157th Knowledge Seekers workshop ... - Plasma Production UK

Transcript of 157th Knowledge Seekers workshop, 2nd February 2017

Transcription V2 courtesy of Lynn of Montana, with introduction, hyperlinks, timestamps etc. from Corn of NZ, and then final polish and edit by Michel of Quebec for publication on where the whole transcription can be downloaded in word or pdf format.

Comments by Cornelius van Dorp

This is the first one of the 4th year of Knowledge Seeker workshops, and runs very deeply into secrets of the space ship construction, using the Arizona spaceship as a model.

The workshop starts with more information on DL and the pedophile networks, and their complicity in murdering scientists and children, before going into the spaceship technology. Then the workshop is drawn out by lots of very interesting questions as in the hyperlinked headings below, including a case of healing of a massive breast tumor with fields and gans washes…


First 52 minutes is more facts about DL and co and their complicity in murdering of scientists and children

Next steps of development in the Arizona spaceship

People building spaceships are advised to get a toy railway track

You need to create GANS of carbon and hydrogen

A suggestion of how to do your tracking

Political ramifications of developing the technology, or why the Great wall of China is a museum piece.

Dominique (D) from France. Can I imagine a relation between pedophile and gans of carbon and hydrogen and make all the teaching complete?

B from Switzerland: I have heard that our galaxy is moving into a huge helium cloud

John from Argentina (J): when you are talking about hydrogen in this star formation are you talking about the one proton and one electron or is it deuterium?

Boris from Brazil (B): I have two questions and the first, is there a possibility to separate the carbon and the hydrogen from CH3?

B: ok. The second question is about the wheel in the middle. Can the balls all rotate or can they be fixed?

Rick (R): we have a couple of questions in the Q and A. Arvis is concerned about spaceships

I have to bring to all the KF founders: we have to come to understand for the position of the Universal Council and the World Council a permanent position.

J: what comment can you make about John Kerry being kicked out of Antarctica around November 11

K: the man who goes to where the red Indians are in danger (Justin Smith at Standing Rock, North Dakota) takes the soul of change and change will come.

MK approves of Whitney’s website and workshops around the world!

More people needed for cancer research

Rick with more on the workshops in the USA and SA

A case of a huge breast tumor healed with application of fields and GANS washes

The effect of animal trials on the medicine

Carolina suggests more education of young men and women to prevent such disease.

Peoples’ Wishes can be their Commands

The state of the mind is the field spreading of the wish

There Shall Be No State of Israel!

Rene from Austria has a light that switches on and off with his proximity

Speeding up the production of CH3 GANS with a plasma battery capacitor

I finish on one note: my wish is the end of the State of Israel as a State


1253 Mr. Keshe (K): good morning, good day to you whenever and wherever you listen to these teachings. Today is the 157th Teaching of the public teachings and hopefully this year will be as good as the last 2 to 3 years have been. This year we start in the level of the space technology and new dimensions in teaching in space technology and energy development. We try to add to the level of the space technology and developing new technology. We have seen in the past weeks and months huge gains in medicine and agriculture, as well as health, energy and space.

1351 K: on the one hand we have been asked a lot of questions and we have to answer these questions in how we have entered into and mixed information about Facts about Dirk with our teachings. This will touch all of us and this is the reason we put this out and I’ve been sending documents to prosecutors and to countries. We welcome this and we wait for you to bring this to the prosecutors. We have enough evidence to show that people have been sending threatening emails to us under different names for the past 5 to 6 years, now they have thought we had forgotten. But we have screen shots of every phrase they have sent to us.

1438 K: these will be produced for the prosecutors. By law these people have been harassing, threatening and everything else and now that you are exposed you take refuge to the prosecutors who will prosecute you. On the other hand we needed this to be done because in Belgium the prosecutor covered everything up in favor of DL and what we call the abusers. Now outside with this move if you have been strong enough to do this and send this to the prosecutor in care of Keshe Foundation (KF) in Barletta, Italy. That is our registered address. In this case we explain to you why. We have seen in the past 7 days an entry done in my name on Facts about Keshe Foundation where DL writes very simply about a person, Mr. John Pierre. He says he is a scammer and the rest.

