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Equity and Excellence in Higher Education


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|Universal Course Design Tools |

|What is this tool? |Why you might want to use this tool in your classroom |Examples of ways you can use this tool to universally design your classroom |

|Course Web Site |Course web sites are great tools for providing your students with a |By providing students with a digital version of your handouts, syllabus and texts |

| |digital version of the material to be covered in class. Web sites can |(in some instances) you are empowering them to manipulate the text in a manner that |

|[pic] |also be used as a method of staying in touch with your students |fits their learning style (compatibility with speech-to-text software, highlighting |

| |between classes. |and enlarging fonts, using graphic organizers, etc.) |

| | | |

| | |Course web sites are also good places for students to engage in discussions between |

| | |class meetings, link to relevant internet resources, submit assignments digitally, |

| | |review the syllabus, check for course announcements and participate in on-line |

| | |surveys, video conferences and file sharing. |

|Digital photos |Photosl appeal to visual learners. Paired with written text, digital |Digital cameras can be used to document an activity as it occurs. An instructor can |

| |photos provide more details to students about a specific topic, giving|take a photograph of a specific subject to emphasize a point or give a demonstration|

|[pic] |them another way to conceptualize things. |of how something should look at the conclusion of a project. Digital photos can be |

| |. |up-loaded onto BlackBoard, PowerPoint presentations and Word documents. Instructors |

| | |can e-mail those presentations. |

| | | |

| | |Students can use a camera to complete assignments. For example, a lab report, they |

| | |can take pictures of the stages of an experiment, thus documenting it, and then |

| | |insert them into the written part of the lab report. |

|Power Point |PowerPoint is a great tool for organizing your notes, stating the |PowerPoint can be used to organize the structure and timeline of a class, to orient |

| |direction of a particular class and capturing the interests of visual |students to a particular topic through scaffolding, pose questions for the class to |

|[pic] |and auditory learners. |consider and to highlight main themes of the discussion. |

| | | |

| | |PowerPoint also has a wide array of multi-media capabilities including inserting and|

| | |playing a video, audio files, linking to sites on the web-site, showcasing graphs |

| | |and tables and emphasizing items with color and font. |

|Macromedia Breeze |Breeze lets you easily deliver rich web experiences for distance |Instructors have used Breeze to give students more control in their learning. |

| |learning, professional development, and on-demand collaboration. |Professors have set up multiple choice quizzes, tutorials, and inquisitive learning |

|For a free 15 day trial go to: |Educators, staff, and students can use such familiar tools as |projects with Breeze. Students can then go through the sequence, choose the answer |

| |Microsoft PowerPoint to author, publish, and track Flash-based |that makes sense to them and find out if they are correct, and if not why. |

| |education and training materials. | |

| |Breeze also has an online component, allowing for conferencing and |Students can also use Breeze to put together multi-media projects. Art students |

| |sharing materials online, great for distance education. |taking a distance education class, used Breeze to show their work. |

| | | |

| | |Breeze is also becoming popular in distance education, because instructors can |

| | |incorporate a number of multi-media tools into a presentation, and students can |

| | |access it easily. |

|Video |Videos capture the interest of the visual learner, and provide an |Videos can be used to highlight differences in theories, showcase a lab experiment, |

| |alternative form of learning that reemphasizes the point that the |give a history of a topic, show testimonials from other students, distinguish |

|[pic] |instructor is making. |between the correct and incorrect way of doing things or provide a discussion point |

| | |for the class. |

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| | |Students may also choose to create a video instead of a written paper or lab report.|

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|Tablet PC |A Tablet PC is similar to a laptop with the addition of being able to |Instructors use Tablet PCs when writing math formulas, drawing graphs or processes. |

|[pic] |draw symbols, charts, diagrams and pictures directly on the screen, |Tablet PC also allows you to mark items of high importance and insert your drawings |

| |thus making the information digital without the need for scanning. |directly into the text. |

