The Scientific Method…or Thinking Ahead

Step 5 - Results:

The data collected will need to be __organized_______visually usually

including charts and graphs and then is analyzed. You have __five___

basic types of graphs: ___pie___ ___chart____, bar graphs, histograms,

scatter plots, and ___line __ ____graph______

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Pie chart Line graph Scatter plot

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Bar Graph Histogram

* Remember when graphing, the x axis is your independent variable and the

y axis is your dependent variable

Now you will try and graph data that is already collected.

Example 1: Suppose you collected data about the amount of a sugar that

would dissolve in different amounts of water. You and your lab partner

made the following data table with your results:

|Amount of Water (ml) |Amount of Sugar Dissolved (g) |

|50 |2 |

|100 |4 |

|150 |6 |

|200 |8 |

|250 |10 |

Draw a line graph based on the data table using HALF the graph paper provided

Label this graph LINE GRAPH EXAMPLE

• Label the x axis (horizontal) as: amount of water (ml)

• Label the y axis (vertical) as: amount of sugar dissolved (g).

• Your graph also needs a title: To write a good title use Y vs X or dependent variable vs independent variable.

• A good title for this graph would be:

Amount of sugar dissolved (g) vs the amount of water used (ml)

Using the graph, identify the variables

Indep Var: ____Amount of water_________________

Dep Var: _____Amount of sugar_______________

What summarizing statement can be made from data?

Basic: As the amount of water increases, so does the amount of sugar that can be dissolved

Higher level: As you increase the amount of water by 50ml, you can increased the amount of sugar dissolved by 2g.

How much sugar do you think will dissolve in 400 ml of water? (use the pattern)


Sometimes you need to use a _trend line___________ when your data points are scattered. IF you need to draw one, try to have an equal amount of data points above and below the line. It does not always need to go through the origin.

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