DRAFT COURSE SCHEDULE: 2004 - Mrs. Draheim's English …


ENG 097: College Literacy

Instructor: Mrs. Lauren Draheim E-mail: ladraheim@mail.worcester.k12.md.us

Phone: (443) 235-0691

*Note: I am available at ALL times. There is no excuses for not knowing about any course requirements, assignments or quizzes as there are multiple meanings of contact available as well as detailed course calendars and interactive online calendars.

Required Texts

Nist, Sherrie L. Improving Vocabulary Skills, 4th ed. West Berlin, New Jersey: Townsend Press, 2012. Print.

McWhorter, Kathleen T. In Harmony, 2nd ed. Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Publishing, 2016. Print.

Required Materials

• A 2” three-ring binder in which to place the pages of the bound version of In Harmony

• Dividers to add to the three-ring binder for additional handouts and notes

• An active GoogleDrive account for major writing assignments

• Your own paper, pencils, highlighters, or other writing implements

Course Description

This course is designed to prepare students for ENG 101 and other college reading and writing experiences. Areas of instruction include vocabulary, reading comprehension, punctuation, grammar and sentence structure, as well as paragraph and essay writing. It is specifically designed for students who need both ENG 095 and ENG 096, and it fulfills the requirements of both of these courses. Group and individual instruction are provided. Students are placed in this course as a result of their reading and writing placement test scores or they can enroll on their own. Hours: approx. 91 lecture. Prerequisites: Acceptable reading and writing placement test scores. Usually offered in the fall and spring.

Course objectives

|Objective: |Assessment Goals |Assessment Strategies |

|Upon completion of this | | |

|course, students should be | | |

|able to: | | |

|1. Demonstrate the writing |A. List the steps involved, and give examples of strategies used, in the |Quizzes, discussions, peer review, and exam questions |

|process by writing single and|writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing). | |

|multi-paragraph essays in a | | |

|variety of modes. | | |

| |B. Apply knowledge of the writing process when planning, drafting, |Quizzes, discussions, peer review, and exam |

| |revising, and editing. | |

| |C. Review the content and organization of rough drafts in different modes |Revision checklist or questionnaire |

| |of writing. | |

| |D. Recognize and write effective topic sentences or thesis statements |Textbook exercises, classroom activities, peer review, and |

| | |quizzes |

| |E. Identify/provide relevant support for a given topic. |Textbook exercises, class assignments |

|2. Write sentences and | A. Recognize complete sentences. |Textbook exercises, quiz questions |

|paragraphs that adhere to the| | |

|rules for standard written | | |

|English. | | |

| |B. Identify correct choices for agreement between subjects and verbs, |Textbook exercises, quiz questions |

| |pronouns and references. | |

| |C. Identify correct verb forms to maintain tense consistency. |Textbook exercises, quiz questions |

| |D. Identify the correct pronoun form to use in different sentence |Textbook exercises, quiz questions, major writing |

| |positions. |assignments |

| |E. Recognize correct use of commas. |Textbook exercises, quiz questions |

| |F. Create sentences that are grammatically and mechanically correct and |Final drafts of major writing assignments, quiz questions |

| |properly punctuated | |

|3. Use strategies to |A. Interpret meaning through context, structural analysis, or dictionary |Homework assignments, classroom activities including |

|understand unknown |use |textbook study strategies, quiz questions, and exam |

|vocabulary. | |questions |

| |B. Integrate vocabulary in written applications |Homework assignments, classroom activities, quiz questions,|

| | |and exam questions |

| |C. Integrate vocabulary in oral applications |Classroom activities |

|4. Integrate a variety of |A. Identify main ideas |Homework assignments, classroom activities including |

|strategies to comprehend | |textbook study strategies and test-taking techniques, quiz |

|college texts. | |questions, and exam questions |

| |B. Infer meaning from texts |Homework assignments, classroom assignments including |

| | |textbook study strategies and test-taking techniques, quiz |

| | |questions, and exam questions |

| |C. Identify supporting details |Homework assignments, classroom activities including |

| | |textbook study strategies and test-taking techniques, quiz |

| | |questions, and exam questions |

| |D. Identify author’s purpose |Homework assignments, classroom activities, and quiz |

| | |questions |


Writing Assignments 50%

Informal Writing Activities 10% Grading Scale Formal Writing Activities 40% 92 – 100% A