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|Laptop |The advantages of a laptop is its portability and universality. |Laptops are great for PowerPoint presentations, Internet use, Excel spreadsheets, |

| | |outlining course lectures, film clips, audio clips, photos, lab examples and more. |

|[pic] | |When you add software to your computer such as Inspiration, Mimio, Kurzweil, |

| | |Hyperstudio, etc… a classroom becomes instantly interactive. |

| | | |

| | |Instructors have also asked a student in their class to take notes on their laptop. |

| | |The instructor will then post these notes online for everyone in the class to |

| | |access. |

|Digital voice recorder |A digital voice recorder is a great and easy-to-use tool that allows |Instructors might use a digital voice recorder before class to capture a particular |

| |you to transfer sound files to the computer. The use of audio in a |sound or speech to play for their students. Another use is to record the lecture or |

|[pic] |classroom appeals to the auditory learner. |class discussion to recall exactly where he/she left off. |

| | | |

| | |If the instructor posts the audio file of his/her lecture/class discussion on the |

| | |course website, students can use the file to study for an exam and go over any |

| | |missed material. |

|Scanner |Scanners are great because they allow you to digitize text that only |Scanners are useful when a document, or page from a book, only exists in paper form.|

|[pic] |exists on paper. Once you have an electronic copy of the text, | |

| |students can manipulate it into a form that appeals most to their |Digital text increases the opportunities for students to learn, whether through the |

|Good Scanners to consider purchasing: |particular learning style (speech-to-text, highlighting and enlarging|use of text-to-speech software or by simply building in scaffolding techniques to |

|ScanSnap fi5110EOX2 |fonts, using graphic organizers, etc.) |take students deeper into the subject/topic. |

|Fujitsu High Speed | | |

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|Portable Word Processor |Instructors may choose to use a portable word processor as opposed to|The advantage to this type of note-taking is that once the notes are recorded, they |

| |a laptop because it is much more inexpensive, lighter and more durable|are easily manipulated (i.e., making the font larger, sharing the notes, posting the|

| |than a laptop. Some models also contain a database and calculator |notes on the course website) |

|[pic] |feature. | |

| | |Students can use the portable word processor to take notes as well and post them on |

| | |the course website or ‘beam’ those notes to each other’s computer. Discussion groups|

| | |can record their notes and beam them to the instructor’s computer. Students can also|

| | |create spreadsheets right in the classroom or to record information. |

|Pocket PC |Instructors may choose to use a Pocket PC instead of the heavier |If the instructor has created a document (i.e., a syllabus, lecture outline, a |

|[pic] |laptops. Pocket PCs have word processing, PDF, web and database |sample spreadsheet) on the computer, he/she can then beam it to students via an |

| |features that are compatible with the laptop and can be used to |infrared connection. |

| |organize lecture notes, download materials from the internet and then | |

| |transfer documents to the classroom computer. |If every student has a Pocket PC the professor can ask the students a question, have|

| | |them beam their answers and judge student’s retention. Students can pass in |

| | |assignments, share notes by beaming it to each other and conduct internet research. |

|Mimio |Mimio is a light, portable tool that records an instructor’s notes on |Mimio can be used to capture the class notes in real time. It also has an audio |

| |a whiteboard in real time while also recording on his/her computer. |feature so once you have put your Mimio notes on the course web site, students can |

|[pic] |Mimio is a great tool for ensuring that your notes are recorded, |watch your notes be redrawn while listening t the lecture that you recorded earlier.|

| |thereby freeing up the need to take notes by your students. | |

| | | |

| | |Mimio also has a number of different subject-specific templates (math, science, |

| | |history, writing, etc) that instructors find useful for organizing their |

| | |presentations. |

|Smartboard |Smartboard is very similar to Mimio and has a number of interactive |Smartboard has a ‘flip-chart’ feature in which instructors can store multiple pages |

| |features useful to instructors. Both tools are great for visual |of notes to come back to later on. Smartboard is compatible with power point |

| |learners and students with learning disabilities. Students can listen |presentations, allowing you to write on, edit and add to a power point presentation|

| |and pay better attention knowing that important notes will be |as you go. The instructor’s notes will be recorded on top of the presentation. |

