Patient Information Leaflet - Open University

Patient Information Leaflet


|What is in |It is also important that herpes infections of the eye are |

|your medicine? |treated as they may result in complications if untreated. |

|Deltacortril 'Enteric' tablets come in two strengths | |

|containing 2.5 milligrams (coloured brown) or 5 milligrams |If you or anyone in your family or regular contacts catches |

|(coloured red) of prednisolone. The inactive ingredients are: |CHICKENPOX it is important to contact your doctor IMMEDIATELY.|

|(both strengths) acacia, beeswax, calcium carbonate, carnauba |DO NOT STOP your treatment. It is also IMPORTANT that you |

|wax, cellulose acetate phthalate, citroflex A-2 kaolin, |contact your doctor If you contract CHICKENPOX within a 3 |

|lactose, magnesium stearate, maize starch, shellac, sucrose, |month period after stopping treatment. |

|talc. The 2.5 milligram tablets contain red/brown oxide (E172)| |

|and the 5 milligram tablets azo dye ponceau 4R (E 124). |Have you had an allergic reaction to Deltacortril 'Enteric' in|

|Deltacortril 'Enteric' is supplied in packs of 30 or 500 |the past? This may have been itching, reddening of the skin or|

|tablets. |difficulty in breathing, or any other problems when taking the|

|Product Licence Holder |tablets previously. |

|and Manufacturer |Have you had an allergic reaction to azo dyes (food |

|Pfizer Limited, Sandwich, Kent CT13 9NJ |colourings) in the past? This may have been itching, reddening|

|What type |of the skin or difficulty in breathing. An azo dye is the |

|of medicine is |colouring agent in the 5mg tablets while the 2.5mg tablets are|

|Deltacortril 'Enteric'? |free of azo dyes. |

|This medicine is one of a group of medicines called steroids |Have you taken Deltacortil 'Enteric' (or similar medicine) |

|(naturally occurring hormones) which are used to treat several|before and had muscular problems (steroid myopathy)? |

|illnesses. |Do you suffer from any heart condition? |

|What is your |Do you suffer from kidney problems? |

|medicine for? |Do you suffer from liver problems? |

|Deltacortril 'Enteric' is used in the treatment of allergic |Do you suffer from stomach ulcers? |

|and inflammatory diseases and immune reactions. The treatment |Do you suffer from glaucoma or does glaucoma run in your |

|provides relief for inflamed areas of the body and lessens |family? |

|swelling, redness, itching and allergic reactions. Deltacortil|Do you suffer from diabetes or does diabetes run in your |

|‘Enteric’' is included as part of the overall treatment of |family? |

|certain cancers which include: leukaemia (acute and lymphatic)|Do you suffer from thyroid problems? |

|malignant Lymphoma and multiple myeloma. Deltacortril |Do you suffer from epilepsy (fits)? |

|‘Enteric' is also used to make up the difference when the |Are you suffering from or have you been treated for |

|body's production of cortisone is too low to maintain good |tuberculosis (TB)? |

|health. |Are you past the menopause (the change of life) and suffering |

|Before you take |from osteoporosis (thinning of the bones)? |

|Deltacortril 'Enteric' |Have you suffered from severe affective disorders (mania or |

|Are you suffering from an untreated widespread (systemic) |depression)? |

|infection? |Have you taken Deltacortil 'Enteric' (or similar medicine) |

|While you are taking steroids you are more likely to develop |before and suffered from serious mental illness (psychoses)? |

|illnesses due to infection. Also any existing infections may |If the answer to any of these questions is yes tell your |

|become worse resulting in septicaemia. This is especially so |doctor before you start treatment. Your doctor may still want |

|during periods of stress. Certain infections can be serious if|you to take the tablets. |

|not controlled. | |

|It is important to be aware that contracting chickenpox during|If you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant you must tell|

|treatment or for a period afterwards can be dangerous |your doctor before you start the treatment. |

| |Small amounts of steroids are present in breast milk. If you |

| |are breast feeding your doctor will want to examine your baby |

| |during your time of treatment. |



|Treatment of children: The use of steroids can slow down |Fluid and salts: water and salt retention, hypertension (high |

|normal growth of children and adolescents. In order to lessen |blood pressure), a change in the mineral balance in the blood.|

|this effect the tablets are often taken in a single dose every|Skin: reduction in healing, thinning of the skin, bruising, |

