COREY P - Baylor University




Professor and Director 1419 Chapel Hill Drive

Digital Communication Technologies Project Waco, TX 76712

Baylor University Phone: 254-666-4450

One Bear Place, 97368

Waco, TX 76798-7368

Phone: 254-710-4333



• B. A. University of Iowa, 1976, Broadcasting and Film

• M.A. University of Iowa, 1980, Mass Communication Theory

• Ph.D. University of Texas at Austin, 1989, Radio-Television-Film

Ph.D. Dissertation:

• “A Historical Perspective of Management, Technology and Innovation in the American Television Industry,” The University of Texas at Austin

• EEC (Electrical and Electronic Engineering Certificate), Omega School of Communications, Chicago, IL, 1980


1983 – 1984, 1986-Present

Baylor University, Waco, Texas

• Professor, Film and Digital Media Division (Telecommunication Division), Communication Studies Department

• Director, Digital Communication Technologies Project

2000 – 2001

Texas State Technical College System, Waco, Texas

• Chief Technology Officer

• (Leave of Absence, Baylor University)

2000 – 2001

IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas

• Senior Research Fellow

• Director, Community Networking and Next Generation Knowledge Networks Program, Cross-Border Institute for Regional Development (CBIRD)

• Visiting Professor, Management Department, Graduate School of Business, UT Austin

• (Leave of Absence, Baylor University)

1996 - 2001

Baylor University, Waco, Texas

• Associate Vice President for Technology Management

• Executive Director, Institute for Technology Innovation Management

• Professor, Telecommunication Division

1992 - 1996

Baylor University, Waco, Texas

• Director, Telecommunication Division

• Associate Professor, Telecommunication Division

1991 - 1992

Baylor University, Waco, Texas

• New Video Technologies Project Director

• Assistant Professor of Telecommunication


Baylor University, Waco, Texas

• Acting Director, Telecommunication Division

• New Video Technologies Project Director

• Assistant Professor of Telecommunication

1986 - 1991

Baylor University, Waco, Texas

• New Video Technologies Project Director

• Assistant Professor of Telecommunication

1985 - 1986

Sony Broadcast products Company, Teaneck, New Jersey

• Product Manager, High Definition Video Systems

1983 - 1985

Baylor University, Waco, Texas

• Lecturer of Radio and Television

1982 - 1983

Caterpillar Tractor Company, Peoria, Illinois

• Video Producer/Director

1980 - 1982

Columbia College, Chicago, Illinois

• Professor of Broadcast Communication

1980 - 1981

Editel - Division of Columbia Pictures, Inc. Chicago, Illinois

• Director of Remote Operations and Video Editor

1979 - 1980

United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (Special Project), Iowa City, Iowa

• Television Producer/Director


Roscor Video Communications, Morton Grove, Illinois

• Video Systems Consultant

1974 - 1983

Free Lance Video and Film Producer/Director

• Technical Consultant for Design and Operations of Video Facilities


• Received the Nat Tiffen Award for Outstanding Educational Contributions to the Art and Craft of Cinematography, Emerging Cinematographer Award. Presented by the International Cinematographers Guild at the American Society of Cinematographers, Hollywood, CA (September 27, 2013).

• Recipient of the State of Texas Congressional Resolution 13R2834 in 2013 stating formal congratulations from the State of Texas for winning the Nat Tiffen Award and in appreciation for the educational and research contributions he has made to the State of Texas.

• Awarded to the status of Fellow by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) for lifetime contributions to the development of high definition television and continued work in advancing digital television. This award status is given by one’s peers in the Academy and is considered the highest mark of excellence in the Society. Received Award SMPTE Conference / New York City on October 26, 2007.

• Appointed to the Academy of Digital Television Pioneers as a member. The Academy is a group of more than 150 individuals who have played a significant role in the decade-long effort that made digital television a reality for consumers. The distinguished group includes individuals from broadcasting, program development, consumer electronics, manufacturing and retail industries, present and former government officials, and members of the media.

• Appointed to State of Texas Governor’s Advisory Committee on Film, Digital Media and Videogame Industries.

• Recipient of the 2007 Leadership Award by the IEEE Consumer Electronics Society for outstanding leadership and mentorship.

• Distinguished as one of the 2007 Leaders in Technology by the Consumer Electronics Association.

• Board Member of the Administrative Committee for the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Consumer Electronics Society (2006-2008).

• Elected to membership as a member of the Advanced Media Committee for the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences-NY (“the EMMYs”).

• Selection to the Austin Ventures Labs Bio Info-Sciences Advisory Team along with other world-class researchers in health science and telecommunication technology.

• Texas Monthly Magazine Designation as “One of the 25 Most Powerful Texans in High Tech…” (March 2000).

• Phi Kappa Phi Membership

• Shell Grant Award for Distinguished Research

• Board Member of the International Administrative Committee for the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Consumer Electronics Society (AdCom).

• Appointed as Advisory Committee Member, Digital Cinema Foundation, Radio/Television/Film Department, The University of Texas at Austin

• Elected to be a Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Innovation, Creativity, and Capital (IC2), University of Texas, Austin, Texas

• Senior Researcher, Digital Media Collaboratory, IC2 University of Texas, Austin, Texas.

• Senior Researcher, Digital Convergence Initiative, IC2 University of Texas, Austin, Texas

• Elected Vice Chair, Brazos Valley Public Broadcasting Foundation

• Appointment by US Department of State/White House as US Delegate to the International Telecommunications Union ITU-R Task Group 6/9 (Digital Cinema) as an officially accredited delegation member with clearance through the White House to the ITU Meetings held in Geneva, Switzerland (2002 to Present)

• International Chair Appointment, Subgroup on Quality Issues for Digital Cinema for International Telecommunications Union

o Appointed by the Chair from the whole assembly of nations.

o Here my duties went beyond being a US Delegate only and involved leading and editing the harmonization of dozens of documents submitted by a variety of national administrations.

• Appointed as Director of Community Network Technologies for the Cross Border Institute for Regional Development (CBIRD) Project between the State of Texas and Mexico on Official Leave of Absence from Baylor University by President Robert Sloan

• Appointed as Chief Technology Officer for the Texas State Technical College System (TSTC) Statewide on Official Leave of Absence from Baylor University by President Robert Sloan (2000-2001)

• Selected to be Member of United States delegation to the International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) represented the United States on technical matters relating to High Definition Television (HDTV) for the U.S. State Department

• Represented the United States delegation to the Tenth and Special Meeting of the International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR) Interim Working Party (IWP) 11/6 of the International Telecommunication Union (Atlanta, GA, 1990)

• U.S. Delegate, United States Delegation to the Interim Meetings of the International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR) of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1987).


• Member, Joint United States Advanced Television Systems Committee/Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Digital Systems Information Exchange

Committee on Digital Standards and Hierarchy

• Co-Chair, Joint United States Advanced Television Systems Committee/Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Digital Systems Information Exchange

Committee on Research, Architectures and Technologies

• Vice-Chair, FCC Advisory Committee For Advanced Television

Systems Subcommittee Working Party 2 Task Force on Subjective Assessment

• Member, FCC Advisory Committee for Advanced Television

• Member, Subcommittee on the Economic Factors in the Commercialization of HDTV

• Member, Subcommittee on the Psychophysical Studies of HDTV and Advanced Television Systems Ad Hoc Group on Production Planning of Planning Subcommittee Working Party on Source Materials

• Member, Subcommittee on Economic Assessment of Advanced Television Systems Production Facilities Cost Conversion

• Member, Subcommittee on Audience measurement Task Force on Economic Assessment of HDTV/ATV Advisory Group on Creative Issues


• ATSC Specialist Group on Video (T3/S6)

• ATSC Technology Group on Extended 525 Systems

• ATSC Technology Group on High Definition television

• ATSC Task Force on Broadcast measurements

• ATSC Technology Group on Distribution (T3)

• ATSC Technology Group on Production (T4)

• ATSC Specialist Group on Picture Ghost Canceling (T3/S5)


• SMPTE Working Group on High Definition Electronic Production

• SMPTE Subgroup on HDTV Colorimentry and Gamma

• SMPTE Subgroup on HDTV Test and Measurement Materials Group

• SMPTE Subgroup on HDTV Studio Systems

• SMPTE Subgroup on HDTV and Film Interface

• SMPTE Specialist Group on Bandwidth Compression for Production Applications


• CEMA Digital Video Summit, January 1998

• EIA Fourth Digital Video Tutorial, October 1992

• EIA Third Digital Video Tutorial, October 1999


Courses Taught as a Full - Time Faculty Member Teaching at Baylor University (1983-1985, 1986-1999, 2003-2014) [G=Graduate Level, U=Undergraduate Level]

CSS 4V98 Special Problems in Oral Communication

CSS 5V85 Graduate Projects in CST [HD Episodic Program Production]

CST 1305 Introduction to Electronic and Film Media (U)

CST 2302 Writing for Electronic Media (U)

CST 2385 Production Methods (U)

CST 1199 Video Practicum (U)

CST 3320 Broadcast Management (U)

CST 3352 History of Broadcasting (U)

CST 3390 Electronic and Film Media Technologies (U)

CST 4340 Mass Media and Society (U)

CST 4365 Diffusion of Innovations [Video Game Industry Case Study] (G,U)

CST 4371 Film Style Production II (G, U)

CST 4386 Television Production and Direction II (G, U)

CST 4386 Studio Production [HD Digital Cinema Production/Special Effects] (G, U)

CST 4390 Electronic and Film Media Technologies (G, U)

CST 4V03 Internship in electronic and film Media (G, U)

CST 4V30 Seminar in Film and Electronic Media (U)

Impact of HDTV

Digital Cinema

CSS 4V98 Special Problems in Oral Communication

CST 4V98 Electronic and Film Media Workshop (G, U)

CST 4V35 Problems in Oral Communication [Digital Media Management]

CST 5336 Seminar in Electronic and Film Media (G)

CST 5346 Seminar in Corporate Telecommunications (G)

Seminar on HDTV (G, U)

Seminar on Broadband Community-based Digital Networks (G)

Seminar on the Video Game Industry (G)

Seminar on Digital Cinema (G, U)

Seminar on Broadband Telecommunications Assessment (G)

Seminar on the Future of Emerging Digital Technologies (G)

FDM 4313 Diffusion of Innovations

FDM 4314 Digital Media Technologies

FDM 5336 Social Networking and Videogames (Theory)

FDM 4V85 Social Networking and Videogames (Management)

FDM 4V85 Special Problems in FDM [Transcoding HD, Digital Cinema]