| |available to them digitally later on. | |

| | |Students like the freedom of not having to take notes and the ability to play the |

| | |entire class back in digital and audio format at a later time. |

|Teknimedia: |Teknimedia's courses teach essential computer and Internet skills to |Instructors are using Teknimedia to help students taking distance education course |

| |novice through intermediate-level users. |increase their computer skills. |

|[pic] |The courses include Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet and e-mail. | |

| | |Teknimedia is also being used in postsecondary environments to help students fulfill|

|For a free trial go to: | |state technology requirements. |

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|Plato Web |PLATO Learning's Post-Secondary Instructional Solutions offer |Plato Web has a number of different curriculums that instructors have referred to |

|[pic] |post-secondary curriculum in: |when designing their curriculums. |

| |Reading & Language Arts | |

| |Mathematics |Science instructors have used the Plato Web curriculums to augment labs and course |

| |Science |lectures. |

| |Social Studies | |

| |Life and Career Skills |Math instructors have used Plato Web’s graphical data and interactive scenarios. |

| |Interdisciplinary Learning | |

| |ESL/ELL & Courseware in Spanish |History instructors have reviewed Plato Web’s curriculums for review and assessment |

| | |questions. |

|Sony Soloist |With Soloist software, students can listen to digital audio and video |Instructors have used Sony Soloist to create or edit one-of-a-kind audio lessons |

| |programs while simultaneously recording their own voices. |with dialogue or music that may be on an audiotape, CDs, or from the Internet. |

|[pic] | |Language instructors have used the "text editor" feature to create reading and |

| | |writing exercises incorporating words and pictures. |

| |Soloist software supports multiple audio and video file formats |Theater students have used the Sony Soloist to practice their lines. |

| |including digital audio for listening and speaking exercises; MIDI |Journalism students have used the Sony Soloist to interview people and report their |

| |music files; text files which may be used for reading, writing, |findings to their instructor. |

| |translation, or pronunciation practice; HTML documents for Internet | |

| |materials; and still images and digital video. | |

|nTAG Interactive |nTAG is a wearable technology that supports communication between |nTAGs can be used in a classroom to determine how well students understand the |

| |individuals. |concepts being taught. Each student can answer a question on his/her nTAG. The data |

|[pic] | |is then collected and transmitted to the instructor’s computer so he/she can monitor|

| | |the knowledge of the students. (Like the “ask the audience” option on Who Wants to |

| | |be a Millionaire. |

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| | |nTAGs can also be used in distance education for group discussion. |

| | | |

| | |Instructors have used nTAGs to send their student specific instructions in labs and |

| | |practicums. |

|SurveyMonkey | |Instructors have used SurveyMonkey to create tests, quizzes and review questions for|

| | |students. Students have also used the tool to demonstrate their knowledge as well as|

|[pic] |SurveyMonkey enables anyone to create online surveys quickly and |use the statistical components of the tool. |

| |easily. | |

| | | |

| | |SurveyMonkey is a good tool for online learning, as it allows instructors to measure|

| | |students’ progress. |

| | | |

| |Instructors can select from over a dozen types of questions (single | |

| |choice, multiple choice, rating scales, drop-down menus, and | |

| |more...).   | |

| |This website contains over 25,000 audible books that can be downloaded|Students can search this website to see if their text is available in digital |

| |to your computer, iPod or a CD at anytime. |format. |

|For a free trial, visit: | | |

| | |Instructors have referred students to the many scholarly journals featured on this |

| | |website to supplement their instruction. |

| |BookShare is a national repository of 16,000 books. |Students can search this website to see if their text is available in digital |

|[pic] | |format. |

| | | |

| | |Instructors have referred students to the many scholarly journals featured on this |

| | |website to supplement their instruction. |

|Dragon Naturally Speaking 8 |Dragon NaturallySpeaking 8 allows you to talk to your computer and |Instructors have used Dragon Naturally Speaking to record their lectures and then |

| |your words instantly and accurately appear in Microsoft® Word and |post those audio files online for students to access them later. |

