EEL 5771-001 Ref

EEL 5771

Introduction to Computer Graphics

Team Essay: Fall 2020

Active learning project: non-photorealistic rendering

Submission deadlines:

Questions: September 15, 2020

Essay: October 13, 2020

Team name:




Member [Name]:

Member [Name]:

Member [Name]:

Member [Name]:


Early graphics systems produced images on such devices as printers using only dots or other special characters. As time went on, the emphasis was placed on realism, i.e., the image generated on a graphics device should not be different from that of a photograph. Since research goes around in circles, current efforts focus on creating pictures that are not realistic, i.e., developing tools for the artists to express themselves using graphics technology. Hence non-photorealistic rendering was born.


In this project, you will learn about techniques that are used to create pictures that are the result of imagination and not that of copying the real world. These tools allow the user to render images with added characteristics, such as graphic pen, blurring, or sharpening.


One of the essential parts of learning is to ask questions. In the first part of the team essay project, your team will assemble a set of five (5) questions that broadly cover the topic of non-photorealistic rendering. The questions should be designed so that if adequately answered, the team will learn everything about non-photorealistic rendering that is relevant in the practice of the graphics. Your five questions will be given to another group to be answered, and your team will receive five questions from another team. Please list your questions here:

Q1: What is NPR and what problems does its use seek to solve?

Q2: What are some of the different methods and styles to use to accomplish NPR?

Q3: How is non-photorealistic rendering used for pixel manipulation of images?

Q4: What are some applications of NPR?

Q5: How can the performance and visual quality of NPR be enhanced?


You have to answer the five questions in the form of a complete essay. That is, the article cannot be in a Q&A format! It has to be a standalone, full paper in which the answers are woven seamlessly into the text.


During this project, your team will perform the following simple tasks:

• Understand the concept of texture, bump mapping, etc., as presented in the book.

• Search for topics like “texturing,” “surface material,” “simulating the brush,” “graphics pen,” etc.

• Search “non-photorealistic rendering” and dig out all useful and understandable information.

• Consider a few essential applications: computer art, document processing, printing, promotional materials, presentation materials, etc.

• Search for existing systems using non-photorealistic techniques.

• Find methods for creating special effects during rendering.

• Find publicly available code and/or demo programs related to non-photorealistic rendering.

Once the research is done, digest all the information you gathered and write-up your experience with your independent research, as described in the next section.


There are two deliverables: (1) five questions, and (2) the essay. Please use this template to enter the five questions above and return the template by September 15, 2020.

Using this file as a template, write an essay that contains, at a minimum, the following components:

• A short abstract of no more than 200 words.

• A list of keywords of no more than 5.

• An introduction section where you describe the problem domain and give a short description of prior approaches as far as you know.

• A section on general non-photorealistic methods.

• A section on special techniques, used in available systems, which describes the result of your independent research.

• A section on algorithm design where you show a code architecture and/or flow chart to design an algorithm for various forms of rendering.

• Proper illustrations throughout the text.

• A section on examples and demos, if any.

• A section on experiments, if available, or if you have done one or more yourself.


Use this MS Word file as the template and enter your text directly after the team members’ contributions. Please name the file as in the following example:


When submitting the file, the subject line should contain the course prefix as well as the file name above. Example:

EEL_5771_ Team_Amanda_Essay.doc


Your essay should be submitted electronically via e-mail attachment. Please send the file to lpiegl@ no later than:

Questions: September 15, 2020

Essay: October 13, 2020


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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