Pandemic Killer Bird Flu

Pandemic Killer Bird Flu

What you can do to prevent it and survive it without vaccines

From The Merriam Webster Dictionary of 1994: “Pandemic”: “A widespread outbreak of disease”. “Pandemonium”: “A wild uproar or tumult”

Both words come from the Greek god “Pan”. He had his headquarters of worship at what is now called Banias (formerly Panias) in north Israel. It was where people also worshipped Zeus and the Roman Emperor, Philip. In the Bible it was called Caesarea Philippi. It was here that Messiah said: “The gates of Hades (a real Nephilim—Greek god guardian of the pit) will not prevail against the assemblies of My people”. This half human, half goat god is associated with Satan.

Do we have such creatures running around today? Yes, we do. The hideous DNA alterations of human beings--mixing them with animal DNA, plant DNA, reptile DNA, insect DNA, rodent DNA and on and on--is increasing rapidly to create monsters, giants, vicious animals and humans with no soul or conscious. Lucifer is working hard through his human agents to produce a race of hideous beings in his image, and to find ways of getting rid of the image and likeness of Yahuweh off the earth forever. He is trying really hard, but he won’t pull it off! Yahuweh has a remnant that will be preserved of His royal seed! (Please, for more information ask for the articles: “The Preservation of the Royal Seed” and “Eugenics: The Planned End of Mankind”)

It was reported recently that Lucifer’s human scientists have successfully mixed human brain potential into mice. Yes, we have clones of all types, from cows, to sheep to humans. Were you shocked when the evening news a couple of weeks ago showed whole dairy herds of cloned cows—now approved for meat and milk to be sold to the public, without having to mark the fact on the packaging?

These are simply tidbits of information that we need to know in order to realize we have to hug our Creator harder still!

The name “Al Qaeda” is no more than the name of a database of Islamic Arabs who, for money, volunteer to do the dirty work of the CIA. Mr. Osama bin Laden has been dead for years. His body is buried in his family’s crypt. We’re seeing a double on those videos. The assassinated political candidate in Pakistan, Mrs. Bhutto, named the assassin of Bin Laden in an interview with David Frost. Maybe she knew too much for her own good. Let’s do our homework on all the things that the Luciferic world community is trying to do to program us into fear, by which they seek to control us!

We need to LOVE truth. If we do, He will bring us more truth. Messiah said to His Father: “Your Word is Truth”. If you love truth, you are in the Word daily as much as is possible for you. If you love truth you are allowing Yahuweh’s

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Spirit to teach you, so that you don’t mix in man’s garbage opinions that are wrong.

If you apply this knowledge to what Al Qaeda has supposedly done in the U.S. and abroad, then you’ll know the news is lying through its teeth when it talks about threats from Al Qaeda. It is a controlled name for the use of the

Luciferic programmers of the American people. Please be advised that there has been a purposed news blackout to the U.S. probably at least for 70 years. The Luciferics do not want you to know the truth!

We have nothing to fear but fear itself. The only one that Yahuweh sanctions for us to fear is HIM.

We know that almost all pandemic plagues have been created in test tubes in America and England. AIDS was created at Fort Detrick, Maryland, for example. Ebola was created here, and the U.N. has 120 other diseases ready to go—to be sprayed or dusted or given through vaccines, etc., to the American people. We are one giant guinea pig-rat laboratory. When the rats are finished being experimented on and no longer useful, goodbye rats.

All over America there are bio-weapon, chemical weapon laboratories, like at Texas A&M, creating diseases to be spread “as needed” in America. Please read or re-read the article on Eugenics: The Planned End of Mankind” and get the whole picture of why they want you ignorant and dead. Pass these articles on, and this one too—for we must warn as many as possible while we live.

Who are “they”? -- The puppet government of the U.S. under the Luciferic Illuminati that rules the world through the Vatican Jesuit Order.

Check this out for yourself from truth-tellers. Don’t listen to the false prophets who have money to gain by lying—Christians and seculars alike. The false prophets of Christian T.V.—the big names—are very, very rich. Compare them to the prophets of the Bible…they are opposites. Totally truthful news reporting has been blocked from the American people since at least the 1920s, so say truthful reporters. By the time you hear anything on the news it has been a done deal for a long time. All the movies since the 40s have been telling us truth, and Americans have thought they were just movies. We’ve been programmed into fantasy land, lollypop land, and most Americans not only know little to nothing about reality, but are scared of reality and don’t want to hear it. But, it is time to grow up and face the real world, for it is coming to you all to fast!

Six years ago, on Israeli radio, I heard about the cloned beef and sheep being OKd for human consumption. How long have we been eating and drinking their junk?

