

Knew obviously certainly must by calmly apply the brake, can avoid Xiao Shiyi Lang three move of Xuanyuan SanCheng, why forestalls to get rid of suddenly?

The shaft three costs are a very temperate ordinary person, as soon as but his this gets rid of strikes, the potential like thunder thunder, fierce may not keep off actually, moreover the style is strange, unpredictable, as soon as got rid of has attacked four moves.

But he has forgotten a matter actually.

The relentless in attack style, the defense unavoidably neglects, the style change is stranger complicated, is more difficult to avoid neglecting, the style change is stranger complicated, more unavoidably reveals the empty gate flaw.

Moreover he uses only is a pair empty-handed, in Xiao Shiyi Lang hand has the handle very easily to break actually sends, destroys the hardest defenses Deer-carving sabre.

Only then a knife, only then a move.

Xuanyuan SanCheng hand-held shoulder, the shoulder is relying on the wall, is panting for breath said, “Good, good quick knife.”

The knife has sheathed.

Xiao Shiyi Lang calmly stand in there, looks at him, in the eye is also having a kind of surprised color.

Xuanyuan SanCheng forced smile said, “This fights I to lose, Feng SiNiang you good walk.”

Hua RuYu complexion looked like unexpectedly just defeated a person this who was wounded to be paler than, also was suddenly loud said, “You were lose to him intentionally, I had already understood, you deceived only me.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng, “Why do I have to lose to him intentionally? Do I have the problem?”

Hua RuYu said, “Because you want Xiao Shiyi Lang to cope with me, because you feared I cope with you.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “Oh?”

Hua RuYu said, “You intentionally said a moment ago these speeches, go to the long Xiao Shiyi Lang' power and prestige, forestalls to get rid of intentionally, for was must lose to him intentionally, because you knew him if has lost, you instead can have the troublesome upper body.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “Don't I want Feng SiNiang? Does not want deer-carving sabre?”

Hua RuYu said, “You want certainly, but you also knew, after has wanted this different thing, we cannot let you off easily, moreover, Feng SiNiang was not originally you, your this fights although has lost, links a loss also not to have actually.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng smiled suddenly, said, “No matter how, I in any case have lost now.”

This point really nobody can deny.

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “I have handed over Feng SiNiang, also has let you see Xuanyuan SanCheng.” He looks Xiao Shiyi Lang, smile continued, “I had said the speech all certainly keeps a promise.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang also only then acknowledged.

Xuanyuan SanCheng said:Now “I already have admitted defeat, was injured. You cannot certainly again thank me, even if you also have any matter to have to look, after also again has to wait I recover to say, I believed you are not a person who fails to keep one's word, can take advantage of somebody's precarious position.”

He long puts out the tone, is smiling said, “Therefore you have been possible to hold me now to go back have healed from a wound.”

You are Storekeeper Niu and Storekeeper Lu.

Storekeeper Lu has certainly awaked, therefore they held Xuanyuan SanCheng to go back heal from a wound.

Hua RuYu only then looks he swaggers away.

He has not pursued, because he knew Xiao Shiyi Lang cannot ask him to leave.

Xiao Shiyi Lang shining eye is staring at him.

Hua RuYu could not bear sighed, forced smile said, “The good fierce Xuanyuan SanCheng, today you have bled off him, must regret one day.”

After a person defeats, can make unexpectedly to defeat him the person to think the regret, in this kind of world are not indeed many.

Hua RuYu said, “I also look at him to cope with others method.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Ya.”

Hua RuYu said, “He likes the fine chinaware, has third master Hu who — the inferior treasure celebrates to find one accidentally 'the calm after the storm' the flower vase with big belly and slender neck, is Chai Yao high-quality goods, he wants third master Hu to give him, the Hu two masters are not willing, to die are not willing. “

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Therefore third master Hu have died.”

Hua RuYu nodded, sighingly said, “Third master Hu originally are his friends, but he for this flower vase with big belly and slender neck, Hu three masters' whole families size 57, all all kills unexpectedly cleanly, not only moreover all fired the ash, the homicide person always has stamped out the source of trouble, moreover a bone all did not remain down.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I also listen to a person to say, shaft murder, skeleton none left.”

Hua RuYu said, “Besides the fine chinaware, the woman who he also happy has the graceful bearing.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Oh.”

Hua RuYu said, “As far as I know, Feng SiNiang was that kind of woman who he most likes.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Looked like his 鉴赏力 is not but actually bad.”

Hua RuYu said, “He wants the thing, does not select all methods, all must obtain.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Oh.”

Hua RuYu said, “He wants Feng SiNiang.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Oh.”

Hua RuYu said, “Therefore he sooner or later can come to look for you, you have today let him off, when that one day, he cannot let you off actually.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Oh.”

Hua RuYu said, “If I were you, I certainly could kill him.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang coldly said suddenly, “If you was I, also certainly can kill Hua RuYu?”

Hua RuYu can maintain composure unexpectedly, micro said with a smile, “You should not kill Hua RuYu.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Why?”

Hua RuYu said, “Because Feng SiNiang is your good friend, you always should not let you the good friend be the widow.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “If I has killed you, she can be the widow?”

He did not understand.

Hua RuYu smiled, said easily, “Didn't you really know she married to me?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sneeringly said, “In the world man does not have the death ray, why does she want to marry to a neuter person?”

He did not believe.

Hua RuYu smiled coolly supposes, “I knew you do not believe, but this matter least bit is not actually false.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Oh?”

Hua RuYu said, “In Jiang-hu had very many people to know this marriage, you do not believe may ask she, she cannot deny.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang started to believe.

Likely spends like the jade such intelligent person, certainly cannot say this kind can as necessary the lie which reveals.

But he wants to ascertain.

Therefore he has untied Feng SiNiang' acupuncture points, now certainly nobody has prevented her, “You really married to this person?”

Feng SiNiang have not moved, is only staring at he, in the eye melancholy and the kindness, turned hidden bitterness and the anger.

— — I in order to you did not know how many bitter crime, has been eaten how many pain, the photograph steamed rice dumpling has filled under the bed, is also suffered by a person like this in, you asked actually all did not ask, does not have including a concern speech.

— — Shen BiJun for you. Suffers greatly, now all did not know the whereabouts, you also asked all did not ask, also links a concern the speech not to have.

— — our two years do not see, your first asked I, am unexpectedly this kind of idle talk.

— — don't you know my heart? Did you believe I can marry to him?

Feng SiNiang clench teeth, is controlling own reluctantly, otherwise the tear already flows off.

Xiao Shiyi Lang also were asking actually, “Did you really marry to this person, why has to marry to him?”

Feng SiNiang was staring him, has not opened the mouth.

— — if you believes me, looks like me to believe you are same, then you this want to obtain, I married to him, also was certainly the sentiment has to.

— — you originally should sympathize with me the bitter experience, this this first for my this tone.

But — — your any did not say, must ask this kind of idle talk actually.

Feng SiNiang put out a hand suddenly, layer on layer has given him an ear and the area around it.

Xiao Shiyi Lang draft.

He really could not think two years do not see, Feng SiNiang first the matter which does to him, is for him an ear and the area around it.

Feng SiNiang jumped, called out loudly, “Why can’t I marry to him? I marry happily to anyone, marries to anyone, also does not have with your relations, you cannot manage.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang was astounded.

Feng SiNiang said, “Do I marry to him, you am not convinced? Did you really think I also cannot marry for a lifetime?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang only then forced smile.

Feng SiNiang said, “Hua RuYu, you tell him, us ......”

Her sound stops suddenly, by now she only then discovered Hua RuYu early seized the opportunity to slide.

Hua RuYu this is cannot miss any opportunity person.

Feng SiNiang jump, seizes Xiao Shiyi Lang' front of the clothes, said, “You ...... You ...... How did you ask him to leave?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I have not asked him to leave, is he walks.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why don't you hold him? Why doesn't kill him?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Has killed him? He is your husband, you wanted me to kill him?”

Feng SiNiang 怒道, “Who said he is my husband?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You said.”

Feng SiNiang call, said, “When did I say?”

Swims Xiao Shiyi Lang to say, “Said a moment ago.”

Feng SiNiang said, “I only said, I marry happily to anyone, marries to anyone, doesn't only inquire about you, why I cannot marry to him? Had not said he is my husband.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Do these two views also have what to distinguish?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Certainly influentials leaves, moreover distinguishes very in a big way.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang cannot say the speech to come, can’t he really branch out this distinction in where.

He already understands a matter luckily.

If Feng SiNiang said this influentials leaves, is influentials leaves, if Feng SiNiang said the sun is the side, the sun is the side.

If you lift with her shoulder, was equal to simply hits own head toward the beam on.

Feng SiNiang stare him, said, “Why didn't you speak?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sighed, forced smile said, “I only shut was quiet, has not spoken.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Shuts up with does not speak also has what to distinguish?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Certainly influentials leaves, moreover distinguishes very in a big way.”

Feng SiNiang was staring him maliciously, own could not bear actually “throws oneself rip” to smile.

Besides true vitality time, she is not a person who does not reason with completely absolutely.

She was angry also not too many, only Xiao Shiyi Lang frequently can bump into.

Xiao Shiyi Lang was also looking at her, also said with a smile suddenly, “I said a moment ago the sentence speech, did not know your have heard?”

Feng SiNiang said, “What did you say?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I said you not only not old, moreover more and more young, has been more and more attractive.”

Feng SiNiang could not bear said with a smile, “I have not heard, I only hear you to say I am a female monster.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Our two years do not see, as soon as met you to give me a big ear and the area around it, moreover also added on a foot, I said your five 好话, your also could not hear, only scolded your one, heard clearly.” He also sighed, said with a smile painstakingly, “Feng SiNiang, Feng SiNiang, looked like you really are one have not changed.”

Feng SiNiang sank suddenly the face, said, “But you have changed actually.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Oh?”

Feng SiNiang said, “You although already was originally a bastard, actually not too bastard's bastard.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Now?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Now you are simply the bastard add eight levels.”

Her anger has come, said loudly, “I ask you, why you do have to compel Xie Tianshi to dig out the eyeball? Why compels Brother Ouyang to dig out the eyeball to come?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sighingly said, “I knew you can certainly be outraged by an injustice for them.”

Feng SiNiang said, “I must certainly not be uneven for them, you have also said, man long eye, in order to look originally the attractive woman, the woman attractively, is originally should look to a person.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang acknowledged, he indeed has spoken this speech.

Feng SiNiang have iced one with the corner of the eye horizontal ice, sneered said, “Why does she look does not have? Why did others look her two, must dig out own eyeball to come?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “That only is an excuse.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Excuse?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “They do not look at her, I must compel them to dig out own eyeball to come.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Oh?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang expression also changes suddenly very much seriously, said, “I want them to dig out the eyeball to come, already was polite, actually I originally should kill them.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Certainly has the reason.”

Feng SiNiang said, “What reason?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “This reason said too the speech is long, if you listen, should better calm down first.”

Feng SiNiang transferred the eye to stare at Bing Bing once, said, “My anger will not disappear.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sighingly said, “actually if you knew this has any reason, you cannot be angry.”

Feng SiNiang sneer.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You not only cannot be angry moreover also certainly can help me to dig their eyeball.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Really?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “When have I deceived you?”

Feng SiNiang was staring him, finally sighed, “You said the speech I all cannot believe originally, but does not know for any. As soon as I see you, the sentence sentence all has believed.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Therefore you said this first calms down, then slowly listens to me to say.”

Feng SiNiang said, “My anger will not disappear.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Why?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Because I am awfully hungry.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “What do you want to eat?”

Feng SiNiang' vision are gradually gentle, is sighing gently said, “The beef noodles, are certainly the beef noodles, except the beef noodles, what I meets wants to eat?”

Regardless of in big or small cities, somewhat general meeting some 12 sell the surface the outdoor shop, is all does not rest all night.

Regardless of because in the size cities, the night owl which somewhat general meeting some evenings cannot sleep.

These outdoor shops boss, majority all is a little strange, a little eccentric old person, their youth goes in, the determination has worn down, perhaps some sufficiently now they evening cannot fall asleep painful past events, therefore they no matter 刮风下雨, can defend a dark lamp in the night to sell their surface, because they go back are also cannot fall asleep equally.

They do the surface already cannot too be delicious, also cannot too be unpalatable.

They cannot too be polite to the visitor, but you finished eating the surface not to have the money to pay a bill, they cannot too thank you.

Because they sell the surface are not in order to make money completely, also for is wearing down this lonely endless night.

This outdoor shop is not exceptional, sells the surface is an alone eye is lame the old person, he sells 卤菜 is also same with his person, also Leng Yougan is also hard.

But the surface is actually hot, suspends when comes up to the table, but also in steaming hot is braving the gas.

Feng SiNiang look on the table this bowl of surface, sees Xiao Shiyi Lang who pours out wine for her, in the heart on cannot help but is rising the kind to warm meaning, resembles the steam which braves from the surface bowl to be same.

But Xiao Shiyi Lang one's side also has a person, ice, she looked like is that gentle, then beautiful, also that noble.

As soon as but Feng SiNiang see her, the complexion has sunk, coldly said, “This kind of place thing, this girl thought is eats is not used to.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said with a smile, “She eats is used to.”

Feng SiNiang coldly said, “How did you know she eats is used to? You are in her belly roundworm?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang did not dare to open the mouth.

Bing Bing also lowered the head, does not dare to make noise, she certainly also can see this Feng SiNiang certainly not to have what favorable impression to her.

She also can smile luckily, therefore Feng SiNiang also did not have the method to say again.

Three people sit in the same place, a speech all did not say, this is very much makes the matter which one could not bear.

The liquor has filled luckily.

Two glasses of liquors.

Feng SiNiang raise glass toss down, sneeringly said, “This kind of liquor, this girl is certainly drinks is not used to.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang fall said with a smile, “She is not drinks is not used to, she always does not drink.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Certainly does not drink, noble can the such young lady, how look like my this kind of lover to drink equally.”

Bing Bing any speech had not said, own but actually cup liquor, sweetly said, “I do not drink originally, but today makes an exception.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why has to make an exception?”

Bing Bing said, “Because I have already heard four elder sisters your given name, I always thought in the heart, if one day, I can the hero sit with four elder sisters such females in — drink, that is happy.”

She has also drunk glass of liquors, moreover drinks very quickly.

Feng SiNiang look at her, thought suddenly she did not have so to be hateful a moment ago — — thousand has put on ten thousand broken, flattered does not put on, this speech was really the eternity invariable truth.

But on Xiao Shiyi Lang face reveals actually plants the very strange expression, is as if pities is sad as if.

Three glasses of cold liquors, after half bowl of surface got into the stomach, Feng SiNiang' moods have also been good.

She was chewing a piece of pig ear slowly, said, “Now my gas has disappeared, why didn't you say?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sigh actually, said, “Complicated. Do you want me to mention from where?”

Feng SiNiang eyeballs have transferred the extension, said, “Certainly is mentions from that war.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Which war?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Certainly is you with Count Carefree's that war.”

As soon as that fights already causes a stir the martial arts world, but does not have a person to be able actually to see with own eyes, also nobody knows the war the result.

The martial arts world master's decisive battle, really has not been through the ages strangeer than mystically this war.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have done two cups, only then long sighed, said, “That day I am originally the preparation die, I knew the world does not certainly have anybody to be able to be Count Carefree's match.”

Feng SiNiang said, “But you are also living now.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “This really links I not to be able to think.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Count Carefree?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “He has died!”

In Feng SiNiang' eyes has sent out the light, as soon as makes an effort to pat the case, said loudly, “I knew you may certainly defeat him, perhaps your wugong is inferior to him, but you have gang of others do not compare the vigor.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang forced smile said, “Only may borrow me to have an in every possible way vigor, is also not his match.”

Feng SiNiang was astounded, said, “You are not his match?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “No.” He is sighing, also said, “I most only can meet live his 200 moves, after 200 move of I already exhausted, if not for he saves thought lets me many select the crime under, I already die in him hold.”

Feng SiNiang said, “But you are also living now, he has died actually.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Because that only dies quickly in me, suddenly has a person to rescue me.”

Feng SiNiang said, “who has rescued you?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “She!”

“She” certainly is Bing Bing.

Feng SiNiang change countenance said, “How has she rescued you?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “That road terminus, is a piece of certainly cliff, we are fight certainly on that cliff.”

Feng SiNiang was listening.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “That piece of cliff both sides rise certainly steeply like truncate, under is the abyss.”

Feng SiNiang sighingly said, “That certainly is he already prepared for you the grave.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “He also such said, he said that piece of cliff, this is certainly the murder cliff.”

Murder cliff, good bad risk name.

Only hears this name, Feng SiNiang to resemble imagine that piece of poor Shan Egu, the valley has also been piling up the countless skeleton.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “That originally is his murder cliff, he always likes in there murder.”

Feng SiNiang sighingly said, “Because killed people after there, Lian Mandu does not need to bury.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “He had not known has killed how many people in there, under that abyss, had not known has how many to die in his under ghost, as soon as therefore he hears certainly under the cliff summon, although his courage big, also was unable to restrain to be scared.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Summon? What summons?”

Xiao Shi shiji said, “He is preparing when kills me, suddenly hears certainly under the cliff some people to summon his name.”

Feng SiNiang said, “He also has the name?”Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “

He was not surnamed Tian, he is surnamed Geshu, calls Geshu Tian, originally is an Anxi Geshu descendant, is not the Han people.”

Feng SiNiang sighingly said, “No wonder in Jiang-hu always also nobody knew his real name, thought he is not willing others to know he is the outside Yi and Di.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “On because the world in always also nobody knows his real name, therefore, he hears certainly under the cliff some people to summon his name, only then can be startled.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Thought certainly is thought these are overcome by him certainly the cliff ghost, was approaching his rope life to come.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “As soon as therefore this summon sound resounds, he puts in order individual all to resemble already stiffly.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You cannot certainly miss this opportunity.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “At that time my strength, even if has the opportunity, I also incapably kill him, but my knife chops after him carries on the back, he resembled suddenly insanely has been same, jumped certainly to the cliff under.”

Feng SiNiang low-spirited sighingly said, “If in a manpower rank smell of blood too have been many, sooner or later always has such one day-long.”

When 11 heaven must destroy a person, how could it not be always wants shilling him crazily?

If a person's matter that weighs on the conscience did too much, how could it not be always could have one day crazily?

Feng SiNiang could not bear ask, “Summons certainly him under the cliff the person, actually is who?”

Bing Bing said, “Is I.”

Feng SiNiang had certainly also thought is she:”But how can you under that cliff? How also can know his real name?”

Bing Bing said, “I knew, because of ......”

On she beautiful pale face, reveals — the kind suddenly unusual and the sad expression, then said slowly, “Because I am his younger sister.”

37th chapter blood relative 兄妹

Bing Bing is unexpectedly Count Carefree's younger sister.

Feng SiNiang draft, “Blood relative's younger sister?”

Bing Bing said, “Blood relative's younger sister.”

Feng SiNiang said, “How can you under that certainly cliff?”

Bing Bing expression is more painful, said low-spirited, “Is my blood relative's elder brother, pushes me.”

Feng SiNiang draft.

She had discovered this also has a secret surely, sad and fearful secret.

She does not want again to ask, she does not hope the heart which offends somebody.

But Bing Bing is asking her actually, “You certainly in strange, why does he have to push me to get down?”

Feng SiNiang nodded, thereupon Bing Bing said her that section pitiful and the fearful secret.

“I am he littlest younger sister, when I live down, his adult, has gotten down since my life, he is hating me.”

“Because of mine elder brother the elder sisters, all is the abnormal dwarf, moreover besides him, all has died.”

“But I am actually a normal person, therefore he hates me, to envy me, this kind of sentiment. You thought can understand.”

“At that time my mother has not died luckily, therefore I have finally lived down.”

“When my mother dies, also exhorts him over and over, wants him to treat me well, my mother also tells him, him if dared to injure me, then she cannot let him off in next world.”

“Therefore in his heart although hates me, finally has not treated unjustly me, because his anything did not fear, but very much fears the ghost actually, after he always believed a person has died, but also has the ghost.”

“This is also a secret, besides me, only feared also does not have others to know.”

— — often makes the matter that weighs on the conscience a person, always feared the ghost, this truth Feng SiNiang also understood.

Bing Bing drank the cup liquor, the mood has only then stabilized down, then also said;“He provides for my food and clothing to be complete, but to inquire about his matter actually from does not have me, I am his younger sister, certainly does not dare to ask.”

“Whenever I only knew the recent years around the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, the general meeting had very many people to look for him.”

“These human of each all hoodwinks the face to come, the whereabouts is very mystical, they see me also not to care about, perhaps thought I am also elder brother's professional female entertainer absurd one.”

“Because my elder brother ever is not willing others to know, he has my such younger sister.”

— — therefore Feng SiNiang did not know.

Bing Bing then said, “Who can’t he certainly tell me these people is, also cannot tell me them is does any.”

“But I saw indistinctly a lot, had guessed correctly, they are surely are carrying on a very big plot, these hoodwink the face to look for him the person, was surely he already has bought the partisan.”

“I knew he always has one kind of ambition, wants to control in Jiang-hu all people.”

“But I always thought that only is a kind of laughable fantasy, in the world does not certainly have anybody, can really control Jiang-hu, before these martial arts world hegemon, also only is the merely nominal.”

“But he very are actually earnest, moreover the elephant had a special method fortunately, therefore these are deceiving a person who the face participates in the secret assembly, also a year compared to more than a year.”

“When two year ago fifth day of the fifth lunar month, comes a person are more, his facial expression also appears specially excitedly, I hear him in having no intention in to mutter, said is the world hero, had one half person to enter in his valley.”

“To the evening, all people all assembled in a Mt. Hou's secret cavern.”

“This is also their convention, after they go in every year. All must stop over 23 days in that cave.”

“They are also a person, certainly also wants the diet, therefore must some people deliver food and the liquor every day goes in, this assignment always is by several deaf blind people responsible.”

“That year I really could not bear the curiosity, wants to go in has a look, actually has been bought by him is what person?”

“When I ride them to deliver the thing goes in, also puts on their same clothes, mixes asked in them.”

“I have also studied Yi Rongzhu, from thought played the role of very much has looked like.”

“Who knew him is looked.”

“But I also finally saw these people's true colors, as soon as because they have entered the cave, will hoodwink on the face the black turban takes down, although I only in a hurry looked at, all has recorded actually their majority person's appearance down, I will have this kind of original story since childhood.”

— — Count Carefree, is also a photographic memory extremely the smart person.

Bing Bing also said, “I thought he had discovered after me, certainly can have a fit of temper greatly, who knew his any speech all had not said unexpectedly, moreover go second day also approximately I to Mt. Hou, to say unexpectedly is leads me strolls.”

“I am certainly very happy, because I always all hoped he can look like others elder brother to treat me equally.” “Therefore I also specially dress up attractive, was arriving Mt. Hou together with him, is also that murder cliff.” “To there, he turned hostile, said I knew the secret too have been many, said I too am meddlesome.” I thought he most only scolds me, because of theirs secret, I is one did not know, even if has taken down some people's appearances, is also not at the worst matter. “

“He afterwards told me, these people all were a person who the martial arts world had the status extremely, was not 威镇一方 the chivalrous person, was famous family big faction leader, also could not let others know these human of oneself have become his partisan, could not let anybody go bad his important matter.”

“I promise him, does not tell this matter others, but he ...... He rides actually when I do not pay attention, me has pushed, under is an abyss, regardless of who falls down, all certainly can meet a cruel death, I have a dream also cannot think of my blood relative elder brother, can to me under this kind of violent treachery.”

Speaks of here, ice eye socket oneself has been red, the tear has flowed off the cheek slowly.

Feng SiNiang was also unable to restrain to sighed, said, “But you have not died.”

Bing Bing said, “That because my luck is really only good.”

“That day I specially have dressed up, puts on the big skirt which was just completes, was just goes on the market with one kind weaves the wadding satin to do, the material was specially solid, the skirt did specially in a big way.”

“I fall, the skirt has wrapped up the wind unexpectedly, therefore under me falls time slow very many, therefore I only then had the opportunity to hold on a cliff small tree.”

“That tree although also cannot withstand my under to fall the strength, although also broke. But I finally had have breathed heavily the tone opportunity, moreover passed through this to keep off, I ended up to turn out am certainly slower.”

“On the cliff certainly also continues that tree, therefore I have held other one.”

“This my under falls the strength already slightly very many, that tree unexpectedly cradling I.”

“But I almost fell at that time to the valley, under was a stretch of open land and the bog, besides some thorn mixed trees and the dead person bones of the dead which is pushed by him, any also does not have, regardless of who also gave up any idea of goes on living in that kind of place.”

“The mountain valley all around, all is the knife truncating cliff, in 石缝 although also steadily trees entanglements, but is a apes and monkeys, wants to crawl from under, also difficult like to ascend to heaven.”

“Luckily these on the death person body which is shot down by him, but is also bringing the weapon, I use their weapon, digs out a hole on the cliff to come, to take I stop over place.”

“But, that place cliff is also harder than the iron, I am every day most also only can dig out 230 holes to come, moreover to afterwards dug more and more little.”

“Because every evening, I must crawl to the valley stop for the night, the second day early morning crawls again digs, more arrived afterwards, everyone spent the time more and more were many.”

“Moreover the valley does not have the thing which any may eat, I only can eat a tree leather leaf every day, drinks in a bog the spate, therefore arrived afterwards, my strength more and more has been also weak.”

“This appearance has dug for more than two months, I only can arrive the mountainside, was seeing with own eyes again also did not have the method to support, who knew in by now, I have heard him the sound which spoke in above.”

“At that time in my mountainside, therefore can hear his sound, I hoped he also can read sentiment of 兄妹 the, rescues me.”

“I exhaust the whole body strength, shouts his name ......”

The afterwards matter, did not need her to say again, Feng SiNiang also might think.

Count Carefree has certainly a dream also could not think she is also living, therefore hears her call, only then can think is the ghost rope life.

After waits for him to fall down, actually can’t Xiao Shiyi Lang certainly bear want to have a look are who in summon, after to see on the cliff has a person, certainly can the idea rescue her.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said low-spirited, “I rescue the time which she comes up, she has really been suffered the inadequate human form, actually do I even link her am male am female, is always few cannot see.”

Bing Bing is nipping the lip, not being able to bear machine has hit the shiver coldly.

How do that more than two months cross, now she simply wants all not to dare to think.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I only knew at that time a matter, my life, was rescued by her, therefore I in any event. Also must think of a way lets her go on living.”

She really already was the narrow escape at that time, suffocates, must let her go on living, certainly is not an easy matter.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “In order to must rescue her life, I must certainly find a doctor first, therefore I have not returned from the old route, copies the alley after the mountain to descend a mountain.”

Feng SiNiang sighingly said, “Therefore Shen BiJun looked for time you along that road, only then had not found you.”

Is this a destiny?

Is the destiny arrangement, always so why strange? Also so brutal?

Bing Bing has borne the tear, smiled, said, “In any event, I now finally am living, you have not died.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang look at her, in the eye revealed that kind to pity the sad expression, said with a smile reluctantly, “the good person only then longevity, did not look like my this kind of person, wanted to die has also refused stubbornly.”

Bing Bing supple voice, “Good person if really the longevity, you only did not fear already has died, my this — lives, has never seen — compared to you better person.”

Feng SiNiang finally acknowledged, “Such looked like, he indeed does not calculate too badly.”

Bing Bing said, “That Dian cang leader Xie Tianshi, is that day I these human of center one which sees in the cave.”

Feng SiNiang wrinkled the brows, “Does his oneself Count Carefree to buy early?”

Bing Bing nodded, said, “I guaranteed I cannot admit mistakes.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Seniority order among brothers double variant Brother Ouyang, also all is Count Carefree's partisan?”

Bing Bing nodded, said, “Until now I only knew, that day I a person who sees in that cave, unexpectedly really all was in others mind the great big knight, excellent person.”

Feng SiNiang sighingly said, “Knows a person to know the surface not to be intimate, must distinguish a person's good and evil, looked like is indeed not an easy matter.”

Bing Bing said, “Now although my brother has died, but this secret organization has not disintegrated.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Oh?”

Bing Bing said, “Because afterwards we in a dying person mouth, also has heard a news.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Any news?”

Bing Bing said, “After my brother has died, also had a person to come out has replaced his status.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Who is this person?”

Bing Bing said, “I don’t know.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Cannot ask?”

Bing Bing said, “They, resemble the not too clear this person's status origin.”

Feng SiNiang said, “They since all is a human who has the status extremely, why can be resigned to obey this person's order?”

Bing Bing said, “Because this person not only wugong is immeasurably deep, moreover has also held their handle.”

Feng SiNiang said, “What handle?”

Bing Bing said, “Their handle only then my brother person knows originally, did not know why can fall in human this manpower?”

Feng SiNiang said, “They do not know continually?”

Bing Bing said, “I don’t know.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Does this person also have the extremely deep relations with Count Carefree? Rambles the count before death on to tell this secret he?”

These question nobody can certainly reply.

Bing Bing said, “I only knew my brother must carry on that plot, is continuing to carry on now, that person is also obviously same with my elder brother, obviously also wants to control Jiang-hu, looks like the god to control others destiny equally.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Therefore you so long as sees that day you has seen in that cave a person, you want Xiao Shiyi Lang to dig out his eye to come?”

Ice freezing point nodded, said, “Because I knew these people all should die, if they have all died, others can the peaceful date give.”

Feng SiNiang see Xiao Shiyi Lang, said, “Therefore you said you originally should kill them.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sighed, said, “Now you finally have understood.”

Feng SiNiang said, “But others did not understand actually, therefore others all thought your oneself turned 恶贼 which kills without batting an eye.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said lightly, “The thief Xiao Shiyi Lang, is originally 恶贼, this originally is in Jiang-hu everybody all knows.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why do you reveal their secret not in the presence of everyone, lets everybody all know they should die originally?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Because they are the chivalrous person, I am actually the thief, the speech which the thief said, also some who can believe?” He smiled, then said slowly, “Moreover, in my this life does the matter, does not want others understanding originally, does not want a person to sympathize with, Xiao Shiyi Lang how could it not be originally are stick to one's own way of doing things, the regardless of all consequences person.”

Although he is smiling, actually smiled the misery which cannot say.

Feng SiNiang look at him, resembled saw a wolf, lonely, lonely, cold, hungry wolf, in world of ice and snow, in order to own life alone were struggling.

But in the world does not have a person to be able actually to stretch out is hand-held his, each people all only want to kick a his foot, kicks dies him.

Feng SiNiang each time see his this kind of expression, in the heart all to resemble have a needle to puncture.

Xiao Shiyi Lang had not changed, Xiao Shiyi Lang was Xiao Shiyi Lang.

The wolf and the sheep are same, is equally a life, is authorized to survive equally, is also authorized equally in order to own survival struggle the struggle.

Although the wolf does not have the sheep to be docile, but to own companion, far is actually more faithful than the sheep.

Even is more faithful than a person.

Although but world big, why can’t give them one to take shelter place.

Feng SiNiang drink the cup bitter tasting wine, has as if heard Xiao Shiyi Lang that miserable and the sad clang singing sound.

She lays down the wine cup, said suddenly, “Did you also remember, you before always likes humph that first madrigal?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang remembered certainly.

Feng SiNiang said, “After me understood it meaning, only then knew why you do like it.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Oh?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Because you thought oneself resembles a wolf, because you thought in the world nobody can understand wolf's loneliness and lonely compared to you.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang have not opened the mouth.

He was drinking, bitter tasting wine.

Feng SiNiang smiled suddenly, said, “You are now a wolf, also was not only the ordinary wolf.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled reluctantly, said, “What type wolf am I now only?”

Feng SiNiang said, “1,000,000 rich wolves.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang laugh;“1,000,000 rich wolves?”

He thought this name is really funny.

Feng SiNiang have not smiled, said, “Perhaps 1,000,000 rich ruthless and other wolf has a point of biggest difference.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang could not bear asked, “What is different?”

Feng SiNiang coldly said, “1,000,000 rich wolves to own companion, are unfaithful.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang do not smile.

He has certainly understood Feng SiNiang' meanings.

Bing Bing stood up suddenly, said with a smile, “I drink very little, now my head has been feeling dizzy.” She smiled obstructs is similar some reluctantly, “You are good friends, certainly has very many speeches to have to chat. Am I go back first good?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Good.”

She always is not a false person, she indeed hoped can alone chat with Xiao Shiyi Lang.

Xiao Shiyi Lang also only then nodded.

Looks Bing Bings a person to walk, leaves in darkness, in his eye reveals the unspeakable concern to pity meaning.

Feng SiNiang coldly said, “You have no need for her worried, Count Carefree's younger sister, can certainly look after own.”

Bing Bing can certainly look after oneself.

If a person also can certainly survive under in the murder cliff ten thousand ten feet valleys, then, regardless of in any place, she all certainly can look after own.

Moreover, they also have the place very luxurious hotel in this city.

But, leaves did not know for any, Xiao Shiyi Lang appears actually a little did not feel relieved.

Feng SiNiang was staring at he, puts on a serious face said, “she rescued you, you has certainly had to repay, also did not need to do too much.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang forced smile said, “I do too much?”

Feng SiNiang said, “You do not need for hers speech, to insist at least others earring to pick down.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sighingly said, “Looked like that really resembles does a little too much, but I such to her, not do not have the reason.”

Feng SiNiang said, “What reason has?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang want to say, bears, he resembles is not is not willing to say. But does not endure to say.

Feng SiNiang said, “Regardless of you are for any, should not forget at least Shen BiJun because of her.”

As soon as mentions Shen BiJun this name, Xiao Shiyi Lang bright hearts are likely by the acupuncture, “I ...... I have not forgotten her.”

Feng SiNiang said, “But you until now, but also has not asked her.”

But Xiao Shiyi Lang are gripping tightly the empty cup, the complexion already pain pale, after for a very long time said only then slowly, “Some speeches, I originally am not willing to say.”

Feng SiNiang said, “In front of me, what you also has to live cannot say?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Does not have, in front of you, I does not have what speech not to be able to say, therefore I only then must again ask you, I made any matter to be unfair to her, she ...... Why wants that appearance to me?”

Feng SiNiang said, “She how to you?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sneeringly said, “Didn't you know, you haven't seen? In that peony building, how is she to me? She resembled simply me has regarded as a poisonous snake.”

“Wave”, the wine cup by his crumb, the wine cup fragment, was pricked in his meat, shears his Man Shoudu is a blood. But he resembles actually did not think hurts. Because in his heart pain is more intense. Even if chops a his hand to come, also cannot make him ......

38th chapter Seven killings

The surface has been cool.

But Feng SiNiang did not care about.

Said to her, the life also likely is this bowl of surface is same, ice-cold and tasteless.

But she is also actually must eats.

She shoulders the surface, the volume on the chopsticks, again sends in the mouth, likely is a mischievous child is same.

But her corner of the eye oneself has revealed the weary wrinkle actually, even under this kind of dim light, also has been able to look indistinctly.

Xiao Shiyi Lang look at her, in the heart gushes out suddenly the feeling which one kind cannot say.

Doesn't he really understand her to his sentiment?

After such many years, such many matters, fainted under the lamp bitter tasting wine to talk over thoroughly such many times, does he really link cannot see?

Is he the block wood?

Xiao Shiyi Lang did not know should say any, at this moment, he hears suddenly “sincerely”.

Then, in darkness appeared seven black-clothed people on the spirit.

Seven long hair shawl black-clothed person, the eye all only is also left over two black holes.

Seven blind people.

Their left hand, raises the root white bright stick, the right hand is taking a fan actually.

The first person complexion is pale, the cheekbone stands tall and erect, was precisely former Dian cang leader Xie Tianshi.

Feng SiNiang continue to eat the surface.

Sees these seven blind people to appear suddenly in here, she also thinks obviously very accidentally.

But she is not startled, is not afraid.

She sees these seven people to get rid of. Also has seen their master — — top dog's time.

She knew Xiao Shiyi Lang may cope with them.

Xiao Shiyi Lang' wugong, these for two years as if also had the very astonishing progress.

Just like wugong the knowledge is also same, so long as is willing to study thoroughly, can progress day-by-day.

Seven blind people already wooden walked, on each person face all completely does not have the expression.

Xie Tianshi said suddenly, “You do not make noise, I also know you in here.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said lightly, “I am here.”

Xie Tianshi said, “Very good, very good.”

Seven people simultaneously launch the fan.

On the fan six bright red spaces, “must kill Xiao Shiyi Lang!”

Dim light, according to their pale face, according to these six bright red characters.

Sells the surface to be lame the old person, could not bear shivering. One step by step to the backlash, drew back into the corner of a wall.

Xie Tianshi coldly said, “You see these six spaces not to have?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang have not opened the mouth, Feng SiNiang sneer actually said, “He saw certainly, he is not the blind person.”

Xie Tianshi the complexion has changed, said, “Very good, you really also in here.”

He also can hear Feng SiNiang the sounds.

Feng SiNiang could not bear ask, “Is who tells you, us in here?”

Xie Tianshi had not replied.

Feng SiNiang said, “Is Hua RuYu? Xuanyuan SanCheng?”

Xie Tianshi does not open the mouth.

Feng SiNiang said, “Regardless of is who tells you, I all knew he is for any.”

“You know?”

Feng SiNiang said, “He is wants to call you to come bring death.” She is sneering, also said, “But I actually am not willing to look at the murder now, therefore you best are quick.”

Xie Tianshi also smiled suddenly, smiled the ferocious surface to be surreptitious.

In this kind of smiling face, resembles unexpectedly is bringing a kind of strange self-confidence, he resembles unexpectedly has had confidence “must kill Xiao Shiyi Lang”!

The dark lamp sways in the wind.

Xie Tianshi raises bright stick one figure suddenly, “scoffs”, lamp oneself extinguishes.

Although he cannot see, can feel the flame actually the existence.

His Ming Zhangzhong, is unexpectedly also hiding the kind of extremely fierce machine reed hidden weapon.

A four immediately piece of darkness.

Xiao Shiyi Lang also smiled suddenly, said, “Has very many people before the murder, all likes drinking the cup liquor, I may ask you to drink two cups.”

Xie Tianshi coldly said, “We want to drink now are not the liquor, is a blood, your blood!”

“The blood” the character exportation, in darkness transmits “铮” one suddenly, then has — the lute sound to resound.

In the lute sound is having a kind of strange rhythm.

Seven blind people footsteps along with the rhythm migration, have immediately sphered Xiao Shiyi Lang, in the hand bright stick, also with is wielding.

Seven white bright sticks, brandish in darkness, has not changed any person, only is along with the lute sound in that kind of strange rhythm, is coordinating their footsteps, flies high dances.

But Xiao Shiyi Lang Feng SiNiang, had felt actually cannot say the pressure to one kind.

Feng SiNiang, her Lian Mian could not eat in particular.

The rhythm is more and more quick, the footsteps are more and more quick, Ming Zhang waving, is also more and more anxious.

Seven people surround the circle, reduced gradually, the pressure enlarged actually.

These seven the bright stick which flies high dances in the air, likely was has woven a net, was tightening gradually.

Feng SiNiang thought suddenly oneself likely was turned the fish which was stranded in the net.

Although her wugong is not very high, the experience is actually extremely broad.

But she cannot see these seven people to use now is unexpectedly any wugong, any style.

She only knew these seven styles the coordination, oneself approaches simply impregnably, does not have including a flaw.

In that the lute sound rhythm, is having a kind of indescribable charm as if, is been anxious a person mind, the whole body is restless.

Feng SiNiang only thought oneself resembled unexpectedly turned only on the hot pot ant.

Xiao Shiyi Lang peacefully sit obviously in there, the gearing is also motionless.

But she has wished one could to jump actually, flushes, in investment cold water.

Xiao Shiyi Lang gently have gripped her hand exactly.

His hand is dry and warm.

In his eye, brings the kind to make one trust, stabilizes strength.

Feng SiNiang finally sank had been mad, has not gone to walk into a trap.

But these seven Ming Zhangzhi becomes the net, thinner, denser, the lute sound the rhythm has been also quicker.

On the table cup board, all a oneself each one disruption, likely is suddenly the hand crumb which cannot be seen by one pair.

Nobody can endure this pressure, will all resemble including the furniture will have been crushed.

If not for Xiao Shiyi Lang gripped her hand, Feng SiNiang had known perfectly well had to walk into a trap. Also already flushed.

But Xiao Shiyi Lang move also motionless sit in there, likely was oneself turned a rock.

Likely was already and the earth has formed a body.

In the world does not have any — pressure, is the earth cannot withstand.

These seven blind people callous self-confident face earth, has instead revealed the expression which one kind 焦躁不安.

They detected suddenly oneself has also received one indescribable strange pressure.

Because of theirs attack, does not have a response unexpectedly completely.

The pressure originally is relative.

You add on others body the pressure are bigger, own burden are also heavier.

Xie Tianshi on the face has seeped the beads of sweat, backhands a stick suddenly, the straight thrust Xiao Shiyi Lang.

Also in this identical in an instant, Xiao Shiyi Lang cry loud and long suddenly, the sabre have gotten rid of.

Lightning sabre brightness, if a startled rainbow volume, seven Ming Zhang all succeeds in giving up two section suddenly.

This kind of Ming Zhangben is hundred builds up the fine steel to make into.

In the world this does not have the pointed weapons which can cut iron like mud truly.

But, Xiao Shiyi Lang itself strength, prestige of the this knife, already was not in addition anybody can imagine, was not anybody can resist.

As soon as sabre brightness dodges, Ming Zhangqi breaks.

Is truncated Ming Zhangzhong who breaks, also has the general thick smoke quick firing suddenly.

But Xiao Shiyi Lang have been pulling Feng SiNiang by now, overran.

The lightning sabre brightness, has composed one piece in front of them to destroy the hardest defenses, the irresistible light curtain, has operated the road for them.

Xiao Shiyi Lang backhandedly pinched Feng SiNiang' waists, stepped the top of a wall.

In the top of a wall has a person to play a qin, is precisely impressively the alone eye cripple who that sells the surface.

Xiao Shiyi Lang bright personal appearance stop suddenly, “Is you I” the alone clothing is lame an old person five fingers sword, “铮”, the string breaks suddenly, the lute sound suddenly certainly, in a pair of alone eye sparkling, is staring at Xiao Shiyi Lang;“You knew who I am?”

“Xuanyuan SanQue?”

The alone eye old person laughed heartily, “Could not think of you not only to be able to break me 'gloomily, seven killed big', but also could recognize me to come. “

Xiao Shiyi Lang sighed, said, “If not has seen Xuanyuan SanCheng a moment ago, I also cannot think of you.”

Xuanyuan SanQue said, “the good Xiao Shiyi Lang, are really a smart person, depends on this point, I today also let you off, thinks of a way quickly rescues you the woman, if again late moment, without enough time.”

Feng SiNiang have really remained unconscious, closely bites in mandibular joint, also had the foam to spit.

Xuanyuan SanQue coldly said suddenly, “Only the old man always gets rid of, the example returns not emptily. Today asked you to leave, you also should leave behind a thing.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang also laugh heartily suddenly, said, “The thief Xiao Shiyi Lang, the biography only knew important person's thing, has never left behind the thing to give others.”

Xuanyuan SanQue said, “Today you only feared must make an exception time.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Good, I leave behind this sabre!”

“The sabre” the character exportation, his sabre is on duty divides.

Xuanyuan SanQue both hands to hold the qin, as soon as upward welcomes.

Only listens “to work as”, Jin Tie hands over the cry, shakes into the tympanum.

This destroys the hardest defenses a sabre, has not divided unexpectedly his qin breaks, the sabre point is shaken instead.

As soon as but Xiao Shiyi Lang' person, also has taken advantage of this sabre point to shake the strength actually, sprang to after, flies high, across 40 feet.

It was only a pity under his rib is also pinching a person.

When his body flies high the nose oven, always unavoidably wanted slowly, at this moment, he thought suddenly the leg stock one cold.

Only listens to Xuanyuan SanQue laughed said, “Xiao Shiyi Lang, you have today left behind a drop of blood.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang person outside 100 feet, said, “this drop of blood wants you to use the blood also to come.”

The blood congealed.

Under Xiao Shiyi Lang' left stock, also did not know is sheared by any 7-8 inch long wounds.

The wound does not hurt, Xiao Shiyi Lang' heart has felt cold actually.

Not the sore wound, is the most fearful wound.

He backhands a sabre, this meat entire piece truncates down own left stock in, the blood only then gushes out.

Now the wound only then has hurt, hurts very much.

He looked actually all did not look, does not wrap up, lets the blood not stop toward the lower reaches.

Because he essential looks after Feng SiNiang first.

Ming Zhangzhong had a moment ago when the thick smoke spurted, he promptly shuts the breath, but Feng SiNiang' responses did not certainly have him to be quick.

He holds on her to be in luck, had detected her body becomes tender, therefore pinches her only then backhandedly.

Now her body actually resembles was hardening gradually.

Also Leng Youying.

Her face turned the dead gray.

But she cannot die absolutely.

Xiao Shiyi Lang in any event, also cannot let her die.

In giant hotel, brilliantly illuminated, cannot hear the sounds of people actually.

Because here basic already nobody.

This place originally is he buys down, even if he not when, also some several Tong Pu looks after in here.

Moreover, Bing Bing should come back a moment ago.

But present here, links — individual also not to have actually.

Bing Bing?

She cannot not wait for him in here, cannot own walk.

Xiao Shiyi Lang' heart has sunk.

Luckily these for two years, in order to want Xie Bingbing the poison, he visited all around under the another day the famous doctor.

Which kind of poisons although he can’t see in Feng SiNiang', but this kind of poisonous smoke nature, the difference all cannot too many.

Bing Bing lives in the room, continuously all has all kinds of antidote.

He hugs Feng SiNiang, places on the bed.

He has turned on under Bing Bing counter drawer, he puts in order individual to feel cold suddenly, likely was has fallen into in all of a sudden cold water.

All antidotes, all have disappeared unexpectedly.

Good thorough plan, good virulent method.

Xiao Shiyi Lang always are a person who cannot overthrow, regardless of occurs happen to meet any difficulty and the danger, he all has the confidence to solve.

But he actually only then likely a simpleton, stands now in the head of a bed, sees Feng SiNiang.

Now is this leads her to seek medical help first? Looks for Xuanyuan SanQue again wants the antidote?

If seeks medical help first, who had confidence can solve this kind of poison? Is willing to give the antidote?

Found when can already too late?

If looks for Xuanyuan SanQue, he also in there? Is willing to give the antidote?

If he is not willing, Xiao Shiyi Lang to be able to have confidence, compels him to take?

Did not know!

Xiao Shiyi Lang did not know completely, his heart has been chaotic. He really does not dare by Feng SiNiang' life to make the gambling stake. Really does not dare to take this kind of danger. On the station in here, looks she dies?

Xiao Shiyi Lang discovered suddenly the cold sweat has soaked the long robe. He knew the present arrived must decide, not only he plays quickly under judges, moreover must judge accurately.

But he completely has not grasped actually, does not have including a minute assurance, perhaps this because only he too cares about Feng SiNiang. If now has a calm side Goddess of Mercy, perhaps can help him an idea.

At this moment, outside unexpectedly really some people are knocking on a door.

Bing Bing? Is it possible that was Bing Bing comes back.

Xiao Shiyi Lang ran over, pull opened the door, also was astounded. Looked like the honest person, stands well-mannered in outside, looks he smiled.

Xuanyuan SanCheng, this person is unexpectedly Xuanyuan SanCheng!

Xuanyuan SanCheng smile, smiled modestly, also sincere, is likely prepares the top dog who discusses business with boss.

Xiao Shiyi Lang' complexion turns green, sneered said, “Could not think you also dare to here to come unexpectedly.”

His hand has gotten hold of, has prepared to get rid of as necessary.

Xuanyuan SanCheng retroceded actually two steps, greets with a smile said, “I am not ask you to fight, I this time come, is completely a good intention.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Good intention? You also can have the good intention?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “Perhaps to others cannot, but to your two ......”

His vision looks from Xiao Shiyi Lang shoulder, looks on bed Feng SiNiang, appear sympathize with. Also cared about, is sighing said, “I really could not think my position refuses to acknowledge my eldest brother, can unexpectedly to you under this kind of violent treachery.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang' eye clear in has sent out the light suddenly, said, “Xuanyuan SanQue is really your elder brother?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng nodded, forced smile said, “But I am not actually he kind of cruel and merciless person.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang was staring at this person, he has never seen such hateful hypocrite.

As soon as he wishes one could to fight with the fists simply breaks this full surface forced smile the face.

But he had also discovered, must rescue Feng SiNiang, only feared had to depend entirely on this person.

“Are you want to come saving people?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng really nodded unexpectedly.

Xiao Shiyi Lang closely examine immediately, “You can rescue her?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng smiled, said, “Our brothers always very little meet, even if met also very little speaks, because our temperament is different, the hobby is also different.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “What has differently?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “He likes killing people, I like saving people, so long as he can kill a person, I can rescue exactly.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang also smiled suddenly, said, “You are indeed more intelligent than him, kill people also do not have to a oneself advantage, saving people only then has the advantage.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng claps hands said with a smile, “Your excellency said this speech, has really touched my heart.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sank the face, said, “What advantage do this you want?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said lightly, “My any advantage does not want, only ......”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Only how?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “If you has planted a tree, if on the tree is long the orange to come, who should the orange turn over to?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Should turn over to me.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “Good, certainly should turn over to you, because if you does not plant that tree, the basis does not have the orange.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang' complexion has changed, he has understood Xuanyuan SanCheng meaning suddenly.

Xuanyuan SanCheng really then said, “Now she was equal to already is a dead person, if I could revive her, I was her rebirth parents, her this individual certainly also should turn over to me.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang 怒道, “Puts your fart.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “The business inadequate justice and humanity in, you do not comply, also has no need for has a fit of temper.”

He arched has cuped one hand in the other across the chest, “Said goodbye in light of this in under.”

He really turns head to walk unexpectedly.

Xiao Shiyi Lang cannot certainly ask him to leave, jump a leap, has blocked his way.

Xuanyuan SanCheng said lightly, “Your excellency since is not willing me to rescue her, I have to say goodbye, why does your excellency have to block me?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said sternly, “You must rescue her not to be possible.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng sighed, said, “Your excellency wugong is unparalleled, if must certainly compel me to rescue her, I cannot revolt, but, saving people and the murder is also completely different.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “What has differently?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “Murder as soon as so long as casual gets rid of, may kill —, saving people must take very many pains actually, spends very many spirits, if the heart unwilling, the sentiment does not hope, unavoidably can be careless, to at that time, your excellency actually no wonder I.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang did not have the speech to say.

Now Feng SiNiang' only ways out, fall on Xuanyuan SanCheng body, so long as this person — walks, Feng SiNiang must die without doubt.

Xuanyuan SanCheng said easily, “The common saying said well, the dead horse when might as well does work the horse medicine, now her oneself not different is a dead person in any case, your excellency why not gives her I?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang have to stamp the feet, said, “Good, I give her you.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “This originally is 两厢情愿 matter, nobody reluctantly anyone.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang only then acknowledged.

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “Therefore I carry off her time, your excellency already cannot renege on a promise, also cannot track in behind, otherwise I also only then look she disappeared the jade to damage fragrant, wants to help but not be able to. Xiao Shiyi Lang coldly said brightly, “You best quickly lead her to walk, later also will be best not must let me see you again.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said with a smile, “I certainly will later be able to be specially careful, will not be able again to let your excellency see, will meet was inferior to will not see, looks like your excellency this kind of person, also will not see helps.”

He was smiling, hugged Feng SiNiang, swaggered away.

Xiao Shiyi Lang only then helplessly look unexpectedly, does not have including a method.

He was not really resigned to, he cannot let Feng SiNiang on fall like this in Xuanyuan SanCheng, but Xuanyuan SanCheng already is leading Feng SiNiang actually, walks all links the shadow to disappear.

Is who plundered Bing Bing? Is who stole these antidotes? Certainly is also Xuanyuan SanCheng, his wounds condition is not simply heavy, after is injured also simply 走远.

Xiao Shiyi Lang Feng SiNiang they in that kind of pleasantly surprised excited situation, also does not have outside the pay attention the sound of something astir, moreover they do not have what secret to listen secretly shyly, they only said, must go to eat the beef noodles, they have transferred for a very long time in neighbor, only then found that to sell the surface the outdoor shop, looks in them, Xuanyuan SanCheng had the enough time, kidnaps human who sells the surface, lets the shaft three lack replaces.

Xiao Shiyi Lang they were also very strange to this city, also has not looked at originally a person who sells the surface in there, also has not seen Xuanyuan SanQue.

In Jiang-hu has a secret faction, is completely composes by the disabled person, after Xie Tianshi they blind, also joined this faction, the shaft three has lacked is this faction's total bandit chief — — top dog also very is possible is one of heads.

They want to originally create by them seven kill, Xiao Shiyi Lang will kill in there, but Xiao Shiyi Lang will not be is struck easily the but actually person, their plan has only succeeded one half, Feng SiNiang were poisoned.

Bing Bing leaves, Xuanyuan SanCheng then possibly tracks in behind, although her wugong surreptitious, the body too is actually weak, therefore she was trigged by Xuanyuan SanCheng — — shaft three tenth wugong, obviously his semblance looked like is much higher than, after he also was settles on Feng SiNiang to be poisoned, Xiao Shiyi Lang could lead her surely to go back govern the wound.

These matter Xiao Shiyi Lang have finally thought through, he cannot let Feng SiNiang and Bing Bing falls in Xuanyuan SanCheng, he must certainly find this individual, the present question is, how does he look?

Xuanyuan SanCheng was a very discrete person, is putting on the appearance, completely with common people not any different.

He lives place, also certain and common people not any different.

In this city has a great amount room, great amount household others, he very possibly lives in a general store, or is in a rice shop building.

His itself very possibly in opens a dry goods shop, a needle yarn and thread store, even is a brothel, he was also very possible any matter all not to do, lives studies in a suburb small thatched hut plants flowered.

In the city cannot certainly know has Xuanyuan SanCheng and Wang WanCheng this people, cannot know he lives the place, only possibly knew a person, is Storekeeper Niu and Storekeeper Lu, by Xuanyuan SanCheng discretion and quick-witted, the certainly early calculated this, even already?

39th chapter Good fortune makes fun of the human

Regardless of any type of restaurant, evening all the certain some waiters rest in the shop.

In these waiters, some people know certainly storekeeper's dwelling, because evening if left the urgent matter, they certainly must inform the storekeeper.

The peony building is certainly not an exception.

Xiao Shiyi Lang foot kicks the broken peony building the shutter, has flushed, the old companion who clutches to make a bed in three on the dining table which puts together sleeps.

“Does not want to die leads me to look for Storekeeper Lu, otherwise I kill you.”

Everybody cannot want to die.

An older person, instead more fears death.

Moreover this old fogy recognizes Xiao Shiyi Lang, can compel Liu Suzhou to sell a person who the earring, will be able the up to ten thousand two money to throw the avenue as necessary, will have to kill will certainly not be boasts a person.

This old fogy's reply only then four spaces, “I lead you to go.”

“Storekeeper Lu lives in this lane, left side third!”

The old fogy said this speech, suddenly has lost consciousness.

When — — second day he wakes, discovered on oneself body is putting on is that Uncle Xiao's clothes, in the bag also has opens 500 paper money.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have exchanged waiter's long robe, ran over knocks on a door.

Knocks on a door, his starts to gasp for breath.

After for a very long time, inside only then spreads the angry reed sound, is woman's sound, “who outside is person is knocking on a door?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang intentionally use the sound which gasps for breath to let this woman hear, loud question and answer, “Is I, I is in shop Lao Dong, Storekeeper Lu had an accident, wants me quickly to return to an incoming telegram news.”

He calculated the two points.

Storekeeper Lu cannot certainly in the home.

In his family's person, cannot recognize the peony building completely each waiter.

These two hits the mark must have a miscalculation, this plan blew.

Two both have not miscalculated.

A female servant, this is the hair dishevelled middle age woman, catches up with in a hurry opened the door.

“What matter? What matter did Storekeeper Lu leave?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang make the very tense appearance intentionally, “I did not know was any matter, we have rested at that time, Storekeeper Lu comes from the back door, to want us suddenly not to want to move, he drill actually to the table is hiding.”

“On in that time, behind also has two devils people to break through, had found Storekeeper Lu all of a sudden, three people also hit several moves, Storekeeper Lu have been overthrown by them, poured by chance on my body, told me secretly, wanted me to come back to tell you, quickly asked a person to rescue him.”

That middle-aged woman certainly is Storekeeper Lu's wife, has listened to win honor has been all white, “Who does he call me to ask to rescue him? Rescues him to where?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang shook the head, “I did not know, he just a saying reaches two speeches, has been carried away by force by that two people, now I also must catch up with go to the newspaper yamen quickly.”

He calculated third.

Lu Jia's person desperate under, cannot arrive the peony building to verification.

If many year husbands and wives, are the husband to have the illegal deal in outside, even if is hiding the truth from in the family, is the wife somewhat to think knew, to this time, is not willing to alarm the government authorities.

Storekeeper Lu is also a very discrete person, usually very possibly tells him the wife, if own had any accident accidentally, should go to look for any person.

Now Xiao Shiyi Lang had discovered, he has at least two point has not miscalculated.

He just said must go to notify a government office, that middle-aged woman has prevented him unexpectedly immediately, makes the calm color intentionally, calm face said, “This matter I had known, I can have the method to process help, you have no need for meddlesomely, quickly return to in the shop to look after importantly again.”

“Thud!”— The sound, she closed the door unexpectedly.

Xiao Shiyi Lang only then walk — — are certainly not really walk, also 走远.

He walked several steps, the diving posture plundered the next door ridge.

Only after the piece, Storekeeper Lu's wife opened the door, went out the lane in a hurry, she really was looks for a person.

She looks can a person, be Xuanyuan SanCheng?

Xiao Shiyi Lang discovered suddenly own heart are also jumping, this is his only clue, is also his only hope.

Ms. Lu rushed the lane, also changed over to another lane, Xiao Shiyi Lang with the past tense, she were also knocking on a door.

After the gate also has woman's sound to ask, “Who is, very late at night has bumped into the ghost?”

“Is I, your husband of younger sister had an accident, you open the door quickly.”

This family person is originally Storekeeper Niu, makes Wen Fu's having an accident, the wife must certainly look for the brother-in-law first.

A middle-aged woman comes out in a hurry opens the door, “What matter left, doesn't my that devil in, how manage?”

Storekeeper Niu certainly cannot in the home, this Xiao Shiyi Lang not miscalculate.

