Question 1 - Trumbull County ESC

Question 1

Coal is usually found underground, compressed in a layer between other types of rock.

Coal is produced by what rock-forming process?

[pic]A. crystallization from melted rock

[pic]B. formation of sediment from weathering

[pic]C. deposition and burial of dead plant matter

[pic]D. eruption of volcanic ash followed by settling in a layer

Question 2

What is the major process of surface rock formation on volcanoes?

[pic]A. Rock cools quickly from melted rock.

[pic]B. Rock is recrystallized by extreme pressure.

[pic]C. Rock solidifies slowly deep underground.

[pic]D. Rock is formed from deposited sediment.

Question 3

Which cell structure carries out a function for a cell that is similar to the function that bark carries out for a tree?

[pic]A. cell wall

[pic]B. nucleus

[pic]C. chloroplast

[pic]D. mitochondrion

Question 4

The diagram below represents a cross section of a lagoon and some of its aquatic organisms. A magnified view (400X magnification) of each organism is shown.



Structure Z serves the same function in each of the organisms.

What is the function of structure Z in the water lily, fish and paramecium cells?

[pic]A. to move the cells

[pic]B. to control cellular activities

[pic]C. to carry out photosynthesis

[pic]D. to allow nutrients to enter and exit the cells

Question 5

The diagrams below show the digestive systems of an earthworm and a bird.



Earthworms and birds have strong muscular gizzards. The gizzard grinds food into small bits before it passes on to the intestine. Mammals, in contrast, do not have gizzards.

Why do earthworms and birds need to have gizzards but mammals do not?

[pic]A. Earthworms and birds are not equipped to chew food.

[pic]B. Earthworms and birds eat food that is difficult to digest.

[pic]C. Earthworms and birds have intestines that work inefficiently.

[pic]D. Earthworms and birds do not have stomachs to mix moistened food.

Question 6

Which is an example of a group of cells with a common structure and function?

[pic]A. stomach

[pic]B. muscle tissue

[pic]C. mitochondria

[pic]D. digestive system

Question 7

What is the relationship between tissues and organs?

[pic]A. Organs are made from one type of tissue.

[pic]B. Tissues are made from one type of organ.

[pic]C. Tissues are made from different types of organs.

[pic]D. Organs are made from different types of tissues.

Question 8

What is the role of the mitochondrion in cells?

[pic]A. It converts sunlight to energy.

[pic]B. It controls all functions of the cell.

[pic]C. It transports water throughout the cell.

[pic]D. It breaks down sugar to release energy.

Question 9


A paleontologist was studying the evidence of extinction of organisms in the fossil record. Data were collected at several work sites. The paleontologist developed the drawing below of eight layers at one work site. Other data used included the graph below that shows changes in sea level from 490 million years ago to 60 million years ago. Asterisks on the graph indicate times of mass extinction of marine organisms.


The paleontologist examined 10 sites in all. She made detailed drawings of these sites and removed sample fossils. She labeled the sample fossils with the site number, location and layer in which the fossil was found. The paleontologist returned to the lab and discovered that some of the fossil samples were missing labels.

In your Answer Document, describe two different ways the lack of labels for these samples will affect the interpretation of the data. (2 points)

Question 10

The illustration below shows how a strawberry plant reproduces by asexual reproduction to form a new plant.


In your Answer Document, describe how the new plant compares genetically with the parent plant.

Describe one advantage that asexual reproduction might offer the strawberry plant. (2 points)

Use the information below to answer questions 11-14.

Density Experiment

The two graduated cylinders pictured can hold the same amount of water and use the same scale. A student measures the masses of two metal balls. One ball is made of aluminum and the other ball is made of lead. The student adds 50 mL of water to each graduated cylinder and then drops one metal ball into each graduated cylinder.

Question 11

Which tool did the student use to measure the mass of each metal ball?

[pic]A. ruler

[pic]B. timer

[pic]C. balance

[pic]D. graduated cylinder

Question 12

The student includes the sentence below in the write-up of this investigation.

The lead ball has a measured mass of 113 grams.

Which kind of scientific statement is this sentence?

[pic]A. inference

[pic]B. prediction

[pic]C. explanation

[pic]D. observation

Question 13

The teacher asks the student to use the information she collected to compare the density of the two metal balls. The mass of the lead ball is 113 grams and the mass of the aluminum ball is 27 grams.

What can be concluded about the density of these metal balls based on this investigation?

[pic]A. The density of both metal balls is the same.

[pic]B. The density of both metal balls is less than the density of the water.

[pic]C. The density of the lead ball is less than the density of the aluminum ball.

[pic]D. The density of the lead ball is greater than the density of the aluminum ball.

Question 14

In repeating the investigation, the student accidentally drops and steps on the lead ball. This action changes its shape from a sphere to an egg-shaped solid. The lead ball is placed back into the graduated cylinder.