So now we have the bird flu scare—to get the public to run to the centers of their making to get the vaccine. What is this flu? Can you keep from getting it? Can you survive it if you get it? Why is taking the vaccine more deadly than the disease? Why are they creating diseases with seemingly no cure to dump on us from the sky—“chem-trails” are real—or put in our water and air? Why is Fluoride (a poison) in our water and toothpaste? Why is mercury (a deadly

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poison) in a baby’s DPT vaccines? Why is aluminum added to 350 products we all use in America when it is known to cause Alzheimer’s Disease and cancers? Vaccines given to children are now found to cause certain cancers in adults. Why are vaccines added to our corn, jellyfish enzymes in our potatoes, pig enzymes in other vegetable products? Why are our wheat and our soy crops

genetically altered so that it is of less food value, and its seeds do not reproduce?

In fact, why are seeds being genetically altered so that they do not reproduce, then sold to starving people in Third World nations? Why are they taking seeds from our vegetable/fruits? Why are they genetically altering our food supply anyway?

Why are they adding things to our processed foods that cause morticians to say that they don’t need to embalm bodies anymore--most Americans who die are pickled already?

Why are signs up all over the international baggage claim areas of airports warning against bird flu? Why is an outbreak of bird flu the only disease mentioned in the SPP Washington, D.C. official website, (), with laws to be made with Canada and Mexico exclusively?

Why is only bird flu mentioned out of all the 120 diseases passed down for release by the United Nations? It is because that is what is next? Yes!

“Reconstructed Flu a Serious Security Risk”—this article is by those listed at the end of this article. “The `reconstruction’ of the specific pandemic virus was done by grave robbers who dug up bodies of Eskimos in a remote Alaskan village in which the villagers died and had remained in deep freeze perma-frost for over 88 years. Live virus was found present in the corpses, and after it was laboratory cultured, it was sent to 300 research laboratories. Serious security risk? – You can count on it! In fact, it is a real Pandora’s Box!” Now who do you think sent those grave robbers up there to dig up those Eskimos? -- Had to be someone who tested them for the flu virus.

Bird Flu will be released airborne, and when it does listen to the panic news and smile—for it is panic news, created so that people will do exactly as they are told. If you resist taking it, you’re a winner. However there are consequences for being labeled a “resister” that are not good. How do you want to die--with self-respect, nobility, honor, and great reward in the Kingdom of Yahuweh and Yahushua forever, or as a miserable coward?

There will be overcoming people—who “endure to the end”, who do “exploits”—but the requirements for being in that group are that you KNOW HIM—the Elohim of Israel and that you are obedient to His Covenant. Personal, intimate relationship with Him is everything! You can’t have that by watching T.V. night after night, day after day, and letting your Bible get dusty.

The military, many of them foreign troops, are prepared to quarantine anyone who possibly has it, but also to quarantine those who don’t have it, or take them to detention camps where they will be injected with it.

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Under quarantine, the government is not going to feed you—so prepare for long times in your homes. Stock good food and water for several month—be prepared!

Many schools now are having barbed wire, facing inward, put around them, so that parents who resist won’t be able to take their child home with them. Consider strongly, home schooling. Even though home schooling is on the F.E.M.A. (Federal Emergency Management Authority—actually America’s secret government) list as being potential terrorists and harmers of the government, still if you do not vaccinate your child, you will have a chance of keeping them alive longer.

This scare/panic to cause pandemonium is a precursor to martial law. Of course, we’ve been under a form of martial law for a while. Have you noticed

in government areas, the American flag with the gold fringe around it? My friends, that IS the martial law flag!

The Spanish Flu of 1918 that killed over 50 million people worldwide has been

revived. It is an additive to the Bird Flu vaccine. Read that again—that’s facts from doctors who are speaking out.

To make matters worse, in China, when Bird Flu broke out, they killed millions of chickens and ducks. In our country, when it happens, they will kill chickens and turkeys, and other edible birds. Why? -- Because planned famine is on the horizon. In the 1930’s then President Franklin D. Roosevelt sanctioned and funded Stalin in his “experiment” of planned famine, which wiped out primarily seven million Christians in the Ukraine. Seven million—more than the Jews who died under Hitler.

Planned famine: Kill the main animal herds, put death stuff in vegetables and fruit, alter grains so that they have little food value, and shut off the good water, and there you have it. In France, in a crop of modified grain, they found many dead rats. They investigated and found that they died of malnutrition. The grain was so low in food value that they died for starvation. This grain is what is being sold to Africans. Weather warfare—yes—that can cause drought, floods, storms, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, tsunamis, and other “events” that cause death, starvation/famine, disease and savage cruelty from those who take advantage of death. The seals of Revelation 6 were released on September 29, 2000, and they are affecting ¼ of the earth, as the Scriptures tell—the Middle East, Africa and southern Asia.