1541 K: this gentleman was high level in the world of finance and then he was very successful until in the 1990s he broke into the pedophile groups in Belgium. And he exposed and wrote a book about how he had broken into the pedophile group and if you had seen the writing at the end he explains, this is why I always support the Foundation for opening the scams. And he was involved in this and we exposed the pedophile groups in Belgium and how they were at the high level. And so we see again that a pedophile is connected. We left him alone to expose his hand.

1633K: He was convicted in 1992 and 1994 he was sentenced because he opened the pedophile groups in Belgium. This was in his book with the data was collected. So if the man knew this gentleman from 1992 to 1994 that this gentleman was a scammer, we have found that in 2012 there is a website called _________ (17.12 minutes) which belongs to John Pierre. It is for the political party he set up and if you go to Facts about Dirk you see the website at the top and the bottom. You see a criminal name as he says with DL’s name at the top of the page. This is very strange. You (DL) knew for 15 years that this guy was a scammer? Now that we have exposed you he is a criminal. We see this connection and he wanted to know if John Pierre was back into chasing the pedophiles and if he could destroy his party. It had nothing to do with the scam.

1756 K: now you see again something to do with the pedophilia in the previous teachings. John Pierre was given a live video of a child being abused in detail. He has written about it. DL wanted to know if he recognized his name as an abuser. That is why in 2012, 20 years later, he went as part of the pedophile group to see how much he knows and if they can destroy him. And the rest is known. If you know a highly placed politician who has been to prison why do you associate yourself with him and put your name on top of the website? Go to Facts about Keshe Foundation and see how we have been insulted by this person. But there is something interesting when you look at the website—he is a web designer, webmaster and he is the local developer and public relation communicator and everything. Notice the similarity. As webmaster, he has access to children.

1913 K: he always positions himself as a webmaster and he goes with criminals to set up a political party to defraud the nation. You know if you set up a political party to become a member of the local or national government and you know that you are a man who was in prison for a scam because he broke the pedophile gang you don’t become his webmaster unless you wanted to find out if he still remembers who abused the child in the video and how much he knows that would destroy him. That is exactly what he did. Look at the website and you see Jean Pierre as the head of the new party and then you see DL’s name.

2012 K: now you understand they don’t tell the whole truth. Jean Pierre found out about the pedophile groups and he had to be stopped because the face of the prosecutor was there. Please take your information to the prosecutors. We have so much information that connects everything together. I would like to ask DL one thing: can you write in your next blog for me about me about the Russian woman who burned in a house in Antwerp? It was in the house of a man who owns 15 helicopters and you and your associate wanted the helicopters to traffic children and he didn’t give it to you. You burned the house and you killed the woman in the house.

2056 K: if you are in Belgium please go to Antwerp Gazette in 2009 to 2011 and find this and please post it out. Then we will show you how the murder was done. DL wanted to make sure that I understood the thread so he was showing me this newspaper every day that we were writing the book. He would say, look what happened today. Then you will find if you go to the police that a man associated with this file is a close associate of DL and a pedophile. He was convicted in Thailand for the abuse of the children. DL provided the funds for the extradition from Thailand of this associate. So now you see wherever DL connects and sits as a webmaster to have access, there is a pattern that we are trying to show.

2202 K: We showed the pattern with Alan Sterling. We are just trying to establish a pattern for DL to show that he is connected wherever there is pedophilia or people who break into it, and he has to stop. John Pierre’s party was one of them. Once he got the party he would have opened up the pedophile’s game and they had to be stopped. That is why he became the webmaster with access to everything and he could block.

2230 K: if you are Dutch remember we told you about the scientist who was killed prior to compression (patent being released) the night before from a heart attack. The heart attack comes from poisoning. This is known. Interestingly enough a German in Antwerp filed (for patents) on compression and DL appears in the same program, selling compression technology immediately after they killed the scientist. What we want the prosecutors to do is to open the file on the death of this scientist in Holland who developed compression and then all the people who subsequently came out with it and somehow have connected to other pedophile groups and murderers.

