
|Title: South Carolina Heroes of the American |Author: Stuart K. |State: South Carolina |

|Revolution Poster (can be adapted for any | | |

|state) | | |

|Grade Span: 3-5 |Subject: Language Arts, Social Studies, History| |

|Assignment Type: Whole Group |

|Recommended Time Frame: 3-4 weeks |

Summary of Project:

Over a 3 week period, students will read three different biographies of South Carolinians who became heroes during the American Revolution. These will be done as Reading/ELA lessons, with comprehension questions and assessments on each book. This will be done at the same time as our Social Studies unit on the American Revolution. After reading all three biographies, students will create a poster to tell about his/her favorite hero. Students will use the Internet for pictures, maps, etc. and complete a “site source” sheet. The poster must include 4-6 facts they learned about their “hero”. All pictures must be labeled and the poster must be titled. Students will then present the posters to the class. Dressing-up as their “hero” is optional.

Materials and Resources Needed:

|Whole class |Per Group |Per Student |

| | |Book The Man Who Loved the Flag (Sergeant |

| | |William Jasper) |

| | |Book The Revolutionary Swamp Fox (Col. |

| | |Francis Marian) |

| | |Book The Secret Message (Emily Geiger) |

| | |Internet/printer access |

| | |Poster board |

| | |Art supplies (crayons, markers, scissors, |

| | |glue) |

| | |“Site Source” form |

| | |Rubric for poster |

Key Vocabulary

|Patriot |Continental |Sponge staff |

|Tory (Loyalist) |Parchment |Indentured |

|Guerrilla warfare |Armada |Redoubt |

|Savannah |Man-o-war |Ambush |

Engaging Questions for each Book:

The Secret Message

Chapter 1

What is General Nathaniel Greene’s problem in Chapter 1?

He needed to get a message to Thomas Sumter so their troops could band together to defeat the British. The soldiers were afraid to volunteer because they would be easily recognized by the Tories.

Chapter 2

What does Emily Geiger decide to do in Chapter 2?

She wants to volunteer to take the message because no one would suspect a girl.

Chapter 3

How did Emily convince Greene to let her go on such a dangerous mission?

She had a fast horse, she knew the way, and no one would suspect her of carrying the message.

Chapter 4

What does Greene tell Emily to do if she is arrested?

He tells her to destroy the message as quickly as possible.

Why do you think Greene had Emily read the message before she left?

In case she was arrested she would have the message memorized.

Chapter 5

Where did Emily spend the first night and why?

Emily stayed at a farmhouse because she and the horse were tired. They were still miles away from the house she was expected to stay.

Do you think this was a safe place for her to stay? Explain.

No because the family was on the side of the Tories.

Chapter 6

Why does Emily decide to leave in the middle of the night?

Emily hears a Tory spy asking about her.

Chapter 7

What happened to Emily on the second day of her trip?

She was captured by three Tory soldiers.

Chapter 8

How does Emily keep the message safe?

She tore the paper in small pieces then swallowed it piece by piece.

Chapter 9

What 2 gifts did General Greene give Emily as a thank you gift for delivering the message?

He gives her a set of jewelry and a silver pencil.

How has South Carolina honored Emily for her contribution to freedom?

There is a plaque in the state house.

How would you describe Emily?

Emily was determined and brave.

The Revolutionary Swamp Fox

By Idella Bodie

Chapter 1

1. How would you describe Francis Marion’s appearance as a young boy?

a. When Francis was a young boy, he looked very thin, pale and sickly.

2. Why did his mother not want Francis to run and play?

a. Francis Marion’s mother didn’t want him to run and play because she was afraid it would make him sick.

Chapter 2

1. Why did Francis’s father warn him against going to the swamp alone?

a. Francis’s father warned him about going into the swamp alone because there are many dangerous animals in the swamp. It is also easy to get lost in the swamp.

2. How did Francis find his way out of the swamp?

a. Francis found his way out of the swamp by letting his horse, Star Bell, lead the way.

Chapter 3

1. Why did Francis get out of the boat?

a. Francis got out of the boat to see about the injured bird.

