PAPER-1 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ADVERTISING AND PUBLIC RELATION LESSON 1- Advertising Definition, Classification, Growth & Development LESSON 2- Basic Model and process of advertising, Motivational & Persuasional Communication of Advertising LESSON 3- Advertising Public Relation and Publicity LESSON 4- Extension Education LESSON 5-Social Advertising LESSON 6- Advertisement Agencies: Structure & Function, Empanelling & Budgeting LESSON 7- Public Relations: Definition, Role & Function, Growth & Development LESSON 8- Difference between Public Relation & Corporate Public Relation LESSON 9- Public Relation in Public and Private Sector LESSON 10- Crisis Communication and Lobbying LESSON 11- Public Issue Communication

Course Code: 01 Lesson: 01

Author : Dr. Bandana Pandey Vetter : Prof. Manoj Dayal

Advertising: Definition, Classification, Growth & Development

STRUCTURE 1.1 Objectives 1.2 Introduction 1.3 Definition 1.4 History of Advertising 1.5 Classification of Advertising 1.6 Role of Advertising 1.7 Scenario of Indian Media 1.8 Summary 1.10 Key words 1.11 Self Assessment Exercise 1.12 Suggested Readings 1.1 OBJECTIVES The main objectives of this lesson are to understand the basic concepts of advertising and its definition. To acknowledge the history and development

of advertising. To know the different classifications of advertising. To study the Indian media scenario. To understand the role of advertising.

1.2 INTRODUCTION What is advertising?

Advertising is a powerful communication force and vital marketing tool helping to sell goods, services, images, and ideas through channel of information and persuasion. It is highly visible force in the society. Today all of us receive many advertising messages daily. Now it is essential to the success of any type of business and industry. Furthermore, advertising strategies are employed more and more by non-business organisation such as government, college and universities, public service groups and characteristics. It is one of the parts of the marketing and communication process. Advertising convince people to buy products. All advertising contains both information and persuasion. Today we can say advertising is a communication, marketing, public-relation, information and persuasion process. Advertising reaches us through a channel of communication referred to as a medium. It is usually aimed at a particular segment of the population - the target audience (Consumer and business).

Basically it is a medium of dissemination of information and persuasion. It always creates a glamorous area. No doubt today advertising covers almost every area of the thought process and action of society. It is considered to be a highly sophisticated communication force and powerful marketing tool. In other words we can say that it is a complete psychological treatment of the consumer and a very creative and glamorous area also. 1.3 Definition

The word advertising came from the Latin word' advertere' means "to turn the mind toward".

The American Marketing Association (AMA) recommends the definition, "Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor".

The AMA points out that advertising is a tool of marketing along with the product and its packaging, price, distribution and personnel selling. Definitely advertising is openly and over the overtly subsidized information and persuasion, and its task is to present and promote for more than merchandise. According to this definition promotion is 'non-personal'. It is directed "to whom it may concern". If advertising is effective, it is because the audience is receptive to it. Paid form: When product or services are mentioned favorably in the media-

newspaper, magazines and radio or television- the item appears because it is presumed to provide information or entertainment for the audience. But this is publicity, and no payment is made by the benefited organization. Advertising on the other hand, is published or broadcast because the advertiser has purchased time or space to tell the story of a certain product or service. Non-personal presentation: Personal selling takes place when a personal face-to-face presentation is made. Although advertising complements or may submit for, personal selling it is done in a non-personal manner through intermediaries - or media. Idea, goods and services: From this point advertising is concerned with much more than the promotion of tangible goods. Most of the advertising is designed to help sell goods and services. It is being used increasingly to further public interest group.

An Identified Sponsor: Advertising discloses or identifies the sources of the opinion and ideas. According to an identified sponsor, this point distinguishes advertising from propaganda. Propaganda attempts to present opinions and ideas in order to influence attitudes and actions. Advertising on the other hand, disclose or identifies the source of the opinions and ideas it present.


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