2316 K: We need to do that outside and Austria is the best place for us and the Italian police support us. You have done us a favor. We are waiting for a prosecutor to start the prosecution the same way we delivered data to FBI and CIA with Alan Sterling in America. Then we show how they make the American connection. Thank you very much for filing with the prosecutor. This gives us a chance to release the information we have and how DL is connected to the murders of the scientists and then he patents their findings.

2400 K: the other link that we put last week is suddenly out of nowhere a compression specialist. The murderer in Antwerp was another guy selling compression technology about the same time in 2000 and 2001. These two were best friends and spent a lot of time together at each other’s homes. I spent many days waiting outside of their homes; I could not go in because they were planning their next murder. Now you understand we just let them do what they are doing. We just guide them, so now I ask them to please write about the fire in Antwerp where the Russian girl was killed.

2246 K: we ask the police to open the file and connect the murder to the other ones. Thank you for the work you are doing DL. You are walking yourself into your own trap. Now, those who got fooled by him that he is ‘everything’, now you understand he is a pathological liar. He never told you that Mr. Russell had written a book and he broke into the pedophile groups during which at that time DL was a main key person. You don’t go to bed with someone known nationally. He is a scammer criminal and he broke the code of the World Bank and monetary system and he made a lot of money out of it. When he found out about the pedophiles they destroyed him.

2537 K: I will give you the name of another person in Belgium. His name is Peter and they destroyed him. Peter broke into the abuse of the immunization injections. People in Belgium know who I am talking about. Guess who was close to him immediately? DL was and he destroyed Peter. They even took him and called him insane because he was proving that the 3-injection immunization is dangerous. This is very interesting. Wherever there is character assassination, DL appears. This time we are an international organization and this time we see that he hasn’t told you about Mr. Russell. Go into the archives of Belgium history in the past 10 to 15 years. (26.34 minutes). It tells you he broke into the pedophile gangs.

2638 K: In part of my teaching a few months ago I referred to it and now we have all the details of it. The security forces are very interested because now we can connect murders, and we can connect murders of scientists, character assassination and we see everything else. Please write more; we are watching it very closely. You walked into it because we wanted you to call Russell a scammer, but not to tell that twenty years later you are the head of the party he set up. You are not a child, you are a calculating murderer. You are a character murderer and everything else. Now you understand why we have taken the position with the Italian police and other police forces to bring this to an end. The murder of Fabio is connected to this as well as the attempt to murder me.

2739 K: we have enough information. The police and prosecutors in Italy are waiting for all this information to come in and we are collaborating very closely. We needed you to start with all the emails that we have received over the last 5 to 10 years threatening to kill and endangering children and everything else. The Austrian prosecutor will be very interested how you used false names to make threats. We do no accuse. The man writes that he is a scammer and he was in prison and exactly twenty years later he helps a guy, a scammer, to set up a political party to scam children again from Belgium.

K: Now you understand that you are dealing with a pathological liar. That is his term because he is one and he writes about it. So, please if you are in Belgium look into the fire I told about. They were trying to get 15 helicopters from a man for child trafficking and he would not relent. They stole everything from him and they killed the girl. It’s in your news and we are not making it up. Then you ask the police in Belgium to open the people who were accused and interviewed. You will see a name. Then we will give the name of the person selling compression technology who is a close friend of DL in Holland.

2924 K: we ask the authorities in Holland to open the case of the murderer. This would be the murderer of one of the first compression technology scientists. He was one of the most intelligent men in the world. Then out of nowhere one who happily killed becomes happily rich from the murder. You have to understand this was 100 million Euros. Please we ask for the KF supporters in Belgium to find this data; we want you to bring it. We ask our supporters in Holland to look into the death of the scientists who actually developed the first compression technology. The night before the patent was completed he died of heart failure. And strangely enough the two people who submitted the compression patents and negotiations, one is DL and one is the other one and they appear again now working as a team trying to defraud the rest.

