Eco-system Photosynthesis

42100554038500Name: _______________________________Date: ________________________________0127127000 Use lab tests on variegated leaves to show that chlorophyll is essential for photosynthesis.Know-3251200260351001-15875228602002ApplyIdeas-1460546355K100K1Plants and algae do not eat, but use energy from light, together with carbon dioxide and water to make glucose (food) through photosynthesis. They either use the glucose as an energy source, to build new tissue, or store it for later use.-1651046355A100A1Describe ways in which plants obtain resources for photosynthesis.-1651030633A200A2Explain why other organisms are dependent on photosynthesis.-1651049815A300A3Sketch a line graph to show how the rate of photosynthesis is affected by changing conditions.-1460548895K200K2Plants have specially-adapted organs that allow them to obtain resources needed for photosynthesis.-1651048895A400A4Use a word equation to describe photosynthesis in plants and algae.Facts-1460552705K300K3Iodine is used to test for the presence of starch.-1651020637500Key words-1460544450K400K4Fertilisers: Chemicals containing minerals that plants need to build new tissues.-1460580645K600K6Photosynthesis: A process where plants and algae turn carbon dioxide and water into glucose and release oxygen.-571544513500-1460534290K700K7Chlorophyll: Green pigment in plants and algae which absorbs light energy.-1460576200K800K8Stomata Pores in the bottom of a leaf which open and close to let gases in and out.-14605698503 003 Extend-1460559055E100E1Suggest how particular conditions could affect plant growth.-1460549530E200E2Suggest reasons for particular adaptations of leaves, roots and stems.-1460547625E300E3Compare the movement of carbon dioxide and oxygen through stomata at different times of day.-1355479156E400E4-1228464946E500E5 ................

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