Romans - Precept Windermere


Part 2

Lesson 3

Kay Arthur

Baptized into His death, buried with Him in baptism.

The Doctrine of Justification has been abused, misunderstood and misinterpreted. So, Paul needs to lay down an argument that is going to keep Justification by Faith from being misunderstood.

Romans is a diatribe: a critical dissertation.

Romans 6, 7 and 8

Jude calls Antinomianism licentiousness or moral anarchy.

Justification by faith produces a life of righteousness.

Three common objections to Justification by Faith:

The doctrine of Justification by Faith Diatribe:

1. Encourages sin Romans 3:8

Romans 6:1-14, 5:19-21

Romans 6:1 Question that implies a “no” answer

2. Allows sin

Romans 6:14-15, 7:6 Question that implies a “no” answer

It cannot allow sin because of Who our Master is.

3. It makes the Law sinful/evil

Romans 7:7-25 Question implies a “no” answer.

The Law hasn’t died, but we have died to the Law. The Law reveals my


The problem is that these objectors do not realize what faith is. It is not a creed or dogma that one adopts. Faith must have an effect on one’s life.

Faith: pistis

Believe: verb form of faith – pisteuo

Three elements to believing faith:

1. Knowledge of a truth

2. Surrender to that knowledge

3. Obedience – I will live in the light

Believe – Total committal of yourself to what you say you believe.

Justification by Faith does NOT encourage sin, rather it brings sanctification (Romans 6, 7 and 8).

Romans 6 Victory over sin

Romans 7 Justification by Faith liberates us from the Law

Liberty does not bring Lawlessness but Righteousness

Romans 8 The security of the sons of God

Chp. 1-5 Sin and Salvation established/6-8 Sanctification – sure result of

salvation of sinners

Rom. 3:21-5

Righteousness imputed to our account / Righteousness imparted to our lives

Justification through the gift of the Holy Spirit

Romans 3:21-5 Romans 6-8

Substitution Identification

He died For me I died With Him

He paid For my sins I was buried With Him

He paid sin’s penalty I was raised With Him

I live With Him in the Spirit

Romans 6 Beginning of Sanctification as he asks the question.

Sanctified: Holy, set apart, saint

1. Paul will demonstrate with factual, not experiential truth, that the gospel not only takes care of sin and its penalty but it also takes care of the old man and the body of sin.

2. For the first time in Romans, Paul clearly states our union with Christ (6:5)

The answer to 6:1- Shall we continue in sin? No. Every believer has died, not that he ought to die, but that his death is an accomplished fact through his identification with Christ.

The believer has been baptized into Christ’s death and resurrection.

Romans 6:1

True salvation makes a difference because it sanctifies you.

Romans 6:2-4

Romans 6:5-7 United with Him – baptized


1. bapto – to dip Luke 16:24

2. baptidzo – frequent form of “bapto”. It is a transliteration. Used of dipping a hot iron in water to temper that iron. Used of dipping a cloth into dye. Used of taking points of spears and dipping in blood.

Classical Greek: the change of identity by any means.

Nicander – 200 B.C. writings

Used in a recipe – vegetables were to be dipped in water, then “baptize” into vinegar solution, thus changing its identity.

Gal. 3:27

Mark 16:16 If we believed and have been identified with Christ, we have been saved.

Baptism does NOT save you.

You cannot take the obscure and make it contradict the obvious.

Obvious: Salvation is by grace through faith; simply believing.

Use the obvious to interpret the obscure.

Kenneth Weiss: “The introduction or placing of a person or a thing into a new environment or into union with something else so as to alter its condition or its relationship to its previous environment or condition.”

This is Paul’s use of “baptism” in Romans.

Baptism = Identification It explains 2 Cor. 5:17

Noun form of baptism – “baptisma”

1. Luke 3:3-10 John’s baptism: Baptism of repentance for forgiveness of sins.

2. Mark 10:38-39 Baptism of Christ’s suffering

3. Acts 1:5 Holy Spirit’s Baptism – changes the person

I Cor. 12:13 Baptized into one body

4. Matt. 3:11-12 I (John the Baptist) baptize with water. Jesus baptizes

with the Holy Spirit and fire.

Fire (judgment) you will be identified with one or the other.

Baptism of the Holy Spirit is synonymous with salvation – NOT a “second believing”

With Fire = judgment of God – eventual wrath of God

Unquenchable fire – Lake of Fire – it goes on and on

5. Acts 16:30-33 Rite of baptism – physical, symbolic act

If you have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, you need to be baptized with water. It is an act of obedience.

Acts 2:33 Day of Pentecost

Acts 2:37 “Brethren, what shall we do?” Conviction

Acts 3:38-39 Refers to the Rite of baptism

For – eis – for, or because

“Because of the forgiveness of sins.”


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