Plant Lifecycle | 6 – 8 Grade

Plant Lifecycle | 6th ? 8th Grade

Key Understandings Students will understand that plants have a lifecycle that can be observed in the Learning Garden.

? A plant has a lifecycle that can be observed in the Learning Garden ? A scientific explanation uses observations and measurements to explain something we see in

the natural world ? A scientific explanation should be logical and defensible

Materials and Prep ? Lifecycle of a Plant worksheet ? one per student ? Learning Garden Scientific Explanations worksheet ? two sided ? one per student ? Clipboard or hard surface for writing ? Pencil ? Ruler ? one per student ? Cue Video Presentation: ? Review lesson and familiarize yourself with your Learning Garden ? Optional: supplies for additional Learning Garden activities

Next Generation Science Standards ? MS-LS1-4. Use argument based on empirical evidence and scientific reasoning to support an explanation for how characteristic animal behaviors and specialized plant structures affect the probability of successful reproduction of animals and plant respectively. ? MS-LS1-5. Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms.

Common Core State Standards ? SL.6.1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly. ? SL.6.4. Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions, facts, and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation ? SL. 7.1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly. ? SL.7.4. Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with pertinent descriptions, facts, details, and examples; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation. ? SL.8.1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly. ? SL.8.4. Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.

Plant Lifecycle | 6th ? 8th Grade

Teacher Background The plant lifecycle begins with a seed being planted in the soil. Seeds have three main parts ? a seed coat for protection, the embryo which grows into the immature plant, and cotyledon which provides nutrients and energy to the germinating seed. In future lessons, your students will dive deeper into the parts of a seed and will study the germination process.

A seed germinates with water and warmth and the process involves two main steps ? root development and emergence of a stem and first leaves. The germinated seed will grow to adulthood and form a mature plant. The mature plant will flower and reproduce by forming new seeds, which will begin the next lifecycle.

Stage One: Planting Seed is planted, watered, and warmed by the sun

Stage Four: Plant Growth Plant continues to grow above and below ground

Stage Two: Germination Roots emerge from seed underground

Step Five: Reproduction Mature plant with flowers

Stage Three: Germination Stem emerges from seed and pushes above ground with first leaves

Step Six: Reproduction Mature plant with fruits and / or seeds

Introduction (5 minutes) If time allows, review key understandings from the previous lesson.

Welcome students to their second garden lesson and spend time discussing the following introductory questions:

? What is a lifecycle? ? Do all plants share the same lifecycle? ? Can you think of something else that has a lifecycle?

Plant Lifecycle | 6th ? 8th Grade

Classroom Lesson (20 minutes) During the classroom portion of today's lesson students will be learning about the lifecycle of a plant from seed to adult plant and back to a seed.

STEP 1: Have your students view the following video:

STEP 2: During the video ask your students to take notes about the different lifecycle stages they observe. Replay the video if needed.

STEP 3: Ask your students to raise their hands and share the stages they observed. Create a list on the white board or on a large piece of paper.

STEP 4: Pass out the Lifecycle of a Plant worksheet and ask for a student volunteer to read the introductory paragraph aloud to the entire class. Students can follow along on their own page.

STEP 5: As a group, using the introductory paragraph on the student worksheet, sketch out the steps of the plant lifecycle.

STEP 6: Review the directions and have your students work individually to complete the Lifecycle of a Plant worksheet.

STEP 7: When your students are finished with the worksheet, review the correct order and identify each stage.

Break here if doing two lessons.

Garden Activity (20 minutes) Welcome your students to the Learning Garden and line students up along one side. Stand on the opposite side of the Learning Garden so you can address the entire group.

Ask students if they know what they will be doing in the Learning Garden today. Let them know they will be learning about how to make scientific observations!

STEP 1: Ask your students to review the plant lifecycle and let your students know that they will be observing plants at various stages in the plant lifecycle.

STEP 3: Distribute the Learning Garden Scientific Explanation worksheet and review the directions on the front and back of the worksheet.

STEP 4: Give students the rest of the class to complete their observations, measurements, and scientific explanations. Students can work in pairs if needed.

STEP 5: Once all of the students have finished, review four scientific questions with the class, soliciting students to share their answers.

Plant Lifecycle | 6th ? 8th Grade

NOTE: As the teacher, be aware of poisonous plants and other hazards in and around your Learning Garden, and review those concerns with students. Review any additional rules to the Learning Garden. Query students about known bee/wasp sting allergies before going into the Learning Garden.

Conclusion (5 minutes) Have students share out key parts of today's activity and review the Key Understandings for this lesson.

Students should clean up the Learning Garden as needed.

Additional Learning Garden Activities Extend your Learning Garden experience and have your students participate in any of the following Learning Garden activities as appropriate. Activities can include:

? Planting ? Watering ? Weeding ? Harvesting

Plant Lifecycle | 6th ? 8th Grade



Lifecycle of a Plant

A plant starts out as a seed that is planted in the soil. As it rains or as you water your seed and the sun warms up with soil, the protective seed coat breaks open and the seed begins to grow roots underground. Once the seed has grown roots in the soil, a stem with leaves will push its way above the ground. With roots and leaves your plant will continue to grow both above and below ground. Eventually, as the plant gets bigger and stronger, your plant will start to grow flowers. Those flowers will produce a fruit that will hold new seeds. The process starts again when a new seed is planted and the lifecycle continues.

Directions: Sketch each step of the plant lifecycle. When you are finished, add arrows between each of the lifecycle stages. Your lifecycle will now be complete and will represent a continual cycle of birth, growth, reproduction, and death.







Plant Lifecycle | 6th ? 8th Grade



Learning Garden Scientific Explanations

For each question below, use the data you collect to answer each question. Your answers need to be supported with data you observed and / or measured.

Question: Is your Learning Garden fully planted? Answer: My scientific explanation is...

Question: Are your Learning Garden plants healthy? Answer: My scientific explanation is...

Question: Is your Learning Garden growing adult plants or young plants? Answer: My scientific explanation is...

Question: Is your Learning Garden receiving enough water? Answer: My scientific explanation is...

Page One.

Plant Lifecycle | 6th ? 8th Grade

Learning Garden Scientific Explanations

Make a plant observation (information or knowledge that you gained through using your senses) and take measurements (using tools) in your Learning Garden to support your scientific explanation for each of the questions on the back of this page.

Plant Name

Lifecycle Stage (see below)


Measurement #1 Height of Plant (cm)

Measurement #2 Width of Stem (cm)

Measurement #3 # of Leaves or # of Flowers

Page Two

Lifecycle Stage (choose one stage for each recorded plant)


Germinated Seed



Mature Plant

Mature Plant with Fruit or Flowers


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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