2. What danger did Francis encounter and what did he do?

a. Francis encountered a rattlesnake getting ready to strike. Before it could strike, Francis swung his hatchet and chopped off the snake’s head.

Chapter 4

1. What happened to Francis when he went to release the bunting back into the swamp?

a. After Francis released the bunting, he accidentally stepped onto a log that began drifting into the river.

2. Who rescued him and how did he do it?

a. Francis was rescued by an Indian named Eagle Feather. Eagle Feather shot an arrow into the log. The arrow had a vine tied to it that Eagle Feather used to pull Francis to safety.

Chapter 5

1. Why did Francis leave Prince when they went into the swamp?

a. Francis left Prince when Eagle Feather asked Francis to come with him in his boat. Francis wanted to learn more about the swamp.

2. Name 2 things that Francis learned from his Indian friend about the swamp that day.

a. Francis learned how to find alligator paths and how to follow deer and bear tracks.

b. Eagle Feather taught Francis how to find the river by following a path that runs east to west.

c. Francis learned how to heal a snakebite by using snakeroot.

d. Eagle Feather showed Francis how to swing through the swamp on vines.

Chapter 6

1. a. Write the definition of a Tory (Loyalist).

i. A Tory is a person living in the colonies who gave allegiance to the king of England during the American Revolution.

a. Write the definition of a Patriot.

i. A Patriot is someone who loves and supports his country and also an American colonist who fought for freedom.

b. Which one of these was Francis Marion?

i. Francis Marion was a Patriot because he wanted America to have liberty.

2. What type of men joined Marion to fight?

a. The men that joined Marion were simple backwoods farmers who wore handmade clothes.

3. What did some of the volunteers think about Marion as their leader?

a. The volunteers thought that Marion would never lead them to victory in the war. They said he was black-eyed and puny looking.

Chapter 7

1. Where did Marion take his men?

a. Marion took his men to Snow’s Island which was a high, dry strip of land.

2. Why was this island a good place for their headquarters?

a. Snow’s Island was a good place for their headquarters because a river was to the north, east and south. It was the perfect hideout because the only way onto the island was by foot or horseback.

Chapter 8

1. Why did Marion’s men think that he was a coward?

a. Marion’s men thought he was a coward because he called for a retreat in the middle of battle.

2. What tactic (plan of attack) did Marion use to fight the British soldiers?

a. Marion’s tactic against the British was hiding under brush and then ambushing the British troops. It is also known as guerilla warfare.

Chapter 9

1. After suffering heavy losses at a battle near Shepherd’s Ferry, what did Marion always do to muffle the noise of the horses’ hooves?

a. Marion muffled the noise of the horses’ hooves by laying blankets down onto the bridges before they crossed.

2. What two things would Marion do after a successful raid against the British and the Tories?

a. After a successful battle, Marion would send food to his soldiers’ families and then let his men go home to check on their families and crops.

3. What was Marion’s nickname and how did he get it?

a. Francis Marion’s nickname was Swamp Fox. He received his nickname after one successful battle against the British. General Tarleton of the British army said nobody could catch that fox in the swamp.

Chapter 10

1. In December, 1782, Marion met his men for the last time. The war was over and he sent all of them home to their families. What did the men talk about after Marion and Oscar rode away?

a. After Marion and Oscar rode away, the men began talking about all the successful attacks they had while taking orders from Marion. They said that Marion was the best and always thought of his soldiers first.

2. What did Francis find when he returned to his home at Pond Bluff? What did he have to do?

a. When Francis returned home, he found Pond Bluff in ruins. The British soldiers had destroyed it during the war. Marion bough animals, tools and seed on credit so he could rebuild his plantation.

The Man Who Loved The Flag

By Idella Bodie

Chapter 1

1. From what European country did Johann Wilhelm Gasper come and how old was he?

He was 16 years old, and he came from Germany.

2. How was he able to come to America?

A man had paid his way to America. He would have to work for the man until his debt was paid.