Two women, “whispered” discussed, the anxious important person was saddling a horse, gets on a carriage.

Their obvious had decided a person who, must go to look for one not to when, cannot go as a last resort to look.

The road which the horse-drawn carriage whirls, which walks the road is unexpectedly goes out of town.

Now is precisely before the daybreak is darkest, four nobody, Xiao Shiyi Lang bright bats resemble passed over gently and swiftly, hangs after the compartment.

In the compartment two women all have not spoken unexpectedly.

The husband had an accident, most speeches woman cannot have the mood to speak.

But Xiao Shiyi Lang suddenly hear one kind of sound actually, one kind of very strange sound.

Eats the thing the sound.

Suzhou's women all like eating the sweets, the glass is starting, quietly from the glass crevice looked, these two women are eating the sesame candy unexpectedly.

If the company speaks the mood does not have, how can have the mood to eat the sesame candy.

Xiao Shiyi Lang' hand suddenly ice-cold.

On in this flash, he has remembered several unreasonable matters.

Very late at night, outside do some people suddenly knock on a door, how answer the door can be this family person's housewives?

By theirs status, in the family has certainly Tong Pu, where did these male servants all arrive to go?

Can a middle-aged woman, how in front of own sister-in-law, be called own husband “the devil”.

Looks for a person in this kind of situation, on their body how also can bring the sesame candy?

Xiao Shiyi Lang discovered suddenly, own thought a moment ago calculated that 56, each has all been considered as is completely mistaken, did not have was unexpectedly the real direct operation.

They now the goal, is obviously lures the enemy out of his stronghold the idea, must direct intentionally him to go out of town.

Perhaps they already knew who he was.

Such being the case, Xuanyuan SanCheng thought certainly also in the city, the place which ever cannot calculate in Xiao Shiyi Lang.

Xuanyuan SanCheng very much understands a person psychology obviously weakness.

Xiao Shiyi Lang flies high, has caught up with by the quickest speed, returns to Lu storekeeper that room.

In the room also has the light unexpectedly, also has the sounds of people.

“The storekeeper did not know any matter, had only hoped the Bodhisattva blesses him to come back safely.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang' heart had sunk.

Did he miscalculate?

By now in the room also had old lady's intonation, “Aunt goes out of town looks for a person, did not know finds.”

Are they really go out of town look for the human?

Xiao Shiyi Lang were wishing one could oneself hit oneself several ear and the area around it times, in the heart passed over gently and swiftly suddenly together the miraculous glow.

Aunt Lu they, are board from a next door lane, just before leaving when had not said where has to arrive to go, can these two female servants, how know she must go out of town?

Is it possible that is this also troops deployed to decoy the enemy the idea, when preparation some people come accidentally, said listens to him.

Xuanyuan SanCheng are an extremely discrete person.

In the kitchen also has the lamp unexpectedly luminously, this kind of time, certainly cannot some people prepare food.

This kind of others, knew certainly the careful things that may cause fires, in the midnight how also can ignite a lamp in the kitchen.

Xiao Shiyi Lang ran over.

In kitchen only then lamp, nobody.

In the corner is piling the big firewood which a big pile divides newly, but pulls out from the stove hole, is actually a coal.

Since burning was using the coal, what were the piles of firewood doing there?

Xiao Shiyi Lang gave a long exlamation, he knew oneself finally found the place which oneself must look.

Under the firewood piles is really the strip typical population.

Raises the block flagstone, goes down the stone steps, in the tunnel has two doors, is opening.

A right side leaf of camphor wood gate, very thick, very solid, closely is closing from inside.

Xiao Shiyi Lang draw a sword, divide the gate, kicks aside, saw Xuanyuan SanCheng.

In the world nobody had ever seen Xuanyuan SanCheng to be so startled.

He was startled looks Xiao Shiyi Lang, have drafted for a very long time, only then long puts out the tone, “You found me after all.”

In the room arrangement very is unexpectedly magnificent, but also has Zhang Henda, very comfortably, is spreading embroiders by the bed.

Feng SiNiang on the dusk in by in, on the dead gray face, were had blushed.

Xiao Shiyi Lang also long put out the tone, “You cannot think?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng between calmly has gotten down suddenly, micro said with a smile, “I really could not think, because you originally should not come.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Oh!”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “You had promised me, does not renege on a promise, also does not track.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang lightly said, “I have already not reneged on a promise, also has not tracked, I have come for another matter.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “What matter?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I have to come to kill you!”

His reply was very simple.

In his hand was also grasping the sabre.

Xuanyuan SanCheng’s eyes were looking at his sabre.

He under discovered suddenly oneself puts in order individual all covers in this eye and this ray of sabre.

Xiao Shiyi Lang coldly said, “This you should better also not need again to use Feng SiNiang to coerce me, so long as because your finger moves, I must get rid of.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng was smiling said, “Now she already is my person, how can I use her to coerce you?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “After you have died. She is no longer yours.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng nodded, this truth he understood certainly, “Such being the case, why don't you kill me, also will want me to tell you where Bing Bing is?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Good.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng smiled, said, “Since I must die in any case, why must I tell you where Bing Bing is?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sighed, “I first see you shortly, knew you are a person who very difficult to cope with, I have not really looked wrong.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “But I am actually a businessman, so long as discusses the transaction with me, is not difficult.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “you wanted me to keep you, only then you will tell me where Bing Bing is?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “This transaction you do not suffer a loss, you also said, kills people does not have the advantage to oneself.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “How do I know you to say am the truth?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “A businessman’s biggest qualification, is 'the credit' two spaces, if I do not keep words, who was willing to discuss the transaction with me? “This was not a lie.

Xiao Shiyi Lang also originally do not have really to want to kill him, “Good, this transaction has made.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said with a smile, “You looked, discusses the transaction with me, is not difficult?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Bing Bing is where?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “I have sold to her to others.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang facial color changed.

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “I am a businessman, a businessman must certainly do business, moreover my sees her to be poisoned early extremely deeply, if is keeping her, how could it not be also must gather up dead bodies for her.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said sternly, “Who had you sold her to?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “You arrive here to come first, to let me stand the entrance to go, I tell you.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang have to bear the anger, he certainly also does not have any other choice leeway.

Xuanyuan SanCheng arrives the entrance, said only then slowly, “I have sold her to Hua RuYu.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang changed countenance brightly said, “Hua RuYu is where?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “Did not know, but I knew actually he is also a businessman, he cannot the goods which buys own high price, brings oneself uses, so long as perhaps therefore you price to, also may buy Bing Bing.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang suppressed his anger, “Didn't my his person all know in where, looks to where?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “You can rest assured that, I guaranteed he can certainly give you an opportunity, because he also knew you are a customer.” He went out the gate, turns head suddenly smiled, said, “Also has a matter, I also must tell you.”

“What matter?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng smiled very much mystically, suddenly said, “You although now has snatched Feng SiNiang, but you also certainly can regret.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang has raised the quilt brightly, also lays down immediately, bound with this brocade quilt gets Feng SiNiang, flushed by the quickest speed.

His for fear that Xuanyuan SanCheng the typical outlet will block.

But Xuanyuan SanCheng resembles actually simply does not have this meaning, because he also knew does this fundamentally does not have usefully.

Therefore Xiao Shiyi Lang did not understand.

He really could not think oneself can have any to regret well.

Under the cotton-wadded quilt Feng SiNiang, likely are the babies who lives, naked, until now, she has not awaked.

Xiao Shiyi Lang was not already willing to return to oneself that place to go, also does not hope continually the cloud building.

These places are all unsafe.

In fact, regardless of who is bringing is binding with the cotton-wadded quilt the naked woman, all very little has the place to be possible to go.

Now the Eastern micro present light of early dawn, he certainly not impossible to lead Feng SiNiang Man Jie to walk, therefore he then chooses this place.

Here is a very remote small inn, the small and narrow gloomy room, in the window is sticking the paper has also turned yellow.

Xiao Shiyi Lang sit on the bed, looks Feng SiNiang, sense the eyelid more and more is only heavy.

This night really crosses very much long and difficult, he nearly very little has the opportunity to breathe heavily the tone.

His potency of alcohol is also drawing back.

This is precisely a person is easiest to think the weary time.

The room in only then a bed, a very small backless stool, he both cannot stand is resting, and cannot remain a Feng SiNiang person in the room.

Thought suddenly irresistible sleepiness wells up, his this life never have such wearily.

He, also did not know why oneself changes suddenly so weakly.

Is because on his leg wound loses blood too much? Because own wound poison completely has not eliminated?

He has been unable to think carefully.

He down, has poured but actually on the bed.

Feng SiNiang was luckily a very straightforward woman, is also an old friend, even if has awaked, also cannot care about.

Moreover she has not awaked.

As soon as Xiao Shiyi Lang closed the eyes, he immediately had fallen asleep unexpectedly, blurry center.

He heard as if Feng SiNiang was groaning.

A very strange groan.

It was only a pity he had not heard too clearly.

He had thought originally Feng SiNiang' complexions are red very strangely, only were a pity he has not looked carefully.

An incomparably serene happy darkness, likely is only sweetheart's bosom, hugs him.

Then his as if sense very Ling.

Starts in him to think is cold, discovered suddenly has the group flame to throw oneself straight into his bosom.

A group warmth, smooth, scalding hot, but cannot burn actually human's flame.

He opens the eye reluctantly, saw Feng SiNiang' eyes.

In Feng SiNiang' eyes, as if also has the flame to burn.

She puts in order individual all in closely to hug him, puts in order individual in to be all anxious trembles.

One kind of who also indescribable shivering.

She smooth naked cave body, is hot is likely a group fire.

He discovers own suddenly body already nearly naked.

Feng SiNiang dreams finishedding groan, is asking him, wants him, mutters is narrating her concern.

These speeches, all are she had never said, always does not dare to say.

Is it possible that was she drunk?

That is not is drunk, also compared to is drunk actually fearfully.

Her elephant completely has lost the reason unexpectedly, her need is intense makes one be unable to imagine.

Her cave body still looked like the young girl smoothly solid, but her movement likely was actually turned an immoral woman.

— — Xuanyuan SanCheng gives in her antidote, is it possible that other also had the antidote, oneself shoulders her to suppress many year desires.

— — Xuanyuan SanCheng had not certainly certainly thought Xiao Shiyi Lang can go unexpectedly to rescue her.

— — all these, originally are Xuanyuan SanCheng oneself arranges, but the good fortune has play withed his one actually.

— — the good fortune has also play withed Feng SiNiang and Xiao Shiyi Lang.

They do not have possibly to have this kind of matter originally, but the present occurred actually.

Intoxicant groan, intoxicant pouring out, intoxicant hug ......

Xiao Shiyi Lang could not be drunk. He has not resisted.

He could not push certainly, does not endure to resist, even some is not also willing to reject.

This fire general enthusiasm, also has burnt similarly him.

Was it possible that it was a dream?

Works as it is the dream why not!

Gloomy very small room, lonely mind, even if has a time of dream by chance why not?

It was only a pity regardless of the happy dream, always has the time which awakes.

Xiao Shiyi Lang awoke! Awoke thoroughly!

In very small room actually only him.

Was last night only a dream? But on the bed is keeping why also that intoxicant fragrant and sweet?

Xiao Shiyi Lang breathe to the pillow on fragrant and sweet, in the heart gush out suddenly the unspeakable taste.

Until now, he incompletely understood Feng SiNiang.

He was unexpectedly Feng SiNiang' first man, are Feng SiNiang continuously all waiting for him?

Not impossible to occur obviously could the matter, why occur suddenly.

“...... If you lead her to walk, you certainly will regret it ......”

Xuanyuan SanCheng speech, as if resounds in his ear bank, he only then was earnest now has understood this speech meaning.

Is he had been regretting?

Feng SiNiang was such a woman, for him, had sacrificed happiness, had a disappointed youth, had finally given all to him.

What does he also have to be worth regretting?

But he has remembered Shen BiJun, has remembered Bing Bing, they how could it not be also equally have sacrificed all for him?

Can he abandon them, forgets them, accompany Feng SiNiang together for life?

Can he on abandon Feng SiNiang like this.

Xiao Shiyi Lang' heart was in chaos.

He has occurred happen to meet the matter which he are unable to solve absolutely.

Now did Feng SiNiang' go people to where?

Hasn't she had face goodbye him, walked unexpectedly quietly.

Even if she really walked, he cannot abandon her like this equally.

Since this matter already occurred, will certainly forever to exist.

Since this question exists, essential solution.

Xiao Shiyi Lang had decided, this cannot evade.

At this moment, the door suddenly is opened, the same thing flew from outside.

Is package of clothes.

From inside in unlined upper garment, to outside clothing, even links the sock, the boots all has.

All is brand-new, the material was also very good.

Xiao Shiyi Lang only then discovered by now, he puts on that set clothes which trades from the old companion body, has disappeared — — has certainly been put on by Feng SiNiang.

Package of clothes cannot certainly own 飞进, outside the gate certainly also has a person.

Xiao Shiyi Lang by the quickest speed, put on this set of clothes, Feng SiNiang walked.

On her body also traded set of brand-new clothes, the color has been bright, her person also was face glowing with health, beaming, looked like likely was a new bride.

Xiao Shiyi Lang bright hearts started to jump, only thought sat is not right, stands is not right.

He originally is a very free and easy person, now unexpectedly suddenly changes helplessly, did not know unexpectedly should treat her with any type manner.

As soon as but Feng SiNiang old styles, is raising the hand in 7-8 large packages packets throw radically toward the bed on, are smiling said, “No wonder the women all like going shopping, I only then detected now, goes shopping is really a very interesting matter, no matter you buy is the thing useful, but is buying, already was the kind has enjoyed.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang nodded.

Spends itself is enjoys, this kind of truth he understood certainly.

Feng SiNiang said, “You guessed I have bought any thing, guessed obtains then calculated you have the original story.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang shook the head, he cannot guess correctly.

Feng SiNiang said with a smile, “I bought have been matching the carving flower wooden frame mirror at the same time, bought to sink the fragrant wood to dress and apply makeup the chest, also has bought two Wuxi clay doll, an old lady used the bronze warming stove, an old man used jadeite 烟袋, but also bought 3-4 Hunan to embroider, a marten skin hat.”

She sighed said was mad, micro said with a smile, “I also knew actually these things link with do not have, but I saw, could not bear must buy, I like looking these waiters pat the appearance which I flatter.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang was only listening.

Feng SiNiang ascend to begin suddenly, are staring him, said, “When did you turn a mute?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I ...... I have not.”

As soon as Feng SiNiang “puff rip” smile, said, “You have not turned the mute originally, a little likely was actually turned a simpleton.”

She to Xiao Shiyi Lang, completely the before old style, linked unexpectedly all has not changed.

Yesterday evening the matter, a her unexpectedly character all did not raise.

Xiao Shiyi Lang could not bear saying, “You ......”

Feng SiNiang have guessed correctly him to want as if to say any, has broken his speech immediately, stared said, “How do I, you want to say I am also the simpleton? You did not fear the head is hit by me a hole.”

Looked her appearance, resembled the yesterday evening basic any matter all not to have — the type unexpectedly.

She was the same Feng SiNiang.

She saw Xiao Shiyi Lang, was like Xiao Shiyi Lang before.

The last night warmth and tangled up, mentioned to her, was only a dream.

She resembles had been determined forever no longer mentions this matter.

Because she too understands Xiao Shiyi Lang, also too understands oneself, she is not willing to let each other all increase the worry and the pain.

Xiao Shiyi Lang looked at her, in the heart surges suddenly the unspeakable gratitude.

Even if he also can forget this matter, this gratitude is actually forever also cannot forget.

Feng SiNiang had turned around, to shove open the window.

She cannot let Xiao Shiyi Lang as if see her this time on the face expression, is also not willing to let anybody know her this time the mood.

She rather collects this kind of sentiment, hidden in her heart the most deep place, likely is a miser collects he most precious treasure to be same, when waits till the quiet at dead of night, perhaps she only then can take alone enjoys.

Regardless of that is the pain is also good, is happy also good, is sad also good, is gratified also good, all only then she knew, waits when she has turned around, in her eye sends out the light, on the face has revealed she kind of unique smile, stared Xiao Shiyi Lang to say, “Do you also want to treat in this pigsty?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang have also smiled, “I did not think, I am a simpleton, always is not at least a pig.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Then why we don't walk now?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang look at on the bed the large package packet, said, “These things you do not want?”

Feng SiNiang said lightly, “I had said, I go shopping, already thought very happily, I pay the price has already received, but also what wants these things to do?”

Outside the setting sun is bright, is precisely the dusk.

Xiao Shiyi Lang was welcoming the early fall night breeze, deeply has attracted the tone deeply, said, “Now go do we to where?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Eats meal first, then looks for a person.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Who looks for?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Certainly looks for Shen BiJun, have you forgotten?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang certainly not to forget, but — — “you also want to accompany me to look?”

Feng SiNiang stared, said loudly, “Why don't I want to accompany you to look? Since I had promised you, why has to give up the idea, do you think I am a person who speaks does not keep a promise?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang look at her, smiled.

One kind truly smiling which sends from the moral nature.

But incompletely is actually happy smiling, besides happiness, but is also having a gratitude, is having an understanding, even is bringing little bitter.

His any speech all no longer said.

If you were Xiao Shiyi Lang, you met such women like Feng SiNiang, what can you also say?


Big shot building.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have gotten up the big shot building unexpectedly.

楼上 楼下, big or small, both old and young waiters, each people all stared the big eye to be clear, are startled look at him.

Is startled although is startled, but flatters pats actually thoroughly.

That just soaked a hot bath in particular, has been struggling the old companion who crawled, resembled simply wishes one could to have to treat as him own ancestor to be same.

In Feng SiNiang' hearts actually a little perturbed, as soon as sat down, could not bear asking quietly, “Why do you also have to arrive the big shot building to come?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled, said, “Because I am a big shot, moreover is in big shot's big shot.”

Feng SiNiang speak the sound is lower, “Did you know these things, I am buy with what?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang knew, “With my underwear on that several grain of Chinese jade knot.”

Feng SiNiang said, “But on my body unexpectedly linked 12 money not to have now.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I know.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You can put on somebody's account in here?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Cannot.”

Feng SiNiang forced smiled said, “My human of any matter all has done, but wanted me to run off without paying the food bill, eats wipes the mouth to walk, I was a little embarrassed.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I equally am also embarrassed.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Then we do eat?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Eats.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Has eaten?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Ate has certainly had to pay money.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Money?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Money some people can send naturally.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Who can send?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I don’t know.”

Feng SiNiang could not bear nearly want to call, “You did not know? Own do not know continually?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Mmm.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Can the sky fall down a great silver piece to come suddenly?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said with a smile, “The sky falls down the silver piece, I also must bend the waist examine, that too has how could it not be troubled.”

Feng SiNiang was also being startled look at him, “In the world also has the money which easier to succeed in obtaining compared to this?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Has.”

Feng SiNiang sighed the gate to be mad, said, “I thought you certainly have not awaked ......”

This speech had not said, had short and stout, on the moon-face keeps the small beard, is putting on the purple satin long unlined close-fitting gown middle-aged person, passes through well-mannered, to Xiao Shiyi Lang long body one 揖, accompanies respectfully is saying with a smile, “Your excellency is Xiao Shiyi Lang Uncle Xiao?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said lightly, “You knew obviously is I, why also has to ask?”

This person compensates said with a smile, “Because in the account number too is big, therefore in under has no alternative but specially careful.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Were you yesterday have come.”

This person nodded, said, “Most recent several days inform the trumpet on some people, said Uncle Xiao these two days possibly wants to use the money, are called me to come here to wait.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Which words are you?”

This person said,“Is valuable in under Yan, is the advantage passes the number, asked Uncle Xiao to look after.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I in your that side account how?”

Yan Bao said, “Started since last year at the end of February, Uncle Xiao altogether 存进 six money in my firm, both capital and interest, altogether was 663,620.”

He took out a bill from the bosom, both hands holds, “Detailed account item all above this, asked Uncle Xiao to glance.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Account item did not need to look but actually, only these two days I poured indeed want to use a money.”

Yan Bao said, “The my firm early prepared for sir, did not know actually Uncle Xiao was must withdraw cash, wanted the paper money which my firm opened.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “The paper money, your bank note, the credit always is very good.”

Yan Bao greets with a smile said, “Receives Uncle Xiao to look after, my firm other place branch store, also all said Uncle Xiao has been opens the number to start doing business 100 for many years, a best customer.”

He knew the men all like in front of the woman laying out the ostentation, therefore the Feng SiNiang are explaining said, “Uncle Xiao makes one to save the time which the money comes the bankbook all does not want, the interest is also considered as few, the such good customer made this line of business in under to do for 30 years, but also has not seen second.”

Feng SiNiang said lightly, “He is originally a big shot, in big shot's big shot.”

Yan Bao said, “That is also but actually really good.”

He also asked, “Did not know actually how many Uncle Xiao this secondary does use?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You open 521 paper money to me, opens 200.”

Yan Bao said, “That is happen to 102,000.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Moreover I also take 50,021, takes ten.”

Yan Bao long has attracted the tone, believes the tastes, “Thereupon my firm paper money, and so on the cash is same, everywhere all may cash, Uncle Xiao on the body can belt such many money, not be convenient?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said lightly, “You have no need for me worried, I very quick can squander in any case.”

Yan sucked in the mouth cold air valuably, in the world had this kind of chivalrous outlaw unexpectedly, he not only has not seen, including had a dream could not think.

Who knows the matter which he has a dream could not think also in behind.

Xiao Shiyi Lang also said, “Is left over that more than 60,000 two odd changes, also did not need to record in the account, all gave you.”

More than 60,000 two money, ordinary others already were suffices comfortably for a lifetime, he treated as the odd change unexpectedly, was casually when the tip has given a person equally.

Yan Bao’s hand has been trembling, is intimate friends all quickly jumps out the chest cavity to come, to hurry to bend the waist, said, “The humble servant this goes for sir to open the paper money, delivers immediately.”

Not only he calls changed, the waist also quick curved arrived on, toward the backlash, draws back gradually to the staircase mouth. Almost rolled from the building.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said with a smile, “You looked, these money fall compared to the sky also conveniently.”

Feng SiNiang was staring him, said suddenly, “Has a speech I always not to ask you, because I do not want to let you regard as me a madness for money, but I actually had to ask now.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You ask?”

Feng SiNiang said, “You found that three buried treasure, actually altogether some how many?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang winked eye blink, said, “What buried treasure?”

Feng SiNiang could not bear want to call, “You did not know is what buried treasure?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said with a smile, “Besides the time which has a dream, my buried treasure shadow all has not seen.”

Besides the myth and the dreamland, actually in this world really has the buried treasure, very big question.

Feng SiNiang said, “Your money are stolen?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “No.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Is snatches?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “No.”

Actually Feng SiNiang also knew, even if really must go to steal snatches, also does not snatch that many.

She could not bear also asked, “actually that your these money are come from where?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I don’t know.”

This Feng SiNiang really could not bear have called, “You did not know? You do not know continually?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sighingly said, “I not only did not know, actually this is how a matter, sometimes even I all did not believe this is real.”

Feng SiNiang said, “How is a matter, you ......” she suddenly 闭上嘴, the complexion has changed.

Because she saw a person to step onto the building suddenly to come, could let Feng SiNiang complexions change a person, in this world did not have several.

In fact, as soon as can see Feng SiNiang on the complexion change, a person who Lian Hua cannot say, in this world does not have second, only then. Regardless of Above and below, all only then, this individual present not only walked went upstairs, moreover walked to them.

On Feng SiNiang' faces red, white, looked like resembles unexpectedly wishes one could to drill to the table under. Even Xiao Shiyi Lang' complexion all a little has changed continually, also changes white, red, he resembles also very much feared sees this individual. In particular with Feng SiNiang at together time.

Actually is this person who?

The 40th chapter Creditor appears

This person's square face, is putting on the clean black cloth clothes, puts in order looked like personally likely was hard 面饼 which the block just left is jealous.

Yang Kaitai!This person unexpectedly is impressively Yang Kaitai.

Yang Kaitai walks the road to come, well-mannered, does not look askance, resembles has not seen Feng SiNiang and Xiao Shiyi Lang.

But he very straightly walked actually to them, moreover arrives in front of continuously Xiao Shiyi Lang.

Feng SiNiang put in order individual all to stiffen, Lian Huadu could not say.

She always comes and goes freely, sticks to one's own way of doing things, others to her are any views, she simply does not care about.

But to this person, in her heart really thinks somewhat ashamed and feeling sorry.

She sees this person, resembles a person who wants to repudiate a debt, saw the creditor to be same suddenly.

Because she indeed owes this person's debt. Moreover was the pen forever also debt.

But Yang Kaitai Lian Kan all had not looked actually her, resembles fundamentally has forgotten in this world also to have her such — individual existence.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have stood, smiled reluctantly, said, “Pleases sit down.”

Yang Kaitai has not sat, Xiao Shiyi Lang also have to accompany him to stand.

He detected suddenly Yang Kaitai this square, sincere face, has changed very much old, very thinly and pale.

— — he opens hard 面饼 now, also was already not just draws a charge.

— — these two years day, said to him, does not feel better certainly very much.

In Xiao Shiyi Lang' heart also very much does not feel better, in particular after process last night evening that matter.

He thought suddenly oneself likely is dirty and the mean thief, also only then when is facing this person, in his heart only then can have this kind of feeling.

Yang Kaitai was also looking at him, that meaningful glance also direct positive is looking a thief is same, asked suddenly, “Your excellency is Xiao Shiyi Lang Uncle Xiao?”

He recognizes certainly Xiao Shiyi Lang, moreover forever cannot forget, but he intentionally pretends not to recognize actually.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have nodded.

He understood why Yang Kaitai had to do this, he understood Yang Kaitai’s mood.

Yang Kaitai was pulling the face said, “In under surname Yang, is delivers the paper money especially to Uncle Xiao.”

He unexpectedly put out a pack of brand-new paper money from the body, both hands held, “Here has 200 500, ten 52,000, altogether is 602,000, invites Uncle Xiao 0. 1.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang cannot certainly really go to the spot, even basic puts out a hand to meet embarrassedly down, only is mutters in the mouth said, “Did not need to select, could not wrong.”

Yang Kaitai actually calm face said, “This is the pen big number, Uncle Xiao you certain main point one, non- 0. 1 may not.”

Not only he persisted very much, moreover resembles had decided.

Xiao Shiyi Lang only then forced smile, received take over selects casually, he really did not want to have a conflict with this person.

Yang Kaitai said,Has the mistake? “

Xiao Shiyi Lang shook the head immediately, “Does not have.”

Yang Kaitai said, “After proposed this, you pass two money shop in the natural resources advantage, saves the money also has 1,722,000.”

He puts out a book, also puts out folds the paper money, “This is the clear account, this is a paper money, asked you to take away.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I do not want all all to raise.”

Yang Kaitai puts on a serious face, said, “You did not think, I think.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “you?”

Yang Kaitai coldly said, “These two money shop all are I, the from now henceforth, I will not want to have with your this kind of person any communicate.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang stiffened.

He really cannot find out also has any speech to be possible to say, if Yang Kaitai must walk now, he has not prepared to detain again.

But Yang Kaitai has not prepared to have to walk, he puts on a serious face, is staring him, sneered suddenly said, “Since you and as soon as Count Carefree that fights, has very many people all to think you are now the world first master.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled reluctantly, said, “I always also do not have such to think.”

Yang Kaitai said, “I had thought, I already knew I was not your match.”

On his hard face, reveals suddenly plants the very strange expression, then said slowly, “I already knew, regardless of any matter, I am all not your match.”

In this speech has a needle as if, not only stabbed Xiao Shiyi Lang, the thorn had caught cold SiNiang, also has stabbed him.

Feng SiNiang was nipping the lip, held the wine pot suddenly, treated the mouth to drink.

Yang Kaitai actually all does not look at her the corner of the eye, coldly said, “It is said you yesterday in here, got rid of three moves, has defeated Ouyang brothers, such power and prestige, the world nobody could compare favorably with, if my Yang Kaitai had to ask you 一较高下, others could certainly laugh at me not to consider resources bite off more than can chew.”

His double fist grips tightly, a character character then said, “It was only a pity I this am a person who does not consider resources bite off more than can chew, therefore I ......”

— — therefore I only then can love Feng SiNiang.

This speech he although has not said, but Xiao Shiyi Lang bright Feng SiNiang all have understood his meaning actually.

Xiao Shiyi Lang forced smile said, “You ......”

Yang Kaitai does not let him open the mouth, to snatch was also saying, “Therefore I come today, besides must settle accounts with you, is must come to ask for advice you the unparalleled in the world wugong.”

He speaks although very slow, but each space all said clearly.

A his worry can change stuttering originally.

Today he does not worry, he already decided, to be determined obviously must settle account all accounts with Xiao Shiyi Lang.

Xiao Shiyi Lang understand this mood, but in his heart is actually more uncomfortable.

Yang Kaitai said, “We are exit, begins in here?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sighed, said, “I already do not exit, also does not begin in here.

Yang Kaitai 怒道, “What meaning are you are?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang forced smile said, “My meaning is, I simply cannot begin with you.”

He really cannot begin with this person, because he already cannot win, also cannot defeat.

Xiao Shiyi Lang the in no way can defeat now.

He knew Yang Kaitai under the accumulated anger, gets rid of cannot be light, so long as he injuries in Yang Kaitai under, can some people want his life immediately.

He cannot die now.

He also has very many matters non- to do may not.

Yang Kaitai was staring him, the stock became flushed, “You cannot begin with me? Because I do not match?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I am not this meaning.”

Yang Kaitai said, “No matter you are any meaning, I get rid of now, if you do not hit back, I have killed you.”

He originally is the very generous person, originally cannot make the matter which 逼人太甚.

But he actually Xiao Shiyi Lang have compelled to have no way out now.

Feng SiNiang' faces also became flushed.

She could not endure patiently originally, drank a moment ago the liquor, enabled her not to be able to endure patiently, gave suddenly jumped, called out, “Yang Kaitai, I ask you, actually your this is what meaning?”

Yang Kaitai basic pays no attention to her, face oneself turns white actually.

Feng SiNiang said, “Did you think he really fears you? Even if he had feared you, you cannot go too far.”

Yang Kaitai pays no attention to her.

Feng SiNiang said, “You — must kill him surely? Good, then you first have killed me.”

Yang Kaitai this has turned white gradually the face, rises all of a sudden very red.

He also really could not bear, said loudly, “He ...... He ...... What person is he your? You must die for him?”

Feng SiNiang sneeringly said, “Regardless of he is my any person, you cannot manage.”

Yang Kaitai said, “I ...... I ...... I cannot manage? Who ...... Who manages results in?”

A speech had not said, in his volume the storm left the blue vein.

He was the real short of breath, is also anxious Lian Huadu not to be able to say.

Feng SiNiang were mad, was mad linked the tear all quickly to flow.

Is this for what? For who?

They originally should be a pair the husbands and wives who is solicited a person envy, likely is Lian Chengbi and Shen BiJun was same.

But present ......

Xiao Shiyi Lang do not endure to look again, also does not endure to listen again, he only then a road walked now.

“Good, we exit.”

The night has been near, both sides the street shop all brightly got up the magnificent lights.

Xiao Shiyi Lang walk slowly go downstairs, walks slowly takes to the streets the heart.

His footsteps are heavy, the mood is heavier. His not strange Yang Kaitai.

This is not Yang Kaitai was compelling him, Yang Kaitai also similarly is compelled to step onto this road.

One fearful pressure, all compels their each people can it be that to step onto this road not to be possible.

This fearful pressure. Is precisely actually lives from they heart.

Actually is this a love? Hates? Is sorrowful? Angry?

Xiao Shiyi Lang again have not wanted to get down, he knew regardless of how thought, cannot find out a result to come.

He has arrived the street heart, stops.

He discovered suddenly all sounds and the movement, all resemble already along with his footsteps stop.

Yang Kaitai also went out the peony building gate.

On street a piece of deathly stillness.

All people entire have avoided by far, stare the big eye, looks at them, one all looked like all likely is the simpleton.

But Xiao Shiyi Lang knew actually, the genuine simpleton is not these people, but is they.

In the restaurant transmits one to pound the thing suddenly the sound, will resemble all cup boards dishes all to pound pulpy.

After the thing pounded, then was a labor pain weeping sound, cried is likely a child.

Feng SiNiang always are originally want to smile smile, must cry a person who cries.

She has not gotten down.

She does not endure to look, does not have the method to prevent them actually.

Yang Kaitai closely is pinching the fist, an upright face, resembles twisted because of the pain.

Xiao Shiyi Lang do not endure no matter what long sighed, said, “You ...... Why bother your is this also?”

Yang Kaitai was staring him, suddenly 吼道, “Why don't you ask you.”

This speech had not said, he broke through, attacked three moves.

He gets rid of is not quick, is also unattractive.

But his each move all is causes wholeheartedly, looks like him to walk is same, each step all conscientious.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have set firm resolve, “This fights already cannot defeat, also cannot win, “ he only wants to project on Yang Kaitai not to be able again to hit time, immediately stops.

As soon as but Yang Kaitai gets rid of, he on had detected this is not an easy matter.

Although the Yang Kaitai heart has been chaotic, style actually not chaotic.

He gets rid of although is unattractive, but each move very is all effective, although his style change is not quick, but the move sinks the strength to be fierce, the real strength is abundant, one kind of strong strength, enough has made up his style change the crevice.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have never seen wugong to practice solid person the so.

20 moves from now on, his strength completely has displayed under, so long as — treadons, on 青石板 the street on is trod immediately by him a footprint.

The footprint are not many.

Because he gets rid of each move of all 中规中矩, including the position which each step treads also all very little changes.

Although the footsteps are not many, footprint actually already more and more deep.

Both sides street advertisement, also by his palm strength, has been shaken psst makes noise, does not stop sways.

Xiao Shiyi Lang E sixth day of the first ten day period of the third lunar month seeps was in a cold sweat.

If he by the strange style change, defeats this person not to be difficult, because Yang Kaitai gets rid of too is after all stereotypical.

But he cannot win.

Yang Kaitai a fist then fist, really hits, he then resists, fends.

He thought suddenly oneself likely is not stopped by the iron hammer is striking the nail.

Although nail incisive, but the general meeting is hit sooner or later.

Most fearful is, his leg starts suddenly gradually numbly, movement also already gradually slow.

Usually he fights with a person, invincible, because only he always has generally the confidence to win victories, always has common others no vigor.

But he does not have the vigor now, because he does not have the plan to have to defeat.

He was not willing to defeat.

But he has forgotten actually, the master contends with, extremely, only then defeats.

Wins with negative between, this Chinese has the choice the leeway.

Now he again wants to defeat, also already without enough time.

The Yang Kaitai military force, the strength, the self-confidence, all have projected on the mountain peak, has all hit his all potential.

He has split out that the confidence to win victories.

He had the condition which must win.

Including he all ever had not thought own wugong can reach this kind of boundary.

By him this kind of situation, in the world can defeat him now the person not to be many.

Xiao Shiyi Lang knew oneself must defeat without doubt.

He indeed likely is the root nail, has been infiltrated in the earth, his wugong could not display.

Moreover, his wounds condition has manifested suddenly.

But true fatal, actually his idea.

He started to have time this idea, really has had to defeat without doubt.

The defeat is any incites dark.

Xiao Shiyi Lang always also do not have to think truly.

Because his biography and a person fight, the size several hundred wars, have never defeated one.

Now his actually already was starting to think.

This idea itself is a kind of fatal toxin, corroded his all strengths and self-confident.

Yang Kaitai in front of the left foot treads suddenly, is treading on the original footprint, ejects is actually the right fist, " the black tiger from the heart " strikes Xiao Shiyi Lang straight the chest.

This “the black tiger from the heart”, originally is the ordinary style, he causes well-mannered, the least bit trick also does not have. But of this strength, ferocity the might, takes a broad view the world martial arts world master, oneself second individual has not been able to cause similarly.

Even if Xiao Shiyi Lang put forth this move to come, also impossible to have this kind of astonishing might.

He thought this spot, oneself does not have the confidence to resist nearly fends.

At this moment, in the midair suddenly has the strip long whip volume to come, cling Yang Kaitai left leg.

Regardless of nobody has seen such long whip, has not seen the such nimble whip.

Dai Zhuguan, the appearance serious alone arm person, both legs Qi Xier broke, stands actually in one is barebacked in guy's top of the head, far outside one ten feet, wielded the long whip.

As soon as a his end of a whip volume, the backhand shakes, Li Chi said, “Drops down.”

Yang Kaitai has not dropped down.

On his fist strength, in during this flash, suddenly took back unexpectedly, sank to the sole, originally only then half inch deep footprint, downcasts immediately.

This hard flagstone in his sole, resembles unexpectedly has changed the soft dead drunk, his entire both feet all has downcast gets down, not to have and the full malleolus, in the top dog volume the blue vein suddenly bulge, on the alone arm the muscle like chestnut, the long whip pulls very straightly.

But Yang Kaiqin moves actually motionless is also standing, likely was turned the root to shake the motionless stone column, the top dog long whip takes back, end of a whip counter- volume.

Who knows Yang Kaitai’s lightning to get rid of, has held his end of a whip, as soon as gives a loud shout suddenly, makes an effort to shake.

Top dog's body is shaken immediately flew, must layer on layer fall shortly on the place, flies high suddenly flipped over, the wheel turned three somersaults, also puts down steadily falls steadily on the guy top of the head.

But his long whip oneself removes the hand.

Yang Kaitai has pulled this whip five section, throws conveniently on the place, puts on a serious face said, “I originally should kill you.”

The top dog sneered said, “Why don't you get rid of?”

Yang Kaitai said, “My biography never to disabled gets rid of.”

On the opposite eaves some people are sighing suddenly, “This person is really worthily a gentleman, It was only a pity the skin too has been thick.”

Yang Kaitai gains ground suddenly, “What person?”

An alone eye is lame the old person, was folding his arms, stands on the eaves, said easily, “My person both is not a gentleman, and is a disabled person, if only some people intentionally showed mercy to let off me, I could not again have a face with him cling to for dear life hit rottenly.”

Yang Kaitai’s complexion has turned green, “Who did you say are?”

“I said you.” This old person certainly is Xuanyuan SanQue;“When you caused a moment ago to the 17th move, Xiao Shiyi Lang original oneself might strike you but actually three, your really couldn't also see?”

Yang Kaitai’s pale face becomes flushed when, from the very beginning gets rid of, his style change, is indeed very stiff, indeed has revealed three flaws, he are not did not know.

Since he knew, does not deny.

Regardless of Yang Kaitai was the simpleton is also good, is the gentleman is also good, he is not a villain at least.

Under in eaves 人丛, had black clothing person Xu Xu Ran to walk actually, said easily, “This kind of matter you originally should not blame brother Yang, this originally is the perfectly justified matter.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng also appeared.

He was smiling, also said, “Brother Yang is a businessman, a businessman is fastidious originally is the heart black thick-skinned, otherwise how Yang Jiayou can rich armor Guanzhong? How do his money are come?”

Yang Kaitai was staring him, the face rises very red, wants to speak, links a character not to be able to say actually.

Xuanyuan SanCheng said with a smile, “I cannot blame you, I am also a businessman, not said he has only let you offr three, even if lets off your 30 you also equally to be possible to kill him.”

Yang Kaitai stamped the feet suddenly, turns head to decide.

He has the speech also not to be able to say, moreover he has been speechless.

If the gentleman met the villain, but also what speech flattery has?

Xuanyuan SanCheng had turned around, to look Xiao Shiyi Lang, said with a smile, “You have no need for feel grateful we, even if we do not rescue you, he also not necessarily really can hit die you.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang cannot be the gentlemen, is not a simpleton. He understood certainly Xuanyuan SanCheng meanings, only are disinclined to say. He discovered suddenly Hua RuYu said has one is not at least the lie: “You have put Xuanyuan SanCheng, after wants to insult one day.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng loudly said suddenly, “Fellow seniors and brothers, all saw clearly? This is the proverbial big hero, matchless big hero Xiao Shiyi Lang.”

Nobody dared to make noise.

In this world the genuine simpleton are not after all many, the careless talk makes trouble, this speech is each people all knows.

Xuanyuan SanCheng has own to go, “I read him am a hero, is also a visitor who the long way comes, therefore has also let off his three, but today, I must work as actually in front of various potential surfaces has been killing him.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled suddenly.

He thought oneself is not really stupid, also understands Xuanyuan SanCheng this person very much.

His guesses correctly early, Xuanyuan SanCheng “rescued” him, in order to only want own to begin to kill him, can take off Xiao Shiyi Lang item of on personally the number of people, is precisely a matter which the world hero all all longed for even in dreams. Xiao Shiyi Lang' number of people, is originally in the world Jiang-hu hero mind priceless treasure. Xuanyuan SanCheng speeches have not said actually suffice, also said, “Although because this big heroic skin is not thick, the heart too is actually black, not only lascivious like life, moreover kills people like the hemp.”

Xuanyuan SanQue said lightly, “The lascivious like life, the murder like hemp, how could it not be is precisely the true quality of a hero?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “But in world if does not have such hero, everybody day how could it not be may cross peaceful?”

Xuanyuan SanQue said, “A his knife compelled blind dark green leader, three moves have defeated Ouyang brothers, it is said has been possible to be the present age first master, you could kill him?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng sighed, said, “The real man can refrain from doing things, has must be, so long as is morality and justice is at, even if knew perfectly well must die, I also must try.”

Xuanyuan SanQue also sighed, said, “Good, you have died, I gather up dead bodies for you.”

The porch 辗 three becomes enlightened, “Then do you also have to come to try?”

Xuanyuan SanQue said, “Although I already am a disabled old person, but this 'the loyalty' two spaces, I pour have not dared to forget. “

Xuanyuan SanCheng face up laughed, said, “The real man lives has He Huan? Dies has He Ju? I today this war, regardless of is the victory is negative, was lives is dies, has listened to your this speech, died with no regrets.”

As soon as this brothers two people build 13, as soon as blows — sings, said resembles unexpectedly is really same.

Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled said with a smile, “Good, good man, good spirit.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “I have the spirit, you have the sabre actually.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Good.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “Pull out your sabre.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Good.”

His sabre already sheath.

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “This is Deer-carving sabre.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Good.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “It is said this is the unparalleled in the world treasured sword.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang caress the sabre point lightly, micro said with a smile, “This is indeed the sharp sabre, must cut human's head, does not use the second sabre.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “You depend on this sabre, three moves have defeated Ouyang brothers?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Sometimes my move also defeats excellently.” Xuanyuan SanCheng look is unexpectedly invariable, coldly said, “Good, not only today I depend on this pair empty-handed, meets your this handle unparalleled in the world the treasured sword, moreover also lets your three moves.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You let my three moves?”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “Since I can let you off three, why can’t let your three moves?”

He has confidence indeed very much, the spent force, cannot put on the reed punting pole.

Xiao Shiyi Lang Yi is a spent force, he can see, he looks extremely clearly, otherwise how does he dare to get rid of.

Xiao Shiyi Lang was caressing the sabre point lightly, long sighed suddenly, said, “It’s a pity, what a pity.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng could not bear asking, “What can handle?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “It’s a pity my good sabre, today must cut is actually your kind of head.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng sneered said, “You today must cut my head, only feared is not very easy.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang looked at him, said slowly, “My energy has faded a moment ago, the strength has used up, the poisonous wound has manifested suddenly, this oneself must defeat.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng sneered said, “Now you how?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Now already different.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng said, “oh?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I coped with was the gentleman a moment ago, now copes with is actually the villain.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng sneered.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “My sabre does not kill a gentleman, only kills the villain.”

As soon as his sabre point unfolds, in the pupil also suddenly reveals plants sabre point threatening working off anger.

Sabre brightness with works off anger, threatening close, Xuanyuan SanCheng heart suddenly already cold, the smiling face is suddenly stiff, he detected suddenly Xiao Shiyi Lang resembled unexpectedly have changed individual.

Xiao Shiyi Lang backhand a knife suddenly, also truncated on a leg meat, the blood has splashed.

His continually brow does not wrinkle actually, discusses the pale said, “My leg has not been indeed good, but I kill people do not use the leg.”

In his volume had been in a cold sweat sorely, but his pupil is brighter, a person is more sober.

In Xuanyuan SanCheng volume similarly has seeped unexpectedly was in a cold sweat.

Xiao Shiyi Lang was staring at him, said slowly, “You had said, you must let my three moves.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng very gets up reluctantly the chest, “I ...... I have said.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sneeringly said, “But my knife if cannot compel you to get rid of, even if I have lost, if three knives cannot cut your head, also calculated I have lost, I shear down on oneself this excellent head, both hands hold to you in front of, has no need for you to get rid of.”

Xuanyuan SanCheng complexion changed blue, the blue center belt is green.

Xiao Shiyi Lang greatly drink suddenly, “You meet first ......”

41st chapter No-dirt Manor transformation

Already some two years, perhaps also continued for two years, Shen BiJun never rest so fragrantly.

The carriage is jolting tosses, she rests is likely a baby. In the cradle baby, this causes her when waking, had forgotten nearly all sad, is painful and is unfortunate.

The peaceful and comfortable sleep, said to a life in the poverty-stricken sad center person, this is a medicinal preparation good medicine.

When she wakes, the fall magnificent sunlight, shines directly in or on a person who on the glass, drives a cart right ahead to undulate the horsewhip, humph a relaxed folk song, that monotonous incisive whip sound, all as if is gently having a kind of happy rhythm. To this individual, in her heart really thought very grateful, she forever also could not think, this callous stereotypical, repulsive in appearance person, can have that a type good great heart unexpectedly, can brave the that big danger unexpectedly, has rescued her, moreover does not certainly have any goal, also does not want any price.

“I am a not useful person, but I have three children actually, I rescue you, even if for them, I lived for a lifetime, at least also has had to make one to be able to let them think the arrogant matter for me.”

Shen BiJun understands this kind of sentiment.

Although she do not have the child, but she can understand the parents actually to children's sentiment.

Regardless of his person is how ordinary lowly, but this kind of sentiment is actually lofty great.

These self-designated greatly expensive uncommon 英雄豪杰, instead often could neglect this kind of sentimental value actually.

Thereupon she has remembered Xiao Shiyi Lang immediately.

Xiao Shiyi Lang once have also rescued her, moreover also does not have the goal, does not ask the price.

At that time Xiao Shiyi Lang, were how pure, the how lovable young people?

But present?

Her heart broke to pieces.

Why can a person change suddenly that fearfully? Does the money really have can change all charms?

The horse-drawn carriage stops suddenly.

Shen BiJun just sat, has heard outside 敲门声.

Bai LaoSan has pulled open the carriage door, “Calculated you also should awake, my oneself has caught up with a day night of road.”

He looked like really appears very wearily, this Duan Luben is difficult and long.

Becomes a fugitive the road, forever is difficult long, Shen BiJun in heart more grateful, “Thanks you.”

Besides these three characters, she really did not know also has any other speech to be possible to say.

Bai LaoSan looked at her twice, also dangles the head, appears somewhat hesitates, finally gains ground actually said, “I also must hurry back the attendance child, I only can deliver you to here.”

Shen BiJun could not bear asking, “What place is here?”

On Bai LaoSan ordinary ugly face, reveals suddenly plants the very strange expression, in the indifferent eye, as if is having a kind of gentle happy expression actually, said, “I knew this place you have certainly come, you why own down don't have a look?”

Shen BiJun has gathered together the hair, walks, stands under the sunlight.

The sunlight is so warm, she puts in order individual to resemble actually already suddenly ice-cold stiff.

In the wooded mountain, under the sunlight, some magnificent grand village courtyard, looked like likely is in the myth palace is same.

This place she has certainly come.

This place this is a family who in her family — — this world admires, No-dirt Manor.

In Stain-free Manor No dirt variant companion.

In the martial arts world the most command respect young knight, I am in Jiang-hu the most beautiful woman.

They already are precisely originally the husbands and wives who a pair admires.

But present?

She has cannot help but remembered before that a succession of magnificent years, in these days, her life although sometimes lonely, is actually calm, noble, command respect.

Although Lian Chengbi is not an ideal husband, but his behavior, he to her sympathizing with respect, also does not certainly have to be possible slightly the place which was discussed by a person.

Perhaps she is not in his life most important, but he never had forgotten actually she, never thought moreover must abandon her, he is after all in her life the first man.

But she has abandoned him actually, has gotten rid all, because only person Xiao Shiyi Lang!

He to her sentiment, likely is the history is same, and selfish has all burnt hers dignity, has fired the ash.

For him, she has gotten rid of all, has sacrificed all.

Is this is really worth?

Beautiful and intense sentiment, is really forever all with difficulty lasting?

Shen BiJun's tear has flowed off.

She lifts the hand, gathers together the hair lightly, used the sleeves of a dress to wipe on the surface tear stains slowly, “Today wind is very big.”

The wind is not big, but in her heart blew the strong winds actually, caused her the sentiment, looked like the ocean waves to rush turbulently suddenly.

In any event, past events all already past, regardless of she does is to is wrong, also all is she is willing.

She did not regret, also does not have 怨尤.

In life most painful and happiest sentiment, she all has tasted after all.

Bai LaoSan stands in her behind, cannot see on her face the expression, is sighing, mutters, “The Stain-free Manor is really worthily the Stain-free Manor, I have rushed for several ten years carriage, passes through several thousand several ten thousand miles roads, always has not had been to actually the such good place.”

“Here is indeed a good place.” Shen BiJun has borne the tear.

— — only this place oneself no longer was belongs to me, I already and here has not related completely.

— — I no longer am here hostess, also does not have the face to return to here again.

These speeches, she cannot certainly the dialog third child or brother say.

She has not been able again to trouble others, cannot again become others cloth wrapper.

She knew the from now henceforth, essential has taken a person to go on living, cannot again depend upon anybody.

She had decided.

The tear stains have done.

Shen BiJun has turned head, on the face has even revealed the smile, “Thanked you to deliver me to come to here, to thank you to rescue me ......”

On Bai LaoSan face has revealed that kind of strange expression, “I have said, you have no need for thank me.”

Shen Bijun said, “But you to my benevolence, I can repay one day.”

White third child or brother said, “Also has no need for, I rescue you, is not originally for want you to repay.”

Looks his ugly face, Shen BiJun in the heart an excitement, nearly could not bear suddenly wants to kneel down, kneels down hugs him, lets him know in the heart has how many gratitues.

But she cannot such do, she always is a virtuous young woman, before is, later certainly.

Besides to Xiao Shiyi Lang, she never does to anybody has overstepped the custom the matter.

Therefore she only can smile, supple voice, “Goes back for me sent regards you three children, I believed they later all certainly will be the very great person, because they will have a good example.”

Bai LaoSan looks at her, reverses suddenly passes away, the stride turns back the horse-drawn carriage.

He resembles has not dared to contact her vision again.

He is also individual after all, also can have feels the ashamed compunction the time.

He jumps up the horse-drawn carriage, raises the reins to wield the whip, is also suddenly loud said, “Looks after you well, is guarding against others, in this year world unprincipled person far are much more than the good person ......”

The horse-drawn carriage goes far away.

The billowing wheel, has raised all over the sky the dust under the sunlight.

Shen BiJun crazily looks crazily the dust raises, falls, vanishes ......

In her heart surges suddenly the unspeakable fear, one kind the fear which links own all to be unable to explain.

That is not completely because of lonely, but is one kind compared to lonely profounder intense lonely, no use to and despairs.

She discovered suddenly in oneself this life, forever is depending upon others.

Starts when she depends upon the parents, after gets married she to depend upon the husband, then she depends upon Xiao Shiyi Lang again.

These for two years, she although has not seen Xiao Shiyi Lang, but her heart continuously is depending upon him actually.

In her heart sentiment, also has a reposing at least.

She at least also hopeful.

Moreover, these for two years, some people are looking after her throughout, a genuine virtuous young woman, should not too be strong originally, too independent, inborn should receive a person originally to look after.

But she actually suddenly has changed complete all alone now, her sentiment, all completely did not have reposing.

— — Xiao Shiyi Lang have died.

— — Lian Chengbi had also died.

In her heart, these people all have died, because she heart has also died.

A heart has died does a person, how have to be able in this callous in society to go on living?

She did not know, did not know completely.

She completely lonely, no use to, has despaired.

Nobody can understand she this moment mood, even nobody can imagine.

The sunlight is so magnificent, the life is so bright, but she started to think actually dies.

But, plays dies cannot die in here, lets Lian Chengbi come out receives her corpse.

— — the present also sat in the studio which that he most likes in this Stain-free Manor, a person is pondering.

What — — can he think? Can think of he not loyal wife?

— — he now also had other woman? Was likely same on Xiao Shiyi Lang, had a young attractive woman.

— — the man always 不甘寂寞, the man cannot for any woman, the oath defend life-long.

Shen BiJun forbids oneself to want to get down again.

Lian Chengbi matter, she has had no right to question originally, even if he had several thousand several hundred women, is also should.

What is strange, these for two years, she always has unexpectedly also not heard his news.

The reputation and the status, originally are in his this life watch the heaviest matter, even looked is also heavier than the wife.

These for two years, why in Jiang-hu also suddenly couldn't hear his news? Can he also get down depressed?

Shen BiJun was not willing to think again, has no alternative but to think actually, 11 who are also unable to control own emotion and the thought, this this is the humanity biggest sorrowful —.

She must certainly quickly leave here, this place every bit of property, can take to her too to recollect, but wants to walk in her, she saw two black clothing people, ancient and in the broad front door walked from that leaf.

She then moves sideways after the tree, she is not willing to let here anybody know she came back.

Here each people all recognize her, perhaps each people all in strange, why didn't their hostess one have the news?

The sound of footsteps is more and more near, two people already laughing, also said smiled 走入 this woods.

Looked their attire appearance, originally should be in the Stain-free Manor male servant, only links under the village leader the male servant, does not certainly have one to dare in front of the village gate so dissolute.

Their face, is also completely strange.

These for two years change too is really big, each people all resembled have changed, each matter all has also changed.

Lian Chengbi?

Shen BiJun after thought originally he likely is the Manor that ancient rock is same, is forever leaves cannot change.

The laughter is nearer, two people cancel the shoulder back-strap for draft-animals to walk, a person's swarthy face, age oneself is not small, another person is actually Bai Younen, is also long looks like the girl of marrying age young fellow.

They also saw Shen BiJun, because the strength she no longer avoids them.

They dull look at her dull, took the bead all likely is oneself raised, regardless of who saw Mr. suddenly Shen Bi such beautiful woman, all unavoidably could have this kind of expression, but in the Stain-free Manor male servant, should be the exception actually.

In the Stain-free Manor originally should not have this kind of dissolute unreasonable person.

As soon as that age big black face man, grins suddenly smiled. Said, “What do do you to here? Is looks for the human? Wants to come to look for us?”Shen BiJun was suppressing own anger reluctantly, before she cannot allow this kind of person to keep the Stain-free Manor, but she had no right to inquire about here matter again now.

She dangles the head, wants to get out of the way.

They are not willing to let off her actually, “I call old black, he calls young Bai, we want to buy wine, since you have come, why doesn't remain down accompanies us to drink two cups.”

Shen BiJun sank the face, coldly said, “Your Lian Zhuangzhu hasn't told always you here custom.”

Old underworld gang, “What Lian Zhuangzhu, what custom?”

Young Bai said with a smile, “She said thinking was before that Lian Zhuangzhu, Lian Chengbi.”

“Before that village host?”Shen BiJun's heart also in toward sinks, “Isn't he now already here village host?”

Old underworld gang, “He already not.”

Small moon's orbit, “More than a year before, he had sold to on oneself this place others.”

Shen BiJun's heart resembles has sunk the sole.

The Stain-free Manor originally is Lian Jia's ancestral legacy of property, and family's surname is continually same, originally is Lian Chengbi — lives most treasures, proud.

For maintain continually the family glorious and the honorable history, his already his each force component quantity.

How can he sell to the handed down in the family ancestral legacy of property others, Shen BiJun has gotten hold of both hands, “Cannot, he cannot make this kind of matter.”

Old said with a smile black, “I had also heard, this company son is originally not the black sheep of the family who sells the house to sell the place, but each person can change.”

Small moon's orbit, “Heard he is changes for a woman, turned a drunkard, the sur- compulsive gambler, linked the pants all to lose nearly, but also owed up to one's ass the debt, therefore only then could not but sell to this place others.”

Shen BiJun's heart has broken to pieces, puts in order individual all to collapse, has been unable to support again nearly.

She had never thought own could really destroy Lian Chengbi.

She has destroyed others, also has destroyed own.

Old smiled black said with a smile, “Now our Zhuang Zhuxing is Xiao, this Xiao Zhuangzhu is really the great person, even if 10,000 women, also gave up any idea of has destroyed him.”

“The surname is Xiao, present Zhuang Zhuxing is Xiao?”

Shen BiJun loudly asked suddenly, “He is called any name!”

Old black very got up the chest, said proudly, “Xiao Shiyi Lang, are that richest, ......”

Shen BiJun has not heard under him to say is any, she thinks suddenly at present a piece of darkness.

Her person has dropped down.

This Zhuang Yuanye is very big, very grand.

Feng SiNiang look the corner the upturned eave, could not bear sighed, said, “Such house, how many do you also have?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said lightly, “Not too have been many, only compared to this place bigger, also has many actually.”

Feng SiNiang was nipping the lip, said, “If I were Bing Bing, I can certainly look for a biggest place to hide.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Very possible.”

Feng SiNiang said, “A you biggest house in where?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “In neighbor.”

Feng SiNiang eyeballs have transferred the extension, is probing said, “The Stain-free Manor resembles also in neighbor.”

In Xiao Shiyi Lang item reveals color of the painful, said slowly, “The Stain-free Manor now also already is I.”

In reception room arrangement, with before is same, several on that vase, Kaifeng Zhang Erye gives outside his He Zha, the gate Chinese parasol tree, the corner slanting Liu, also with before is same, safe and sound.

But human?

Shen BiJun's tear flows the full cheek.

She was not really willing to return to here to come again, when she wakes, discovered oneself returns to this place.

The setting sun shines directly in or in a corner very spacious padauk teak chair.

That originally is Lian Chengbi when receives the guest, most likes a chair which sat, now this chair looked like is very new.

The chair never can old, because the chair does not have the emotion, cannot lovesickness.

But on chair person?

The human has destroyed, was she has destroyed.

This family is also she has destroyed, in order to Xiao Shiyi Lang, she nearly has destroyed all.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have not destroyed actually.

“This Xiao Zhuangzhu, is the really great person, even if 10,000 women, also gave up any idea of has destroyed him.”