If you know Him, then you know Psalm 33:16-21 as a reality. I’ve seen Him multiply food—actually tilapia and vegetables, in Africa. He has His ways to preserve those that are actively in His Covenant and whom He knows well.

The doctor’s report on the reconstruction of the Spanish Flu, being added to the Bird Flu vaccine, has been cultured and sent to 300 U.S. institutions. Talk about a terrorist threat! Who are the real terrorists in this world, who are controlling the visible terrorists?

Remember that your doctor or pediatrician might be a nice person but their training has elements in it from Hitler’s Nazi doctors who did experiments on

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Jews and Christians funded by American and British families and businesses, as well as the Vatican. The Nazi scientists and doctors were brought into the U.S. after the war, and much of what they did to experiment on people was incorporated into the American Medical Association. They are also trained exactly to do as they are told, and once they decree you a “resister”, you will be reported to government agencies that will take you away, and take away your children from you. This is already happening where government agencies are taking children from Christian homes and putting them in state-run foster homes because the Christian parents are not complying with public school and pediatrician mandates.

Best to stay away from doctors and pediatricians and learn how to be healthy by building your immune system up, by drinking colloidal silver and

eating herbs, and loading your system with vitamin C and such things that boost your immune system—Enchinea, Golden Seal, and elderberry syrup. You can go on-line and order the elderberry syrup at a decent price. Israel has a marvelous elderberry syrup—since they are the ones who discovered its immune system building properties. These things work—use them to build yourself up! This is the primary way to NOT get the flu in the first place.

Colloidal silver can cure about anything, even AIDS. I’ve proved it is a marvelous and fast healer. It is a cohesive element. It goes into your system, attaches itself directly to bad bacteria, (what intelligence in a metal) and carries it out of your system. It works fast. But, taking a little each day does prevent things from happening—it is a natural anti-biotic. So is colloidal gold.

But, at $914.00 an ounce now--climbing to $1,000.00 an ounce--that is a little expensive, to say the least.

Moses is the first recorded person who used colloidal gold. In Exodus 32, he ground up the golden calf and mixed it with water, and made the guilty ones drink it. All it caused them, because it was too much at one time, was acute diarrhea. Don’t laugh too hard…

I really have proven colloidal silver to be excellent as a cure and preventative

of disease! You can get a unit with silver rods from private sources. Or you can make your own unit…go on line for help in this. Information at the end of this article includes a source of the colloidal silver unites and silver rods.

Vitamin C in high doses not only cures but prevents disease. Get natural Vitamin C—try to get natural vitamins and minerals across board--and be sure to get the Vegetarian ones, or else there is shellfish in the capsules.

Get out and walk every day, if snow, ice, flood or fire doesn’t hinder you. Get out in the air. Exercise—get your body down to a proper weight! Drink a lot of purified water.

Buy yourself a Pur water filter or Britana. They cost about $20.00, and the replacement filters are about 3 for $20.00. The filters last a long time. Pur claims to filter out more yuckies than Britana.

Get plenty of sleep! There are things that break down your immune system…as in little sleep, poor diet, lack of sunshine, eating sweets, too

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high a protein diet, little exercise, and eating processed altered food. Organic food is still subject to polluted air and water and soil, but it is better if you can afford it. The way prices of food are going higher by the week. You must look for what will boost your immune system in vitamin/mineral form, as well as natural forms. I buy organic salads in a box container. I used to buy them in bags and they spoiled in a few days because of contained moisture. In the box, they stay dry and last a long time. Get Field Greens, salads mixed with herbs, and romaine. Don’t just eat that low food value taco lettuce—iceberg lettuce. Eat carrots, broccoli, and other anti-carcinogenic foods. Do your homework and save your life!

I’ve studied nutrition for over 25 years. An example of applying my findings:

I refused to go through menopause with the usual symptoms, shots, and other

disgusting reactions that the medical world says is “normal”. I asked Yahuweh how I could avoid those symptoms and He taught me the Asian diet. The Asian—Chinese and south Asians--women in the Third World don’t have such symptoms. They work hard and live long. Their bones don’t deteriorate—little to no osteoporosis. The women in my family are prone to osteoporosis. I asked Yahuweh for strong bone density—and that I not follow the “normal” declines of my family. I studied the Asian diet, led by the Spirit of Yahwueh, and I had NO menopause symptoms except my periods stopped and that was it. Get smart—you do not have to go through what the medical world says you have to go through! After I went through menopause, Prevention Magazine came out with a fantastic new discovery (chuckle, chuckle)--that eating the Asian diet prevented menopause symptoms. Want to be ahead of the news in all ways—listen to Yahwueh’s Spirit! Who gave Solomon his ultra-wisdom?