FDM 4363 HD Studio Production

FDM 4365 Lighting and Cinematography

FDM 4388 Topics in Media Management and Technology

FDM 4388 Topics in Media Production [HD for the Web]

FDM 5346 Seminar in Corporate Communication

FDM 5V35 Graduate Problems in FDM [Augmented Reality, Digital Intermediate]

FDM 5V99 Thesis

Courses Taught as a Faculty Member Teaching at University of Texas at Austin (1993-1998) [Appointment to Faculty in Graduate School of Business in 1993]

• MAN 385 Creative and Innovative Management (G)

• STC 385 Creative and Innovative Management (G)

Tenured Faculty Member

• Full tenure awarded Spring 1994, Baylor University

Graduate Faculty

• Elected to the Baylor University Graduate Faculty in January 1990


Robert Griffin III, MA, FDM (candidate) (2013 pending)

Jonmichael Seibert, MA, FDM (candidate) (2014 Anticipated)

John Vorderkunz, MA, FDM (2012)

Patrick Shen, MA, FDM (2011)

Jack Woodward, MA, FDM (2011)

Katarzyna Plazinska, MA, FDM (2011)

Cassie Kendrick, Ph.D., Psychology (2011)

Jordan Cox, MA, Journalism (2011)

Joel Korpi, MA, FDM (2009)

Joshua Marshall, MA, FDM (2009)

Courtney Schopper, MA, FDM (2009)



Shafer, D. M., Carbonara, C., & Popova, L. Controller Required? A Study of the Impact of Natural Mapping on Presence and Enjoyment in Motion-Based Video Games. Manuscript accepted in Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. Boston, MA: MIT Press (awaiting page reference numbers).

1st Place, Interactive Multimedia and Emerging Technologies Division, Top Paper Winner, Open Paper Division Competition, Top Paper Session of the Broadcast Educators Association (BEA) 2014 Conference: Daniel Shafer, Baylor University; Corey Carbonara, Baylor University; Lucy Popova, University of California, San Francisco; Controller Required? A study of the impact of natural mapping on interactivity, realism, presence and enjoyment in Motion-Based Video Games.

2nd Place, Interactive Multimedia and Emerging Technologies Division, Top Paper Winner, Open Paper Division Competition, Top Paper Session of the Broadcast Educators Association (BEA) 2014 Conference: Daniel Shafer, Baylor University; Corey Carbonara, Baylor University; Examining enjoyment of casual videogames.


Shafer, D.M. & Carbonara, C. P. (submitted for review). Modeling Enjoyment of Casual Videogames. Manuscript submitted for consideration in Game Studies.


Shafer, D. M., Carbonara, C. P., & Popova, L. (December 2011). Presence and perceived reality as predictors of motion-based video game enjoyment. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 20 (6), 591 - 619. DOI: 10.1162/PRES_a_00084 (Carries a 2011 date, but did not appear until May 2012).


Carbonara, Corey P.; Korpi, Michael F.; LeGare, Marc (2011). A stress test for creative and innovative management: entrepreneurship in a war zone. In Global perspectives on technology transfer and globalization: building innovative ecosystems. London: Edward Elgar Publications, pp. 105-129.

Shafer, D. M. & Carbonara, C. P., & Popova, L. (2011, March). The Psychological Impact of Next Generation Game Systems: Presence and Perceived Reality as Predictors of Motion-Based Video Game Enjoyment. Presentation. Paper presented at the Baylor University Educational Technology Showcase, March 31st, 2011, Waco, TX.


Carbonara, Corey. Executive Producer, SMPTE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. A short video highlighting the contribution and role of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) selected as winner of the SMPTE Student Chapter Film and Video Competition (October 2010).

Carbonara, Corey. Co-Producer/Director (with Dr. Michael Korpi), ICPC Harbin China, a series of videos covering the 2010 International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC), Harbin, China, 2010.


Carbonara, Corey P.; Korpi, Michael F.; LeGare, Marc (2009). Lessons from Iraq: A creative and innovative management perspective. IC2 Monograph series.  Austin, TX: IC2 Institute/The University of Texas at Austin.

Carbonara, Corey P.; Korpi, Michael F.; LeGare, Marc (2009, May 8). Lessons from Iraq: A creative and innovative management perspective. Keynote Presentation.  IC2 Fellows Meeting 2009: Global Perspectives on Technology Transfer and Globalization.  Austin, TX: IC2 Institute/The University of Texas at Austin.


Carbonara, Corey P; Korpi, Michael F. (2008). “Shooting HD News: the Old Rules Do Not Apply,” (with Corey Carbonara), a seminar presented to the White House Press Corps, Crawford, Texas.

Co-Producer/Director (with Dr. Michael Korpi), “Brain Battle in Banff,” a series of videos covering the 2008 International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC), Banff, Alberta, Canada 2008.


Carbonara, Corey. P. Ph.D. The Digitization of Hollywood: Changing the Mode of Production—The Rise of Digital Intermediates and Digital Cinema in Content Creation. 2006 Sabbatical Scholarly Presentation at Baylor University. Presented on November 27, 2007 (Waco, TX).

Carbonara, Corey, Ph. D. A Microcosm of Change: The Impact of the Videogame Industry on Social Networking and the Consumer Media Experience. IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics. IEEE Xplore Press: ISCE 2007. Volume/Issue, 20/23 (June 2007) p.1 – 19. Digital Object Publication Identifier 10.1109/ISCE.2007.4382206

Carbonara, Corey P., Ph.D. Presentation made as the International Keynote Speaker of the Conference at the Eleventh IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics. Morning Keynote Title: Videogames and Social Networking. Presented on June 21, 2007 (Dallas, TX).

Carbonara, Corey P. Ph. D., Korpi, Michael F., Ph.D. and Mathis, Dylan, MA. Presentation made as the Luncheon Keynote at the Eleventh IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics. Luncheon Keynote Title: Effects of Energetic Particle Radiation on High Definition Video Imager Pixel Loss: Experience of the International Space Station. Presented on June 21, 2007 (Dallas, TX).

Carbonara Corey P., Ph.D. and Korpi, Michael F., Ph.D., Executive Producers, LSPR CC2, Uncompressed 10-bit H.264 for Apple TV. HD Demonstration Test Materials. (December 2007).

Carbonara Corey P., Ph.D. and Korpi, Michael F., Ph.D., Executive Producers, Orient Daytime CC2, Uncompressed 10-bit H.264 for Apple TV. HD Demonstration Test Materials. (December 2007).

Carbonara Corey P., Ph.D. and Korpi, Michael F., Ph.D., Executive Producers, People (Cuts Only), Uncompressed 8-bit H.264 for Apple TV. HD Demonstration Test Materials. (December 2007).

Carbonara Corey P., Ph.D. and Korpi, Michael F., Ph.D., Executive Producers, Tokyo Night 2, Uncompressed 10-bit H.264 for Apple TV. HD Demonstration Test Materials. (December 2007).

Co-Principal Investigator (with Dr. Michael Korpi), Video Game Process Map Project, Digital Media Collaboratory Research Program, IC2 Institute, The University of Texas at Austin

An assessment of current and future trends in the creation, development, distribution and diffusion of video game software and hardware. This project combines an economic, sociological and technological approach to video game strategic planning from a creative and innovative management perspective.

Co-Principal Investigator (with Dr. Michael Korpi), Technology Component, Children’s Media at Home Project, College of Communication, The University of Texas at Austin; Digital Media Collaboratory Research Program, IC2 Institute, The University of Texas at Austin

An analysis of present and future trends in learning devices and home wireless and wire media network technologies for education and knowledge transfer over the next five years.


Carbonara, Corey. IPTV and Videogames. Presentation given to the 2006 National Association of Broadcasters Convention and Exhibition. Emerging Technologies Forum. Las Vegas, NV.

Carbonara, Corey. The Use of MPEG4 in the Future of HD Digital Cinema and Advanced Production Applications. Presentation given to the 2006 Texas Association of Broadcasters Convention. Austin, TX.

Awarded fellow membership in the Academy of Digital Television Pioneers for his lifetime contributions to the development of high definition television.

Carbonara, Corey. Future of Cinema: The Digital Revolution. Keynote Presentation Given to the Emerging Technologies Tract of the 2006 Miami International Film Festival. Miami, FL.

Carbonara, Corey. HDTV co-producer, Adaptive Web Services Project/ HD Advanced Media Network live HD webcast for the 2006 South-by-Southwest Festival linking San Antonio, TX and Austin, TX.

Carbonara, Corey, Ph. D. Contact is King: New Digital Media for a Connected World. Presentation Given to the Texas Baptist Media Forum. Camp Buckner/Burnet, TX. (January 25, 2006).


Carbonara, Corey. Zigbee and the 802 Family. Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Zigbee. Paris, France: Upperside (April, 2005)*.

*web journal entry

Carbonara, Corey. Zigbee and Wireless Technologies Compared. Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Zigbee. Paris, France: Upperside (April, 2005).

*CD-ROM publication

Carbonara, Corey. The Future of Videogames and Learning. Online Journal of IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Chapters. (Summer 2005)*.

*on-line publication link Dallas Chapter website

Carbonara, Corey. Immersive Environments and Fluid Learning. Online Journal of Emerging Technology Conference Proceedings. (Fall 2005)*.

*2005 International Conference Proceedings of the 2005 Emerging Technology Conference (IEEE Online Publications)

Carbonara, Corey. The Future of Videogames. Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Communication and Computer Networking Conference (CCNC). (January 2005).

*web journal entry

Carbonara, Corey, Ph. D. Current and Emerging Electronic Media Channels: Global Digital Media Trends. Presentation Given to the Baptist Media Professionals Retreat. Waco, TX. (December 6, 2005).

Carbonara, Corey, Ph. D. Immersive Environments for Blended Entertainment in the Global Digital Home. Presentation Given to the SMU Guildhall. Plano, TX (November 14, 2005).

Carbonara, Corey, Ph. D. Immersive Environments: Next Gen Games, Fluid Learning, Advertising and the Global Digital Home. Presentation to the 2005 IEEE Emerging Technologies Conference (ETC 2005). Richardson, TX. (September 9, 2005).

Carbonara, Corey, Ph. D. “Zigbee 802 Family: The Future of WPAN” Invited Lecture, 2005 Zigbee Conference, Paris, France (May 11, 2005).

Carbonara, Corey, Ph. D. “A Comparison of Zigbee to WPAN and other Wireless Technologies” Invited Lecture, 2005 Zigbee Conference, Paris, France (May 11, 2005).