3. Name 3 difficulties he faced on his voyage to America?

a. storms

b. illnesses/diseases

c. lack of food

Chapter 2

1. How did John William Jasper receive his name since this was not the German one given to him at birth?

He could not read or write so he signed an “X” for his name. The man who signed for him signed his name as John William Jasper.

2. Why did he move south after completing his indentured service?

He moved south because land there was free for the taking. Philadelphia was too crowded.

Chapter 3

1. a. What is the definition of a Patriot?

A Patriot is one who loves his country. Patriots fought against the British and others in America because they wanted to be free from British rule.

b. What is a Loyalist?

A Loyalist was a person in America who remained loyal to the king of England and wanted to remain under its rule.

c. On which side did William decide he wanted to be?

After listening to both sides, Jasper decided he felt more like a


2. How did he earn the money to bring Elizabeth to Georgia?

He joined the Second South Carolina Regiment and was promoted to sergeant. He earned enough to pay Elizabeth’s way south.

3. Why was Jasper’s company ordered to report to Sullivan’s Island?

His company was ordered to Sullivan’s Island because the British had decided to attack Charles Town, and the Patriot leaders felt that Sullivan’s Island would offer the best protection.

Chapter 4

1. What problem did Colonel William Moultrie face on Sullivan’s Island?

There was no fort on Sullivan’s Island to protect his men and no time to bring materials needed to the island.

2. How did he solve the problem?

He sent for help to build a fort from the palmetto trees and sand found on the island. Slaves, soldiers, and volunteers worked for days trying to complete the fort.

Chapter 5

1. What was the major flaw in the fort they had built?

The fort they built had only three sides completed. They feared the British would sail up the creek and fire on them from the rear.

2. What did the citizens of Charles Town do as the British ships sailed into the harbor?

They stood along the wharves and watched the battle from across the river.

Chapter 6

1. What happened to the cannonballs that the British ships fired at the small fort on Sullivan’s Island?

The cannonballs did not explode but sank into the palmetto logs and sand. The logs were just like a sponge.

2. What heroic deed did Sergeant Jasper perform during the battle?

When British fire shot down the flag, Sergeant Jasper grabbed a cannon sponge staff, leaped over the wall, and re-planted the flag on the wall of the fort

Chapter 7

1. What caused the British ship to stop as it began to move up the river towards the back of the fort?

The British ship ran aground on a sandbar in the river.

2. What did the British soldiers do to the ship before they abandoned it and why?

They set the ship on fire so that all the ammunition would explode and the Patriots could not get their hands on it.

Chapter 8

1. What two things did Governor Rutledge offer to give to Sergeant Jasper?

Governor Rutledge offered Jasper his sword and a commission in the army. Jasper accepted the sword but would not take the commission. He felt he would be an embarrassment because he could not read or write.

2. What decision was made about the flag that Jasper had saved and why was the palmetto tree added to it?

It was decided that the flag would become the state flag of South Carolina. The palmetto tree was added in honor of the palmetto fort that had protected the soldiers during the battle.

Chapter 9

1. After moving with his regiment to Georgia, name one act that showed Jasper’s bravery.

a. He rescued a Patriot prisoner who was going to be hanged.

b. He was good at disguises so he used them to go into enemy territory and gather information.

c. He would take prisoners.

2. What was William Jasper trying to do when he was killed in battle?

After the soldier carrying the battle flag was shot down, Jasper seized the regiment’s flag that had been given to them by Mrs. Elliot after the battle at Fort Moultrie. He was wounded and died trying to save the flag again.

Chapter 10

1. Name 2 ways that Sergeant William Jasper has been honored for his bravery in America’s fight for freedom.

a. A statue was erected in Charleston’s Battery Park. Jasper is pointing toward Fort Moultrie.

b. A statue was erected in one of Savannah’s parks.

c. Towns and counties are named for him.

d. Children were named for him.

e. Buildings and parks have been named for him.

2. Why is William Jasper one of the most beloved heroes of the American Revolution?

He loved his country and his flag so much that he was willing to give his life for the cause of liberty.