This originally is her family, she and Lian Yubi family, but the present turned Xiao Shiyi Lang actually.

This is how brutal, how painful satire?

Shen BiJun was not willing to believe this kind of matter really can occur, but the present has had no alternative but to believe actually, although the dusk, the oneself near dusk, the wind have not blown in the courtyard Chinese parasol tree, the Chinese parasol tree are resembling are also sighing.

Why do Xiao Shiyi Lang want to buy down this place? Is for must demonstrate to them?

She was not willing to remember Xiao Shiyi Lang this person again, she only wants to flush, quickly leaves here, is more quickly better.

This place now already is Xiao Shiyi Lang, she on could not stay the moment.

At this moment, in the behind courtyard, suddenly transmits a tumult, some people are shouting out, “Has the thief!...... Seizes the thief quickly.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang was a genuine thief, not only he stole all which they had, but also stole her heart.

If now has the thief to steal him, this is the perfectly justified matter.

Shen BiJun clenches teeth, only hopes this thief to be able him all, also does cleanly, because these things are not originally his.

She was determined must drive out this thief.

She stands, exits the rear court — — this place topography from the behind door, she is certainly familiar with compared to everybody.

In the rear court had several black clothing guys, some take the knife, some hold the stick, encircles a person.

In rags, the temple sends dishevelled, has been covered with face Hu Chazi, looks like the age already not young person.

In the old evil behind-the-scenes manipulator is lifting the handle sharp knife, fierce is drinking greatly, “quickly lays down the thing which you steal to come, otherwise breaks your this pair of dog-leg first.”

This person closely is holding the type thing with a pair of hand, dies actually is not willing to relax, only is mutters is distinguishing, “I am not the thief ...... I take away such thing, is originally I.”

The sound is hoarse and 干涩, but listens as if very to be actually ripe.

Shen BiJun puts in order individual ice-cold suddenly stiff.

She discovered suddenly this, enters in rags shouted is “the thief” unexpectedly is impressively Lian Chengbi.

This is really Lian Chengbi?

In two years ago, he is in the world martial arts world, most has the future, the most command respect young hero.

In two years ago, he is most pays attention to the measuring appliance, most is fastidious the attire person.

His demeanor measuring appliance, forever is impregnable, his clothes, forever cannot discover — a dirt, a wrinkle, his face also forever is beaming and buoyant, face glowing with health.

How can he turn a present such person?

In two years ago, he is in the martial arts world the family background most prominent son of upper-class family, here master.

Now he actually turned a thief.

Can a person's change, how be so huge? So fearful?

Shen BiJun dies did not believe — — is not already willing to believe, also cannot, not dare to believe.

But she oneself must believes now may not.

This person is indeed Lian Chengbi.

She also can hear him the sound, but also recognizes his eye.

Although his clothing clear has changed the wild animal which is likely was only wounded, has filled sad, the pain and despairs.

But a person eye shape and the outline, are actually forever cannot change.

She this had pledged, does not let Lian Chengbi see her again, because she is not willing to see him again, does not endure to see him again.

But flickers in this, she has forgotten all.

She exhausted all strengths to flush suddenly, broke in the crowd, flushed to Lian Chengbi in front of.

Lian Chengbi gained ground, saw her.

He puts in order individual also suddenly to change ice-cold stiff, “Is you ...... Is really you ......”

Shen BiJun looked at him, the tear flows off. Lian Chengbi had turned around suddenly, wants to run away. But his movement far inferior same year nimble, could not run out unexpectedly is surrounding his crowd. Moreover, Shen BiJun has also held on his hand, exhausts the whole body strength, has held on his hand. The Lian Chengbi entire person has also been soft down. She never such makes an effort to hold his hand, he never thought she also can such hold on his hand. He looks at her, the tear has also flowed off. This kind of emotion, is certainly old black forever also could not think, forever is also unable to understand. He brandishes a sword unexpectedly throws oneself, “First abandoned a this young thief leg to say again, looked he next time also will dare to come again.”

As soon as sabre brightness dodges, really chops to Lian Chengbi leg.

Lian Chengbi this oneself is not willing to revolt, cannot revolt, likely is only this already the wild animal which is wounded, also has fallen into hunter's trap.

But Shen BiJun's this hand, suddenly has actually brought the strength and the courage for him.

As soon as his hand wields, has asked the price with no intention of buying in the old evil behind-the-scenes manipulator's knife, again — wields, old black is hit face up tumbles.

Each person all was astounded, who also couldn't think this this collapsed at the first blow a person, is a strength which where comes.

The city wall actually continually looked continually did not look their — eye, only is crazy, is staring at Shen BiJun, said, “I ...... I am originally forever cannot again come back.”

Shen Bijun nodded, “I know.”

Lian Chengbi said, “But ...... But has a type thing, I cannot throw.”

In his hand closely is hugging, dies is not willing to drop, is a volume picture, only is the volume very ordinary picture.

Why this does draw can be so important to him?

Shen BiJun knew, only then she knew.

Because of this picture, originally is she draws personally ...... Is she is treating a mirror picture statuette, this paints pictures is not good, but she draws is actually she.

Lian Chengbi had gotten rid of all, even links his inherited industry, all has gotten rid including his prominent family background and the reputation.

But he cannot throw this picture actually.

Is this also for what?

Shen BiJun dangles the head, the teardrops has moistened the agricultural clothes.

The black clothing guys, are startled look at them, also did not know is who loudly shouts suddenly, “I knew who this young thief was, he certainly was here before Zhuang Zhulian the city wall.”

Also some people are sneering were saying, “It is said Lian Chengbi is a real man who the strip is indomitable spirit, how can come to be the thief?”

“Because he has changed, is changes for a woman.”

“Is that woman this woman.”

“Is this woman is it possible that Shen BiJun.”

These speeches, likely were a hammer, the hammer entered Lian Chengbi heart, also the hammer entered Shen BiJun's heart.

She makes an effort to clench teeth, but also instigated does not live the whole body to shiver.

Lian Chengbi resembles has not dared to face her again, dangles the head, said low-spirited, “I should walk.”

Shen Bijun nodded.

Lian Chengbi said, “I ...... I had not thought can again see you in here.”

Shen Bijun said, “You are not willing to see me again?”

This speech she originally should not ask, but her oneself asked.

This speech Lian Chengbi was already inferior to how the road should reply, also does not need to reply.

He has turned around suddenly, “I really should walk.”

Shen BiJun has held on him actually, is staring at him, “I also should walk, were you also willing to lead me to walk?”

Lian Chengbi gains ground suddenly, looks at her, in the eye has filled surprised, also has filled the gratitude, said, “I turned this appearance, you are also willing to walk with me?”

Shen Bijun nodded.

She knew he forever cannot understand, because he turned this appearance, therefore she only then must walk with him.

If he before Lian Chengbi. She looked absolutely all cannot again look at his one.

42nd chapter Red Cherry Green Willow Tree

Xiao Shiyi Lang laugh said, “I am originally an orphan, could not think had such many brothers unexpectedly suddenly, pours is really may celebrate encouraging.”

The youth said, “After a person has become the given name, always unavoidably can meet this kind of worry.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Therefore you have not wanted to become famous?”

The youth smiled, said, “Becomes famous although worry, but at least always compared to remain obscure for a lifetime good.” He smiled is bowing once more a ritual, has turned around, the stride walked. Feng SiNiang look he walks, is sighing gently, said, “Looked like this will be smaller than the future also certainly is a famous person.”

In Xiao Shiyi Lang item actually resembles the lonely color which reveals plants cannot say, said lightly, “Certainly is, so long as he can exactly that long.”

Feng SiNiang smiled, said, “Did not know actually in Jiang-hu present does have Feng WuNiang ?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang have also smiled, “Looked like sooner or later can have, even if does not have Feng WuNiang , also can certainly have Feng Gu, Feng SanNiang, Feng LiuNiang, Feng QiNiang.”

Feng SiNiang eat said with a smile, “I only hoped these winds do not have all to blow others have been insane.”

Recently this is her first is really smiling, her mood has been indeed good.

Because she saw Xiao Shiyi Lang' mood to resemble also good.

Some people more are in the critical dangerous situation, instead became calmer.

Xiao Shiyi Lang was this kind of people without doubt.

But, had thought meeting of tomorrow bad risk, Feng SiNiang will be unable to restrain to start to worry for him.

At this moment, a youth comes in to bow reports the news, “Outside some people seek an interview.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Is called him to come in!”

The youth hesitated, said, “They are not willing to come in.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Why?”

The youth said, “They want the village to advocate you to exit to greet personally.”

These two human of racks are not but actually small.

Xiao Shiyi Lang looked at Feng SiNiang once.

Feng SiNiang said, “Looks like the pair of swords that stuck on Shier Lang back, has really also come.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Did not know actually what type of pair of swords?”

This speech he this also does not need to ask, because he also already know the answer.

That is certainly pair of murders sharp sword, otherwise how can have works off anger!

Without the sword, only then human.

Works off anger is sends from these two individual bodies, these two people likely are a pair of swords.

— — has on one's person the unique skill martial arts world master, regards a person life like worthlessly, their itself can bring kind of swift and fierce threatening working off anger, they very are all thin, very high, on the body is putting on the long gown, all is magnificent and bright.

Long gown color one red one green, red like cherry, green like Japanese banana.

Their facial expression looked like very is all weary, had to send has been all white, the back very straightly, in the eye sent out actually the point was far threatening than the sword front, sees these two individual, Feng SiNiang want to slide immediately, actually already without enough time.

She recognizes these two people, she once 骗走 Shen BiJun from these two people one's side, deceives into the house which could walk.

These two people certainly cannot forget her, only looked at her one actually, the vision stared at on Xiao Shiyi Lang face.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said with a smile, “Two years, do not think two abundant pick remains unchanged.”

The old person in red, “Mmm.” The old person in green, “Humph!”

On two people's faces all completely did not have the expression, the sound also to be cold likely has formed Bing Bing.

Saw them, Xiao Shiyi Lang were unable to restrain to remember that mystical and the fearful puppet Manor.

Matter occurs which in there, also all is mystical and fearful, he forever cannot forget.

He certainly also cannot forget in that chess pavilion, with this green gown old person's war, motionless — war.

— — the tin casts wine pot, on pot pressure, they although all has not moved, nearly all has exhausted own all energy actually.

Until now, Xiao Shiyi Lang could not forget the bad risk which as soon as that fought.

He could not bear asking, “Two recently might once play chess?”

The old person in red, “Does not have.”

The green gown old person coldly said, “Because of these for two years, we were all busy looking for you.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang forced smile said, “I know.”

He knew these for two years, Shen BiJun always is with them in the same place.

The old person in red, “Since you knew, why doesn't ask us to meet?”

The old person in green sneered said, “Is it because you are a great person already, disdains to meet with us.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Two originally should know, I do not certainly have this meaning.”

The red gown old person coldly said, “I only knew you recently indeed already are a great person.”

The old person in green, “Not only it is said you already are the first under heaven master, moreover also already richest in the world.”

The old person in red, “But we will not all be able to think, you the Stain-free Manor also have bought unexpectedly down.”

The old person in green, “This whole family is destroys in your hand, you have bought their village courtyard actually.”

The old person in red, “Shen BiJun in order to you drift about destitute, suffers greatly, you in addition had the new joy actually.”

The old person in green, “You thought also should know, we saw her a moment ago.”

The old person in red, “She admires very much to you, admires forever does not think goodbye you.”

The old person in green, “Looks like you this kind of great character, we are also high cannot climb up absolutely.”

The old person in red, “Today we come, is for tell you, your me henceforth graciousness breaks righteousness certainly.”

The old person in green, “From today, we will not recognize you again.”

They more said more was mad, the speech also more said more 抉, simply does not give others the receptacle the leeway.

Xiao Shiyi Lang only listened.

He did not want to impart the explanation, but also unable to impart the explanation.

The old person in red, “in addition, our this also has a other matter.”

The old person in green, “We must lead a person to walk.”

Two people's vision, simultaneously stare at suddenly on Feng SiNiang faces.

Feng SiNiang could not bear unexpectedly have hit a shiver, said with a smile reluctantly, “Two must lead me to walk?”

The old person in red, “Mmm.”

The old person in green, “Humph.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang could not bear ask, “Why do two have to lead her to walk?”

The old person in red, “In my two human of this life, has never received others deceiving.”

The old person in green, “This woman has deceived us actually.”

The red gown old person coldly said, “This matter you thought also has listened.”

The old person in green, “But has a matter you not necessarily to listen actually.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang could not bear asking, “What matter?”

The old person in red, “You knew we are only?”

The old person in green, “You thought the early guesses correctly, now we actually want you to say.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sighed, said, “The red cherry the green willow tree, divine killers, pair of formidable swords, unmatched in the world.”

The old person in red, “Good, I am Li Hongying.”

The old person in green, “I am Yang LuLiu.”

The old person in red, “Regardless of who so long as has deceived Hongying Luliu once, all must die.”

The old person in green, “This matter you also should hear originally.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I have not.”

Li Hongying said, “Now you have listened.”

Yang LuLiu said, “Now you ought to know, this woman has must refused stubbornly to be possible.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I do not know.”

Li Hongying said, “You do not know!”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said lightly, “Looked her appearance, resembled recently cannot die.”

Li Hongying said, “You do not believe she could die?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I do not believe.”

Yang LuLiu said, “How do you have only then to be able to believe.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “How is casual I all not to be able to believe, so long as I am living. I do not believe.”

Yang LuLiu said, “If you died.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sighed, said, “If I had died, any matter I have all believed, but I resembled recently cannot die.”

Li Hongying face has sunk, sneered suddenly, said, “very good, very good.”

Yang LuLiu said, “Although we had many years not to kill people, the murder method, has not forgotten actually.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sighingly said, “This kind of matter wants to forget, only feared very is not also easy.”

Li Hongying said, “I had said a moment ago, between your me, graciousness broke righteousness certainly.”

Yang LuLiu said, “In our this life, the murder already innumerable, does not care about kills a person.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I know.”

Li Hongying said, “What do you also know?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Divine killers, kill like a dog, pair of formidable swords, certainly does not have living witness.”

Li Hongying said, “Since you knew, why doesn't walk?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang forced smile said, “In my this life, had not known has been killed how many, again kills a time, I do not care about.”

Li Hongying sneered said, “Very good.”

Yang LuLiu said, “Very good.”

Wind has blown, between the world works off anger heavily already.

Feng SiNiang was staring continuously at Xiao Shiyi Lang, the eyes were filled with gratitude.

She never thought Xiao Shiyi Lang also can go all out for her, also can die for her.

Xiao Shiyi Lang was asking, “Two swords?”

Li Hongying said, “Green Liu Hongying, in sword essence.”

Yang LuLiu said, “In the sword the essence, its advantage puts on the heart.”

Two people also stand up suddenly, in the hand many handles none remaining four has shot respectively sword.

Sword long only then seven inches, but a sword in hand. The sword gas has pressed up to close comes, these two handles sword, is really in the sword spirit.

In sword spirit, its advantage in god.

These two sword fearful place, not at sword front.

Although sword front short, but that kind of swift and fierce sword was mad, all biology all has covered actually dozens of ten feet surrounding areas in, Xiao Shiyi Lang unexpectedly also resemble thought the heart has plants the threatening chill in the air, that swift and fierce sword was mad, resembled unexpectedly has put on a person his chest, penetrated his heart.

Li Hongying with two fingers, has pressed firmly between the fingers two inch long sword hilt, coldly said, “Takes your knife!”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I do not use the sabre.”

Li Hongying said sternly, “Why?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I do not want to kill people.”

He did not want to kill people, he was not stupid.

Inch short, inch dangerous — — these two handles sword long only seven inches, have been possible to be in the world the shortest sword, the shortest sword, thought also certainly is the most ominous sword, Xiao Shiyi Lang' knife was also very short, he knew oneself cannot be short by the short system, by the dangerous system danger, his knife has not certainly grasped can trig these two handles sword, these two handles sword has killed people innumerably, sword itself, was bringing gas of the kind of murder.

Moreover these two handles sword is also in such two manpower.

Li Hongying was staring at him, coldly said, “What don't you need the knife to use?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled, said, “Casually with anything good, two thought does not send in stipulated I must certainly use the knife.”

His body flies high suddenly leaps, did on lintel section of cross bars.

A section long reaches ten feet two foot cross bars.

He already settled on this wood — — to be short by the long system, forced the danger.

Li Hongying in the eye has sent out the light suddenly, coldly said, “I only then knew now, why your until now also could live?”

Yang LuLiu sneered said, “This person is not really stupid.”

Li Hongying said, “Not the stupid person, we equally has also killed innumerably.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang do not wait for Yang LuLiu the aperture, has been snatching said, “Therefore you kill one again, also does not care about.”

Feng SiNiang loudly said suddenly, “I care about.”

She ran over, keeps off in front of Xiao Shiyi Lang, “I so long as knew you have this kind of regard to me, is enough, I am willing to walk with them.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “It is only a pity I do not want actually.”

In as soon as his hand wooden club selects suddenly, has selected unexpectedly Feng SiNiang' people. Feng SiNiang only thought a body hemp, flies suddenly, evenly steadily has sat suddenly to the gate eave on, the gearing all could not move actually.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Above that is certainly very cool, you might as well comfortably sit in above, waited for me to die, again got down for me gathers up dead bodies.”

Feng SiNiang clench teeth, her Lian Huadu could not say.

Xiao Shiyi Lang also ignore her again, turns around to Hongying Luliu, said, “Although Ouyang Brothers’s reputation is not high, the family background is actually prominent, two thought is has listened.”

Li Hongying coldly said, “Is the Ouyang aristocratic family's juniors?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang nodded, said, “When they also two dissimilarity, fights with a person, no matter opposite party has how many people, all is two people shoulder to shoulder meets the enemy.”

Yang LuLiu 怒道, “Do you want to compare by that two 不肖子 with us?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang has not denied unexpectedly, light tunnel, “When I and they fight, has only used three moves, moreover has the statement in first, three moves cannot win, even if I have defeated.”

Li Hongying sneered said, “You and we fight, prepare with several moves?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Three moves!”

Three moves!

The Hongying Luliu sword vertically and horizontally world, was known as in years past invincibly, Xiao Shiyi Lang only feared at that time has not been born.

Now he fights with these two people, also prepares only to use three moves unexpectedly.

If Feng SiNiang' bodies also can move, certainly early oneself jumped.

Even if Count Carefree comes back to life, also does not dare to say can defeat them in three moves.

300 moves are all very difficult.

Can not defeat has not been easy.

Feng SiNiang look Xiao Shiyi Lang, she really wanted to have a look this person are really insane.

Hongying Luliu is also seeing Xiao Shiyi Lang, two people not only have not gotten angry, suddenly is instead calm.

Li Hongying coldly said, “Our sword long only seven inches, your stick has ten feet two inches actually.”

Yang LuLiu said, “You by long strike short, forces the danger, thinks we radically on the very difficult nearly yours body?”

Li Hongying said, “You from thought even if extremely, at least first has in aned impregnable position.”

Yang LuLiu said, “Therefore you enrage us intentionally?”

Li Hongying said, “Since you only uses three moves, by I two human of statuses, certainly cannot the multipurpose move.”

Yang LuLiu said, “You thought we are unable in three moves to defeat you absolutely.”

Li Hongying said, “But you are mistaken.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang calmly are listening, waits for them to say, Yang LuLiu also asked, “Did you know when the swordskill practices the high point, can be mad drive a horse the sword, takes a person severed head in hundred outside step.”

Is mad drive a horse the sword!

Hears these four characters, Xiao Shiyi Lang' complexion was also unable to restrain to change.

This kind of swordskill in martial arts world fable already long time, but regardless of everybody thought that only is the fable.

— the kind of myth fable, because of through the ages, basic can finishes practicing this kind of swordskill on nobody.

Has the Hongying Luliu's swordskill, really been able to achieve this kind of supreme boundary?

Li Hongying said, “In Jiang-hu a person, always all thought 'was mad drive a horse the sword', only is the myth, actually this kind of swordskill, is not certainly 对练 inadequately. “

Yang LuLiu said, “If an only person finishes practicing this kind of swordskill, wants at least 150 different painstaking effort.”

Li Hongying said, “Regardless of nobody can live that for a long time to.”

Yang LuLiu said, “We cannot.”

Li Hongying said, “Really some people can live to 150 years old, also not impossible 150 time, wholeheartedly uses for to practice the sword completely.”

Yang LuLiu said, “Therefore we also finishes practicing this kind of swordskill.”

Has listened to this sentence, Xiao Shiyi Lang finally relaxed, Li Hongying said, “Our seven years old practice the sword, until now already some in 74.”

They unexpectedly all are 80 above old person, Yang LuLiu said, “This for 74 years, we true are practicing the sword time, most only has more than 20 years.”

Li Hongying said, “Therefore we until now, also only can practice is mad drive a horse the line, by line drive a horse sword region.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang change countenance said, “Is mad drive a horse the line, by line drive a horse sword?”

Yang LuLiu said, “You do not understand?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang indeed do not understand.

Li Hongying said, “Good, I might as well let you have a look first.”

In his hand stiletto departs suddenly, as soon as if the lightning strikes, far is actually more nimble than the lightning.

Sword brightness 神龙 the coiling'twisting 2 proud dances in the air in the twilight, likely is the miracle is ordinary.

Xiao Shiyi Lang oneself saw in his hand to fly actually a brilliance to sparkle the Ukraine silk, was driving this handle stiletto, operated unexpectedly freely.

Sword brightness a revolution, flies suddenly in his hand.

Li Hongying said, “this calls to be mad drive a horse the line, by the line drive a horse sword, you has understood now?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang cannot help but sighed, such 剑法, he already is hears something never heard of before, sees what one never saw before. “

Li Hongying said, “Now we only can by the article two overhead wires, lead seven inches stilettos d”

Yang LuLiu said, “Waits till us to be able by 100 ft overhead wires, when leads three feet swords fronts, this — step of time only then calculates completes, can start to be mad drive a horse the sword.”

Li Hongying sighed, said, “Only that at least already was ten year after matter.”

Yang LuLiu said, “Now we first step fly the swordskill although finishes practicing, actually 足足有余 to you.”

Li Hongying said, “If you wants by long to strike short, is weak by the assault, you have lost.”

Yang LuLiu said, “Now not only our sword has been longer than you, also compared to you, you also should be able to see.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang can certainly see. Therefore he is unable to deny beside, high these two human of swordskills, solid has been far he to anticipate.

Feng SiNiang saw that sword to depart a moment ago, the cold sweat has soaked the long robe.

She cannot sit like this, looks Xiao Shiyi Lang die for her in them fly under the sword.

But she only then such sat actually, looks, not only she the class had perspired, also has flowed out the tear.

Xiao Shiyi Lang was as if also sighing, suddenly asked actually, “now you prepare with several moves to win I?”

Li Hongying said, “Three moves!”

43rd chapter Big river flowing east

Certainly is three moves! They cannot certainly compared to Xiao Shiyi Lang multipurpose one move, this regardless of everybody may want to obtain, continually Xiao Shiyi Lang all to be even unable to imagine, all over the sky the setting sun suddenly vanishes, the dark dim light of night, has covered the earth suddenly, the star light has not raised, the moon has not raised, looked like in the dim light of night, Hongying Luliu likely is two comes from the hell, arrests a person soul the spirit, their complexion indifferent like spirit, their vision also strange like spirit, but in their hand sword, the bright like lunar corona, the bright like severe electricity, Xiao Shiyi Lang horizontally are holding one ten feet actually twoThe ruler long wooden club, about both hands, are away from six feet, the Hongying Luliu two human of between distance also has 5-6 feet.

At the same time two people scolds one lightly, “Walks.”

Scolds in the sound, in two manpower stilettos, also departed, if 神龙 the junction cuts, the lightning junction strikes, as soon as sword brightness dodges, after flies strikes about Xiao Shiyi Lang the double ear under cheekbone fatal 要穴.

This strikes the speed, is certainly not anybody can be able to imagine.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have not drawn back, has not fended, the body reverse side has flushed suddenly to front, the long stick sweeps away the opposite party two human of ribs.

This was the first move, both sides both has put forth the first move.

Xiao Shiyi Lang this move attacks in order to defend, Lian Xiaodai hits, this already is the murderer who finds a way out of a fatal situation.

Only listens to “ding” one, pair of swords to fly high strikes against, in airborne one revolution, likely is suddenly attaches deep-rooted ulcer of the bone, is flying with Xiao Shiyi Lang, flies his behind, the enemy in front of oneself, the sword punctures actually from the behind.

This move of bad risk is strange, already was Xiao Shiyi Lang biography has not met.

Now he was equal to already is the back abdomen receives the enemy, an own move has not been able to go well, also will certainly by the sharp sword to put on the heart to die.

On does not accommodate in this the flash which sends, his person has flown high flies, nose oven.

This turns — plunders, reaches 40 feet unexpectedly far. When his person falls, arrived under the wall foot, is also the deathtrap which draws back does not have may draw back.

On moistens place in his footsteps the flash, the brilliance flashes at present, pair of swords pursued.

In Xiao Shiyi Lang hand this stick recommends, to sword brightness has welcomed, he looks extremely, is also considered as extremely Huai.

Only listens to “seizes” one, two handles swords all already spike wooden club, nail in him on hand.

This already was the third move which the Hongying Luliu put forth.

Now the sword nail on the wooden club, Xiao Shiyi Lang actually also has been living, but also has not defeated.

Did Feng SiNiang finally relax, who know pair of swords to enter the wood, puts on unexpectedly woodenly, moreover -odd potential does not use up, “rip”, also punctures after Xiao Shiyi Lang about the double ear the maxillary bone biggest that fatal 要穴.

This is same one move, third move.

Also could not think as soon as they fly the sword to strike, has the so fearful strength unexpectedly, resembles unexpectedly has destroyed the hardest defenses, cannot resist.

Xiao Shiyi Lang oneself draws back actually does not have may draw back, since in the hand wooden club is unable to take back, is also unable to launch an attack, moreover the wooden club in front of him, behind is a wall, around him both sides escape route all dies of suffocation, looked like he has had to die without doubt.

Feng SiNiang could not bear nearly must close the eye, she cannot again look, also does not endure to look again.

Who knows on in this flash, also got up the astonishing change.

As soon as Xiao Shiyi Lang lower the head unexpectedly hit, hit in own hand the wooden club, is also “ding” — strikes, pair of swords has pulled up after his brain, flies high the junction to strike. In his hand this stick has contradicted two section by his head, the guided missile exited, approached the Hongying Luliu to shoot separately the past.

The Hongying Luliu's sword, penetrated these two section of cross bars separately, the impetus flew the sword Ukraine silk, also had passed through the cross bar.

As soon as Xiao Shiyi Lang bright this top of the heads hit the strength too to be big, this stick likely is the strip has pulled taut a bowstring, cuts off suddenly, resilience, strength of the this ball, certainly also very quick, very anxious.

As soon as the Hongying Luliu sees with own eyes has struck the hit, discovered suddenly two section of wooden clubs have shot to them.

Two people considered without enough time, also flipped over, although avoided this to strike, on sword Wu Sique has let go.

In the low and deep dim light of night, sees only two shadows to be similar to two to fly the cloud to flutter, has fluttered the fence.

Only listens to Li Hongying Leng Bing the sound to transmit by far;“Good, good Xiao Shiyi Lang.”

When the sound vanished, their shadows also vanished.

The dim light of night is deep, the East had the solitary star which a grain glistens to raise.

Night actually already deeper .......

Two brilliant eye-catching stilettos, becomes the cross alternately, suspends on the table, suspends under the lamp.

Sword brightness is dazzling than the light.

The desolate sword brightness, is reflecting an obituary notice invitation, “...... Makes ready especially the good wine 180 worlds, hoped Mr. comes the pain to be drunk ......”

“...... Good wine intoxicant, Mr. comes to have to be drunk, if Mr. fears is drunk, does not come.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang a cup in the hand, is staring at in the cup liquor, mutters, “They should know I did not fear is drunk, each people all know.”

Feng SiNiang was looking at him, said, “Therefore you a little have been drunk now.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang raise glass toss down, said, “I cannot be drunk, I have the self-knowledge, I knew I can drink how much liquors.” He pours out wine cup of said, “Each individual all should have the self-knowledge, all should not 自作多情.”

— — 自作多情? He really thought he only is 自作多情 to Shen BiJun?

Feng SiNiang smiled suddenly, said, “I looked Li Hongying and Yang LuLiu very much has the self-knowledge, they knew oneself has defeated, therefore they walk immediately.” She wants to change the topic obviously, said can make Xiao Shiyi Lang' happy matter, “They have put forth three moves, you only have used two moves actually, their sword has let go, arrived in your hand.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang also smiled, said, “But my head has been dislodged nearly a big hole, their head actually well.”

Feng SiNiang said, “No matter, they were finally defeated by you.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I have the self-knowledge, I am originally not their match, just like I am not Count Carefree's match.”

Feng SiNiang said, “But you have defeated them actually.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “That is only because my luck is quite good.” He raises glass drinks, is staring at on the table invitation, “It is only a pity an individual luck is impossible well forever all.”

The invitation in dense sword brightness under looked like, is likely the obituary notice.

Xiao Shiyi Lang look this invitation, likely is looking own obituary notice are same.

Some people knew perfectly well when must die, is can prepare the shield matter first, sends the obituary notice.

Feng SiNiang said, “You for tomorrow appointment worry.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said lightly, “I have never worried for tomorrow matter.” He laughed suddenly raises glass once more: “The present has the liquor the present to be drunk, also will why manage tomorrow the matter.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You do not need to worry originally, these seven people simply are not worth you worrying.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang look on the invitation seven names, also ask suddenly, “You recognize them?”

Feng SiNiang nodded, said, “Li QingFeng has died, looked like although also very much has the power and prestige, but the heart has died actually.”

Regardless of after who 20-30 year leisurely and carefree days, couldn't all also have the former days the point spirit.

Feng SiNiang said, “His continually top dog such disabled people could not even cope with, although his knife has not rusted, but in his heart rusted actually.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You look at him to get rid of?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I have looked, I also can see, he got rid of slowly at least already compared to in years past 50%.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You can see? You knew he in years past got rid of quickly?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I did not know, I only knew his in years past getting rid of, if is also same with the present, he does not live the present.” She then also said, “The top dog can the present, actually be exactly a miracle.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sighed, said, “He is indeed a strong person.”

If person's four limbs have been cut off its three, also has the courage to go on living actually, this person is certainly a strong person.

Feng SiNiang said, “It was only a pity in his heart had the problem, in his heart was certainly inferior to his semblance looked like that strong, perhaps he fears awfully.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You can see his heart?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I knew actually regardless of who is called own the top dog, all cannot very normal.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sighingly said, “I only look like for that by him the guy who the horse urges on equally to feel somewhat uncomfortably, I thought that person's day does not feel better certainly very much.”

Feng SiNiang also sighed, said, “I on have not thought for that person, but I had thought actually for you, you the time which thought for others, always is the time which oneself thought are more than.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang coldly said, “My this human of any good has not thought.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Because you only are a wolf?” She smiled, said, “Then you did not need to take on Hua RuYu’s mind, he was only a solitary fox, the solitary fox has occurred happen to meet the wolf, resembled the mouse to see the cat to be same.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Xuanyuan brothers are also the fox?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Is two is also deceitful the tricky fox, as soon as so long as smells the danger, they slide certainly compared to everybody quickly.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Golden Bodhisattva?”

Feng SiNiang said, “He is not a fox, is also a pig, is gluttonous and lazy, is greedy for money lasciviously pig.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled.

Feng SiNiang said, “Perhaps you did not need to cope with him, he also can eat by that three foxes.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Therefore most dangerous shark king.”

Feng SiNiang have not denied, “It is said he is the eats human's tiger shark, after ate a person all not to spit the bone.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I do not worry him.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang light tunnel, “Because I am not a person, you casual ask anyone, they all certainly can say, Xiao Shiyi Lang is not a person.”

Looks on his face the expression, in Feng SiNiang hearts is unable to restrain to think a stabbing pain.

If a person life-long all in is misunderstood by a person, that pain is certainly very hard to endure receives.

Xiao Shiyi Lang also said, “I worry am not actually these seven people.”

Feng SiNiang said, “What are you worrying?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang was staring at that invitation, said slowly, “I worry, not human who signs in this written invitation.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You thought tomorrow will have to cope with you, but also will continue these seven people? Also has a more fearful person to ambush in secret?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled brightly, said, “I am a wolf, therefore I always can smell obtains some others not to be able to smell the danger to come.”

He smiled very much strangely, all always has not seen him including Feng SiNiang such to smile.

Looked like that is unexpectedly likely when individual at the point of death front reflected light reflection that kind smiled is same.

Xiao Shiyi Lang was also smiling, “— a wolf in falls in front of the trap, the general meeting feels some ill omen, but he must proceed, as soon as even if knows perfectly well falls down must die, must proceed, because it has not had the method to turn head, behind it did not have the road.”

Feng SiNiang' hearts have sunk. She has suddenly understood Xiao Shiyi Lang' meaning.

If a person has lost the interest, has lost the fighting spirit, if links own all not to be willing to go on living again, regardless of everybody may want him to die.

Xiao Shiyi Lang now are obviously this appearances, he thought oneself basic again has not gone on living the reason, he receives attack already too heavy.

That war, he could defeat the Hongying Luliu a moment ago, as soon as because only that fought was not for he, but was for must rescue Feng SiNiang.

He thought oneself has owed Feng SiNiang' debts, he wants to die, also also this brush debt again has died first.

Now he perhaps thought the debt has paid off, he was equal to already has died for Feng SiNiang.

As for Shen BiJun's debt, in Shen BiJun with that flash which Lian Chengbi walks, he has also paid off.

He thought the present is Shen BiJun owes him, him no longer owes Shen Bijun.

Although his person is also living, the heart has died - - is also precisely actually which walks has been dying in Shen BiJun with that flash Lian Chengbi.

After Feng SiNiang discover suddenly as soon as he will go tomorrow, forever again is not meeting him.

Because he on has hugged now must die the heart, he is not willing to live is coming back.

Feng SiNiang mood how?

A woman looks at in oneself this life, only sincerity affection man, in order to what type other woman is so sad she to be able to have the mood?

She wants to cry, actually tear all not energy flow, because she also feared Xiao Shiyi Lang see to be able more dispirited sorrowful.

She only then for from full has poured out the cup to sprinkle completely.

Xiao Shiyi Lang suddenly have gripped her hand actually, is staring at her, “you knew what in my heart is thinking?”

Feng SiNiang nodded silently.

Xiao Shiyi Lang' hand grasps very much purple, in eye Man Buzhuo red string, “I originally should not such think, I also knew, she is originally others wife, she is not worth me for her ......”

“Dies for her.” He has not said this “to die” the character to come, but Feng SiNiang had known actually he wants to say is any.

Xiao Shiyi Lang' hand grasps tightly, “I knew I originally should forget her, went on living well, I also not too old, but also had the future, I also had you at least.”

Feng SiNiang make an effort to clench teeth, are controlling own, she can see Xiao Shiyi Lang to be drunk

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Not only you are a genuine woman, moreover is a great woman, your oneself female all noblest, greatest intelligence, all all has displayed, I dare to guarantee, in the world compared to you greater woman, certainly has not certainly had ......”

His sound more said lowly, also gradually dangles, falls on Feng SiNiang hand backs.

He rested the head on unexpectedly on Feng SiNiang assistants falls asleep.

Feng SiNiang have not moved.

Xiao Shiyi Lang' head is as if more and more heavy, has pressed hers hand has sent the hemp, but she has not moved.

Each people all knew Feng SiNiang was the wind same woman, the raging fire same woman.

But nobody knew actually, any woman cannot endure, she all silently has endured actually down.

She knew Xiao Shiyi Lang said are 真心话, he said in the mouth, she listens in the heart, in the heart did not know actually is sweet? Is the acid? Is bitter?

She knew Xiao Shiyi Lang understand her, just like she understood Xiao Shiyi Lang was same.

But he to her emotion, actually and she is completely different to his emotion.

This is a pain which a person biggest pain — — one kind has no alternative.

She endures this kind of pain, has endured for ten years, so long as she is living, the continuation endures.

Lives one day, must endure one day, lives for a year, must endure for a year, until dies.

— — the spring silkworm to the dead silk side, wax candle Cheng Huilei the beginning does.

This is two famous poems, each people all have read nearly, but how many people also has to be able actually to understand bitter truly?

She did not know how long oneself also has to endure, also did not know how long oneself also can live.

She only knew the present cannot die, she must certainly go on living, because she must certainly think of a way helps Xiao Shiyi Lang to go on living.

She was living, is for Xiao Shiyi Lang.

If she dies, also dies for Xiao Shiyi Lang.

The wax candle has not become the ash, the tear has not done.

Feng SiNiang' arms nearly already completely numb, but she has not moved.

She was filled with grieved, the whole body is grieved, both sad, and weary.

She thought the pain is drunk, and wants to rest, but she both cannot rest, also does not dare to be drunk.

She must certainly defend Xiao Shiyi Lang in here, defends passes to the dark night, the light of early dawn arrives, defends walks to him up to.

The wax candle end burnt through suddenly, the flame extinguishes, four changes a piece of darkness.

She could not see Xiao Shiyi Lang, anything oneself cannot see.

Dies in this — silent and in darkness, in this both sad and in weary situation, she instead suddenly changed has sobered.

The when things reach their extreme they turn back, in the world had very many matters all is originally this appearance — — arrived dark time, bright certainly quickly came.

She has remembered very many matters suddenly, very many questions.

She say these question strip, an own again strip explanation.

She asked first oneself, “What type person is Hua RuYu?”

Hua RuYu was certainly both deep, and sly, moreover fierce extremely, the extremely fearful person.

“Looks like he that type fierce person, has spent that many painstaking care, only then obtains Shen BiJun, also how can let a cart driver very easy rescue gently her?”

That originally is certainly not possible.

“This this is Hua RuYu arranges, lets that cart driver rescue Shen BiJun intentionally?”

Not only this explanation quite reasonable, moreover has been possible to be the only explanation nearly.

“Why does Hua RuYu have to do this? He obtains Shen BiJun painstakingly, why does the important person rescue intentionally her?”

“Because he wants that cart driver to deliver Shen BiJun to Stain-free Manor.”

“Is this also for what?”

“Because he knew Lian Chengbi also certainly can arrive here to come, he wants Shen BiJun and Lian Chengbi intentionally meets, wants Shen BiJun to have a look, her husband changes is disappointed thinly and pale.”

“Why?”Feng SiNiang ask again oneself.

“Because he knew Shen BiJun was weak and the good woman, if saw Lian Chengbi to destroy own for her, she could certainly tenderhearted, in order to let Lian Chengbi rebuoy up, she could certainly spare no sacrifice all.”

“Moreover she has by now passed the heart to Xiao Shiyi Lang wound.” “But spends like jade this kind of person likely, cannot do any does not have the advantage to oneself the matter, he such does, what advantage also has to oneself?”“Does not have the advantage?”The only explanation is, this all plans, is not Hua RuYu arranges, in certainly also other has to instigate him in secret a person. “What person in this world also has to be able to direct Hua RuYu? Let Hua RuYu accept his order?”“That is certainly is deeper than Hua RuYu, fiercer, more fearful person.”

“This is individual that individual who replaces Count Carefree status? Will be intentionally surely the wealth gives Xiao Shiyi Lang that individual?”

“Certainly is he!”

“On because Hua RuYu is also his subordinate, therefore Hua RuYu the real care Xiao Shiyi Lang 'the buried treasure', he already had never known this 'the buried treasure' does not exist. “

“Why does this person have to be such arrogant?”

“Because he wants to frame Xiao Shiyi Lang, wants others to cope with Xiao Shiyi Lang, also wants Shen BiJun to harbor resentment against Xiao Shiyi Lang.”

“Hua RuYu also certainly already knew 'the Stain-free Manor' is belongs to Xiao Shiyi Lang. “

“He certainly also knew Shen BiJun discovered this afterwards, can be sad, how indignant?”

“But since he knew Lian Chengbi had betrayed the Stain-free Manor, also how can determine Lian Chengbi can certainly meet Shen BiJun in here?”

“Is this Lian Chengbi arranges?”

“This matter develops present this kind of situation, only obtains the advantage human, how could it not be on only then Lian Chengbi?”

“Besides Lian Chengbi, also nobody knew Xiao Shiyi Lang in here, how that written invitation are can deliver here to come?”

“Are this all plans, all Lian Chengbi are instigating in secret? Is he that person who replaces Count Carefree status?”

Feng SiNiang first company asked own five questions.

These five questions do not have the explanation — — are not because she cannot explain, but is she does not dare to believe own explanation.

She indeed does not dare.

— — Lian Chengbi is “that person”.

So long as thought this kind of possibility, Feng SiNiang whole bodies are unable to restrain all to brave to be in a cold sweat.

The fact is similar is really really this appearance speech, that rather too was fearful.

Feng SiNiang have even wanted all not to dare to think, she is unable to imagine in simply the world unexpectedly really to have so brutally, the so virulent person.

But she also continuously knew, Lian Chengbi this is extremely calm, an extremely deep person.

Looks like his this kind of person, originally should not change so for a woman is disappointed thinly and pale.

He always own reputation and the family background, looked at what gets to work heavily all compared to the world.

Including family background generation of powerful and wealthy, the industry are more, in any case a person does spend freely, also wastes all one's money very difficultly in the short two years this trillion family properties.

Moreover, Lian Chengbi are also makes friends extremely, the extremely competent broadly person, how could he be poor the company “the Stain-free Manor” all to sell to others?

In this world also some who do have the that big original story, then the big courage, dared to buy the Stain-free Manor?

Even if some people have really bought down, how can this Stain-free Manor turn Xiao Shiyi Lang?

Thinks of here, on Feng SiNiang bodies cold sweat, has soaked the long robe.

But she does not dare to determine.

She thought how doesn't connect the city wall to be able to know Count Carefree's secret? How can replace Count Carefree's status?

44th chapter Golden phoenix

“Now where should we go?”

Certainly “was Zhou ZhiGang white horse Manor.

The white horse Manor has certainly a white horse. From beginning to end cannot discover the white horse which mixed wool comes, likely is the white jade carving becomes. The white horse usually all symbolizes honored, not only this horse noble beautiful, moreover extremely vigorous 神骏, it is said ferghana name kind. In the white horse Manor certainly also has the white horse son.

The white horse son is also a very outstandingly talented person, wugong is in the family orthodox school, the literary talent was also very loose. So long as as soon as therefore mentions the white horse week to come, in the Chiangnan martial arts world does not certainly have individual not to know.

But, actually is this Ma Shiren famous? This causes the horse famously personally? Now gradually the nobody has been able to obtain is clear. Perhaps continually Zhou ZhiGang own all not necessarily could obtain clear. But in any case said, the horse is indeed the famous horse, a person also is indeed a celebrity, this always is does not certainly have the question. Regardless of therefore who has to look for the white horse Manor, all certainly cannot not be able to find.

High noon.

The wooded mountain under the sunlight looked like is golden yellow, withered leaf also changes a piece by piece is bright and is magnificent. But its essence has not changed, when the withered leaf was the withered leaf, the leaf dry, certainly could wither and fall. Regardless of any matter could not change its destiny, the sunlight could not. — — in the world how could it not be has very meddlesomely all is this appearance?

In Feng SiNiang hearts is sighing. The sunlight shines directly in or in her face, causes her the face to look like also has filled the youth glory. But she knew, passes the youth, was forever is also unable to recall. She does not want to leave behind the youth, she wants to stay behind, only is fondly remembers little. That also incompletely is to youth fondly remembering, to others fondly remembering, more important is, lets others also similarly fondly remember her. When her also like withered leaf withers and falls, but also how many people can fondly remember her also to have?

Feng SiNiang was not willing to want to get down again, to turn head, Huo Ying and Du Yin were staring at her crazily. These two young people were at least forever cannot forget her. So long as also some people fondly remember, already enough.

Feng SiNiang have smiled, “Your two both are the good children, if perhaps I young, can marry to you, now ......”

“Now we only are your personal servant.”

Huo Yingye is smiling, smiled a little sour acid actually.

Feng SiNiang said with a smile, “Is my personal servant, is also my brothers.”

Du Yin said suddenly, “You do not prepare to marry luckily to us.”

Feng SiNiang could not bear ask, “Why?”

Du Yin, “Now we are the friend, but if you really must choose one between us, perhaps we could hit.”

His face has also been red.

He said is the truth.

Feng SiNiang sweetly said, “If I elect, certainly cannot elect you, you are too honest.”

Huo Yingyou happy, said with a smile, “I have already told him, the too honest man, the woman instead does not like.”

Du Yin blushes, 嗫 weak said, “Actually I sometimes not too honest.”

Feng SiNiang laugh said, “How do you want me to vent for you?”

Huo Ying said, “Is casual you.”

Feng SiNiang said, “We like this rush, catches him is good?”

Huo Ying said, “Good, very good.”

Hillside not too steep.

Feng SiNiang have called, beats a horse, to run out the woods backhandedly.

The white horse Manor black japan front door is starting, they really such were unexpectedly straight rushed.

In gatekeeper's male servant all greatly was startled, flushes in abundance, loudly shouts to clear the way, “Who are you person? What does?”

Feng SiNiang said with a smile, “We were look Zhou ZhiGang, I was his great-aunt.”

She beats a horse to pass through the courtyard, rushes straight the hall.

Not only a person is startled, the horse is also startled, in the neighing, has hit turned 23 tables, 45 tea several, 78 chairs.

Ten flushes personally, some want to curb a horse the reins, some want to make an arrest, a person has not bumped into, has suffered several horsewhips.

Feng SiNiang said loudly, “Called Zhou ZhiGang to come out quickly, otherwise our group hit.”

Huo Ying is happy reddens all over the face, laughed said, “Right, our group hits.”

An old male servant is anxious jumps to the table on, shouted said, “What your this does? Is it possible that is the robber?”

The speech had not said, Feng SiNiang also jumped up the table, seizes his front of the clothes, said, “I had already said, I was Zhou ZhiGang great-aunt, his person?”

“He ...... He not in, really not in.”

“Why not in?”

Certainly is because exited, therefore only then in, Feng SiNiang also did not think oneself asked funnily, therefore also asked, “When does he exit?”

“A moment ago.”

“A person exits?”

“No a person, but also some company son.”

“Including son? Lian Chengbi?”

“Resembles is.”

“Gone have they to where?”

“Did not know, really does not know.”

Feng SiNiang' hearts do not live toward sink;“Together comes including the son with his madame.”


“Madame Lian 2” “in the behind courtyard, is eating meal with our village main madame.”

In Feng SiNiang hearts sneered, said, “He intentionally arranged Zhou ZhiGang to appear originally, only was for must remain his wife here, he good exited to kill people.”

The old male servant cannot understand her to say any, Huo Ying does not understand, “Who has to kill people? Who kills?”

Feng SiNiang clenched teeth, asked suddenly, “Your two people's times how?”

Huo Ying said with a smile, “Although not too how, but copes with these rice buckets, pours also 足足有余.”

Feng SiNiang said, “good, you treat in here, is called them to give a banquet, to serve a meal, if some people dare not to be obedient, you hit, even if opened the room has not related.”

Huo Ying said with a smile, “Other I cannot, punch a person to pull down the house, I am actually the expert.”

Feng SiNiang said, “If liquor insufficient Chen, the vegetable insufficiently is good, you also illuminate hit do not harm.”

Huo Ying said, “We must wait for you to come back to eat again.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Has no need for, I must look for a person to behind.”

Huo Ying said, “Who looks for?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Looks for the muddled ghost which does not know good from bad.”

In the behind courtyard, the delicate fragrance full courtyard, the chrysanthemum is in full bloom, Chinese parasol tree's leaf is Paris green.

A green jade clothes blue unlined upper garment, the long skirt tow the place the beautiful woman, ultra was coming out from behind, has bumped into Feng SiNiang.

Although she the near noon, has looked like also very is actually young, a pair of phoenix eye has the prestige severe, regardless of everybody can see her certainly is a very not affable woman.

Feng SiNiang liked annoying not affable entering, the eyeball have transferred the extension, said suddenly, “Hears here village main madame the maternal home surname Jin.”


“Heard she was in the before Jiang-hu the very famous golden phoenix (Jin FengHuang).”


“You call her to come out, I inferred sees her.”

“She already came out.”

Feng SiNiang stared the big eye intentionally, looks at her, said, “You are Jin FengHuang?”

Jin FengHuang cold face, is coldly said, “I am.”

Feng SiNiang have smiled suddenly, eye blink said with a smile, “失敬, was sorry, I also thought originally you were Zhou ZhiGang’s mother.”

On Jin FengHuang face scarlet sheds all of a sudden cleanly, a face oneself changes pale, sneered suddenly said, “Heard in the before Jiang-hu had to be called Feng SiNiang the tigresses, always liked tying down my husband, it is only a pity as soon as my husband see her he feels nauseated.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Your husband is Zhou ZhiGang?”

Jin FengHuang coldly said, “Good.”

Feng SiNiang said, “That is not right, as soon as I only confuse he to see I must be mouth-watering, sometimes even can be happy everywhere randomly crawls, always has not spat one actually.”

Jin FengHuang said, “Are you Feng SiNiang?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Good.”

Jin FengHuang sneered said, “失敬, was sorry, I also thought originally you are a mad dog which bites on people.”

Feng SiNiang had smiled actually, said easily, “I really want to bite you, it is only a pity I always do not bite an old lady.”

Jin FengHuang's complexion resembles has sent green.

Her age originally on compared to Zhou ZhiGang tenth of a jin year old.

Age woman who is bigger than the husband, most does not hear, is old lady these three characters.

She even would rather others to scold her mad dog, is also not willing to hear others to say she is old.

Feng SiNiang knew she fears listens, therefore only then said.

Since discovered Lian Chengbi very possibly is Count Carefree “that person”, she on has prepared to ask Lian Chengbi the hemp to be delapidated.

Since Lian Chengbi were with Zhou ZhiGang together walks, Zhou ZhiGang certainly was not is good she not to be able to find them, had to look for Jin FengHuang.

Feng SiNiang look for trouble the original story, is originally nobody can compare favorably with.

Now Jin FengHuang unexpectedly has not been irritated by her, she resembles thought also not too satisfies, is smiling said, “I also know you actually not too old, most also only compared to Zhou ZhiGang older by 20-30 years old, if on the face powder spreads thick one, looked also only looks like about 50.”

Jin FengHuang was screaming suddenly threw oneself.

Has very many women all very to be able to call, moreover likes calling very much.

They are happy must be called, the time which is angry also must call, intimate time must be called, the time which fights also must call.

Jin FengHuang is this kind of woman without doubt.

She calls the sound is very strange, very incisive, was a little likely a knife has cut off the chicken neck, also was a little likely — the foot steps on the cat tail.

But she gets rid of already does not look like the chicken, also shows likely the cat.

She leaves deftly, likely is the poisonous snake.

Has not made a debut in Feng SiNiang, Jin FengHuang already was a woman who in Jiang-hu famous difficult to annoy.

Her wugong really imagines Feng SiNiang also must be higher than.

After Feng SiNiang have met her 5-6 moves, the has detected this point.

Only Feng SiNiang' wugong, also imagines her will have to be much higher than, 88 moves from now on, suddenly the lightning has gripped her skill.

Jin FengHuang's hand with the body hemp, Lian Jiao could not call immediately.

Feng SiNiang already instead twisted hers hand behind, only then has breathed heavily the mouth gas channel, “I must ask your several speeches, you should better tell me honestly.”

Jin FengHuang clenches teeth, said bitterly, “You have killed me.”

Feng SiNiang said, “you knew perfectly well I cannot kill you, I am most only shear down your nose.” She smiled, also said, “In the world only compared to an old lady more fearful woman, the old lady who does not have the nose.”

Jin FengHuang clenches teeth, the tear has fallen quickly.

She knew Feng SiNiang was can say, does obtains, she understands Feng SiNiang this kind of women, because she also similar.

Feng SiNiang said, “I asked your speech, actually you are willing to say?”

Jin FengHuang said, “You ...... Actually do you want to ask any.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Did your husband accompany Lian Chengbi to go to where?”

Jin FengHuang said, “I don’t know.”

Feng SiNiang sneeringly said, “If I cuts your nose to come, you have known?”

Jin FengHuang has called, “I really did not know, you killed me, I have not known.”

The woman really calls time, said the majority all cannot be a lie.

Feng SiNiang sighed, also asked, “Shen Bijun? Where you 藏到 her to go?”

Jin FengHuang said, “I have not laid aside her, is she does not hope the opinion you.”

Feng SiNiang also not the time which comes to behind, they had known is Feng SiNiang.

Dared to ride a horse rushes others hall woman, in this world does not have several.

Feng SiNiang said, “She does not infer me, but I infer her, you should better ......”

She does not have to say again, because her saw Shen Bijun.

Shen BiJun walks went out, stands under the eaves, the complexion is very pale, brings to get angry Italy, a beautiful eye has blushed actually.

Cried red?

Is why cries?

Feng SiNiang sighed, said, “Do my untold hardships look for you, why you are not willing to see me?”

Shen BiJun coldly said, “Who is called you to come? You should not come.”

Feng SiNiang was unable to restrain to sneeringly said, “If you thought is he is called me to come, you are mistaken.”

He? Who is he?

Shen BiJun knew certainly, - - thought this person, in her heart is being punctured on the elephant by the needle, is being sheared by the knife, cannot be seen by one pair the hand to rip the powder essence, the tablet has become the great amount piece.

Her Lian Zhandu could not halt, puts in order individual all to pour on the parapet, actually cold face said, “No matter why you are do come, you are best now quickly walk.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why?”

Shen Bijun said, “Because I have not related with you, I ...... I already am not that Shen BiJun who you recognize ......”

Although her speech said ominously, but the clothing tear has flowed off actually, flows on she pale thin and pale face, likely will be falls on one already on on the wane flowered' dewdrop.

Looks she sad and the pain, Feng SiNiang wants to be angry, also did not have the method to be angry.

In her heart never is not looks like by the needle is being punctured, is being sheared likely by the knife?

She understands certainly Shen BiJun's meaning.

Before she recognizes that Shen BiJun, is one in order to like the face doing not hesitate to abandon all women, present Shen BiJun, already is actually Lian Chengbi wife.

“No matter how, I do have several speeches to have to say to you.” She ran over suddenly, tight purple has gripped Shen BiJun's arm, “You must certainly listen to me to say, I said walked.”

Shen BiJun makes an effort to nip the lip, finally nodded, “Good, I listen, but you said has certainly had to walk.”

Feng SiNiang said, “So long as you listened to me to say. Even if you do not ask me to leave, I also must walk may not.”

— — should walk, sooner or later always must walk.

This was precisely Xiao Shiyi Lang before often said a speech.

Has remembered this speech, has remembered that person, remembered them to gather and to leave ......

Shen BiJun's tear has soaked the sleeves of a dress.

Xiao Shiyi Lang, now you actually in where? Actually is making what?

Why don't you listen, what these two do will certainly for your pain life-long woman to say?

Do you know them sad and the pain?

He cannot certainly come, because he gradually entered now virulently, in a more fearful trap.

Perhaps he are not did not know, but he is not willing to turn head, also cannot turn head.

Chinese parasol tree's deep shade, has covered up the daylight.

In the corridor is cool and is lonesome and quiet, a beautiful canary, under the eave “psst grasps” calls, as if also wants to pour out her to a person lonely and the pain.

Her lover flew away, has flown the horizon, has flown the cape, she only then stays actually in this basket, will be enduring forever the inexhaustible loneliness.

Here hostess, although also frequently strokes her beautiful feather, but regardless of how gentle stroking, also does not compare her lover gently a calligraphy stroke.

Jin FengHuang has covered the face to run out the courtyard, also has not turned head.

Feng SiNiang have not opened the mouth.

This fact in too complex, too surreptitious, she really did not know should mention from where.

Shen BiJun was urging, “Why didn't you say?”

Feng SiNiang finally gain ground, said, “I knew you hate him, because you thought he has changed, turned a murder not to wink the clothing fiendish person, turned a person who is not humane.”

Shen BiJun lowered the head, a pair of hand grips tightly, the nail pricked the palm, the lip has also been broken by biting.

She was suffering oneself.

She hoped can by human body suffering, put behind in the heart the pain.

Feng SiNiang said, “But you wrongly accused him completely, if you knew this matter the truth, even if some people caught up with you with the whip, you cannot leave him step.”

Shen BiJun said bitterly, “Some people compel me with the knife to stay behind, I also must walk, because each matter all is I sees with own eyes, and looks clearly.”

Feng SiNiang said, “What did you see?”

She has also gotten hold of the hand, said, “You see him to offend somebody for Bing Bing, you saw him to turn the nouveau riche who felt self-important, you saw him to turn the Stain-free Manor master.”

Shen Bijun said, “Good, these matters I all saw, I have not been willing to look again.”

Feng SiNiang said, “It was only a pity you see only are these matters surfaces, you cannot only look at the surface, concluded an orange oneself becomes stale? You ......”

Shen BiJun has broken her speech, coldly said, “Outside the rotten orange, in the heart has certainly also gone bad.”

Feng SiNiang said, “But although also outside some oranges smooth, in the heart is actually rotten fiercely.”

Shen Bijun said, “Actually do you want to say what?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I ask you, you did know he for results in wants to offend somebody for Bing Bing? Did you know how the Stain-free Manor can turn him? Did you know why he does want to kill these people?”

Shen Bijun said, “I did not know, I do not want to know.”

Feng SiNiang said, “But I know.”

Shen Bijun said, “Oh?”

Feng SiNiang said, “His that type to Bing Bing, because Bing Bing is only his savior, moreover she had incurable illness which does not govern, all possibly but actually gets down anytime and anywhere.”

Shen BiJun’s complexion has changed, obviously also thinks very accidentally.

Feng SiNiang said, “He wants to kill these to enter, because these people all are only Count Carefree's secret partisans, all is a semblance is upright, Inner hidden deceitful hypocrite.” She sighed, also said, “Moreover he really had also not found the buried treasure, his wealth, all is individual in order to frame him, gives him only then intentionally, the Stain-free Manor is also same.”

Shen BiJun's face has sunk, sneered said, “I thought is not born some people to be able to use this method unexpectedly to injure someone.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You cannot certainly think through, because has very many matters you all not to know.”

Shen Bijun said, “What matter?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Count Carefree has the secret organization, he has bought very many people, is carrying on a plot, after he has died, this organization by other one personally has replaced.”

Shen BiJun was listening.

Feng SiNiang said, “Only then Bing Bing knows this organization the secret, also only then she only then recognizes in this organization all kinds of person, because these people all are the hypocrite who gain fame by deceiving people.”