Carbonara, Corey, Ph. D. What Drives the Home Network: Games, Sensors and Sharing Media? Presentation to the 2005 Broadcast Educators Association Conference. Las Vegas, NV. (April 23, 2005).

Carbonara, Corey, Ph. D. Future of Videogames and Fluid Learning. Presentation to the IEEE Communications Society and IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Dallas Chapters. Richardson, TX. (April 10, 2005).

Carbonara, Corey, Ph. D. “The Future of Videogames and Fluid Learning” Invited Keynote Lecture, 2005 Dallas IEEE Consumer Electronics Society, Richardson, TX, (March 17, 2005).

Carbonara, Corey, Ph. D. Fourth Generation Home Media Networks: The Impact of Games, Sensors and Shared Media. Presentation to 2005 Scholar’s Day in Communication Studies, Research in Media Technology. Communication Studies Department, Baylor University. Waco, TX (February 4, 2005).

Carbonara, Corey, Ph. D. The Future of Videogames: A Network of Networks. Presentation to the 2005 IEEE Communication and Computer Networking Conference (CCNC). Las Vegas, NV. (January 4, 2005).

Principal Investigator (collaborative research with Dr. Michael Korpi), Digital Test Materials for the Digital Living Network Alliance. The creation of a series of test materials originating in High Definition Television and converted to over 40 varieties of MPEG-2 variants for use in the DLNA International Plug-fests around the world. DLNA consists of over 200 member companies in the computer, consumer electronics and computer chip manufacturers industries.


Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Digital Media at Home” (with Michael Korpi), Invited Lecture, University of Texas at Austin (February 9, 2004).

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Digital Media Management” Invited Lecture, University of Texas at Austin (February 9, 2004).

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Future of Wireless Devices: New Applications, New Appeals" (with Michael Korpi), Invited Paper, South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive, Austin, Texas, March 16, 2004.

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Children’s Media at Home,” Presentation to Scholar’s Day at Baylor University, March 8, 2004.

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "From Inscape to Landscape" (with Michael Korpi), Invited Paper, Broadcast Education Association 2004 National Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 17, 2004.

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., Advisory Member, Invited Guest, UT Digital Cinema Foundation Digital Cinema Planning Summit, May 7, 2004.

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., Principal Researcher, Moderator and Facilitator, “Digital Convergence Initiative and Technology Future for Texas” at the inaugural meeting of the Digital Convergence Initiative for Central Texas, Austin, Texas, August 23, 2004.

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., Director and Moderator of the Digital Home Symposium,

Baylor University, Waco, Texas, October 8, 2004.

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., Principal Investigator (with Michael Korpi), “Children’s Media @ Home”, Baylor University and the College of Communication of the University of Texas at Austin, July 2004. Invited collaboration with the National Science Foundation Project led by Dr. Ellen Wartella, former Dean, School of Communication, UT Austin.

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., Principal Coordinator (with Michael Korpi), Baylor/Sony Japan Advanced Technology Project between Baylor/KWBU and Sony; Sony provided prototype equipment valued at more than $600,000 for testing, development, and use by Baylor students.

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., Principal Investigator (with Michael Korpi), Media @ Home Laboratory (Telecommunication Division, Baylor U.), research dealing with the future networked home media environment, ultra wideband, mesh networks, media hubs, game platforms, IPTV, the home to automobile interface, and sensor-nets.

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., Visual Effects Supervisor and HD Director of Photography, “ACM Shanghai Composite,” Ultimatte HD production combining background plates shot in Shanghai Oct. 13-18, 2004, for production and post-production compositing effects used in ACM program as well as Telecommunication production classes.

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., Principal Researcher, (with Michael Korpi) on the Datacasting Pilot Project, joint pilot project with KWBU-TV in conjunction with SpectraRep and VistaCast on a new digital technology educational delivery system for Baylor and the community.

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., HD Producer, NASA Imaging Test, December 8, 2004.


Co-Principal Investigator (with Dr. Michael Korpi), Video Game Process Map Project, Digital Media Collaboratory Research Program, IC2 Institute, The University of Texas at Austin

An assessment of current and future trends in the creation, development, distribution and diffusion of video game software and hardware. This project combines an economic, sociological and technological approach to video game strategic planning from a creative and innovative management perspective.

Co-Principal Investigator (with Dr. Michael Korpi), Technology Component, Children’s Media at Home Project, College of Communication, The University of Texas at Austin; Digital Media Collaboratory Research Program, IC2 Institute, The University of Texas at Austin

An analysis of present and future trends in learning devices and home wireless and wire media network technologies for education and knowledge transfer over the next five years.

High Definition Consultant, A MOST SIGNIFICANT JOURNEY, produced for Baylor University in HDTV for theatrical display, HDTV broadcast and also distributed on DVD and VHS


Baylor University/KWBU-TV, Waco, Texas

Executive Producer (along with Dr. Michael F. Korpi) and Director, STARS AT NIGHT, a half hour High Definition Television Program music entertainment produced for Baylor University and KWBU-TV distributed regionally and nationally.

Other credits on the program:

• HD Production Consultant

• HD Post-production Supervisor

• HD Second Unit Director

• Writer

• HD Lighting Consultant


Principal Investigator, Telecommunication Technologies Infrastructure Project, CBIRD Pilot Project on Community Networks, Harlingen Chamber of Commerce, Brownsville Economic Development Corporation

An assessment of current telecommunication infrastructure and future telecommunication community network needs of Cameron County, Texas and Matamoras, Mexico. This project combines an economic, sociological and technological approach to community network strategic planning using state of the art Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis and a technology forecast on the future of wireless and wire communication systems.

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Telecommunication Infrastructure Assessment for Brownsville, Harlingen and the Lower Rio Grande Valley: A Pilot Project for CBIRD-TRAC Communities’ Networking and Next Generation Knowledge Network Core Program for US/Mexico Regional Development”

Presented to the Harlingen Chamber of Commerce Board, Brownsville Economic Development Council Board, State of Tampilipas/Matamoros Mexican Economic Development Board, Cross-Border Institute for Regional Development (CBIRD), Texas Regional Advisory Committee (TRAC)

Harlingen, TX

December 14, 2001.

Principal Investigator, High Speed Access and Interactive Television Report, Human Code

A broadband communication futures forecast emphasizing new video distribution technologies and high speed delivery systems to the home, including a review of interactive television technologies and their potential markets

Principal Investigator, NASA Wireless Collaborative Video and Multicast IP, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), United States of America

On April 28, 2000, a live videoconference occurred between the NASA Johnson Space Center and Midway Independent School System's South Bosque Elementary School. Using Mrs. Mary Gingerich's first grade class, Astronaut Dr. Bonnie Dunbar was available to answer questions from the students in Mrs. Gingerich's first grade class. The significance of this project is to provide a solution to bridge the digital divide that occurs when not all schools have equal access to a wired network. By linking together wireless solutions with multimedia collaboration, students everywhere in the world have the potential to access astronauts, and other learning resources, in their classrooms.

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Next Generation Technologies for Teaching and Learning: A Hands-on Approach”

Presented to the NISOD 2001 Conference

Austin, TX (May 28, 2001)

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Moving Toward Technopolis; Future Horizons Affecting Waco’s Technological Growth”

Presented to the Waco Leadership Forum

Waco, TX

May 15, 2001

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D. and Sibert, John, Ph.D., “E-Learning and CGU”

Presented to the Board of Trustees of the Claremont Graduate University

Los Angeles, CA

March 23, 2001

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D. and Segura, Bill, Ph.D., “The Cross Border Institute for Regional Development (CBIRD) Briefing”

Presented to the Board of Regents of the Texas State Technical College

Harlingen, TX

January 26, 2001

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D. and Green, Joe, Ph.D., “Building Community Workforce Solutions for High-Tech Industry”

Presented to Longview Economic Development Corporation

Longview, TX

January 23, 2001


Principal Investigator, Broadband Technologies Primer, Texas Association of Broadcasters

A broadband information tutorial discussing the emerging trends in broadband communications and the market impact on broadcasters in the State of Texas.

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Cooperative Networks for Knowledge-based Communities”

Presented to the Baylor University School of Computer Science and Engineering Advisory Group

Waco, TX

November 3, 2000

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “CBIRD Community Networking and Next Generation Knowledge Networks Program”

Presented to the Instituto Technologico de Estados Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM)

Monterrey, Mexico

October 5, 2000

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “A Vision of the Future: Technology and Lifelong Learning”

Presented to the Next Generation Workforce System Conference

Austin, TX

October 24, 2000

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Collaborative-based IT Hardware for Learning”

Presented to State of Texas IT Academy

Austin, TX

September 7, 2000

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Technology Hardware Overview: State of the Art and Future Outlook”

Presented to State of Texas IT Academy

Austin, TX

September 6, 2000

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Opto-Electronics and All-Optical Networks: A Forecast”

Presented to Tier One Photonics Retreat

Emmaus, PA

July 22, 2000

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Broadband Markets: Enabling the Killer Apps”

Presented to Texas Association of Broadcasters Broadband Futures Committee

Austin, TX

June 20, 2000

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “From Digital Divide to Digital Multiplier: Community Networks and New Technology”

Presented to US Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration (EDA) National Forum on eCommerce and the Digital Divide: Meeting the Challenge

Albuquerque, NM

June 1, 2000

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “CBIRD Community Networking and Next Generation Knowledge Networks Program”

Presented to US Congressman Ruben Hinojosa

Edinburgh, TX

May 31, 2000

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “CASPER DoE Project: Virtual Astrophysics Lab as a Cooperative Research Venture Primer”

Presented by CASPER Team to the US Department of Energy

Washington, DC

April 2000

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D. and Segura, Bill, Ph.D., “One Vision for San Angelo’s Future Economic and Technological Growth: Incubating Toward Technopolis”

Presented to the San Angelo Economic Development Corporation

San Angelo, TX

March 27, 2000

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “New Dimensions in Career Ladders; The EnterTech Experience”

Presented to Texas State Technical College Waco

Waco, TX

March 31, 2000

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Broadband Enhanced Technologies”

Presented to the South by Southwest Interactive Festival (SXSW)

Austin, TX

March 13, 2000

Baylor University, Waco, Texas

High Definition Consultant, A MOST SIGNIFICANT JOURNEY, produced for Baylor University in HDTV for theatrical display, HDTV broadcast and also distributed on DVD and VHS (2000)


Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “From Broadcast to Broadband: The Transition to DTV”

Presented to the Texas Association of Broadcasters

San Antonio, TX

September 24, 1999

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Digital Home Healthcare Alliance: Project Briefing”

