(Rev. E 24Sept01)


1. Log in on General Run Log

2. Open air valve labeled "TRAACS" on wall to right of instrument (counterclockwise).

3. If analysis is other than Nitrate/Nitrite, open N2 tank #2 (rear) valve; adjust regulator to ~25 psi

4. Turn on powerstrip and computer.

5. Open "TrAAcs 800" program from Windows 98 desktop.

6. To prepare instrument for run:

-Place reagent tubes in respective reagents

-Lower sampler probe

-Connect lower end of pump tubes at manifold

-Confirm correct grn/grn wash water line is connected to wash reservoir

-Confirm that correct filter and flowcell are in place

-Confirm sample line from probe is connected to correct manifold

-Rinse flowcell with syringe containing DW.

-Confirm N2 lines are connected

7. Turn on power to autosampler

8. Click "Charting" button in upper left of "Sys. 1 [Traacs]" window. Respond "No" to "Start Download?" prompt. Charts for channels 1&2 will appear and pump will turn on at normal speed. If pump does not start, push red button at front of instrument.

9. After pump has been started, push pump platten down and latch it closed; check that it is tight.

10. Double click "Pump 1" icon and and select "Fast" to speed reagent flow. Close "Pump 1" window and close chart window of channel not being used.

11. When bubble pattern is an even spiral:

A. If performing nitrate analysis, in order:

-Stop pump ("Off")

-Disconnect system tubes near column

-Disconnect column tubes, leaving sleeve on opposite tube from system tube with sleeve

-Connect upstream system tube to column input tube

-Connect system downstream tube to column output tube

-Check that tubes are butted against each other

-Restart pump ("Normal")

B. For all other analyses:

-Slow pump to "Normal" speed.

-Reduce regulator pressure to 15 psi for SRP and Ammonia (HS manifold), or 20 psi for all other analyses

12. Close "Pump 1" window

13. Allow bubble pattern sufficient time to re-stabilize.

14. While pattern is re-stabilizing, create a run file:

- "Setup"( "Analysis"

- Double click template analysis folder

- Select "New Run" in upper right corner

- Record "Run Name" (from upper right corner of main tab) in log

- Click "Tray Protocol" tab

- Enter sample I.D.'s or import a previously saved tray.

- Delete lines of solutions not being used. Be sure to maintain the following sequence at end of run: Blank, CCV, Drift, High, Low, Low, End.

- If desired, save tray to import to later runs.

15. Set-up samples & standards in racks on autosampler. Confirm positions are as designated on tray protocol.

16. When tray editing is complete, click "OK" and return to chart.

Note: If further changes must be made after closing dialog box,

- "Setup" ( "Analysis"

- Double click template folder

- Double click run file to open

17. Adjust Base & Gain if necessary:

- Baseline should be between 5-10; see settings for previous run in the logbook

- Double click "Channel 1" or "Channel 2" icon in "Sys.1" window

- Adjust base and gain settings. For details on determining unknown base and gain settings, see "Adjusting Baseline and Sensitivity - TrAAcs" on page 118 of AACE software operation manual. To aspirate standard: Double click "Linear Sampler" in

"Sys. 1" window, enter tray position (usually #111)and click "Sample", click "Wash" when finished.

18. Secure manifold cover in place; be careful not to pinch tubes

19. When baseline is stable, start run:

-"Run" ( "Start"

-Select run file name ( "OK"

-Enter initials

-Enter run comment

-"OK". Expect baseline to jump/drop upon starting run. Reset base and gain to desired settings before primer reaches colorimeter.

-Monitor run on chart window.

20. If run must be aborted after starting, "Run" ( Stop"

To stop pump, "Charting" ( "Pump 1" ( "Off"


Calibration Curve:

- "Retrieve" ( "Calibration Curve"

- Double click run filename to view

Corrected Data (Standards, Samples, QC's):

- "Retrieve" ( "Report"

- Double click run filename to view

Chart File:

- "Retrieve" ( "View Chart"

- Double click run filename to view

- To recalculate data after adjusting peak markers of editing run file click calculator icon. A new file with the suffix "R1" will be created containing the recalculated results.


1. Wash (with the exception of nitrate, all analyses require rinsing with water, acid or base, and water again):


-Turn pump off ("Pump 1" ( "Off")

-For NO3: disconnect out side of column, then in side, then rejoin column to itself and outer tubes

All Analyses

-Get appropriate wash solution(s)


-Put 3 reagent lines in wash solution


-Put reagent lines (all but waste, H20 lines from carboy, or H20 as reagent) in water first, then acid or base, then water (see individual protocols for specifics)

All Analyses

-Turn pump on fast ("Pump 1' ( "Fast"); wait at least 10 minutes

-Change wash solutions if necessary and repeat

-When washing complete pull lines out and lift probe up while pump is running; to drain

-Wait until dry

-When dry, lift pump platten

-Turn pump off

-Pull out lower ends of pump tubes

2. Complete all remaining entries on Log Sheets (General, Accounting, QC, YTD)

3. Final shutdown:

-Shut off "TRAACS" air valve (clockwise).

-Shut off rear N2 tank (#2); DO NOT shut off tank #1

-Make sure platten is lifted;

-Turn off autosampler

-Shut down computer, turn off power bar.

-Put standards and reagents in cold room, or dump (as appropriate)

-Clean up

Miscellaneous Procedures

Reconditioning the Cd Column

1. After obtaining a consistent bubble pattern:

-Place the buffer pick-up tube in 2N HCl w/ Triton for 1 min

-Switch tube to Copper Activating Solution for 2 min

-Return to 2N HCL w/ Triton for 5 min

2. To equilibrate:

-Double click "Linear Sampler" and enter position of high standard; Click "Sample" ------Leave it here for 2 min.

-Click "Wash" to return probe to rinse

-Wait until peak comes off and baseline returns to normal


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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