|other day. |stretch marks, patches of reddening and acne. |

|Treatment of the elderly: When steroids are taken by elderly |Hormone system and metabolism: reduction in the balance |

|patients some of the unwanted effects can be more serious |between certain hormones, reduction of growth in babies |

|especially thinning of the bones, diabetes, high blood |,children and adolescents, absence or irregularity of |

|pressure, infections and thinning of the skin. |menstrual periods, moon face, extra hair growth, weight gain, |

|If you are taking any other medicines it is important to tell |carbohydrate imbalance in diabetes, increased appetite, |

|your doctor before you start the treatment, these include: |reduction in protein and calcium in the blood. |

|antiepileptic drugs, antiarthritis drugs, analgesics (such as |Nervous disorders: euphoria (feeling high), feeling of |

|aspirin and ibuprofen), oestrogens, antihypertensives, |dependency on treatment, depression, sleeplessness, pressure |

|diuretics, drugs used to treat myasthenia gravis and certain |on the nerve to the eye (sometimes in children after stopping |

|cancers, anticoagulants, antidiabetic drugs including insulin |treatment), worsening of schizophrenia, worsening of epilepsy.|

|and vaccines. |Eyes: increased pressure in the eyeball (glaucoma), pressure |

|Make sure that you have hen given a STEROID TREATMENT CARD by |on the nerve to the eye, thinning of the tissues of the eye |

|your doctor which you should always keep with you. |(sclera and cornea), worsening of viral or fungal infections |

| |of the eye. |

|How to take |Effects of infections: risk of contracting infection is |

|your medicine? |increased, existing infections can worsen, signs of infection |

|The tablets should only be taken by mouth and can be swallowed|can be masked, dormant infections (such as TB) can reappear. |

|with water. They can be taken before or after a meal. |General: increased number of white blood cells, allergy, |

|Treatment with Deltacortril 'Enteric' is tailored to each |thrombosis, sickness, tiredness. |

|individual. It is important to follow your doctor's |It is important to discuss your treatment with your doctor |

|instructions. |beore stopping treatment. |

|The starting dose is usually 10-20mg daily either as a single |Although there is a risk that you may experience one or more |

|morning dose or divided into morning and evening dose . But |of the above side-effects your doctor will have chosen this |

|depending on the illness being treated this can vary from |treatment bearing in mind these risks and the risks to you |

|5-60mg daily, and in some instances it can be taken every |from your illness If you suffer from any of these or other |

|other day. Once your condition starts to get better your |undesirable effects they should be reported to your doctor or |

|doctor may change your dosage to a lower one. You should be |pharmacist. |

|careful to follow any changes | |

|Withdrawal symptoms. If treatment is for longer than 7 days |Look after your |

|sudden stopping of treatment can cause the following symptoms:|medicine |

|fever, painful muscles and joints, inflammation of the eyes |This treatment is for YOU. Do not give it to others. It may |

|and nasal passages, painful and itchy skin lumps, loss of |not suit them. Do not take this medicine after the date |

|weight. |stamped on the pack. |

| | |

|What if you take |Where to keep |

|too many tablets? |your medicine |

|Too many tablets can make you unwell. Contact your doctor or |Keep your medicine in a dry place, below 25°C |

|nearest hospital accident and emergency department. |Keep all medicines out of the reach of children |

| | |

|What if you |Further |

|miss a tablet? |information |

|Take that tablet as soon as you realise and take the next dose|This leaflet does not contain all the information about this |

|at the correct time. |medicine. If you have any questions or are not sure about |

| |anything ask your doctor or pharmacist. |

|Can your medicine | |

|cause undesirable |The information in this leaflet is about Deltacortril |

|effects? |'Enteric' only. |

|Like most medicines Deltacortril 'Enteric' can cause | |

|undesirable effects. These include:- |Date Deltacortril 'Enteric' leaflet |

|Gastro-intestinal: indigestion, stomach ulcers with bleeding |United Kingdom last revised - Dec 1995 |

|or perforation, bloating, oesophageal (gullet) ulcers or |© Pfizer Limived 1995 |

|candidiasis (thrush) and inflammation of the pancreas. | |

|Musculo-skeletal: muscle wasting of the upper arms and legs, | |

|thinning or wasting of the bones, bone fractures and tendon | |

|rupture. | |



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