Presented to Vectrix with contribution from Sarnoff Corporation and Baylor Medical/Healthcare System

Dallas, TX

June 24, 1999

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D. and Christina Flora, ITIM Research Associate, “One Vision for Waco’s Future: A Global Technopolis Perspective”

Presented to Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce

Baylor University, Waco, TX

April 27, 1999

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D. and Christina Flora, ITIM Research Associate, “Y2K: The Problems…Myths…and Solutions”

Presented to the Herbert H. Reynolds Academy Waco, TX

May 26, 1999

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D. and Christina Flora, ITIM Research Associate, “Y2K…”

Presented to the Y2K Forum

Lubbock Memorial Civic Center, Lubbock, TX

February 10, 1999

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Digital Television (DTV) and High Definition Television (HDTV) Overview”

Presented to the Brazos Valley Public Broadcasting Foundation Board Meeting

Baylor University, Waco, TX

January 30, 1999

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “High Definition Television (HDTV) and Digital Television Briefing Update”

Presented to R. H. Drewry Broadcasting Group

Consumer Electronic Show

Las Vegas, NV

January 7, 1999

Principal Investigator, Video Bit streams and Server Topology, TXN

Principal Investigator, Broadband Video and Interactive Television, R. H. Drewry

Principal Investigator, Video Interactive Training Delivery, EnterTech project, State of Texas IC2 Institute, University at Austin (with Dr. Michael Korpi, Baylor University)

Principal Investigator, Nonlinear Editing for News Applications: Training and Development, Sony Corporation

Principal Investigator, Creative and Innovative Management, Profiles International


Principal Investigator, A Strategic Alliance for Digital Healthcare, Baylor Healthcare System, Sarnoff Corporation

Principal Investigator, Emerging Technologies, EnterTech Project, State of Texas, IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin

Principal Investigator, Transition to DTV, R. H. Drewry

Principal Investigator, The Consumer Electronics Industry’s Perspective on the Transaction to DTV, R. H. Drewry

Principal Investigator, Virtual Companies, Interactive Strategies International

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Y2K: The Problems…Myths…and Solutions” Presented to the Year 2000 Seminar

Waco Convention Center, Waco, TX

November 10, 1998

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D. and Christina Flora, ITIM Research Associate, “High Definition Television (HDTV) and Digital Television Update”

Presented to R. H. Drewry Broadcasting Group

Baylor University, Waco, TX

October 28, 1999

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D. and Christina Flora ITIM Research Associate, “DVD Update”

Presented to R. H. Drewry Broadcasting Group

Baylor University, Waco, TX

October 27, 1998

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Digital Television (DTV) Engineering Update” Presented to R. H. Drewry Broadcasting Group

Baylor University, Waco, TX

October 27, 1998

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Digital Television: Samsung, Philips, Zenith Consumer Manufacturer Perspective”

Presented to R. H. Drewry Broadcasting Group

Baylor University, Waco, TX

October 27, 1998

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Alternate Media Perspective (ATM, xDSL, ADSL)” Presented to R. H. Drewry Broadcasting Group

Baylor University, Waco, TX

October 27, 1998

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “DVD: The Key to the Future of the New Media Industry”

Presented to FutureSphere ’98

MediaSphere Session, Los Angeles, CA

October 23, 1998

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “High Definition Television (HDTV): How Will We View the Future?”

Presented to FutureSphere ’98

TechnoSphere Session, Los Angeles, CA

October 23, 1998

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Digital Versatile (Video) Disk: DVD Tutorial” Presented to CST 4390 Electronic and Film Media Technologies

Waco, TX

September 25, 1998

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “HDTV and the Transition to Digital Television”

Presented to Northwest Advanced Display Forum (NADFOR)

Portland/Lake Oswego, OR

September 24, 1998

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Emerging Technologies For EnterTech”

Presented to EnterTech

Waco, TX

July 7, 1998

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Digital Television and HDTV Update”

Presented to NewTek

San Antonio, TX

July 1, 1998

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D. and Toby J. Arquette, “Competitive Market Analysis for Geographic Information Systems”

Waco, TX

February 5, 1998

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Enhancing Educational Opportunities for Baylor University through Academic-Industrial Research (A-IR)”

Baylor University, Waco, TX

February 4, 1998

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Technology Start-Ups and Other Linkages between Higher Education Institutions and Industry”

Baylor University, Waco, TX

January 21, 1998


Carbonara, Corey, Michael Korpi, and Vincent Young. “The Impact of Nonlinear Editing on the Post Production Process.” SMPTE Journal 80th Edition.

Principal Investigator, 38Ghz 48Mb/s test of Wireless Multicamera Coverage of Televised Sports (Research Project), Sony Corporation, Interactive Strategies International

Principal Investigator, Digital Satellite Communication Update, IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin

Principal Investigator, Digital Television and HDTV, IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin

Principal Investigator, Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite System Primer, Texas A&M University

Principal Investigator, Digital Versatile Disk, IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin

Principal Investigator, Compression Overview, R. H. Drewry

Principal Investigator, Data Communications Distribution Update, IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin

Principal Investigator, Digital Satellite Communication, IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D. and Toby J. Arquette, “Technology Commercialization and Incubation Primer”

IC2 Institute, UT Austin, TX

November 15, 1997

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “New Technologies for Knowledge Navigation in the 21st Century: Defining the Future Today”

Presented to River Oaks Breakfast Association, River Oaks Country Club

Baylor University, Waco, TX

September 24, 1997

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “New Technologies in Distance Learning and Research: Redefining the Future of Knowledge Dissemination”

Presented to Baylor Research Institute

Dallas, TX

September 11, 1997

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Data Communications Distribution, Digital Television and HDTV, Digital Versatile Disk and Digital Satellite Communications”

Presented to mid-level executives and government officials from Korea at IC2 Institute of the University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX

May 9, 1997

Baylor University, Waco, Texas

• Executive Producer, NEW TECHNOLOGY AT BAYLOR, produced for the Baylor Business School


Carbonara, Corey, Michael Korpi, and Vincent Young. "Nonlinear Editing Process." In Technology Knowledge Activities. R. Peterson (Ed.)

IC2 Institute, Austin, TX

Principal Investigator, Effective Business Plans, Interactive Strategies International

Principal Investigator, New Technology Forecast, IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., “Executive Briefing on Interactive Strategies International (ISI) and ITIM”

Presented to Echostar International by Tim Flynn and Corey Carbonara

Englewood, CO

October 25, 1996

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D. and Timothy J. Flynn, “The ISI/ITIM VSAT Teleport Briefing”

Presented to AT&T Tridom

August 30, 1996

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D. and Timothy J. Flynn, “Executive Briefing on Interactive Strategies International (ISI) and ITIM”

Presented to Echostar International

October 25, 1996

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., and Timothy J. Flynn, “The ISI/ITIM VSAT Teleport Briefing”

Presented to AT&T Tridom

August 30, 1996


Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D. and Michael Korpi, Ph.D. and Vincent Young, M. A.,

"The Impact of Nonlinear Editing on the Postproduction Process." Proceedings of the 137th SMPTE Technical Conference. White Plains, NY: SMPTE

Carbonara, Corey, Editorial Reviewer of manuscript entitled Fiber Optics for Focal Press, Inc.

Carbonara, Corey, Editorial Reviewer of manuscript entitled HD Production for Focal Press, Inc.

Principal Investigator, Digital Multimedia 95, IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin

Principal Investigator, Technology Primer 1995, IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin

Principal Investigator, HDTV and ATV Briefing, Sony Corporation

Principal Investigator, New Media, IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin

Principal Investigator, NAB 1994 Training on Advanced TV, National Association of Broadcasters

Principal Investigator, Management Technology Forecast 1995, Sony Corporation

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D. "International Strategic Alliances"

Tutorial presentation given to the Alliance Partners, Interactive Technologies Education Group

Johannesburg, South Africa

December 6, 1995

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D. and Michael Korpi, Ph.D., "The Impact of Nonlinear Editing on the Postproduction Process"

Presentation given to the 137th SMPTE Technical Conference

Session on Moving Images: Meeting the Challenges

New Orleans, LA

September 7, 1995

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Nonlinear Editing at the Baylor Telecommunication Division”

Tutorial presentation given to Executive Board DVision, Inc.

New Orleans, LA

July 5, 1995

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Multimedia and New Media."

Presentation given to Digital World Session on Universities in Cyberspace

Los Angeles, CA

June 5, 1995

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D. and Michael Korpi, Ph.D., "Nonlinear Editing and Postproduction”

Presentation given to the Department of Radio-Television-Film

The University of Texas at Austin, IC2 Institute Tutorial Workshop Austin, TX

May 3, 1995


Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "HDTV." In United States and Japan: Joint Progress in

Technology Management. S. El-Badry, H. Lopez-Cepero, and F. Phillips (eds.)

IC2 Institute, Austin, TX, pages 343-422

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "High Definition Television." In The Encyclopedia of Telecommunications. Fritz Froehlich and Allen Kent. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., pages 375-427

Carbonara, Corey. "The Global Development of High Definition Television (HDTV): A Case Study." In Japanese New Product Development & Manufacturing JIMT Lecture Notes. F. Phillips (ed.), IC2 Institute, Austin, TX, pages 4-28

Carbonara, Corey. "Creative and Innovative Management." In JIMT Lecture Notes Series on Management. F. Phillips (ed.), IC2 Institute, Austin, TX, pages 4-29

Carbonara, Corey and Wiley, Richard. "An HDTV Q&A." Religious Broadcasting, page 8-12

Principal Investigator, Technology Primer 1994, Sony Corporation

Principal Investigator, Digital Compression 1994, Sony Corporation

Principal Investigator, Management Technology Forecast 1994, Sony Corporation

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Digital Media Production Technologies in Video Conferencing and Nonlinear Editing: Basic Primer and Case Studies"

Presentation given to the Department of Radio-Television-Film

The University of Texas at Austin Tutorial Workshop, Austin, TX

November 4, 1994

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Creative and Innovative Management"

Tutorial Presentation given to the Executive Management Group Banco Bamerindus of Brazil

Austin, Texas

November 3, 1994

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Communications Technology and Interaction"

Presentation given to the Central Texas Association for Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (CENTACRAO)

Executive Workshop 1994 Conference

Waco, TX

October 5, 1994

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Creative and Innovative Management"

Tutorial Presentation given to the Executive Management Group Banco Bamerindus of Brazil

Austin, TX

September 7, 1994

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "A Case Study of the Global Development of HDTV Systems”

Guest Lecturer to the Japan Industry and Management of Technology (JIMT) Program of the IC2 Institute at the University of Texas at Austin. Presentation given to the Japanese New Product Development and Manufacturing Executive Workshop, 1994 Conference

Austin, TX

June 9, 1994

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Creative and Innovative Management."

