Sample Recruitment Strategy Planning Template

Sample Recruitment Strategy Planning Template

|Strategy |Strategy is Designed|Description |Possible Tactics |Team Action Items |Individual/s |Deadline/s |

| |to Close this Gap: | | | |Responsible | |

|Online Recruiting|Not reaching |A large percentage of employees hired by human | |      |      |      |

| |majority of |services agencies for entry level jobs are seeking| | | | |

| |applicants, |their first “career job.” Many are young, either | | | | |

| |especially young |fresh out of college, looking to establish a new |Hotjobs. | | | |

| |college grads |career, or relocating to a new area. The newspaper| (job site specializing in human | | | |

| | |want-ads are not an effective recruitment source |services jobs) | | | |

| | |for most of today’s applicants. Placing vacancy |joblinks (specializes in human services | | | |

| | |announcements online is more effective and |jobs linked to the National Association of Social Workers | | | |

| | |economical than using most traditional forms of |website) | | | |

| | |advertising. | – National Association of Black Social Workers | | | |

|Campus Recruiting|Need to improve |Both professional and paraprofessional applicants |Send team of HR representative with an experienced social |      |      |      |

|and Job Fairs |overall applicant |can be effectively recruited at job fairs |worker or frontline supervisor to fairs – provides an | | | |

| |pool |sponsored by state workforce development agencies.|opportunity for job seekers to ask both job specific and | | | |

| | |College recruiting can be a very effective method |hiring process/benefits questions. | | | |

| | |for attracting applicants for professional jobs. |Send an “ambassador” from the agency to classrooms of social | | | |

| | | |work majors to “guest lecture” or provide an agency overview.| | | |

| | | |Schedule experienced employees or supervisors to speak on a | | | |

| | | |“hot topic” in the human services field at a brown bag | | | |

| | | |luncheon at a local college or university. | | | |

|University |Not enough |Developing a variety of recruitment strategies |Collaborate with university deans and professors to help |      |      |      |

|Partner-ships |applicants with |with area universities, community colleges and |generate student interest in the field. | | | |

| |specialized social |Schools of Social Work to encourage students to |Develop stipend program partially covering college tuition | | | |

| |work degrees |pursue careers in the human services. |and other expenses of college students who agree to work for | | | |

| | | |the human service agency for specified periods of time. (See | | | |

| | | |an example by the Kentucky Cabinet for Families and Children | | | |

| | | |and ten university social work programs | | | |

|Targeted |Lack of diversity in|You may need a more diverse workforce that better |Target community job fairs to increase diversity among new |      |      |      |

|Recruit-ment |targeted job/s |reflects the client population you serve. For |recruits. See an example by the El Paso County, Colorado, | | | |

| | |example, you may need to recruit employees with |Department of Human Services who created a Diversity | | | |

| | |specific language skills, or with specialized |Coalition to recruit and retain minority staff. (see | | | |

| | |degrees (e.g., MSWs or Criminal Justice). || | | |

| | | |ps.pdf ) | | | |

|Internships |Need to improve |Interns sometimes are paid a stipend, but in most |See the El Paso County, Colorado, Department of Human |      |      |      |

| |overall applicant |instances interns are fulfilling an academic |Services for an example (see | | | |

| |pool |requirement of the college or university. Although|| | | |

| | |supervisors and/or casework staff must spend time |ps.pdf) | | | |

| | |supervising and training interns, the potential | | | | |

| | |payoff is having a “known” applicant who is | | | | |

| | |familiar with agency operations. | | | | |

|Word of Mouth |Need to improve |If current employees are happy in their jobs, they|Even if employees are not actively referring vacancies to |      |      |      |

| |overall applicant |become one of the best sources of recruitment. |friends and acquaintances, their positive “word of mouth” | | | |

| |pool |Some human service agencies are so well regarded |about the agency is a powerful recruitment source. | | | |

| | |as a “great place to work” that they turn away |Great frontline supervisors in organizations that engage and | | | |

| | |quality applicants. |value employees are critical to being considered a “great | | | |

