No. 304.1




ADOPTED: January 27, 2011

REVISED: August 18, 2011


1. Authority

The Board places substantial responsibility for the effective management and operation of the career center and the quality of the educational program with its employees.

SC 580, 1106, 1142-1152

Title 22 Sec. 4.4 Pol. 328

The Board shall, by a majority vote of all members, approve the employment; set the compensation; and establish the term of employment for each employee employed by the career center.

SC 1111

No teacher shall be employed who is related to any member of the Board, as defined in law, unless such teacher receives the affirmative vote of a majority of all members of the Board other than the member related to the applicant, who shall not vote.

2. Guidelines


All applicants must submit to the career center Director's office a complete teacher application packet that includes the following:

SC 1204.1

1. Pennsylvania Standard Application for Teaching Positions.

SC 1201 Title 22 Sec. 49.1 et seq,

49.131 et seq, 339.41

2. An active Pennsylvania teaching certificate and/or any other certification in a professional or vocational field.

3. Current resume, including evidence of relevant work experience.

4. Official college transcript and/or post-high school or technical school transcripts.

5. National Teacher's Exam scores and/or Occupational Competency Assessment scores.

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8 CFR Sec. 274a.2

SC 111 Title 22 Sec. 8.1 et seq 23 Pa. C.S.A. Sec. 6301 et seq

6. Three (3) education-related or occupation-related letters of recommendation. 7. Proof of citizenship and/or alien status.

8. Mandatory background check requirements for criminal history and child abuse.

9. Release of Information form.

All applications shall be screened by the career center Director's staff to verify that all necessary documentation has been submitted. Applicants shall be advised within ten (10) days if the application is complete, and, if it is not complete, the applicant shall be advised as to what is still needed.

Applicants shall be interviewed for teaching positions in the summer if openings are anticipated for the following school year. Results from these interviews shall be maintained in the district and shall be utilized to fill any subsequent open positions in the same field for the remainder of the school year. Interviews shall be scheduled during the school year if no acceptable applicants remain from summer interviews or if no summer interviews were conducted for the needed area of certification. All applicants must notify the career center Director's office in the spring if s/he wishes to have his/her application considered for subsequent job openings the following school year.

Applicants shall be considered in accordance with this policy and all applicable laws and regulations.

Application Scoring

All complete applications shall be examined by the career center Director's office for the purpose of assigning points on the following criteria:

1. Teaching Experience ? High School or Adult Education

1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points

Single semester 1 school year 2-4 school years 5 or more school years

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HASD Substitute ? Satisfactory Performance

1 point 2 points 3 points

30-60 full school days 61-180 full school days 180-360 full school days

2. College or Post-High School Technical or Trade School GPA (presuming successful completion of course of study)

1 point 2 points 3 points

3.0-3.39 3.4-3.69 3.7 or greater

3. Occupational Competency Assessment

2 points 2 points

OR 2 points

OR 3 points

Completion of an approved apprenticeship program Successful completion of performance portion of relevant OCA

Successful completion of written portion of relevant OCA

Successful completion of both portions of relevant OCA

4. Relevant Work Experience Beyond an Apprenticeship Program

1 point 2 points 3 points

12-24 months full-time 25 months - 4 years full-time 5 years or more full-time

The maximum number of points available is eighteen (18). Only applicants with a point score of seven (7) or above shall qualify for an interview. Exceptions may be made only after careful review by the career center Director and approval by the Board.

Applicant Screening And Interviews

The deadline for acceptance of applications will be determined by the career center Director. Applicants receiving a minimum of seven (7) points from the credentials and experience criteria detailed above shall be interviewed. The Director and his/her staff shall develop a list of interview questions designed to evaluate applicants in the following areas:

1. Knowledge of appropriate subject matter.

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42 U.S.C. Sec. 12112


2. Knowledge of effective instructional techniques.

3. Knowledge of instructional technology.

4. Communication skills.

5. Human relations skills.

6. Educational philosophy consistent with that of the district.

7. Enthusiasm for teaching.

8. Practical teaching performance.

Interviews shall be conducted by a five-person interview panel consisting of the career center Director, a secondary school principal or vice-principal, one (1) teacher from a relevant subject area, and two (2) members of the craft advisory committee or other experts in the field. The specific members of the panel shall be designated by the career center Director.

During the interview, the panel shall ask questions from those developed by the career center Director and his/her staff. The interview shall include a practical teaching exercise. Candidates shall be evaluated via a format developed by the career center Director. The three (3) district personnel on the committee shall generate a ranked list of candidates after interviews are completed.

Each interviewer shall affirm in writing that his/her votes are based solely on objective evaluation of each candidate's application and interview, and that no pressure was brought to bear on the interviewer to support any particular candidate and no predetermined votes were cast.

The Director or designee may apply necessary screening procedures to determine a candidate's ability to perform the job functions of the position for which a candidate is being considered.

The Director or designee shall seek recommendations from former employers and others in assessing the candidate's qualifications. Recommendations and references shall be retained confidentially and for official use only.

Copies of all relevant data on the ranked applicants from the interview panel shall be provided to all Board members. The Superintendent shall recommend the top candidate to the Board, and any questions or concerns from Board members

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shall be addressed in an executive session among the Board, the career center Director, and the Superintendent. Board members shall not interfere in any part of the hiring process, advocate for any candidate, or conduct any private interviews.


The Board authorizes the use of employees prior to Board approval when necessary to maintain continuity of the educational program and services. Retroactive employment shall be recommended to the Board at the next regular Board meeting.

An employee's misstatement of fact material to qualifications for employment or determination of salary shall constitute grounds for dismissal by the Board.

SC 111 Title 22 Sec. 8.1 et seq 23 Pa. C.S.A. Sec. 6301 et seq

A candidate shall not be employed until s/he has complied with the mandatory background check requirements for criminal history and child abuse and the career center has evaluated the results of that screening process.

SC 1201, 1850.1 Title 22 Sec. 49.131 et

seq, 339.41

Each certificated employee employed by the career center shall be responsible for maintaining a valid certificate when such certificate is required by law.


School Code ? 24 P.S. Sec. 108, 111, 508, 1106, 1109, 1109.2, 1111, 1142, 1152, 1201, 1204.1, 1804, 1850.1

State Board of Education Regulations ? 22 PA Code Sec. 4.4, 8.1 et seq., 14.105, 49.1 et seq., 49.131 et seq., 339.41, 403.2, 403.4, 403.5

Criminal History Record Information Act ? 18 Pa. C.S.A. Sec. 9125

Child Protective Services Law ? 23 Pa. C.S.A. Sec. 6301 et seq.

Americans With Disabilities Act ? 42 U.S.C. Sec. 12101 et seq.

Immigration Reform and Control, Title 8, Code of Federal Regulations ? 8 CFR Sec. 274a.2

Board Policy ? 104, 308, 328

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