| |Excel®, Corel® WordPerfect®, and virtually all Windows®-based | |

| |applications. |Students have used Dragon to dictate ideas, lab reports, practicum notes and papers.|

| | | |

| |Dragon also allows you to listen to incoming e-mail and documents read| |

| |aloud. Search the Web by speaking URLs and links. | |

|Captioned Media Program |Captioned Media Program is a free-loan program. They have 4,000 |Captioned Media Program is a great resource for instructors looking for videos to |

|[pic] |videos, hundreds through internet streaming. Captioning is in English |show in their class or post on their website for students to view on their on-time. |

| |or Spanish |It is also a great resource for students looking for resources. |

|Kurzweil 3000 |Kurzweil 3000 is the premiere reading, writing, and learning software |Instructors might use Kurzweil to highlight important concepts in journal articles, |

| |solution. It incorporates a host of dynamic features including |online sites, etc… while teaching. |

| |powerful decoding, study skills, writing and test taking tools. | |

|[pic] | |Students use Kurzweil in group work to highlight their work, scan documents and |

| | |create group projects. |

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|Caption First |Caption First provides real time captioning for live video, |Instructors should consider using Caption First when they show a video or webcast in|

| |television, webscasts and classrooms meetings. |class. Captions provide students with another method of accessing the information |

| | |provided in the video or webcast. |

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|Ease Publisher |EasePublisher is a digital authoring package, that allows the creation|Instructors might use Ease Publisher to create review guides, resources for a |

| |of multimedia content that unites text, audio and images. |particular topic or encourage their students to use it to demonstrate their |

|[pic] |Creating fully synchronized text and audio content in EasePublisher is|knowledge by pairing text with images into a book format. |

| |simple. Whether you already have your audio and text available or need| |

| record the audio and create your text, EasePublisher has the | |

|dex.htm |flexibility to create powerful multimedia content from existing or new| |

| |sources. | |

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|Macromedia Captivate |Macromedia Captivate allows you to effortlessly record any application|Captivate is a great tool to record your actions in real time on a computer. |

| |and enhance the recording with text, animations, audio, and |Instructors use Captivate to demonstrate how they worked through a problem, what |

|[pic] |interactivity. |websites they looked at and how they structured their thoughts. |

| |Captivate generates projects in Flash format (SWF), a small file size,| |

| |high-resolution, cross-platform format that is ideal for delivery |Students frequently use Captivate to demonstrate their knowledge by create videos |

| |online or on CD. |for specific assignments. |

|MathPad |MathPad is a general purpose graphing scientific calculator for the |Instructors have used Math Pad in class too demonstrate graphic equations. |

| |Macintosh. It uses a text window rather than simulating buttons on a | |

|[pic] |hand held calculator. This live scratchpad interface allows you to see|Students work with the software individually and in groups to solve mathematical |

| |and edit your entire calculation. Formulas can be entered directly and|equations. |

| |different values can be plugged in for easy "what if" calculating. | |

|Picture It |Picture It has over 6,000 different symbols that instructors and |Instructors use Picture It to add symbols and graphic art to course materials. |

|[pic] |students can use. |Students use Picture It when demonstrating their knowledge. |

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|Getty Images |Getty has high quality and diverse royalty-free images in a variety of|Instructors frequently go to Getty to find images of topics they are discussing, or |

| |collections, with relevant photography and illustrations for every |experiences they are explaining. |

|[pic] |project. The search engine is very easy to use. | |

| | |Students appreciate the addition of images in course materials and frequently use |

| | |Getty themselves to demonstrate their knowledge. |

|WayCom Digital Drawing Tablets |Allows you to essentially draw, mark-up and write on your computer |Faculty are using the WayCom tablet to record class notes and discussion questions |

|[pic] |screen. Compatible with photo shop, Word, PowerPoint and websites. |and points. WayCom stores each page that you have written on so that faculty can |

| up these documents as you teach and save your edits for future |upload them to a class website or e-mail to students. |

|IEWPROD&ProdID=786 |classes or review. | |

| | |Students like the freedom of not having to take notes and the ability to play the |