| | | |place to work.” | | | |

|Employees as |Need to improve |The next step beyond “word of mouth” recruiting is|Issue periodic reminders to staff that vacancies exist and |      |      |      |

|Recruiters |overall applicant |encouraging employees to recruit others. |their referrals are appreciated. | | | |

| |pool | |Offer “recruitment bonuses” to staff that refer applicants | | | |

| | | |who are eventually hired. | | | |

| | | |Tie the bonus to the successful completion of the | | | |

| | | |probationary period. | | | |

|Keeping Jobs |Too many unfilled |Many human service agencies carry a large number |Hire employees in anticipation of vacancies that are |      |      |      |

|Filled |vacancies |of vacancies relative to the number of filled |projected to occur. (See examples by the Delaware Department | | | |

| | |positions. There are many reasons – bureaucratic |of Children, Youth and Families and the Michigan Department | | | |

| | |approval processes, heavy workloads preventing |of Human Services – they have significantly reduced their | | | |

| | |hiring managers from having the time to go through|vacancy rates by recruiting and hiring new recruits so there | | | |

| | |the selection process, and failure to anticipate |is a ready pool of trained workers to step into vacancies as | | | |

| | |vacancies. It is critically important to keep |they arise. (see | | | |

| | |positions filled. Vacant positions increase the || | | |

| | |workload of all employees and add to the stress of|ncies.pdf ) | | | |

| | |already stressful jobs. | | | | |

|Maintain a |Too many applicants |Some human services organizations delay hiring |Have a pool of pre-screened, interviewed applicants always |      |      |      |

|pre-screened |get hired with only |until staff vacancies reach crisis proportions. |available to be called for a second interview with the hiring| | | |

|applicant pool |the minimum |They then initiate a recruitment process that is |supervisor. When using this approach, it’s important to | | | |

| |credentials |designed to bring new employees on board as soon |minimize the amount of time between the initial interview and| | | |

| | |as possible. The unfortunate result is hiring |the second interview to prevent top-quality applicants from | | | |

| | |employees who meet the minimum requirements, but |being hired elsewhere. | | | |

| | |nothing more. |Human Resources will need to do continuous recruiting and | | | |

| | | |screening, even when there are no current vacancies. | | | |

|Realistic Job |Unwanted turnover |Realistic Job Previews are designed to prevent |Develop a Realistic Job Preview (RJP) – (see The RJP Tool |      |      |      |

|Previews (RJP) |among new workers |applicants from taking jobs that they have little |Kit: A How-To Guide for Developing a Realistic Job Preview) | | | |

| |who did not |knowledge of, or are not suited to perform. A RJP | | | | |

| |understand their job|is a recruiting tool designed to reduce “early” | | | | |

| |when they were hired|turnover by communicating both the desirable and | | | | |

| | |the undesirable aspects of a job before applicants| | | | |

| | |accept a job offer. RJPs can be in the form of | | | | |

| | |videos, oral presentations, job-shadowing | | | | |

| | |opportunities, and pamphlets or brochures. | | | | |

|Improve Hiring |Hiring process takes|Many public-sector human service agencies are | |      |      |      |

|Flexibilities in |too long - high |regulated by merit systems that make it difficult |Seek central HR agency approval for hiring flexibilities | | | |

|Highly |quality applicants |to attract and maintain the interest of |Move to online recruiting | | | |

|Centralized |are looking |top-quality applicants. Top applicants in today’s |See Michigan as example of a merit system that has | | | |

|Systems |elsewhere for jobs |economy are searching the Internet for jobs that |transformed their recruitment away from written testing to | | | |

| | |are available now. They aren’t interested in |online recruiting. | | | |

| | |taking a civil service exam and sitting on | | | | |

| | |eligibility lists for months. In some systems, | | | | |

| | |rigid requirements and lengthy inflexible scoring | | | | |

| | |processes wash out well-qualified applicants. | | | | |

|Additional |      |      |      |      |      |      |

|Strategy: | | | | | | |

|Additional |      |      |      |      |      |      |

|Strategy: | | | | | | |


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