Tutorial Presentation given to the Executive Management Group Banco Bamerindus of Brazil

Austin, TX

April 25, 1994

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Back to School: Continuing Education Positions Engineers to Handle Tomorrow's Technology Today”

Published Presentation given to the Broadcast Engineering Conference of the 1994 National Association of Broadcasters Annual Convention, Las Vegas, NV

March 21, 1994

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Entering an Era of Grand Alliance: Advanced Television Management for Broadcasters"

Keynote Session. Presentation given to the Southwest Television Group Account Executive Workshop 1994 Conference

Dallas, TX

February 12, 1994


Principal Investigator, Technopolitics in the Information Age, IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin

Principal Investigator, Methodological Tools for the Management of Communication Technologies, IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin

Principal Investigator, Invention and Innovation, IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin

Executive Producer, EXCELLENCE IN RESIDENCE produced for the Baylor Round Table and KCTF-TV (PBS Affiliate) Baylor University, Waco, Texas

Dallas, Texas Teleconference Program Title: HDTV: Where We Are and Where Are We Going? Carbonara, Corey. "HDTV and ATV Briefing" and "HDTV and Film Interface"

• Tutorial program on the background of HDTV development and standards formation around the globe

• Presentation given via satellite with live call in two-way interactive communications

• Produced by Pyramid Productions and sponsored by the Center for Advanced Electronic Imaging

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Creative and Innovative Management” Tutorial Presentation given to the Executive Management Group Banco Bamerindus of Brazil

Austin, TX

October 28, 1993

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Invention and Innovation Needs the Construction of Team Coalitions”

Presentation given to the Inventors Club of Austin

Austin, TX

October 14, 1993

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "An Advertiser's Perspective on HDTV and ATV: What's Coming and When?"

Presentation given to the Advertising Club of Waco

Waco, TX

June 18, 1993

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Advanced Television Update: A Tutorial for Broadcasters"

Presentation given to the 1993 Society of Broadcast Engineers and Oklahoma Association of Broadcasters Convention

Tulsa, OK

February 15, 1993


Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "HDTV: A Historical Perspective." In The New TV: A Comprehensive Survey of High Definition Television. Ed. Lou CasaBianca

Westport, CN: Meckler, pages 3-26

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D. Michael Korpi, Ph.D., "Fast Cars:

Electronic and Film Origination for HDTV." HDTV World Proceedings

Washington D.C.: National Association of Broadcasters, pages 3-11

Carbonara, Corey and Michael Korpi. "HDTV and Motion Picture Interface: The Fast Cars Project." HDTV World Review: The Journal on High Definition Television, Vol. 3, No. 1, No. 2, Winter and Spring, [Editor-in-Chief, Corey P. Carbonara], pages 20-28.

Carbonara, Corey, Editor-in-Chief of HDTV World Review: The Journal on High Definition Television, a leading international Telecommunications oriented scholarly journal on emerging communication technologies. September 1992 (Vol. 3, Numbers 1&2)

Carbonara, Corey, High Definition Television Editor of Multimedia Review: The Journal on Multimedia, a leading international Telecommunications Oriented Scholarly Journal on the latest research and applications of interactive and multimedia technologies.


Carbonara, Corey, Editorial Reviewer of manuscript entitled "Digital Imaging" presented in the March, 1992 edition of IEEE SPECTRUM, the Journal of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, a leading international Electronic Telecommunications Oriented Scholarly Journal on emerging digital communication technologies

Principal Investigator, HDTV and Digital Television Primer, Sony Corporation

Baylor University, Waco, Texas

• Executive Producer, MOCK TRIAL VIDEOTAPE SERIES produced for Holland and Hart Company

Las Vegas, NV

Presented to the 1992 National Association of Broadcasters HD World Conference

• Producer/Director, “Fast Cars II” produced in 35mm and Super 16mm film formats Transferred to HDTV and edited in digital HDTV, April 1990

• Producer/Director, “Fast Cars I” produced and edited in analog and digital HDTV, January 1990

• Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Electronic and Film Origination for HDTV"

Keynote Session Published Presentation given to the National Association of Broadcasters 1992 HDTV World Conference

Las Vegas, NV

April 13, 1992


Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "The Evolution of High Definition Television."

HDTV World Proceedings. Washington D.C.: National Association of Broadcasters, pages 3-14

Carbonara, Corey. "Evolution of High Definition Television." Television International Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Carbonara, Corey and Michael Korpi. "HDTV and Film: The Issues." American Cinematographer Journal, Hollywood, CA: ASC, page 60.

Principal Investigator, High Definition Television Digital Transmission Systems, Sony Corporation

Principal Investigator, HDTV Colorimetry, Sony Corporation

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "A Global Perspective on High Definition Television (HDTV)”

Keynote address on Communication in the 21st Century: Global Implications Presentation given to the World View Symposium of Midwestern State University

Wichita Falls, TX

November 6, 1991

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Future Outlook for Telecommunication Managers"

Panel address on Communication in the 21st Century: Perspectives on Global Implications Presentation given to the WorldView Symposium of Midwestern State University

Wichita Falls, TX

November 5, 1991

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Interfacing HDTV and Motion Picture Production” Speech given to the 133rd Technical Conference of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers

Los Angeles, CA

October 29, 1991

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "The Development of HDTV Analog Systems " as a part of "The High Definition Story: US, Japan and Europe”

Keynote address

Presentation given to the HD World '91 Conference

San Francisco, CA

September 5, 1991

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "The Development of HDTV Digital Systems” as a part of "Advanced High Definition Standards"

Presentation given to the HD World '91 Conference

San Francisco, CA

September 5, 1991

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Fast Cars Project: A Case Study of Interfacing HDTV and Film," as a part of "HD Systems in Film and Video"

Keynote Address Presentation given to the HD World '91 Conference

San Francisco, CA

September 5, 1991

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "The Evolution of High Definition Television” Presentation given to the National Association of Broadcasters 1991 HDTV World Conference

Las Vegas, NV

April 15, 1991


Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Economic and Policy Considerations of High Definition Television." In HDTV: The Politics, Policies and Economics of Tomorrow's Television. Ed. John F. Rice. New York: Union Square Press, pages 49-70

Carbonara, Corey. "A Current History of High Definition Television, Part 3." HDTV World Review: The Journal on High Definition Television, Vol. 1, No. 4, pages 4-9

Carbonara, Corey. "HDTV: An Historical Perspective, Part 2: 1940 to the Present." HDTV World Review: The Journal on High Definition Television, Vol. 1, No. 2, pages 52-55

Carbonara, Corey. "HDTV: An Historical Perspective, Part 1: 1884-1940." HDTV World Review: The Journal on High Definition Television, Vol. 1, No. 1, pages 17-22

Co-Investigator, Fast Cars: Electronic and Film Origination for HDTV, Sony Corporation, Aaton, Kodak, Nikon, and Panavision (with Dr. Michael Korpi)

Principal Investigator, A Management Overview of High Definition Television, Sony Corporation

Principal Investigator, Interactive Video and Multimedia Systems, Microelectronic and Computer Consortium

Producer/Director, “35mm and Super 16mm Interface to High Definition Television.” Program segment on the production and motion rendition of various film formats transferred to HDTV. Presentation given via video in conjunction with Billups Communication to Cintex ‘90 Conference Las Vegas, NV

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Acts of Management in the U.S. Television Industry” Tutorial program on the creative and innovative management of television technology Presentation given to the IC2 Institute at the University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX. October 31, 1990

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Telecommunications for Managers”

Tutorial program on the creative and innovative management of HDTV technology

Killeen, TX

October 18, 1990

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "High Definition Television"

Keynote address given to Naman, Howell, Smith and Lee Law Offices

Waco, TX

May 30, 1990

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "HDTV: An Economic and Regulatory Perspective” Presentation given to the Advertising Club of Waco

Waco, TX

April 20, 1990

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "High Definition Television"

Panel presentation given to Dallas Producers Association

Dallas, TX

March 6, 1990

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "History of High Definition”

Presentation given to the Second Annual Conference on High Definition Television, HDTV Conference 1990

Washington D.C.

February 12, 1990


Carbonara, Corey. "HDTV Global Implications." The Business of Film, Pages 24-29.

Atlanta, GA

• Producer/Director, SCCA/Road Atlanta: The 1989 Runoffs produced on 35mm and Super16mm film in Atlanta, GA

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "HDTV Applications and Opportunities"

Keynote address as Moderator of Special Briefing on High Definition TV to the ITVA Austin Chapter Meeting

Austin, TX

November 29, 1989

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "The Impact of High Definition Television on the Broadcast, Cable and Corporate Communication Industries”

Keynote address to the Bell County Communications Professionals Association

Temple, TX

September 22, 1989

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Non-Residential HDTV Applications"

Ph.D. Keynote address as Moderator of Special Industry Briefing on HDTV to the Telestrategies Program on High Definition Television

Washington, D.C.

June 16, 1989

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "History of High Definition”

Presentation given to the First Annual Conference on High Definition Television, HDTV Conference 1989

New York, NY

May 31, 1989


Carbonara, Corey. "HDTV: An Historical Perspective." IC2 Working Paper, IC2 Institute, Austin, Texas.

Principal Investigator, Compression Overview, Sony Corporation

Principal Investigator, Virtual Knowledge Enterprise, IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin

Principal Investigator, Corporate Strategic Alliances: An Overview, IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin

Producer/Director, SCCA/Road Atlanta: The 1988 Runoffs produced on 35mm and Super16mm film in Atlanta, GA

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "HDTV: An Historical Perspective”

Presentation given to the Annenberg Washington Program Summer Faculty Workshop

Washington, D.C.

June 16, 1988

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "High Definition Technology: The Critical Choices” Address given to the Annenberg Washington Program in Communication Policy Studies

Washington, D.C.

May 20, 1988

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "HDTV and the Future of Special Effects” Presentation given as a Panel Participant with Apogee, Inc., John Dykstra, President, as part of the UCLA Extension Program

Los Angeles, CA

March 12, 1988

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "HDTV: A New Definition of Quality for Christian Broadcasters and Filmmakers”

Panel Presentation on "HDTV and Computer Graphics" to the National Religious Broadcasters Annual Convention

Washington, D.C.

February 2, 1988

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Internships: The Baylor Perspective”

Presentation given as part of a panel presentation on "Internships" to the Intercollegiate Religious Broadcasters Convention

Washington, D.C.