3037 K: Article 107 of the Austrian Criminal Code you have already broken. We have the emails and we would like the officers to look into how you can send cyber threats to the others. What you need to know is important. If you are looking into the Dutch crime of the death of the scientist you have to look for a specific name. This scientist was the first man who broke into the compression technology. And he would have made billions. You will see one of the names of one of the major corporations in the world as people who are negotiating. Then you see them appear a second time in negotiations with the close friend of DL.

3130 K: The name of scientist in Holland---we are trying to get the investigators in Holland to open the case. It is very simple: he is a very well known scientist in compression technology and his material was stolen from him and he was killed. And then the stolen material came out of nowhere from people who have no clue about compression. These people became compression patent writers and as we saw you are compression expert one day, a webmaster another day and this goes on. We would like to open the second and third investigations across Europe for other scientists who have been killed, or business people who have been put under pressure and killed. Or they may have received threats from this group.

3239 K: it is important for us. Even if I get murdered and they have tried this many times, you as KF supporters have to stop this. First you have to stop the pedophile groups and second you have to stop the group who are murdering scientists and rich people around Europe to access their wealth for their use or for their position. We are not making accusations. Please go on the internet and find the burned house. Then post it and we look everywhere and we want us as a team to start understanding what is going on and how one guys acts like an angel and is a devil in disguise. He is killing and everything that goes with that.

3330 K: we have no problem; we are prepared to deliver. When we work and we go in with FBI whatever we deliver goes in with the support of what has been delivered. We have all the telephone numbers. We are entitled to release the telephone numbers on my website because I was one who was attacked. I am not making accusations. You open the case with the prosecutors and we open the cases across Europe with the prosecutors on the people who have been killed and were people that you worked with. We have facebook pages of you that harass me, my family and my foundation and I have every right to protect my foundation. All the emails under fancy names threatening me or my family are all downloaded and go to the prosecutor. Thank you for your job; you have done us a great favor and I have no problem in releasing more information on my website.

3433 K: if the security people release more data that will be on their side. And I know the names, the connections and everything else have been added up and put together. The name of the scientist, the first man ever to break into compression technology is Jan Slootis. It could be listed as Jan Sloot. If you are a Dutch supporter search for his name. The night before the patent was released he was found dead. Strangely enough two people submit patents and negotiate for compression technology. DL is one of them and the other one in the negotiation is the other guy we have discussed. He has pedophile records in the Far East and he plays as an ‘angel’ in Europe.

3543 K: A number of scientists have been killed by this man. We release more names. Peter thought he had a friend and someone he could trust and it was someone who destroyed him. Those of you who were in the presentation of the 3rd of December where we showed for the first time the Iranian space reactors, in Peter’s headquarters in Ghent, if you remember, if you were there, you can write about it. We knew we had a betrayer in the house but he did not know that we knew. There were rows of people standing against the wall. Peter and the other people from the KF who were there can tell you about it. In the morning of that meeting I asked for a couple hundred black bags to be bought and we took them to the meeting with us.

3651 K: at the reception whoever came in was given one black bag. We asked them, once they had registered and sat down, that if they had anything electronic including cameras, telephones or whatever had to go into the black bag in front of them. If they didn’t they had to leave the room. Everyone agreed immediately. We didn’t tell them what we were going to do with the cases on the table. People like Stan and the others in Belgium can tell you because they were there. The only person who refused was DL and he created mayhem because these were secrets coming out of Iranian research and he could not show what was done to his paymasters. Now we knew how we were infiltrated.

3744 K: DL was the only person who refused to leave the room and refused to put his telephone with the camera in the bag. I said to Peter, now you see we have a spy inside with us. We always knew about him and we couldn’t get rid of him because everytime they planned the next murder. If you are a Belgium listener, come to the call board and we will let you speak about what happened that day. Remember, we don’t tell lies. The pathological liars are sitting around us. We are well aware. We thank you for opening the case in Italy because now we can start prosecution. And, we thank you in Austria but please make sure all communication has to go to Barletta. We passed everything we find to the police because you sent a lot of rubbish to them and they wanted to get you and now you have opened the door.

