Photographers of the United States of America

[Pages:774]Photographers of the

United States of America

Complied by T. K. Treadwell & William C. Darrah

Updated by Wolfgang Sell, Curator OWHSRL ?National Stereoscopic Association 1994 Updated 11/28/2003

Name 20th Century View Co.

Location Buffalo, NY

A & A Lightning Viewing Co.

Los Angeles, CA

A.C. Co.

Chicago, IL; New York, NY


Abbey, Lewis C. Abbot, L.L. Abbott Abbott & Kraft Abbott & Loring

Abbott & Tinsley Abbott, A.A. Abbott, B.S.


Kalamazoo, MI Rumford, ME Jackson, OH Chicago, IL Springfield, MA

Chicago, IL Utica, NY Biddeford &


[8-9] Issued rare [2] "Scenes for the Stereoscope", city street, Hudson River scy. on tan/tan CMs; photog. ID printed on front, title handwritten on back. All seen have been non-stereo, 1 tinted. [8-9] "Published by..."; 137 S. Main St.; rare [2] CA views, nature, street scy. F.H. Rogers was active in Los Angeles during late 70s; had at least one "company" designation ~80; worked at above add. for several years; since he was next door to the Electric Light Works it's probable that he was connected with the A & A Lightning Viewing Company; also poss. that this firm was a successor to him. [0] [Darrah stated that A.C. is abbrev. for Aste Co., but this is prob. error; much more likely The American Colortype Co. whose other output they closely resemble.] Issued lithographic views which are uncommon, compared to other pubs., with some 250 titles; middle-quality reproduction, but on very poor cardboard stock; broad coverage, Yosemite, CA, other U.S.; views of Klondike dtd. 25; some views have "CR 1925, ..."; among last producers of lithoviews, prob. to 1927. SEE article on lithoviews, STEREO WORLD, Vol. 18, #1. Major collection, T.K. Treadwell. [7-8] Issued uncommon "American Scenery", of CA, SW US, all seen have been pirated. Full name & loc. unknown but may be A. Warner of Providence, RI who issued several pirated views of CA & southwest. [7-9] "Photographer"; views rare, farm, rural scy.; said to have worked 74-95. [0-1] [Lee L. Abbot] Also seen as Abbot View Co.; "Views of Rumford", winter scenes of falls, businesses; common, on curved RMs; poss. was publishing earlier. [7] "Photo. Artist"; views rare [3], loc. scy., school on red RMs. [7-8] [Jordan H. Abbott, Louis A. Kraft; Abbott also worked alone in Chicago; no other ref. to Kraft found] 150 State St.; two views reported, both of Chicago streets; active 79. [6-7] [No other firm ref. found to these men in MA] 4 Pynchon Bank Blk. Single view reported on yellow/yellow SCM, group of people in street; successors to David B. Spooner; listed in Springfield ~60-70. [7] [Jordan H. Abbott, either John W. or T.R. Tinsley] 150 State St.; views rare (2), Chicago streets. Active 73-75. [7] "Photographer"; views scarce [5], loc. scy., groups, on organge/white RMs. [7-8] Issued scarce local scenes, no detailed

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Name Abbott, C.E. Abbott, J.H.

Abbott, J.H. & J.L. Abbott, Ralph R.

Abbott, S.C. Abbott, W.R. Abbott, W.W. Abbott, William H. Abeline, Tony Abell & Priest

Abell, Frank G.