Shen Bijun said, “Xiao Shiyi Lang want to kill are these people?”

Feng SiNiang nodded, said, “But he is not willing to alert the enemy, therefore he gets rid of time, all said he is for Bing Bing, actually Bing Bing is a very good girl, between them, you have not imagined these children personal relationships.”

Shen BiJun made an effort to bite the lip.

Feng SiNiang said, “Replaces Count Carefree that person, in order to want Xiao Shiyi Lang to become in Jiang-hu 众矢之的, intentionally spreads the rumor, said he had found the buried treasure, actually his wealth, all was that exhausts personally by any means possible, intentionally has delivered in his hand.”

Shen BiJun could not bear asking, “You had known who this person is person?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I although cannot determine extremely, also had 6-7 minute assurances at least.”

Shen Bijun said, “Who is he?”

Feng SiNiang spelled out, “Lian Chengbi.”

Shen BiJun’s complexion changed.

Feng SiNiang said, “The world does not certainly have anybody to hate Xiao Shiyi Lang compared to him, he such does, not only is for must frame Xiao Shiyi Lang, also in order to must let your re-entry his bosom.”

Shen BiJun said suddenly, “You must tell me, is these speeches?”

Feng SiNiang nodded.

Shen BiJun coldly said, “Now you already said, why doesn't walk?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I said these matters, don't you all believe?”

Shen BiJun sneered, asked in reply, “How can you know these secrets? Is Xiao Shiyi Lang tells you?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Certainly is.”

Shen Bijun said, “So long as is the speech which he said, you all do believe?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Each character I all believed, because he has never deceived me.”

Shen BiJun coldly said, “But my continually character does not believe actually.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why? Is because he has deceived you? Moreover deceives you frequently?” She is staring at Shen BiJun, is also unable to restrain to sneer, said, “Has his what matter deceived you? So long as you can be able to say a matter to come, I walk immediately.”

Shen BiJun sneered said, “He ......”

She only said a space.

She detected suddenly oneself although always thought Xiao Shiyi Lang have deceived her, but links a matter not to be able to say actually.

And she meets by chance since Xiao Shiyi Lang that day start, in wholeheartedly looks after her, protects her.

He each speech which said to her, each character?

45th chapter Searches

Feng SiNiang coldly said, “Now you also were Madame Lian, therefore Xiao Shiyi Lang already might die, after he has died, you might return to your Stain-free Manor to be the Stain-free hero’s companion who a two person person envied, even if Xiao Shiyi Lang' skeleton has fed the wild dog, also has not related completely with you.” She has turned around, said, “But I certainly must go actually to rescue him, therefore my speech saying, must walks may not.”

She really walks outside living.

Shen BiJun rushed suddenly, makes an effort to hold on her, “I walked together with you.”

In Feng SiNiang eyes has sent out the light: “Really?”


“This you really decided?”

Shen BiJun clenches teeth nodded, “No matter how, I do want goodbye one side him.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Do you know where Lian Chengbi went with Zhou ZhiGang?”

Shen BiJun they to where to gain ground, are startled look at her: “Don't you know?”

Feng SiNiang' hearts have sunk.


Daylight already in the west.

The fall is painstakingly short, is away from time the sunset has not been far.

She did not know should look for Xiao Shiyi Lang to where.

In the living room very is unexpectedly lively.

On the table has chocked up the food and wine, Huo Ying and Du Yindu in drinks jubilantly.

Accompanies them to drink, is unexpectedly Jin FengHuang.

Her face has been red, in the eye had the feeling of being drunk, is eating is smiling said, “Comes, again adds 20 cups, we one do ten cups personally.”

Huo Ying is pouring the liquor for her, sees Feng SiNiang, grinningly the paternal aunt gets up immediately.

Blushes said, “Is she plays looks for my 拼酒, I thought does not comply not to be all good.”

Feng SiNiang also could not bear want to smile — — this boy to harass look, finally found personally with his 拼酒.

Why does she also know Jin FengHuang to be able with his 拼酒.

A person mood is not good, always wants to drink two cups.

Jin FengHuang's mood is not certainly very good.

Regardless of is talked into by others the old lady, is also defeated by a person, the mood all cannot good, moreover she always is a very arrogant woman.

Although Feng SiNiang want to smile, could not bear actually sighed.

A woman's late in life sorrow, she compared to everybody understood a lot, she suddenly thought oneself too has been really cruel to Jin FengHuang.

Jin FengHuang power slanting bleary eyes, are looking at her, said, “Your intimate conversation said has thrown has.”

Feng SiNiang nodded.

Jin FengHuang said, “Do you dare to put together 拼酒 with me?”

Feng SiNiang shook the head.

Jin FengHuang had smiled, said with a smile, “I knew you do not dare, although your wugong good, but if you dared with my 拼酒, I must call you to drink lie down on the place may not.”

Feng SiNiang said, “you already quickly lay down now, I urged you little to drink two cup of good.”

Jin FengHuang stared, said, “You said I am drunk? Good, our person does ten cups, who has a look to get down is but actually?”

Feng SiNiang have not wanted to manage her.

If you saw a person to get drunk, the best method pays no attention to him.

Jin FengHuang said, “Good, you pay no attention to me not to relate, It was only a pity you forever also could not find them, “ in her speech resembled also has the speech.

Feng SiNiang ask immediately, “You can not be able to find them?”

Jin FengHuang said, “Zhou ZhiGang was my husband, I cannot be finding him, but also has can not be able to find him?”

Feng SiNiang said, “You knew where he is at?”

Jin FengHuang said, “I knew certainly, It is only a pity I will not tell you.” She stared, also said with a smile suddenly: “Only if you come with me to compensate a ritual, again accompanies me to drink ten glasses of liquors.”

Feng SiNiang eyeballs have transferred the extension, also had smiled suddenly, said, “I thought you are boasting.”

Jin FengHuang stared said, “What cow do I blow? :

Feng SiNiang said, “Your husband must arrive any place to go, cannot tell you, I know.”

Jin FengHuang said, “You know a fart.”

Feng SiNiang said easily, “If my wife looks like your such eldest child husband's mother, I exit cannot tell her, because I must exit the girl of marrying age who looks is beautifully attired.”

Jin FengHuang jumped, said loudly, “Who said he was looks for the woman, he was obviously must arrive the maplewood ferry spot, he ......”

Under her was saying any, Feng SiNiang Lian Ting all have not listened.

Only heard “the maplewood ferry spot” four characters, Feng SiNiang has pulled Shen BiJun to flush, “We walk.”

Huo Ying, Du Yinye with was running out the hall, “Go where?”

“Certainly is the maplewood ferry spot.”

In the hall has stilled, is only left over a Jin FengHuang person stand crazily in there stared blankly.

Outside transmits the masi hoof sound, the hoof sound goes far away.

A her pair has filled the feeling of being drunk eye, changes suddenly very much soberly, the corners of the mouth reveal a virulent smile suddenly.

She knew they look for ten years in the maplewood ferry spot, also cannot find Lian Chengbi and Xiao Shiyi Lang.

“Feng SiNiang, Feng SiNiang, you finally also got up my one to work as ......”

Jin FengHuang laughed suddenly, laughed has been drinking completely the table on liquor.

The liquor was bitter.

Her tears falls in the wine cup.

Because she really did not know she has gone the husband to where, regardless of before he did go to where, all certainly could tell her, but present ......

When a woman arrived late in life, not only could not have pulled the youth which passes, also could not pull the big heart.

“I am not an old lady ...... I am not ......”

She bursted into tears, pounds completely all wine cups the smashing, bends down suddenly on the table.

Wept bitterly loudly.

It was only a pity her weeping sound Feng SiNiang could not hear.

The very straight main road, divides into two departments in here.

“Which strip should the maplewood ferry spot walk slightly toward?”

“I don’t know.”

“I knew on Yellow River has the maplewood ferry spot.”

“Chiangnan does not have Yellow River, only Yangtze River.”

“On Yangtze River's maplewood ferry spot, I have not heard.”

“You had not heard, some people have certainly heard.”

The setting sun all over the sky, on the front three-road junction, has a small tea stall.

In the tea stall usually also sells the liquor, but also has a simple food that goes well with wine, sometimes even also sells fries rice with the noodles.

“We were inferior to stops down in front asked the way, drinks a liquor casually, eats a thing.”

“Right, ate to the full only then had the strength management, “ the young people were never willing to own belly to treat unjustly greatly, regardless of made any matter, all could not forget to eat.

Feng SiNiang was not really willing to stop down, now the day quick has been black front, she must certainly raise in the moon found Xiao Shiyi Lang, otherwise he very is possible forever also I.

But she does not recognize the road, moreover she was also very thirsty.

In the wind transmits 酒香, but also has the halogen beef and the cruller fragrance.

Huo Ying said with a smile, “This flavor smells resembles is also good, certainly cannot be unpalatable.”

Feng SiNiang have stared his one, bitterly typical, “I should not lead you to come, you too are delicious.”

In although her mouth such said, in the heart such had not thought actually.

She needs the helper.

Huo Ying and Du recite wugong is all good, in Jiang-hu a young or up and coming generation generation of youth, wugong resembles generally all compared to previous generation's human high.

What is strange, their mountain very much is glad to be her unexpectedly the personal servant.

Shen BiJun did not understand, she fornever understand actually Feng SiNiang was any type people, does not understand Feng SiNiang' attitudes.

They this are the completely different two people, therefore their destiny is also different.

Shen BiJun lowered the head, to enter the liquor pavilion.

She has never looked like Feng SiNiang to be such high regards takes big strides has walked, also has not looked like a Feng SiNiang that type place to smile.

In fact, she for a long time had the root not to have to smile truly, she all did not know already how long has.

Her heart very is continuously all chaotic, now is more chaotic.

How — — can the present find Xiao Shiyi Lang? Wants her to drop out Lian Chengbi, regardless of all consequences with Xiao Shiyi Lang?

If Feng SiNiang have not guessed wrong, this all plots instigating really are Lian Chengbi, she did not know how should manage.

In her this life, why always has the worry and the pain which such is unable to solve?

Feng SiNiang were telling loudly, “cuts several catties beef for us, fries a large bowl food, again for outside four horses preparations very good fodder.”

Now they certainly have had no need for two people to ride a horse.

She has chosen four very good Mongolia in the white horse Manor horse stable to drive the horse, but also conveniently 提走 package of money in the accountant.

Looked like in her, this originally is the perfectly justified matter, also does not have the crime the feeling.

But Shen BiJun does not understand actually.

She never understood Feng SiNiang must when opposes with a person, how also rides him the horse, with his money.

If she harbors resentment time a person, starves to death, is also not willing to drink this person water.

Feng SiNiang resemble always can the most difficult matter, with simple method solution.

She often can the very simple matter, change very much actually complex.

Because she is originally such a person, therefore only then can create this destiny.

The destiny how could it not be this is oneself creates?

The beef end has come up, burns is really good.

Feng SiNiang one breaths have eaten several, only then starts to ask in this liquor pavilion sells the liquor the old person “nearby this also has the maplewood ferry spot?”

“Some, outside maplewood town.”

Feng SiNiang relaxed, the appetite has also opened, also clamped the biggest beef “which road the maplewood town to have to walk together from?”

“Depends on the right hand this strip.”

“Is far?”

“Not greatly far.”

Feng SiNiang take up the bowl liquor, tosses down, said with a smile, “Since not too far, we might eat to the full hurried along again, in any case darkness time could rush has been good.”

Sells the liquor the old person nodded, said, “If rides a horse, tomorrow in front of darkness certainly can rush.”

Feng SiNiang were startled, Lian Zuili liquor department must choke nearly, seizes this old person's front of the clothes, “What did you say?”

The old person was also startled, “I ...... My any has not said.”

“You said we will want tomorrow evening to be able to arrive the maplewood town.”

“Also tomorrow evening, this section of road fast horse also will have to walk most quickly a day night.”

“Must walk a day night of road, you added far not greatly?”

The old person accompanies is saying with a smile, “A person wants to live at least for several ten years, only walks a day road, also how can calculate many?”

Feng SiNiang was astounded.

Has a look this old person Man Tou spontaneous, 满脸 the wrinkle, 12 day-long times, mention in him, really does not have any greatly.

But Feng SiNiang mention, so long as half time, very is late possible to need to harbor regret although finally is the similar matter, but people's view not necessarily can actually same.

Because each people all have own idea, can watch this matter from the different angle.

This is human nature.

Regarding the life, Feng SiNiang understood obvious well she have not imagined that many.

In her heart is also entertaining the accidentally hope, also asked, “Has the shortcut from here?”

“Does not have.” The old person said slowly, “has, I did not know, my this for a lifetime, always has not passed through the shortcut, therefore I can exactly compared to others long.” On his face reveals the self-satisfied smile, “my this year already 79.”

Feng SiNiang was astounded live.

Now she did not know how should manage, in this world had very many difficulties after all, she also did not have the method solution.

Huo Ying and Du Yinque “relentless 愁滋味” the youth, two people is also whispering, is merry.

Huo Yingzheng brings to smile said on the quiet, “Looked like this old man gives with the Eight Immortals ship Zhang Guolao circle is an inborn pair of son.”

Feng SiNiang jump suddenly, is clutching him, “What did you say?”

Huo Ying was startled, slow said, “I ...... I have not said any.”

“You were saying the Eight Immortals ship a moment ago?”

“Resembles is.”

“This ship in where?”

Huo Ying had smiled, “that is not the strip ship, is ...... Is a brothel.”

Feng SiNiang pines operate the hand, sat, the heart has also sunk.

Huo Yingque was also explaining, “In that brothel has eight girls, the nickname is called the Eight Immortals, most 猾 checks one is Zhang Guolao, she already was obviously an old lady, dressed up actually, in the brothel which was beautifully attired mixes, as soon as has gotten drunk, could say half-crazy half insane, others could not understand living.”

Du Yin was also unable to restrain to said with a smile, “What is strange, also has very many people to run especially looks at her many, her visitor instead compared to others.”

Feng SiNiang put on a serious face, coldly said, “You are also look at her? Is also her visitor?”

Du Yin blushes, said, “Is young Huo tows me to go.”

Huo Ying said, “I am also curious, wants to go to have a look this old monster, It was only a pity we go unfortunately, although saw one side her, has not heard her these wonderfully theory.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why?”

Huo Ying said with a smile, “Because of hers visitor mostly.”

Looked like this old monster certainly also very much understood uses man's psychology.

Huo Yingyou said, “We also under thought originally multi- and so on one day-long, what a pity that place today has been wrapped by a person.”

Feng SiNiang speak thoughtlessly ask: “Under is wrapped by who?”

Huo Ying said, “By a surname Yu's visitor, heard is a chivalrous outlaw.”

Feng SiNiang jumped, in the eye has also sent out the light, “This place in where?”

Huo Ying said, “in Chun Jiang city.”

Du Yin, “Also was we meets Zhou ZhiGang place.”

Feng SiNiang have pulled up Shen BiJun to flush, “We walk.”

Huo Ying, Du Yinye with is running out liquor Henry, “goes to where?”

“Certainly is Chun Jiang city's Eight Immortals ship.”



The lights are radiant, the night has been deep.

“Eight Immortals ship on which street?”

“In peach blossom lane.”

The peach blossom lane is not narrow, the wall very is actually high, after the tall wall often has the music and song wind and stringed musical instruments sound to pass on.

Feng SiNiang pushed to the front, have flushed, very easy to have found the Eight Immortals ship.

On the front door lantern is also shining, on the lantern six large brush-written Chinese characters are also shining, “Eight Immortals ship.”

“Rouge sea.”

Two leaf of black japans front doors are actually tight Guan Zhuo, “the shark king” wants to eat human's time, certainly does not permit others to come in.

Will he be Xiao Shiyi Lang has eaten?

A Feng SiNiang leap discontinues, said, “We rush.”

Shen BiJun 迟疑 said, “Like this rushes? How if found fault the place to manage?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Found fault them to be bad luck.”

Shen BiJun does not understand, “Calculated they are bad luck?”

Feng SiNiang said, “If I cannot find a person, has pulled down their house.”

Shen Bijun said, “But they not wrong, they have not wanted you to come to here.”

Feng SiNiang pay no attention to her radically, had run over, makes an effort to kick the gate.

The gate is very solid, she cannot kick out of the way, Huo Ying and Du Yin help to kick.

Shen BiJun only forced smile.

This kind of matter you killed her, she also could not make, after but Feng SiNiang kicked out of the way the gate, she also could with go in.

She works also has her principle, only this kind of principle is right? Is wrong? She also cannot distinguish clearly.

The gate has hit.

Feng SiNiang pull Shen BiJun to rush, all the way to all nobody comes out unexpectedly asked.

Also nobody stop.

Human? Was drunk?

In the brilliantly illuminated hall, spread one to have the character and style very much suddenly the singing sound.

A full pearls and jade, dresses up the woman who is beautifully attired, in the hand is taking a wine cup, in the mouth humph the folk song, walks shakily, really resembled has been drunk.

She puts on is towing her long skirt, although is drunk, the graceful bearing is actually very beautiful — — under the light looked like by far is as if very beautiful.

As soon as but walks near, Feng SiNiang had discovered immediately she already is an old lady, on the face although was wiping the very thick powder, could not cover up 满脸 actually the wrinkle.

“Zhang Guolao.” Huo Ying first ran overs, “Your visitor?”

Zhang Guolao gains ground, on about Ding looked at his son eye, the young lady had smiled, “I recognized you, you yesterday have come.” She also sighed suddenly, “It is a pity you actually came to be late today.”

“Did a person all walk?”

“Has not walked.” Zhang Guolao shook the head, also the young lady had smiled, “They cannot walk, you use the stick to catch up with them, they cannot walk.”


“Why don't you go in has a look?”

Feng SiNiang have flushed, has understood her meaning immediately.

The human really has not walked, moreover forever could not walk.

In living room brilliantly illuminated, on the table has chocked up Shan Zhenhai dark, Cheng Tan good wine.

Each person department is defending the bright magnificent clothes, appears very spiritedly very imposing.

It was only a pity they all already are the dead person.

“The shark king” the fish eats a person, the golden Bodhisattva, “Jin Gongyin the pill punctures the tiger knife, pursues the cloud to seize the month aquatic to flutter” Li QingFeng, the top dog, Xuanyuan SanCheng, Xuanyuan SanQue.

They are living time, all is the heroic real man who is once celebrated, 富甲一方 the martial arts world is greatly bold.

It was only a pity they now all already are the dead person, in each number of people has been chopped all a knife.

A fatal knife.

Is who has the such sharp knife?

Is who has such quick getting rid of?

Xiao Shiyi Lang

Also has what person besides Xiao Shiyi Lang?

Feng SiNiang whole bodies all already ice-cold, Shen BiJun's heart is colder.

Dies and continues their six people, besides outside Zhang Guolao, here has linked live people not to have, all similarly has also died including the woman under the knife.

A fatal knife.

Xiao Shiyi Lang, Xiao Shiyi Lang, is your heart so why ruthless?

The dead person no longer bleeds.

Shen BiJun has endured not to pour wants to burst into tears, not only she is sorrowful for these dead people, also for oneself sorrowful.

She was loving wholeheartedly a person, is unexpectedly the cold blood executioner.

Feng SiNiang gently put out the tone actually.

Although this picture pitiful fearful, but Xiao Shiyi Lang have not finally died in here.

So long as he is also living, other matter might all wait till later to say again.

Shen BiJun has turned the head suddenly, is staring him with a pair of belt tear eye, “You added I wrong have hated him?”

Feng SiNiang sighed, said, “No matter what, he isn't the heartless person you imagine him to be.”

Shen BiJun was nipping the lip, coldly said, “He is indeed not, he simply cannot be a person, “

Feng SiNiang said, “Had you recognized these people are die in his hand?”

Shen Bijun said, “Isn't?”

Feng SiNiang said, “No, he has never killed an innocent person, “ Shen Bijun said, “Then these people is who kills?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I may ask comes out, I must certainly ask, luckily here also has is living a person.”

In the courtyard is miserable and is cold, all resembles including the light has changed gloomily, just like ghost Zhang Guolao although is also living, but looked like under the lamp, the complexion also likely is the dead person is same.

She has sat down, sat in front of the hall in the stone steps, does not stop smiled, does not stop sings.

She sings originally is has the character and style very much the folk song, in this very moment tin, appears actually cannot say pitifully miserable.

Feng SiNiang walk, also sat down, sat in her one's side, asked gently, “You a moment ago continuously all in here?”

Zhang Guolao nodded.

Feng SiNiang said, “here occurred a moment ago the matter, you all with own eyes saw.”

Zhang Guolao said, “I although has been old, also can see actually, also can hear, I have not died.” “She laughed suddenly, “that boy thought actually I have already scared to death, I feign death the certain attire to look like very much, “ “that boy” was obviously a murderer.

She feigned death has deceived him, therefore she also could live.

Mixed the son ten years woman in the brothel, even if is not the old spirit, also already was the strip old fox.

A genuine old fox, regardless of in any situation, all has the method to go on living.

Feng SiNiang relaxed, also asked, “That boy kills people, you also saw?”

Zhang Guolao said, “Mmm.”

Feng SiNiang said, “These people all are the homicide?”

Zhang Guolao nodded, on the face suddenly reveals color of the unspeakable fear, mutters, “The homicide person kills really quickly ...... He has the good quick knife.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You knew who he is?”

Zhang Guolao said, “I knew certainly, he is a dead person.”

Feng SiNiang was astounded, said, “How can the dead person kill people?”

Zhang Guolao said, “now he although has not died, but he is a dead person.”

Looked like Huo Ying indeed has not spoken incorrectly, she said lives indeed a little acts like a madman, teaches a person not to be able to understand.

Feng SiNiang only then are enduring patiently, asked, “He is also living obviously, why is?

46th chapter Mystical day ancestor

The tear has done.

Feng SiNiang jump suddenly, flushes, “we walk.”

“Where goes to?”

“Looks for Jin FengHuang to do accounts.”

They had not found Jin FengHuang, also had not found Shen BiJun, saw actually Zhou ZhiGang with Lian Chengbi. “In a person has gotten sick, gets sick very much seriously, perhaps in two months, all cannot come out receive guests.”

Zhou ZhiGang manner was arrogant and is desolate.

Many years ago he also once was under Feng SiNiang' skirts the feudal official, but the present resembled actually has forgotten her radically.

To Huo Ying and Du Yin, he appears detests despite.

He also does not want to conceal this spot.

Lian Chengbi quite was much more temperate, he was always a gentle like jade earnestly the gentleman.

He carefully has decorated obviously.

As soon as Shen BiJun returns to side him, he on restored the former days abundantly.

Now he looked like although also has palely thin and pale, but the eye has shone, moreover has filled self-confidently.

Remains newly short must, causes him to look like maturely stable.

A woman to the man the influence, really has such in a big way? But Feng SiNiang knew actually he is not originally can the man who is changed by the woman.

“Shen BiJun?”Feng SiNiang also ask, “Did she come back?”


“Did she also get sick? Also cannot come out sees the human?”

“She has not gotten sick, but is actually very weary.”

Lian Chengbi manner is that temperate, even also has the first smile.

“I cannot go to see her now?”


“When can I see her?”

“You should better not wait.”


In Lian Chengbi smiling face is having the apology, “Because she had said, she has not hoped goodbye you.”

Feng SiNiang was not disappointed, also not angry, this answer anticipates originally in her.

Her eyeball has transferred the extension, also asked suddenly, “When did you return?”

Lian Chengbi said, “comes back very much early.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Very early? Has the multi- morning?”

Lian Chengbi said, “In front of darkness, we came back.”

Feng SiNiang said, “After comes back you have been here all the time?”

Lian Chengbi nodded.

Feng SiNiang said, “You detected she walked, doesn't worry?”

Lian Chengbi smiled, said lightly, “I knew her this certainly very alkyne can come back.”

Feng SiNiang sneeringly said, “How can you know? Is because you calculated, we have only been able to find a room full of dead person?”

Lian Chengbi appears very surprised, said, “a room full of dead person? where?”

Feng SiNiang said, “You really do not know?”

Lian Chengbi shook the head.

Feng SiNiang said, “They did not die in your hand?”

Lian Chengbi had closed his mouth.

He refused to answer this question, because this kind of question he does not need to reply.

Feng SiNiang did not lose heart actually, also asked, “Have you daytime gone to where?”

Zhou ZhiGang suddenly sneered, said, “When did you turn the common difference which hears a case?”

Feng SiNiang coldly said, “No the common difference also may ask this case.”

Zhou ZhiGang said, “What case?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Murder case.”

Zhou ZhiGang said, “Who killed people? What person has killed?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Is killed is the fish eats a person, Li QingFeng, the top dog, with Xuanyuan brothers.”

Thorough then is also unable to restrain to change countenance, said, “Could simultaneously kill these people, poured is not easy.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Not very easy.”

Zhou ZhiGang said, “Did you suspect we are the murderers?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Isn't?”

Zhou ZhiGang coldly said, “If we is really the murderer, you also have died now in here.”

Feng SiNiang could not say the speech to come suddenly.

— — they if is really the murderer, why also together didn't kill her has eliminated a potential informant.

— — they since has killed that many innocent person, also why not again kills first Lian Chengbi to smile suddenly, said, “Actually if you is willing to think, own also can understand we are not the murderer.”

Feng SiNiang could not bear asking, “Why?”

Lian Chengbi said, “Because I simply do not have to have to kill them the reason.”

Nobody can kill people with no reason at all, the murder must certainly have the motive and the reason.

Lian Chengbi said, “I knew thought continuously I want to cope with Xiao Shiyi Lang, thought continuously I have the hatred with him.”

Feng SiNiang acknowledged.

Lian Chengbi said, “It is said they also all are Xiao Shiyi Lang' enemy, I this this and they with the foe steam, unite cope with Xiao Shiyi Lang, has killed why instead them?”

Feng SiNiang may say not exactly.

If they really were united, tonight died in the Eight Immortals ship, should be Xiao Shiyi Lang.

She detected suddenly this matter imagines far her also must surreptitious, complex, be much stranger than.

Lian Chengbi micro said with a smile, “Looked like you have been also tired, sleeps well, when and so on tomorrow sober, perhaps actually could you think through who are the real murderer.”

The fish eats a person they all is Xiao Shiyi Lang' time head, they are living, to Xiao Shiyi Lang is a very disadvantageous matter.

Therefore only has the reason to kill them a person, is Xiao Shiyi Lang.

This truth basic Lian Xiangdu does not need to think, regardless of who can understand.

Only then Feng SiNiang did not understand, therefore she must think.

She more wants unclearly from, therefore he cannot fall asleep.


The day already shone.

On the table piled up with has installed the liquor the tin tube, majority all already was empty.

Now is originally not drinks, is not sells the liquor time, this wineshop is willing to open the door lets them come in to drink, because only Feng SiNiang certainly want to drink.

“You are not willing to open the door let us go in, we set on fire have burnt your house.”

Feng SiNiang very have not chosen obviously for this wineshop storekeeper.

She always cannot give others to have very chooses, in particular at her mood not good time.

Now her mood not only is not very good, moreover very weary.

But she cannot fall asleep, therefore Huo Ying and Du Yinye only then sat in here is accompanying her.

Drinks originally is a very happy matter, what a pity they now actually link a happy feeling not to have.

Huo Ying already in did not stop has the yawn.

Feng SiNiang put on a serious face, coldly said, “You have no need for have the yawn, you all may walk as necessary, I have not wanted you to accompany me.”

Huo Ying said with a smile, “I had not said must walk, my any speech all has not said.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why don't you speak?”

Huo Ying said, “What do you want me to say?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Drains the cup these two characters you to be able to say?”

Huo Ying said, “My meeting, I respect a your cup, drains the cup.”

His Yang Zhuobo in has really drunk the cup liquor.

Feng SiNiang were also unable to restrain to smile, in the heart also thought, these two young people really were a little embarrassedly good to her.

She has also done a cup.

Huo Ying said, “Doesn't young Du, why you speak, drains the cup these two characters you to be able to say?”

Du Yin was hesitating, finally also raises glass said, “Good, drains the cup drains the cup.”

Feng SiNiang laugh, laughter like silver bell, “Met you luckily, otherwise I perhaps 撞死 by human spirit one.”

“Whose gas are you living?”

“Very many people.” Feng SiNiang have done a cup, “besides you, the world does not have a good person simply, “ she in smiled, but in the heart very is actually chaotic.

Therefore she goes all out to drink, only wants all to forget these matters, even if only forgot the moment is also good.

Her eye was also very bright, but she has been drunk.

Huo Ying has also been drunk, does not stop is smiling, “you can say drains the cup?”

Feng SiNiang said with a smile, “You give me to pour the liquor, I do.”

Huo Ying said, “Line. ·He extends the child to take the wine pot, cannot assert with confidence unexpectedly, in pot liquor nose oven on Feng SiNiang bodies.” My clothes do not want to drink, you also want to get drunk it? “

She eats is smiling, stands, wants to expose on the body the liquor, Huo Yingye helps, in the mouth is also muttering him to say the regret, both hands lightnings have selected her three acupuncture points actually.

He leaves deftly.

Feng SiNiang want shouted, could not be called the sound to come, to put in order individual numbly all already stiff.

Huo Ying gains ground, in the eye has not had the tipsy feeling, the knife point is staring the wineshop storekeeper who that is startled, coldly said, “We simply have not come here, can you understand?”

Storekeeper's nodded, on the face has not had the scarlet, trembles the voice, “this morning, nobody has come, I have not seen anything.”

Huo Ying said, “Therefore you should also sleep now on the bed.”

Storekeeper's lives all no longer said, stands to walks, returns to in the room to lie down goes to bed, but also used the cotton-wadded quilt to deceive the head.

Huo Ying now at last looked at Feng SiNiang once, sighed gently, said, “You are a very attractive woman, It was only a pity your person liked 多管闲事.”

Feng SiNiang cannot say the speech.

Huo Ying does not want again to listen to him obviously to speak, controls her the sound an acupuncture point also beginning to live.

After perhaps he for fear that own listened to her speech to be able to change the mind.

The wineshop gate or Guan Zhuo, this originally is Feng SiNiang idea, he drinks when is not willing others to disturb.

When Huo Yingyao murder, certainly also nobody disturbs.

He the oil left the handle short sword from the leg of a boot in, the knife very slenderly, is thin and is sharp.

One kind of knife which this is precisely the assassins kill people when most likes using.

Du Yin always stared blankly in side, said suddenly, “We start now?”

Huo Ying sneered said, “If now does not start, later perhaps will not have the opportunity.”

Du Yin was hesitating, finally sets firm resolve, said, “I have not killed people, this you give me to be good?”

Zhai Ying looks at him, said, “You can under go well?”

Du Yin clenches teeth nodded, also has extracted a same handle short sword from the leg of a boot.

In Feng SiNiang item is unable to restrain to reveal the sad disappointed color.

She thought continuously Du Yin was an upright honest young person, now only then she knew she was wrong.

Du Yin avoids his vision, Lian Kanbu has not dared to look at her.

Huo Ying said, “When you kill people, certainly must think you must kill a person, you get rid of can be accurate, some human of you take certainly a knife to kill him, otherwise you very possibly can die in his hand.”

Du Yin, “Next time I will be able to record the note.”

Huo Ying said, “the murder is also a kind of knowledge, so long as you can remember my living, later will certainly also be a skilled person.”

Could not think this warm young people, are unexpectedly the murder experts.

He smiled, also said, “This woman is finally good to us, you should better give her a happiness, settled on left side of her between the fifth rib to puncture, there was a knife fatal strategic point, she could not have the pain.”

Du Yin, “I know.”

He walks slowly, grasps the knife on the hand back to be angry, in the eye has filled the red string actually.

Huo Ying is smiling, stands by, looked like in him, the murder is a very interesting matter unexpectedly as if.

Du Yin clenched teeth, a knife punctures suddenly.

He stemming from also extremely, extremely quick, a knife pricked Huo Yingzuo the rib fourth, between the fifth rib.

The homicide is not unexpectedly Feng SiNiang, is Huo Ying.

On the Huo Yinglian smiling face congeals immediately, the double eyeball protrudes immediately, is startled looks at him, a double convex leaves in the eye, has filled surprised, the fear and the hatred.

Du Yinjing by him looked at machine shouldered a shiver coldly, the hand has been soft, the pine has opened the hilt.

At this moment, as soon as sabre brightness dodges, in Huo Yingshou knife, also the lightning punctured a person his rib.

Huo Ying grins fiendishly said, “I teach you am originally a fatal knife, It was only a pity you forgot to send the knife, you killed people the original story has not studied proficiently.”

Du Yin clenches teeth, the lightning got rid of suddenly, has drawn out the knife which his rib asked, “Now my already entire academic society.”

The fresh blood from the pores of the feet leaps up generally, a Huo Ying face distortion, is likely also wants to say any.

But a his character all has not said, a person has dropped down.

This is indeed a fatal knife.

Du Yin looks he gets down but actually, bent the waist suddenly does not stop coughs.

Also Leng Youying knife point, in his rib between, he puts in order individual to be actually cold trembles.

But he does not have to get down but actually.

Because the knife point has not pulled out — — a Huo Ying knife to get rid of, incapable has again drawn out the knife point.

— — some human of if you cannot a knife kill him, very possibly dies in his hand.

So long as the knife point also keeps in the body, a person cannot die.

The murder, this is a kind of very profound knowledge.

Du Yinhuan in does not stop coughs, coughs very much fiercely.

Although Huo Yingnei a knife strength insufficient, although has not punctured to his heart, has injuried his lung actually.

Feng SiNiang looked at him ...... He is indeed an upright honest young person.

She had not looked wrong.

Although she had not bled, the tears had flowed down actually.

Du Yin bears the cough finally reluctantly, pants for breath is walking, has untied her acupuncture point.

He have poured actually on the chair, a he final minute strength all has exhausted unexpectedly continually.

The soybean big cold sweat, grain of flows down from his face.

Feng SiNiang have torn down a piece of front of the clothes, moistens with corner washbasin in cold water, spreads on his frontal eminence, supple voice, “Luckily his this knife already insufficient, is also not heavy, so long as you spunk up, supports all of a sudden, endured sorely this, I lead you to govern the wound, “ she smiled reluctantly, said, “I recognize very good doctor, he can certainly Qia be good you the wound.”

Du Yin also reluctantly smiled.

He knew oneself was boils only goes, but he also had very many speeches to want to say.

Only then the liquor, can let him support, so long as can support him to say wants to say speech, already enough.

“Drinks the cup liquor to me, on my body has a bottle of medicine ......”

The medicine is with the very fine wood bottled, obviously is very precious, the above is pasting a small label, “Yunnan, selects dark green.”

Selects the dark green gate the medicine which makes with the Yunnan white medicinal powder, the famous world, always is regarded as important by the martial arts world.

It was only a pity regardless of precious effective medicine, also cannot cure the true fatal knife wound.

Huo Ying gets rid of when although the strength has used up, but he is indeed the murder expert.

Feng SiNiang stamped the feet bitterly, “Why does he want to make this kind of matter? Why has to kill me?”

Du Yin the forced smile said, “We are originally must arrive the Stain-free Manor to kill you.”

Feng SiNiang was astounded.

She only then understood now, why they with her, are being willing to be her continuously the personal servant.

“I really conceive to you meet own to look for us, at that time I did not believe nearly you really are Feng SiNiang.”

“At that time why haven't you gotten rid of?”

“Huo Ying ever does not make the matter which has not grasped.”

Du Yin, “Therefore the homicide person has not let slip.” Has drunk the cup liquor, the entire bottle of medicines have swallowed, on his dying embers face, has revealed gradually blushes, “when his 19 years old, already will be the very famous assassin, 'the day ancestor' inside has been able to compare favorably with he on the very unusual person. “Du Yin said bitterly with a smile, “This they call me to come out with him, is for want my study his original story.”

“Day ancestor.” Feng SiNiang have never heard these two characters, “Is called you to kill me, is the day ancestor?”


Feng SiNiang said, “These two characters sound, resembles is not a person's name.”

“The day ancestor is not originally a person, but is very many people, is very secret, the very fearful organization.” In Du Yinmu reveals color of the fear, “I all did not know actually they do have how many people.”

“This 'is the day ancestor' Count Carefree establishes? “

“The day ancestor's founder is surnamed Tian.”

How can it be that doesn't Count Carefree sum up likes calling self as Master Tian?

Feng SiNiang' eyes have shone, now she at least could the certificate Xiao Shiyi Lang not lie, Count Carefree indeed has the extremely fearful secret organization, Hua RuYu, Ouyang Brothers, all were in this organization's people.

After Count Carefree had died, who replaced him?

Lian Chengbi? Is now at last most important one, Feng SiNiang was determined must ask, but cannot the tremendous pressure again actually to Du Yin.

She was hesitating, decided only can ask persuasively, “You are also the day ancestor's person?”

“I am.”

“How long do you enter the day ancestor to have?”

“Recently, about ten months.”

“Everyone can join this organization?”

“No.” Du Yin said, “the important person day ancestor, must certainly have in the day ancestor a heir to recommend, but also must pass through the approval process.”

“Who recommended you?”

“Is my martial uncle, Dian Cang faction leader Xie Tianshi.”

This matter also certificate Xiao Shiyi Lang said the speech is not false, Xie Tianshi was indeed also in this organization's people, therefore was been only then blind by Xiao Shiyi Lang thorn the eyeball.

Thus it could be seen, what Bing Bing said were not false.

In Feng SiNiang hearts finally had a comfort.

After has listened to Lian Chengbi that speech, even links she all to be unable to restrain to suspect Xiao Shiyi Lang, therefore her heart only then can suspect.

If a person is compelled to want to suspect the oneself most beloved person, is really a very painful matter.

“Besides Xie Tianshi, how many heirs in the day ancestor also has?”

“Heard also has 35, altogether is 36 parts of great bear.”

“Sovereign actually only then?”

“Sovereign is supreme, in day ancestor 36 heirs, 62 vice- heirs, all by his direct command, therefore each other often cannot see.”

Feng SiNiang was suppressing own excitement reluctantly, said, “You have never seen him?”

Du Yin, “Has seen twice.”

Feng SiNiang' palpitations speed up immediately, this secret finally arrived nearly will reveal, her face for no reason has blushed.

Du Yin, “First is crosses the threshold in me, martial uncle Xie led me to see him.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Second time?”

Du Yin, “After martial uncle Xie became blind, Heir Hua took over control his family tradition

SiNiang said, “Hua RuYu?”

Du Yin nodded.

Feng SiNiang put out the tone, Hua RuYu really are also in the day ancestor's people.

In the Eight Immortals ship corpse, Hua RuYu was not there.

Du Yin, “Second is Heir Hua that led me to see him.”

Feng SiNiang said, “What place?”

Du Yin, “Eight Immortals ship.”

Feng SiNiang was unable to restrain to put out the tone.

This matter likely was has been pulled the smashing drawing, now finally a block has pieced together.

Du Yin, “Huo Ying leads you to go intentionally to the Eight Immortals ship, perhaps he originally wants to start in there.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You did not know there occurs matter?”

Du Yin smiled, said, “I knew the matter are not many, in the day ancestor, I am only an insignificant person, perhaps does not compare that dog which sovereign raises.”

He smiled very miserably, very bitterly.

He was also young, the young people most cannot endure, is others despite and the desolation, that even ratio dies cannot endure.

Feng SiNiang righteousness ask, “You sovereign have raised a dog?”

Du Yin, “I each time saw his time, all has a dog with him.”

Feng SiNiang was straight, “What type dog is the strip?”

Du Yin, “That dog is not big, the appearance is not ominous, but sovereign very much dotes on actually to it, said every time two speeches, can stop down the racket to pat its head.”

Commands the group boldly, the murder like grass's martial arts world fierce and ambitious, how can raise a puppy?

Feng SiNiang sigh in th most difficult to understand, only feared was human's heart then she asked a most important speech, “Actually who is he?”

“Actually is he who?”Asked this speech quickly, Feng SiNiang' palpitations.

But Du Yin’s reply was actually the disappointing three characters, “I don’t know.”

Feng SiNiang' hearts had sunk, did not have to despair completely actually, also asked, “Since you had seen his face, links him to be long is what appearance has not seen all?”

“I cannot see.”

Feng SiNiang sighed, forced smile said, “Since you already were the day ancestor's person, when you saw him you were blindfolded?”

Du Yin, “Not only blindfolded, all wears the double dried shark skin glove including the hand in.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why isn't he all willing to let a person the hand see? Is because his person was also very special?”

Du Yin, “He is indeed a very unusual person, speaks the posture, walks the appearance, resembles differently all with others.”

Feng SiNiang said, “What is different?”

Du Yin, “I cannot say, but I regardless of sees him in any place, all certainly can recognize.”

In Feng SiNiang eyes also had the light, asked immediately, “You have seen Lian Chengbi?”

Du Yin, “I have seen.”

The 47th chapter Dream could not awake the sentiment

The sunlight is bright.

Feng SiNiang walked under the sunlight, the former days tear stains have done.

She pledged certainly no longer bursts into tears.

Now her all extrapolation and theory, although had been overthrown completely, but she pledged certainly must look for “that person”.

She had known at least, “That person” raised a puppy.

A dog passed through the horizontal street, along the eaves under shadow, walks languidly in front.

Feng SiNiang also inexplicably followed on the heels.

She knew certainly, this dog was not a dog which “that person” raised, but, she really did not know which road should she walk toward, can I “that individual”, find Xiao Shiyi Lang.

What was strange, the sunlight was more intense, walks is instead easier under the sunlight person to think wearily.

Feng SiNiang' tipsy feelings have drawn back, passed through that type one day, now is precisely she weariest time.

She wants to rest, also fears cannot fall asleep, lies down helplessly on the bed, wants to rest that taste which cannot fall asleep, she has tasted very many orders.

Lonely, lonely, loses sleep depressed, ...... These this all is the pain which the world receives hard to endure, but a person who roams about to one said, these pain all are actually must certainly endure.

When — — has to endure?

When — — can stabilize gets down?

Feng SiNiang want all not to dare to think.

Sympathizes the husband, is obedient the child, the warm family, stabilizes the comfortable life ......

These this all was in a woman life essential, she before also once has looked forward to.

But she has not had for a long time now thought, because these matters all have been away from her person remotely, remote too ......

The street gradually extends, a person gradually were actually few.

She went out the downtown area, arrives the suburb, on the desolate street, has a small inn, the twig door parapet, in the courtyard is also planting several chrysanthemums, a trough begonia, likely is household young others.

If not for the entrance has a paint already the advertisement which flakes, this place is not likely really an inn.

Does not look like the inn the inn, but is an inn after all, and said greatly to a homeless prodigal son, also may be the comfort which the kind has no alternative.

Thereupon Feng SiNiang walk, has wanted the peaceful hut, she really too needs to sleep.

Outside the window has a tree by chance thickly cloudy, has blocked the sunlight.

Feng SiNiang lie down on the bed, looks in window leaf shadow, in heart empty, is similar some very many matters to have to think, has linked one not to be able to think actually.

The wind is very light, is blowing the window gently.

This place very is really quiet.

Her eyelid is gradually heavy, had sleepiness finally dimly, has fallen asleep nearly.

But soon falls asleep in her, she suddenly hears the partition wall to have a person to cry.

The weeping sound is very sorrowful, is also very low, but Feng SiNiang hear actually very clearly.

Here wall is greatly thin, also too peaceful.

Feng SiNiang stood up from failure, wants again to continue to rest, the weeping sound more listened to be clearer actually.

Is the woman is crying.

Actually in her heart has what concern? Why takes a person to hide secretly in here sobs?

Feng SiNiang originally do not want to go to tube others other people's business, she worry has sufficed much.

Perhaps on because of hers worry already mostly, therefore had discovered others sadness, she can be uncomfortable as if similarly.

She finally could not bear jumps, puts on the shoe, walks quietly.

The thick cloudy full courtyard, the next door gate is closing.

She hesitated momentarily, the weeping sound has not stopped, she only then walked, knocked on a door gently.

Also after half sound, in the gate only then some people gently asked! “What person?”

This sound listens to be unexpectedly very ripe.

Feng SiNiang' palpitations sped up suddenly, makes an effort to hit opened the door, could not bear immediately loses one's voice shouts! “Is you 1” this secretly hides the woman who sobs in the room, unexpectedly is impressively Shen Bijun.

On the table has the liquor.

Shen BiJun was as if also drunk.

Some people were drunk have liked smiling, did not stop smiled, some people were drunk have liked crying, did not stop sees Feng SiNiang, Shen BiJun not only not to stop down, instead cried sadly.

Feng SiNiang on the station in there, look she cries.

She is also a woman, she knew when the woman must cry, is who also cannot calm down.

You must certainly urge her, her certainly to be able to cry fiercely.

Sometimes “cries” likely to drink.

A person may cry, a person also may drink.

But you drink, if other also has a person to stand continuously coldly looks, you could not be able to drink.

Cries to be also same.

Shen BiJun jumps suddenly, has cried the red eye with one pair to stare Feng SiNiang, “What are you doing?”

“I want to ask you, What are you doing?”Feng SiNiang sit easily down, “How can you arrive here?”

“Why can’t I come?”

Not only Shen BiJun was very sad, the anger resembles was also very big.

Usually she originally cannot say this kind to contradict others speech.

Feng SiNiang smiled actually, “You can certainly come, but you have not been originally went back?”

“Where returned to go?”

“White horse Manor.”

“The white horse Manor is not my family.” Shen BiJun's tear will as if flow off.

“Yesterday evening I once arrived the white horse Manor to go, at that time you in?”


“Then a your why person does run?”

“I am happy!”Shen BiJun was making an effort to nip the lip, “I come out happily come out.”

“It is a pity you looked like is not happy.” Feng SiNiang willing to relax “actually you are only then run for what?”

Shen BiJun no longer replied.

On the table has the liquor, she grasps the wine pot suddenly, toward mouth in but actually.

She wanted to be drunk, is drunk has been possible to forget some she originally did not hope the matter which remembered, also might refuse to reply some she did not hope the speech which replied.

It was only a pity the pot emptied quickly, is only left over several drop of liquors, likely is the tear is same, a little bit falls.

The liquor is bitter, also acid painstakingly, is also likely the tear is same, only the liquor always has drop dry time.


“Thud”, the wine pot falls, smashing.

Her person actually 破碎 than the wine pot, not only because she the heart has broken to pieces, the dream has also broken to pieces.

Her this life the life, remains down already only is 破碎 a body.

Feng SiNiang looked at her.

Why — — does the destiny have to be so brutal to her?

— — she turned such a person now, why also has to suffer her?

Feng SiNiang gently sighed suddenly, said, “Regardless of why you are, you all should not again run.”

Shen BiJun at a loss stared at the fragment which is well-grounded, in the beautiful eye also changes 空无一物, “I should not?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Mmm.”

Shen BiJun sneered suddenly, said, “But yesterday evening, you were also compelling me, certainly wanted me to walk.”

Feng SiNiang sighingly said, “Perhaps yesterday evening, was I mistakenly.”

Shen Bijun said, “You also have the mistake time?”

Feng SiNiang nodded said, “I mistakenly, because I have not only thought for you.”

She thinks only then a person.

She does all matters, all are for want him to be joyful, want him to be happy.

For him, she spares no sacrifice all.

But others?

Why do others certainly also want to sacrifice for him?

Others how could it not be also equally are authorized to go on living?

Feng SiNiang said low-spirited, “You eat the pain mostly, has also sacrificed also for him has sufficed much.”

Until now she only then discovered, she simply does not have the authority to compel others was “he” suffers hardships, his happiness, constructs in others misfortune.

“Now you should live several days for oneself, section of happiness tranquil days, you have been different with me, if such roams about again, your this was born with really must destroy.”

This is her 真心话.

To this beautiful like flower, the life thin like paper woman, she indeed had the kind to stem from tsince herity the sympathy and take pity on.

But she has forgotten actually, pities even is sometimes more incisive than the ridicule, easier to offend somebody heart.

Shen BiJun this has controlled reluctantly the tear, fell suddenly the cheek.

She makes an effort to get hold of both hands, after for a very long time, asked only then slowly, “How do you want me?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I want you to go back.”

Shen Bijun said, “Goes back, where returns to go? You knew obviously I did not have the family.”

Feng SiNiang said, “The family is a person constructs, so long as you also have a person, may reestablish a family.”

Shen Bijun said, “Human ...... I also have the human?”

Feng SiNiang said, “You continuously all have.”

Shen Bijun said, “Lian Chengbi?”

Feng SiNiang nodded, forced smile said, “I looked continuously was wrong he, he was not that person who I suspected, so long as you were willing to return to his side to go, he could certainly to you, you be possible to have a very good family well.”

Shen BiJun was listening, resembles has heard to be lost in thought, likely is a child is listening to a person to speak a beautiful myth.

Feng SiNiang said, “Now I had known, that secret organization is called 'the day ancestor', sovereign is one very diminutive, but is also raising the strip puppy's person, is not Lian Chengbi. “She is sighing, also said, “Therefore I originally should not want you to leave him, no matter how, he hasn't deceived you at least, you return to side him, always compared to such roams about in outside many.”

Shen BiJun was also listening, hears to be lost in thought very much.

In the world does not certainly have any woman to like such roaming about in outside.

Is she moved?

Feng SiNiang said, “So long as you want, I all may accompany you as necessary to go back, I even may the whereabouts he apologize.”

This is also she really wavers.

So long as Shen BiJun really can obtain happiness, regardless of wants him to make any, she all wants.

Shen BiJun had smiled actually, laughed suddenly.

Feng SiNiang was astounded.

She never thought Shen BiJun can have this kind of response, had not thought Shen BiJun can such smile.

She really did not know how should manage only then well.

At this moment, Shen BiJun's smile suddenly also turns weeps bitterly — — no longer is bursts into tears quietly, also no longer is sobs gently, but is weeps bitterly loudly.

Besides Xiao Shiyi Lang, she never such has also cried in front of others·She cried is likely has received the panic-stricken child.

This kind cried even to cry just an inch that kind not to be more normal than, such cried likely, perhaps a person really could cry to be insane.

Feng SiNiang could not bear ran over, make an effort to grip her shoulder.

Shen BiJun was also crying.

Feng SiNiang clenched teeth, finally puts out a hand, a palm slaps on her face.

Shen BiJun was sudden “the stop”.

Not only the weeping sound stops, the breath, the blood vessels, the thought also all stop.

She puts in order individual all to stop, numb, stiff then, likely turned a puppet suddenly.

Feng SiNiang' tears have flowed actually down, said low-spirited, “Is this for what? Is because I spoke incorrectly the speech?”

Shen BiJun has not moved, an empty eye, is looking at her as if, also injuries Buddha to stare at the distant place.

Feng SiNiang said, “I spoke incorrectly any, I ......”

Shen BiJun said suddenly, “You have not pitied, he is indeed not the young ancestor sovereign, but my rather he is actually.”

Feng SiNiang was astounded, “Why?”

Shen Bijun said, “Because of day ancestor sovereign, at least individual.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Isn't he the human?”

And further because the Shen BiJun's face the pain twists, said, “I thought continuously he is individual, no matter he is good is bad. Always did a great person, who know he only is a slave, the talent.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Lackey? Whose lackey?”

Shen Bijun said, “Day grandson's lackey?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Day grandson?”

Shen BiJun sneered said, “Count Carefree is the day, his successor is certainly the day grandson.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Lian Chengbi although is not the day grandson, is actually the day grandson's lackey.” She is startled, more accidental, could not bear asking, “How these matters do you know?”

Shen Bijun said, “Because of ...... Because I am his wife, yesterday evening, I also rested in his room.”

These speeches likely are the whips.

When she said, likely is brushing own with the whip.

Not only this kind of feeling already was the pain, not only also was sad, disappointed ...... Also has plants the indescribable humiliation.

Feng SiNiang understand this kind of feeling.

She does not have to ask again, Shen BiJun then said actually, “He thought I have fallen asleep, he thought I have drunk up him to give my that bowl of medicine.” “You knew that is confuses the medicine?”

“I did not know, but my all has not drunk.”


“I did not know actually pursues is for any, I do not want 吃药, any medicine all does not want to eat.”

In Feng SiNiang hearts is sighing. ·He knew that was has despaired for any — — — to the life, only wanted to go all out to suffer own person, could not 吃药.

In the world has very many matters originally. Looked like is the coincidence as if, actually imitates if careful thinks, can detect that has certainly already planted “the reason.”

“Because” you plant are any, certainly can receive any type “the fruit”, — — if you understands this truth, when later sowing seeds this particularly careful.

Shen Bijun said, “He under thought has sprinkled secretly to me that bowl of medicine.”

Feng SiNiang sighingly said, “He cannot certainly think, because you before has never deceived him.”

“Because” — — this is also.

Shen Bijun said, “He comes in, I am awaking actually.”

Feng SiNiang said, “But you pretended to rest actually the blue appearance.”

Shen Bijun said, “Because I do not want to speak with him.”

“Because” — — this is also.

Feng SiNiang said, “He has not alarmed you?”

Shen BiJun shook the head, said, “He only is stands in the head of a bed looks at me, looked for a very long time. Although I do not dare to open shortly him, may feel actually his appearance is very strange.”

Feng SiNiang said, “strange?”

Shen Bijun said, “He looks my time, I resemble the whole body all gradually to feel cold.”

Feng SiNiang 诅, “then?”

Shen Bijun said, “I looked installs although resembles has fallen asleep, actually in the heart is thinking very many matters actually ......”

He thought was not Xiao Shiyi Lang at that time.

These for two years, Xiao Shiyi Lang occupied her complete life nearly, complete thought.

But she was thinking actually was Lian Chengbi at that time.

Because Lian Chengbi on in front of her bed, because he and between Lian Chengbi, is also not has not been worth recollecting completely lives the matter.

He was her first man after all.

She has remembered them newly married that one day, she also once lay down on the bed the attire rests, he also was such stands in the head of a bed, looks at her, continuously all has not alarmed her, but also has quietly covered the quilt for her.

At that time in her heart anxiety and shyness, until now, she as soon as so long as thinks.

Meets the palpitation.

Lives together in them in that section of day, he has never alarmed her.

He was always doctor who gentle and sympathizes.

Thinks of here, she could not bear nearly plays opens eyes, accompanies him to cross this endless endless night together.

But, in this time, she heard outside the window to resound one suddenly very lightly to snap fingers the sound.

Lian Chengzhui walks immediately, shoves open the window, pulls down the sound said, “You came to be late, the alkyne came in.”

Outside the window person brings to said with a smile, “The long separation wins newly married, you did not fear I went in have alarmed you.”

Hears this person's sound ice-cold, Shen BiJun suddenly the whole body.

This is Hua RuYu sound.

She can hear.

But her company has a dream actually also could not think, Hua RuYu can come unexpectedly to look for Lian Chengbi.

How can they have communicate?

Shen BiJun was controlling own reluctantly, the centralized spirit, listens to them to say any.

Lian Chengbi said, “My knew you can come, therefore already thought of a way lets her rest.”

Hua RuYu said, “She cannot awake?”

Lian Chengbi said, “Cannot, I give her medicine, may let her at least rest six time.”

Hua RuYu has put on from enters, eats is smiling, said, “You have taken that many pains, only then looks for her, now actually lets her sleep, how could it not be has disappointed the spring evening?”

Lian Chengbi said lightly, “I have not asked her to come back, is she must come back.”

Hua RuYu said with a smile, “No wonder others all said you are a great role, not only you want her the person to come back, but also wants her heart.”

Lian Chengbi also smiled, said, “If I only wants her the person to come back, did not need to spend that many matters.”

Not only has heard these speeches, Shen BiJun’s whole body all already ice-cold, the heart has also sunk.

She thought suddenly as soon as oneself likely is makes a mud ball, others want to pinch her any appearance, she on is pinched by a person any type.

Hua RuYu also said, “this matter you do very much well, therefore the day grandson wants in front of to chat the next matter with you.”

Lian Chengbi said, “When?”

Hua RuYu said, “month round time.”

Lian Chengbi said, “What place?”

Hua RuYu said, “Xihu, moon reflection in the water building.”

Lian Chengbi said, “I go certainly punctually.”

Hua RuYu said, “You will be supposed better early in the morning to leave tomorrow, will walk together with me, will arrive first sweeps the flowered thatched house to wait.”

Lian Chengbi said, “Line.”

Hua RuYu said with a smile, “You give up her remain here?”

Lian Chengbi suffers, “This since she came back, could not walk.”

Hua RuYu, “You have confidence?”

Lian Chengbi said lightly, “Because I knew she did not have other place to be possible to go.”

Hua RuYu said with a smile, “You really have real skill ......”

This is a secret which Shen BiJun last night heard.

Until now, in her eye filled has been painful and is sad.

Feng SiNiang understand her mood.

Regardless of who discovered oneself is deceived by a person when has betrayed, in the heart all cannot feel better.

Moreover betrays her, deceives her, also was she this had been determined had to accompany together the life-long person.

Shen BiJun bursts into tears said, “This I indeed have not wanted again to leave him originally, I ...... My also there is no place has really been possible to go, but, after has listened to these speeches, even if is called me to remain again one day, I also can go crazy.”

Feng SiNiang said, “As soon as therefore he walks, you with were also running.”

Shen Bijun nodded.

Not only she there is no place may go, even links a family member, friends does not have.

She only then hides quietly in this kind of miserable small inn, bursts into tears quietly.

48th chapter Rows a boat the mother and daughter


They left have welled up Jinmen, south the screen Wan Zhong, has swung to the three pools reflecting the moon. When to west Ling bridge, already near dusk.

The full monkey autumn waters are reflecting quite a while setting sun, a Dai Heimao elderly fisherman, the bridge head has been dangling his fishing pole.

On the distant place picture animal fat large ship, transmits the years of youth and beauty ship mother indistinctly in a drawn-out voice the unaccompanied song.

“West looked the gorgeous boat enters Ling, hears actually half lake spring scenery.”

White sandspit Ueno Liu Yiku, the fragrant grass does not have the diameter, three miles causeways, the very few some people walk very quiet.

“Who opens southwest the lake temple the road, the grass-green skirt waist is together slanting.”

Facing famous lake fall scenery, although does not have the liquor, a person has been drunk.

Feng SiNiang was also unable to restrain to recite in a drawn-out voice, “If Xihu compared to West Lake, thick make up wipes palely always suitably.”

Shen BiJun sighed gently, said, “These two speeches although already vulgar, but uses for to describe Xihu, is actually good also does not have again.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You have come before?”

Shen BiJun nodded, as soon as the beautiful eye reveals wipes sadly.

— — before is she and Lian Chengbi accompanies comes?

Feng SiNiang said, “Do you know where the moon reflection in the water building?”

Shen Bijun shook the head.