To quote doctors John G. Clark and Dr. Amber Bell: “In brief, boosting the immune system, your first line of defense against any infection, is the most promising option”.

These doctors go on to say: “What is so bad about the bird flu? Progressing beyond the aches, pains, fever and sore throat of the common flu, the `avian influenza’ causes shortness of breath leading to a blue coloration of the skin over the whole body with blood tinged foamy fluid coming out of the lungs. The headaches and body pain far surpass the common flu, and the heart and brain become involved as well. Most ominous by far is the propensity to bleed from almost any body opening: i.e. mouth, nose, rectum, ears and eyes”.

The really upsetting thing to me is that it is said to affect young children more than old people. The mind of those that worship Satan under the guise of Lucifer think like Satan—they do not think like a normal human—finding ways of killing off Yahuweh’s creation is their great delight.

Rupert Blue, M.D., Surgeon General during the 1918 flu, suggested: “Avoid needless crowding; smother your coughs and sneezes, your nose not your mouth was made to breath through; remember the 3 Cs—clean mouth, clean skin, clean clothes; food will win the war, help by choosing and chewing your food

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well, wash your hands before eating, don’t let the waste products of digestion accumulate; avoid tight clothing, tight shoes, tight gloves; seek to make nature your ally not your prisoner, and when the air is pure breath all of it you can—breath deeply”. Good advise!

Recent doctors have said: “Vaccines are not a substitute for a good immune system, and are of questionable usefulness if any help at all.”

In this case, the vaccine is the killer element—beware of panicking and going to a doctor when Yahuweh is your healer and your instructor in wisdom!

Knowing Him is paramount to survival now. Many have a sentimental religious feeling about someone called “God” or “Lord”—but they do not know the real Creator--the real Elohim of the Bible—Yahuweh and His Son Yahushua.

They have a belief system that will fall apart easily when pandemonium takes over! If you run to man now, you’ll panic and run to man later on—tragedy only awaits you for Jeremiah 17:5-9 is the case: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man…”

One thing that breaks down the immune system faster than almost anything is emotional upset! Emotional upset can bring on disease or collapse of the body’s defense mechanisms within hours! -- Things like: Fear, grief, anxiety, stress, depression, worry, unforgiveness of others and of yourself (regret), hate, bitterness, trauma and sin, will break down your immune system and

cause you to fall victim to disease, as well as to fall victim to the lies and deceptions pouring forth from the world community!

During the time of the Bubonic Plague in Europe, no Orthodox Torah-guarding

Jews got the plague. It was so obvious that the rulers of Europe killed Jews for starting the plague. How did they avoid getting the plague? They observed the laws of Torah—they washed their hands, kept away from feces contamination in water, and generally kept themselves pure and clean. They didn’t eat pork, shell fish, or other contaminating foods, and thus they ate a good diet, and stayed free. They also followed the commands of Torah regarding proper thinking. Are you Torah-guarding? If so, take note! If you are not, take note!

“Milk, which may now come from clones, the baby food of calves, has drawbacks for the prevention of flu. Increased milk-drinking results in decreased natural killer cell activity”. What’s more, tripling your milk protein intake can triple the risk of contracting cancer. It is also a mucous producing food.

Quoting a doctor: “Many people have a `sweet tooth’ compulsion. This is usually not the trait of an influenza survivor”. “High protein diets have also been shown to compromise the immune system”.

Best to eat fruit (with seeds) and vegetables, organic if possible, good grains if you can find them, and drink lots of orange juice, grape juice (whole juice that is—without additives), and especially drink lots of purified water. Take Daniel’s advise—see the result of his diet in Daniel 1:12-17.

Exercise is very important to flush out toxins from your system. Walk out in

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the sunshine daily, and while you’re walking quote Psalms and pray. If you trust Him, talk to Him—He will talk back to your spirit.

“Garlic has long been recognized as a potent immune stimulator. In one study garlic reduced respiratory tract infections by 63%. It is reported that during the 1918 flu epidemic, 20 people in one area ate raw garlic daily with their meals. None of the 20 contracted the flu. It has been suggested that 3-5 cloves a day be eaten.”