Implementing the Activity

Begin by allowing students to go outside to demonstrate guerrilla warfare (attack & run) strategy. Divide the class into 2 groups (Patriots and British soldiers) and give each a balled-up piece of paper (“ammunition”). Have them form two lines, facing each other and fire their “ammunition”. Those students that are hit with the paper are now out. Next have the “British soldiers” march in straight rows and columns. Have the Patriots “hide” (we used the playground equipment). As the British soldiers march, the Patriots will jump out, attack, and then run back to hide again. The British soldiers that are hit are out, as are the Patriots. They should see that the Patriots had a much better chance of surviving and winning because they used this type of warfare. This gives them a “real-life” experience as to what it was like for Patriots, who were usually outnumbered, when they knew they would be facing the British army.

Students will read one book each week, answering comprehension questions in complete sentences and completing an assessment at the end of each book. Class discussions and use of glossaries to look up vocabulary words will also be used.

End Result

Students will be able to summarize the key conflicts and key leaders of the American Revolution in South Carolina. They will also understand the partisan warfare of key leaders such as Thomas Sumter, Andrew Pickens, and Francis Marion. They will also be able to summarize the effects of the American Revolution on the lives of SC citizens during the war.


South Carolina Heroes Poster Project

Objective: Each student will create a poster to describe a famous Revolutionary War hero/heroine from the biographies that we have been reading. (Francis Marion, William Jasper, Emily Geiger) Each poster should include 4 facts about the hero/heroine and an illustration. The illustration can be a drawing or a picture from the internet. The sources used must be cited on the back of the poster. The project will be graded using a rubric.

1. Teachers will take classes to the computer lab during their assigned computer lab time and guide students to use the internet to search for one picture of the famous Revolutionary War hero/heroine of their choice and then print them. Students should collect the citation information for the image and record it on the worksheet.

2. Students will create posters in class. Posters will be graded using the attached rubric.

Rubric for South Carolina Heroes Poster Project

|Poster Rubric |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Use of Class Time |Used time well during each |Used time well during each |Used some of the time well |Did not use class time to |

| |class. Focused on getting |class period. Usually |during each class period. |focus on the project OR |

| |the project done. |focused on getting the |There was some focus on |often distracted others. |

| |Never distracted others. |project done and never |getting the project done but| |

| | |distracted others. |occasionally distracted | |

| | | |others. | |

|Graphics-Relevance |All graphics are related to |All graphics are related to |All graphics relate to the |Graphics do not relate to |

| |the topic and make it easier|the topic and most make it |topic. There are no |the topic. |

| |to understand. All borrowed|easier to understand. Some |citations for borrowed | |

| |graphics have a source |borrowed graphics have a |graphics. | |

| |citation. |citation. | | |

|Content-Accuracy |At least 4 accurate facts |3 accurate facts are |2 accurate facts are |1 accurate fact is displayed|

| |are displayed on the poster.|displayed on the poster. |displayed on the poster. |on the poster. |

|Grammar |There are 0-1 grammatical |There are 2-3 grammatical |There are 4-5 grammatical |There are more than 5 |

| |mistakes on the poster. |mistakes on the poster. |mistakes on the poster. |grammatical mistakes on the |

| | | | |poster. |

|Labels |Contains a title and all |Has a title and some labels.|Has a title but no labels. |Does not contain a title or |

| |sections are labeled. | | |labels. |

Name: __________________________ Date: _______________

Rubric for South Carolina Heroes Poster Project

Category Points Received

Use of Class Time __________

Graphics-Relevance __________

Content-Accuracy __________

Grammar __________

Labels __________

Total Points __________

Grade __________

For Differentiated Instruction

Students who have difficulty reading will have the books and questions read to them. This can be done by recording the books on tape and providing a tape player, allowing an assistant to read, allowing another student to read, etc. They may respond orally to the questions. These students will also be given extra help while making the poster. They will receive help with spelling, etc.

Additional Notes

Students will realize and understand the sacrifices made by these three people to make freedom possible in the new nation that was forming. By reading about how these three heroes were willing to give their lives so that the 13 colonies could become free from the rule of England, students will better understand the basis for our democratic government and the true meaning of patriotism.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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