3848 K: we are waiting for you; you are a monkey and we have all the communications and threats that you have sent at 5Pm two days ago. We are waiting. KF supporters in Austria, get in touch with the prosecutor. He lives near the man’s house and he has filed a lot of false threats because he is building the case to say he is threatened. Now you understand that I protect the KF and members of KF. We have spent a lot of time and a lot of money to protect you and us. Now you see how we walked them into a confrontation. The guy was a scammer but he doesn’t tell you the guy was researching pedophiles and they were abusing a child. He doesn’t tell you he was present when the child was abused. He wanted to know how much more he knew so he could silence the party. When he knew he could not get anything and he was sitting as the webmaster he then deleted things that were sent to the webmaster. He took it off where Russell could not see and then he was happy to attack and destroy the party the same as he has done with KF and the same as other scientists we have seen.

4002 K: Now the whole thing is setting a pattern and the security forces are looking at how many other scientists have been murdered. We know of three and we gave you the first name (Jan Sloot) so please open a case in Holland. The company, Phillips International, is innocent. You will see the name in it. The Royal Dutch Co. directors entered into a negotiation as well as with leading corporations in software technology in their television and computer programs to purchase the program. You come across Phillips International or what is called Royal Dutch. These people are innocent and were pulled into a round of negotiation after the murder of the scientist. We have all the negotiations and they are downloaded for the securities team.

4102 K: I have to tell you the Interpol and Italian security has been in possession of all this data for roughly the past 8 months. As you said and we said before with the case of Alan Sterling, if the FBI went after him it would have taken months and years to pull and they will get nowhere, but if Sterling walked in and turned himself in, they had it set up and he walked in. Now you see both the guys in Austria and the one running Facts about Keshe walking in. They have started the procedure but this time we have to do this as the Keshe family (foundation members) because it is you who are receiving the threats and who have lost your computers. Share his facebook; it is full of attacks on KF. It is known as stalking and making criminal threats. I didn’t open this, you (DL and other one) opened it. We have all the evidence from the Belgian police has been blacked out because they realize it is nothing but fabrications to support DL. We welcome sincere and correct police from the Belgian police to open the file, but not the ones DL communicated with because they are already under investigation by the European Court of Justice.

4234 K: This file completes it and we thank you for filing with the Austrian prosecutor and we hope we will see the documents because we are ready to catch (DL and associate). We will release more names, all the communications and everything we like on our website. But if the security people decide to release things on their site it is their decision. Now you have seen today that we come to unite and as part of a world organization we have to support humanity from the hands of these criminals who turn and protect each other.

4316 K: No one has ever been so open as I have to ask his pretended enemy to write about him. DL, write about the fire in Antwerp. We got you. Release it on your next blog and put the picture of the fire and who was interviewed by the police about it. But don’t be a pedophile liar but the correct man that you claim to be. And then we will see who was negotiating at the same time as you were in 2001 and 2002 for compression technology. And then I will tell you how you planned to kill me in South Korea and in China with the same man that you sent me to China with. None of you knew that the same man who was involved in the death of the Russian girl in the fire in Antwerp is connected to the death of the (compression technology) scientist in Holland.

4418 K: With recommendation, introduction and push in 2007 and 2008 by DL the man was sent with me to see if I would give any information to the Chinese. If they didn’t have the information then I was to be killed. And he came into my room in China and he said to me that there was a gun and they were going to kill him. It meant there is a gun and I am going to kill you if you don’t give the information to me. And, I was passive; I wasn’t interested in giving anything to the Chinese because he told the Chinese I worked for him and he was my master. I had already been told by the Chinese government that this man was trying to sell my technology to them. Now you see how much we know.