Rows a boat the boatmen is the mother and daughter two people, the daughter although the dishevelled hair thick clothing, does not lose actually charming.

She puts out a hand suddenly to the preceding figure, “There how could it not be is the moon reflection in the water building.”

She was pointing at the place, is precisely the center of the lake fall scenery most deep place, the wave light setting sun, the gorgeous boat deep song.

Feng SiNiang said, “The moon reflection in the water building is the strip picture animal fat?”

The ship mother said, “In the lake the biggest three gorgeous boats, calls is not a garden, is called the book gorgeous boat, but also some one is the moon reflection in the water building.”

Feng SiNiang said, “This gorgeous boat has in a big way?”

The ship mother said, “Is big very, in the ship's tower may simultaneously hold 34 banquets at least.”

She sighed, in the sound the belt infinite envies, “When If I also can have that a gorgeous boat, I also had no need for eat this kind again painstakingly?”

She looks own hand, a very delicate pair of hand, now the knot has filled the callus originally.

In although the lake children, the day pass comfortablely, all is actually impoverished and laborious.

Shen BiJun looked at her, asked suddenly, “As soon as how many money don't you usually have may gain?”

Ship mother forced smile said, “Our where can the day look young obtains the money, are usually most also only can make several dozens articles money, only then arrived the spring ......”

As soon as mentions the spring, in her eye has sent out the light.

These 30 mile clear wave one to spring, six bridges courtesans, connected, bright red supple green, spreads the crag rosy cloud brocade, a lot of pleasure boat, a type spins the visor in vain, the copper fence small oar, is taking along the original intent 35, inside and outside six bridges, the swallow 穿来穿去.

Spring is their happy day.

Now actually already late autumn.

Shen BiJun smiled suddenly, said, “Did you think how many days in the city plays? Besides spends, but also may remain 52 money?”


On the ship has only been left over two people, a mother, a daughter.

Feng SiNiang and Shen Bijun?

They is it possible that in this ship?

Shen BiJun was a mother.

— — the mother always quite unusual person pays attention, I am not willing to let others recognize me.

Therefore Feng SiNiang had to be her daughter.

Throws oneself grayly with the heroin powder the hair, again uses a blue handkerchief to wrap, on the face adds a 汕 color, draws several wrinkles, narrows the eyes the eye to lower the head, “do you also recognize me?”

Feng SiNiang have smiled, “I really could not think you also meet Yi Rongzhu unexpectedly.”

So long as actually is a woman who can dress up, certain meeting Yi Rongzhu.

Easy to accommodate is not originally a kind of mysterious matter, creates result, also does not certainly have in the fable that mysterious.

“Now we most only can hide the truth from others temporarily in the evening.”

“Month round time, how could it not be is the evening.”

“Therefore daytime we best little come out.”

Feng SiNiang said with a smile, “Haven't you listened to a person to say, I always am a night owl.”

— — today is 13, evening the moon will be round the day after tomorrow.

Turn the bright moonlight which has not drawn the circle, was raising slowly, has illuminated the full lake autumn waters.

Under the moon, Xihu was more beautiful brokenheartedly.

“You thought that appeals to heaven grandson's person. Actually evening will be able to come the day after tomorrow?”

“Certainly can come, I only feared he has come, we do not recognize him.”

“So long as he comes, we certainly can recognize.”

“You have confidence?”

“Now we at least had three clues.”


“First, we had known he is a very thin and small person, moreover is always bringing the strip puppy.”

“Second, we had known he can certainly arrive the moon reflection in the water building to go.”

“Third, we had also known Lian Chengbi can certainly go to look for him.”

“We although does not recognize him, but we recognize the dog actually, recognizes the moon reflection in the water building, also recognizes Lian Chengbi.”

Feng SiNiang have indeed been full of confidence, because she has forgotten one point.

— — can find him, also how can?

The harvest moon gradually is high, the lake water gradually is cold.

Feng SiNiang sit in the broad side bank, has taken off the blue cloth shoes, with a pair of like tyrant's white foot, is kicking the water gently.

Shen BiJun was looking at her, looks her foot, said suddenly, “Heard a your foot kicks has died Chilienshan's thief quite a while the cloud?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Mmm.”

Shen BiJun said, “you are kick with this both feet?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I only then this both feet.”

Shen BiJun also smiled.

She had for a very long time very long not had smiled, facing this excellent Hushan, her mood only then finally open and bright.

She was smiling said, “Your this both feet looked like really not likely kicks has died human's appearance.”

Feng SiNiang sweetly said, “I like listening to others to say my foot is attractive, if you a man, I let certainly you trace.”

Shen Bijun said, “It was only a pity I am not ......”

Is her sound also was low and deep has gotten down this because she has remembered Xiao Shiyi Lang?

— — It was only a pity you are not Xiao Shiyi Lang.

— — It was only a pity you are not Xiao Shiyi Lang

Xiao Shiyi Lang, actually did you arrive where to go? Why doesn't have the news until now?

The moonlight is brighter, their smiling face all already dim.

In the lake has transmitted the unaccompanied song, “First Hushan. Is overwhelmed with emotion Nampo. Year after year grass-green skirt waist. Southwest the lake temple, the apricot blossom country wine curtain incurs. The east wind was drunk, is drunk the previous dynasty. The shore gradually moves, Liu Yinggong bridge.”

Singing sound clear wonderful, is also having 银铃般 the laughter, sings a person, thought is a love smiled loves the tender young girl.

Laughter and singing sound, is also from the center of the lake dike bank, on that moon reflection in the water large ship transmits.

On ship brilliantly illuminated, the temple shade clothes is fragrant, is similar some people to open the banquet greatly, makes drinking of the endless night.

This person's exhilaration is but actually great.

Feng SiNiang said with a smile suddenly, “It is a pity we these two days have the matter, otherwise I must certainly rush embark, drinks his several cups.”

Shen Bijun said, “You knew who on the ship is person is treating?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I don’t know.”

Shen BiJun said, “your master is everybody did not know, also dared to rush drinks?”

Feng SiNiang said with a smile, “No matter he is only, all equally can welcome me.”

Shen Bijun said, “Why?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Because I am a woman, the man is drinking, sees to have the attractive woman to come, always welcome very much.”

Shen BiJun sweetly said, “You resemble have the experience very much?”

Feng SiNiang said with a smile, “To be honest, this kind of matter I really had not known likely has made how many.”

Shen BiJun looked at her, looks her shining eye, looks at she deep dimple.

Gently sighed the one breath suddenly, said, “It was only a pity I am not a man, otherwise I certainly want you to marry me.”

Feng SiNiang said with a smile, “If you were a man, I certainly will marry you.”

Although they smiled, but the smiling faces were fraught with unspeakable sadness.

They have remembered Xiao Shiyi Lang.

Do Xiao Shiyi Lang, Xiao Shiyi Lang, why you always such make one to throw also cannot throw, puts also cannot lay down?

In the dike some people are summoning suddenly, “the boatmen, rows a boat.”

Feng SiNiang sighed, the forced smile said, “looked like our luck cannot pervert, today just changed professions, had business, “

Shen Bijun said, “We since has done this line, cannot live business the extrapolation.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Holds true.”

She jumps, recommended long punting pole one, the ship swung.

Shen Bijun said, “You really can row a boat?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I am originally 18 skill in wushu each article am skilled in, each article is sloppy.”

Shen BiJun could not bear saying with a smile, “You do have cannot matter?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Some.”

Shen Bijun leisurely, “What matter?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I can never be embarrassed.”

Must travel by boat altogether has three people.

Feng SiNiang was bringing joyfully, said, “If all looks for 江湖人, lines up walks from me, in every three people, I recognize one at least.”

She was not boasts.

In these three people, he recognizes one.

An eye is very small, the style very big person, is putting on the long gown actually, is swinging the folding fan, looked like is likely a student.

His nickname is indeed called the student.

Awfully student.

In his hand folding fan, is actually an awfully weapon.

Jiang Qizhong can use a person who the folding fan makes the weapon not to be many, this “the student Shi Qiushan perhaps is awfully” most awfully one.

Can be the friend with him the person, is certainly not the commonplace character.

Xiao Shiyi Lang like saying frequently, “In Jiang-hu human Feng SiNiang recognize at least one half, but also some one partly recognizes her.”

But these three people all do not recognize her actually, Shi Qiushan all do not recognize, because of the dim light of night depth, her appearance has changed, because who also couldn't think Feng SiNiang can be the ship mother in Xihu.

“Where do the customers have to arrive to go.”

“Moon reflection in the water building.” Shi Qiushan said, “Do you know the moon reflection in the water building in where?”

Feng SiNiang relaxed, other place she did not know, the moon reflection in the water building she always knew.

Shi Qiushan has sat down, sat in the bow, everyone is taking a look at her, then stared at on hers foot, three individual three eyes all stare at on her foot, Feng SiNiang did not oppose others appreciate her foot, but the present wishes one could theirs eye all all to sew actually, because she also knew all year long ship women who works hard in the lake, originally should not have such a both feet, she must certainly think of a way diverts their attention, cannot think actually, these three Individual eye likely is the nail is same, already nail on her foot.

Why — — does the man always like looking at woman's foot?

Luckily at this moment, on brilliantly illuminated moon reflection in the water large ship, also has the singing sound to transmit.

Is Su Shi Shui Diaoxie the head.

“When does the bright moonlight have. Raises one's wine cup asked the blue sky. Did not know the space palace error, now the evening is what year. I want to ride the wind go far away. Also fears the magnificent jade palace, has unbearabl chill in a high position ......”

Singing sound desolate solemn and stirring, is a man's sound.

Shi Qiushan sneered suddenly, said, “Looked like his exhilaration is really but actually also great.”

A facial color wax yellow middle age humanity, “he is starts from the fifth day to offer wine, to today already seven days.”

Another dragon fine beard guy said, “Therefore I admire him.”

Shi Qiushan said, “You admire him?”

The dragon fine beard guy said, “After regardless of who is being drunk greatly six days, but also has the spirit to sing loudly me all to admire.”

The facial color vinegar yellow middle-aged person coldly said, “How did you know he has been drunk greatly seven days?”

The dragon fine beard guy said, “Because I knew his this person always has the liquor to have to be drunk.”

Shi Qiushan remote is regarding in the lake water 光影, brings with the center to think deeply the color, said slowly, “Did not know actually how many women has to be willing to come to accompany him to be drunk?”

Middle-aged humanity, “Actually has this he invited how many people?”

Shi Qiushan said, “Area Chiangnan's martial arts world hero, he resembles please do have all spread.”

Middle-aged humanity, “He is what?”

Shi Qiushan said, “I don’t know.”

The master treats, the visitor did not know unexpectedly why he is treats, looks like this master but actually odd person.

Although Feng SiNiang lower the head lowly, in the eye has sent out the light actually.

Who — — is the master?

— — is the day grandson?

Why does 11 he have all please to come Chiangnan's martial arts world hero? Difficult to report is also a snare?

— — murder snare?

Thought dies in “the Eight Immortals ship” in these people, Feng SiNiang could not bear nearly wants to hold on Shi Qiushan, is called him not to have to embark.

But has she from but actually wanted to come up has a look, actually to have a look this person is who?

The month in the center of the lake, a person also in the center of the lake, the month in the wave, a person also in the wave, the wave is gentle likely is the moonlight, the moonlight is gentle is likely sweetheart's glancing, the sweetheart glances 渺 has not had the trail actually.

Feng SiNiang sigh gently, discovered suddenly speaks a person all have closed the mouth, although has closed the mouth, the eye opens actually very much in a big way, each individual all stared, in looks at her, is not looked her foot, is in is staring at her face, on her also had luckily goes against the bamboo coolie hat to block the moonlight.

Feng SiNiang' heads also hung lower the — — men's eye really this all to sew, perhaps Lian Zuidu should sew.

As soon as Shi Qiushan opens the mouth to smile suddenly, said, “I am surnamed Shi, is called Shi Qiushan, Taishi's male history, the fall scenery Man Hu fall mountain.”

Although his eye small, the mouth is very big, resembles one to be able to swallow down half catty heavy steamed bun.

Feng SiNiang bore had been mad, lowered the head has been called the sound, “Uncle Shi.”

“No Uncle Shi, is Shi Erye.”

Shi Qiushan said, “Sir is this position, he is surnamed Huo, Huo Wubing.”

The facial color wax yellow middle-aged person nodded, Feng SiNiang had to be called the sound, “Uncle Huo.”

As soon as looked you are obviously the appearance which is sick, why has to be called not gets sick?

This speech finally bore had not said, her temperament resembles changed.

“My name is Wang Meng.”

The dragon fine beard guy is snatching said, “The tortoise day Wang, I am the third brother.”

Feng SiNiang could not bear want to smile, this Third Master Wang looked like but actually quite is interesting.

She has not smiled, because Shi Qiushan was also asking, “What is the girl you surnamed? What name is called?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I am row a boat.”

Insect fall mountain said, “Rows a boat does not have the name?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Rows a boat has the name, sirs does not need to know.”

Shi Qiushan said, “Since the same boat altogether crosses, is a fate, since has the fate, also why not asked the name?”

Feng SiNiang natural dispositions 闭上嘴, as soon as she for fear that opens mouth, must point at Shi Qiushan nose in to obloquy the entrance.

— — this person is really “awfully” the student, is repugnant awfully.

Huo Wubing said, “妇道人家, always embarrassedly with man usual name.”

Shi Qiushan said, “I thought she does not look like the shy appearance.”

Wang Meng said, “No matter how, others since is not willing to say, you must why certainly compel others to say.”

Shi Qiushan said, “Since I asked, she is not why certainly willing to say?”His eye is biting Feng SiNiang, calm face said, “You do not dare to say?”

Feng SiNiang could not bear saying, “Does not dare? Why don't I dare?”

Shi Qiushan coldly said, “With for you feared is asked by me your origin.”

Feng SiNiang have smiled, smiled is not charming.

She was sneering, “Rows a boat can the woman, also have what shameful origin?”

Shi Qiushan is also sneering, stared at she to ask, “You really are row a boat?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Certainly is.”

Shi Qiushan said, “I thought you do not look like.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Which do I select do not look like?”

Shi Qiushan said, “From head to foot all does not look like.”

Feng SiNiang clenched teeth, sneeringly said, “If I rows a boat not likely, you said what I do look like?”

Shi Qiushan long body, “brushes” the suddenly, has launched in the hand folding fan, swung two swung.

Feng SiNiang' hands have also gotten hold of.

— — in man eye, if is having the smile which the kind harbors evil intentions, she can certainly be able to see.

Shi Qiushan in the eye is having the smile which the kind harbors evil intentions, actually does he want to do what? Feng SiNiang prepare to make first move and get control, no matter he wants to do any, a foot kicks first him said again.

At this moment, latter tree top Shen BiJun was summoning luckily, “The moon reflection in the water building arrived.”

Feng SiNiang have turned the head, light magnificent large ship really already in at present, as soon as so long as shakes the body to be possible to jump over, even if is 380 halls person jumps over, the that side ship cannot turn, even possible Lian Yaobu not to be able to swing.

To at present, Feng SiNiang only then saw this moon reflection in the water building are the strip how big large ships, since is the large ship, the cabin has certainly hugs under, the building goes upstairs the lights all to shine like the daytime, 丝竹管弦 the sound, is hands down from generation to generation from the building, under the building cannot hear the sounds of people, a person all to gather actually in the ship bow deck, at least some 30 individual, in threes and fours, gathers talks in whispers in the same place, cannot listen actually in discussion any.

“Why don't these people enter the cabin to go?”

Feng SiNiang already cannot ask, also gains ground inconveniently looks around, only the heart is strangeer.

Treats actually is the human? Why doesn't ask the visitor to go in drinks, wants them to stand actually has nothing to eat in the bow.

Shi Qiushan also in is staring at unexpectedly she, is paying attention to on her face expression, asked suddenly, “Can you jump over?”

Feng SiNiang shook the head.

Shi Qiushan said, “You do not want to pass have a look?”

Feng SiNiang shook the head.

Shi Qiushan said, “You do not regret?”

Feng SiNiang could not bear saying, “Why do I want to regret?”

Shi Qiushan smiled, said, “Because this time treats, is human who everybody wants to look.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Who is?”

Shi Qiushan said, “Xiao Shiyi Lang!”

49th chapter Feast of the moon reflection in the water building

Xiao Shiyi Lang!

Treats a person is unexpectedly Xiao Shiyi Lang.

Large amount master Lian Chengbi had met approximately in here, he also treats unexpectedly in here.

This is a coincidence? He arranges intentionally?

He knew obviously Jiang-hu heroes, in ten individual have nine are his enemies at least, why also has to hold the grand feast greatly in here, his time all please?

Feng SiNiang was astounded.

Shi Qiushan again also ignored her actually, the jogging folding fan, was jumping over all of a sudden.

Huo Wubing with Wang Meng also jumped over.

On the bow person had immediately one has partly welcomed, Shi Qiushan 交友 very is originally widespread.

Xiao Shiyi Lang, his person in where? Why hasn't come out receives a guest?

Feng SiNiang started to regret now, she really should with have a look.

Shen BiJun 悄 has passed through the rice from after, asked on the quiet, “You recognize that surname Shi?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Mmm.”

Shen Bijun said, “He also has recognized you?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Resembles is.”

Shen BiJun was hesitating, also asked, “You under thought therefore he meets can intend to you Ruan to smile?”

Feng SiNiang put on a serious face said, “He does not dare.”

Shen Bijun said, “Then, treats in the above is a person, really Xiao ......”

Feng SiNiang eyeballs have transferred the extension, said, “You act as lookout in here for me, I crawl from behind to the boat cover have a look.”

Not only the moon reflection in the water hugs is far bigger than this ship, is also higher than this ship.

Feng SiNiang bend down on the boat cover, cannot see on the large ship the sound of something astir, but under the building cabin, with the deck in person, she finally is looked was clear.

Inside 30 individual, she recognizes 55 at least.

A skinny diminutive white hair old man, and Huo Wubing accompanies is smiling exchanges conventional greetings.

Feng SiNiang recognize him, is precisely south sends the shape Italy gate study the disciple, “dark green ape” Hou YiYuan.

Although this person cannot be the apex high child, very is actually high in Jiang-hu seniority in relationships.

But looked he the expression, now to Huo Wubing instead appears respects very much.

Huo Wubing the origin, Feng SiNiang have not thought actually.

“Mr. Huo's given name, obsolete already greeting on first meeting very.” A period of five days new year's day is accompanying is saying with a smile, “It was only a pity does not have the good fortune obsolete, more than ten years, have not been able to see one side unexpectedly throughout Mr. Huo.”

Huo Wubing coldly said, “This for 15 years, Jiang Qizhong can see I the person are not many originally, “

Hou YiYuan said, “Mr. Huo's trail, already some 15 years not person Jiang-hu?”

Huo Wubing nodded, said, “Because I by an alone arm hawk king palm, am hit have lain down for 15 years on the bed.”

Feng SiNiang jumped nearly.

She finally remembered this person's origin.

In years past “congenital limitless faction” leader人, center state chivalrous person Zhao Wuji had to call Huo Wugang the fellow, wugong also very was it is said high, but how long just made a debut does not have, suddenly was unaccounted for.

This Huo Wubing, thought was Huo Wugang.

Zhao Wuji is in captures “Deer-carving sabre” in a service, dies in Xiao Shiyi Lang hand.

Because this position “the chivalrous person” only is a person has a variant hypocrite.

Huo Wubing appears suddenly, wants to take revenge for his fellow apprentices?

Alone arm hawk Wang Suiye is escorts shears one of four big masters which the deer knife enters the pass, actually only is actually by the Zhao Wuji use tool, dies was also very pitiful.

This winding, Huo Wubing knew, — — can understand in truly Jiang-hu the gratitude and grudges person, in the world only feared does not have son.

Hou YiYuan such worldly-wise person, all accidentally was stepping on the pain foot which Huo Wubing.

Although Feng SiNiang cannot see his face, also may the imagine his face certainly very be now red.

He did not certainly have the method sickness to chat again with Huo Wu, wants to look for an opportunity to slip away.

Who knew Wang Meng to hold on him actually, said, “In the cabin has the liquor to have the meat, why doesn't everybody go in the food and drink, instead stands in here has nothing to eat.”

— — this is precisely a speech which Feng SiNiang also want to ask.

Hou YiYuan does not have to reply immediately actually this speech, to Wang Meng, he has not obviously to Huo Wubing that politely.

He is also after all a school of Zong Zhu status, cannot personally hold on casually, obediently 有问必答.

Although Wang Meng fierce, is not actually stupid, also saw his desolateness unexpectedly, stared suddenly, said, “You only recognize eldest brother Huo, doesn't recognize me?”

Hou YiYuan flipped the supercilious look, coldly said, “Who are you?”

Wang Meng said, “I am surnamed Wang, called Wang Meng, I also knew this name you certain have not heard, because I am originally a buddhist priest.”

Hou YiYuan said, “Oh?”

Wang Meng said, “I am caught up with by Shaolin Temple.”

Hou YiYuan sneered.

Wang Meng puts out a hand, to point at own nose suddenly, said, “I am inside Shaolin Temple, that nearly has opened Luo Hantang the headstrong buddhist priest, also was that has been hit by them 180 sticks, but also has not killed hard buddhist priest.”

Hou YiYuan complexion changed.

Looked like he stepped on mistakenly a foot, although has not stepped on others, kicked actually to a stone, also was together smelly the hard stone.

Regardless of a who foot does kick in this stone, even if foot also not broken, also must hurt the morning.

A body practices horizontally, Lian Shaolin the family discipline department has not broken his half bone person the hard buddhist priest.

He was certainly has heard, Feng SiNiang have also heard.

— — this barbarian Niu Pan headstrong buddhist priest, rushes suddenly to here comes, is also for cope with Xiao Shiyi Lang?

A this 俟 Yuan does not wait for Wang Meng to ask again, was sighing said, “In that cabin is not everybody all can go in.”

Wang Meng said, “Aren't you the visitor who Xiao Shiyi Lang please come?”

Hou YiYuan is hesitating, forced smile said, “The visitor also has very many kinds, because each person's purpose in coming is all different.”

Wang Meng said, “since you all are his visitor, why can’t go in?”

Hou YiYuan hesitated, forced smile said, “The visitor also has very many kinds, because each person's purpose in coming is all different.”

Wang Geng said, “What are you do?”

Hou YiYuan said, “I am sojourn.”

Wang Meng said, “sojourns instead cannot go in, what talented person wants to be able to go in?”

Hou YiYuan said, “Kills him a person.”

Wang Meng was astounded, said, “Only then kills him a person, can go in drinks?”

Hou YiYuan said, “Good.”

Wang Meng said, “This is who said?”

Hou YiYuan said, “He said.”

Wang Meng laughed suddenly, said, “Good! Good Xiao Shiyi Lang, really are a young fellow ......”

He laughed has been turning around, to start to walk the stride, rushes toward the cabin in.

Shi Qiushan fierce has held on him.

Wang Meng wrinkled the brows said, “we are not kill him?”

Shi Qiushan said, “At least now also not when the time comes.”

Wang Meng said, “Therefore I cannot go in now drink?”

Shi Qiushan said, “Outside has such many friends, what meaning do you go in have?”

Although Wang Meng 满脸 does not would rather the appearance, again has not rushed actually toward inside.

Shi Qiushan said the speech, he very much is convinced unexpectedly.

Only in his mouth is also whispering, “Comes him the talented person to be able to go in drinks, good, young fellow ...... If not for you really have plant, certainly is the bastard adds eight levels.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang, actually are you a young fellow, bastard?

Feng SiNiang was also asking oneself.

This speech she did not know had asked own how many, each time she in asked, in the heart is also always sweet painstakingly.

Under the ship's tower spreads a cough sound suddenly, in the original cabin is not nobody.

A person seat drinks in inside, perhaps is because drinks too quickly, therefore is coughing.

— — only then kills him a person, can go in drinks.

This person is without doubt kills him.

Who had such big courage, dared to kill Xiao Shiyi Lang, moreover dared to acknowledge unexpectedly.

Feng SiNiang certainly wanted to have a look at this person.

She cannot see.

This human of back is treating the window, has not turned head throughout.

Feng SiNiang only see on his body is putting on, is the blue cloth clothes which washes turns white, the above has resembled also has a patch.

But his facial expression very is actually leisurely and carefree, has been peeling crab's pliers, dips the vinegar to drink.

Actually is he who?

Regardless of who is putting on such body ragged clothes, waits to have to kill Xiao Shiyi Lang, also can have this kind of leisurely and carefree mood unexpectedly, this person certainly is actually a very great character.

On the bow cannot find Xiao Shiyi Lang, in the cabin also no Xiao Shiyi Lang.

His person?

Feng SiNiang slide down from the awning, saw Shen BiJun a pair to fill the anxious eye.

“Do you have see him?”

Feng SiNiang shook the head, said, “But I know him certainly on that ship.”

Shen Bijun said, “Why?”

Feng SiNiang sighed, said, “Because that kind of matter only then he does obtains.”

Shen BiJun also asked, “What matter?”

Feng SiNiang forced smiled leisurely, “He invited 30-40 to come personally, only let kill him actually a person to go in drinks.”

Shen Bijun said, “Why does he want such to do?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Who knew why, this person does do the matter, others break the head, is also not fully correct in assumptions.”

Actually she is not really did not know.

Xiao Shiyi Lang do this, because only he knew human has not wanted to kill him.

He wants to have a look to have several people to dare to acknowledge.

Xiao Shiyi Lang do matter, only then Feng SiNiang understood, in this world nobody can understand Xiao Shiyi Lang compared to her.

But she is not willing to say.

In front of Shen BiJun, she cannot say in particular.

She hoped Shen BiJun can understand Xiao Shiyi Lang compared to her.

The ship hugs also has the string and woodwind instruments sound to hand down from generation to generation, Shen BiJun gains ground crazily looks crazily that shining window, the look changes very much strangely.

Feng SiNiang knew in her heart is thinking any.

— — he in building?

— — has very many people to accompany him?

Who — — is accompanying him?

Why can love always cause a person to change the suspecion envy?

Feng SiNiang sigh in the heart, said suddenly, “I thought that ship looks at.”

Shen Bijun said, “But ...... Shi Qiushan already has how could it not be recognized you?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Since he has recognized me, I am evading him why again.”

Shen BiJun again has not spoken. Feng SiNiang' procedures, she always not greatly agrees, does not have the method retort actually. They originally are two not same women. Their disposition is different, to the identical matter, often can some two not same views. In in Feng SiNiang' lives, never have " to evade " these two characters, but Shen Bijun ......

Shen BiJun said suddenly, “I also go.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You?”

Shen Bijun said, “Since you can go, I also can go.”

Feng SiNiang was startled look at her, in the eye is also having the gratified happy expression actually.

Shen BiJun indeed changed.

She resembles already many types before she most lacks thing — — courage.

Is it possible that is this precisely each people all needs?

“We go.” Feng SiNiang have pulled up her hand, “I can go the place, you certainly also can go.”

Feng SiNiang jumped up the bow.

Shen BiJun has also not fallen behind.

Her 轻功 very is unexpectedly good, the handed down in the family hidden weapon technique is more clever, but she fights with others, very little has the time which does not defeat.

This is not because also she before too lacks the courage?

If a person has lacked the courage, resembles Lerry not to have the salt to be same, regardless of he is any Lai, all cannot display the table.

Two ships mothers dress up the woman, suddenly by very good lightly moves the carriage to jump to the ship on, as soon as everybody certainly unavoidably must eat is startled.

Feng SiNiang pay no attention to them radically.

She biggest original story, is can all treat as frequently others the dead person.

She only beckons to Shi Qiushan.

Shi Qiushan swings the folding fan to walk immediately, as soon as he walks, others eye transferred.

Shi Qiushan recognizes woman, little annoys him to be good.

His this person has sufficed originally awfully, moreover his one's side also has the hard buddhist priest who cannot kill.

Shi Qiushan said, “You have really come.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Mmm.”

Shi Qiushan smiled, said, “I knew you can come.”

Feng SiNiang said, “oh?”

Shi Qiushan said, “Regardless of wants with to allow easily to hide the truth from the old friend department not to be easy.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Looks like you such old friend in particular.”

Shi Qiushan smiled happily.

Feng SiNiang said, “Therefore you have already recognized me?”

Shi Qiushan nodded, also said suddenly, “But I also have a matter not to be able to think through.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You said.”

Shi Qiushan the sound is very low, said, “Do Xiao Shiyi Lang in here, how you meet do not know?”

Feng SiNiang sink the face, coldly said, “Do Xiao Shiyi Lang in any place, I want why certainly to know, I am not his mother.”

Shi Qiushan smiled.

Feng SiNiang said, “You are do any to come, I also cannot manage.”

Shi Qiushan said with a smile, “You are not my mother.”

Feng SiNiang said, “I only want you to make a matter for me.”

Shi Qiushan said, “Please tell, “

Feng SiNiang said, “Do I want you to accompany me, where I am arriving, where do you with arrive.”

Shi Qiushan looks at her, resembles thinks very accidentally, also resembles thinks very happily.

Feng SiNiang have stared his one, said on the quiet, “I only want you to shield for me, you little use the crooked brain.”

Shi Qiushan the eyeball has transferred the extension, sighed, “I knew you ask me not to be able to have any good deed.” A his pair of nail small eye, has suddenly observed closely Feng SiNiang' behind Shen Bijun, “Who is she?”

“You cannot manage.” Feng SiNiang said, “I only asked you are willing to help me this busy.”

Shi Qiushan said, “I am not willing to be good?”

Feng SiNiang said, “No good.”

Shi Qiushan forced smile said, “Since is not good, why you ask me.”

Feng SiNiang have also smiled, unfolds the face to said with a smile, “Then you on accompany me to have a look first to the that side.”

Shi Qiushan said, “What looks at?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Who has a look to sit that person who drinks in inside is?”

Shi Qiushan said, “You cannot see.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why?”

Shi Qiushan said, “Leaves for his face on also Ge Zhuoge covers the hole” the face top head cover, certainly is the mask.

Only his mask really not likely is a mask, likely is a cover.

Because this mask is unexpectedly even, also does not have the face the outline, also does not have the eye nose five senses, only then two holes.

In the hole has a shining eye.

His facial expression very is originally leisurely and carefree natural, but puts on such mask, changes the surreptitiousness which cannot say.

Feng SiNiang said, “Who can’t you also see him are?”

Shi Qiushan shook the head, forced smile said, “He uses this method, is really much more effective than Yi Rongzhu, even if his wife has come, certainly also does not recognize him.”

Feng SiNiang wrinkled the brows, “Since he has the courage to dare to kill Xiao Shiyi Lang, why doesn't dare to see the human?”

Shi Qiushan said, “This speech you should ask he, asked again tells me.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Xiao Shiyi Lang?”

Shi Qiushan said, “This speech you should go to ask Xiao Shiyi Lang, I also ......”

His sound stops suddenly, in the eye has observed closely in the cabin staircase suddenly.

A person cold is walking imposingly down from the building.

A leopard terse, steed spirited, hummingbird nimble, looks like the wolf ordinary lonely person actually.

On his body is putting on the very spacious black silk soft gown, is lives with a ribbon, above is inserting a sabre slanting.

Deer-carving Sabre!

Xiao Shiyi Lang finally appeared.

Even if is in the crowd, he looked like is that lonely, even also appears very weary.

But a his eye likely is actually the Tanmu mountain head two deep pools cold water equally is also black, is also deep, is also cold, shines.

Nobody can look obtains the suitable speech, describes his this eye.

Has not looked at his this eye person, even states wants all to be unable to imagine.

As soon as so long as saw this eye, in Feng SiNiang hearts can have the unspeakable taste.

That is luxurious? Is the acid? Is bitter?

Others already cannot understand, she also cannot distinguish.

Shen Bijun?

Saw Xiao Shiyi Lang, what taste Shen BiJun in the heart is also?

They are standing crazily, also has not summoned, also has not flushed.

Because their two nobody are willing to shout first, nobody is willing first to display too excitedly.

Because they are the woman, is has fallen in a person love woman.

Woman's heart, how could it not be originally is subtle.

Moreover, side also has such many double eyes to look.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have not looked at them actually, perhaps basic on has not noted outside has such two people.

He was looking on that face wears the cover The person in black, said suddenly, “You are kill me?”

The person in black nodded.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You knew I am hugging?”

The person in black, “Mmm.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “why you don't come up begin?”

The person in black, “I am not anxious.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang also nodded said, “The murder is indeed the matter which cannot worry.”

The person in black, “Therefore I kill people am not ever anxious.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Looked like you resemble understand the murder very much.”

The person in black coldly said, “If I does not understand the murder, how can come to kill you?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled.

But his eye is actually colder, brightly, is staring at this black clothing person, said, “Your this mask does not wisely resembles.”

The person in black, “Although is not wise, very is actually useful.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Since you has the courage to dare to kill me, why doesn't dare by the proper face to see with own eyes the human?”

The person in black, “Because I am, is not sees a person who kills people.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang laugh, said, “Good, very good.”

The person in black, “Which has selects well?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You are an interesting person, I am not all can meet your this kind of person frequently to kill me.” In his eye the ray flashes, also sighed suddenly, said, “It was only a pity in this world senseless people have been many, the non- gallbladder person are more.”

The person in black, “Non- gallbladder person.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I have prepared 40 individual food and wine at least, cannot think of only then you to dare.”

The person in black, “Perhaps others do not want to kill you, “

Xiao Shiyi Lang sneeringly said, “Perhaps others want to kill me, does not dare to come in frankly and uprightly actually, only wants to hide in secret, stealthily offends somebody with the unexpected blow.”

This speech just said, outside had a person to flush, black iron chest, steel needle beard.

“My name am Wang Meng.” He usually in a moment likely shouted, “bastard's king, the fierce dragon crosses the river ferocity.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang look at him, in item reveals the happy expression, said, “You are to kill me?”

Wang Meng said, “I do not want to kill you originally, now also must kills may not.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Why?”

Wang Meng said, “Because I could not bear your this kind of bird gas.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang laugh, said, “Good, very good, could not think has come an interesting person.”

Outside only listens to some people to sneer, “Although interesting person many, senseless person actually only then my.”



A person walks slowly, facial color wax yellow, has nothing the expression, certainly is Huo Wubing.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You are very senseless?”

Huo Wubing’s face this point expression does not have.

Xiao Shiyi Lang sighingly said, “You looked like indeed does not look like the interesting appearance.”

Huo Wubing said suddenly, “Although kills you a person many, could kill you truly actually surely only then.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Makes sense.”

Huo Wubing said, “If you knew oneself sooner or later can die in this manpower, also how can think he is interesting?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “This person is you?”

Huo Wubing coldly said, “This person is certainly I.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled.

Huo Wubing said, “But I get rid of kills in front of you, actually first must for you kill a person.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Why?”

Huo Wubing said, “because you have killed a person for me.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Who?”

Huo Wubing said, “Alone arm hawk king!”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “If I said he is not dies in my hand?”

Huo Wubing said, “In any event, he always dies because of you.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Therefore you certainly also must kill a person for me?”

Huo Wubing said, “Good.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Who kills?”

Huo Wubing said, “Is casual you to have to kill everybody good.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sighingly said, “Looks like your but actually gratitude and grudges distinct person.”

Huo Wubing sneered.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “When do you prepare to kill me?”

Huo Wubing said, “Is also casual you.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You are not anxious?”

Huo Wubing said, “I have waited many years, also why not again multi- and so in several.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “After can wait till the full moon?”

Huo Wubing said, “Has after why certainly to wait till the full moon?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said with a smile, “If Xihu's harvest moon all has not looked continually, dies in Xihu, the life greatly is how could it not be senseless?”

Huo Wubing said, “Tonight the harvest moon will be round.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “How long therefore you do have no need for and so on.”

Huo Wubing said, “I wait.”

Wang Meng said, “Although so long as this has the liquor, even if multi- and so on several days have not related again.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang laugh, said, “Good, comes the liquor.”

The liquor came.

Wang Meng drinks two cups quickly, strikes the table suddenly said, “Since has the liquor, cannot not have the meat.”

Has the meat.

As soon as the person in black also pats the table suddenly, said, “Since has the liquor, cannot not have the song.”

In the ship's tower has the string and woodwind instruments sound to get up immediately, a person sings in a drawn-out voice, “Daily the gold cup directs fully, the dynasty faces the small garden flower to open, from song from dance from gives birth for the first time, not teaches the youth no longer.”

Singing sound clear wonderful, has filled happily, also has filled sadly.

Has the happiness, has the sadness.

Life originally so.

Xiao Shiyi Lang face up laugh, “The real man lives has what happy, dies has what fears, sings while drinking, dies then not regrets.”

In the building the wind and stringed musical instruments sound is anxious.

Xiao Shiyi Lang draw a sword suddenly, along with pats dances.

Sees only sabre brightness the sound of sword for a while, if flies the phoenix to swim the dragon, where also can be able to see him the person.

On the bow people all looked has been crazy, who craziest is?

Shen Bijun?

Feng SiNiang?

If not for craziest does she, how she meet hot tears filling the eyes?

— — he has not seen me unexpectedly.

— — Shi Qiushan can recognize me to come, why can’t he?

— — is because he simply has not noted here to have our such two people?

— — is because he ever does not pay attention to other woman?

In her heart is also gratified, also disappointed, has forgotten to ask unexpectedly oneself, why doesn't see him?

Feng SiNiang was not such a woman.

Feng SiNiang also changed.

After that evening only then changes?

After is because passed through a that unforgettable night, her inch turns a genuine woman?

Flashes sabre brightness. Caused the vision also to change gloomily discussed.

Sabre brightness according to on her face.

She had not discovered unexpectedly, Shen BiJun was looking at her, looks at her eye.

Looks in her eye happiness and grieved, happy consoles sadly with.

What — —is Shen BiJun thinking in the heart?

Between, a dragon recites suddenly, 飞入 the highest heaven.

The moonlight restored brightly.

The sabre has sheathed.

Xiao Shiyi Lang raise glass in the hand, the look change suddenly very much tranquilly, resemble any matter all not to occur.

Wang Meng has been sweating profusely actually, the perspiration passes the heavy clothes.

He has never seen such sabre, has not seen such sabre skill.

— — that only is really a sabre?

— — that really only is a person in the fly cutter?

As soon as Wang Meng hugs grasps on the table the golden back, treats the mouth to drink, long puts out the tone, only then discovered opposite has been short a person.

That mystical blue friend has disappeared.

Huo Yuan gets sick on the wax yellow face, although has nothing the expression, quietly pressed down firmly actually has wiped away sweat.

Wang Meng looks at him, has referred to the opposite vacancy.

Huo Wubing shook the head.

When does nobody see this blue friend is walks? Walks what place from, can the ship in the center of the lake, where he arrive to go?

Also did not know was who has called suddenly, “You look at that ship.”

That ship is crossing which Feng SiNiang they swing, uses the string is originally on the steamship.

— — Feng SiNiang although careless, Shen BiJun was actually a very careful person, she comes time, also brought the ferryboat thick rope, is in on the moon reflection in the water building handhold.

Now the string unexpectedly has been cut off, the ferryboat was swinging slowly to the lake shore.

“That boy certainly on ship.”

“I look for him.”

“What asked him to do?”I must have a look my dear friend who this position has a strong beginning but a weak ending, actually is what type person?

50th chapter White clothing guest and elegy

In the cabin nobody speaks.

On bow also nobody aperture.

Certainly does not have!

What place is this sound comes from?

The sound is comes up from the lake.

In the lake the wave is clear, harvest moon Gao Guatian bank, human in where?

In distant place.

Outside 40 ten feet, some solitary lamp, for a while solitary boat, dim shadow.

Although human in distant place, but he speaks the sound, resembles actually on nearby yours ear.

Can pass on by far by the endogenic force the sound, cannot be an extremely strange matter.

What is strange, Xiao Shiyi Lang speak in here, he also can hear unexpectedly, moreover hears very clearly.

Who is this person.

Everybody has not looked clearly.

This solitary boat likely is a piece of duckweed, comes very much slowly very slow ......

Xiao Shiyi Lang also saw in this lake solitary boat, on boat shadow.

He smiled suddenly, said, “You have come, I cannot be drunk?”

The sound listens not to be big, certainly also transmits actually very much far.

Reply only then two characters, “Cannot.”

“Why” “had the guest to come from the distant place, how can the master be drunk?”

“Where is the distant place?”

“Nihility light blue 渺, cloud depth not knowing place.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang again have not asked, because the solitary boat has been near, the light has been near.

He saw under the lamp person.

A white clothing person, the spirit white clothing person, in the hand is also selecting the strip white streamer.

Calls back from the dead Bai Fan?

He must come to incur, is whose soul?

That the solitary boat unexpectedly is also white for a while, slowly toward is sinking as if.

Stands twists suddenly in a forefront Zhang Heng face, lost one's voice suddenly shouted, “Ghost ...... Comes is not the human! Is the ghost!”

He one to the backlash, suddenly drops down step by step.

This Tai Lake's aquatic heroes, unexpectedly are frightened vertically and horizontally fainted.

Nobody holds him.

Each people all stiffly in there, in each manpower all have been pinching the cold sweat, including refers to the point ice-cold already.

Now everybody only then sees clearly is, this white clothing person sat the ship, is unexpectedly strip paper boat.

Dies seven issues in a person, uses for to cremate to dead person's that kind of paper boat.

Feng SiNiang complexions also changed.

“...... Comes is not a person, is the ghost!”

If can a vivid live person, how use this kind of paper boat to cross the lake?

“Nihility light blue 渺, cloud depth not knowing place.”

Is it possible that is he really the cloudy deep clever territory, nine quiet hells?

In this world really fishy? Feng SiNiang did not believe.

She never believed this kind of fabricated incredible matter, she was always a woman who was very logical.

She only believed in a matter.

Regardless of — — “he” is a person is the ghost, certainly very is all fearful.

Regardless of — — he comes from any place, all very is possible is kills Xiao Shiyi Lang.

A fall night of cool breeze is very light.

A clear phoenix, has blown the wave gently, but that paper boat sank the divination on the ship human well not to sink finally completely.

The human arrived the moon reflection in the water building.

The moon reflection in the water building head lamp glory is bright, under the magnificent bright light, everybody only then saw clearly this person.

He was not too tall, nor too short, the hair was white, without a beard actually.

His face was also pale, likely was just has been hit by a person a fist, also was likely just some kind of strange illness, the eye, the nose, the mouth, all already somewhat crooked, resembled left the original spot, also likely wears the manufacture shoddy mask.

This kind of face, originally should be a very funny face.

But regardless of who sees him, all cannot think has the little laughable meaning, only can think feels cold.

From heart continuously as coldly as sole.

This is because of his eyes.

He had eyes, but does not have the eyeball, also does not have the sclera, his eye is unexpectedly yellow.

Complete all is yellow, resembled some people to dig out his eye, again used the gold to fill up.

— — some who have looked at such an eye?

If — — some people have looked, I guaranteed that person certainly aquatic cannot forget.

In his hand is taking, calls back from the dead but actually white streamer, but is sells the divination the cloth to incur.

Above has eight characters, “On hole dark green deep, gets down quiet clear nine.”

Originally he is sells the divination blind person.

Each people all relaxed, no matter how, he is a person after all, not a ghost.

But everybody has forgotten something actually.

— — in this world some people are also much more fearful than the ghost.

Xiao Shiyi Lang sat down.

Regardless of this blind person is the real blind person, is not an ordinary blind person at least.

If a blind person sat paper boat which the strip dead person uses to look for you, he asked you certainly not to be able to have any good deed.

You have certainly no need for stand greet him in outside.

Moreover, so long as can sit, Xiao Shiyi Lang very little are always standing.

The blind person walked slowly, certainly does not have the useful cloth to incur on that bamboo pole place.

But he without doubt is actually a real blind person.

The blind person always somewhat with common people the different characteristic, Xiao Shiyi Lang could see.

— — since he is a blind person, how can he walk by himself?

— — is because in cabin bright light, he can be able to feel.

— — blindly in the feeling, is it possible that also always has to be keener than common people.

On the bow person, all slowly avoided, resigned a road.

The blind person walks very much slowly, the step very is actually steady, also has not opened the mouth to ask others road, does not have the important person to support.

When he passed through the crowd, likely is the king who is insufferably arrogant, passed through Fu Bai under his foot official under the emperor.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have never seen to look like he such arrogant blind person, even if he also has the eye, also cannot certainly watch with the tail of eye these people.

If he also has the eye to be able to look, perhaps in the world basic on could not be called a person who he watch with the tail of eyes.

In his this life, thought has very many can let he think the arrogant matter.

Actually is that what matter?

In a person's life, if had had very many sufficiently proud matters, others not only can be able to see, has certainly also heard.

A motion looks like him to be such strange, wugong looks like he such wise person, others cannot not know.

In Jiang-hu human's eye, likely is the hawk, the nose likely is a hunting dog.

On the bow these people, all were the worldly-wise person, did not have one to recognize him actually.

All has not seen him including Feng SiNiang.

But in her heart suddenly had a kind of unlucky omen actually.

Thereupon no matter this blind any person, no matter why he is comes.

He brings actually only then the death and the disaster.

Outside the cabin gate, is hanging four palace lanterns.

The blind person has arrived under the lamp.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said suddenly, “Halts.”

The blind person halted, stood very straight.

Even under such bright light, his whole body did not have dust or dirt.

Xiao Shiyi Lang, also has never seen such clean blind person.

The blind person is waiting for him to open the mouth.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You knew what place this is?”

In shook the head blindly.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You knew who I am?”

The blind person shook the head.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Then you should not come.”

Eyeball sub- said, “I have come.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Why?”

Gives the road blindly, “I am a blind person.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I can see.”

The blind person said, “A blind person always can hear the matter which very many others cannot hear.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “What have you heard?”

The blind person said, “Singing sound.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Did you know here is Xihu?”

Blind person nodded.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Here everywhere all has the singing sound.”

The blind person said, “But I heard a moment ago the singing sound is actually different.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Different?”

The blind person said, “Is different with other singing sound.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “What has differently?”

The blind person said, “Some songs are sad, some songs are happy, some singing sound symbols happy tranquil, also in some singing sounds fills the excited anger.” He is facing Xiao Shiyi Lang, then said slowly, “If you also looks like me equally is a blind person, you can listen to very many strange and the interesting matter from the singing sound.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “What did you listen to a moment ago?”

The blind person said, “Disaster.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang' fist had tightened.

The blind person said, “The storm approaches time the front rumor certain peace rumor to be different, wild animal when at the point of death front call also certain peace different.” On he crooked wonderful face, is having a kind of mystical expression, then said slowly, “When individual has the disaster must occur, in her singing sound certainly also can have plants the unlucky omen, I can hear.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang complexion changed.

The blind person said, “The disaster also 有大有小, the small disaster, takes to a person most much only is died, the big disaster, often can implicate very many innocent people actually.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You did not fear being implicated?”

The blind person said, “Now I only want to come to have a look.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “What looks at?”

The blind person said, “Has a look the girl who that position sings.”

An eyeball, sat paper boat which the strip funeral and burial uses, comes “to look at” an unknown stranger.

— — do you have have listened to the such absurd matter?

Xiao Shiyi Lang have heard, has not smiled actually.

The blind person has not smiled.

Regardless of everybody can see, he is not is chatting.

Xiao Shiyi Lang was staring at he, said, “You are a blind person?”

Blind person nodded.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “The blind person also can see?”

The blind person said, “The blind person cannot see.” He smiled suddenly, smiled is miserable and is mystical.

“Others all can see, the blind people cannot see.”

He smiled, on the face eye nose five senses, as if returned to original in this flash, Xiao Shiyi Lang had a kind of strange feeling suddenly, thought oneself has looked at this individual as if, this face.

But he can’t remember who this person is actually.

The blind person also said, “But the blind person often can see the matter actually which some others cannot see.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “for example said, disaster?”

The blind person nodded, said, “Therefore I want to come to have a look, actually can that be any type disaster.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled.

The blind person said, “You are smiling?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled the sound.

The blind person said, “The disaster is not laughable.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I am smiling I.”

The blind person said, “Why?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Because I have never heard the such absurd story, but I have been moved actually by you.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang also have unexpectedly is hit by a person urges, unexpectedly is by such a person, such a matter moves.

If in usually, Feng SiNiang certain could not bear had smiled.

Now she actually does not dare to smile, also cannot smile.

— — she also saw this is not a laughable matter, is not.

Shen BiJun whispers in her ear bank, “sings is Bing Bing.”


“You said Bing Bing gets sick very much seriously, moreover is incurable illness which the kind cannot cure.”


Shen BiJun puts out the tone gently, said, “this blind person really can listen from her singing sound?”

Feng SiNiang had not replied.

She cannot reply.

This fact in greatly absurd, too inconceivable, is actually real.

After for a very long time, she also gently puts out the tone, “I only hoped he not must again see other matter.”

Now their disaster has sufficed to be many.

— — besides the disaster, what a blind person also can be able to see?

Some people said Feng SiNiang wolves are ominous, some people said Feng SiNiang was very wild.

Some people thought she speaks likely a man, drinks the liquor to compare favorably with two men.

But nobody said her actually not not beautifully.

She was originally a beautiful woman.

Looks like she such beautiful woman, cannot acknowledge other woman beautifully originally compared to oneself.

Feng SiNiang was actually exceptional.

She thought continuously Shen BiJun was the genuine beautiful woman, anybody beautiful has not been able to compare favorably with Shen Bijun.

But her idea has been now different, because she saw a genuine beautiful woman — — — — Bing Bing.

She continuously thought originally Shen BiJun was a woman's woman, whole body each minute each inch all is a woman.

Now she actually discovered, Bing Bing this woman some places Lian Shen BiJun also do not compare.

Perhaps Bing Bing beautiful is not everybody all can appreciate, all can understand obtains.

She was more beautiful much and is mystical, is beautiful makes one love dearly.

If said Shen BiJun gorgeous like peony, simple and elegant like quiet blue, Feng SiNiang was the roses which a belt punctures.

Bing Bing only is actually a floret — — not well-known floret.

— — the wind and rain from now on, the setting sun all over the sky, you will stroll will pass through when the dusk the garden.

— — fully suffered the wind and rain 椎 remnant garden, the hundred flowered all already on the wane, but you suddenly discovered actually on the tall wall also has not a well-known floret to drag against the wind under the setting sun.

What at that time in your heart could have to feel?

When you see Bing Bing, in the heart can have that kind of feeling.

In particular now — —

She walked from the ship's tower, is supported by the arm by a person was walking down, her face is pale and is thin and pale.

She has not been holding the heart, also has not wrinkled the brows.

Basic has no need for makes any gesture, such calmly is standing, her beautiful already sufficiently brokenhearted.

The blind person on the station in front of her, “looks at” her, a wax yellow eye, empty.

He was certainly not looked with the eye, he is the matter which really can see some others not to be able to see?

Xiao Shiyi Lang could not bear ask, “What do you see?”

In is silent blindly, also after for a very long time, said only then slowly, “I saw a piece of bog, certainly under the valley bog, does not have the wild flower, does not have the trees, did not have the life ......” on his face to send out the light suddenly, then said, “but in this piece of bog had individual actually, was a woman.”

— — did he say is “the murder cliff” certainly under valley that piece of bog.

— — he sees is the woman is it possible that is thrust certainly under the valley Bing Bing by the day son?

How — — did he energy “look” sees?

— — if he cannot see, also how can know this matter?

Xiao Shiyi Lang deep have attracted the tone deeply, said, “What do you also see?”

Blind person's sound dream eats as if, “I see this woman upward to crawl, I can see her to be sick, get sick very much seriously ......”

“She resembles has fallen quickly, but suddenly has a hand to extend actually, has pulled her.”

“That is a man's hand.”

“Now in this hand, actually grasps the handle shape very unusual sabre, the woman his one's side is singing ......”

“But the string broke suddenly, she also but actually.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang have broken his living immediately, said, “Sings the woman, is in the bog woman?”

The blind person said, “Yes.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Which do you depend on select look? What appearance can you see her face to be long are?”

The blind person is hesitating, said, “I cannot see her face, but I can see in her left stock to have a green actually the birthmark, compared to palm of the hand also big, looked like likely is a maple leaf.”

His speech had not said, Bing Bing’s complexion have changed, as if suddenly has been pushed down by a person ten thousand ten feet certainly valleys, in the beautiful eye filled has been surprise and fear.

She was originally not the woman who that kind very easy to be able to receive frightens, although her body frail, has actually compared to the steel and iron also strong will.

Therefore she can exactly the present.

Why — — can she so fear now?

— — on her body really has that type one blue to record?

On the blind person face reveals that kind of surreptitious smile, mutters, “I have not really looked wrong, I knew I cannot look wrong ......”

He has turned around, to resemble slowly wants to walk toward outside, but in his hand whanghee, the sudden poisonous snake punctured actually to Bing Bing’s throat.

Bing Bing has not moved, has not fended.

She puts in order individual all to resemble because of has feared and is stiff, the gearing all could not move.

Nearby her one's side also has Xiao Shiyi Lang luckily!

Blind person this gets rid of, besides Xiao Shiyi Lang, did not certainly have the second person to be able to rescue her.

On the bow people all are in Jiang-hu first-class master, in the cabin person are in master's master.

Each people all look clearly, in blind person hand this whanghee, already on Bing Bing throat, so long as uses a minute strength again, Bing Bing’s throat must pierce.

But Bing Bing’s throat well has not been pierced, the blind person this last minute strength has not caused.

Was what strength has prevented him?

Nobody can see, only then blind person can feel.

He felt suddenly to an indescribable pressure, arrived under his rib.

If his strength does not withdraw, under the Bai Jilei eight ribs must break by pressing completely.

Everybody sees his whanghee when Bing Bing throat, his person withdrew from seven feet.

When everybody sees him toward the backlash, Xiao Shiyi Lang have stood in the cabin entrance, has blocked his way.

Deer-carving sabre, still in sheath.

But works off anger threatening already close.

The blind person has also turned around, is also facing Xiao Shiyi Lang, crooked face Leng Ruqiu tyrant.

He certainly also can feel this kind works off anger.

Only then has killed the innumerable people, moreover is preparing a person who must kill people, on the body only then can bring this kind to work off anger.

He front knew this person cannot let him live again is walking.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said suddenly, “You killed the wrong person.”

The blind person said, “Oh?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Human who comes to here, originally should kill me.”

The blind person said, “You want me to kill you?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Must kills.”

The blind person said, “Why?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Because of you already in here.”

The blind person said, “Because also you want to kill me?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang have not denied.

The blind person is smiling, said with a smile lightly, “Wants me not to kill you actually, you may kill me equally.”

Saw he smiled the face, in Xiao Shiyi Lang heart suddenly also had that kind of strange feeling.

— — I have certainly seen this person, certainly has seen.

Who but can’t he find out this person is actually.

Why is this?

He was determined certainly must discover the reason.

His hand has gripped the hilt.

Works off anger intensely.

The blind person said, “I have said, although I am a blind person, can see the matter actually which some others cannot see.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Now what did you see?”

The blind person said, “I saw that hand, in the hand the ape to live that handle knife.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang was not accidental.

In his hand has certainly the sabre, regardless of everybody can want to obtain.

The blind person said, “I also could see you certainly to have to kill me.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sneered.

The blind person said, “If in two years ago, you can ask me to leave, but you have changed now.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang closely examine immediately, “Two years ago you have seen me?”

Blind person light tunnel, “no matter my two years ago do have have seen you, now I actually can be able to see, two years ago you are not such an individual.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang counter- said, “What can you also see?”

The blind person said, “I saw blood, in the blood to have one to finish a job, in the hand had a sabre.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Whose blood can you see that are?”

The blind person said, “Whose is?”He smiled surreptitiously, slowly then said, “Is your blood, your hand, your sabre.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang laugh.

Blind Yu said, “Fights to the death not laughably, “

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “This I smile at you.”

Blind Yu said, “Why?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Because this you looked has pitied.”

Deer-carving sabre, still in sheath.

Although the knife the sheath, works off anger is actually more intense.

The blind person laid down his right hand plain white cloth to incur slowly, flew high suddenly flipped over, the right hand whanghee punctured.

The whanghee is straight, is straight and is hard.

But his move punctures, also the straight hard whanghee likely is actually in does not stop twists is shivering.

This bamboo pole was unexpectedly likely turned a snake.

Poisonous snake!

Living poisonous snake.

Xiao Shiyi Lang first time see the poisonous snake, is at he six year-old time, he sees is the strip living sidewinder.

That is he first time is nipped by the snake, is also last.

So long as later he with the corner of the eye glance, will be able to distinguish obtains 30 kind of above the poisonous snake.

As soon as he only then one method — — beats with a club to them in its seven inches strategic points.

He has never let slip.

But he cannot see this strip “the poisonous snake” seven inches strategic points in where.

In this blind person hand poisonous snake, far compares he has seen any kind of poisonous snake to be all dangerous.

Besides “Count Carefree” the day son, this blind person is unexpectedly his biography has not met the most fearful match.

51st chapter Confuses the sentiment

Under the moon Xihu, always the gentle monster flatters, regardless of any matter, all never can change her.

Resembles forever also nobody to be able the real change Feng SiNiang to be same.

Feng SiNiang' hearts are also jumping, jump very quickly.

Her heart is not as soon as because that fought a moment ago, saw Xiao Shiyi Lang who jumped held Bing Bing to go upstairs, her heart only then jumped.

She was a woman after all.

Regardless of great woman, always woman.

She may for others self-devotion, but she is unable to control own actually emotion.

In this world some who can control own emotion?

Shen BiJun in the heart is also any taste.

Feng SiNiang smiled reluctantly, gently typical, “If you recognizes Bing Bing, not only you can know her are a very lovable girl, moreover very pitiful.”

Shen BiJun remote regards the distant place, the heart is also resembling in the distant place, after for a very long time has only then dangled the head, “I know.”

“We ask him to be good now?”

Shen BiJun was hesitating, had not replied.

Feng SiNiang also do not have to ask again, because she discovered suddenly Wang Meng went out the cabin, is walking to them.

She hoped he is not looks for them, Wang Meng has arrived in front of actually her, the eye is also looking around.

Feng SiNiang could not bear asking, “What do you look for?”

Wang Meng said, “Our second child.”

Feng SiNiang have turned head, only then discovers Shi Qiushan already not in her behind.

Was incurred a moment ago by the person in black the ferryboat which returns, now swung into the center of the lake, on the bow person, some one partly walked at least.

Remains down a person, some rely on the parapet to take a nap, some is drinking.

Liquor Lai did not know actually is the master prepares for them, they bring.

“Shi second child?”Wang Meng was also asking.

“How do I know.” Feng SiNiang put on a serious face, coldly said, “Shi Qiushan is not a child who a important person looks after, you have not given him I.”