| | |entire class back in digital and audio format at a later time. |

|Elmo |Elmo allows you to connect directly to video / data projectors for |Elmo is becoming more common in distance education because it allows faculty to show|

|[pic] |real-time big screen and monitor viewing of: |hands-on work in real-time, magnified images. |

| |print documents | |

| |3D objects |Elmo is a great tool to conduct demonstrations, to take notes and to edit documents |

| |hands-on demonstrations |in class because it ensures that students in the back of the room have full visual |

| |photos |access. |

| |slides | |

| |negative and positive films | |

| |X-rays | |

|USB Flash drive |An USB flash drive allows you to carry documents from computer to |Faculty can use USB Flash drives to create a presentation at home or in their office|

| |computer without having to carry the full computer. It works similarly|and then carry it to the computer in the classroom that they are teaching in. |

|[pic] |to a disk or CD. | |

| | |Students can use it for similar purposes. They can also use it to “carry” a paper to|

| |These can be purchased in various sizes and can be found at Staples, |class and transfer it directly to their instructor’s computer, to get information |

| |Best Buy, Circuit City, etc. |off the instructor’s computer, to bring a presentation to class and to share |

| | |documents with friends. |

|Fotoslate4 |Fotoslate 4 is a software that assist you in organizing and working |Fotoslate is a great tool for instructors who use a lot of photos in their class. It|

| |with photos. It includes customizable templates for print sheets, |helps you organize your photos and create worksheets and presentations with the |

|[pic] |albums, calendars, and greeting cards, simple brochures and |photos in it. |

| |scrapbooks, and contact sheets. | |

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|This Aiptek Pocket DV Digital Video Camcorder |This Aiptek Pocket DV Digital Video Camcorder multifunctional 4-in-1 |This Camcorder is a great tool for instructors because it can be used for so many |

|[pic] |design features a digital camcorder, a 3.1 megapixel digital camera, a|functions. Instructors can use it to record lectures and post them on class |

| |digital voice recorder and a web cam. The camcorder also comes |websites, to record and archive guest speakers for future course. |

| |equipped with Digital Camera Manager, Microsoft NetMeeting, CyberLink,| |

| |PowerDirector Pro, CyberLink Media Show SE, CyberLink VideoLive Mail |Students can use it to record projects, courses and labs for review at a later time.|

| |and Ulead Photo. | |

| |•  You may return this item to any Target store. | |

| |•  Catalog # : 521901 ASIN: B00009W2GL DPCI: 056-10-0039 | |

| |•  Made in USA | |

| |•  Shipping & Delivery Information | |

| |•  Standard delivery only. Flat shipping charge per item: $7.99 | |

| |•  Estimated Ship Dimensions : 8 inches length x 6 inches width x 2 | |

| |inches height | |

| |•  Estimated Ship weight: 1.35 pounds | |

|SmartDraw |SmartDraw is a great tool for easily drawing flowcharts, org charts, |Instructors can use SmartDraw in just about every aspect of their instruction. |

| |floor plans, calendars, forms, presentations or any other type of |Whether constructing a flow chart, creating a template or designing a presentation |

|[pic] |chart or diagram. It’s also free! |it is very helpful. |

| | | |

| | |Students can use it as well for multiple purposes including planning, projects and |

| | |assignments. |

|Portable speakers |Portable speakers vary in size, sound quality and price. They should |Portable speakers can be hooked up to an instructor’s computer so that when a video |

| |hook up to your computer through a USB port and be small enough so |is showed the entire class can hear it better. Instructors might also use a wireless|

|[pic] |that you can carry them from class to class. |head-set in conjunction with the portable speakers to record and magnify their |

| | |voice. |

|Sony SRS-T10PC-BL USB Portable speakers | | |

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|=details&Q=&sku=400280&is=REG&addedTroughType=categoryNavigatio| | |

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|MusicNotes Player and Viewer |MusicNotes Player and Viewer is a FREE download that plays sheet music|Instructors teaching music-based courses can use the MusicNotes software to |

| |on your computer while highlighting the notes as the music is played. |highlight certain aspects of a song, to demonstrate how it should be played without |

|[pic] |The user can adjust the volume, speed and sections to be played. |requiring an entire orchestra. |

