Stranahan Reunion

SHS Reunion 2009

1040 SW 52 Avenue

Plantation, FL 33317

Bev - 954-587-9275 Sue - 954-792-3687

Time Is Running Out! This Is The Final Letter!!

Our THANKS to all of you who have already sent in your Registration, Directory Info, and scheduled payments. Use the Checklist at the end of this letter to send any new info!

Many of you who have indicated that you are planning to attend Reunion 2009 have not yet sent in your Registration and/or payment. We’ve had quite a few e-mails and calls to ask, “Is it too late?” No, it’s not too late, but we do need to hear from you NOW!

Tentative Weekend Schedule of Events

Thursday, June 11:

• Noon: - 6PM Hospitality Room at Bahia Mar Resort open. You may register, pick up your directory, name badges, and shirt(s).

• Elbo Room Kick-off party, June 11: 7:00 pm (or so!) Gather at the Elbo Room –Cash Bar

Friday, June 12

• 9AM – 7PM – Hospitality Room Open (Hang out, watch old reunion videos, etc)

• 7:30 - 12 Midnight Back to the 50’s Party: Cash bar; Dress in SHS wear, 50’s style, or casual

➢ Hot and cold hors d’oeuvres will be served (no complete meal).

Saturday, June 13

• 9AM – 7PM – Hospitality Room Open

• 1:30 PM - Memorial Service for our “ Dragons Eternal” at SHS

School bus transportation available from the hotel at 1:pm, returning at 5:00 pm

• 6:30 PM– Pre-dinner cocktail hour

• 8: 00 PM - Dinner / Dance - Attire: Florida Casual! Please yourself!

➢ Dinner will be buffet, which should satisfy various diet requirements

Sunday, June 14 – No planned events


Your reunion committee is required to pre-pay everything!! Therefore, ALL monies should be sent by May 1 so we can confirm all reservations.

Registration and Payment: If you haven’t sent this in and still wish to attend, do it NOW!

Complete weekend package includes 1 directory and 1 tee-shirt, room for 2 nights, Friday night party, Saturday night Dinner / Dance)

Complete weekend package for two: $550.00

Complete weekend package for one: $450.00

If you cannot attend the entire weekend, prices for the individual events are:

Friday evening cocktail party $35.00 per person

Saturday evening Gala $70.00 per person

Parking per day - $10.00

Room per night $155.00 (includes taxes & parking)

(You may book rooms from June 10 - 15 for this same reduced price)

Tee Shirts: $5.00 - See Checklist on Page 4 for sizes

Directory: $25.00 (Add $5.00 for postage if not attending)

Directory and tee-shirt mailed - $35.00

Final Chance to Submit Directory Info!

Even if you are unable to attend and don’t wish to receive a directory, please return the questionnaire portion – we do want to include your information in the directory

(Please Print)

Name _______________________________________________Class of ___________

First (Maiden) Last

Spouse/Partner __________________________ Class of ______ School______________


City _________________________________ State _______________ Zip ___________

Phone: Home _________________________Work / Cell____________________________

E-mail address ___________________________________________________________

Marital Status: Single Married (How long?) ___________ Divorced Widowed

Number of children _______ Grandchildren ______ Great-Grandchildren _______ Pets_____

Your occupation: ________________________________________________________

Spouse’s occupation :____________________________________________________

Information regarding your life: What would you like your classmates to know about you?


Final Checklist NAME ________________________________________

✓ Final amount due by May 1 $______________(Make check out to Stranahan Alumni Association)

Tee shirts will be $5 each. Please, indicate the size(s) required on the check-off list!

Directories for those not taking the complete package will be $25.00 each.

✓ ______ Number of Reunion 2009 shirts and sizes required:

____M____ L___XL___XXL Total payment for extra shirts $___________

✓ ______ Number of directories Total for directories $___________

We need door prizes, goodies for our “Welcome” bags, and ads for the Directory!

If you’ve asked, “ How can I help?” these are three answers!

✓ ______ Yes! I’ll donate a __________________ for a door prize!

✓ ______ Yes! I’ll donate ____________________ for “Welcome” bag items!

✓ ______ Yes, I’ll take an ad in the Reunion 2000 Directory

To plan for the Memorial Service and Tour of SHS, please answer the following:

• ______ Yes, I plan to attend the Memorial Service

________ I will ride the school bus to Stranahan

• _______No, I do NOT plan to attend the Memorial Service


To help defray some costs of the directory, we are again selling space for either business or personal ads, from business card size to full-page ads at the following rates:

BUSINESS CARD………………. . $20.00 HALF PAGE…………… $65.00

QUARTER PAGE………………… $35.00 FULL PAGE…………… $100.00

Please make sure your full name is included in the ad so your classmates will know who you are.

Enclosed is $___________ for a ____________________-sized ad.

Please include a good; clear copy of your ad or business card

Visit our website at E-mail us at

Sue Huffman Camaraire at SCamaraire@

Bev Bryan Hoppe @ HapiHopi@ Walt & Mickey Hanes Lee at Yardsaler2@


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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