In your Answer Document, predict what effect, if any, this change has on the amount of water displaced by the lead ball. Explain your prediction. (2 points)

Question 15

A student studying rock densities needs to measure the volume of a small rock sample to the nearest milliliter (mL). The student knows that the rock sample has a volume of at least 5 mL.

Which tool should the student use to get the most accurate measure of the volume of water displaced by the rock?

[pic]A. [pic]

[pic]B. [pic]

[pic]C. [pic]

[pic]D. [pic]

Question 16

Use the following information to answer question #.

The table below lists the densities of several materials.


Which material will float in water?

[pic]A. limestone

[pic]B. magnesium

[pic]C. sulfur

[pic]D. wax

Question 17

Students do an investigation on the reaction of baking soda with vinegar. They create a data table to record the mass (grams) and temperature (degrees Celsius) of the mixture every 5 seconds. Several pieces of data are missing from the table.


In your Answer Document, give one example of how the incomplete data make it difficult for the students to draw conclusions about the changes that occur when baking soda reacts with vinegar.

Explain how the incomplete data will affect the ability of other students to reproduce the experiment. (2 points)

Baking Soda and Vinegar Reaction

Students perform a chemistry experiment by mixing baking soda with vinegar. They mix 4 grams of baking soda with 50 grams of vinegar in a 6-gram plastic cup as shown below. The cup is left uncovered. The students record the mass and temperature of the mixture every 5 seconds. They continue these observations until 10 seconds after they see the mixture stop bubbling. Their data are shown in the table below.



Question 18

The data show that the mass of the cup and its contents decreases while the mixture is bubbling.

In your Answer Document, explain why the mass of the cup and its contents at 25 seconds is less than the initial total mass of the cup, baking soda and vinegar.

Question 19

Most electric power is generated by burning fossil fuels. A family living in central Ohio uses electric appliances for cooking and air conditioning. They use fuel oil for heating.

What change could this family make to conserve fossil fuels?

[pic]A. convert to natural gas as a fuel for cooking

[pic]B. switch to the use of less expensive coal for heat

[pic]C. lower the temperature setting on the air conditioner

[pic]D. install solar roof panels to generate additional electricity

Question 20

Why is coal considered to be a nonrenewable energy source?

[pic]A. Sunlight is the original source of energy for coal.

[pic]B. The burning of coal could cause environmental pollution.

[pic]C. Once coal is mined, it can take millions of years to be replaced.

[pic]D. Coal is abundant, but it is very expensive to mine from underground.

Question 21

A class is studying electricity and how it is produced in Ohio. The students make the table below to share information about energy sources.


Which statement identifies a nonrenewable energy source from the table and correctly explains why this source is considered nonrenewable?

[pic]A. Biomass is nonrenewable because once the waste material is used up, there is no way to produce additional waste material.

[pic]B. Petroleum is nonrenewable because there is a fixed amount of oil underground and new petroleum takes millions of years to form.

[pic]C. Solar energy is nonrenewable because there is only one sun in the solar system and there is no replacement when the sun is used up.

[pic]D. Wind energy is nonrenewable because the air pressure difference required to produce wind is not available at all times at all locations.

Question 22

The energy of blowing wind can be harnessed to create electricity.

Why is wind considered a renewable energy source?

[pic]A. Wind does not cause destruction of the environment.

[pic]B. Wind turns the blades of a windmill that creates electricity.

[pic]C. Wind provides only a very small amount of electricity to the United States.

[pic]D. Wind comes from atmospheric conditions that are available indefinitely.

Question 23

Why are fossil fuels called nonrenewable resources?

[pic]A. They make waste products.

[pic]B. They are buried far underground.

[pic]C. They take a very long time to produce.

[pic]D. They are more expensive than nuclear fuels.

Question 24

Use the charts and information below to answer question #.

The two charts below show percentages of production methods for generating electricity in Ohio and in the entire United States in 2002.


The charts show some differences in the amount of electricity produced by different methods in the United States and in Ohio. Various constraints, such as geographic, social or economic factors, influence the method used for electricity production in a region.

In your Answer Document, choose one method of electricity production used in Ohio.

Give two reasons or factors that support using this method in Ohio, and give two reasons or factors that can be used to argue against using this method in Ohio. (4 points)

Question 25

Highways allow people to travel between towns and cities. These highways also divide ecosystems into smaller pieces. Animals can become separated from lakes they use for breeding. For example, tiger salamanders travel long distances to breed at lakes.

How could highway systems affect animals such as the tiger salamander?

[pic]A. Tiger salamander habitats may be exposed to less pollution.

[pic]B. Tiger salamanders may be cut off from important resources.

[pic]C. Tiger salamanders could improve their ability to remember roads.

[pic]D. Tiger salamander habitats within ecosystems could become larger.

Question 26

The instructions for an experiment direct the students to put a liquid into a beaker and use a hot plate to heat the liquid to 50oC.

In your Answer Document, describe two safety precautions the students need to take while heating the liquid. (2 points)


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