Location Kennebunk, ME Henry & Waukegan, IL Chicago, IL

Albany, NY Syracuse & Union Springs, NY

Herkimer & St. Johnsville, NY Opelika, AL Union Springs, NY Little Falls, NY

Herkimer, NY San Francisco, CA

San Francisco, CA; Portland, OR


info. [7-8] Views scarce [4], all seen have been of Waukegan but photog. credit mentions Henry also. [6-7] [Jordan H. Abbott; also in partnership with Tinsley 73-75, "Artist from New York, with Tinsley Bros." written on photo.; partnership with Louis A. Kraft, 79] "Publisher"; various Chicago adds. 70-78; "Ruins in Chicago" on yellow/yellow RMs; "Stereo Views of Chicago Ruins"; "Views of Chicago & Vicinity Before & After the Great Fire", views on both sides of mt.; local scenes; some pub. by J.A. Pierce Co., 117 W. Madison St. Name also found as "& Co.". [7] "Photographers"; single view reported on yellow/yellow RM but #24, of unid. city street. [6-7] "Photographed & Published by..."; "For sale by..."; "Cayuga Lake Scenery", B/L, ~60; "Union Springs, Aurora, & Cayuga", mainly rural scy., some city streets, hotels, bldgs., most on orange or magenta RMs. [7-8] "Photographer"; issued uncommon "Herkimer Views", ~50 loc. scy., few genre., most on RMs; "Office at St. Johnsville, Wednesday & Thursday of each week." [8-3] [William Robb Abbott] Single view reported; B. 62, D. 38; listed in Opelika 87-37. [7] "Phot. Artist"; single view reported, of "Stewart Home" on RM. [6-9] "Photographer"; also as "Abbott's Photographic Rooms"; loc. city/country scy., bldgs., studio portraits, birds, some dtd. 76; also made CDVs. B. 38, D. 98. [8-9] Views uncommon, on RMs., area scenes, factory interior, river; many sold by William Case of Herkimer. [7] [Frank G. Abell who also worked alone & in other partnerships in San Francisco, CA & Portland, OR, 60s-00s.; no other ref. to Priest found] single view reported, portrait of Oriental man. [6-0] *"Photographer"; "Published by..."; Nos. 167 and 169 First St.; "Views of Residences, Steamers, Machinery, Etc., Made to Order, at Reasonable Prices". Made scarce OR scenes, landscape, town scenes & bldgs.; made rare views of CA, Chico area, Yosemite, etc. Later output was primarily studio portraiture. Was operator with William Shew, San Francisco 65-70+; poss. worked briefly at Grass Valley; mid-70s, traveled in northern CA & into OR; active Portland, OR 78-87, ret. to San Francisco 88-97; reopened in Portland 97-00; retired 01; partnerships include: Priest in San Francisco, 70s, Welsh at some point, Abell-Herrin Co. at some point, etc. In 85 brought in son George L.

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Abell, J.N. Aber, E.E.

Abercrombie, H.

Martinsburg, WV Bath, NY

Skaneateles & Weedsport, NY; Orlando, FL

Abraham -- SEE Wechsler, Abraham, & Co. (NY) Abraham, A. Abrams, E.K.

El Paso, TX Brownsville, PA

Abrams, Lester F.

Tecumseh, MI

Abrams, N.H. & E.K. Academy of Music, The

Brownsville, PA Kalamazoo, MI

Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia

Ace & Aebischer Ackart, D. Acker, G.G. Ackerman Bros.

Philadelphia, PA

Logan, UT Wallingford, CT Olathe, KS Boonville, NY

Ackley Acme View Co.

Ithaca & Fort Plain, NY

Lincoln & Omaha, NE


Abell & operated as Abell & Son. In 88, Elbridge W. Moore listed himself as "Successor to Abell & Son". B. Roscoe, IL 44; D. Tacoma, WA 10. [6-7] Views uncommon, ~20 local scenes known. [7] "Photog."; single view seen, unid. home on RM. [7-8] [AKA H.A. Abercromby] "Photographed by..."; "Dealer in Pictures, Frames, etc."; "Gems of Skaneateles" series, ~40, views scarce, portraits, genre, bldgs., homes, on CMs. Also worked as H.A. Abercromby in Weedsport & Orlando, FL where he was listed as "photographer".

[8] Single local view reported. [7] [Sometimes found as Abrams & Co.] "Photographer"; views rare [2], 1 of church, 1 of home. [9-0] "Photographer"; "The Sunbeam Studio"; views scarce, MI scy.; some L.F. Wheeler views are stamped "From the Sunbeam Studio"; unclear how many of his output were original with him. [7] [Both men also worked under their own imprints in Brownsville] "Photographers"; views uncommon [~20] area scy. on yellow/yellow RMs. [8] 3 known views, "The Gem Theater of the West, Seating Capacity 1,450. Stage 35 x 60.., two views of interior. Mailed.. (for).. 50 cts...". Photog. for these advertising views unknown, but they resemble format of S.C. Baldwin. [7] 19th & Race Sts.; the academy issued & CR in 76 at least 6 interior views of academy exhibits, on CMs; most seen are of vertebrate paleontology exhibits; photog. unk. [7] [Aebischer also worked alone in Logan, 70s; no other ref. to Ace] Views uncommon, area scy. [7-8] Views scarce [6], primarily city scenes; Wallingford tornado, 79. [7-8] View recorded by Darrah; no further info. [7-0] "Photographers"; views common, local city/country scenes, #s to 183; also issued scarce "Views Across Canada", ~05; most views on CMs. [7] "Ackley's News Emporium"; issued several views of area scy. on RMs.; prob. distributor only, though poss. publisher. [7-0] [J.M. Calhoun] Produced many mediocre quality genre & scenic views of various NE towns, events, people under his own name as well as "The Acme View Co."; different rubber stamps used for ID; some reports he was active as early as late 70s, but most seen are late 90s-early 00s.