Wang Meng was astounded, muttered, “Could he walk together with others?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why don't you go in have a look?”

Wang Meng said, “You?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I have my matter, you cannot manage.”

She has suddenly pulled up Shen BiJun's hand, flushes a person cabin.

Now she very much had understood Shen BiJun, she knew Shen BiJun this person always cannot settle on the idea.

But she has very many matters to have actually to ask clear may not, she already could not hold in.

Wang Meng is startled looks they intrude the cabin, could not bear asking loudly, “Are you also kill Xiao Shiyi Lang?”

Feng SiNiang had not replied this speech, he behind actually has a humanity, “Even if the world people all want to kill Xiao Shiyi Lang, their two individual are actually the exceptional exception.”

Wang Meng turns head suddenly, saw Hou YiYuan skinny withered face.

“Why are they the exception?”Wang Meng said, “you knew who they are?”

In Hou YiYuan eye is having the sly happy expression, said, “If my person presbyopia is not colored, just the inch that woman who spoke with you, certainly was Feng SiNiang.”

Wang Meng is scared.

— — has very many people to hear Feng SiNiang this names to be able to have a scare.

Hou YiYuan said, “You have also heard this woman?”

Wang Meng said, “How do you recognize her?”

Hou YiYuan smiled, said, “She although is the woman who famous difficult to annoy, but her wugong is not high, Yi Rongzhu is more disappointing.”

Wang Meng said, “Also who has a woman is?”

Hou YiYuan said, “I cannot see, also cannot find out has any woman to be willing with that female monster in the same place.”

Wang Meng said, “You see Shi second child not to have?”

Hou YiYuan nodded, said, “then only then also sees.”

Wang Meng said, “Now his person?”

Hou YiYuan smiled, said, “If Feng SiNiang all did not know where he is at, how I can know.”

He really smiled is very likely the strip old fox.

Wang Meng said, “Does he have on that ferryboat?”

Hou YiYuan shook the head, said, “I have not seen him to come up.”

Wang Meng wrinkled the eyebrow, said, “Then the big person, also could be missing suddenly inadequately?”

Hou YiYuan said easily, “As far as I know, has a person with Feng SiNiang who communicates, had very many all is has been missing suddenly.”

Wang Meng is staring him, the said sternly, “actually do you want to say what?”

Hou YiYuan micro said with a smile, “Ship in aquatic, human on ship, on ship if nobody, where can arrive to go?”

Wang Meng ran over suddenly, a dive dug in the lake water.

Hou YiYuan sighed, mutters, “Looked like this person is not stupid, this finally looks when place.”

In the ship's tower place quite is small.

Small and fine.

The candlestick is the pure silver, the candlelight mixed outside the window moonlight, is also likely the pure silver is same.

Xiao Shiyi Lang stand bolt upright in front of the window, remote is regarding the distant place dim light of night, in night of fish's dim mountain shade, also does not know in any.

— — he has remembered that fearful murder cliff.

Bing Bing cannot see his complexion, resembled actually has guessed correctly his concern.

She continuously all has not alarmed him.

He was thinking deeply about, she has never alarmed him.

Now in she heart also has very many matters to have to think, some she wants to forget, cannot forget matter.

Some fearful matters.

In her eye alarmed and afraid has not vanished, her hand is ice-cold, as soon as so long as shuts the eye, that in the crooked strange face, immediately appears blindly in her at present.

Between world a piece of silent, also had not known how long, under the building has been similar some people to live in the loudness.

She has not listened clearly is in any speech, sees two people to flush actually went upstairs.

Two ships mothers dress up woman.

She recognized had one is nearly immediately Feng SiNiang.

Feng SiNiang was also staring at she, “On your body really has a green the birthmark?”

This is the first speech which Feng SiNiang asked.

Each people have all heard this ten-day period speech which Feng SiNiang asked, also some who did know Shen BiJun wants to say what the first speech is?

— — in her heart did not know has several thousand several ten thousand speeches to have to say.

But a her pasture all has not said.

— — she wants to ran over, flushes to Xiao Shiyi Lang in front of in, invests him to embrace?

But she only is actually lowered the head, to stand in Feng SiNiang behind, the gearing all has not moved, Bing Bing certainly do not have the mouth to answer Feng SiNiang that speeches.

Feng SiNiang also do not have to ask again.

Because Xiao Shiyi Lang had turned around, is facing their — — their three people!

Also some who can understand Xiao Shiyi Lang now in the heart feeling.

His has certainly recognized Shen BiJun, Feng SiNiang, but his eye actually is looking at own now tip of the toe.

He really did not know should look who, really didn't know should say any.

He was facing is precisely three most important women in his life.

These three women, one is he remembers with eternal gratitude, forever difficult to dismiss from mind the sweetheart, he has experienced suffering all pain for her and suffers, even will do not hesitate to die as necessary for her.

Moreover two?

One is his savior, already woman life in happiest completely offer for him.

These three women similarly all have sacrificed all for him, only then he only then knew, they for his sacrifice are such big.

If now these three women suddenly simultaneously appeared in front of him — — you Xiao Shiyi Lang, what could you say?

Window external wave even like mirror, but in the window person, in the heart tide rushed actually turbulently.

The first aperture is Feng SiNiang.

Certainly is Feng SiNiang.

She smiled suddenly.

She was smiling said, “Looked like we change costume are also good, continually Xiao Shiyi Lang all have not recognized unexpectedly.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang have also smiled, “I finally listened to your sound luckily.”

Feng SiNiang hands insert the waist, said, “since you has recognized us, why also not quickly pours the cup liquor for us.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang go to but actually the liquor immediately.

He pours the liquor time, could not bear looked at Feng SiNiang one.

— — Feng SiNiang hands are inserting the waist, looked like the direct positive is in the fable that day did not fear, underground feared, any matter all does not care about woman.

Actually actually is she any type woman, Xiao Shiyi Lang cannot certainly not know.

In the cup liquor was full.

In his heart gratitude, also the direct positive is in the cup liquor is same, has been full must incite.

He knew Feng SiNiang was never willing to let him think embarrassed, she rather own suffer hardships, is also not willing to look he is suffered.

Therefore nobody smiled, she smiled, has not entered speaks, she speaks.

So long as can untie everybody heart in knot, lets everybody think comfortable, regardless of any matter she all is a willing worker.

Feng SiNiang walked, has snatched the wine cup which fills to the brim, has drunk.

“Good liquor.”

This is certainly the good liquor.

Feng SiNiang to liquor distinguishing, resemble Bole to be same regarding the horse.

If Bole said a horse is the good horse, this horse certainly is the good horse.

If Feng SiNiang said glass of liquors are the good liquors, this glass of liquor certainly also certainly is the good liquor.

“This is 30 year Chen's daughter is red.”

She was smiling said, “Drinks the big floodgate crab which this kind of liquor should match Yangcheng Lake.”

Bing Bing stands immediately, “I go for you to steam the crab.”

“I also go.” Feng SiNiang said, “To the crab, I also compares your expert.”

They had not suggested to opposite party, but in their heart idea is actually same.

— — four people if all keeps here, this place rather too has pushed.

They would rather draw back.

They knew Xiao Shiyi Lang and Shen BiJun has certainly very many very many wants to say exactly.

But Shen BiJun stands actually in the staircase mouth, moreover has lifted the head unexpectedly, in a beautiful eye, is having the expression which kind of everybody is unable to understand, said gently, “On this table has the crab.”

On the table indeed has the crab.

Bing Bing knew, Feng SiNiang also saw.

But they did not know actually, why Shen BiJun does want to say? Why doesn't ask them to leave?

Hasn't she been willing alone to face Xiao Shiyi Lang again?

— — she does not feel? Does not dare?

Didn't she have what speech to have to relate to Xiao Shiyi Lang?

— — does not have? Is too many?

In as soon as Xiao Shiyi Lang eye, has revealed wipes color of the painful, is smiling actually said, “This crab was just steams well, but also did not have to pass coldly, has used for the liquor happen to.”

Do they really want to drink?

— — why liquor and sad, always cannot separate?

The liquor person repressed sadness and anxiety, did not have the tear actually.

Nobody is willing to burst into tears in front of a person, the heroic children tear, is originally not flows for others looks.

Liquor in repressed sadness and anxiety, tear in heart.

On face only then smiling face.

Feng SiNiang smile many, said were also most, after has drunk the cup liquor, she said first speech, “On your body really has that together the green birthmark?”

She this is breaks the earthen pot also to have to ask the person.

Actually this story-telling script should not ask, regardless of who saw Bing Bing then expression, all could be able to see that blind person not to speak incorrectly.

Feng SiNiang want to listen to Bing Bing actually to say personally.

Bing Bing only then said.

— — met Feng SiNiang this kind of people, what other method can she also have?

She lowered the head, to say two characters, “Really.”

Feng SiNiang also want actually between, “This birthmark really in ...... That place said which in him?”

Bing Bing face has been actually red, blushes lowered the head.

This originally is woman's secret, sometimes even own husbands all did not know.

How can that blind person know?

Does he really have a pair of evil spirit clothing?

Feng SiNiang have turned the head, sees Xiao Shiyi Lang.

— — you also knew on her body has such together the birthmark?

This speech she had not certainly asked, she is not that kind of 13 after all.

Bing Bing face has been redder, said suddenly, “This secret besides my mother, only a person knows.”

Feng SiNiang snatch immediately were asking, “who?”

“My eldest brother.”

“Count Carefree? Master Tian? Geshu Tian?”


Feng SiNiang was astounded.

Bing Bing said, “After my mother died, knows my this secret only then he, certainly does not have the second person.”

She said very firmly.

She was not that kind careless, the casual woman.

Feng SiNiang believed her speech, “But, your eldest brother how could it not be also has died?”

Bing Bing complexion was paler, in the eye reveals color of that fear, had not opened the mouth actually.

Feng SiNiang said, “After your eldest brother has died, this secret how could it not be nobody has known?”

Bing Bing does not open the mouth, actually cannot help but, secretly cast a glance Xiao Shiyi Lang one.

Xiao Shiyi Lang' complexion also proceeds from unexpectedly, in the eye is also unexpectedly having the fear which the kind cannot say.

What matter — — in this world also has to be able to let Xiao Shiyi Lang think the fear?

He and Bing Bing frightened, is the similar matter?

Feng SiNiang look at him, also looks Bing Bing, is probing said, “Actually in your heart is thinking what?”

Bing Bing smiled reluctantly, said, “Not any.”

Feng SiNiang said with a smile, “Did you think Count Carefree has not died?”

Bing Bing 闭上嘴, Lian Xiaodu could not smile.

Xiao Shiyi Lang also shut up.

Two people likely were unexpectedly tacitly approved.

Looked on their face the expression, in Feng SiNiang hearts also opens the stock chill in the air suddenly.

She recognizes leisurely meet by chance the marquis.

That person indeed has plants the strange charm, he also frequently said, the world does not certainly have the matter which he cannot achieve.

If said in this world really has a person to be able 死而复活, then this person certainly is him.

Moreover, Xiao Shiyi Lang only see him to fall the valley, the well have not certainly seen his corpse.

Feng SiNiang had drunk the cup liquor, said with a smile only then reluctantly, “No matter how, that blind person always can’t be him.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said suddenly, “Why?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Because Count Carefree is a dwarf, that blind person's stature is actually same with the average person.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “you had not thought perhaps, he is not the inborn dwarf.”

Feng SiNiang have never feared have been to, “Why do you want such to think?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Because I only then knew now, a dwarf, cannot finishes practicing he such wugong.”

Feng SiNiang said, “But he obviously is actually a dwarf.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang was hesitating, also asked suddenly, “do you have listen to pleased Taoism especially the infant?”

Feng SiNiang have heard.

Cultivates oneself according to religious doctrine a person, all has a Yuan god, if a Yuan god builds up formed, may be separated from the body.

A Yuan god is always smaller than the honorable person, therefore is called a Yuan infant.

— — that wonder, is certainly not the such simple several speeches can explain.

“But that also only is the myth.”

“That indeed only is the myth.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “But the myth is not does not have the basis completely.”

“What acts according to?”

“In the fable has plants wugong, when practices the high degree of proficiency, the body can reduce like the young lad.” Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “This kind of wugong it is said is called nine revolutions to return the child, is reborn, does not have the marvelous ability.”

Feng SiNiang have smiled, “You have seen this kind of time?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Does not have!”

Feng SiNiang said, “Therefore this kind of time also only is the fable.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “The fable cannot not have the basis.”

Feng SiNiang said, “therefore you thought Count Carefree finishes practicing this kind of time?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “If in this world really has a person to be able finishes practicing this kind of merit to be big, this person certainly is him.”

Feng SiNiang smile gradually do not leave.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “A person regardless of finishes practicing the profound time, if has been seriously injured, can disperse the merit.”

Feng SiNiang was listening.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “finishes practicing this kind of nine revolutions not to have the marvelous ability person, after disperses the merit, the discussion recovers appearance.” He then also said, “Bing Bing is not a dwarf, when she sensible, rambles Hou Yi is the first under heaven master.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Therefore you thought Count Carefree is not originally a dwarf, because finishes practicing this kind of time, only then reduced.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Mmm.”

Feng SiNiang said, “but he falls a person certainly valley, the severe wound, the merit has been greatly dispersed, therefore his person enlarged.”

This kind of matter sounds very to be really absurd, very laughable.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have not smiled actually, he has seen a absurder matter, this world this is every possible strange thing.

Feng SiNiang was originally want to smile, sees on his face the expression, also smiled does not leave.

“Did you really think that blind person is Count Carefree.”

“Very possible.”

“Which do you depend on select very possibly think?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “besides Count Carefree, that blind person may be the master who my biography only sees, not only he gets rid of strangely, moreover the arm can twist at will unexpectedly.”

Feng SiNiang also saw, that blind person whole body bone, all likely is soft, does not have including the joint.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “It is said this kind of merit shouted 'the fine jade 咖' “

Feng SiNiang to say, “Fine jade 咖!”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “These two characters are the India language.”

Feng SiNiang said, “That blind person practices is the India wugong?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “The fine jade 咖 is the India wugong at least, that 'nine revolution of also children, do not have the marvelous ability' it is said are also transmit from India, two kind of wugong very much approaches originally. “

Feng SiNiang said, “also has?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “That blind person appearance edema, the eyeball sclera all turns the yellow, very possibly on because in the murder cliff bog, eats what is offered, 误食 one kind calls 'Jin Keluo' the poisonous herb. “

Ke Luo is one kind of growth on the cliff bush, the withered and yellow tan oak radish, was the hiddenan most universal decadent dye, yellow lamaism Lama's cassock, was with Ke Luoran yellow.

Jin Keluo has the violent poisonousness actually, is a kind of rare poisonous herb.

Feng SiNiang said, “Has eaten Jin Keluo entering, certainly can turn that appearance?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Does not die can turn that appearance.”

Feng SiNiang sighed, said, “You knew the matter resembled before were more than much than.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled reluctantly, said, “These for two years I read many books.”

Feng SiNiang sighingly said, “In Jiang-hu person, could not certainly think these for two years you also have the time to read.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “These for two years, my wugong also truly progressed.”

Feng SiNiang said, “That blind resembles dryly such has also said.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Two years ago if he has not fought with me, also how knows my wugong depth?”His eye is sending the light, also said, “Most important one is, in this world does not certainly have the matter which anybody can see others not to be able to see, regardless of he is the blind people is all same.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Besides Count Carefree, also does not certainly have the second person to be able to know Bing Bing the secret.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang again have not spoken, is also not willing to say again, this matter looked like already “as soon as as soon as is likely adds is equal to that obviously two”.

Feng SiNiang' controls have been cool, in the eye also had color of the fear, mutters, “is it possible that that does raise the dog the person is he?”

“Raises the dog the person?”Xiao Shiyi Lang cannot certainly understand this speech, can be able to understand this speech human and.

Feng SiNiang also knew he does not understand, “Raises the dog the person, is the day ancestor sovereign.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You also know the day ancestor?”

Feng SiNiang smiled, said, “I looked although the book are not many:Knew the matter actually many.”

She smiled restores the nature, the eye has shone, because she has just drunk three big glass of liquors.

Now is originally not drinks, but if she wants to forget some matters, always can in the time which most should not drink drinks, moreover drinks are also quickly many.

“Not only I know the day ancestor, but also knew the young ancestor sovereign has raised the strip puppy.”

“How do you know?”

“Certainly is some people tells me.”


“Du Yin.”

“Who is Du Yin person?”

“Du Yin was leads me a person who goes to the Eight Immortals ship.”

“Eight Immortals ship?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang resemble unexpectedly have not heard these three characters.

Feng SiNiang look at him, said, “Don't you know Eight Immortals ship?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I don’t know.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You have not gone to Eight Immortals ship?”

莆 Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Does not have.”

Feng SiNiang was astounded.

She knows Xiao Shiyi Lang if said did not know a matter, certainly is really did not know, but how she can’t think through Xiao Shiyi Lang to meet did not know.

“Did you also remember they must ask you on a ship to drink?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang remembered certainly.

Feng SiNiang said, “That ship is the Eight Immortals ship.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang have finally understood, “But I have not come up to their ship.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Because guides a person, was not willing to lead me suddenly to go.”

Feng SiNiang did not understand, “Why?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Leaves for him feared I am plotted against by a person, he does not want to look I die in front of him.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Who is he?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Is the youth who that delivers a letter.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Xiao Shier Lang?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang nodded.

Feng SiNiang have smiled, “I already should think actually was he, if Xiao Shier Lang look Xiao Shiyi Lang died in front of oneself, in the heart always could not feel better.” She smiled was also saying, “Moreover, if Xiao Shier Lang do not help Xiao Shiyi Lang' busy continually, but also some who are willing to help Xiao Shiyi Lang?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang forced smile said, “But my company has a dream actually had not thought, I can be called Xiao Shier Lang the person with one to become friends.”

Feng SiNiang said, “He is not willing to lead you to go to the Eight Immortals ship, led you to go actually to where?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Leads me to find a person.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Bing Bing?”

— — is certainly Bing Bing.

If not for — — in order to rescue Bing Bing, as soon as even if knew perfectly well arrives the Eight Immortals ship to have to die without doubt, Xiao Shiyi Lang also wanted to go to rush.

— — Xiao Shier Lang oneself was determined is not willing to lead him to go, he also meets own to look.

52nd chapter Death game

— — he is not that kind may let a person who a person leads by the nose, but for Bing Bing, the situation was different.

Bing Bing low head, Shen BiJun’s low head, Feng SiNiang has also raised glass, Xiao Shiyi Lang have also recommended the wine cup.

The wine cup is actually empty.

Two people's wine cups all are empty, they did not know unexpectedly.

In this moment, between them the mood changes suddenly very much subtly.

This first aperture is also Feng SiNiang, her Bing Bing, “How that day can you disappear suddenly?”

“I cannot drink originally, go back the fashion a little to be drunk likely, wants to drink the cup tea to sober up ......”

Who knew cup of tea drink, she not only not sober, instead faints.

Prescribes medicine in the tea is Xuanyuan SanCheng, carries off Bing Bing is actually Xuanyuan SanQue.

They will give Bing Bing to the shark king.

But the fish eats a person not to eat a person, very is unexpectedly polite to Bing Bing in his heart to resemble is having other idea.

“He resembles wants to use me to coerce Xiao ...... Eldest brother Xiao makes a matter.” Bing Bing lowered the head, “Therefore only has put under house arrest me, has not been impolite to me.”

“He puts under house arrest me the place, Xiao Shier Lang know certainly.”

“But I had not thought actually, he can lead eldest brother unexpectedly Xiao to look for me.”

Bing Bing speaks the sound is very light, “But eldest brother Xiao” these three characters said actually very much loud.

Shen BiJun resembles has not heard.

Feng SiNiang sighed, said, “I also could not think the shark king can have such an apprentice unexpectedly.” She also sighed, meets the road slowly, “He really cannot be a good apprentice, did not know actually is a good friend?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang forced smile.

Should be the speech obviously which praises, to Feng SiNiang mouths in, has been able to change the acid to burn.

Is obviously living which curses at people, if scolds from her mouth, is scolded a person often instead can think very comfortably.

— — a Feng SiNiang such woman, could you forget her likely?

That night of pain and the happiness, actually resembled now turned the dreamland, even compared to dreamland also unreal remote.

But Feng SiNiang obviously on seat in front of him.

Xiao Shiyi Lang raise glass, in the cup had the liquor.

Feng SiNiang' eyes are brighter, also said suddenly, “You although has not gone to the Eight Immortals ship, I have gone actually.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You saw the shark king?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I saw he, he has not seen me actually.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Why?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Because the dead person is cannot see others.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang change countenance said, “Shark Wang Yi has died?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Not only the shark king has died, in the written invitation has the name a person, besides Hua RuYu, has all died.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Who was has killed them?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Should be originally you.”

Xiao Shi shiji said, “Is I?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Others all can think at least is you.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang forced smile.

Feng SiNiang suffer, “Kills them, is the sharp knife, moreover has only used a knife.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang forced smile said, “Besides Xiao Shiyi Lang, but also some who could a knife kill shark Wang Yu to eat the human?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Besides Xiao Shiyi Lang, but also some who could a knife kill Xuanyuan SanCheng?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You cannot find out?”

Feng SiNiang shook the head, said, “You can find out?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said lightly, “I why go to think, this kind of matter I met am not in any case first.”

Feng SiNiang look at him, in the eye has filled the sympathy and pity borrows.

But she only looked at one, recommends the wine cup, has blocked own eye.

She has not gone to look at Shen Bijun.

— — Shen BiJun is also looking at him?

— — knew oneself loves a person has received the wrongful treatment, what taste in her heart is also?

Xiao Shiyi Lang ask suddenly, “How can you are come here?”

Feng SiNiang said, “For an appointment.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Whose appointment?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Others appointment.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “who others are?”

Feng SiNiang said, “raises the dog the person.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Appointment always two people.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Mmm.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Also some one 'are others' who? “

Feng SiNiang have drunk the cup liquor, an only then character character he said, “Lian Chengbi.”

A Xiao Shiyi Lang character all did not say actually.

Regardless of Lian Chengbi is any type person, Xiao Shiyi Lang always somewhat feel ashamed to his heart in.

One kind has no alternative, is unable feeling ashamed which makes up.

Whose mistake is this?

Sees his deep hidden's in eye pain, Feng SiNiang also to ask immediately, “Do you guess their appointment the place in where?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang shook the head.

Feng SiNiang said, “In here.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “On in this moon reflection in the water building?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Night of the full moon, Shui Qielou.”

The month has been round.

The full moon on outside the window, Xiao Shiyi Lang gains ground, dangles, does not dare to look at this turn of full moon as if.

He had not asked how Feng SiNiang can know this news, also had not asked how Shen BiJun could leave Lian Chengbi.

He was not a stupid person, this matter also not difficult to extrapolate.

In fact, he already guesses correctly Lian Chengbi surely and this plot has very close relationship.

He has not said.

Because he does not endure to say, also does not dare to say.

But present Shen BiJun obviously has actually discovered Lian Chengbi plot and the secret, therefore only then can leave him once more.

Now Lian Chengbi must come, Mr. could Shen Bi in here, to at that time, what matter have?

Under Xiao Shiyi Lang Lian Xiangdu dared to want to get down.

He also does not have the method to want to get down again.

Shen BiJun stands suddenly, is staring at outside the window bright moonlight with deep veneration, said, “Time already not early, I ...... I should walk.”

In Xiao Shiyi Lang heart suddenly a stabbing pain.

— — I should walk.

— — should walk always must walk.

This speech she had said more than once, each time she has had to walk, he all has not stopped.

This he certainly cannot.

He had never forced crosses others, had not forced crosses Shen Bijun.

— — she cannot stay originally in here, sooner or later always must walk.

Where but — — can she arrive to go?

Xiao Shiyi Lang in looked begins the empty cup, puts in order individual all likely is this wine cup equally empty Shen BiJun has not looked at him, all had not looked including one.

— — in her heart is not never painful? How but can she not walk?

Feng SiNiang stared suddenly, was staring her, said, “You really must walk?”

Shen BiJun has borne the tear reluctantly, said, “We although is comes together, but you do not need to accompany me to walk.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You take a person to walk?”

Shen Bijun said, “Mmm.”

As soon as Feng SiNiang pat the table suddenly, said loudly, “No good.”

Shen Bijun was startled, “Isn't why good?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Your glass of liquors all have not accompanied me to drink, wanted to walk? Breaks me not to be able to ask you to leave.”

Shen BiJun was startled looks at her, also smiled reluctantly, said, “You have been drunk.”

Feng SiNiang stare said, “No matter I were drunk, you all could not walk.”

Shen BiJun made an effort to get hold of both hands, said, “If you wants certainly me to drink, I drink, but drank up me to have to walk.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You must walk, also walks together with me, since we are come together to walk together.”

Suddenly listens to the staircase next person said sternly, “Your two everybody do not have to walk.”

If said in Jiang-hu has one half person to recognize Feng SiNiang, this speech certainly rather a little exaggerates.

But in Jiang-hu has one half person all to hear a his such person, also knows her temperament.

She said must come time, certainly can come, no matter blows the wind to be also good, rains also well, on the road iced up also well, the entrance suspends the wok with cooking oil to be also good, she mentions comes, the casual any matter all gave up any idea of blocks is occupied by her.

She said must walk, certainly can walk, even if some people the tool rest on her neck, she also equally can walk, no matter any person also gave up any idea of pulls is occupied by her.

Rambles the marquises all not to leave behind her, now unexpectedly some people do not have she to walk.

Feng SiNiang smiled.

She brings to smile, looks this a person who walks from the building, likely is looking at a comedian clown.

This person is unexpectedly Wang Meng.

Although Wang Meng the whole body all is wet, a face does actually is also hard, in the eye is likely must brave to get angry.

Feng SiNiang said, “Was a moment ago you calls in the under ghost?”

Wang Meng said, “Humph.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You do not have I to walk?”

Wang Meng suffers, “Humph.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Did you know why I also do sit now in here?”

Wang Meng stared looks at her.

Feng SiNiang said, “Now I have not walked, because I do not only want to walk.”

Wang Meng said, “You want to walk also unable to get away.”

Feng SiNiang winked eye blink, said, “Why unables to get away? Do you also want to hold on me?”

Wang Meng said, “Humph.”

Feng SiNiang sweet roads, “were only a pity the leg is long on I body, I must walk, who is casual also not to be able to hold on.”

Wang Meng coldly said, “Leg although long on you body, if but your left leg walks, if I cut off your left leg, the right leg walk I to cut off your right leg.”

Feng SiNiang said, “if my two legs both must walk, you on both chop down my two legs?”

Wang Meng said, “Humph.”

Feng SiNiang sighed, said, “A woman has been short two legs, was how could it not be ugly very.”

Wang Meng sneered said, “That many big holes man has been at least more attractive than the face on.”

The wind four is equal to said, “Your face very good elephant big hole, Lian Xiaodong have not had.”

Wang Meng said, “that because I always have not only limited you to have to do.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Who has had to do with me?”

Wang Pi said, “History second child.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Shi Qiushan?”

Wang Meng said, “Have you forgotten him?”

Feng SiNiang said, “On his face already many big holes?”

Wang Meng sneered said, “You why don't own have a look?”

Shi Qiushan on the face really has a hole, although cannot calculate the very big hole, cannot calculate slightly actually.

Regardless of — — big wound, so long as is the fatal wound, cannot calculate slightly.

In fact, on his face besides this hole, did not have other.

Feng SiNiang change suddenly very much uncomfortably.

No matter how, Shi Qiushan always her acquaintance.

This person is living when although is unattractive, is also unlikeable, always is at least more lovable than the present.

This person not to half time before, but is also swinging the folding fan in front of her, now ......

Feng SiNiang could not bear the long sighed, said, “You is where found him?”

Wang Meng said, “In water.”

Feng SiNiang said low-spirited, “I also thought originally he has slid suddenly, cannot think ......”

Wang Meng gets hold of the double fist, hates the voice, “You also could not think he has been thrown by the photograph dead fish in the water.”

Feng SiNiang said, “I really 恿.”

Wang Meng said, “You did not know was who has killed him?”

Feng SiNiang shook the head.

Wang Meng jumps suddenly, bellows suffers, “If you did not know, but also some who do know?”

Feng SiNiang was startled look at him, said, “Why should I know?”

Wang Meng said, “Because you are the murderer.”

Feng SiNiang have smiled, only this time smiled not the nature.

Regardless of who is treated as by a person the murderer, all cannot smile the nature.

Huo Wubing is staring at continuously she, said suddenly, “you already recognize Shi Qiushan?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I recognize a person are very many.”

Huo Wubing said, “Was he already has also recognized you?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Mmm.”

Huo Wubing said, “Was he a moment ago continuously all with you.”

Feng SiNiang said, “mmm.”

Huo Wubing said, “Since he continuously in your one's side, if had others to kill him, you met do not know?”

Feng SiNiang also jump suddenly, said loudly, “I said did not know, does not know.”

She also jumps is higher than Wang Meng, the sound which calls is also bigger than Wang Meng.

She was really anxious.

Because she also cannot find out, besides her, but also some who could kill Shi Qiushan on this -odd ship, again threw in launching.

Shi Qiushan is not a human who easy to cope with.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said suddenly, “I know.”

Huo Wubing wrinkled the brows said, “what you do know?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I know a matter at least.”

Huo Wubing said, “You said.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “In the world does not certainly have anybody to be able not making a sound to stand in there, lets others split out own face a big hole to come, only if he is statues.” He smiled, then said, “Shi Qiushan is certainly not statues, is a master who in Jiang-hu only obtains 铁扇 the gate true line, if some people make the weapon spectrum again, his hard fan may place at least in first 30.”

Huo Wubing sneered said, “You knew matter but actually also many.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I also knew, even if he is statues, if is thrown by a person in the water, also can have 'puff passes' a sound, here people all not deaf, hasn't heard why? “

Huo Wubing said, “Why did you say?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Because he is simply not dies on this ship.”

Wang Meng is snatching said, “If not for dies on this ship, dies in where?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “In water.”

Wang Meng said, “In water?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Kills people in the water, cannot have the sound to send, therefore on the ship talented person has not heard the sound of something astir.”

Wang Meng said, “Could he obviously also on the ship, how arrive in a moment ago the water to go suddenly?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Could I obviously also in the building, how go downstairs suddenly a moment ago?”

Wang Meng said, “Is you gets down.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I may own go downstairs, why can’t he own launch?”

Wang Meng was astounded, said, “He is standing well on the ship, why wants own to launch?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sighed, said, “This point I also cannot think through, I also want to go to ask him.”

Wang Meng sneered said, “It was only a pity he has not had the method to tell you.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “This person indeed has not had the method to tell me, but Shi Qiushan ......”

Wang Meng said, “You cannot see this person are Shi Qiushan?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You can see?”

Wang Meng said, “Certainly.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Which are you depend on select look?”

Wang Meng was astounded.

Although this dead person's attire appearance is completely same with Shi Qiushan, but a face basic has been unable to identify, you actually casually splits out such a big hole on any human of face to come, the appearance looks like similarly all.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Shi Qiushan does not see suddenly, you have actually bailed out such = individual in the water, therefore you thought this person is Shi Qiushan, actually ......”

Wang Meng said, “Actually how?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang discuss palely, “you present certainly has not grasped actually, can conclude this person is Shi Qiushan.”

Wang Meng cannot deny.

He detected suddenly oneself really links an assurance not to have.

Huo Wubing sneered actually said, “You are said Shi second child slide launches, has killed this person, again plays the role of this person he the appearance, lets others think he has died.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Is this impossible?”

Huo Wubing said, “Why does he want to make this kind of matter? Why has to link our brothers also to conceal the truth.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang sighingly said, “These you originally should go to ask he, besides he, only feared who also doesn't have the method answer.”

Huo Wubing coldly said, “I have a speech to have to ask you.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang was listening.

Huo Wubing the said sternly, “If not for this person Shi Qiushan, Shi Qiushan person in where?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang have not opened the mouth, some people have snatched were replying this sentence lives, “His person in here.”

Has the education the virtuous young woman, speaks in others, cannot interrupt.

Shen BiJun always is a virtuous young woman, but this she made an exception actually.

“In here.”

Her complexion is pale, in the eye is sending the light actually.

This eye is staring on an individual body, “This person is Shi Qiushan.”

53rd chapter Opened the mask

If said Jiang Huzhong has one half person all to recognize Shen BiJun, this speech certainly exaggerates.

But in Jiang-hu knew not only she the person, compared to does not know Feng SiNiang the people few — — to know she is in martial arts world's first beautiful woman, also knew she is a solemn virtuous young woman.

Looks like she such woman, also cannot speak casually, cannot 说谎话.

Has not grasped the matter, she cannot casual say.

— — is this person really Shi Qiushan?

Everybody eye, was looking with hers eye, saw a strange face.

Pushes does not have the eyebrow, also does not have the nose, even Lian Zuidu no face.

— — Zhang Mu puts on a serious face.

— — she said is unexpectedly The person in black who on this face wears the cover.

Everybody only looked at his one, has turned head, nobody is willing to look at his second again.

On although this face does not have the expression, some two holes, two are also actually black the deep hole.

In a hole eye, likely is two awls.

As soon as even Huo Wubing all is not willing to look at him to limit again, has turned the head, to take a look at Shen BiJun, “you said he is Shi Qiushan?”

Shen BiJun made an effort to get hold of the double fist, nodded.

Huo Wubing sneered said, “but we embark, he already on ship.”

Shen Bijun said, “That person was not a moment ago him.”

Huo Wubing said, “No?”

Feng SiNiang was snatching said, “A moment ago Xiao Shiyi Lang fly cutter time, this person has traded one.”

Huo Wubing wrinkled the eyebrow.

Feng SiNiang said, “Was this person a moment ago has not seen one suddenly?”

Huo Wubing said, “Mmm.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Waits he comes back, has traded a person.”

Huo Wubing said, “Changed into Shi Qiushan?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I cannot see, but Shen ...... If friend of mine said this person is Shi Qiushan, then certainly is.”

Huo Wubing said, “She ......”

Feng SiNiang did not let him open the mouth, also said, “If you did not believe, why doesn't open on this person face the cover to have a look?”

Huo Wubing end has turned the head, to look at his second.

This wood puts on a serious face certainly cannot have an expression, but on in the face two holes, that kind of awl eye, has changed actually black, deeper, more fearful.

Feng SiNiang said,If not for “you Shi Qiushan. Why doesn't dare to let others see your face.”

Wang Meng could not bear saying, “If you is really the history second child, also might as well said, our always brothers, cannot help the bystander to cope with you.”

The person in black said suddenly, “Pig!”

Wang Meng was astounded, said, “what you did say?”

The person in black coldly said, “I said you all are the pig.”

Wang Meng stared the big eye, resembled does not have to understand this speech completely.

He was not the response very quick that kind of person.

The person in black, “did you know who this woman is?”

He refers is Shen Bijun.

Although Feng SiNiang said a moment ago stared at a Shen character, but everybody well has not paid attention.

The person in black, “She is Shen Bijun, is for Xiao Shiyi Lang all does not want the families that woman, in order to Xiao Shiyi Lang, she links ten feet to be possible to betray mostly, she said the speech you also believe unexpectedly?”

although Shen Bijun's complexion paler, the facial expression very is unexpectedly calm, Feng SiNiang several secondary jump break this person's speech, is held on actually by her.

The light according to on her face, this her head has not hung, instead lifts very much high.

This matter mentions to her no longer is ashamed.

The person in black, “why did you say I am Shi Qiushan, what evidence do you have?”

Shen Bijun said, “Your face is the evidence.”

The person in black, “You have seen my face?”

Shen Bijun said, “You dare to lift the mask not, lets others have a look your face?”

The person in black, “I had said, I am not have not let others look.”

Shen Bijun said, “You are kill people?”

The person in black, “Yes.”

Shen Bijun said, “Now on arrived murder time.”

Nurtures the clothes humanity, “Oh?”

Shen Bijun said, “As soon as your mask lifts, can some person get down but actually at least.”

The person in black, “Who?”

Shen Bijun said, “No I, is you.”

The person in black, “If not for I Shi Qiushan, you would rather die?”

Shen Bijun said, “Yes.”

The person in black sneered, said, “Absurd under judges, the wisdom extremely, you have not died have decided.”

Shen Bijun said, “I originally in and so on.”

The person in black, “You why don't own lift my this mask? You do not dare?”

Shen BiJun again has not spoken.

She walked.

Xiao Shiyi Lang put out the tone gently, until now, he only then discovered Shen BiJun changed.

She ever is not willing to say originally offends somebody speech, but just inch she said each speech all sharp like knife.

She originally is a gentle frail woman, but the present has filled the determination and the courage actually.

— — is her natural disposition now at last?

After 11 gems how could it not be also must pass through ponder over, can send out the bright brilliance?

Xiao Shiyi Lang look she walks, has not detained, because in his heart has filled arrogantly.

But for her arrogant.

He knew she after all has stood now, no longer relies on others to stand, but is with own strength, with own two legs.

Feng SiNiang could not bear saying actually, “Was careful he seizes the opportunity to get rid of.”

Shen BiJun does not return, said, “He does not dare.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why?”

Shen Bijun said, “Not only because I saw his true colors, also had known who he the lord is.”

“Who is?”

Shen Bijun said, “Is ......”

She only said a character, outside the cabin has a person to flush suddenly, said loudly, “Body of the Shen girl daughter, why takes this kind of danger, I lift his mask also to be how could it not be same.”

Speaks of the second speech, this person has flushed to in front of the person in black, skinny diminutive, nimble like apes and monkeys, is unexpectedly leader人 who south sends the shape Italy gate “the dark green ape” Hou YiYuan.

Sees him to break through, in the blue friend black hole pupil sudden contraction, resembles unexpectedly compares others to be startled.

“You ......”

He wants to speak, Hou YiYuan gets rid of is actually quicker than him, the lightning has made contact with his mask.

Only listens “啵”, Mars 四溅, the thick plank makes the mask, disrupts suddenly.

In the cabin resounds a wicked call letter immediately, Hou YiYuan body has flown high leaps, scattered a palm mourning nail backhandedly, the room partition escape route, “the bird threw rests”, was preparing to put on the window.

He gets rid of ruthlessly, quick, is unexpectedly far all people beside the anticipation.

Especially this palm mourning nail, meaner sinister, 13 cold brightness, unexpectedly all are on the body hits toward Shen BiJun.

He calculated Xiao Shiyi Lang they have been able to snatch saving people first surely, has blocked him busily.

But he forgot the one's side also to have already the person in black who destroys in his hand, he has underestimated the hatred strength.

Black clothing person's face, although already covered with blood, whole body but although all already because of pain spasm distortion, two shoulders shoulder blades, also already by scrap.

But he dies also must leave behind Hou YiYuan.

Although he could not lift the hand, but he also has the mouth, but also has the tooth.

Hou YiYuan body has put on the window, thinks suddenly on the ankle area a severe pain.

Black clothing person nips unexpectedly on his calf, likely is the strip hungry wild animal, has bitten its game, bites, dies is not willing to relax.

In the cabin resounds a call letter, this call letter sound is actually Hou YiYuan sends.

His person has fallen on the window frame, the carp hits, but also wants again to flip over leaps.

The person in black's head has hit actually, hits between his two legs.

His person also suddenly twists, rolls straight from the window frame, the tear, the nasal mucus, the saliva, the class has filled a face, the complexion already pale like paper.

Then, each people all have smelled the ozone which greets the nostrils, all sees his pants already wet.

Each people all have lived.

As soon as each people all unavoidably die.

Not only but some people live lowly, also dies lowly, now at last is worth truly sorrowfully.

The person in black but actually, face up has also poured on the place, does not stop the respite.

His 满脸 is the blood, Man Zui is a blood, has he blood, also has his personal enemy's blood.

Nobody opens the mouth to speak, each people all for fear that own aperture, could not be able to bear spits.

The person in black suddenly has sent out the weak call actually, “Third brother ...... Third brother ......”

He was summoning him brothers.

Perhaps some people also want to ask actually he is who, hears this call, also did not need again to ask.

Shen BiJun has not unexpectedly really looked wrong.

Huo Wubing complexion looked like thinly and pale, the long sighed, suffers, “Actually is this how a matter?”

Shi Qiushan sound of talking like groan, they then squat down, can hear clear, “the eldest child, I, you have not been able to be again wrong mistakenly, your genuine personal enemy is not Xiao Shiyi Lang, he should not die, should die is ......”

Huo Wubing makes an effort to grip his hand, “Who dies is?”

Shi Qiushan is struggling, finally said three characters from the mouth, It was only a pity he said three characters, also nobody could hear.

Should die actually is a person who?

Who is the first black clothing person also?

The human will die, its word will be also friendly, Shi Qiushan just before the end front will say will that three characters, actually be whose names?

The corpse moved, is simultaneously moves.

— — they how could it not be this are a person who comes up from a road?

“This matter was originally they is already in cahoots.”


“Hou YiYuan already knew the first black clothing person walked, changed into Shi Qiushan, therefore shouted intentionally that 'a beginning of the universe qigong', has come for him to shield. “


“But Shi Qiushan cannot suddenly be missing with no reason at all.”

“Therefore they have already arranged other person's corpse, substitutes one thing for another, causes others to think Shi Qiushan has died, moreover is dies by Feng SiNiang.”

Wang Meng gets hold of the double fist, said bitterly, “That old monkey also intentionally wants me to find that person's corpse unexpectedly.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Because he wants you to ask me to go all out.”

Wang Meng's pale face was also red.

This Feng SiNiang have certainly let him off, is sighing gently, also said: “If I you, I also can such think. This plan really virulent thorough, their certain company has a dream had not thought, some people can look through their secret unexpectedly.”

Who — — is that first black clothing person?

Why — — does he want to walk?

Why after — — does he walk also the important person to replace him?

Why — — Shi Qiushan is willing to replace him?

Actually — — do they have what intention? Is what origin?

Feng SiNiang said, “Now I only know.”


“I only knew they certainly all are the day ancestor's person.”

“What is the day ancestor?”

Wang Meng also wants between, Huo Wubing to stand again, said nothing of slowly, “These matters we oneself does not need to know.”


“Because we should walk.” Huo Wubing vision is staring at the distant place, has not seen Xiao Shiyi Lang, but his this speech is actually said to Xiao Shiyi Lang, also said, “Perhaps we originally should not come.”

He pulls Wang Meng to walk, has not returned.

Then outside transmits “puff passes, puff passes” two noons, they have not waited for the ferryboat obviously.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said suddenly, “They originally do not need such anxious to walk actually.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Must walk since a person continues their two, the ferryboat is certainly very quick can come.”

His vision also looks at fixedly in the distant place, also has not gone to look at Shen Bijun.

This speech is he said to who? In Feng SiNiang hearts very uncomfortable, did not know actually is for him? Is for Shen Bijun? For she?

She has not opened the mouth, Shen BiJun suddenly said actually, “Tonight, perhaps could not again have the ferryboat to come.”

Feng SiNiang eyes have shone immediately, also asked, “Why?”

Shen BiJun said, “because should walk all walked, the ferryboat why comes back?”

Feng SiNiang said, “But you ......”

Shen BiJun also smiled suddenly, said, “I had a look in the building the liquor to drink up first, if you did not dare to drink, best quickly rode this opportunity to run away.”

Looks she stepped onto the building, Feng SiNiang has also smiled, shook the head said with a smile, “I am also a woman, but woman's concern, my really continually does not understand.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang was also smiling, forced smile.

Feng SiNiang looked at his one, gently sighed suddenly, said, “But I finally have now understood a matter.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang was listening.

Feng SiNiang vision are also staring at the distant place, no longer looks at him, “I finally clearly from, the taste which is treated unjustly by a person really have not felt better now.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang was silent, nodded finally slowly, said, “Really very much does not feel better ......”

Some people very little can remain the liquor in the cup, also major general the tear keeps on very much the face.

They are this kind of person.

As soon as their liquor leans fully, the cup emptied.

They do not want truly to enjoy the pleasure which drinks, said to them, the liquor only is a kind of tool.

One kind may the specialist “forget” tool.

But in their heart also knew, some matters are forever also cannot forget ......

Now Feng SiNiang' eyes have shone, Shen BiJun in the eye as if had the level fog actually.

A their cup cup of places are drinking, also has not wanted others to accompany, also has not spoken.

Feng SiNiang never thought Shen BiJun also can such drink, why can’t think through her to have to drink like this.

She knew she is not wants to borrow the liquor to forget some matters, because these matters are cannot forget absolutely.

She for what? Is because in her heart some speeches need to say, does not have the courage to say actually?

The liquor how could it not be always can give a person the courage.

Feng SiNiang lay down the wine cup suddenly, said, “I do not drink.”

Shen BiJun wrinkled the brows, “Why?”

Feng SiNiang said, “As soon as because I get drunk, could not hear.”

Shen Bijun said, “What can’t hear?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Cannot hear living which you said.”

Shen Bijun said, “I have not spoken, anything has not said.”

Feng SiNiang said, “But I knew you have certainly very many speeches to have to say, moreover sooner or later must say.”

11 this speeches she should not say originally, she said, because she has not only stopped has drunk several glasses of liquors.

Shen BiJun certainly also can be able to hear, she has also laid down the wine cup, gently, slowly ......

On her face as if also hoodwinked on fog, said suddenly, “Did you know who that black clothing person is?”

By now in the lake also had the fog, light blue indistinct 缈, hazy, between changed suddenly is thick. Wind blows, the breast 飘入 the window from the color thick fog willow catkin. Looks from the window, a turn of moon full moon, as if already very remote. Their person actually in the fog, the time which the fog 飘进, Shen BiJun walked. In the building also has a narrow gate, outside the gate is also correct the low parapet, she is relying on the parapet. Is staring at in the lake fog, in the fog lake, resembled has forgotten to ask a moment ago others that sentence lived. Feng SiNiang had not forgotten actually reminds her, “Who did you see that black clothing person are?”

The fog flutters outside the window, has fluttered for a very long time outside the window, Shen BiJun said only then slowly, “If you pay attention to him frequently, can discover he has very many with others different place.”

This cannot be the reply, Feng SiNiang is listening actually, a character all is not willing to miss.

“Each people all certainly can have the very many others different characteristic, sometimes often is a kind of very small movement, although others cannot pay attention, but if you have lived for a very long time with him, regardless of the how small matter, your cannot not be able to look.”

Speaks of here, she stops down, this Feng SiNiang have not interrupted unexpectedly.

“Therefore on his face wears the mask, you can recognize him equally.” Shen BiJun’sn said slowly, “As soon as I arrive here, thought that black clothing person is certainly a human who I recognize, therefore I am continuously paying attention to him.”

Feng SiNiang finally could not bear saying, “As soon as therefore they have traded a person, you can look immediately?”

Shen BiJun nodded, has not turned head actually.

Feng SiNiang said, “How can you see the second person are Shi Qiushan?”

Shen Bijun said, “Because in his usually hand always has the fan in, he always does not stop in is transferring that fan, therefore in his hand does not have the fan time, his hand also resembles is transferring the fan to be same.”

Feng SiNiang have also silenced for a very long time, asked suddenly, “Lian Chengbi, what place differently does he have with others?”

Now she certainly had known the first black clothing person is Lian Chengbi, besides Lian Chengbi, but also some who have been living together with Shen BiJun that the long time?

Shen Bijun said, “You also knew he can certainly come to keep an appointment.”

Feng SiNiang said, “But he has not thought of Xiao Shiyi Lang also in the moon reflection in the water building, therefore he arrives here to have a look the sound of something astir first.”

Shen Bizui said, “He permits them already to know Xiao Shiyi Lang in the moon reflection in the water building, therefore only then subscribes the appointment place in here.”

This is she first time said Xiao Shiyi Lang' name in front of others, she displays truly continuously very much calmly, but speaks of these four word-time, her sound is having a kind of strange sentiment.

Feng SiNiang sighed gently, said, “no matter how said, he has always come.”

Shen Bijun said, “He has come.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Since he has come, why has to walk?”

Shen Bijun said, “Perhaps he wants to ride this opportunity, arranges other matter.”

Feng SiNiang said, “He already wants to walk, why does righteousness want Shi Qiushan to replace him?”

Shen BiJun said, “because he must certainly have such a person to keep here, eavesdrops on here actual situation sound of something astir.”

Feng SiNiang said, “When he must again come, also might evade others informer.”

Shen Bijun said, “They all may trade a time of person as necessary.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You thought he is certainly also can again come?”

Shen Bijun said, “Certain meeting.” Her sound changes very much strangely, “He can certainly come, therefore I must certainly walk.”

Lian Chengbi comes again time, is he must with a Xiao Shiyi Lang minute life and death, determines the final outcome the negative time.

These two people one is her ten feet big, one is in her life the most important person.

Regardless of their who wins who negative, he all cannot look in side.

She must certainly walk.

Feng SiNiang said, “But you have not walked.”

Shen Bijun said, “I have not walked.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You attempt get down, for is must say this matter?”

Shen Bijun said, “I also have a speech to have to say.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You said.”

Shen Bijun said, “These days come, you could certainly see me to change a lot.”

Feng SiNiang acknowledged.

Shen Bijun said, “Why can’t you guess correctly me to be able to change?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I have not guessed.”

Shen Bijun said, “If a person decided truly, can change.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You had decided?”

Shen Zhuijun said, “Mmm.”

Feng SiNiang said, “What is determined?”

Shen Bijun said, “I was determined must tell you a partner matter.”

Feng SiNiang in are listening, in the heart suddenly had the fear which the kind cannot say.

She felt suddenly Shen BiJun wants to tell her this matter, certainly is a very fearful matter.

Shen Bijun said, “I must tell you, only then you can be Xiao Shiyi Lang best companion, also only then you understand him truly, trusts him, if he asked you to leave again, he is an idiot.”

This speech had not said, her person flies suddenly, 跃入 the center of the lake, Feng SiNiang jumped, overran, actually already without enough time.

She flushed to the parapet sometime ago, Shen BiJun's person submerged in that smoke common thick fog, in the fog transmitted “puff passes” one, one overran personally from her one's side flies, fell, Xiao Shiyi Lang also 跃入 the center of the lake.

Feng SiNiang stamped the feet, turn head said, “Makes one to take the lamp quickly to come, lamp more the better.”

This speech she is said to Bing Bing. Bing Bing actually only sat crazily in the head of a bed, moves has not moved. On the pale beautiful face, leads a kind of nobody to be able to understand also the nobody can explain expression.

She has sat like this for a very long time, only nobody pays attention to her, Feng SiNiang stamped the feet, also jumped.

Monkey water ice-cold, Feng SiNiang' hearts are colder, she cannot see Xiao Shiyi Lang, also looked sees Shen Bijun.

She wants to summon, but just opened the mouth, had big ice-cold lake water to well up, 灌进 her mouth, the lake water cooling likely was the sword front, from her mouth, pricked in very straightly her heart, she remembered oneself is not now at last is skilled in the river character person very much, in the water, she forever could not rescue others, only wait for others rescued her, waits when she remembered this, her person in toward sank.

The fog is also cold, on the ship lights looked like in Leng Wuzhong, is also as if more remote than the space remaining star.

Dies very has been actually near, what is strange, in this flash, she had not felt to the death fear, some very many people all said, one in front of dying that flash, can think of many strange matters personally.

54th chapter Spring the remnant dream breaks

But she actually only was thinking now matter — — Xiao Shiyi Lang could rescue Shen Bijun?

She goes all out to want to jump, again looks for them.

She has not jumped, her whole body muscle all as if in the ghost which cannot be seen by one is twitching.

The light is dimmer, then is a piece of darkness.

Also cold is also dark.

In darkness suddenly also had a shining eye, an eye turned the innumerable pairs suddenly.

The innumerable double eyes all are a Xiao Shiyi Lang person.

She does not want to die.

But in finally that flash, she also does not have for from already the life hope.

She only implores the Heaven, can let Xiao Shiyi Lang find Shen BiJun, retrieves Shen Bijun.

Because she knew, if Shen BiJun has died, Xiao Shiyi Lang' pain can have how intensely profound.

That kind of pain is she rather die than is not willing to let Xiao Shiyi Lang undertake.

Xiao Shiyi Lang, Xiao Shiyi Lang, when do you want to wait till, can understand Feng SiNiang to your sentiment?

Do you want certainly to wait till her to die?


— — dark night regardless of how long, the day always can shine.

The sunlight raises, on the level of the lake is glittering the golden light.

In Xiao Shiyi Lang eye did not have the light actually, if now you see his eye, certainly cannot believe he is Xiao Shiyi Lang.

Only then in a person's heart already has died the time, only then can turn this appearance.

His eye turned the dead gray nearly, even is also more fearful than his complexion.

Feng SiNiang first see are shortly this eyes.

Feng SiNiang wells have not died.

When he wakes, on the body is warm and dry, but her heart actually compared to in lake water colder.

Because she saw Xiao Shiyi Lang' eye.

Because she has not seen Shen Bijun.

In the ship's tower third person — — Lian Bingbing hadn't all quietly walked?

The last night remnant liquor also kept on the table, reversed the chair has not held.

Rigidly adheres the magnificent elegant large ship, looked like under the daytime sunlight, appears void which cannot say, disorderly.

— — Shen Bijun?

— — hadn't he found her?

— — has she vanished in that ice-cold water, in ice-cold lake water?

Feng SiNiang not may I asked.

Sees sadness which in Xiao Shiyi Lang eye that kind despairs, he also does not need to ask.

— — I am also living, Shen BiJun has died actually.

— — he has rescued me, forever has lost Shen Bijun actually.

Feng SiNiang have not moved, has not opened the mouth, but her heart has broken to pieces, has become the innumerable pieces garrulously.

His pain, is not completely for Shen BiJun's death, but for Xiao Shiyi Lang.

She deep understood deeply in his heart the pain considers with sadly, this kind sorrowfully besides her, perhaps does not have the second person to be able to imagine.

Xiao Shiyi Lang on the seat nearby the cabin door, crazily are looking outside the gate parapet crazily, outside the fence lake water.

Xihu's wave still is that beautiful.

Shen Yingjun?

Beautiful can the so lake water, why also make the that 残酷无情 matter?

Xiao Shiyi Lang have not moved, has not opened the mouth.

His clothes the autumn wind which blows from the far mountain were air-dried, his tear also did.

Spring silkworm's silk has spat, the wax candle has become the ash.

The sunlight is brighter.

Under the so gorgeous sunlight, the world asked why also can have that many is sad and is unfortunate?

Feng SiNiang stand slowly, walks slowly, sat in his one's side.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have not turned head, has not looked.

Feng SiNiang cups liquor, has handed over but actually.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have not rejected, also has not put out a hand to meet.

Sees his empty eye, saw his empty face, Feng SiNiang could not bear nearly want to hug him in the bosom, knows all methods with oneself not to comfort him.

She does not have such to do.

Because she knew, this very moment, all comforts said to him, all only is the kind of sharp needle satire.

In the world any matter has not been able to comfort him, but regardless of any matter all possibly injures him.

This mood, also only then she can understand.

The daylight elevates unceasingly, the wave does not stop flows ......

In the phoenix often transmits one sings to laugh heartily intermittently, now is precisely You Hu good time, Lian Fengdu is cool gentle.

In Xiao Shiyi Lang volume has flowed off the perspiration actually.

Cold sweat!

Only then in the heart thought terror time, the inch can flow the cold sweat.

She also understands in his heart the fear.

The life and was inferior to the people imagine that short, is a year has that many day, the life has that many year, that void, lonely, lonely, long years, how called him to cross gets down?

Feng SiNiang make an effort to nip the lip, has borne the tear, gains ground, only then discovers the daylight already in the west.

In one day most valuable time already past.

Starts from the present, wind only then more and more cold, sunlight only then more and more dim.

They like this not making a sound sit, has sat several time unconsciously.

This section of time passes is not quick.

Certainly does not have anybody to be able to imagine, how are they endure.

Feng SiNiang only thought the whole body all has sat lacking in vigilance, has not moved actually.

Her lip has split, the wine cup on in her hand, she links one not to drink actually.

Is also an autumn wind has blown, Xiao Shiyi Lang said suddenly, “Can you speak?”

Although his sound low, Feng SiNiang were startled actually.

She could not think he can open the mouth suddenly, she did not know oneself should say any.

This very moment, what can she say?

Xiao Shiyi Lang' void vision pauses in the distant place, mutters, “Is casual you to say any, so long as you said ...... Best does not stop him to say.”

They have really silenced for a long time too, this kind of silence may make one simply go crazy.

— — Shen Bijun?

This originally is a speech which Feng SiNiang most want to ask, but her not may I ask.

She recommends the wine cup, wants to sprinkle the bosom in to drink, slowly lays down the wine cup actually.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You originally should have very many speeches to say, why didn't say?”

Feng SiNiang put out the tone finally gently, 颞 颥 said, “I ...... I am thinking ......”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “What thinks?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I want to go to look for Bing Bing.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You do not need to look.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Does not need?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Because she also left, I came back, she left.”

On his face does not have the expression, but the eye in does not stop actually beats.

Although he has exhausted all strengths to control oneself, but on he body also has very many matters is he is unable to control.

Bing Bing really also left.

— — in any event, Count Carefree always her flesh and blood.

— — since he has not died, certainly can again.

— — since he can certainly come, she how could it not be also certainly must walk?

— — Shen BiJun all walked, why can’t she walk?

Feng SiNiang make an effort to shake hand, the nail pricked in the meat.

She very much hates Shen Bijun suddenly.

Now was seeing is drawing near in Xiao Shiyi Lang life the most important time, in that one to in, his life and the honor, all must receive the most fearful test and the decision.

Is not lives, is dies.

Is not goes on living honorably, the humiliation dies.

This is precisely he most needs to comfort and to encourage, but she unexpectedly walks.

She walks, although is also because of love.

She loves although very real, very deep, but her love rather greatly has been actually selfish.

Feng SiNiang mention, love are not merely a kind of offer, is also a kind of sacrifice, complete thorough sacrifice.

Must sacrifice must have endures the painful and the shame courage.

If she Shen BiJun, even if knew perfectly well must face all pain and the shame, also cannot die.

She under can certainly by “die” evades.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “you could not think Bing Bing can walk?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I ......”

Xiao Shiyi Lang have broken her language, said, “Regardless of how you did think, all has thought mistakenly.”

“But ......”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Because you do not understand her, therefore you could not think absolutely why she does want to walk.”

He wants Feng SiNiang to speak, does not stop actually breaks her speech.

He wants Feng SiNiang speak, perhaps is precisely the time which he want to speak.

Human's psychology, always has how could it not be filled this kind of pitiful laughable contradiction.

Feng SiNiang only then listen to him to say.

