High School Quizbowl Packet Archive

 This state was the site of the Bridge Gulch Massacre of native americans. The northern portion of this state proposed becoming the state Jefferson and this state was the site of the New Helvetia settlement. In this state, a group of pioneers got (+) trapped in a mountain range and committed cannibalism. That group was the Donner Party. Levi Strauss got rich from selling jeans in this state and it was the home of John (*) Fremont. James Marshall and John Sutter were the catalysts for the 1849 Gold Rush in this state. For ten points - name this state which is home to San Francisco. ANSWER: California <Shohom Chakraborty, US History>The founder of this state legendarily had a dream in which a tree expanded from his belly button, and encompassed its future territory. This state’s capital was moved to Edirne after its ruler declared war on Bulgaria and invaded(+) Thrace. This empire had a tradition of fratricide in which the emperor would kill all of his siblings to prevent a succession crisis. Kara Mustafa led this empire’s army at the Battle of(*) Vienna, in which he was pushed back by the Holy League and Winged Hussars. Mehmed II of this empire conquered and established his capital at Constantinople. For ten points, name this turkish empire founded by Osman and ruled by Suleiman the Magnificent.ANSWER: Ottoman Empire (Accept Ottomans, prompt on “Turks”) <VR/European History>This man’s support of women’s rights and guerrilla tactics were included in interviews with Edgar Snow. A draft outline of Project 571 was circulated based on a planned attack against this leader but that attack was stopped by a (+) plane crash in Mongolia. Lin Bao planned that attack against this man, who participated in the Zunyi Conference. This man’s wife was part of the (*) Gang of 4 and reforms by this man include the 100 Flowers Campaign and the Great Leap Forward, which were part of his communistic 5 year plans.. After defeating the Chinese Nationalists, this man took sole control of China, and he distributed all of his codes in his Little Red Book. FTP, named this first Communist Chairman of China. Answer: Mao Zedong <SD/ World History>In one construct named for this man, lattice structures are projected, which leads to a graph of Thomae’s function. Nikolai Lobachevsky developed one system that was notable for not following this man’s algorithms. Along with his (+) orchard, this man wrote a text known as the Divisions which was partly criticized by Bertrand Russell. The Chinese Remainder Theorem uses one of this man’s algorithms, and (*) Playfair created an axiom based on one of this man’s works. The distance formula was made by, FTP, this Greek mathematician that created the 5 postulates in his Elements. Answer: Euclid <SD/ Historical Science>One objective of this battle was primarily centered at the Losheim Gap, which was closed after the first day of this battle. One action during this battle, codenamed(+) Operation Grief, saw Otto Skorzeny led disguised German troops into American territory, which resulted in the Malmedy massacre. The city of Bastogne was captured during this battle, during which Anthony McAuliffe exclaimed(*) “Nuts!” as a reaction to a demand to surrender. For ten points, name this 1944 World War II Battle, that got its name from the deformation it made in the Allied lines.ANSWER: Battle of the Bulge <AJ/European History>This man’s advisor, Saigo Takamori, promoted an invasion of Korea due to their refusal to pay tribute, and his reign marked the end of the Sakoku period. He came to power after the battle of Hakodate, and engaged in conflict with the republic of Ezo in Hokkaido. He received support from the daimyos of Choshu and Satsuma in taking power. This monarch instituted the Charter Oath and came to power through the Boshin War, which toppled the Tokugawa Shogunate, and ended Japanese isolationism. For ten points, name this emperor who restored the monarchy to political prominence and militarized Japan.ANSWER: Emperor Meiji (Accept Mutsuhito or Meiji “the Great”) <VR/World History>This action was completed by the US government under Lowell Smith, and Hugo Eckner also performed this action with his “Flying Boat”. The crew of the Golden (*) Hinde conducted this action under Sir Francis Drake, when he discovered his namesake passage. The first intentional attempt of this feat was done by Thomas Cavendish. This action was first done in the 17th century by Juan Sebastián Elcano, who was part of(*) Ferdinand Magellan’s