When showing someone how to go to heaven, one can use …

When showing someone how to go to heaven, one can use the following:

1. Convince them they are sinners.

Q1. Do you know what sin is?

A1. Sin is when you break God’s law.

Q2. Have you ever sinned before?

Q3. Have you ever heard of the ten commandments?

Go to Exodus 20:

Q4. Have you ever lied before?

Q5. Have you ever disobeyed your parents? (Have you ever got a whipping?[got punished]?). Why? So are you a sinner?

Q7. Have you ever made a foolish thought? Go to Prov. 24:9. So are you a sinner?

2. Convince them they deserve the punishment of hell for their sins.

Q1. There are two places where you can go when you die, you know where they are?

A1. Heaven or hell.

Q2. Do you believe there is a heaven? Gen. 1:1, hell? Mark 9:43-44.

Q3. Do you know why people go to hell?

A3. Because they die unforgiven.

Q4. If you died unforgiven, where would you go? God doesn’t want you to go there.

3. Convince them they need to repent of their sins.

God wants you to repent.

Q1. Do you know what it means to repent?

A1. It means that I am sorry that I sinned against God and I want to change.

Q2. Do you want to change?

Q3. Can God forgive him?

A3. No. Luke 13:5.

4. Convince them that Jesus was God in the flesh and that he died, was buried, and rose from the dead.

Q1. Do you believe that Jesus is God in the flesh? I John 5:20.

Q2. Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, was buried, and rose again 3 days later? I Cor. 15:3-4.

5. Convince them that the blood of Jesus can pay for their sins.

The Bible says the blood of Jesus Christ in I John 1:7 his Son cleanseth us from all sin..

Q1. Do you know how much all sin means?

A1. Your past, present, and future sins. All the sins from the time you were born to the time you die.

Q2. If God forgave you of all of your sins, where would you go?

Q3. If you got all of your sins forgiven today but you sin tomorrow, would you still go to heaven?

A3. Yes. Heb. 10:10.

Salvation and confession are two different things. Confession is something a Christian does everyday to be good. Salvation is something a person recieves to have all their sins forgiven to go to heaven.

Salvation is like a birth. Q4. Do you have a birthday?

Q5. How did you get that birthday?

A5. You were born.

Q6. How many times were you born?

Q7. If you do something bad tomorrow does that effect your birthday?

A7. No.

Q8. Why?

A8. Because you were born that way.

In the same way when you are born again into God’s family that never changes. It is not based on your works but on His blood washing away all of your sins including the future ones.

5. Convince them that they need to receive the payment for their sins.

Let me show you how to be forgiven. Go to Rom. 10:13.

Q1. If you were drowning in a pool, what would you tell the lifeguard?

A1. Help, save me.

And he would save you from drowning. In the same way if you admit you are a sinner, deserve the penalty of hell, tell God you want to change, ask him to wash away all of your sins, He will do it and you will be born into God’s family.

Q2. Would you like to have all of your sins washed away to go to heaven?

I will lead in a short prayer. I wil pray out loud like I want God to do it to me and you don’t have to pray out loud but pray along like you want God to do it to you. Okay? Then let’s pray.

Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, I have been bad, and I deserve to go to hell, but I want to change, and I am asking you right now, to forgive me, of all of my sins, by your blood, so I can go to heaven, Amen.

Q3. So if you died right now would you be dirty or clean. How about before you prayed.

Test number 2, write on the back what you asked God to do when you prayed.


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