Xiao Shiyi Lang really then said, “Before very long, she has told me, she must die, certainly can quietly sneak off, also does not tell me, also does not let me know.” His corner of the eye is beating, “Because she is not willing to let me think she dies, her rather individual secretly dies, is also not willing to let me look uncomfortably.”

Feng SiNiang said low-spirited, “I originally should think, I knew she is the girl who tries to outdo others stubbornly, also knows her sickness.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “But you certainly have thought mistakenly a moment ago, understood truly a person is not easy.”

In this speech also in addition has the profound meaning?

He was regretting, continuously does not have to understand Shen Bijun truly.

Feng SiNiang did not let him want to get down again, also asked immediately, “Her sickness has been heavy recently?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “On because hers sickness oneself more and more worsens, has not been able everywhere to roam about with me, therefore we only then can pause in here get down.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You all have invited intentionally this area Jiang-hu heroes, for is must let her have a look, also has the day ancestor the subordinate?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang nodded slowly, after for a very long time, said only then slowly, “I also hoped after you hear my news, can find here to come, but I cannot think ......”

First — — he cannot think of their this, unexpectedly cast the big mistake which forever also was unable to make up.

This speech he has not said, Feng SiNiang have not let him say.

She changed the topic, said, “You really thought that blind person is Count Carefree?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “very much has the possibility at least.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Is he that raises the dog the person? Lian Chengbi is the appointment he?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang leisurely, “I hoped is him.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Because should reckon up the account, sooner or later always must calculate, can time reckon up is how could it not be better?”

— — this account really can time reckon up?

— — such many gratitude and grudges pester, the rival in love interacts, how can be considered as clear?

Perhaps — — only then one method can be considered as clear.

If — — a person has died, again does not owe others, others also no longer owe him.

Feng SiNiang look at him, detected suddenly oneself in is also flowing the cold sweat, because in her heart suddenly also had and Xiao Shiyi Lang' similar fear.

Life is beautiful.

The spring flower, the autumn tree, the early morning sunlight, the evening moonlight, in wind singing loudly, in the rain strolls ......

All these all are beautiful.

When but no longer some people can shares these matters with you, it only can let you think lonely, painfully.

What method has to use to be able to let Xiao Shiyi Lang buoy up?

Xiao Shiyi Lang said suddenly, “Tonight also 15, we also may be drunk greatly.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You want to be drunk?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Do you accompany me?”

Feng SiNiang have stood, said, “I look for the liquor.”

Under the building has the liquor, true already nobody.

All people all walked, also walked including this moon reflection in the water large ship on cook and the ship mother.

The ship in the center of the lake, on the ship has only been left over both of them, here has become their world.

But is this world so why brutal?

Can alone be together with Xiao Shiyi Lang, originally is Feng SiNiang biggest desires, biggest joy.

But in her heart actually has now plants makes her to link 脚尖部 Leng Tou the fear.

Have all people all abandoned them? They only then didn't the foe, have the friend?

Can help them the person not to be indeed many.

Feng SiNiang put out the tone gently, braced oneself, has looked for the world most Chen's liquor.

No matter — — how, we finally also in same place.

— — we die, the good and evil also dies in the same place.

Thereupon her stride walks went upstairs.

Also was a day past, also was a night of deep time.

酒坛子 suspends on the table, Xiao Shiyi Lang Feng SiNiang face-to-face sit, although two people all have not mentioned Shen BiJun, but in the heart actually all has the shadow which wipes also cannot cancel, forgets also not to be able to forget.

This shadow likely is a tall wall which cannot see together, separated both of them.

Feng SiNiang only thought oneself and between Xiao Shiyi Lang' distance, as if compares the time which they just knew also becomes estranged.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said suddenly, “We knew resembles had more than ten years.”

Feng SiNiang said, “16 years.”

In her mouth sends painstakingly, in the heart is also the bitter — — 16 years, how many 16 years in the life also has?

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “These years, we meet although not township, but I knew you compare everybody to understand me.”

Feng SiNiang nodded silently.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Therefore you also should forgive me.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Forgives you?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “In my this life does the wrong thing too are many, originally should not the important person forgive.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Each people all unavoidably have the mistake.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Regardless of who made the mistake, all had to pay the price, “

Feng SiNiang made an effort to get hold of own hand, said, “What price do you want to pay? Death?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang was silent, after for a very long time, said only then slowly, “Lives has He Huan? Dies has what fears?”

Feng SiNiang have broken his speech, said, “Therefore you want to die, therefore you want me to forgive you, because you also knew, if you have died, is unfair to me.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang also made an effort to get hold of own hand, said low-spirited, “If I does not die, also how can do right by she?”He does not let Feng SiNiang open the mouth, then also said, “If in this world does not have my such individual, she can certainly go on living merrily, but present ......”

Feng SiNiang stand suddenly, said, “Under also has the liquor, I look for a world again, I also want to drink.”

She was not really wants to be drunk, only is not willing to listen to him to say again, she must be unexpectedly only a woman.

Under the building light already extinguished, the staircase is narrow and is dark, she one walks step by step.

Only thought in the heart moved fast, puts in order individual all as if to turn emptily.

The moonlight 照进 from the window, the moonlight is so gentle, she walks goes downstairs, gains ground, discovered suddenly has a person to move also motionless sat in darkness.

“What person?”

In darkness person has already not moved, also has not opened the mouth.

Feng SiNiang also do not have to ask again, she saw clearly a this person — — worn-out blue city long unlined close-fitting gown, a board plain white cloth mask.

That mystical black clothing person has come, this time comes certainly not to be able to be Shi Qiushan.

Feng SiNiang said, “Actually who are you?”

The person in black has not moved, has not opened the mouth, looked like in darkness, likely is the ghost which dies, also comes back to a person rope life.

Feng SiNiang long have attracted the tone, sneered said, “No matter you are a person are the ghost, since this you have come, must let me have a look your face, otherwise you are the ghost, also gave up any idea of ran.”

Her eye is sending the light, she has been drunk quickly.

Feng SiNiang quickly have already been drunk time, if wants to make a matter, the Above and below all people and the ghost adds, also gave up any idea of blocks is occupied by her.

He overran suddenly, has raised this person's mask.

This person has not moved, the moonlight illuminates by chance on his face.

Feng SiNiang was astounded, also long puts out the tone, said, “Lian Chengbi, is really you.”

Disobeyed on the city wall pale face to have nothing the scarlet, in the eye has covered entirely the capillary actually, was unexpectedly likely once has also burst into tears.

Feng SiNiang sneeringly said, “Always self-designated does not see filthy did the not son, when also change the release to see the human?”

Lian Chengbi coldly looks at her, a face Dai Qingge the mask is likely same.

This kind does not have the expression, sometimes is a kind of saddest expression.

— — he and Shen BiJun, how could it not be originally is when everybody all envy young variant companion.

— — in this world if does not have Xiao Shiyi Lang, he how could it not be also may go on living merrily.

Remembered his bitter experience, Feng SiNiang' hearts has also been soft, could not bear sighed, “If you also wants to drink the cup liquor, might as well comes up with me, did you remember we before also once together has been drinking? Our three individual.”

Lian Chengbi remembered certainly, these matters this are everybody cannot forget.

He looks Feng SiNiang, are unable to restrain also to sigh long, in his 叹息声, the gusty area mother suddenly saw a hand to extend.

Very white, the very delicate hand, the skill is elegant, finger gentle.

But Feng SiNiang saw this hand, a heart has sunk actually, whose hand has she recognized this is.

At this moment, this only delicately beautiful supple white hand, the lightning has gripped her arm.

Only listens to a person behind to bring in her to said with a smile, “Did you remember we before also once together has been drinking, only then our two individual.”

His laughter was also very gentle, his hand has changed actually looks like the handcuff which the vice- iron hits.

Hua RuYu, Feng SiNiang have no need for turn head looked, knew this person is certainly Hua RuYu.

She rather is tied down by the poisonous snake, is also not willing to let this person bump a her finger.

Hua RuYu another hand, unfortunately has held in the arms her waist actually, micro said with a smile, “Did you remember we drink the wedding festivities liquor.”

Feng SiNiang have not opened the mouth, she wants shouted, wants to vomit, thought a foot bestows while still alive this person dies, what a pity she actually only can stand obediently.

Her whole body all has not been able to move, the whole body all coldly has passed, by now she saw Xiao Shiyi Lang luckily.

Xiao Shiyi Lang on the station in the staircase, the complexion are even paler than Lian Chengbi, coldly said, “Lets loose her!”

Hua RuYu winked the eye, has asked intentionally, “What person are you her? Why wants me to let loose her?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “lets loose her!”

Hua RuYu said, “Did you know what person I am her? Knew we have bowed to heaven and earth, have entered the nuptial chamber?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang' hand gets hold of the hilt.

The knife is Deer-carving sabre, the hand is Xiao Shiyi Lang' hand, not debated sees this hand to grip this sabre, all certainly again also could not smile.

Hua RuYu had smiled actually, moreover smiled very much happily, said, “I recognize this sabre, this is the murder sabre.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang do not deny.

Hua RuYu added with a smile, “Is only a pity this the knife if the sheath, first dies is not I, is she!”

Xiao Shiyi Lang' hand grasps tightly, but could not draw out this sabre actually.

He knew Hua RuYu said is not false.

Hua RuYu said easily, “I also may guarantee, second dies a person is not I, is you!”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Oh?”

Hua RuYu said, “Therefore you want to use your life, trades her life, I cannot comply, because you have died have decided.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang' pupil in contracts, he had detected in darkness appeared two people, in the hand has been taking the entrance door weapon which three cold brightness sparkled.

A handle is bringing the long chain hook sickle, pair of pure silver makes into wolf's tooth club.

These two kind of pointed weapons one kind of gentleness, one kind extremely just, in Jiang-hu could use a person have not been many.

So long as is a person who can use this kind of pointed weapons, without doubt is one master.

Xiao Shiyi Lang' heart also in toward sinks.

He knew oneself indeed has supposed the method to rescue Feng SiNiang.

Feng SiNiang said loudly, “I have no need for you to accompany me to die, since I have died have decided, you also not quickly walk?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang look at him, in the eye is having a kind of very strange expression, also did not know is angry? Is is reluctant to part with? Sad.

Hua RuYu also said with a smile, “You should not want him to walk.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why?”

Hua RuYu said, “Because you originally should know, in this world only then beheads Xiao Shiyi Lang, have not certainly run away Xiao Shiyi Lang.”

Feng SiNiang clench teeth, said, “Then you should better quickly kill me.”

Hua RuYu said, “You do not want to look he dies?”

Feng SiNiang said bitterly, “I only do not want to look he dies in you this kind of mean and shameless small manpower.”

Hua RuYu had smiled, said, “If I wants certainly you to look he dies, how you can?”

He wielded has waved the hand, the wolf's tooth club and hook sickle cold brightness started to flash.

Xiao Shiyi Lang' sabre actually also sheath.

Hua RuYu micro said with a smile, “I cannot let you predecease, so long as because you are living, he does not dare to pull out his sabre.” He is smiling, changes Xiao Shiyi Lang to say, “So long as because a your sabre sheath, you must look she has died, I guaranteed certainly dies very much miserably.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang draw a sword quick, in the world second have not compared favorably with in, but the present, he only sense goes well the this handle knife, is also heavier than Taishan.

Lian Chengbi coldly continuously looks at him, said suddenly, “Loosens your sabre, I let loose her.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang link a speech not to have to ask again, also does not have to consider again, has loosened his sabre.

This handle knife Deer-carving sabre, is he uses the life tears of blood to trade.

But he casually on throws now this sabre on the place.

So long as can rescue Feng SiNiang, his all may drop out, moreover a sabre?

Hua RuYu laughed suddenly, said, “Now she died has decided, you also died have decided.”

Deer-carving Sabre is the sharp sabre which murder like cutting the grass.

Xiao Shiyi Lang' hand is brandishes a sword like the lightning quick worker.

In the world does not certainly have any sharpness sabre, can compare favorably with Deer-carving sabre.

In the world also certainly does not have any person's hand, can cause Xiao Shiyi Lang that fearful knife skill.

Although he cannot draw a sword, does not dare to draw a sword, but so long as the sabre also in his hand, certainly nobody dared to act rashly.

Now this actually casually has been thrown the sabre by him on the place.

Looks this sabre, Feng SiNiang' tears has flowed off.

Until now, she only then truly understood, for her, Xiao Shiyi Lang also similarly spares no sacrifice all.

Although he to their sentiment, on the surface looks like differently, actually the same elephant flame is burning actually.

Burns is him.

She bursts into tears, sees Xiao Shiyi Lang. In the heart is also sweet painstakingly, also happy is also sad, finally could not bear sickness cry loudly, said, “You really are a simpleton, does not fold the simpleton who was inferior to, always is makes this kind of 傻事 for your any for others.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said lightly, “I am not a simpleton, you are Feng SiNiang.”

This only is the simple ten characters, also some who did know, in these ten characters is containing how many emotion, how many at matter.

Also also these both happy, and bitter, pain, happy past events ......

Feng SiNiang hearts have broken to pieces.

Lian Chengbi stands up slowly, walks slowly, has picked up on sabre, the cabin lightning dials the sabre suddenly.

He draws a sword the sabre skill, unexpectedly is also much quicker.

As soon as sabre brightness dodges, sheathes, on table Jin Zunjing has been hewn two section by a sabre.

The amber brown liquor, the blood gushes out.

Lian Chengbi caresses the scabbard gently, in the eye has been sending out the light, mutters, “Good sabre, good quick sabre.”

Hua RuYu eye is also shining, said, “Sabre if not alkyne, also how can cut Xiao Shiyi Lang' head.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang how could it not be like deer of the area south of Yellow River, has brought in the world hero altogether to chase now.

— — 群雄逐鹿, only the victor results in Lu Erge it.

Lian Chengbi face up sighed deeply, said, “Could not think this finally also arrived the sabre in my hand.”

Hua RuYu said with a smile, “I already calculated actually, this sabre sooner or later is yours.”

Lian Chengbi said suddenly, “Lets loose her.”

On Hua RuYu face smiling face stiffens immediately, “You ...... You really want me to let loose her?”

Lian Chengbi coldly said, “Have you treated also as me a person who fails to keep one's word?”

Hua RuYu said, “But you ......”

Lian Chengbi leisurely, “I say the speech, from not reneges on a promise, but I have said, so long as he loosens the sabre, I let loose Feng SiNiang.”

Hua RuYu eye has shone, asked, “You had not said, after lets loose her, asked her to leave.”

Lian Chengbi said lightly, “I do not have.”

Hua RuYu said, “You had not said, does not need this to kill the knife she.”

Lian Chengbi said, “Also does not have.”

Hua RuYu had smiled, laughed the pine to operate the hand, said, “I let loose her first, you have again killed her, good ......”

His laughter stops suddenly.

At this moment, as soon as sabre brightness dodges, an arm has mourned bloody down.

The laughter turned suddenly shouted miserably.

This arm is not Feng SiNiang, but is his.

Lian Chengbi coldly said, “I had not said does not kill you.”

Hua RuYu said sternly, “You killed me, you have been able to regret.”

This speech he has not said, as soon as sabre brightness dodges, his person but actually.

He dies also could not think Lian Chengbi could really kill him.

Regardless of everybody could not think.

Moonlight as before, dim light of night as before.

In the wind has filled the blood fishy smell — — initial capital is actually chastest, most valuable, why can have this kind of fearful fishy smell?

Feng SiNiang only thought the stomach department does not stop the petroleum 搐, could not bear nearly must vomit.

Regardless of honored beautiful person, if dies under the knife, all equally can change lowly uglily.

She always does not endure to look at a person, but the present could not bear needs to go to look.

Because of her until now, but also cannot believe Hua RuYu really died.

Looks the cricket bends down in the pool of blood corpse, she nearly cannot believe this person is that ringed grass snake sly sinister flower like jade.

— — his blood is also originally red.

— — the original knife chops when his neck, he also equally can die, moreover also dies very quickly.

Feng SiNiang finally put out the tone, discovered suddenly cold sweat oneself has soaked the underwear.

55th chapter One does not make two bodies

Moonlight according to in on Lian ChengBi in knife, sabre brightness still crystal clear bright, just like scoop autumn waters, on the knife does not have the blood, on Lian ChengBi pale face also not to have the scarlet in, he caresses lightly begins the knife point, long sighed suddenly, said, “Is really the unparalleled in the world sharp weapon, really under name not empty.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang look at him, in the eye reveals plants the very strange expression, has not opened the mouth actually, other person certainly cannot open the mouth, in the cabin only can hear rapid 呼吸声, the wolf's tooth club to dangle, hooks the sickle not to have the light, two individual have prepared to sneak off slowly.

Lian ChengBi beckons suddenly. Said, “He Pingxiong, please come to speak.”

“The hook sickle” is hesitating, finally walks, said with a smile reluctantly, “The son has what instruction?”

Lian ChengBi said, “I only want to consult a matter.”

He Ping relaxed, said, “Does not dare.”

Lian ChengBi said, “Did you know why I want to kill Hua RuYu?”

He Ping shook the head immediately.

He was not a fool, “knew too many people, always live not not long”, this truth he certainly also understands.

Lian ChengBi said, “You really do not know?”

He Ping said, “Really does not know.”

Lian ChengBi sighed, said, “This kind of matter all did not know, what meaning you do live are also having?”

He Ping complexion has changed, flies high suddenly flipped over, a handle crescent moon shape hook sickle has truncated anxiously down from the midair, his this handle hook sickle originally is the East China Sea secret biography, the style is strange, gets rid of also quickly, indeed may be in Jiang-hu first-class master, this knife truncates down, the cold awn flashes, the knife wind howls. Attacks in order to defend, the field broke own escape route first.

It was only a pity he separates Deer-carving sabre unceasingly, “ding”, hooks the sickle to fall to the ground, as soon as sabre brightness dodges again, the blood splashes.

He Ping person also suddenly falls from the midair, is falling in own pool of blood.

A Lian ChengBi knife gets rid of, looked also no longer looked his, has turned the head to say, “Zheng Gangxiong, I also had a matter to want to consult.”

In Zheng Gangshou gripped tightly his pure silver potentilla cryptottaeniae to hold, said, “You said, I can hear.”

He was not certainly willing to come, not to be able to think Lian ChengBi walked actually, he has drawn back two steps, draws back does not have may draw back, loudly said suddenly: “I not communicate with the surname flower's element, you chop his ten knives again, I cannot speak the sentence speech.”

Lian ChengBi said lightly, “I only want to ask you, you did know why I do want to kill him?”

Zheng Gang nodded immediately, he was not stupid, certainly cannot again say “did not know.”

Lian ChengBi said, “You knew I am for what?”

Zheng Gang said, “We originally are kill Xiao Shiyi Lang, but you suddenly changed the mind actually.”

Lian ChengBi said, “Said” on Zheng Zelian suddenly blue suddenly red, finally has the courage, then said, “Joins in the battle makes a political recantation, originally is 'the day ancestor' the big death anniversary, you feared he reveals this secret, simply killed him to eliminate a potential informant. “

Lian ChengBi also sighed, said, “Your this kind of matter all knew, how I can let you go on living?”

Zheng just the complexion also has changed, roars suddenly, the left hand wolf's tooth club “sweeps away thousand armed forces”, the right hand wolf's tooth club “withstands great pressure”. Carries under the arm the rumor to eject in pairs, his this holds the net weight 73 halls to the pure silver ruthless tooth, style 刚猛, the prestige cannot keep off, what a pity a his slow step, the bright as snow knife point, already likely was a lightning chops on his body.

Do you know the lightning the strength and the speed?

On the knife does not have the blood.

Lian ChengBi stared at the knife point, in the vision is filling the appreciation and the cherishing, mutters said, “Really unparalleled in the world sharp weapon, really under name not empty.”

He also spoke this speech. In the sound has also filled the appreciation and the cherishing.

Feng SiNiang said suddenly, “One for many years, do not get rid of resemble slowly not.”

Lian ChengBi said, “This knife not obtuse.”

Feng SiNiang said, “I only knew your 剑法 is very high, could not think you also can use the knife.”

Lian ChengBi said, “刀剑 all is the murder sharp weapon, I can kill people.”

Feng SiNiang smiled reluctantly, said, “Can use the knife human, if had such a knife, is willing again to return to give back to others?”

Lian ChengBi said, “No willing.”

He lightly has caressed the knife point, wielded suddenly has waved the hand, in the hand knife flew.

Sabre brightness like the rainbow, flies to Xiao Shiyi Lang, in front is not actually the knife point, is the hilt.

Lian ChengBi said lightly, “I am not willing to return to give back to this the knife others, I am only willing to return to give back to him.”

Feng SiNiang' eyes have also shone, stared said, “Why?”

Lian ChengBi said, “Because he is Xiao Shiyi Lang.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Only then Xiao Shiyi Lang only then use for parts this knife?”

Lian ChengBi nodded slowly, said, “No matter his this person is friendly is wicked, all over the world, indeed only then he only then uses for parts this knife.”

Feng SiNiang said, “If not for this knife knife, but is the sword?”

Lian ChengBi corners of the mouth reveal suddenly plant the unusual smile, said slowly, “If this knife the sword, this handle sword is I.”

His sound desolate slow, filled actually has been arrogant and is self-confident.

Many years ago he had this kind of self-confidence, he knew oneself will certainly into the unparalleled in the world swordsman.

Feng SiNiang look at him. Sighs gently, said, “Looked like you the person has not changed.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang had received his knife, is caressing the knife point lightly, said, “Some people likely are this are same the knife, this will forever not be able to be obtuse the knife, this kind of person never will also be able to change.” He has turned the head, to stare at Lian ChengBi suddenly, also said, “I remembered you before also drinks?”

Lian ChengBi said, “You have not remembered incorrectly.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Now?”

Lian ChengBi also gains ground, is staring at him, after for a very long time, said only then slowly, “You had said, has plants a person is forever invariable, drinks a person usually all is this kind of person.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Are you this kind of person?”

Lian ChengBi said, “Yes.”

World liquor suspends on the table, their three people face-to-face sit.

Although now between them many people, Feng SiNiang actually had thought changes near from already and the Xiao ten court attendants' distance.

Because they all had felt, on this individual body has as if plants the unusual pressure.

One kind looked also cannot see, to trace also does not trace the pressure, likely is a handle leaves the sheath the sword.

They before also once on the body has felt this kind of similar pressure knife in “the Hongying Luliu”.

Now Lian ChengBi for theirs pressure, unexpectedly resembled is more intense than at that time.

Feng SiNiang in, approached Xiao Shiyi Lang unconsciously, until now, her only then discovered Lian ChengBi this person also imagines compared to her more unusual, may not seize the mold.

She could not bear asking, “You really are originally must come to kill us?”

Lian ChengBi said, “This originally is a very thorough plan, we have planned for a very long time.”

Feng SiNiang said, “But you suddenly changed the mind actually.”

Lian Chengdeng said, “My person although cannot change, the idea frequently can change actually.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Why can this you change?”

Lian ChengBi said, “Because I have heard you last night the speech which said in here.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You have all heard?”

Lian ChengBi said, “I hear very clearly, therefore I can understand he is any type person.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You have really understood?”

Lian ChengBi said, “I had understood at least, he is not in others imagination that kind of unfeeling person, although he has destroyed us, but in his heart possibly compares us to be more painful actually.”

Feng SiNiang said low-spirited, “Is only a pity his painful always also nobody understanding, nobody sympathy.”

Lian ChengBi is silent, after for a very long time said only then slowly, “Although joyful has very many kinds, the true pain, is actually same, if you have also undergone the true pain, certainly can find out others pain.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Also only then truly has tasted the painful taste person, can find out others pain.”

Lian ChengBi said, “I understood, my very long before has understood ......”

His vision stared at the distant place, the distant place dim light of night is being dim, in his eye also already a haziness.

Was the moonlight confuses has inundated his eye? Tear light?

Looks his eye, Feng SiNiang discovered suddenly, he and Xiao Shiyi Lang endure the pain, is indeed similarly profound, similarly intense.

Lian ChengBi also said, “Because I understand this kind of painful fearfulness, therefore only then is not willing to look everybody gets down again for this matter pain.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Real?”

Lian ChengBi smiled, the smiling face causes his facial expression to look like sadly actually miserable.

He whispers low-spirited, said, “Should walk, sooner or later always must walk, now she walked, has gone to the place which wants to go to she, also all has thought the resentment hatred all to carry off, since this will be her meaning, why we can’t forget the heart in hatred?”

Feng SiNiang sigh gently, said mournful, “Good, she indeed all hatreds have carried off, I only then understood now her meaning, I have continuously all misunderstood her.”

She does not dare to see Xiao Shiyi Lang, also does not endure to look.

She also already hot tears filling the eyes.

Lian ChengBi said, “Should walk walked, this conclusion had also finished, I make the new hatred why again?”

Feng SiNiang said, “Therefore you only then could change the mind?”

Lian ChengBi smiled, said, “Moreover I also knew each people all unavoidably can make the wrong thing, if a person could do for oneself mistakenly but the matter the pain, how could it not be on had been equal to has paid the price.”

Feng SiNiang look at him, resembles has never seen this person to be same.

Perhaps she indeed until now only then truly saw clearly him.

She asked suddenly, “You also make the wrong mistake?”

Lian ChengBi said, “I am also a person.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You had also known you originally should not invest 'the day ancestor'? “

Lian ChengBi said, “This matter I am not wrong.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Not wrong?”

Lian ChengBi said, “I enter the day ancestor, only then a goal.”

Feng SiNiang said, “What goal?”

Lian ChengBi said, “Exposes their plot, destroys their organization thoroughly.” He gets hold of the double fist. Then said, “I pretend the depressed down and out intentionally, is not for must deceive you, you thought now also had understood I for is what?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I do not understand.”

Lian ChengBi has drunk the cup liquor, asked suddenly, “Did you know what type person Lian ChengBi is?”

Feng SiNiang have also drunk the cup liquor, only then replied, “Is very calm, very astute, is also proud very much human.”

Lian ChengBi said, “Likely such a person, if must invest the day ancestor suddenly, how can you think?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I can think he harbors certainly ulterior motives.”

Lian ChengBi said, “If therefore you day ancestor's head of household, even if let other people day ancestor, also could particularly guard against equally to him.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Good.”

Lian ChengBi said, “Is a depressed down and out drunkard, has been different.”

Feng SiNiang said, “But I do not understand actually, why do you have to cope with the day ancestor? Why so puts oneself?”

Lian ChengBi vision is staring at the distant place, also after for a very long time, said only then slowly, “since mine remote ancestor cloud village male unarmed, founded the Stain-free Manor, until now already 300 years, this for 300 years, Stain-free Manor juniors, regardless of in where, all similarly is when command respect.”

Feng SiNiang have silently poured out the cup liquor for him, waits for him to say.

Lian ChengBi said, “My unreliable ancestor day bee male, in order to struggles a justice for the Chiangnan martial arts world union, on alone Tianshan, looked at that time the prestige town world Tianshan seven swords fierce battles for three day and nights, was wounded 29, finally was compelling the Tianshan seven swords actually with the lower reaches of the Changjiang River south, carried a rod and ask for punishment.” He raises glass tosses down, on the pale face has appeared blushes, then said: “South 50 years ago, the evil spirit teaches to invade, colludes with with the Chiangnan water lord composes 72 groups of underworld gangs alliances, the grandfather exerts first 抉, the body 80 fights invincible after the size, the Chiangnan martial arts world has not only then finally been exposed their tormenting, has very many others also to supply he tablet in honor of a still-living person until now.”

Feng SiNiang was also unable to restrain to raise glass toss down.

Has heard these martial arts world seniors' heroic facts, she always can change equally looks like the child to be excited excitedly.

Lian ChengBi obviously was also very excited, said loudly, “I am also Lian Jia's descendants, I cannot let the Stain-free Manor the prestige destroy in my hand, also cannot see the day ancestor's plot prevails.”

Feng SiNiang raise glass once more, said, “Depends on this speech, I should respect your three cups.”

Lian ChengBi really has drunk three cups unexpectedly. Is also suddenly long sighingly said, “It was only a pity until now, I did not know actually the day ancestor sovereign was who?”

Feng SiNiang was astounded, said, “You do not know?”

Lian ChengBi shook the head.

Feng SiNiang said, “He in front of you, also has not revealed the true colors?”

Lian ChengBi said, “Does not have.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Doesn't he trust you?”

Lian ChengBi long sighingly said, “He has never trusted anybody, in this world only can see his proper face goal, perhaps only then he raises that dog.”

Feng SiNiang have smiled, forced smile.

At this moment, the distant place suddenly has transmitted 2-3 dog's bark.

Lian ChengBi complexion has changed, sneered said, “I knew he can certainly come.”

Feng SiNiang said, “He although has raised the strip dog, raises the dog the person not necessarily certainly is actually him.”

Lian ChengBi said, “Certainly is him.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You approximately how could it not be are night of the full moon.”

Lian ChengBi said, “Tonight is full moon.”

Feng SiNiang gain ground look, a turn of moon full moon orthometric height hangs outside the window.

In the wind transmitted two to bark greatly, is away from oneself near, arrived outside as if the window.

Feng SiNiang also anxious, pulls down the sound said, “He knows you in here?”

Lian ChengBi said, “But he did not know actually I changed pleasing.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Now he certainly thought Xiao Shiyi Lang have died in your hand.”

Lian ChengBi said, “Therefore he must certainly come to have a look.”

Feng SiNiang said, “What looks at?”

Lian ChengBi said, “Looks at Xiao Shiyi Lang' number of people.”

Feng SiNiang the forced smile said, “Does he certainly have to kiss with sees Xiao Shiyi Lang' number of people to fall to the ground?”

Lian ChengBi said, “He had also said so long as Xiao Shiyi Lang was also living, he seeks a livelihood does not know the taste, the bedroom difficultly peaceful.”

Feng SiNiang eyeballs have transferred also asked, “How long this matter have you planned?”

Lian ChengBi said, “Had half month.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Half month ago, how did you know Xiao Shiyi Lang can arrive this moon reflection in the water building to come?”

Lian ChengBi chats, “Regardless of side who, all unavoidably some people can disclose the news, comes out his whereabouts dew.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You thought was who has revealed his whereabouts?”

Lian ChengBi said, “I don’t know.”

Feng SiNiang was hesitating, said, “Before half month, perhaps Xiao Shiyi Lang all did not know he can arrive the moon reflection in the water building to come.”

Lian ChengBi said, “Certainly has a person to know, otherwise how can we subscribe the appointment in here?”

Feng SiNiang did not speak, he remembers a very fearful matter suddenly.

— Xiao Shiyi Lang' line of Xihu, how could it not be is Bing Bing arrangement?

Bing Bing can expose his whereabouts?

— — in him also not the time which comes to Xihu, how could it not be only then Bing Bing knew he can certainly come?

Because — she knew oneself regardless of must arrive any place to go, Xiao Shiyi Lang all cannot oppose.

Feng SiNiang only thought hands and feet ice-cold, could not bear secretly cast a glance Xiao Shiyi Lang once.

On Xiao Shiyi Lang face completely does not have the expression actually, likely is simply has not heard them to say any.

Lian ChengBi also said suddenly, “Strictness day ancestor organization, unparalleled in the world, but in the day ancestor also unavoidably has the rebel to exist actually.”

Feng SiNiang ask immediately, “You knew what person these rebels are?”

Lian ChengBi said, “All is a dead person.”

Feng SiNiang was astounded, said, “Dead person?”

Lian ChengBi said, “As far as I know, the day ancestor's rebel, now nearly all has died of cleanly only.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Who has killed them?”

Lian ChengBi said, “Xiao Shiyi Lang” Xiao Shiyi Lang can for the day ancestor cleaning up gateway, this how could it not be be unexpectedly very laughable?

Feng SiNiang thought actually very fearfully, more wants to be more fearful, by now she had not been able again to want luckily to get down.

In the lake transmits two dog's bark, the small boat, slowly swung for a while under the month.

On the boat has dog three people, wears the straw hat the elderly fisherman steers the rocking trough, black clothing hangs the hair bun the young lad stands out of respect the bow, in the hand selects the white paper lantern, under the lantern is sitting the black-clothed person, a face sparkles under the lamp sends the light, both hands in is also sending the light, in the hand is hugging a dog actually.

The day ancestor sovereign finally appeared. “How on his brain can shine?”

“On his face wears a mask, in the hand also wears the double glove, also did not know is makes with any skin, has been able to sparkle the third contact to the lamp under.”

“He always sat under the lamp.”


Lian ChengBi pulls down the sound, said, “Therefore you so long as looked his two, your eye could spend.”

Feng SiNiang again had not asked, a palpitation nearly already compared to when quick two times.

She only hoped this person a bit faster embarks, she pledged certainly actually has to take off his mask to have a look him is personally who?

Who knew this boat to stop by far down, the black-clothed person bosom puppy jumped suddenly the bow, treats the moon “Wang, Wang, Wang” is calling several, in the lake to resound a piece of dog's bark sound immediately, also some three boats swung by far said.

On each ship all has a dog, three people.

56th chapter Full moon approximately

The light vessel in aquatic flutters, all by far stops, four dogs shapes and the wool color are entirely alike, four people's attire appearance is also entirely alike.

The white paper lantern next four people's face all is sparkling shines, looked like is really the surreptitious terror which cannot say.

Feng SiNiang oneself was astounded.

She turns head looks at Lian ChengBi, Lian ChengBi expression is also similar, obviously also thinks very surprised.

On the bow puppy rebound black-clothed person's bosom, the inspection lamp black clothing young lad shouted loudly suddenly, “Including son in where? Please come to meet.”

Four people also open the mouth, simultaneously the blind tuyere, said speech also completely no error.

Feng SiNiang sounds are lower, said, “Do you pass?”

Lian ChengBi shook the head.

Feng SiNiang said, “Why?”

Lian ChengBi said, “As soon as I go to have to die without doubt.”

Feng SiNiang did not understand.

Lian ChengBi said, “In these four people only then one is really the day sovereign person.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You also cannot branch out their genuine and fake?”

Lian ChengBi shook the head said, “Therefore I cannot pass, which ship don't I simply know should on.”

Feng SiNiang said, “On you has the ship must refused stubbornly to be possible mistakenly?”

Lian ChengBi said, “This appointment is Hua RuYu subscribes, between them certain approximately good has met method.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Hua RuYu has not told you?”

Lian ChengBi said, “Does not have.”

Feng SiNiang sigh gently, said, “No wonder he at the point of death front added, if you have killed him, can regret surely.”

In four small boats unexpectedly had during one to swing suddenly to the moon reflection in the water building.

As soon as Feng SiNiang spirits inspire, said, “In the world has very many matters all is this appearance, if you persisted is not willing to pass, he had to come.”

Lian ChengBi said, “You knew a person is is really the false?”

Feng SiNiang said, “No matter he is really the false, we all might as well first arrive the lamp to wait for him.”

Light Dan swung slowly, finally stops in under the moon reflection in the water large ship fence perspiration.

The black-clothed person just stood, his bosom puppy jumped up the bow, “tearful, Wang” is calling, rushed into the broad side.

In as soon as the cabin a piece of darkness, this dog rushes, flees to on Hua RuYu corpse, calls the sound changes suddenly is sad and shrill and is sad.

He was living when never gives a person to be joyful, after therefore he has died, for him sad also only then this dog.

Feng SiNiang thought suddenly must vomit.

She bears reluctantly. Outside the cabin sound of footsteps has gradually edged, likely is the autumn wind blows down the fallen leaf.

Suddenly, outside the gate appeared the face which shines.

Feng SiNiang want to pass, had at the same time two shadow behind 窜出 from her.

She all always has not seen the movement such quick person, she discovers vigor suddenly Lian ChengBi skill, otherwise should unexpectedly resemble quickly already not under Xiao Shiyi Lang.

Just 走入 the cabin the black-clothed person also was startled obviously, just wanted to draw back, on the rib bravely has been hit heavily by a person a fist, hit his Man Zuiku the water.

He wants loudly shouted, another fist has welcomed his face.

He immediately appeared all over the sky Venus at present, the body slanting slanting ran out two step finally but actually, poured under Feng SiNiang feet.

Feng SiNiang held in a moment ago the one breath only then spat, this person has dropped down.

His footsteps are very light, 轻功 is not obviously weak, the movement and the response is also very quick, in fact he is indeed also in the martial arts world one and so on the masters.

It was only a pity he met the world most fearful match.

As soon as the world does not certainly have anybody to be able to be able to block Lian ChengBi and Xiao Shiyi Lang collaborates to strike!

Moreover, their this strikes 势在必得, two people both have put forth with all one's strength.

Two people in darkness isologue, in the eye all were having a kind of very strange expression, also did not know is in mutually vigilant, clearheaded borrows.

Lian ChengBi gently spout gas channel, “This person is not the day grandson.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Oh?”

Lian ChengBi said, “I see him to get rid of, by his wugong we even if launches an attack with all one's strength, in 30 moves also could not win him.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang silence.

He thought who isn't born some to be able to be able to block their 30 moves.

Feng SiNiang have bent down the lower part of the body, puts out a hand to trace on this human of body, loses the voice suddenly, “This person has died.”

Lian ChengBi said, “How can he die? I get rid of too heavily not.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I also want to leave behind him the living witness.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Looked like his — — he resembles is scared to death.”

This speech has not said. She could not bear must vomit.

In the cabin did not know when has filled one kind of indescribable odor, the ozone is precisely sends from this human of body.

That puppy flees to his body on does not stop calls, listened to outside the cabin to transmit two suddenly to shout miserably, then “splash, splash” two sounds.

Feng SiNiang drive out, on the light vessel helmsman and the young lads all did not see, nearby the light vessel splashes the water splash just fell, also floated from 纸灯笼 in the wave.

In the wave has emitted a wisp blood suddenly.

Again looked the distant place three boats, all turned around the bow, swung to the lake shore.

Feng SiNiang stamped the feet, said, “They certain had discovered is not right, linked this child also together to kill unexpectedly has eliminated a potential informant.”

Lian ChengBi also sighed, said, “Their this walks, must want again to find out their whereabouts only to fear already difficult like to ascend to heaven.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Therefore we must certainly pursue.”

Feng SiNiang said, “How pursues?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “The middle ship walks very much slowly under, you sit this ship to observe closely him.”

Lian ChengBi said immediately,Left side “I pursue.”

Xiao ShiYi Lang said said, “Must pursue their whereabouts, immediately comes back, do not have to act rashly.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You ...... You can wait for me in here?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “No matter has the news, tomorrow noon before, I come certainly back.”

Feng SiNiang gain ground, look at him, as if also wants to say any, turned around to jump down nearby the parapet boat suddenly, took up long punting pole one, a drop of tear fell suddenly in the hand.

Looked by far, the front three light vessels, nearly all have vanished in the dim smoke water.

The smoke water is dim.

The night has been deeper, did not know actually how long also has from the dawn.

In the lake wave is peaceful and is gentle, the dim light of night similarly is also gentle peacefully, rows a boat the sound of oars besides the distant place, between the world on also could not hear other sound again.

The front ship also could not see, about two ships already go very much far, a middle ship only is also left over a light shadow.

Feng SiNiang make an effort to swing the ship, the tear are not stopping in the class.

She has never flowed such many tears, she did not know why has to burst into tears.

She only thought cannot say lonely, cannot say fear.

This world turned as if suddenly emptily, between the world only has been left over as if she.

Although she knew perfectly well Xiao Shiyi Lang, can certainly in moon reflection in the water building superior her, Xiao Shiyi Lang have complied the matter always not let a person disappointedly.

But in her heart very much is afraid actually, this went forever again also not to be able to see him as if.

Why can have this idea? She did not know.

She has remembered Shen BiJun, has remembered Shen BiJun when just before parting said these speeches “...... Only then you are Xiao Shiyi Lang best companion, also only then you can understand him truly —.”

Now her this regard, obviously has disappointed by a person.

Can she blame her? Can be angry?

Moonlit night confuses chillily which in this although, her spirit also keeps between this beautiful Hushan? Can appear in Feng SiNiang at present?

Feng SiNiang make an effort to row a boat, does not go to think as far as possible these matters, do not have the method not to think actually.

She really hoped Shen BiJun's ghost appearance, directs a her bright road.

She completely has lost the direction nearly on the life path.

In this clear wave, she has lost the direction.

Wind blows her, gains ground, only then front discovered the boat, could not see including that light shadow.

In the wind indistinct also has sculls the sound to pass on, she wants to anticipate discovered suddenly under the ship the wave is revolving.

In the whirlpool has the stock strange strength to tow this ship as if to walk toward another direction.

This ship completely has not been controlled unexpectedly her.

She was originally not that kind sees a mouse to be able the woman who frightens shouted.

But she actually nearly could not bear now must shouted, It was only a pity she really calls, also nobody can hear.

The whirlpool strength is more and more big, also looks like the hand which has cannot only see, is pulling this ship.

She only then sat helplessly in there, looks this ship is dragged into in darkness which cannot be known.

Her hand has been soft.

Suddenly between, “Thud” a sound, the boat bow, hits on a pillar.

Front a pavilion, partly faces the water, with several very thick wooden poles supports in lake front.

In pavilion three has the window, in the window the lights pale yellow.

Since has the lamp to have a person.

Is who person?

Does that mystical strength, why need to act as lookout SiNiang to bring to here?

Feng SiNiang Lian Xiang all had not thought. The long punting pole in bow one, the ship borrows the water power, finally has depended on.

So long as could leave this strip to see the ghost ship, no matter her anything.

Even if in this pavilion has a more fearful evil spirit to wait for her no matter also.

How no matter can let two feet steadily steadily stand evenly in in the spot, she already well satisfied.

Cold water taste which sneaks to slip in from the nose, her oneself has tasted one, she discovered suddenly regardless of any type cause of death all does floods the devil to be better than.

After pavilion has a narrow balcony, on the parapet is also suspending the chrysanthemum which several troughs are in full bloom.

The light illuminates from the window comes out, the window all is Guan Zhuo.

Feng SiNiang after the parapet, jumps up the balcony, only then calculated puts out the tone.

The boat is also hitting the extension in the water. Listens to “crash-bang” the sound suddenly, a number of people braves from the water, is unexpectedly in Tai Lake's first real man “the water leopard” the Zhang Heng.

The original this boy is also a their group.

Feng SiNiang clenched teeth, laughed at “me also to think suddenly was the frogman is looking for the substitute person, could not think was you.”

Zhang Heng has also smiled the pair, hand-held has held the broad side, a human already leap on, stands in the bow, Yang Zhuolian said with a smile, “I also could not think the famous Feng SiNiang also remember me unexpectedly.”

Feng SiNiang sweetly said, “You knew I am the famous Feng SiNiang?”

Zhang Heng, “I know certainly.”

Feng SiNiang eyeballs have transferred the extension, said, “This place is your family?”

Zhang Heng said with a smile, “This is Xihu, is not Tai Lake. I only temporarily looked for this room to live.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Then this is your temporary family.” Zhang Heng, “May such say.”

Feng SiNiang said, “You lead me to your temporary family, wants me to be your temporary wife?”

Zhang Heng was astounded, in the mouth has stuttered the speech all said unexpectedly is not clear.

He really could not think Feng SiNiang can ask such a speech.

Feng SiNiang are also using the corner of the eye to cast a glance him actually, also asked, “You said is?”

Zhang Heng has scratched the water drop which wipes the face, finally said one “I is not this meaning.”

Feng SiNiang have smiled, smiled sweetly, “No matter what meaning you are, this place always your family, why your this does act as the master not to come up greets the visitor?”

Zhang Heng hurries said, “I come up.”

He was first crawled the boat on the pillar on the gecko along the pillar.

Feng SiNiang was waiting for him on the station behind the parapet, on the face smiling face the chrysanthemum which is in full bloom is more beautiful than.

Saw she such woman, such smile, if some people also can not move, this person on is certainly not a man.

Chapter of probably man.

He not upward looked, also could not bear must upward look.

Feng SiNiang sweetly said, “Not only cannot think of you the river character to be good, the gecko merit such is also high.”

Zhang Heng human a little corona, supinely began said with a smile, “I only ......”

A speech had not said, has the type shiny black thing to pound suddenly down from the midair, is pounding in his top of the head.

Right now his real corona.

Regardless of whose head, all can’t have the pot hardly, moreover in Feng SiNiang hands has used ten force components.

“Splash”, Zhang Hengxian has fallen, also was “splash” one, the pot has also fallen.

Feng SiNiang have patted the earth which claps, sneered said, “In water I although is a non-swimmer, as soon as but arrived the ashore, I all can let you as necessary turn a dead duck.”

In the window lamp is also shining, cannot hear the sounds of people actually.

Since this place is Zhang Hengzu comes, since the chapter already likely were horizontally a dead duck falls in the water, in pavilion certainly cannot again have other person.

Although cannot certainly have others, perhaps can have very the multithreading actually — — about the day ancestor's clue.

Zhang Heng certainly is also in the day ancestor's person, otherwise why does he have in submarine to lead away Feng SiNiang' ships does not let she trace.

This was Feng SiNiang under a moment ago the flash institute judgment, she thought to own judgment very satisfiedly.

The gate was also very narrow, outside has not caged.

Feng SiNiang just wanted to pass push the gate, the gate suddenly have opened actually from inside, a person stood in the entrance looks at her, the beautiful eye appeared both sadly and weary, the pitch-black long hair hangs loose in 双肩, looked like likely was in the autumn waters fairy maiden, in the moonlit night spirit.

“Shen BiJun” Feng SiNiang has called.

She has a dream appears and disappears has thought, meets night of here to see Shen Bijun.

Shen BiJun was already not a fairy maiden, is also not a spirit.

She has not died, vivid person, living person.

Feng SiNiang lose the voice, “You ...... How can you arrive here to come?”

Shen BiJun had not replied this speech, has turned around, to decide the room, in the picture has the original chair, has the table to have the lamp.

She chose the light darkest quoin to sit down, she was not willing to let Feng SiNiang see her to cry the red eye.

Feng SiNiang also walked, is staring at her face, resembles also wants again to have a look clear, actually has a look her is a human? The ghost has not dispersed spirit.

Shen BiJun smiled finally reluctantly, said, “I have not died.”

Feng SiNiang also reluctantly smiled, said, “I can see.”

Shen Bijun said, “Are you very strange?”

Feng SiNiang said, “I ...... I am very happy.”

She was really very happy, in her on the secret expectation can have the miracle in the heart to appear, hoped Xiao Shiyi Lang and Shen BiJun also has goodbye one day.

Now the miracle really appeared.

Is how can appear?

Shen BiJun sighed gently, “I from had not thought actually, could some people rescue me unexpectedly.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Who was has rescued you?”

Shen Bijun said, “Zhang Heng.”

Feng SiNiang nearly wanted to call, “Zhang Heng?”

Certainly is the Zhang Heng, he in the under water under original story, resembles Xiao Shiyi Lang to be same on the land, even some people said he all may under find a needle as necessary from under water.

Asked a person certainly to look for the needle to be much easier than.

— — no wonder we 找来找去 cannot find you, originally you 拖走 by that frogman.

This speech Feng SiNiang have not said, because Shen BiJun’sn said, “I believed you have certainly also seen him, yesterday he also in moon reflection in the water building.”

Feng SiNiang said with a smile painstakingly, “I have seen him, the first black clothing person is missing suddenly, calls most vigorously is him.”

Shen Bijun said, “He is indeed a ruthless warm-hearted person, the time which my dead father is alive recognizes him, but also has rescued his one, therefore he continuously all is looking for the opportunity to repay a debt of gratitude.”

Feng SiNiang said, “He really rescues you is for repay a debt of gratitude?”

Shen BiJun nodded said, “He always occurs to that day in the moon reflection in the water building matter thinks the suspicion, after therefore others all walked, he also wants to come back to verify the outcome in secret.”

Wind four pedals said, “He comes back is you jumps down the water time?”

Shen Bijun said, “He has hidden at that time in the water for a very long time, afterwards I only then knew during one day, he always has several time was soaks in the water, he thought is also more comfortable than in the water in the ashore.”

— — he certainly rather soaks in the water, as soon as because came ashore he on all possibly to turn a dead duck as necessary.

This speech Feng SiNiang certainly have not said, her oneself discovered Shen BiJun does not go bad to this person's impression.

But she could not bear actually asked, “After he has rescued you, why doesn't deliver you to go back?”

Shen Bijun smiled, smiled very much bitterly, “Goes back? Where returns to go? The moon reflection in the water building is not my family.”

Feng SiNiang said, “But you ...... Don't you really hope goodbye us?”

Shen BiJun dangles the head, after for a very long time, only then light voice, “I knew you in worried certainly for me, I ...... I in am also thinking of you, but I rather let you think actually I have died, because of ......” , she has scratched the tear quietly, “if because in this world has been short me such individual, you instead can exactly many.”

Feng SiNiang also dangled the head, in the heart had not known actually was any taste.

She does not want to argue with Shen BiJun, now is not at least argues this question time.

Shen Bijun said, “But Zhang Heng feared you worried, certainly had to go to have a look you, he to go for a very long time.” She will sigh a moment ago speech to duplicate, “He is really a warm-hearted person.”

Feng SiNiang did not have the method to open the mouth, now she certainly had understood oneself has wrongly accused Zhang Heng.

Shen Bijun said, “I blurry have rested a moment ago all of a sudden outside, resembles hears to have the very loud sound.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Mmm.”

Shen Bijun said, “What sound is that?”

Feng SiNiang' faces also have been unexpectedly red, did not know how should say only then good, outside some people brought to said with a smile, “That is a dead duck is hit by the early duck falls launching the sound.”

But Feng SiNiang always very little blush her face not to be able has boiled thoroughly one the prawn to be paler than now.

Because Zhang Hengyi wet Lin Lin walks, although on the body has not been short any thing, many has been actually same.

Many have also been red the large package which swells.

Shen BiJun wrinkled the brows, “Why on your can be swollen a bulk?”

Zhang Heng forced smile said, “Not why, because only some people want to compare.” Shen Bijun said, “What compares?”

Zhang Heng, “Compares is my head is hard? The pot is hard?”

Shen BiJun looked he on the large package, had a look on Feng SiNiang faces the expression, in the eye also to have the happy expression unexpectedly again.

She very long very long not has really smiled.

Feng SiNiang said suddenly, “You guessed actually is the pot is hard? His head is hard?”

Shen Bijun said, “Is the pot is hard.”

Feng SiNiang said, “If the pot is hard, why could the pot hit by him has been short an angle, a his on instead many angle.”

Shen BiJun finally smiled.

Feng SiNiang was originally want her to smile, look on her face the smiling face, in Feng SiNiang hearts also has the happiness which cannot say.

Zhang Heng suddenly sighed actually, “Now I finally have understood a matter.”

Feng SiNiang said, “What matter?”

Zhang Heng forced smile said, “I finally only then understood now, why in Jiang-hu can have that many person to treat as you the female monster.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Now I actually also have a matter not to understand.”

Zhang Heng, “What matter?”

Feng SiNiang have sunk the face said, “Why don't you let me pursue that ship?”

Zhang Heng, “Because I do not want to look you die in the water.”

Feng SiNiang said, “Should I also thank you?”

Zhang Heng, “Did you know how that boatman and that child are die?”

Feng SiNiang said, “You know?”

The child lies dead, “This hidden weapon is I comes out from their body.”

He said the hidden weapon is the root triangle nail, compared to ordinary nail long, thin, color pitch-black, looked like is not splendid.

He just took from the body, Feng SiNiang on have lost the voice, “The sparganium stoloniferum passes the bone needle?”

Zhang Heng, “I knew you can certainly recognize.”

Feng SiNiang said, “I have not eaten the pork, always also sees the pig to walk at least.”

In Jiang-hu did not know this kind of hidden weapon a person are not really many.

It is said world hidden weapon, altogether some more than 170 kinds, most fearful actually only then seven kinds.

The sparganium stoloniferum passes the bone needle is these seven kinds most may one of uncle's hidden weapons.

Zhang Heng, “This kind of hidden weapon usually all is with machine the reed launch, even if also can hit 35 ten feet far in the water, we in under water under most feared meets, is this kind of hidden weapon.”

Feng SiNiang said, “I always am short very much in under water under, I am already not the frogman, is also not the fish.”

Zhang Heng, “If on the water surface, this kind of hidden weapon also can take human's life far outside several ten feet.”

Feng SiNiang said, “On the body is leading this kind of hidden weapon person, pursues in me on that ship?”

57th chapter Hidden Dragon, Tiger’s Den

A light vessel is riding Man Huye the fish, along Su Di to the north, has defended west Ling, anchors under the valuable rocky mountain.

This distance is not near, the light vessel swings is not slow, but Xiao Shiyi Lang were actually a group have pursued.

The ashore already has a soft pocket small sedan chair to wait.

The black-clothed person abandons the boat to disembark, on the small sedan chair, has raised the lampwick or lamp the young lad follows closely after the sedan, ship guardian punting pole, the light vessel fluttered by far.

Lifts the sedan two people black satin wide band to grip the waist, slides the point to sprinkle the shoes, pours catches up with in thousand overlapping waves the leg, the head wears the bamboo hat, the stark naked upper body, is actually revealing body ancient coreius heterodon's muscle.

Although mountain road difficult line, but their actually like shoe flat land.

Sedan chair and heavy, but in their hand, actually light if not having.

Xiao Shiyi Lang discovered suddenly these two chair bearers the foot works hard, already not under some salty Jiang-hu heroes.

In the day ancestor is really the latent talent, 高手如云.

The small sedan chair ascends a height to get a broad view upwardly along the mountain road, the moonlight shines directly in or on in the summit of a mountain valuable Shu tower.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have not rested, has not eaten, also has delimited nearly time water, should think originally very tiredly.

Even if is a person who the iron hits, also should have cannot support the time.

Xiao Shiyi Lang do not have.

In his blood as if always has a strange strength to support him, if he is not willing to get down but actually, nobody can let him get down but actually.

Looked like under the month, bright and beautiful independently in summit of a mountain valuable Shu tower, appears beautifully becomes young, is actually the solid, does not have the road to ascend a height to get a broad view.

“Qian Wang the Shu person dynasty, stays for a long time the national capital, the common people misses, constructs the tower to pray.”

This is the valuable Shu tower origin.

In front of the tower has the pavilion wing however, in the alcove has dim shadow as if, unfortunately is blocked from actually by the moonlight under tower shade, looked by far, in the alcove resembles has individual, also resembles does not have.

A red waist guy group comes up exactly the small sedan chair, with a bright moon and few stars, world silent.

Although night deeper, has not been actually long.

Xiao Shiyi Lang also with, in the black clothing young lad hand was selecting this lantern, likely was in the symbol which guided for him resembles.

Does the day ancestor also have a secret minute hall in the gem summit of a mountain?

Lifts the sedan the guy walk as if flying, raises the lampwick or lamp the young lad also can follow closely unexpectedly in after.

Between world silent silent, but in the young lad hand white paper lantern, suddenly extinguishes actually.

The chair bearer could not bear stops the body to turn head, sees only a black clothing young lad pair of hand extinguished the lantern to shoulder high this, moves motionless is also standing.

Black-clothed humanity, “Had a look is the candle?”

Sound of talking high-pitched and fine, is unexpectedly likely woman's sound.

The black-clothed person also said, “Takes the root candle to select the lamp quickly to come.”

Her first company said two speeches, the black clothing young lad links a response also not to have actually, moves motionless is also standing.

Behind team chair bearer said, “Is it possible that does this child stand in there also can fall asleep? I looked two people lay down the sedan chair together, a chair bearer turns around to arrive in front of the young lad, put out a hand to pat his shoulder, said, “You ......”

This character just said, the sound stopped suddenly, likely was has been filled suddenly by a person the type thing in the mouth.

Raises the lampwick or lamp the young lad was astounded in there, this chair bearer resembles also the card to live.

The child in does not have the response, the chair bearer not to respond, a pair of hand also builds on the young lad shoulder.

Two people all move motionless are also standing, likely turned two statues.

The front chair bearer shook the head, also walks, just arrived in front of them, likely was hits any fearful black magic to be same suddenly, the entire person also stiffened.

Three people likely were all were turned by one kind of mystical black magic statues, looked like could not say surreptitiously fearsome.

Xiao Shiyi Lang look by far, is also unable to restrain to think the surprise, very much is startled very much·How hasn't he all seen this is a matter.

On this summit of a mountain has to like making fun of specially common people's evil spirit god, always likes in the moonlit night which this kind confuses chillily, changes the mortal does the simpleton.

On Xiao Shiyi Lang body originally dripping wet, this moment has unexpectedly cannot help but had a cold war.

The black-clothed person sat well actually on the sedan, does not move the least bit.

Has he hit the black magic?

Xiao Shiyi Lang cannot be bearing want to pass have a look, the black-clothed person coldly said suddenly, “Good! The good technique, separates the empty finger-pressing, the grain of rice offends somebody, does such certainly generation of master, why hide is not daring to see the human?”

This she said the speech, has listened likely is steadily woman's sound, only intentionally has pulled down the throat.

Is the day ancestor sovereign unexpectedly a woman?

Is she in speaks to who?

Listens to in the laifeng pavilion a person to coldly said suddenly, “I am here, you cannot see continuously?”

A person 走入 under the moonlight from darkness, the hempen garments white pants, in the hand white towel streamer dances in the air in the wind above, indistinct also may see has eight characters, “On hole dark green deep, gets down quiet clear nine.”

This person unexpectedly is impressively that surreptitious, wugong Gao Jue sells the divination blind person.

How can this blind person appear suddenly in here?

Is he really that this finishes practicing “nine revolutions to return the child, does not have the marvelous ability” Count Carefree, Tian?

Why does he want to wait for this black-clothed person in here; Sees him to appear suddenly, the black-clothed person's body also resembles already suddenly stiffly, after for a very long time, only then puts out the tone, said, “It’s you!”

The blind person coldly said, “You also recognize me?”

The black-clothed person finally goes down the sedan chair, was folding his arms, steps onto the laifeng pavilion, only then sinks the voice, “you also recognize me?”

The blind person coldly said, “If I does not recognize you, who recognizes you?”

The black-clothed person sighed, “Good, if you do not recognize me, who recognizes me?”

The blind person said, “Now I already have come, you said how should manage?”

Black-clothed humanity, “Is you, I should return to give back to you.”

Blind Yu said, “Not forgot links your this life is also I.”

The black-clothed person sighingly said, “I have not forgotten, I cannot forget.”

The blind person said, “As soon as I began with one's own hands have set up the day ancestor, you ......”

The black-clothed person has broken his speech suddenly, said, “How do you know me in the day ancestor?”

The blind person said, “Besides you, but also some who do know the day ancestor's secret?”

The black-clothed person has dangled the head, no longer speaks.

