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6.06 Austrian Culture

Part 1 Directions: Using the information from the lesson as well as the links provided to you in the Try It section, answer the following questions about Austria.

1. What is Austria's capital city?      

2. What river does Austria’s capital straddle?      

3. Who was Johann Strauß and why is he important to Austria?      

4. What does the color white represent on the Austrian flag?      

Part 2 Directions: Using the links provided to you in the Try It section find 5 pictures of things that are typical of Austria and/or tourist attractions in Austria. Place the pictures in the chart below. Be sure to provide the source (where did you get the image), and a brief caption explaining why the image is typical of Austria.

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|Image |Source – where did you get this image? |Caption – why is this image typical of |

| | |Austria? |

|1. |      |      |

|2. |      |      |

|3. |      |      |

|4. |      |      |

|5. |      |      |


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