February 2, 1988


Carbonara, Corey. "High Definition Television: A New Definition of

Quality for the Christian Filmmaker." Religious Broadcasting, pages 29-31

Director/Editor, How to Really Love Your Child a four part Christian Film Series produced on videotape. Baylor University, Waco, Texas

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "HDTV: A New Definition in the Evolution of Television”

Speech given to the 129th Technical Conference of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers

Los Angeles, CA November 1, 1987

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Creative Production Techniques and the Future of HDTV”

Presentation given to the International Television Association (ITVA)—Texas Chapter

Waco, TX

June 17, 1987

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "HDTV: New Dimensions in Electronic Cinematography”

Presentation to Alpha Epsilon Rho Regional Convention, at Texas Christian University

Fort Worth, TX

February 14, 1987

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "Future Technology Today: HDTV Production for Christian Communicators”

Presentation given as part of a panel presentation entitled: “Communications Technology: What the Future Holds” panel participant at the Intercollegiate Religious Broadcasters/National Religious Broadcasters 44th Annual Convention

Washington, D.C.

February 2, 1987

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D., "HDTV Electronic Cinematographic Techniques for the Creative Advertiser”

Presentation given to Advertising Club of Waco

Waco, TX

January 16, 1987


HD Video Engineer and Technical Advisor, Island: HDTV Electronic Compositing Test. Produced at Apogee Productions, Inc., Hollywood, CA with John Dysktra

HD Video Engineer and Technical Advisor, Arrival produced in HDTV with the American Film Institute (aired Cinemax); Starring Robert Downey, Jr.

Executive Producer, ECONOMICS VIDEOTAPE SERIES produced for the Center for Private Enterprise. Baylor University, Waco, Texas

Carbonara, Corey, Ph.D. et al. "Motion Control Composites with Electronic Cinematography.” Presentation at the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers 128th Technical Conference

New York, NY

October 26, 1986


• Created TECH24, a Technology Council for the Development of Systems-wide Planning and Implementation Requirements-based Management Schema for Strategic Information Technology for the TSTC System of Colleges statewide using server-based collaboration tools for enterprise integration

• Directed efforts to create and implement a TSTC private network for video conferencing using H.323 IP standards to allow the Chancellor of TSTC to meet virtually with each President on each campus all on the same screen

• Introduced wireless computing to TSTC campuses statewide

• Introduced a web-based systems level automation tool for the TSTC enterprise allowing for collaboration in strategic planning

• Coordinated Key Speakers as Principal Developer of the MegaB.I.T.E. Symposia for the Waco Chamber of Commerce and Naman Howell Smith and Lee, PC

• Directed efforts for selection of strategic partner for e-Learning initiative adding 1200 courses to TSTC On-line

• Responsible for technology initiatives on Document Imaging Systems and Automated Electronic Point-of-Sale

• Directed efforts consolidating computer purchases to single-vendor approach for economies of scale

• Coordinated TSTC efforts on technology assessments and technology forecasts for economic development for the State of Texas

• Worked on development of Service Level Agreements for specifying service contracts

• Worked on contract and grant proposals for digital libraries and community network development


• Coordinated key speakers as Principal Developer of the MegaB.I.T.E. Symposia for the Waco Chamber of Commerce and Naman Howell Smith and Lee, PC

• Developed White House and Congressional Briefings on CBIRD for US Department of Commerce, US Department of Energy and the US House of Representatives

• Developed CBIRD Technology Briefings for the Office of the Governor, State of Texas

• Presented CBIRD Primers to key House Representatives and the US Department of Commerce Technology Forum

• Developed and presented CBIRD Briefings for Heads of State, including key Cabinet Officials from the Mexican Government and US Department of State

• Directed and led research efforts for Technology Assessment activities for CBIRD, including implementing new technological approaches and methodologies and developing pilot projects that involved Baylor Faculty and Students

• Worked with the Texas Association of Broadcasters on their Broadband Futures Committee with key executives from major telecommunication, broadcast, computer and consumer electronics manufactures worldwide

• Presented to major research universities and their Boards of Regents with Dr. George Kozmetsky on e-Learning strategies for teaching and learning in the 21st Century


• Use of Video Game Platforms as Residential Gateways for the Home, Small Office or Education

• 2D and 3D Imaging Techniques in the Development of Digital Media

• Digital Cinema Test Procedures

• Creative and Innovative Management and Zero Time Strategies for Media Enterprises

• Diffusion of Innovations

• Digital Television and HDTV Production and Post-Production, including Digital Nonlinear Editing in HD

• International Standardization Process for the Development of Worldwide Standards for Digital Media

• Digital Content Creation Issues

• Digital Cinema

• Digital Intermediate

• Digital Special Effects

• Digital Imaging

• Digital Media Hubs

• Video Game Industry

• Community Knowledge Networks

• Systems Engineering

• Zero Time Strategies

• Collaborative Networks

• Wireless Networks

• Photonics and Fiber Optics

• Private Networks and Virtual Private Networks

• Voice over IP

• Digital Document Imaging

• Electronic Point of Sale (POS) Systems

• E-Business – Web for Businesses

• E-Commerce – Web Business for Consumers

• M-Commerce – Web Business for Mobile Users

• T-Commerce – Web Business Using Television Set-top Boxes

• E-Learning Systems

• E-Trade

• Geo-synchronous Earth Orbit Satellites (GEOs)

• Low Earth Orbit Satellites (LEOs)

• Media Player 3 (MP3)

• Motion Pictures Expert Groups International Standards for Transfer (MPEG 1, 2, 3, 4)

• Nonlinear Editing

• Video Conferencing

• Video Satellite Audio Technology (VSAT)

• Y2K

• Media history

• Cognitive Narrantology

• Creative and Innovative Management

• The Impact of High Definition Television

• Management of New Video Technologies

• Economics of Media Industries

• Television Aesthetics

• History of Television Broadcasting

• Qualitative Methodologies in Mass Media

• Quantitative Methodologies in Mass Media

• Institutional Research (of the Motion Picture Industry)

• Standardization, Commercialization and Diffusion of New Communication Technologies

• Management History

• Audience Research

• Diffusion of Innovations

• New Technologies in Motion Picture Production

• Multimedia and Interactive Video Technologies

• Non-Linear Editing and Digital Audio and Video Compression

• Electronic Intermediate Media

• Teleconferencing, BISDN, Telecommuting and Virtual Reality

• Digital Information Systems Management

• Management of Motion Picture, Broadcast, Cable and New Distribution Technologies

• Motion Picture and Television Production Aesthetics

• Network Security and Encryption

• Alternative Energy Solutions


• Natural User Interfaces for Videogames

• Videogame Presence and Immersion

• Augmented Reality

• Advanced Wireless Networks for the Home

• Media Regulation and Policy

• Use of Video Game Platforms as Residential Gateways for the Home, Small Office or Education

• 2D and 3D Imaging Techniques in the Development of Digital Media for TV, Cinema and Videogames

• Digital Cinema and Digital Intermediate Procedures and Industry Practices

• Creative and Innovative Management and Zero Time Strategies for Media Enterprises

• Diffusion of Innovations

• Digital Television and HDTV Production and Post-Production, including Digital Nonlinear Editing in HD

• International Standardization Process for the Development of Worldwide Standards for Digital Media

• Video and Film Aesthetics (Inscape vs. Landscape)

• Digital Content Creation Issues

• Digital Media Management

• High Definition Visual Effects for Motion Picture Production and Digital Television

• Math and Science Foundation in Primary and Secondary Schools for Digital Media Entertainment

• Ultra Wideband and Zigbee Standardization Efforts (Wireless Standards for Communication)

• Machine to Machine and Machine to Human Interaction (Sensor Motes and Mites)

• Ethics of Communication Technology

• Visual Literacy

• Internet Protocol Television (IPTV)

• Telecommunication Policy

• Semiotics and Videogames

• Digital Social Networking

• Digital Cinema Production Workflows (including HDSLRs)

• HD Episodic Production Workflows for HD over the Web

• User Interface of Digital Media

• Security, Encryption and Digital Watermarking of Media Creation


April 28, 2000

Carbonara, Corey, Producer, NASA, Johnson Space Center (JSC)/Baylor University, Remote Wireless Communication Networks for Elementary Education and the US Space Program

• Teleconference Program Title: "Astronauts in the Classroom.” NASA Astronauts were brought live into a primary first grade classroom via H.323 videoconferencing from the desktop as an experiment of rural wireless communications for Texas schools. Waco, TX and Houston, TX

October 26, 1999

Carbonara, Corey, Producer, NASA, Johnson Space Center (JSC)/Baylor University, New Technologies, and Distance Education

• Teleconference Program Title: "NASA/JSC and New Directions in Distance Education.” Waco, TX and Houston, TX

November 2, 1994

Carbonara, Corey, Producer, NASA, New Technologies, and Technological Commercialization.

• Teleconference Program Title: "NASA and Technology Commercialization."

Produced in cooperation with Kinko's and Sprint

Waco, TX, November 2, 1994

September 28, 1994

Carbonara, Corey, Producer, - Video Conferencing and Distance Learning. Teleconference Program Title: "Digital Video Conferencing with Kinko's and Sprint."

Produced in cooperation with Kinko's and Sprint in Waco, TX, and Ventura, CA


December 15, 1990

Carbonara, Corey. "HDTV and Film"

• Tutorial program on the production and motion rendition of various film formats transferred to HDTV. Presentation given via video in conjunction with Billups Communication to the Directors Guild of America, Hollywood, CA

May 8, 1990

Carbonara, Corey, "High Definition Television"

• Tutorial program on the production, distribution and exhibition of HDTV Presentation given via audio teleconference to Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA


Note: For the following listings, I served on the committees with my fellow US Delegates on documents filed with the International Telecommunications Union as part of the submission from the United States of America. The following publications are on record with the International Telecommunications Union as Input Documents (all pertinent documents were authored in 2005-6) or are considered part of a classified body of work by the US Department of State/White House for the internal due process of the ITU Standardization Protocol kept internally within the United States State Department as Classified Internal Documents or until published as Recommendations by the ITU as the output of the their ongoing meetings in Geneva, Switzerland. This is a representative partial list of publication documents as an output of the US Delegation that I am a member of and/or originally dealt within earlier versions as Chair of the International Committee on Subgroup for Quality Issues for Digital Cinema. The United States of America and/or the ITU acknowledge these documents as official documents in 2005-6:

DOCUMENTS (Representative List—used only for illustration)

• Document USTG 6/9 001 Goals for Digital Cinema

• Document USTG 6/9 002. Digital Cinema User Requirements.