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Adams Adams

Adams & Shear

Ogden, UT Alexandria, PA

Decorah, IA

Adams -- SEE Wilson & Adams (PA); Cressey, Adams & Co. (IL); Brownell & Adams (MA); Titus & Adams (OH) Adams Bros.

Groton, NY

Adams Gallery

Bethel, VT; Worcester, MA

Adams Novelty Co.

Lowell, MA

Adams, A.W.

Adams, Brad Adams, C.W. Adams, E. Adams, F.G.

Decorah, IA

Washington, DC

Whitehall, NY

Boston, Charlestown, Chelsea, & Gloucester, MA Philadelphia, PA


[8] View recorded by Darrah; no further info. [7] "Artist"; single view known, unid. city street on yellow RM. [6] [Asa W. Adams, S.R. Shear; Adams worked alone in Decorah, 70s; Shear worked alone in Ossian, 70s] Views rare, loc. scy.

[6] "Artists"; single view known on yellow SCM of men working on buggy. Photographer ID stamped on back. [6-7] [Lemuel R. Adams] "Photographed by..."; views rare [2], on yellow/yellow SCM & RM, of city street & fire of 12/10/77 with B/L of 12 views, both from Bethel address; listed in Worcester ~62-70 but no views seen from that loc. Relationship between Lemuel R. Adams & Watson R. Adams who both worked in Bethel simultaneously unknown. [0-2] "Jokes, Tricks, Magic, Puzzels, Novelties"; outlet for several risque & pornographic stereo makers, such as Climax View Co., Ecstacy Series, Fine Arts Photo Co., & Universal Views. Often put their strip label on back of view. Adams set up peep-show style stereoviewers in arcades, & likely also sold the views to individuals. Prob. didn't make views themselves but may have commissioned them from other companies. [6-7] [Asa W. Adams; also in partnership with S.R. Shear in Decorah in 60s] Issued scarce loc. scy., most on CMs, town overviews, bldgs., farmyard, church ext. with group; blizzard of 73 with B/L of 16 views. Active in 70s. [7-8] "Brad Adams' Views of the Public Buildings at Washington, D.C."; "Golden, Artist"; single view seen on yellow/pink CM of Smithsonian. [7] [Reported to be Charles W. Adams] "Photographer"; views scarce, family groups, loc. city/country scenes. Photographer ID stamped on back. [6-9] [Elliot Adams] "Photographer"; 101 Main St. Charlestown. Views rare [3], loc. scy.; listed as active 69-73 Boston & Charlestown, 73-74 & 78 Chelsea, 76-94 Gloucester. [7] [Also in partnership with Edward L. Wilson in Philadelphia, 70s] "Photographer"; issued "Views of Camp Spangler & Vicinity, near Alexandria, Pa., Third Season 1871" with B/L 32 views of group outing, area scy.; also ~12 views, same type, "Camp Life in the Mountains, by permission of and dedicated to Juniata Club",

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Adams, G.

Adams, G.A. Adams, G.H. Adams, Hiram D.

Adams, J. Adams, J.

Adams, J.H. Adams, J.H. Adams, J.M.

Adams, J.O. Adams, K.

Adams, L.R. Adams, Robt.