4504 K: We want the prosecution to start; we delivered the tickets and the communication with the Chinese and the Koreans to show how the attempts of murder of me in China, Korea, and three times in Holland. So write about this Mr. DL. We got you and you will rot in hell for killing scientists, depriving children of their father and you think you are an ‘angel’. Now all of you know why he has been writing so heavily. It is because they have been monitoring on our servers and our server how much information we have collected and how close we are to getting DL and his associate.

4542 K: We were waiting for this key to go to the prosecution. Now that they have started it we release information and you have to know that we don’t make accusations because these details include when I was the poisoned and the second time they tried to kill me in Barletta and then they killed Fabio. This information was given to the Italian security (the military police called the Carabinieri). They have brought all the communications together. The file is complete and we were waiting for you to walk into it. We have you.

4612 K: These ‘DL’s are pathological liars; they don’t lie but they live it. DL, write about the fire in Belgium and tell who is connected and write down that the Russian girl was found dead in the fire near Antwerp manor. This was the house of the man who owns the helicopter renting company and it was his girl. They were pushing to get him to give them the helicopters for trafficking children easily. And he would not relent so they tried to put pressure on him. Now you understand how a man is connected to the same criminals. You think we made accusations? I traveled with a murderer.

4653 K: When I found out about these things about a year ago I thought I must have been very lucky to stay alive traveling with a murderer. He was there and the minute I would have given the information to the Chinese he would have put a bullet to my head. That is why he walked into my room and said they tried to kill me; there is a gun here to kill. That meant he was going to kill me. Good morning DL. Walk into the police station and hand yourself over in Austria, not in Belgium. They will kill you in Belgium. Your masters would not let you live.

4730 K: that is why we see on the picture of the security release you see the picture of the King of Belgium standing in front of me with the Queen. He is sitting in a café where I was and he was the king delivering his threat as usual. Because he knew we were to close to a lot of things and he wanted the technology. Now you understand, we don’t make accusations. Please DL, write and write heavily. We are counting on you because everytime you write you sink deeper to your neck.

4808 K: Those of you who are Belgians come on line and we will give you the platform now. If you were in the meeting in Ghent where we asked you to put everything (electronics) in the black bag you saw DL walking out because he wouldn’t hand over his electronic devices. These people who were there know the truth. Now you understand. We know the murderer. We ate with him for 2 weeks in China. He spent 8 times out of 12 in the house with DL. Forever they were together planning the next murder. He has already been interviewed for the murder by the ‘big boys’ cleaning up. This time it cannot be cleaned up.

4855 K: If I get killed or whatever, please carry on with these matters. Now you understand why DL was writing so heavily in the past few months. In their monitoring they found out that we have found the truth in how they are involved in killing scientists and how they are involved in writing patents. Now we start releasing this information bit by bit. Now they don’t tell you the guy they called the ‘scammer’ broke into the pedophile groups and saw DL literally abusing a child. A lot of DL’s supporters keep writing him asking him why he doesn’t sue Keshe. DL knows that everything is true and we are bringing it out. Secondly you already worked with your people trying to silence everything.

4941 K: Now we understand and we are not hiding. We ask you to write because when you write you are done. He was a ‘scammer’ in 1990 but in 1992 and 1993 the same man broke into the pedophile groups and he was given a video of the child abuse and everything else. DL wants to know if he saw DL’s face in the video while he was abusing the child. Now you understand why he became the webmaster and why he positions himself to be a webmaster.

5017 K: those of you who go onto Facts about Mehran Tavakoli Keshe and Victims of Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, your computers are watched by this man. Watch your children and your computers. This is how they break in, hack and make threats. Good morning, DL, write about the fire and write about who was interviewed. We will do the rest; we just need you to walk into it. You already walked into it and I tell you the same man sold compression technology to Phillips after the death of the scientist. The ‘partner’ bought the patent that was ‘for sale’ and the King of Belgium patent office, the day before and you have seen the communication, and then comes to Mehran Tavakoli Keshe with the same patent they used with the compression technology scientist.