• Document USTG 6/9 003. Proposed Changes to the Outline of the Programme and Method of Work of Task Group 6/9.

• Document USTG 6/9 004. General Reference Chain and Management of Post-processing Headroom for Program Essence in D-Cinema Applications.

• Document USTG 6/9 005 Classification of Applications.

• Document USTG 6/9 006. Terms and Definitions in the Field of Digital Cinema.

• Document USTG 6/9 007. Disposition of preliminary draft new recommendation on *Tools to evaluate candidate image systems for D-Cinema applications.

• Document USTG 6/9 008 Comments on Comparison of resolution of 35mm release print film projection and 1080/1920/24P HDTV projection on cinema-like screens.

• Document USTG 6/9 009 Considerations for Color Encoding for Motion Pictures.

• Document USTG 6/9 010 Expert Viewing Methods to Assess the Quality of Visual Material in D- Cinema Applications

• Document USTG 6/9 011 Review of the Scope of Task Group 6/9.

• Document USTG 6/9 012 Spatial Resolution Considerations for Digital Display of Motion Pictures.

• Document USTG 6/9 013 Unambiguous Use of Terms.

• Document USTG 6/9 014 Comments on Terrestrial and Satellite Real-Time Delivery of D-cinema Applications that use MPEG-2 Encoded HDTV Signals (DOC 6-9/39).

• Document USTG 6/9 015 Comments on Image Measuring Methods for D-cinema Presentations (DOC 6-9/40).

• Document USTG 6/9 016 American Society of Cinematographers Statement on Digital Cinema Standards.

• Document USTG 6/9 017 Proposed Liaison Statement from Task Group 6/9 to ITU-R Study Group 6 and ITU-T Study Group 9.

• Documents 6-9/39, 6-9/62, 6-9/60, 6-9/61, 6-9/63, 6-9/64, 6-9/65, 6-9/66, 6-9/67

• Document USTG6/9-001r1, Audio Coding for LSDI

• Document USTG6/9-002, Digital Coding and Video Quality

• Document USTG6/9-003, Alternative to Document USTG6/9-001r1

• Document USTG6/9-004, Theater Design – Position Paper

• Document USTG6/9-007, A Report on the Regal CineMedia Digital Content Network (DCN) A Large Screen Digital Imagery (LSDI) Implementation (Regal CineMedia)

• Document USSG-6: Report on Program Production (Summer 2005) (Internal US)

• Document USSG-6: PDNR International Exchange of HDTV Programmes (Internal US)



Session Chair, IPTV Case Studies Tract, SMPTE Winter Conference 2008


Program Co-Chair of the International Society of Consumer Electronics (ISCE) 2007 World Conference, Richardson, TX June 21, 2007


Moderator and speaker at the Emerging Technologies Tract of the 2006 Miami International Film Festival.


October 11, 2003

PlanetHD Festival

Sponsored by Sony, Commercial Video Systems, Digital Projections

Austin Film Festival

Paramount Theater, Austin, TX

Master of Ceremonies, HD Panelist


August 24, 2000

MegaB.I.T.E. Conference

Waco Convention Center, Waco, TX

Keynote, Chair and Moderator


February 10, 1999

Y2K Forum

Lubbock Convention Center, Lubbock, TX

Keynote, Chair and Moderator


November 10, 1998

Y2K Symposium

Waco Convention Center, Waco, TX

Keynote, Chair and Moderator

October 23, 1998

TechnoSphere Session, FutureSphere Conference

Los Angeles, CA

Chair and Moderator


October 30, 1997

Texas Association of Broadcasters Convention

El Paso, TX

Chair and Moderator, Surviving the Digital Conversion


October 24, 1995

Baylor University

Waco, TX

Chair and Moderator, Careers in Communication

• A Symposium, Industry Executive Panel on Broadcasting and Cable, “Focus on Communication” Sponsored by the Department of Communication Studies

June 5, 1995

Digital World

Los Angeles, CA

Chair and Moderator

• Industry Executive Panel on Digital New Media, “Universities in Cyberspace” Presented to Digital World


October 24, 1994

Baylor University, Waco, TX

Chair and Moderator, Careers in Communication

• A Symposium, Industry Executive Panel on Broadcast and Cable, “Focus on Communication.” Sponsored by the Department of Communication


October 26, 1993

Baylor University, Waco, TX

Chair and Moderator, Careers in Communication

• A Symposium, Industry Executive Panel on Broadcast and Cable, “Focus on Communication. Sponsored by the Department of Communication


October 23, 1992

HD Imaging ’92, Orlando, FL

Chair and Moderator,

• HD Imaging ’92: Exploring the Convergence of Film, Video, and Computer Technology, “Financial Impact and Benefit of HDTV Applications: Keynote Panel Address”

October 22, 1992

HD Imaging ’92, Orlando, FL

Chair and Moderator

• Exploring the Convergence of Film, Video, and Computer Technology, “Filmmaking: Keynote Panel Address, Breakout Session”


September 5, 1991

HD World ’91, San Francisco, CA

Chair and Moderator

• An In-Depth Look at High Definition Systems for Film, Video, and Computer Graphics, “HD Systems in Computer Graphics and Visualization: HD Video Studio Standards: HD Film and Video, Post Production Graphics and Digital Effects, Orientation on Video and Origination on Film” Keynote Panel Address


November 29, 1989

Austin, TX Chapter, International Television Association (ITVA), Austin, TX

Chair and Moderator

• “High Definition TV”

June 16, 1989

Telestrategies Special Industry Briefing on High Definition TV, Washington, D.C.

Chair and Moderator

• “Non-Residential HDTV Applications”


October 1988

SMPTE 131st Technical Conference HDTV Production Technical Session 1988 SMPTE Convention, New York, NY


October 1988

1125/60 Group, New York, NY


• “HDTV Production Applications Program Session”


Special Civic Assignments

• Appointed by Texas Governor Rick Perry and Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Susan Combs to the Media Production Advisory Committee of the Governor’s Music, Film, Television and Multimedia Office

• Served as a member on the Strategic Planning Committee for the Technology Commission

• Served on Governor Rick Perry Technology Working Industry Group (TWIG) Committee

• Served on the Steering Committee for Technology Development and Commercialization (TDAC)

Civic Community Service

• Board Member, Brazos Valley Public Broadcast Foundation (KCTF-TV)

Waco, TX

• Member, High Technology Council, Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce

Waco, TX

• Member, Waco Broadband Subcommittee, Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce

Waco, TX

Special External Academic Assignments

• Elected to the Board of Advisors, University of Texas at Austin Burnt Orange Digital Cinema Project, The University of Texas at Austin (2003-Present)

• Elected to the Executive Board, Digital Media Collaboratory, IC2 Institute, The University of Texas at Austin (2003-Present)

• Elected to the Board of Fellows, University of Texas at Austin INNOVATION, CREATIVITY AND CAPITAL (IC2) INSTITUTE from 1998 to present

• Currently serves as a member on the Waco Technology Task Force in conjunction with research from the MSSTC Program of the University of Texas at Austin INNOVATION, CREATIVITY AND CAPITAL (IC2) INSTITUTE from 1996 to present

• Appointed by Dr. George Kozmetsky to teach Creative and Innovative Management as a Professor in the Executive Masters of Science program in Science and Technology Commercialization. This course is taught on-site and through video teleconferencing in both Washington, DC, and Austin, TX, locations for the University of Texas at Austin INNOVATION, CREATIVITY AND CAPITAL (IC2) INSTITUTE in 1995-96 as part of an Academic Collaboration between the Communication Studies Department of Baylor University and the IC2 Institute of the University of Texas at Austin

• Visiting Adjunct Professor/Lecturer for the INNOVATION, CREATIVITY AND CAPITAL (IC2) at UT Austin in an Academic Collaboration between the Communications Studies Department of Baylor University and the IC2 Institute of the University of Texas at Austin. Creative and Innovative Management Seminar Course - - Spring 1994, Fall 1994 and Spring 1995. This is a joint course currently operational between the IC2 Institute of the University of Texas at Austin and the Communication Studies Department of Baylor University

• Senior Research Fellow - - INNOVATION, CREATIVITY AND CAPITAL INSTITUTE (IC2) at UT Austin was nominated by Professor George Kozmetsky and appointed by the President of the University of Texas at Austin as a Senior Research Fellow of the University of Texas INNOVATION, CREATIVITY AND CAPITAL (IC2) INSTITUTE in 1994

Special Liaison Appointments and Committee Membership

• IC2 Institute: Research Committee

• IC2 Institute: Member, Graduate Advisory Council for the Executive MS in Technology Commercialization

• IC2 Institute: Member, Technology Advisory Council on Multimedia Technology Incubators

• IC2 Institute: Member, Capital Area Training Initiative

• Visiting Adjunct Professor/Lecturer, INNOVATION, CREATIVITY AND CAPITAL INSTITUTE (IC2) at UT Austin Creative and Innovative Management Seminar Course, Fall 1993 and Spring 1994, Fall 1994, Spring 1995. This is a joint course currently operational between the IC2 Institute of the University of Texas at Austin and the Communication Studies Department of Baylor University

International Advisory Board Membership

• Board Advisor to Austin Ventures Labs, Austin, Texas

• U.S. 1125/60 Group [Baylor University] Waco, Texas

• Baptist World Alliance, Communications Division [Baylor University] Waco, Texas

Professional Advisor

• Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC) [Baylor University] Waco, Texas

• U.S. 1125/60 Group [Baylor University] Waco, Texas

• Baptist World Alliance, Communications Division [Baylor University] Waco, Texas

Advanced HD Digital Cinema Engineering Consultant

1991-2013 NAB Convention

Las Vegas, NV

• Selected as HDTV technical consultant to the National Association of Broadcasters for their Advanced Technologies Demonstration Room, NAB Conventions and HDTV World, Multimedia World and Broadcast Engineering Conference

• Selected as Digital Video and Nonlinear Editing technical consultant to the National Association of Broadcasters for their Advanced Technologies Demonstration Room, NAB Conventions and HDTV World, Multimedia World and Broadcast Engineering Conference

• Faculty Liaison

1990 NAB Convention

Atlanta, GA

• Selected as HDTV technical consultant to the National Association of Broadcasters for their Advanced Technologies Demonstration Room, NAB Conventions and HDTV World, Multimedia World and Broadcast Engineering Conference

1987-1989 NAB Convention

Las Vegas, NV

• Selected as HDTV technical consultant to the National Association of Broadcasters for their Advanced Technologies Demonstration Room, NAB Conventions and HDTV World, Multimedia World and Broadcast Engineering Conference