Worcester & Uxbridge, MA

Mattoon, IL Walnut, IA Needham, MA

Waterloo, NY Elgin, IL

South Thomaston, ME Elmore, OH Terre Haute, IN; Wheeling, WV

Garnett, KS Cambridge & Franklin, MA

Bethel, VT

Worcester, MA


RMs., 70; 71 series pub. by John F. Joy, 504 Callowhill Road, Phila.; no views other than these series seen by Adams. [4-9 [George Adams] Started as daguerreotypist in 47; later worked in ambrotype & ferrotype formats and paper prints. Views scarce [7], all from Worcester address, 1 studio portrait of man, rest of city scy. Listed 47-53, 62-66, 70-78, 94-96 in Worcester, 72 & 76-84 Uxbridge. [6] [Gerson A. Adams] "Artist"; single view reported on SCM of residence. [6-8] [George H. Adams] "Photo. Artist"; views rare [2] reported of farmhouse & group on CMs. In McGregor 63-65, Walnut, Avoca & Lewis 80s. [7-8] "View Artist"; few groups, children, local scenes, sawmill, funeral wreaths, single view of NH known; most on yellow & red RMs, few on orange/magenta CMs, one dtd. 79. Some views of ME seen, so was likely a travelling photog. based in Needham. Photographer ID stamped on back. [6] Single view reported on SCM, group in front of church; also made CDVs. [6-8] [John Manley Adams] "...'s Photographic Art Gallery", "Views of Elgin & Vicinity"; established 61; views uncommon, ~25 local scenes on RMs with photog. ID printed on front; also Devils Lake, WI vicinity, scy., city bldgs.; joined by son, S.M. Adams, 84. [7] View recorded by Darrah; no further info.

[7] [John H. Adams; poss. in partnership with Titus in Cincinnati, 70s] Few local scenes known on RMs. [7-8] [A J.M. Adams is known to have operated Wright's Gallery, 105 Main Street, in Terre Haute in the early 70's; no views seen under his own imprint from IN] Single view known from Wheeling, of capitol, on CM, also by J.M. Adams; likely same man who went to Wheeling later and opened own gallery. [6-8] [John O. Adams] "Photographer"; views rare [2], subjects not reported. [8-0] [Kilburn Adams] "Franklin Photograph Studio", 83; "Photographer"; 1868 Mass. Ave., Cambridge. Views rare [2], all of Franklin scy. Assoc. at some period with Franklin Photo Co. Listed 83-87 in Franklin, 00 in Cambridge; B. 58, D. 05. [7-8] [Relationship between L.R. Adams & W.R. Adams who worked in Bethel simultaneously unknown.] "Photographer"; views rare [4], all loc. scy. both city & rural. [7] "Photographer"; Morrison Bldg.; single view seen on yellow RM of crowd of people in front of

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Name Adams, S.F.

Adams, S.M.

Adams, W.G. Adams, W.I. Adams, W.R. Adamson Adamson, S.J. Addis & Koch Addis & Noel Addis, Alfred S.


Fall River, Edgartown, New Bedford & Oak Bluffs, MA

Elgin, IL; San Francisco, CA

Waterloo, IA New York, NY Bethel, VT

Brownsville, PA

Waynerburg, PA San Francisco, CA

Leavenworth, KS

Santa Barbara, CA; Tucson, AZ; Silver City, Los Cruces, & Lake Valley, NM;