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| | |Students can use the software to learn about music compensation, sound and notes. It|

| | |can guide students in the learning and creating process. |

|Tactile Image Enhancer (TIE) |The TIE takes a blank piece of paper and creates a sensory image. |The TIE can be used to illustrate graphics, images, charts, maps and calendars in 3D|

| |Image the tactile paper easily using a photocopy, laser print, or |format. Instructors can use it to further illustrate points. |

|[pic] |china marker drawing. Once imaged, simply insert into unit and the | |

| |tactile document is formed. Use for graphs and charts, maps, |Students may use it to create tactile images for presentations, reports or for their|

| |calendars, etc. |own learning needs. |

|ReaderWorks Standard 2.0 | offers PC users a FREE plug for Microsoft programs that |ReaderWorks is a great tool for digitizing text easily. Instructors can record their|

| |reads the text written. It also has the capability to turn your Word |own voices, have text read to them and the class to suit their learning style. |

|[pic] |documents into structures that resemble books. | |

| | |Students may use ReaderWorks when studying (listening to the instructor’s notes), |

| | |writing papers (the play back feature allows students to hear what they just wrote) |

| | |and listening to student notes. |

|Speak Q software |Speak Q software is a voice recognition software for individuals who |Speak Q can be used by instructors to record their lectures in real time. The |

| |experience difficulty with the training that is required with Dragon |recordings can be used as captions as well as transferred to an audio file. |

| |or Word 2003. Speak Q has you listen to what the computer is saying | |

| |and repeat. Therefore no reading is required in order to develop a |Audio files allow instructors to record their lecture for reference in future |

| |voice file. This may make it easier for faculty who are trying to |classes and students to access the lecture in audio format for studying. |

| |train their computers to record what they say. | |

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|PDF Aloud |PDF Aloud brings accessibility to users of the Portable Document |PDF Aloud provides full text to speech access for all PDF documents. Instructors and|

| |Format (PDF) files. It transfers the text to an audio format. |students can use PDF Aloud to listen to a document rather than reading. PDF Aloud is|

|[pic] | |great for students with visual disabilities, students who prefer to hear their text |

| | |as opposed to reading it and for people who need to hear text while working on |

| | |something else at the same time. |

|Video/photo camera (Pocket DV4100M - R-PKDV41) |The Pocket DV4100M is a multi-functional DV camera designed for |Instructors can use this as well as students to document their work and capture |

|[pic] |capturing moments anytime, anywhere. It's equipped with a 4 mega-pixel|video clips or digital pictures. These videos and photos can then be added to |

| |resolution, 4X digital zoom, and microphone. The Pocket DV4100M |PowerPoint presentations, put on class websites for review later or integrated into |

| |features a 3-in-1 solution including video recording with MPEG-4 |student presentations. |

| |technology to give you VHS quality videos, 4 mega-pixel resolution for| |

| |still photos, and voice message recording. | |

| |We recommend that you also purchase the 512 MB CF Card for memory. | |

|Compact USB Card Reader/Writer For SD, Mini SD, MMC, RS-MMC, |Allows you to transfer the data in your digital device (digital |The Compact USB card enables the instructor to read students work presented using |

|T-Flash |camera, PDA, or MP3) directly to your computer without having to |various storage devices. |

|[pic] |connect your digital device directly. Simply plug it into USB port. | |

| |Plug and Play device. Hot-Swappable. LED Indicator. Compatible with |Students can bring one of these to class and connect directly to the instructor’s |

| |USB 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0. Works with Windows 98/2000/XP, Linux 2.4 and Mac|computer, download the class materials and take it to their own computer at their |

| |OS 9.0 or above. |convenience. Great for faculty who do not use class websites because it still allows|

| | |students access to the materials in digital format. |

|iPod |iPod allows anywhere, anytime access to speeches, audiobooks, and |iTunes provides seamless and automatic synchronization. Students can create |