1986 NAB Convention

Dallas, TX

• Selected as HDTV technical consultant to the National Association of Broadcasters for their Advanced Technologies Demonstration Room, NAB Conventions and HDTV World, Multimedia World and Broadcast Engineering Conference

Professional and Learned Society Memberships

Senior Fellow, Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers 2007-Present

Member, Academy of Digital Television Pioneers 2003-Present

National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development 2000-Present

World Future Society 1998-Present Association for University Technology Managers 1996-Present

American Association for Higher Education 1996-Present

International Council for Distance Education 1996-Present

Intercollegiate Religious Broadcasters 1987-Present

National Association of Broadcasters 1986-Present

Society of Broadcast Engineers 1985-Present

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1984-Present

Alpha Epsilon Rho 1983-Present

American Society of Lighting Designers 1983-Present

Broadcast Educators Association 1983-Present

International Television Association 1981-Present

Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers 1979-Present

International Game Developers Association 2003-Present

Professional Specialties

U. S. First Class FCC Radio Telephone License with Radar

(Microwave) Endorsement

University Service

• Director, Digital Communication Technologies Project

o Obtain internships and coordinate industry projects for the Baylor Communication in Los Angeles (BCLA) Program

• Chair, Societal Trends Committee—Appointed by the President of the University and Vice-Provost for Institutional Effectiveness

• Vice-Chair and Board Member, Brazos Valley Public Broadcasting Foundation (KWBU-TV, KWBU-FM)

• On-Air Talent for Fund Drive Campaign (KWBU-FM)

• Faculty Mentor for Tenure-Track Faculty, Communication Studies Department

• Member, Communication Studies Department, Graduate Student Policy Committee

• Member, Communication Studies Department, Tenure Criteria Policy Recommendations Committee

o Co-author, Scholarly Research and Performance Draft Document

o Author, Service Draft Document

• Member, Ph.D. Program, Assessment Committee, Communication Studies Department

• Member, Graduate College, Doctoral Planning Committee (with Dr. Larry Lyon), Baylor University

• Administrative Assignment, Member, Proposed School of Communication Committee (Baylor University)

• HDTV Consultant, Christmas at Baylor PBS HDTV Special, Baylor University

• Major Advisor for Graduate and Undergraduate Students

• Member, E-Learning and Training Labs (UT/Austin) as Principal Investigator and BU/UT interface liaison.

• University: Presidential Appointment, Chair of the Communication Media Committee

• University: Presidential Appointment, Board of Advisors for the Baylor Institute of Air Science

• University: Presidential Appointment, University Internet Opportunities Task Force

• University: Member, Sesquicentennial Council of 150, Leadership and Vision for the 21st Century

• The Sesquicentennial Council of 150 is a select group of leaders in the fields of business, education, entertainment, law, government, medicine, ministry and music charged with evaluating Baylor and making recommendations toward its future operations in the 21st Century

• Faculty Representative, Task Force on Constituent Relationships

• University Presidential Appointment, Technology and Learning Resources Self Study Committee

• University Presidential Appointment, Distance Learning Technologies Task Force

• University Presidential Appointment, Task Force to Maintain Ongoing Liaison with Texas State Technical College

Baylor University Faculty Committee Service

• Chair, Communications Media Committee 2003-Present

• Member, School of Education, Technology Planning Assessment Committee, 1994-1996

• Member, University Self Study Planning—Telecommunications Subcommittee, 1994-1995

• Member, University Self Study Planning—Media Resources Subcommittee, 1995

• Member, University Self Study Planning—Council of 150 Presentation Subcommittee, 1995

• Member, University Lecturers Committee, 1993-1996

• Member, University-Church Communication Ad-Hoc Committee, 1995-1996

• Member, Innovative Technology Committee, 1996

• Member, Mentor Program Committee, Participated in "Invitation to Leadership Banquet", 1990

• Member, Baylor in Washington, D.C. Committee, 1990-1993

• Faculty Representative, Liaison Coordination Committee of Baylor with KCTF-TV (PBS Affiliate), 1987-1997

• Faculty Sponsor: Baylor University Student Chapter of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers; 1984, 1986-1996

• Faculty Sponsor: Baylor University Student Chapter of Alpha Epsilon Rho, 1983-1985


Graduate Faculty

• Graduate Faculty Director of Theses for Graduate Students in Communications Studies, 1990-Present. Working with numerous graduate students on Theses, Dissertations, and Professional Projects

Internship Director/Coordinator

• Set up numerous key domestic and foreign internships with organizations such as NBC, ESPN, Sony, HD Vision Studios, Warner Bros. Television, Paramount Pictures, NBC/Universal, SBC Foreign Mission Board, 1125/60 HDTV Group, Sony Corporation of America, Caterpillar/Tractor Co., Windmill Films, Editel, NASA-Ames Research Group (Moffitt Field, CA), The Post Group (Hollywood, CA), and NBC in the 1983-2003 time frame

• In addition, I maintained key internship connections with corporations such as American Cinema Editors, Inc., NBC/Universal Pictures, CBS-TV Network, F.A.S.T. Electronics (Boston), ABC-TV Network (Both Sports and News), and Columbia Pictures Television (Burbank). Also, I created and coordinated the High Definition Television (HDTV) graduate and undergraduate internships for Baylor students with the National Association of Broadcasters, Tiffen Group and Sony from 1987-1995 and serve as advisor to the internship program.

Honors Program

• Faculty Director of Honors Projects for honors students


• Faculty Advisor/Sponsor of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) Baylor University Chapter 1984, 1986-1996, 2003-Present

Communication Studies Department Committee Service (Baylor University)

Administrative Assignments:

• Director, Digital Communication Technologies Project

o Obtain internships and help to coordinate industry projects for the Baylor Communication in Los Angeles (BCLA) Program and assist in cultivating internships in the Baylor in NY Program

• Liaison Member, Curriculum Development Team, Creation of a Minor in FDM for Baylor University Entrepreneurship Students and a Minor in Technology Entrepreneurship Innovation for FDM students

Committee Activities:

• Served on Tenure-Track Review Committees for the Communication Studies Department

• Served on Lecturer Teaching Review Committee, Communication Studies Department

• Served on Facilities Planning Committee, Communication Studies Department

• Member, Communication Media for Baylor University

• Member, Communication Studies Department, Graduate Student Policy Committee

• Member, Communication Studies Department, Tenure Criteria Policy Recommendations Committee

• Member, Ph.D. Program, Assessment Committee, Communication Studies Department

• Informal Faculty Mentor for Tenure-Track Faculty, Film and Digital Media Division

Faculty and Student Advising Activities:

• Faculty Advisor, Student Chapter of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE)

• Undergraduate and graduate advisor for Film and Digital Media students

• Recruitment tour leader for Communication Studies / Film and Digital Media Division

• Independent Production Advisor to students



• US Department of State/White House Observer/Delegate to the International Telecommunications Union U.S. Delegation to ITU-R on two US delegations on Digital Cinema and HD Programme Exchange as an officially accredited delegation member with clearance through the White House to represent the US at the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Standards Activities.

• Advisory Capacity to the Chair of the Technology Committee for the American Society of Cinematographers (Hollywood, CA)

• Advisory Capacity to the President of the International Cinematographers Guild, on the Digital Imaging Technician Contribution to the Art and Craft of Cinematography

• Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Innovation, Creativity, and Capital (IC2), University of Texas, Austin, Texas.

• Senior Researcher, Digital Media Collaboratory, IC2 University of Texas, Austin, Texas.

• Member, Academy of Digital Television Pioneers

• Member, Advanced Media Group, National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences of NY (EMMYs, NY Chapter)

• Member, American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) Technology Committee

• Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

• Member and Fellow, Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE)

• Member, International Game Developers Association

• Member, National Communication Association

• Member, Association for Computing Machinery

• Member, Broadcast Educators Association

• Associate, Texas Association of Broadcasters

• Member, SMPTE Education Committee


• On-Air Expert Interviews for Television and Radio

• HD Technical Advisor for Christ the King Baptist Church


• Lector, St. Jerome Church

• Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, St. Jerome Church

• Team Leader, That Man is You, Men’s Ministry, St. Jerome Church

• Team Member, ACTS Retreat March 2014

• Member, Missions Outreach (Restoring Hope), St. Jerome Church

• Ministry Advisor, Missions Outreach (Restoring Dignity), St. Jerome Church

• Media Ministry Advisor, Christ the King Baptist Church

• Advisory Board Member, Central Texas Catholic Men’s Ministry Outreach

• Team Leader, Life Teen Ministry, St. Jerome Church

Past Administrative Assignments:

• Director, Digital Communication Technologies Project

o Obtain internships and coordinate industry projects for the Baylor Communication in Los Angeles (BCLA) Program

• Chair, Communication Media Committee, Baylor University

• Board Member and Vice Chair, Brazos Valley Public Broadcasting Foundation (KWBU-TV, KWBU-FM)

Past Committee Activities:

• Served on the Distance Learning Task Force for the President of Baylor University

• Served on the Chair Search Committee for the Dean of Arts and Sciences

• Served on the Film and Digital Media Search Committee for the Chair of the Communication Studies Department

• Served on Tenure-Track Review Committees for the Communication Studies Department

• Served on Lecturer Teaching Review Committee, Communication Studies Department

• Served on Facilities Planning Committee, Communication Studies Department

• Member, Student Publications Board

• Advisory Board Member, Baylor Institute for Air Science

• Member, Communication Studies Department, Graduate Student Policy Committee

• Member, Communication Studies Department, Tenure Criteria Policy Recommendations Committee

• Member, Ph.D. Program, Assessment Committee, Communication Studies Department

• Informal Faculty Mentor for Tenure-Track Faculty, Film and Digital Media Division

• Faculty Advisor, Student Chapter of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE)

• Undergraduate and graduate advisor for Film and Digital Media students

• Independent Production Advisor to students

• Organized Studio Management Tools/Curriculum Review for the Telecommunication Division

• Briefed Sony/NAB interns in Lecture Series on Digital Compression for Spring 2002/2003 Baylor Internships

• Assisted undergraduate and graduate students on technical matters related to their independent productions

• Re-chartered SMPTE Baylor Chapter and serve as Faculty Chair/Coordinator

Numerous Public Relations Appearances and Interviews as well as serving as a guest columnist on local, regional, national and international media (print, television, radio) including USA Today, PBS, NPR Regional, Texas Monthly, TV Technology, TV Broadcast and local media television stations.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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