But they already said very lives, the quiet at dead of night, Shan Gaofeng is cold, Xiao Shiyi Lang each all hears very clearly.

In each speech, all is hiding very many secrets obviously.

Extremely fearful secret.

Xiao Shiyi Lang more listen more to think fearfully, only thought the moral nature feels cold, continuously as coldly as sole.

The black-clothed person also said suddenly, “You ...... You really certainly want me to die?”

The blind person said, “I have died, this should be one's turn you.”

The black-clothed person said low-spirited, “I never am not have died one, you why compel me ......”

He got rid of suddenly, sprinkles a cold brightness, his person gathered round this hexagonal Henry's pillar to transfer two revolutions, disappeared unexpectedly suddenly.

The blind person flew high flipped over, has hidden his hidden weapon, said sternly, “You dare to plot against me? You ......”

In the alcove has only been left over a person, he also fierce is shouting out actually, shouts abuse.

Certainly nobody response.

Wind has blown, the blind person sudden blind tuyere, finally discovered the black-clothed person walked.

A his alone person stands in darkness, appears is also pitiful, also fearful, raises the head suddenly laughed wildly, said, “Not forgot as soon as the day ancestor 36 punishments halls all are I begin with one's own hands vertically, can you also run away to where go?”

The laughter is sad and shrill, his person also gathered round the pillar to transfer two revolutions, also disappeared suddenly.

The wind is colder, the star is thinner.

The chair bearer and the young lad or statues stand under the moonlight, three people's faces all twisted distort, the eyeball protruded, has publicized the mouth, was shouting as if cannot hear the sound actually.

Xiao Shiyi Lang put out a hand to pat young lad's shoulder, the young lad have poured on a chair bearer body, this chair bearer poured on another chair bearer body, three individual straightly but actually got down completely, whole body already ice-cold stiff, resembled unexpectedly is separated by a person by the poisonous needle the empty spot to live first the acupuncture point, stood sends maliciously dies.

This kind of hidden weapon technique fearfulness, really already inconceivable.

That blind person and the black-clothed person meets unexpectedly without foundation does not see, inconceivable.

Xiao Shiyi Lang step onto the laifeng pavilion, stands was standing a moment ago in the black-clothed person place, did not drink one suddenly, dialed the knife backhandedly.

Sabre brightness Li Dianpan departs, the knife phoenix howls has flown, “喀” a sound, in the hexagonal pavilion six roots pillar, has cut off three unexpectedly.

The alcove crash-bang collapsed the half, in three pillars, some one is really empty, under is a tunnel.

This institution tunnel constructs extremely ingeniously, if does not understand ingeniously, even if looks for three days three nights, also can look not necessarily obtains.

Xiao Shiyi Lang simply have not looked, he has used the kind simple, the most direct method.

He has used his knife.

Above and below, but also what other strength has, can get rid of a knife compared to the L Xiao Shiyi Lang?

In tunnel moist gloomy, the sunlight forever does not illuminate here, the wind also forever does not blow here.

Walks suddenly down from the moonlight like water summit of a mountain, likely was step 走入 the grave, also was likely a tumble has fallen into the hell.

Xiao Shiyi Lang walked.

So long as can discover this secret the answer, he rather goes to hell.

Walks along the winding tunnel, front darker, cannot see luminous, also looked sees shadow, terminus place the cliff mountain ridges, stroke with the hand, imitates boils may distinguish reveres huge 石佛.


Has that black-clothed person and the blind person been hidden the ghost evil spirit swallows in darkness?

Xiao Shiyi Lang shut the eye, the deep deep breath, Zhang Kailai, has been possible to distinguish 石佛 indistinctly again the appearance.

He has originally shining eye, also may see the matter which very many others cannot see.

Huge 石佛 resembles also looks at him above, bows the head hangs the eyebrow, the facial expression with deep veneration, also did not know is in offends a superior for him gets angry, but in for his bitter experience sad — — if you why has mystical powers seriously does not direct a his bright road? Only then the simpleton sat actually in here, whatever the common people at present for must do evil in you?

— — in the world how could it not be is having very many people all to look like this 石佛 to be same, is always standing by, pretends ignorance.

Xiao Shiyi Lang look at him, sneered said, “Looked like you also only are the block rock waste, why wants me to respect you.”

石佛 sat peacefully.

She had not known how long has sat in here, never have anybody, any matter could destroy her peace.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have gotten hold of the knife, “in this world in each person's life has all filled the disaster and unfortunate, each people all unavoidably suffer hardships and calamities, why do you want the exception?”

In his heart thought suddenly has grief and indignation which plants cannot be contained, could not bear has drawn out his knife.

He wants to use his knife to chop biggest under the misfortune.

As soon as sabre brightness dodges, Mars 四溅, this knife is chopping on 石佛 the spacious chest.

In darkness has suddenly resounded a slight groan.

In the tunnel doesn't have other person, the moan is this 石佛 sends?

This block does pretend ignorance the rock waste, the end thousand also similarly can feel others pain?

Xiao Shiyi Lang pulled out his knife, the palm had the cold sweat.

The knife point enters the stone, pulled out had the strip fissure.

A Xiao Shiyi Lang knife gets rid of, regardless of chops in any place, all similarly can leave behind the fatal wound.

In this wound flows is not actually a blood, but is the light golden light.

Is also a groan.

The moan is also precisely passes on from this wound.

In Xiao Shiyi Lang eye also has sent out the light immediately, brandishes a sword once more, does not stop brandishes a sword.

The crushed stone four splashes, the light has more and more shone, according to on 石佛 the indifferent serious face, this face as if also suddenly had the expression, looked like as if is smiling.

Although her chest has disrupted, but actually finally directs a bright road for Xiao Shiyi Lang.

She has sacrificed own, has illuminated others actually, therefore she even if only is originally the block rock waste, now also has changed became an immortal Buddha.

Flashes the light looked like in darkness, likely is the yellow palace is magnificent.

This magnificent golden light is precisely stared at from 石佛 the disruption chest sends, has the lamp the place, certainly has a person.

Is who person?

Xiao Shiyi Lang have drilled, entered this grave Bian's grave, in the hell hell.

Lamp on cliff, human under edible tulip.

Light warm gentle, human actually already ice-cold stiff.

That blind person's corpse cricket is bending, as if small, a handle silver knife punctured in his heart, the knife point has been dialed by he, but is also bleeding.

His blood is also bright red.

The pine operates his finger, takes up the silver knife, the blood on in his palm, has flowed slowly from the lines on the hand between, has flowed out one bright red “the day” the character.

Does not have the spoiled child, has a mandate from heaven.

This blind person really leisurely meets Hou Ge geyao.

He has not died under in the murder cliff ten thousand ten feet certainly valleys, dies actually in this gloomy secret valley.

His another hand, but also tight purple grips the black-clothed person's hand.

Black-clothed person's hand also already stiff, on face mask, actually also under light sparkling.

Uncovers this mask, may see a pale beautiful face, a double convex leaves the eye as if also in stared at Xiao Shiyi Lang, in the eye is having the expression which kind of who is also unable to understand, also did not know is angry? Is frightened? Sad?

Bing Bing!

The day ancestor's second generation of master, is really unexpectedly impressively Bing Bing.

The shining mask drops on the place, Xiao Shiyi Lang palm has seeped was in a cold sweat.

Far compared to blood colder Leng Xun.

Perhaps — — half month, Xiao Shiyi Lang all did not know oneself can arrive the moon reflection in the water building to go, how could some people reveal his whereabouts?

Because of theirs travelling schedule, this is Bing Bing arrangement.

— — can the day ancestor's rebel, how all die in Xiao Shiyi Lang hand?

Because these people originally are Bing Bing want the homicide.

Besides the day sub-, only then Bing Bings a person to know the day ancestor's secret originally.

She uses Xiao Shiyi Lang, killed these not to obey her the person, she used Xiao Shiyi Lang to make the shop sign, led away others attention, was good is carrying on her plot in secret.

When Xiao Shiyi Lang no longer use the value advantageously, she slowly sneaks off, again wanted Lian Chengbi also to kill him, stamped out the source of trouble.

Not only her plan thorough, moreover effective.

But she also could not think Count Carefree is also living unexpectedly, could find her unexpectedly.

Now this 兄妹 two people both have died in opposite party hand, between them the gratitude and grudges hatred, all dissipated along with theirs life, all secrets also completely had the answer.

Thinks carefully, this this is the only reasonable answer.

Such result, is also precisely the only result, but also some who can think not satisfiedly?

Perhaps only then Xiao Shiyi Lang.

He stands crazily in front of them, on the face is also having the expression which the kind all is unable to explain.

What in his heart is thinking?

Dead person's hand, is gripping tightly.

Had this 兄妹 two people in front finally mutually understood at the point of death, understood they originally are the identical kind of person.

The switchroom their hand, only then may see their two hands both to grip tightly in one on the iron rod which stretches out from the cliff.

Xiao Shiyi Lang switchroom their hand, the iron rod sudden ball got up, only listens to “the standard” a sound, thousand catties 铁闸 silent landslips get down at the same time, room partition this secret exportation.

That is also the only exportation without doubt.

After this 兄妹 two people have died, but also must ask individual to accompany them to die, buries for them.

They already knew this person is certainly Xiao Shiyi Lang?

All gratitude and grudges all had ended, all secrets all have exposed, all hatreds, love, did the friendship all turn void, what in the life also had to be worth being reluctant to part with?

Xiao Shiyi Lang rely on the cliff to sit down, cliff ice-cold, the flame is gradually dim:In his heart likely is a piece of blank, also does not have sorrowfully angry·Also does not have the fear.

Now he only can do the matter, is waits for death.

Said to him, dies no longer is a fearful matter, is not worth the sorrowful anger.

Also had not known how long, the lamp finally did extinguish, between the world on is only left over a piece of darkness.

Darkness how?

What Lian Sidu couldn't calculate, moreover dark?

Xiao Shiyi Lang wanted to smile suddenly, laugh, smile have again cried, to cry again to call, shouted, but he only was actually moves also motionless sat in there.

He thinks very wearily, weary extremely.

He loves excellently, also has been loved.

Regardless of is a love? Is loved? They have love department is similarly real and is great.

He endures the rising sun humiliation, also has enjoyed the glory, regardless of who can look like him such to cross the life, all should satisfy very much.

It was only a pity the present has not died to him.

Between, the above has transmitted a cry suddenly, a sunlight has illuminated suddenly down, according to on his body.

He may feel the sunlight the warmth above, also may hear some people to summon loudly, “Xiao Shiyi Lang, Xiao Shiyi Lang was also living.”

Then jumped down step down on some people, lifts him, he had even known had a person is Lian Chengbi.

But he links the eye department not to open actually, one kind compared to a darkness more fearful pressure, layer on layer the geoquiet pressure has been occupied by him, pressure in his chest.

He only thinks extremely wearily, weary extremely ......

But dark leaves him to go far away suddenly, he can breathe suddenly to the fresh fragrant air, likely is when his youth in the wooded mountain, breathes in wilderness to the air is same.

Now he no longer is the youth.

Here is not the spacious wilderness wooded mountain.

Neighbor has very many people to whoop, he cannot hear clearly they in to say any, may hear in actually each speech which each person said, all has Xiao Shiyi Lang' name.

A person speaks suddenly the sound has pressed all people, he also cannot see this person, actually listened to this person's sound.

Is also Lian Chengbi.

His sound is slow, is clear and is powerful, “Each present thought already knew, Xiao Shiyi Lang are also has been framed by a person, frames he a person, was rambles in years past marquis's blood relative younger sister Geshu Bing, also was the day ancestor's second generation of master, in under and between Xiao Shiyi Lang, although the gratitude and grudges pestered already the long time, but the present all has become, the past events found it unbearable to recall, lay down the butcher knife, 立地成佛, I only hoped ......”

Xiao Shiyi Lang again have not listened, he only wants forever to leave here, leaves all people, he has not been willing to face these great heroic real men again.

He jumps suddenly, arrives in front of Lian Chengbi, said, “You rescued me, I have owed you a life.”

Said this speech, his has not returned walks.

Must go on living although is not an easy matter, but he pledges actually must certainly exactly because he owes a person a life?

Xiao Shiyi Lang always do not owe others, regardless of any type debt, he all certainly wants to repay a debt.

Sunset Xishan.

West under the Ling bridge water has been colder, in Su Xiaomu fall grass also already withered and yellow, the bright moonlight still has not raised actually.

The moon reflection in the water large ship also keeps outside the causeway? Feng SiNiang also in were waiting for a his light vessel, swung to the causeway, Xiao Shiyi Lang in light vessel.

No matter he is dies is lives, is remains is walks, he cannot on such forget Feng SiNiang.

The dim light of night also approaches, in the moon reflection in the water building also had the light, some people in a drawn-out voice are as if also singing in a low voice.

The light vessel has not swung, bow some people have been calling, “The Xiao son entertains guests at a banquet in this, the noisy person and so on 走远.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Also has a Xiao son to entertain guests at a banquet in here? Is which Xiao son?”

The bow guy said proudly, “Certainly is variant's world-famous Xiao Shier Lang.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang smiled.

He did not know how oneself can smile, but he is indeed smiling, laughed.

The laughter has alarmed in the cabin person, a person was folding his arms, did walked proudly, the youth was outstandingly talented, the clothing was magnificent, was really Xiao Shier Lang.

He sees Xiao Shiyi Lang, on the face also to reveal the smiling face immediately, revealed the hat to be warm and to be courteous, said, “You have really come.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You knew I can come?”

Xiao Shier Lang said, “Had a person to remain has sealed the letter in here, wanted me to transmit for you.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Is the letter which who person does stay behind?”

Xiao Shier Lang said, “Is a person who delivers a letter.”

This reply is very wonderful, his expression very is actually sincere, has handed over this sentiment respectfully to Xiao Shiyi Lang.

The envelope is brand-new, letter paper actually already very obsolete, has rubbed a group as if, again launches flattens, folds neatly.

“I walked. My certain pressure hemp your hand, when waits you wake, the hand on cannot certainly again the hemp. They want me are only my individual, you do not need to go, also cannot go. You later will not be able goodbye to arrive me, also certainly very quick will be able to hear my news.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang' heart has sunk.

He recognizes this letter, because this letter originally is he leaves Feng SiNiang, he could not think Feng SiNiang can collect this letter, could not think she can return this letter for him.

But he understood when her meaning, he leaves behind this letter, is it possible that is also precisely prepares to die.

The death, is she only must leave his news.

“I cannot die, I also owe a person a life.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang pine operates the hand, the letter falls, falls in the lake, along with the wave escape, likely is the bunch flower.

The flower fell, in is the life spring also passed, what left over also has?

Xiao Shier Lang look at him, said suddenly, “The younger generation originally wants please Hero Xiao to drink the cup liquor.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Why don't you invite?”

Xiao Shier Lang said with a smile, “Younger generation not may I ask, also does not match.” He smiled that is the enthusiasm, then courteous, bows said, “Xiao chivalrous person, if did not have other instruction, the younger generation to say goodbye.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang look he turns around 走入 the cabin, also wants to smile, could not smile actually.

On the light vessel boatmen has patted his shoulder suddenly, said, “Others already do not want to ask you to drink, you stand in here not usefully, walks.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang nodded slowly, said, “Should walk, always must walk.”

The boatmen looks at him, said, “Are you really want to drink?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Yes.”

Ship family fortune:. On your body has how many money "

Xiao Shiyi Lang' hand to put in the bosom, also pulls out.

The hand is empty.

He discovers suddenly oneself penniless.

The boatmen had smiled actually, said, “You are also originally a drunkard, the drunkard do not have one originally not not poorly, looked like my this ship has run a fruitless errand.” In his hand long punting pole, the light vessel 汇入 the center of the lake, “If you is willing to wait for my half time:Again does a business, I ask you to drink.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I wait for you.”

He sat down in the beautiful tree top, crazily looks at the distant place crazily, the distant place smoke water is dim, dim light of night already gradually deep.

Xihu's dim light of night is similarly beautiful, It was only a pity now evening already non- yesterday.

The night market inaugurates, on the long street is precisely most lives it up, both sides in the shop all the spot turned on a light, the light is illuminating the bright silk fabrics, shines chinaware, exquisite delicacy cakes and pastries, also has illuminated people's smiling face.

The boatmen has traded the body clean long robe, the stride was walking in front, appears vigorously, jubilant.

On perhaps as soon as his body the belt money also insufficiently buys is drunk, but looks like, this world resembles the complete subordinate in him.

Because he after laboriously one young, now arrived him to declare a position.

He was patting Xiao Shiyi Lang' shoulder, said on the quiet, “On this street liquor is very expensive, we cannot go in, but I must arrive here every day to have a look, regardless of looked how long all doesn't ask for money.”

He smiled happily, because he may arrive here at least to come to have a look casually.

So long as can have a look, he very much has satisfied.

A person to life view if can look like him like this, then in the world also has the matter which any is worth complaining sadly.

Xiao Shiyi Lang thought suddenly oneself really Lian Zhei boatmens do not compare.

He really does not have such open-minded heart.

Front has a money shop, the Hengsheng money shop.

Xiao Shiyi Lang stop suddenly the footsteps, said, “You wait here for a moment.”

Ship family fortune, “You?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I ...... I go in have a look.”

The boatmen said with a smile, “In the money shop may not any attractive, the steamed stuffed bun meat in does not pleat, in the silver village money we also cannot see.” But he is walking actually with Xiao Shiyi Lang, “no matter how, can go in has a look to be also good.”

Although the storekeeper just entered the middle age, hair actually already gray, looks these two people walked, although appeared very surprised, the manner was actually very courteous, “Two have what instructs me?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I resemble in here also have an account.”

Storekeeper's everyone looked at his two, said with a smile reluctantly, “Your excellency has not remembered incorrectly?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Does not have.”

Storekeeper's said, “Your name?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “The surname is Xiao, Xiao Shiyi Lang.”

The storekeeper unfolds Yan said, “Is originally Uncle Xiao, good, Uncle Xiao has certainly the account in my firm.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Can you have a look in my account also to have how many money, I want 提走.”

Storekeeper's saying with a smile, “Original my firm is the bill proposes the money, but Uncle Xiao may actually the exception.” He smiled very much strangely, slowly then said, “Because of Uncle Xiao's account, we just has tied.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “in the account is also rich is saving?”

Storekeeper's said, “Has, certainly has.” Behind he opens cautiously the money cabinet, has put out a copper cash, places on gently the table, micro said with a smile, “In Xiao chivalrous person account surplus, already only then such many.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang have not moved, has not opened the mouth, no matter how, this copper cash is brand-new at least, does not look under the lamp, is bright is likely the gold is same.

Storekeeper's said, “Uncle is Xiao also wants to have a look the detailed account book?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang shook the head.

Storekeeper's said, “Uncle Xiao if also wants to exist this Wen Qian my firm, my firm also equally welcome.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang turn head suddenly, ask, “What can an article money buy?”

The boatmen winked the eye, said, “Also may buy a large package peanut.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang with two fingers, pick up this copper cash cautiously, also smiled unexpectedly, said, “The peanut drinks happen to, this article money I must certainly take away.”

The boatmen said with a smile, “Is also good, Wen Qiansui are not many, always compared to an article not good. They laugh are walking, the storekeeper gently is sighing actually. He cannot think through this individual also to have any to be worth happy, because he knew this individual already in one at night by the wealthy man who 富可敌国, turned the penniless poor wretch. He knew, because he Zha Guozhei individual account was indeed just thin. He has never seen to get rich sends quick person the such, also has never seen has been poor such quickly.

58th chapter Chivalry unparalleled

The sword pattern, is fine and is classically elegant.

On the classically elegant sword blade, is engraving four classically elegant characters, “Chivalry unparalleled.”

The gold casts the sword, is certainly not uses for to kill people.

That only represents the people to a Lian Chengbi Zhuang Zhu respect.

This handle sword value, is certainly not gold itself, but is above that four characters.

The chivalry, already the world not much saw, moreover “chivalry unparalleled”.

In people mind, these four characters, also only then Stain-free Manor Lian Zhuangzhu deserves sufficiently.

Night of already depth.

锣鼓声 and clamored the sound to be gradually far.

The human also dispersed.

In the hall is only left over Lian Chengbi a person, a lamp.

He as if already somewhat tired, also resembled a moment ago to felt lively somewhat was weary of.

He micro shuts the eye awake, the correct use is stroking on slowly the sword blade that four characters.

His hand is very light, likely is stroking sweetheart's ketone body.

“Chivalry unparalleled!”

He smiled.

But in smiling face not slightly excited or joyful, but brings the kind to ridicule disappears and disdains.

A night of phoenix passes the window, had the chill in the air.

Lian Chengbi strokes the sword blade the finger to stop suddenly, on the face smiling face also suddenly vanishes.

But his expression very was still tranquil, said slowly, “Who is stands in the garden?”

Outside should say, “Zhao Boqi.”

Lian Chengbi nodded, said, “Comes in.”

Zhao Boqi walked from the flowering shrubs shadow, the footsteps are very light, very slow, the facial expression is discrete and is respectful.

He, is originally boatmen Zhao who throws Xiao Shiyi Lang in the tavern is big.

The light according to on the golden sword, the brilliance reflects the full hall.

Zhao Boqi the nature saw that handle gold sword, but he lowered the head actually, pretends not to see.

Lian Chengbi mutters, “This is a place elders deep affection, I do not dare to accept originally, but difficult to turn down an offer make with such warmth.”

Zhao Boqi busy said, “Should, if not Zhuang Zhu illustrious name broadcasts far, prestige town four directions. How can the common people enjoy a good and prosperous life, a this small respect is really should.”

He said this saying, resembles he is in the place elder, this handle sword this is he offers to the Stain-free Manor dissimilarity.

Lian Chengbi smiled, said, “Actually, I am also only a very ordinary person, where can handle 'chivalry unparalleled' four characters. “

Zhao Boqi originally wants again to say several interesting to listen to speeches, the throat looks like actually by any thing is stopped up, a character also cannot say.

Because he discovered Lian Chengbi the cold and gloomy vision, the village is staring at him.

Zhao Boqi in the heart a cold, hurriedly takes out a long shape from the underclothing the cloth wrapper, both hands holds to Lian Chengbi in front of.

In the package is a handle knife, handle hears the world knife.

Deer-carving Sabre.

Knife already sheath.

Coldly the knife 烽, according to the face which Lian Chengbi coldly.

The knife point is sharp, the vision is similarly sharp.

The sharp vision, moves slowly on the knife point.

Gradually, the cold face finally split open warm feeling.

Lian Chengbi smiled.

This, in his smiling face no longer includes ridicules disappears and disdains, but is fills happily with satisfies.

As soon as but the smiling face only gently dodges in the corners of the mouth, vanishes suddenly.

Lian Chengbi vision transfers to on the Zhao Boqi face by the knife point, said, “How did this handle knife arrive in your hand?”

Zhao Boqi said, “is I uses several pots liquors and package of peanuts trades.”

Lian Chengbi said, “Oh?”

Zhao Boqi said, “Moreover is several pots poorest liquors, package of cheapest peanuts, the village host under thought certainly, the name hears the world treasured sword, value this price.”

Lian Chengbi indeed some accidents.

Zhao Boqi self-satisfied tunnel, “The village host certainly could not think, Xiao Shiyi Lang want me to pawn this handle knife, the goal also only want again to trade several pots blue ruins and package of peanuts, the world-famous Xiao Shiyi Lang, have become the out-and-out drunkard now, in later martial arts world could not have Xiao Shiyi Lang this name again.”

Lian Chengbi said, “This but actually indeed causes a person not to be able to think.”

Zhao Boqi said with a smile, “If a person only knows all day long drinks, regardless of the fame has resoundingly, the general meeting destroys in the wine cup.”

Lian Chengbi nodded, said, “Good.”

Zhao Paqi said, “Therefore, he already did not match uses this handle knife, when in this life only matched a person who used this handle knife, only then village host.”

Lian Chengbi said, “oh?”

Zhao Boqi said, “Now is called Xiao Shiyi Lang to cut grass with this handle knife, believed he has not also cut off.”

Lian Chengbi said, “Deer-carving sabre is not originally uses for to cut grass, its only use. Is the murder.”

Zhao Boqi was astounded, said, “murder?”

Lian Chengbi said, “Good, the murder, thinks oneself clever in particular human.”

As soon as sabre brightness dodges, passed over gently and swiftly the Zhao Boqi neck to give.

The number of people should the knife fall to the ground, Zhao Paqi on the face facial expression has still not changed.

That is a facial expression which the palpitation and is stunned interweaves, he dies did not understand, Lian Chengbi can get rid of suddenly to him.

A knife point piece crystal clear, drops the blood not to moisten.

Lian Chengbi with handles gently is caressing the knife point, resembles the appreciation, also resembles the cherishing, said in a low voice, “Good knife, really good sharp knife.” Gains ground suddenly, enhances the sound to say, “comes the human!”

Two black clothing good chaps enter accordingly.

Lian Chengbi had sheared the deer knife to return in the cloth wrapper, said, “the fast horse pursues Xiao Shier Lang, wants him to return in front of this handle knife for Xiao Shiyi Lang, and tells him, in the world only then Xiao Shiyi Lang, only then use for parts shear the deer knife.”

Two good chaps looked one mutually, is as if somewhat surprised, has not asked the reason actually, received the cloth wrapper, has drawn back.

Until left the hall, talent could not bear sighed the one breath lightly, said, “Xiao Shiyi Lang can hand over look like our Zhuang Zhuzhei to plant the friend, also calculated in vain has not lived the life.”

Another seconds a motion immediately said, “Zhuang Zhu to Xiao Shiyi Lang, indeed already is shows extreme tolerance ......”

The human lives in the world, has is self-satisfied, certainly also always has the unpleasant time.

Therefore, a person has invented the liquor.

The liquor is humanity's friend, is frustrated especially human.

Is frustrated a person drinks, is for drown worries in drink.

The self-satisfied person also drinks, is for express the life self-satisfied must have a good time.

Thereupon, sells the liquor the place never to fear has not lived attends to.

Although Xiao Shiyi Lang also drink, is not actually lives attends to.

Because the customer all is spends buys the liquor to drink, Xiao Shiyi Lang do not have the money actually.

Without the money, has the friend who is willing to treat to be also good.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have not treated friend.

Let alone treats the friend, including the friend who not please accommodate also does not have.

Both does not have the money, and does not have the friend, the liquor to illuminate actually drinks does not harm, moreover, does not drink the dead drunk.

Does not stop.

He was already not likes the liquor the taste, the booing has a grudge likely with the liquor, non- all drinks the world liquor in the belly, thought 心有不甘.

The world liquor, can it be that drinks?

Therefore, Xiao Shiyi Lang daily all in is drunk in the township.

Neighbor in dozens of miles, so long as is sells the liquor the place, Xiao Shiyi Lang all drank.

Each place, he all only can drink a time, finally, was not is punched black and blue, is raised by the photograph the wild dog to resemble has fallen.

He not only penniless, moreover the body does not have the surplus, including last ragged clothes all by hotel partner juice exhausted under not, that group juice disliked luckily it breaks the loot, wrinkled the brows the head, also returns for him.

Xiao Shiyi Lang put on that broken clothes to be missing.

Nobody sees him to sell the liquor the place to appear again.

In the people heart, he already was a small froth, nobody can care about.

Only then Xiao Shier Lang were caring about.

Before, so long as sold the liquor the place, could find Xiao Shiyi Lang, now Lian Maijiu place also could not find him.

Xiao Shier Lang did not believe he can leave the liquor, but searches for the size restaurant wineshop, even brews alcohol the liquor room, does not have Xiao Shiyi Lang' shadow.

The drunkard leaves the liquor, likely the fish leaves the boiling water, how goes on living?

Xiao Shier Lang do not dare to believe simply this can be a fact.

Is at a loss how to proceed in this, 咒骂声 and clamored the sound to pass on from “the great wild goose guest restaurant”.

“The great wild goose guest restaurant” is the local luxurious wineshop, the patronage restaurant patron, all is the Shi gentry rich merchant who in the place richest, most has the fame, certainly is impossible like this noisily brillant, not impossible to have the sound which curses.

The restaurant entrance gathers round a person who a big pile watches the fun, is whooping.

Two clothes the neat waiter, puts up 酒气 a mellow day male drunkard to come out by the shop in, then, a your fist, my foot, beats that male drunkard pain.

Punches while 骂道, “His mother, might be called the fathers today to catch, you hid in the cellar steal the liquor to drink, harmed Lao Yu to take the rap actually for you, must beat to death your this bastard not to be possible.”

Has that good intention a person urges, “Do not hit, looked him to be already drunk this, also strange pitiful.”

The waiter said, “Pitiful? Who is pitiful we? This boy in the wine cellar has hidden two days in the shop, stole fully drinks four big pots liquors, boss has blamed us to steal, had to deduct from wages, this, this boy has added water unfortunately in the empty jar, harms us to suffer the visitor to scold, linked the rice bowl all to pound nearly, was he does not let us live intentionally, who didn't punch him to punch?”

The male drunkard two hands closely are holding the head, whatever beats and scolds, also does not open the mouth.

In the crowd has the people’s voice, “Has been good, Hero Xiao has come, please Hero Xiao be a host, this dozen should punish. Said the sentence justice lives.”

The great wild goose guest building waiter, had not known Xiao Shier Lang, greet with a smile the road hastily, “Hero Xiao, you come just right, asked you to figure out, this boy — —” Xiao Shier Lang beckons with the hand, stops the waiter to say again, takes the head with two, picks up male drunkard's chin gently.

Eye one bright. His was astounded nature.

Xiao Shiyi Lang.

Xiao Shiyi Lang gain ground, laughed suddenly, said, “Brothers, good brothers, you have come, I really like, asked me to drink a cup quickly to go.”

Xiao Shier Lang coldly said, “Who is your brothers?”

“I am surnamed Xiao, you are also surnamed Xiao, I am called Xiao Shiyi Lang, you are called Xiao Shier Lang, what aren't you my brothers are?”

Xiao Shier Lang still coldly said, “You are you, I are I, has no need for exploits one's connections.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang saliva face, was saying grinningly, “No brothers, we are finally the friend, is right?”

Xiao Shier Lang said, “I am not your friend.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Good!Good!Good!Is not the friend is unimportant, asked me to drink two glasses of liquors, this always may?”

Xiao Shier Lang shook the head, said, “I have not invited the custom which a person drinks.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang important highway, “Then you lend my money, I is drink, good?”

Xiao Shier Lang shook the head, said, “I do not want to lend money to the drunkard.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Only borrows ten articles money, helps, tomorrow also you ......”

Xiao Shier Lang said, “An article money does not borrow, come I to here, only is must give you other thing.”

“Oh?”Xiao Shiyi Lang eye has shone suddenly, said, “What thing?”

“You look.”

The cloth wrapper unties, the name heard the world sheared Lu Daoyou to arrive in Xiao Shiyi Lang hand.

The treasured sword is well, sabre brightness still bright like autumn waters.

Xiao Shiyi Lang recommend high shear the deer knife, has a good laugh.

He was rotating the bleary eyes, to all around slowly has swept, said, “You have seen? This is in the world most precious Deer-carving sabre, a priceless treasured sword, you had heard does not have?”

Who hasn't listened to transfer of ownership Lu Dao the name, the people all use the surprised judgment to look Xiao Shier Lang, was suspecting as if why he can give the so precious treasured sword a drunkard.

Xiao Shiyi Lang press up to the knife point to two waiters in front of, said, “You recognize clearly, this handle knife can value many money?”

Two waiters in a terrified way look Xiao Shiyi Lang, nodded again and again said, “Is!Is treasured sword which is worth the money very much ......”

The Xiao eldest son laughed is throwing the knife on the place, said, “Since knew, for looks takes away detains on the cabinet, trades several pots good liquors to come first.”

Under two waiters hesitate dare to put out a hand, Xiao Shiyi Lang are also loud said, “Takes away, your Uncle Xiao's liquor insect already the alkyne crawled to the throat has come, but also what waited for?”

Xiao Shier Lang saw here, nodded secretly to that waiter, turns around to go out the crowd.

Who can believe a generation of chivalrous person can fall to this step of date place.

Xiao Shiyi Lang before also once did not consider throws aside Deer-carving sabre, that was for must rescue Feng SiNiang' lives.

Now, he similarly did not consider throws aside Deer-carving sabre, actually in order to only trade several pots liquors to drink.

The world-famous Xiao Shiyi Lang, this was true.



Rainstorm first clear.

Xiao Shiyi Lang want to stand from the muddy rain water, actually resembles already the strength and the courage which has not stood.

He stands, also, has poured but actually in under young people's feet.

With Xiao Shier Lang similar manner, similarly arrogant young people.

With he same year similar manner, similarly arrogant young people.

He saw this young people, resemble see he shadow.

But the present, this shadow already vanished.

This young people are also looking at him, on the face has a kind of very strange expression, the right hand to grasp pot liquor, the left hand is grasping a knife.

Deer-carving Sabre.

Xiao Shiyi Lang dangle the head.

He did not dare facing this young people, also does not dare facing this knife.

He did not dare facing the reality, even did not dare facing the past.

He only wants to anaesthetize as far as possible oneself.

Now mentions to him, in this young manpower pot liquor, the value has surpassed by far has sheared the deer knife.

The young people said suddenly, “You want to drink?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang very quick nodded.

Young humanity, “It is a pity this is not your liquor.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang get hold of both hands, scratched with the hand back has dried the crack the lip, also wanted to stand, also but actually.

The young people in are staring at continuously he, has raised in the hand knife suddenly, said, “Do you want this knife?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang turn head.

Young humanity, “It is a pity this knife already was also not you.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang could not bear ask, “Now this already is your knife?”

Young humanity, “As soon as you yesterday received in exchange with this handle knife have been drunk, as soon as I with smiled today trade this knife.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “As soon as smiled, “ the young people have revealed the smile, one kind deep, sharp, indescribable smile.

He was smiling said, “Did you know, some people smile, compares time which does not smile is more fearful.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang knew certainly.

Young humanity, “I am smile the surface Shiqi Lang.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang have also smiled, said, “Shiqi Lang?”

Shiqi Lang nodded.

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “you are surnamed Xiao?”

Shiqi Lang had not replied this sentence lives, is only staring at Xiao Shiyi Lang' eye.

After for a very long time, an only then character character asked, “You really are Xiao Shiyi Lang?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang was unable to deny.

Shiqi Lang said, “You really are that fight vigorously Count Carefree, the open fight between factions big son, Xiao Shiyi Lang who sweeps away the martial arts world by a knife?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang was also unable to deny.

Shiqi Lang have smiled, said, “Heard your knife skill unparalleled in the world, you can let me experience?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Experience? How experiences?”

Shiqi Lang said, “You also have the hand, here also has the knife, so long as you let me experience your knife skill, not only this pot liquor is you, in the great wild goose guest restaurant liquor, you must take how many. I give you how many.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang' both hands get hold of.

Shiqi Lang Wei said with a smile, “This is a good transaction, I knew you can certainly comply.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang loud road, “No suddenly good.”

Shiqi Lang said, “No good? Isn't why good?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “my not fly cutter.”

Shiqi Lang said, “Why can’t ? Hand you hand, knife also you knife.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang struggled reluctantly very were getting up the chest, said, “My knife is not dances for others looks.”

Shiqi Lang said, “your knife is the murder?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Yes.”

Shiqi Lang laugh, resembles in his life always not to listen to the such laughable matter.

Xiao Shiyi Lang was straight, “The murder is not laughable.”

Shiqi Lang said, “You can kill people?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Mmm.”

Shiqi Lang said, “you also can kill people?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang dangle the head, looks at own hand.

In the hand does not have the blood, only then mud.

Shiqi Lang said, “You also have the hand, here also has the knife, so long as you could use your hand to extract this to kill the knife I, this pot liquor also was you.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said loudly, “I cannot for a pot liquor murder.”

Shiqi Lang said, “You can in order to what kills people?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I ......”

Shiqi Lang fly suddenly a foot, kicked muds, kicked on Xiao Shiyi Lang face, again used the shoe sole to scratch Xiao Shiyi Lang' face.

Xiao Shiyi Lang whole body all already stiff.

Shiqi Lang said, “Can you for this reason murder?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang gain ground suddenly, is staring at he with a pair of full cloth capillary eye.

Shiqi Lang Wei said with a smile, “Under you dared?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang finally put out a hand to have to dial the knife.

Knife in front of him.

But, his hand resembles forever is also unable to touch this knife.

His hand is trembling.

His hand shakes likely is in the autumn wind fallen leaf.

Just like his person, how could it not be also the fallen leaf withered and yellow fades.

Shiqi Lang have smiled, laughed.

“I knew you are not do not dare to kill people, only has not been able to kill people.” He is laughing said, “Knife although the former days sheared the deer knife, Xiao Shiyi Lang already were not actually the past with Xiao Shiyi Lang.”

Restaurant some people were asking suddenly, “What are Xiao Shiyi Lang now?”

Shiqi Lang broke to pieces on the liquor pot with the hilt racket to seal the putty, came out but actually the pot in liquor, pours in on Xiao Shiyi Lang' face.

This originally is a humiliation which who is also unable to endure, dies humiliation which is also unable to endure.

Regardless of who bumps into this kind of matter, all certainly can not be able to bear throws out the chest, shakes the fist, to draw a sword, goes all out.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have actually handled the matter which anybody could not think.

He has opened his mouth.

He has opened his mouth, is not for must cry out, is also not for must roar.

He has opened his mouth, only is must go to meet flows on his face the liquor.

Some people started not to be able to bear are smiling.

Shiqi Lang are also smiling, laugh said, “What now you do have a look him to look like?”

This sentence lived just said, some hand extended suddenly, cradling his when.

His human likely mounting the clouds and riding the mist has been held suddenly, flew.

In his hand knife, already in this hand.

Whose hand is this?

Is whose hand can have the such mysterious strength?

Lian Chengbi.

Chivalry unparalleled Lian Chengbi.

59th chapter Reveals the truth

Xiao Shiyi Lang gain ground, saw Lian Chengbi face.

On Lian Chengbi face has already not ridiculed, also has not pitied, only then one kind gentle and great understanding and sympathy.

He used another to get up hand-held Xiao Shiyi Lang. Said, “Walks, we drink.”

What taste is the liquor?

Primary Xiao Shiyi Lang also cannot branch out the liquor is only any taste, he drinks also drinks too quickly mostly.

Lian Chengbi is looking he drank, looked for a very long time, said suddenly, “Your alcohol capacity resembled has striven.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang raise glass, drink.

Lian Chengbi said, “How much liquors do you one day want to drink?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “more the better, “

Lian Chengbi said, “Three worlds suffice insufficiently?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Careless.”

Lian Chengbi said, “We before cannot be a friend, but the before matter all has passed, now ......” he long sighed, said, “now I this this accompany you two days, must walks actually may not, I only can leave behind 100 worlds liquors to give you, lets your completely January happy, after January, I come to see you again.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang raise glass immediately, drink, burst into tears suddenly, flow in emptied in the wine cup.

Some who do see Xiao Shiyi Lang to burst into tears?


Some who did believe Xiao Shiyi Lang can sprinkle for the area area 100 worlds burst into tears?


Xiao Shiyi Lang always rather bleed, is also not willing to burst into tears.

But the present, his tear has really flowed down.

Lian Chengbi looks the teardrops flow him not to have to clean muddy completely the face, also long sighed, said, “You ......”

Xiao Shiyi Lang break his living suddenly, said, “We before perhaps is not a friend, but the present already is actually the friend.”

Lian Chengbi looks at him, after for a very long time, an only then character character asked, “We now really already were the friend?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang was nodding.

Lian Chengbi said, “You burst into tears, is because feels grateful I?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang cannot deny.

Lian Chengbi had smiled suddenly, smiled very much strangely.

He brings to smile, Deer-carving sabre to deliver in front of Xiao Shiyi Lang, said, “this is your knife, now you.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang dangle the head, is staring at classically elegant and the obsolete scabbard, after for a very long time, only then mutters, “The knife is the same knife, but I? What thing did I turn?”

Lian Chengbi is staring at him, after for a very long time, said suddenly, “Did you know how you can turn this appearance?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang nodded, shook the head.

Lian Chengbi said, “You did not know, certainly did not know, because of ......”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “because of what?”

Lian Chengbi said, “Because knows this secret truly, world only then a person.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Who?”

Lian Chengbi said, “You forever could not think human.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang, “who?”

Lian Chengbi said, “I.”

This character said the mouth, his eye has changed the sharp like knife point suddenly, his hand is away from Xiao Shiyi Lang' pulse to be inferior to five inches.

He has prepared to deal with each kind of change.

Who knows Xiao Shiyi Lang completely not to respond unexpectedly.

Lian Chengbi said, “You turn this appearance, completely all is I harms you.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang had not responded completely.

His person resembles completely numbly already.

Lian Chengbi looks at him, the pupil is contracting continuously, said slowly, “Did you know who is the true day sovereign person?”

In Xiao Shiyi Lang eye empty, said at a loss, “You ......”

Lian Chengbi road!Badly wrong, is I, all plan. All is I wants to come out. “

This speech should look like a needle originally, but regardless of the how incisive needle, punctures in on Xiao Shiyi Lang' body, Xiao Shiyi Lang also completely under can have any response.

In this world the good elephant no longer has any matter to be able to injure him, is this because he already completely did not have human's real sentiment?

Lian Chengbi said, “That day you fight a decisive battle, I also arrived the murder cliff, the free period of five days falls cliff time, I am see with own eyes, you brought Bing Bing to walk under, I thought of a way the cliff to look at him.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang could not bear ask: “Looks at him, why?”

Lian Chengbi said, “Because I knew he cannot such easily die in under, if in this world really has a person to be able to have two lives, this individual certainly is him.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You get down time, he has not really died?”

Lian Chengbi said, “Does not have.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “You want to rescue him?”

Lian Chengbi smiled, said, “I want to rescue, is not he, but is his secret.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Secret?”

Lian Chengbi said, “Each people all have the secret, looks like his this kind of person's secret, said to others, has continued is one kind of buried treasure.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “His secret, is also the day ancestor's secret.”

Lian Chengbi said, “Good.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “He told this secret you?”

Lian Chengbi said, “Yes.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Since he has not died, why can tell this secret you?”

Lian Chengbi said, “Because he has no alternative but to say.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Why?”

Lian Chengbi sighed, said, “You have really changed, changes too slowly, this speech you should not ask originally.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang do not understand.

Lian Chengbi said, “Because you this this want to obtain, if he did not say, only then dies.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “After he said?”

This city wall also sighed, said, “This speech you should not ask, after he said, dies is certainly quicker.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang have smiled, smiled is likely a simpleton.

Lian Chengbi said, “After I knew his secret, immediately reorganizes the day ancestor, It was only a pity does not have in the ancestor also to have a person not to be willing to accept my order, therefore I on let these people intentionally set out present in you and Bing Bing surface, I knew Bing Bing could certainly let you kill them.” He smiled, then said, “This is originally murders with a borrowed knife, idea of the stone two Ukraine.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang was listening.

Lian Chengbi said, “I also have very many opportunities to kill you originally, you also should know.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang acknowledged.

Lian Chengbi said, “Did you know why I continuously all haven't started?”

Xiao Shiyi Lang shook the head.

Lian Chengbi said, “Because I must let you live compared to am dying painfully, I had to destroy you thoroughly, I have had to let each people all completely despair to you, I had to let each individual all think you were an incurable domestic animal.”

Speaks of here, his pale face, because of excited twisted, in the eye has also revealed color of the grief and indignation pain.

Because he has remembered Shen Bijun.

He wants to recapture, not only is Shen BiJun this person, but also must recapture Shen BiJun's heart.

He can certainly let Shen BiJun also similarly to Xiao Shiyi Lang feel despairs.

In order to achieve the goal, he has done not hesitate all sacrifices.

He loves Shen BiJun, loves too deeply, therefore he hates Xiao Shiyi Lang, also hates the similar depth.

Only then because of likes the hatred which gives birth, is most intense, most fearful.

Xiao Shiyi Lang start to drink.

Such many liquors, enough have let him be completely numb originally, but the present, in his eye has revealed color of the painful.

Not only has the pain, moreover also has the fear.

He frightened, perhaps is not Lian Chengbi this person, but is this kind of hatred.

Lian Chengbi said, “I have exhausted all methods, lets your reputation, the wealth, the status first, all achieves the mountain peak, then lets you fall again, uses you to make the tool, for me except these rebels, these two you certainly already has now thought through.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “I ......”

Lian Chengbi said, “I also want you to go originally to the Eight Immortals ship, has killed finally that several rebels for me, only then that plan, I not completely successful.” He smiled, then said, “But arrived that time, in world already not anybody, no matter what what can prevent me, you do not go, I also equally may own begin.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Therefore you let me miss intentionally, because you thought you began conveniently.”

Lian Chengbi said, “I indeed like oneself beginning, regardless of any matter all is same.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “That blind person is also you plays the role of?”

Lian Chengbi said, “I must let you have one kind of illusion, thought that blind person is Count Carefree, thought Count Carefree has not died.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Why?”

Lian Chengbi said, “Because of me must this all responsibilities, all advance on Bing Bing body.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang dangle the head, said low-spirited, “Bing Bing ...... Bing Bing ...... She is really a pitiful girl.”

Lian Chengbi said, “After this all plans is of great success, Bing Bing and Count Carefree might really die, in this world also could not some people know again my secret, could not some people suspect I was the day ancestor's master, therefore I with before was same, was impeccable, chivalry unparalleled Lian Chengbi.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang have already been drunk, was already drunk soon gets down but actually.

But he also has a speech to want actually to ask, must asked.

He exhausts whole body all strengths, supports oneself, said loudly, “Why do you want to tell these matters I?”

Lian Chengbi said, “Because I must let your pain, I must let you also think oneself is an incurable simpleton.”

On his face reveals that kind gently elegant to smile he to smile is standing, has pulled Xiao Shiyi Lang' shoulder, said, “Now I had to walk, that 100 worlds liquor, I left you, but you best recorded the note, perhaps that was in your life the final happiness, after has drunk up this 100 worlds liquor, could you how also get down exactly?”

He did not have to wait for Xiao Shiyi Lang to reply again, walks went out, he goes out the gate time, Xiao Shiyi Lang already but actually.

Stain-free Manor palatial as before, towers in hills, also towers is alive in a person heart.

Lian Chengbi steps livelily step is giving the bud the garden, puts in order individual all to seem to be the light feeling.

He has not never looked like the present to be like this happy, as soon as not only is faces for many year long-cherished wishes recompenses, main is, he does not have the useful minute military force, does not need to rely on the wugong swordskill.

Thoroughly has defeated on the world-famous Xiao Shiyi Lang, moreover defeats such miserably, such laughably.

At least, he had proven a matter, has peerless wugong not necessarily is a powerhouse, but the excellent wisdom, precise planning, is strives for hegemony martial arts world's true qualification.

Not right? Xiao Shiyi Lang what kind hero, actually turned a dog now.

Lian Wodu no wild dog, mangy dog.

Lian Chengbi the truth laughed, although this victory fruit 得来不易, but he obtained after all.

He was silently carrying on this great plan, endures on each kind of mind human body the most serious attack — — including to lose the complete property silently and the most beloved wife, now, the penetrating returns to in oneself hand.

Except Shen Bijun.

He believed Shen BiJun already jumps into deep water dies, otherwise her certain meeting re-entry embrace.

Has died Shen BiJun, has destroyed Xiao Shiyi Lang actually, between the success and failure, still took into account.

Horizon where does not have the fragrant grass, in the world has compared to Shen BiJun a better woman, is actually impossible to have the second Xiao ten eldest son again.

In hall silent, brilliantly illuminated.

That handle gold casts sword, still under lamp sparkling.

In Lian Chengbi eye is also dodging the extraordinary color.

From next, the Stain-free Manor forever will become in the people mind “the justice and humanity” symbol, Lian Chengbi three characters, also forever will spread immortally, will become in the variant the variant, in hero's hero.

Nobody can know the city wall is continually the true day ancestor second generation, this secret bound certainly will assimilates along with Xiao Shiyi Lang destroyed, forever not the time which reveals.

The Stain-free Manor is impeccable throughout, inevitably 千秋万世 and admires posterity's respect.

Lian Chengbi happily smiled.

This flash, he determined only then truly oneself is winner, for many years enduring patiently with the humiliation, has finally obtained has compensated.

He suddenly has the pleasant sensation which one kind feels relieved, cannot help but, also strokes that handle gold sword.

The sword is cold, his heart is actually hot may boil thoroughly a cow.

The scalding hot finger is touching the sword blade, for him one kind of cool feeling.

He too is now excited, he needs cool to cause own mood slightly tranquil somewhat ......

Suddenly, he was astounded.

On the sword blade is engraving four characters eulogies originally, “Chivalry unparalleled”.

Now, still was that four same characters.

Only is the character order has part of inversions, turned “the chivalry double not to have”.

The eulogy signature at the end of the letter, originally unites the signature by the local elder.

Now, still inscribed offers human's name.

Only was the name changed, changed into, “The thief Xiao Shiyi Lang offer”.

Golden sword original that handle gold sword, except handwriting change, other not slightly unusual form.

On this expression sword original character, is used by a person “the Jin'gang hand similar wugong to cancel vigorously”, then reengraves present the words and expressions.

Except Xiao Shiyi Lang, who can make this kind of matter?

Except Xiao Shiyi Lang, who has this minute skill?

But, Xiao Shiyi Lang have not been already thoroughly destroy?

All these are only a snare?

Lian Chengbi thought suddenly a heart toward sinks straight, suddenly fell as if by the spring sunshine in the ice hole.

The general indescribable chill in the air, wells up suddenly from in every direction.

The human and the heart entire have been cold, is cold may freeze to death ten to fight.

Jin Jianluo on the place, makes the grating sound.

Lian Chengbi deep has attracted the one breath deeply, again slowly puts out, loudly summons suddenly, “Comes the human!”

The human has come, comes immediately.

Lian Chengbi complexion has replied tranquilly, a character character said, “Burns fumigates fragrant, prepares the blue soup, supposes the grand feast, the biography music!”

Fumigates, the blue soup, the grand feast, the music fragrant, is really can cause a person to be tranquil?

A person must pay the great price, can cause own mood to be tranquil?

Lian Chengbi soaks oneself whole body in the warm bath water, but he thinks the whole body ice-cold.

He was really never struck by a person crosses but actually, he is not on is struck easily the but actually person.

But, in his heart had this kind of feeling now.

In his life the biggest desire, has destroyed Xiao Shiyi Lang thoroughly.

He wants to look Xiao Shiyi Lang' life and the soul, all destroy in he hand.

But the present, he discovered suddenly, he truly has only destroyed, only is he desire.

He discovers suddenly oneself very laughably.

He wants to smile, to one's heart's content laughed.

He has really smiled, laughed is standing, stands nakedly, goes out the hall.

In the hall, the color candle illuminates high, the music is melodious.

He, moves towards one pair to revolve nakedly the graceful dance song prostitute.

He must certainly relax as far as possible oneself.

Because he knew, this final one already after arrived.

Is not Xiao Shiyi Lang gets down but actually, is he gets down but actually, meanwhile certainly does not have the choice the earth.

Great wild goose guest restaurant.

In the great wild goose guest restaurant also similarly has the color candle, has the music, has the song prostitute.

Xiao Shiyi Lang as if also same village as far as possible relaxes oneself.

On the table has the cup, in the cup has the liquor.

In Xiao Shiyi Lang' heart did not have the liquor actually.

He looks Lian Chengbi walks, Lian Chengbi is also looking at him, two people's eyes same are all sober, are calm.

In this flash, in two individual hearts all has one kind of very strange feeling, resembles is looking at another own.

In theirs eye, in theirs innermost soul, in their life some most secret place, they has very the heterogeneity with it place.

Why can they fall in love with the identical woman?

Why can love the depth that similarly?

Has not said a word.

Without the sound.

Two people like this mutually are staring.

Perhaps until now, Lian Chengbi only then truly saw clearly Xiao Shiyi Lang.

Xiao Shiyi Lang was not one can has been destroyed by the liquor a person.

Sprinkles only is his tool.

On the table has the cup, in the cup has the liquor.

Lian Chengbi raises glass suddenly tosses down, said, “Good liquor.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Is the good liquor.”

Lian Chengbi said, “The liquor, has made very many matters for you.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Yes.”

Lian Chengbi said, “Therefore you knew I can certainly come.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Yes.”

Lian Chengbi said, “I certainly also knew you can certainly wait for me in here.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Yes.”

Lian Chengbi said, “perhaps we all knew, this day sooner or later can come.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Yes.”

Lian Chengbi smiled.

Xiao Shiyi Lang also smiled.

Lian Chengbi said, “invites.”

Xiao Shiyi Lang said, “Invites.”

They smile are walking.

The setting sun was still gorgeous, the wind already very was actually cold.

Is cold resembles their smile to be same.

Fallen leaf whinny.

Whinny falls when is falling gently on the long street.

The long street is lonely.

The setting sun is illuminating the canyon.

Spreads Shan Canye, colorfully resembles the fire red.

Lian Chengbi Lu optical phenomena fire general congeals is wishing Xiao Shiyi Lang.

Is staring at that handle 闻名天下 knife.

In the world does not certainly have any knife sharpness, can compare favorably with Deer-carving sabre.

In the world also certainly does not have any person's hand, can cause Xiao Shiyi Lang that fearful knife skill.

This is a matter which in the martial arts world 人尽皆知.

Lian Chengbi is also naturally clear very.

But present, then the sharp knife, grips tightly tightly in Xiao Shiyi Lang' hand.

Regardless of any person, facing such regarding, all unavoidably can have the feeling which dreads, but Lian Chengbi absolutely cannot actually.

Because in his heart has only filled self-confidently.

Many years ago he had this kind of self-confidence, he believed in society nobody can exceed his 剑法 again.

Xiao Shiyi Lang was a person, is not certainly exceptional.

Therefore he is very calm.

He stared at Xiao Shiyi Lang, only wants to increase in Xiao Shiyi Lang heart the pressure.

He was staring at Xiao Shiyi Lang, only wants to appreciate Xiao Shiyi Lang to die the front expression.

Setting sun last -odd reflects in shears on the deer knife, sabre brightness has glistened Xiao Shiyi Lang' eye.

Lian Chengbi discovered in Xiao Shiyi Lang' eye appeared one kind mysteriously, indescribable, one kind of Above and below unique glory.

At this moment, Lian Chengbi confidence, suddenly likely exposes under the sunlight the spring snow is same, the dissolve, vanishes.

He had one kind suddenly mysteriously, indescribable, the Above and below unique fear.

He this kind of frightened intensity, resembles sabre brightness is same.

Also in this identical in an instant, Xiao Shiyi Lang were anybody forever to vainly hope for did not arrive matter.

Xiao Shiyi Lang have laid down his knife.

Laid down him Deer-carving sabre.

Laid down his that handle mysteriously, indescribable, the Above and below unique has sheared the deer knife.

Places in front of Lian Chengbi.

Places the place which Lian Chengbi puts out a hand to be possible to attain.

Then, the setting sun disappears suddenly, sabre brightness disappears suddenly, Xiao Shiyi Lang also suddenly disappear.

Because the eye already did not have Xiao Shiyi Lang in Lian Chengbi in, also did not have the fear.

But, he also did not have self-confidently.

Confidence, although was overcomes the enemy the biggest factor, but speaking of a victor, the confidence already is unimportant.

Because he had already achieved the success.

What is the victory taste?

Is satisfies, is stimulates, is happy, is also void.

One kind only has the victor to be able to realize, understands void.

One kind “has unbearabl chill in a high position” void.

On in this sharp like knife point, sharp like knife point, in the quick like sabre brightness flash, Lian Chengbi had this kind of void suddenly.

This kind is more fearful than the fear the void which doubles surely.

He only sees Deer-carving sabre.

He only saw to place on the place, he puts out a hand to be possible to attain Deer-carving sabre.

He has not seen Xiao Shiyi Lang.

He had not thought true fearful is not this knife.

True fearful is Xiao Shiyi Lang.

Mysterious, indescribable, Above and below unique Xiao Shiyi Lang.


The setting sun really disappears.

Xiao Shiyi Lang also really disappear.

When Lian Chengbi must look for Xiao Shiyi Lang' time, Xiao Shiyi Lang already vanished in darkness.

His person resembled already and this suddenly may contain all things darkness to dissolve is a body.

Anybody all knew dark is most fearful.

Any matter has not been more fearful than darkness.

Because has dark represented the fear which in a person history life certain cannot be known.

Now, Xiao Shiyi Lang' itself already was a darkness.



Lian Chengbi at present only then dark.

In his life is darkest, is this flash.

Then, he has heard one kind of strange sound.

He heard one kind mysteriously, indescribable, only then he to hear only then to be able to think the disgusting sound.

He has heard he bone disruption sound.


Now the evening has the month.


Now the evening has the star.

Now the evening is He Xi.

The star light moonlight all sprinkles in on Lian Chengbi face, Lian Chengbi face pale present evening month, now evening star.

Lian Chengbi complexion pale like Xiao Shiyi Lang' eye.

Nobody can describe Xiao Shiyi Lang' eye, nobody can describe Xiao Shiyi Lang this very moment eye.

Nobody can describe, also nobody can know Xiao Shiyi Lang this moment center the expression is satisfies, is stimulates, is happy, void.

Some who can know what significance this kind void is?

Some who can know this kind void is how void?

Some who can know Xiao Shiyi Lang present the mood?

Nobody knows Xiao Shiyi Lang present the mood.

Nobody knew what Xiao Shiyi Lang thought now is any matter.

He thinks is the white clouds, is the tears, is under the white clouds hillside, is the running water sandbank:Is on the hillside code, is on the sandbank tender feelings. Whose tender feelings but each should individual all want to obtain this is, is whose code, is what type pain one kind of and feels sad, why in this kind of code tender feelings has to have such many pain and to feel sad?

Why is this price forever unable to repay? In his hand he has not sheared the deer knife.

Can kill people truly, is not he Deer-carving sabre, but is a knife which a handle cannot see. Now, he has laid down this knife.

Moonlight still on place.

Star light still on place.

Sheared Lu Daoye still on the place.

But Xiao Shiyi Lang already not in.

Xiao Shiyi Lang walk, has not carried off Lian Chengbi the life, actually carried off all — — hopes which in his life hoped for, has been arrogant, is honorable.

He walks, only spoke a ten-day period speech, “You cannot die, because I owe you.”

You cannot die.

I cannot die.

Feng SiNiang cannot die.

Shen BiJun cannot die.

But since the great amount year, in this world has had the great amount a person, some who can really not die?

Some who can?

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