| |lectures. Soon photos and podcasts expanded teaching possibilities, |slideshows, soundtracks, and movie projects using iPhoto, iMovie HD, and QuickTime, |

|[pic] |and, now, just a few months later, video is evolving the experience |organize and store them using iTunes, and access them or present them anywhere. And |

| |even further. |iPod*** can connect to a TV, video projector, or display using optional cables and |

| |The iPod dock connector on the bottom of the iPod lets you connect, |present student work to an entire classroom. |

| |sync, and recharge quickly using the included USB cable. Or for iPod, |You can transfer thousands of photos to your iPod and upload photos directly from |

| |you can leave the optional iPod Universal Dock connected to your Mac |your camera to iPod*** using the optional iPod Camera Connector. |

| |or Windows PC, and sync and charge every time you dock your iPod. And |Transfer text-based information to your iPod and read it onscreen. With the notes |

| |since the dock works with the new Apple Remote, you can now connect |reader, news articles and classroom notes can be right at hand. You can even link |

| |the Universal Dock to a stereo system, powered speakers, or a TV, and |audio files and notes files for enhanced audio/visual learning, and podcasts allow |

| |control your music, slideshows, and video from across the room. |students to subscribe to text, audio, and video curriculum materials right out of |

| | |iTunes. |

|TextAloud MP3 |TextAloud is similar to the IPod. MP3 players can be used for many of |TextAloud can be used by instructors to turn your word file notes or handouts into |

| |the same purposes but range in prince from $20 to $300 depending on |an audible document, which you might post on a course website so that students can |

| |how much memory you need. TextAloud is a great text to speech |download it to their MP3 and Ipods to listen to. |

| |converter for documents. | |

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|ClearNote |The ClearNote is a lightweight video magnifier, designed for laptop |Instructors can use ClearNote to record their class and then post it on a course |

| |users who need high quality, real time video magnification. The swivel|website later on. It can also be used to magnify items (in a lab or hands-on |

| |camera can be pointed quickly at any object you wish to look at, such |demonstration class) so students who are sitting in the back or who have visual |

| |as classroom whiteboards or documents on your desktop. It’s simple |disabilities can access the information. |

| |operation allows you to view, capture and save text and images at a |Students can use ClearNote to record a project that they are working on and to |

| |more comfortable size on a laptop or desktop PC. You can also use it |better access information in the classroom. |

| |with a standard computer monitor.   | |

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|Skype |Skype is a conference call tool which uses your computer instead of |Skype has been used by instructors teaching distance ed classes to students across |

| |the phone. It is FREE! It’ll let you make free calls to your friends |the country and world. It allows greater flexibility for students and instructors. |

|[pic] |all over the world. |Instructors are also using Skype to host online office hours with students and other|

| | |faculty at different institutions. |

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|Bluetooth Wireless Microphone |Bluetooth wireless microphones works well with Dragon Naturally |Bluetooth eliminates the wire and cumbersome headset that an instructor would have |

| |Speaking and other voice recognition software. Bluetooth eliminates |to wear while lecturing if he/she wanted to record and caption their lecture. |

|[pic] |the wire and cumbersome headset that a professor would have to wear | |

| |while lecturing if he/she wanted to record and caption their lecture. | |

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|Plantronics DSP-400 Digitally enhanced USB computer headset |Platronics DSP-400 headset has an ultra-sensitive, digitally-enhanced |Instructors can use the Plantronics headset to record their lectures and labs while |

| |noise-canceling microphone. It also has digitally-enhanced full-range |giving them. If instructors use Microsoft Word 2003 or another speech to text |

|[pic] |stereo sound. |software their entire lecture can be recorded and transcribed for students to access|

| |later on. |

|ages.html?newSID2=ab7d65752877c7e945d673b7069508bc | | |

| | |Students can use the Plantronics headset to record papers which can be converted to |

| | |text, to record study points for iPods and other MP3 players and to record course |

| | |projects. |

| AspireReader |AspireREADER™ 4.0 is a Section 508 compliant software reader and |Instructors might use AspireReader to highlight important concepts in journal |