crew; although, Magellan himself could not make it as he was murdered by Philippine natives. For ten points, name this action in which a certain planet is completely circled via air, land or sea.ANSWER: Circumnavigation of the Earth [Prompt on just “Circumnavigation”] <VR/Historical Geography>The person who perpetrated this event founded a branch of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. One group created to investigate this event included Allen Dulles and had the magic bullet theory. Jack (+) Ruby killed the perpetrator of this event, one of whose victims included governor John Connally. The Warren Commission was created to investigate this event This event was fully documented in the (*) Zapruder film and occurred in Dealey Square. For 10 points - name this event where a certain president was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. ANSWER: Assassination of John F. Kennedy (prompt on partial initials, accept killing of John F. Kennedy, accept other synonyms of assassination) <SC/US History>The Morgan and Blount reports studied one rebellion in this kingdom, and this kingdom saw the Committee of Public Safety installed by Lorraine Hurston. This kingdom had a law which protected people sitting roadside called the (+)Law of the Splintered Paddle. The Bayonet Constitution after the Wilcox Rebellion severely hampered this kingdom’s ability to function, which brought in Sanford Dole instead. Queen Liliuokalani was the final empress of this kingdom before she was imprisoned in a palace in Oahu. The Kamehameha Dynasty ended in, FTP, what kingdom that later became the 50th US state. Answer: Hawaii <SD/ World History>Thomas Jefferson likened debate over this legislation to a “fire bell ringing in the night. Jesse Thomas added a key piece of this legislation, and it was criticized in the Peoria speech. One part of this legislation was the (+) Tallmadge amendment. An idea known as popular sovereignty practically nullified this law and it was repealed after a supreme court case was won by (*) John Sandford. That was Dred Scott. Issues regarding this act were solved by Henry Clay and this legislation had an imaginary line at 36 degrees 30 minutes. For 10 points - name this legislation which added the states of Maine and the namesake state. ANSWER: Missouri Compromise <SC/US History>This man killed his rival’s mother by locking her in a house with Hyenas and burning it down the next day. That rival was Zwide. He killed hundreds of people and animals with his policy of Mfecane, and was murdered by his brother(+) Dingane. This ruler was so distraught after his mother’s death, that he demanded all crops be in his realm be burned. His military reforms included the usage of a short(*) stabbing spear, rather than a long, throwing one. This king formulated the Bull’s Horn formation with a chest, loins, and head. For ten points, name this founder of the Zulu Empire in South Africa and Swaziland.ANSWER: Shaka Zulu (Prompt on “Zulu” until read) <VR/World History>This deity was once hung from a tree in order to protect him from his father, and in another version of that myth this deity’s voice was drowned out by the Kuretes while he was nursed by nymphs and a (+) goat. This deity got his sinews stolen by the monster Typhon, which he only got back with the help of Hermes and Aegipan. This deity kidnapped the cup-bearer (*) Ganymede in the form of an eagle, and fathered Perseus with Dana?. This deity is the brother of Poseidon and Hades. For ten points, name this leader of the Greek pantheon, the God of Thunder.ANSWER: Zeus <KG/Historical Mythology>Under Robert Jackson, William Rehnquist said that the opinion of this case was unreasonable. This case’s verdict was reaffirmed by the case Cooper v. Aaron four years later. The (+) Clark doll experiment helped validate the results of this case. The case’s decision included the phrase “with all deliberate speed” to quickly enforce its decision. The plaintiff in this decision was represented by (*) Thurgood Marshall. This case declared that the Equal Protection Clause is violated by the “Separate but Equal” doctrine and overturned Plessy v. Ferguson. For 10 points - name this landmark case which ruled that segregation is unconstitutional.ANSWER: Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas <Shohom Chakraborty, US History>One of this ruler’s military fortifications was known as the Castle of White Demon and this man’s military expeditions were chronicled in the Anabasis. This man, who ordered the death of (+) Parmenion after betrayal, sparked the War of the Diadochi after his death. Along with his father, this man’s forces beat the Sacred Band of Thebes. This man used his (*) “Companion Cavalry” and his father’s hammer and anvil strategy to beat the enemy at the Battle of Hydaspes, and this man was famous for solving the Gordian Knot. FTP, name this Macedonian king that defeated Darius the Great and united Greece. Answer: Alexander the Great (or Alexander the 3rd ; Prompt on Alexander) <SD/ Greco-Roman Ancient History>This state ultimately collapsed when the Bamana of Dejene declared a jihad against it, and it moved its capital to Kangaba under Sueleyman. Under its most famous ruler, it converted a madrasa into(+) Sankore University, and used salt as a currency due to its value. The legislation of this empire was known as the Gbara, and it began after its founder won the Battle of Kirina and defeated(*) Sumanguru. The most famous ruler of this empire legendarily crashed the Cairo gold market while going on Hajj, and founded the University of Timbuktu. The mandinka tribe founded, for ten points, what empire ruled by Mansa Musa.ANSWER: Mali Empire (accept Manden) <VR/World History>Wonders of the Invisible World was written by one man to defend himself for participating in this event. William Phips ordered the creation of the Court of Oyer to preside over this event, whose first death was (+) Bridget Bishop. Cotton and Increase Mather were leaders in this event and one man was crushed by rocks in this event. His name was (*) Giles Corey and the slave Tituba was the first victim of this event, although her life was spared as she accepted the accusations on her. For ten points, name this event in which certain individuals deemed possessed were hunted and executed in Massachusetts Bay.ANSWER: Salem Witch Trials <Shohom Chakraborty, US History>This ruler built a massive summer palace in Potsdam called Sanssouci. This man won a decisive victory against Charles of Lorraine at the battle of Hohenfriedberg, for which the Hohenfriedberg march was legendarily composed by this man himself. This ruler who wrote the(+) Anti-Machiavel breached the Pragmatic Sanction by invading the region of Silesia after winning the Battle of (*)Mollwitz, triggering the War of Austrian Succession. For ten points, name this enlightened 18th century despot of the House Hohenzollern that ruled Prussia for 46 years.ANSWER: Frederick the Great [Accept Fredrick II; Accept Frederick IV of Brandenburg; Prompt on Frederick] <AJ/European History>Jan Palach set himself on fire in this city, in which a set of political reforms called the Action Programme was introduced. The goal of one effort in this city was to create(+) “socialism with a human face”, which was led by Alexander Dubcek. Vilem Slavata and Jaroslav Martinitz almost died during one event in this city that helped lead to the(*) Thirty Years War. For ten points, name this city on the Vltava River that had a namesake “Spring” and two namesake “Defenestrations”, the capital of Czechia.ANSWER: Prague <AJ/European History> This ruler was misled from a battle when he set camp at Aleppo, but was corrected by two defecting Shashu nomads. He built a complex north of the 2nd cataract to commemorate his victories in Nubia. That temple is(+) Abu Simbel. This pharaoh celebrated the most Sed Festivals out of any pharoah at 14 and defeated the Sherden pirates, who are considered a branch of the Sea Peoples. A(*) colossal statue of this pharaoh was found near Thebes, and is the subject of Percy Shelley’s Ozymandias. He signed the oldest known peace treaty after defeating Mutawalli II at Kadesh. For ten points name this New Kingdom pharaoh of Egypt, often called “the Great”.ANSWER: Ramses II [Accept Ramses “the Great” until mentioned. Prompt on just “Ramses”] <VR/Non Greco-Roman Ancient History>One person who worked in this medium depicted a boy in overalls holding an explosive device in his right hand in Child with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park. That person was Diane Arbus. Edward Weston co-founded a group of people that worked in this medium called(+) f/64. One work in this medium depicts Florence Thompson with a defeated look on our face as her children hug her during the(*) Great Depression. For ten points, name this medium in which Dorothea Lange and Ansel Adams used cameras to capture images.ANSWER: Photography [accept word forms] <AJ/Historical Fine Arts> ................

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