Maine Mensa ExComm Meeting

Maine Mensa ExComm Meeting

Dec 01, 2013

Cracker Barrel Restaurant, South Portland

Called to Order: 11:40 am

Present: Nicole Bissonnette (Testing Coordinator), Anne Allen9Loc Sec), Jim Sloan (Program Chair), Gerald Nessmann (Treasurer), Kathryn Masters (guest), and Sue Flaherty (Asst Loc Sec) 


Minutes of last meeting accepted as written.


Ten people tested in October.

A motion was made to take $25 every month we test to put into a testing fund to reimburse expenses.  This was further amended by proposing Nicole, our Testing Coordinator, work on a mileage reimbursement policy for out of area testing (policy to include gas and tolls)



12 events held so far (Trivia, dinners, game nights).  Discussion of how events are posted on Facebook.  8 different people have hosted events.  20 different people have attended events. Events included trivia nights and games nights   Discussion about what is a Mensa event -   If it’s published in the newsletter not just on Facebook.  Postcard would substitute for newsletter.  This offering to the entire Main Mensa population will determine who is compensated.  We need to remind hosts of the $20 reimbursement to anyone hosting a Mensa event.  We discussed doing the 12 week trivia contest in Old Orchard Beach with Brain Busting Trivia with Caleb on Monday nights.  One team name would be consistent, but different people could rotate in and out. Another future event suggested by the LocSec was a speaker event in the Portland area with the public invited and advertising in place.

Ex Comm: Loc Sec put forth an idea to have the ExComm’s have settled dates. Ex Comm did not see this as an issue. Discussion Tabled


Need contributions and pictures, etc.  Electronic delivery of newsletter now sent as attachment for members.  Robert will set a newsletter schedule to let everyone know the deadlines so people can contribute content for him.

Question:  How to improve/add value to newsletter.  Discuss with Robert ways to improve newsletter.

Young Mensans:

Loc Sec now has access to list of young Mensans.  She knows ages/where they are located.  We discussed ways to communicate with them.  Our thoughts included private webpage or their own Facebook page.  They are being invited to the Games night in Brunswick on December 28th at 6 pm. Facebook page might allow then to communicate with each other but not allow access by parents.  Matter is still under discussion.

Meeting Adjourned 12:19



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