August 2009

Dear Parents,

We would like to welcome you and your child to the sixth grade at Pioneer Middle School. We are looking forward to a year that will prompt academic and social growth. We would like to share our plans and expectations with you through this packet.

As you know, preparedness is the first step to success. Below is a list of materials strongly recommended to be available daily for all students assigned to our team.

• An ample supply of standard-ruled 8 1/2 x 11 white loose leaf paper

• 3 subject spiral notebook to be used for Math class

• Graph paper

• Two blue or black pens (no white-out allowed)

• Two #2 pencils

• One red pen (used for corrections only)

• Assorted colored pencils or crayons

• Highlighter

• Six Duo-tang type pocket folders (plan on getting a new set each 9 weeks- save time and money buy 24 folders now!)

• A novel to be carried everyday for your child’s leisure reading.

• Calculator (a basic model - add, subtract, multiply and divide) for Science and Math class

• USB Flash Memory Drive (128 Megabyte or larger)

• Because all classes are in portables a SMALL COMPACT UMBRELLA or RAIN PONCHO (a large trash bag works) will be needed to stay dry as well as a PLASTIC BAG to place wet things in. These will remain in their backpacks at all times.

Individual teachers may request additional materials throughout the year.

We recommend the use of the organizational materials and reading book to help meet the goals set by our School Improvement Team. We expect your child to begin using these materials on or before Monday, August 31, 2009. We ask your cooperation in making these materials available all year.

Supply Fees – Expendable Supplies (Required School Board Statement)

No fee or charge may be required of any student as a condition of attendance and participation for grades / credit in any class. Principals may request that students voluntarily purchase certain items or voluntarily pay to participate in an activity that may aid in learning. Requests for money for supply fees for the purchase of supply items or participation in an activity must be in writing and must contain four required disclosures.

• No penalty of any type will be imposed against the student based on failure to pay;

• No student shall be denied the right to participate based on failure to pay;

• The principal may forego a planned activity or use of a particular item based upon the collection of insufficient funds to cover the cost of the item or activity; and

• This request is for a voluntary payment.

Grading Policy

In each subject area, your child will be responsible for homework assignments, quizzes, tests, and projects. The homework requirements are to develop and reinforce the learned skills and to prepare for the next day’s lessons. In order to develop good study habits, we suggest you plan with your child to set aside a daily study period.

It will be your child’s responsibility to copy down and complete any missed assignments. All assignments are posted daily. Any work turned in late or without a name will not receive full credit.

Parental Role in Education

The agenda will help all of us to maintain a systematic tracking of your child’s progress. It is suggested that students keep track of their assignments and activities in the agenda. Parents are expected to monitor the agenda daily. You can also check your child’s grades online using the Parent Internet Viewer located at . Your student’s ID is his/hers student number and the PIN Code is his/her birth date (MMDDYYYY). If you have any concerns regarding your child’s progress please address them in the agenda. The student should present parent comments written in the agenda to the teacher before or after class. The teachers will respond with a note and their initials if they have read your concerns (please check for a response in the agenda).


If the student does not do the homework within the allotted time, the student will receive a grade of zero. Work will not be accepted late. Students must make up all homework assignments so they do not fall behind. Students are responsible for requesting missed assignments from the teacher’s agenda when absent.

There IS homework every night in all five academic subjects. No student should ever say, “I don’t have any homework.” If there is no specific written or reading assignment, your child should spend a minimum of 10-15 minutes reviewing the material from each class.

Discipline Policy

In order to guarantee your child and all students in our classes the excellent learning environment they deserve, we are utilizing the following discipline plan:

Philosophy: We believe all students can behave appropriately in the classroom. We will not tolerate any student behavior that interferes with teaching and learning. We often use cooperative learning as an integral part of our teaching method. It should not be confused with cheating; for example, one student completes the assignment and another from the group copies it is not a cooperative learning assignment.

Class Rules

1. Follow all instructions.

2. Be in assigned seats before the tardy bell rings.

3. Stay in assigned seat.

4. Have all materials ready.

5. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking.

6. Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.

7. Be courteous. Respect the feelings and property of others.

8. No food or drink in class and especially no gum.


1. Warning (verbal or nonverbal)

2. Parent contact through a letter, note in agenda, phone call or an essay to be signed by a parent in which the student will reflect upon their actions, consequences and what they can do better next time.

3. Detention

4. Referral to administration or guidance

5. If deemed necessary the student will be referred to the Child Study Team(CPST). Behavior and or academic documentation will be initiated.

**Serious offenses or severe disruption will result in immediate referral and removal from the classroom.

Severe Disruption will result in immediate removal from the classroom. For serious offenses, such as cheating, profanity directed at a teacher, fighting, or forgery, a parent phone call and a referral to the administration will be issued.

Each marking period, our team will be participating in a reward activity such as games, movies, ice cream parties, etc., to encourage good behavior. Students who meet the following requirements will be eligible to participate in the reward activity:

• Receive no administrative referrals.

• Receive no more than two detentions (team or administrative) for the grading period.

• Have not been suspended.

Anti-Bullying Policy

The School Board of Broward County has established and Anti-Bullying policy for all Broward County Students and Staff that prohibit bullying and harassment by anyone to anyone. Students and Parents will both be trained on this new policy. Details will be given at open house to parents.

Field Trips

Students attending a field trip will be required to wear a “Pioneer Middle School field trip” t-shirt. Shirts can be purchased from the PTSA and can be used for the next 3 years. Any student who has been externally suspended during the current semester or who has been referred to the office three (3) or more times for disciplinary reasons during the current semester will be excluded from grade level and/or reward team field trips. Any student with a history of inappropriate behavior may attend Academic field trips only, with the accompaniment of his/her parent. The parent must then attend at his/her own expense. Bus referrals are included in this policy.

Keeping in Touch

It is in your child’s best interest that we work together. We must be in close contact with you regarding you child’s progress. Please check your child’s grades online via Pinnacle (see the agenda for instructions). Please sign the attached form and have your child return it to the teacher tomorrow.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email us. Email is the best way to contact us. The school can be reached at (754) 323-4100. We will return your call as soon as possible or reply in writing. Our Team planning time is from 8:15 A.M. to 8:55 A.M. Teachers’ website can be found @ . Again, welcome to Pioneer. We are looking forward to working with you and your child.


Your sixth grade teachers: email address

Mr. Brunt (Language Arts) michael.brunt@

Team Leader

Mrs. Forcier (Reading) gina.forcier@

Mrs. Parker (Social Studies) pamela.parker@

Mr. Schulman (Science) david.schulman@

Mrs. Goldman (Math) risa.goldman@

Please complete the following in order to acknowledge that you have read and understand our team letter. Return only this page to the second period teacher. Keep the rest of the letter for your reference.

Student’s name: ____________________________________________________


Student’s signature: _________________________________________________

Parent’s or guardian’s name: ________________________________________


Parent’s or guardian’s signature: _____________________________________


Mother’s Name: _____________________________________________

home (____) _____________work (____) _____________ Mobile(____) _____________

email: _____________________________________________________________

Father’s Name: _____________________________________________

home (____) _____________work (____) _____________ Mobile(____) ______________

email: _____________________________________________________________

Does your child wear glasses? ______ if yes, for distance or reading? ______

Does you child have hearing difficulties? ___________

Bus number if applicable: __________

Are there any health or allergy problems of which we should be aware?

What are your child’s strengths?

What are your child’s developmental needs?




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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