store. [6-7] [Stephen Fellows Adams; poss. also in partnership with Alexander C. Brownell in Fall River and New Bedford, 70s] "Photographer"; "Publisher"; "Stereoscopic Views Manufacturer", "Pictures made from Negatives taken by the Bierstadt Bros."; 130 Circuit Ave., Oak Bluffs; succeeded Bierstadt Bros., pub. their negs. & added others by himself & other photogs. such as L.M. Rutherford; gener. scy., floral, animals, Cooper Institute, Highland House, etc., most on RMs; views of Martha's Vineyard on CMs. His own work adequate but not of equal quality to Bierstadts. Listed 65, 67-75 in New Bedford, 77 Edgartown; B. New Bedford 44. [7-8] "Artistic Photographer"; "...'s Photographic Art Gallery", est. 61; "Views of Elgin & Vicinity", scarce loc. scenes, activity such as building, street construction. Son of John Manley Adams; listed as operator for him 78-79, partner, 84; also listed in San Francisco; active 70s-88. [8] View recorded by Darrah; no further info. [6-7] Was partner with Wilson in the Centennial Photographic Co. of 76, exact role unknown. [7] [Watson R. Adams] "Landscape & Portrait Artist"; Best Work In The State"; Issued scarce local scenes, studio portraits on RMs. Relationship between Watson R. Adams and Lemuel R. Adams who both worked in Bethel simulataneously in 70s is unknown. [7-8] [Poss. Robt. Adamson, loc. unidentified, who made CDVs of people which were identified by owner as being of Brownsville] Single view seen, of bank lobby, on red CM; used rubber-stamp ID on each end of view. [7] [Saul J. Adamson] Rare [4] farm views; horses & personnel at race track on RMs; made CDVs, tintypes which are more common. [6-8] [Alfred S. Addis, who also worked alone and in other partnerships in Santa Barbara, CA, Tucson, AZ, Silver City, Los Cruces, & Lake Valley, NM & Dubuque, IA, 60s-80s; no other ref. to Koch found] View reported by Darrah. Listed in San Francisco, 65. [6] [Alfred S. Addis, who also worked alone and in other partnerships in Santa Barbara, CA, Tucson, AZ, Silver City, Los Cruces & Lake Valley, NM & Dubuque, IA, 60s-80s; no other ref. to Noel found] View recorded by Darrah, of Indians. [6-8] "Photographer"; started in Dubuque, IA 60s; in 65, at 425 Montgomery St., San Francisco; thought to have had studio, 3 Beaudry Terr., Los Angeles, 75, and on Bunker Hill Ave.

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Location Dubuque, IA

Addis, Robert W.

Addleman & Son

Addleman, B.T. Addleman, J.P. Adolph -- SEE Moses & Adolph (IL) Adt, A.A.

Washington, DC Springfield, OH Athens, OH Eaton, OH Waterbury, CT

Advertising Displays, Inc.

Covington, KY

Aeberli, F.


Aebischer -- SEE Ace & Aebischer (UT) Agate, A.J.

Agramonte Agrell -- SEE Lonsbury & Agrell (MI) Agrell, Charles G.

Ahlstrom, Charles Ahrens, F.

Allegheny, PA Logan, UT

Brooklyn, NY Salt Lake City, UT Allegan, MI Lawrence, KS Tarrytown, NY


78; "California Scenery"; issued "Silver City", ~50 mostly southwest NM views; 2 views known of CA; R.R. scy., post office, newspaper office, stores. Operated gallery with Porter, 79; moved to NM 80, Silver City 81-82, Lake Valley 82; in partnership with Koch in San Francisco, 65; Lucas & Fryett took over his stock 82, put their label over his; D. El Paso, TX 86. [6-7] "Photographer"; "Addis Photographic Gallery", 308 Pennsylvania Ave., 62-64. Listed in Washington till 73. [8-9] [Prob. B.T. Addleman who worked in Athens, OH in 70s-80s] "Photographers"; views rare [2], both city streets. [7-8] [Prob. same man who worked in Springfield, OH as Addleman & Son in 80s] [6-7] View recorded by Darrah; no further info.

[8] *[Alfred A. Adt] "Landscape Photographer"; "High Rock Grove Scenery"; "Naugatuck Railroad"; "Naugatuck & Vicinity"; "Waterbury Scenery"; ~250 common & generally fine area scy., genre & people; 1 view of Scoville fire, 81. Also made cab. cards, CDVs. Listed "& Bro." 86, brother was Leo F. Adt. Listed 84-89. [0-1] "Adiscope Color Slides", certainly the smallest format of any known commercial stereoviews, these tiny images were on strips of 16mm film, but as vertical pairs arranged in sequence on a horizontally viewed strip, mounted in a narrow card about 10" long with lettered captions on one end. The cards featured several scenic subjects & were prob. intended for advert. use as well. They advanced by hand through a simple but sturdy black plastic viewer. [7] "Photographer"; views rare [3], loc. rural scenes on RMs. [7] [Also worked in partnership with Ace at some point in Logan] Views rare [3], area scy.

[6-7] "Mercantile Photographer"; single advertising view reported of interior of Ovington Bros. store in Brooklyn. [8] View recorded by Darrah; no further info.

[7-8] [Also in partnership with Lonsbury in Allegan, 70s-80s] "Photographer"; issued scarce local scy. on yellow RMs. [7] Reported to have issued stereos of Lawrence. [7-8] "Photo."; single view seen on yellow/gray RM, of Irving's home at Tarrytown. Photog. ID

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