When I was in Russia for three months, during the winter of 1999, it was 30 below zero Fahrenheit outside, with snow and ice on the ground. I was out in the snow a lot. I ate garlic for breakfast, lunch and dinner on Russia black

bread, with real butter. I ate it mixed into baked tofu, mixed with carrots. No one got sick—for garlic is called “Russian penicillin”.

Vitamin A, E, C and others are preventatives. Eat strawberries, bell peppers, chives, red cabbage, broccoli, pineapple oranges, lemons, kale, cauliflower and peas. Put lemon juice in your water.

Foods high in Selenium, which increases natural killer activity of bad viruses by 70% while protecting lung tissues from inflammation, can be found in Brazil nuts, mixed nuts, sesame seeds, wheat, sunflower seeds and wheat germ. Another natural necessity is zinc. Nuts, wild rice, and maple sugar, and wheat bran contain zinc.

“Magnesium-deficient animals exhibit dramatic elevations of inflammatory

mediators that are responsible for cytokine storm and hemorrhagic pneumonia from which people with bird flu die. You can obtain magnesium from brown rice, wheat bran, pumpkin seeds, soybeans, flax seeds, Brazil nuts, sesame seeds and cashews. “

“Turmeric is widely used in India for the treatment of inflammation. Enchinacea purpurea, a plant originally used by the American Indians to treat respiratory infections, ahs been shown to increase natural killer cytotoxicity by nearly 100%.”

Notice this is the Bible-diet?

Be sure to drink a lot of filtered water! “You cannot underestimate the value of proper hydration”.

The doctors speaking in this information caution us against being conditioned by scare-stories. They say this: “As news stories continue to spread about this bird flu, vaccinations are continually touted as the answer; once you know the scientific truth you will realize vaccination stories are simply dangerous conditioning”

“This is a very serious problem, because the real danger will likely not come from the bird fly itself, but from the vaccinations themselves, at least that is what happened in the Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918. A registered nurse was shocked when she first started working in a hospital in 1998. The nurses she worked with had a name for the standard flu vaccines--`Old People Killer’! These nurses understood that the flu shot was worse, at best, and deadly at worst.”

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Here are more of believing doctor’s statements regarding 1918 and now: “Yes, history records that over 50 million people died worldwide—from a disease they caught from a `protective’ vaccination! Now you know that the Spanish Flu of 1918 was DELIBERATELY CREATED AND THEN SPREAD THROUGH VACCINES!”

“The only alternative left to the world’s ruling elite was to increase the death rate—they did not relish the possible consequences of an enraged public upon discovering that they were being systematically murdered…Dr. Aurelio Peccei of the Club of Rome…advocated that a plague be introduced that would have the same effect as the Black Death (Bubonic Plague) of history”. (From Behold

A Pale Horse by Bill Cooper, page 167)

The Club of Rome is the think tank primarily responsible for the creation of deadly diseases to reduce “excess population” from 6.4 billion down to 500 million at most, and “hopefully” they say, down to 150-300 million or less. Humankind is now considered by the world’s elite to be no more than another animal, like a cow or donkeys—only good for what can be extracted from them—dead or alive.

Luke 21:11: “There will be mighty and violent earthquakes and in various places famines and pestilences, plagues: malignant and contagious or infectious epidemic diseases which are deadly and devastating…”

Revelation 6:8: “So, I looked and behold an ashy pale horse, black and blue as if made so by bruising, and its rider’s name was Death, and Hades (the god of the realm of the dead) followed him closely. And they were given authority and power over a fourth part of the earth to kill with sword and with famine and with plague (pestilence and disease)”. Both Scriptures from: The Parallel Bible, KJV, Amplified Bible Commentary

My friends--stay free! You do not have to play the Luciferic game of take over. You don’t have to be taken over. Dying as a martyr has great reward. Dying as a fool doesn’t.

I write this with love to save lives, as I do all my articles. You don’t have to get involved in anyone’s ministry or website on these matters—just take the good advise listed above! Don’t let anyone scare you into anything that is not of the Father. Be led by His Spirit daily in every way! -- For there is the spirit and the soul to be saved for eternity, but also the body, which is good for Yahuweh’s good purposes now, and forever. Messiah is coming to establish His Kingdom on earth…concentrate on Revelation 11:15-19 and chapters 19-22!

Love with Shalom, Yedidah


For a copy of 83 references, a DVD showing the 1918 flu also and giving information about now, and for scientific research papers validating this material, as well as for herbs and colloidal Silver units, contact:

Charles Wilson, Box 693, Leicester, N.C. (828-622-3671 or fax: 828-622-0123)

Madison Mission: candlwilsonherbs@ or contact Clark Educational Trust in Portland, Maine, at

Yes, they sell herbs and other products—you don’t have to buy them—but you need the information.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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