5% Annotated Bibliography Assignment 84 – 91% B

10% Illustration/Example Essay 75 – 83 % C

10% Cause/Effect Essay 70 – 74% R

15% Argument Essay 69% or below F

Skills Assessments 50%

15% Quizzes

15% Classwork and Homework

10% Final Exam

10% Participation and Warm-Ups

Core Assignments

Writing Assignments (50%)

Informal Writing Assignments (10%): Throughout the semester, you will be assigned to read and summarize longer passages and then create paragraph responses. Though these informal writings, you will demonstrate your ability to identify the main idea and major supporting points, connect text to personal experiences and prior knowledge, and support ideas using specific evidence from the text. Individual handouts will be provided for each informal writing assignment. (CO 1 & 2)

Formal Writing Assignments (40%): You will also be completing four formal writing assignments based on readings from your primary text, In Harmony and other supplemental texts. The writing assignments will be scored according to their level of clarity, conciseness, credibility, and correctness – or organization, content, style, and GPM (grammar, punctuation, and mechanics). Steps of the writing process will be followed to develop these responses.

Annotated Bibliography (5%)

Illustration Essay (10%)

Cause/Effect Essay (10%)

Argumentative Essay (15%)

Note: For each assignment, you will receive a separate handout explaining the specific aspects that will be evaluated, a prewriting template, and a specific rubric. The writing assignments must be submitted along with prewriting, at least one rough draft, and any peer review comments. (CO 1, 2, 3 & 4)

Skills Assessments (50 %)

Quizzes (15%): You may expect a number of quizzes based on assigned readings. Some quizzes from readings will be available online; you should use your text as you complete these quizzes. In addition, each week you can expect to take a quiz in class on the vocabulary words from a chapter in Improving Vocabulary Skills.

(CO 3 & 4)

Classwork and Homework Assignments (15%): Classwork and homework will include a variety of individual and group activities that will help reinforce comprehension and critical thinking skills. You will be expected to participate actively in all class activities by asking and responding to questions and contributing to group tasks. Some written assignments will be collected and graded; others will be reviewed in class. (CO 1, 2, 3 & 4)

Participation and Warm-Ups (10%): Warm-ups will be assigned daily on vocabulary, grammar, and readings from In Harmony as well as any writing assignments. You will be expected to begin warm-up assignments immediately upon entering the classroom. These assignments will be graded for correctness and will be used to formatively assess skills necessary for success in the course. Participation will include Socratic seminars (whole class discussions), group work activities. You will be expected to participate actively in all class activities by asking and responding to questions and contributing to group tasks.

Final Exam (10%): The final examination is a 50-item multiple-choice test. In addition to answering questions about the writing process and evaluating sentences for errors in punctuation, grammar, or mechanics, you will be asked to identify effective summaries of multiple reading selections and effective characteristics of essay-length compositions. Vocabulary words from Improving Vocabulary Skills and word parts from In Harmony will also be included in this comprehensive assessment. (CO 1, 2, 3 & 4)

Class Policies

Drafts and MLA Format

All submissions for this class, with the exception of in-class exercises and prewriting worksheets, must be typewritten or word-processed and formatted properly in MLA Style.

Late Work

It is important that you are aware of the large workload that will be required for successful completion. You are expected to be committed and to be aware of due dates. If you will not be able to turn in an assignment on the due date, the best policy is to inform me ahead of time to discuss when you will turn in the work. Pay special attention to these items:

• NO essays can be turned in late. These assignments are given ahead of time and should be turned in on the due date and no later.

• You will have 5 days to complete make-up quizzes and assignments. Arrangements must be made after school as there will be no class time given to complete these assignments. Attendance is vital in order to pass the course.

• After completing a unit, you have 5 days to turn in any assignments from the unit if you missed for absences. No work will be accepted from that Unit after 5 days.

• DO NOT expect to turn in work at the last minute. The answer will be NO. This policy is to teach responsibility and college level expectations. There will be no exceptions to this rule.

If you feel you have special circumstances that are impeding your successful completion of work, please see me after class so we can discuss some solutions.

Attendance and Grading

If you must miss class, you are still responsible for being prepared for the next class; please contact a classmate to get notes or handouts. You may also contact me through email to submit before class any work due during your absence.

Additionally, you are responsible for keeping all graded assignments. If you ever have questions about your grade, feel free to see me to discuss your progress.


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