Your Stress Release Manual - Weebly

Your Stress Release Manual 50pts!!!

Stress is everywhere and since it is nearly impossible to avoid stress completely, the best option we have is to learn how to deal with and manage stress so we can live happy, productive lives and avoid illness.

I would like for you to think of ways to manage stress. You are going to compile all of this information to remind you of all of the possible ways to deal with stress when it arises. Please follow the guidelines below in order to receive full credit for this assignment.

Create a book that contains the following:

1. Cover: Make the cover of your book appealing. You can do this by creating a catchy name for your book, drawing or cutting out pictures, etc. (5 pts)

2. Dedicate your book to yourself! This is your manual that will allow you to reflect on ways to deal with stress. Include one of the following: (5 points)

• Tell yourself why you feel it is important to be stress free, or

• Include a long-term goal you have set for yourself, or

• Include your favorite quote.

3. Table of contents: Your book must include a table of contents that contains the following "chapters." You may rename the chapters as long as the new name relates to the topic of the chapter. (5 pts)

• Stressors

• Physical, Emotional, Behavioral Signs of Stress

• Take care of myself

• Learn to relax

• Change my attitude

• Manage my time

• Laughter

4. The following are things that need to be included in the appropriate chapter. Be sure you label each chapter. Refer to your notes if needed. (5pts each)

Chapter 1: Stressors/Physical emotional, behavioral signs of stress.

• List at least 5 things that make you the most stressed out.

Chapter 2: Take care of myself

• Two favorite exercises that keep you fit, release tension, and/or relieve stress.

• Getting enough sleep is important. Write a brief summary about your funniest/happiest dream.

• Eat right! Include the recipe, description, or picture of your favorite and healthy meal or snack.

Chapter 3: Learn to relax

• Include a list, pictures, etc of at least 15 things that you can do to positively release stress.

Chapter 4: Change your attitude

• The better you feel about yourself, the more positive your perception of a situation will be. If you perceive a situation as being eustressfull (remember…good stress) the more positive the outcomes will be.

• List 5 things you like about yourself and

• Summarize a time when you had to overcome a challenge and it made you feel good about yourself afterwards.

Chaper 5: Manage your time

• Include 5 ways you can manage your time more effectively.

Chapter 6: Laughter

• Laughter is SO important! Include a list of 5 things that make you laugh.

• For 5 pts extra credit: write your funniest joke…make it appropriate please!

**Double check to make sure you've included everything!!

Be creative with this and have FUN!!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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