| |provides a user-friendly experience for instructors and students, |articles, online sites, etc… while teaching. |

|[pic] |while providing special features and navigation controls for | |

| |individuals with sensory and cognitive disabilities. |Students might use AspireReader in group work to highlight their work, scan |

| | |documents and create group projects. It is also a good individual tool. |

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|Superbeam SoundMax microphone |Superbeam SoundMax is a digital microphone that enables more accurate |Superbeam SoundMax is an easy to use microphone for instructors to use when |

| |and reliable communication as well as high performance speech |recording their courses or different audio bites for their courses. It attaches |

|[pic] |recognition in noisy office environments. |easily to your computer and allows the instructor to walk around. The noice |

| | |cancelling features provide excellent audio quality. |

| features of the Superbeam Array microphone include an analog | |

|roducts_id/35?osCsid=e39ca00ba3849a7399cf06bc4db357cd |devices' SoundMAX cadenza, powered with Andrea's PureAudio® and DSDA® |Students might use Superbeam SoundMax for group projects, interviews, case studies |

| |noise canceling technologies, a sleek and stylish two-microphone |or to record a sound for the class. |

| |design (4.3" length, 1.7" width, 0.9" deep), unsurpassed performance | |

| |and an unprecedented price point. | |

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|Proscope |The ProScope™ is a USB hand held digital microscope designed for both |Instructors might use the Proscope in lab classes or to highlight microscopic items |

| |PC and Macintosh platforms. With a high-quality CCD and universal lens|for their students. Since the Proscope can easily be hooked up with a computer, |

|[pic] |mount, The ProScope™ can become a powerful asset to any classroom or |instructors can use it to zoom in on small items. It is also good for making sure |

| |lab. |the student sees what you want them to see, by viewing it on your computer rather |

| | |than through the tiny lens. |

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| | |Students might use the proscope in the lab or in the classroom to get a clearer view|

| | |of different objects. |

|ACDSee |ACDSee Pro Photo Manager allows you to view, process, edit, organize, |Instructors can view, manage, edit, organize, catalog, publish, archive and share |

| |catalog, publish, and archive your photo collections with precision |hundreds of thousands of photographs—all very easily. It eliminates the need to |

|[pic] |and control. It includes organizing tools like customizable folders |search for specific photos. |

| |and categories, quick editing features, visual tagging and full color | |

| | |Students can use ACDSee to organize their projects, or look up photos that the |

| | |instructor might have in the course file. |

|Creative Muvo Tx Fm Portable Audio Player W/ Headphones |Creative’s MuVo TX FM is an ultra-light, high-performance and easy to |Instructors can use the MuVo TX FM to carry presentations, photos and any other data|

| |use Digital Audio Player that also plays and records FM Radio. The |files between PCs at home, work and the classroom. |

|[pic] |MuVo TX FM comes with 512MB of flash memory that can carry up to 15 |The built-in microphone can be used to record lectures, notes or instruction ideas. |

| |hours of skip free music. The MuVo TX FM is equipped with super-fast | |

| 2.0 that transfers music or data files in blazing speed to and | |

|3_Player/73PD051100017/p/451618 |from your computer. Simply attach the MuVo TX FM to any PC or notebook|Students can use the MuVo TX FM to also carry files from home to school and the |

| |and drag-and-drop your files - no cables or installation software |classroom. Students can use it to upload their files directly to their instructor’s |

| |needed. |computer. The can also use the recording feature to record class lectures, for |

| | |assignments and group and individual work. |

|Illinois Accessible Publishing Wizard |The Illinois Accessible Web Publishing Wizard provides a simple way to|Instructors can use this easy to use tool to ensure that all of their web postings |

| |create highly accessible and standards compliant web versions of |and websites are fully accessible for students with disabilities in accordance with |

| |Office documents that are more accessible and usable by everyone, |the Federal government’s Section 508 accessibility requirements. |

| |including people with disabilities. |Students who are developing web documents can use this tool to make sure that they |

| | |are fully accessible. |

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