5116 K: they blew the car up; there was a high speed chase and police arrested two people in Antwerp very much as you see in the ‘western style arrests’ barricading the streets to get to armed people and strangely enough the people disappeared. Now you understand; this is our job. DL heads the biggest pedophile and scientist murdering group. Now you see he has opened his hand. He tells you about scammers but he doesn’t tell you that Russell opened the pedophile groups. If DL knew the guy had been in prison 20 years ago, then why would he 20 years later …. (Break in the recording 52.01 minutes).

Next steps of development in the Arizona spaceship

5202 K: on the other hand we go back to the teaching. This is important for all of us to understand and further deepen the knowledge in understanding the technology. Please let me share the screen… Governments have started looking at the application of the technology in a very big way and today I asked just before the teaching for the top groups of the KF to meet next Friday and maybe the following Friday so that we can make an important international announcement for and in respect to the KF world wide. It is important for us to understand where the technology is going and how we are developing it further.

5307 K: We have seen a number of designs and systems being shown to us by Jon of Arizona KF. What we have done is very simple and what we would like you to do is the following: go back in the teaching of what we did and what we have seen physically with Arizona. In Arizona we look at the top view. What we see and what we can do is important and is the next step in the flight condition that we are trying to bring in a very practical way.

5555: What we have and see in Arizona is a combination of 6 reactors and then we see the combination of another 6 reactors, 12 outside in a specific condition. (further trouble getting the white board functioning) (57.57 minutes). Let’s say that the line we see is the linkage between the fields. Then what Jon has done is place a reactor on top here (58.12 minutes) and he has placed 3 base reactors on the bottom.

5822 K: what we see in this situation … Jon are you online so you can give us a picture of the Arizona setup? Or is Armen on line to share the screen with us and share the picture of the setup. I want to talk about what you have been working on for the last few days. What we see is the 12 Magrav systems on either side and we have 6 Magrav systems internally. (59.40 minutes) Then, we have the star formation. We have the platform of a number of reactors sitting in rows and in 2 setups. The pink ones are the outer core and the other ones are the outer core (1.00.16 minutes). Then we have the star formation reactors. As we said the centerline is to give tangibility to the field force.

10032 K: What we see in Arizona is a test trial. We have seen the fields, but in reality any of these fields cannot keep constant field flow. (1.00.46 minutes). We need to make this plate dynamic. When you look at reports or people show you the close-up of unidentified flying objects, what you see is a disc like this (1.01.11 minutes) and usually you see it like this which is the star formation. What you observe is lights on this line that rotate. These lights you see are these reactors. (1.01.30 minutes). In some flight systems you have as many as 360 reactors on the edge for solid confinement and full control.


10149 K: now the next step in the development is with Arizona is not to have the core. We established with the Magrav system with the 4 core combination the extent of the fields. Now once we make the disc on the rotation then we create a solid confined shape that we need and the flight system. (1.02.25 minutes).


The problem with this is that the size will be determined. What we plan to do here in Accra is to build the platform outside with the dynamic position of the reactors so we can control the separation that we create the body. The fuel for these reactors has to change. I spoke about this in a private teaching with one team. I wanted to speak and coincidentally they were talking about a mixture of the fuels.

10315 Armen (A): I have it now. (MK stops sharing and Armen brings up his picture (1.03.56 minutes)

10400 K: what you see here is that you have the circle here (1.04.48 minutes outlined in pink). Then you have the inner circle here (outlined in blue). You have the 4 reactors placed underneath (marked in green) in the star formation. These 12 cores are the most important ones. The 6 inside are not necessarily needed because now that this reactor creates the fields what happens is that as we follow the fields and as they come they used to go this way (1.05.33 minutes, orange color) up towards a point over the center of the setup. Now when we remove the inside group of 6 reactors that circled in blue, what happen is that the fields of the remaining 12 outer reactors find a new flow pattern which is more or less a dome shape which is the shape of the present UFOs that you see. But, these fields now are static and cannot be found and there is always a weakness somewhere that the field cannot be found.


10648 K: now what we do is make this line dynamic and the distribution of the fields will be constant (1.07.07 minutes with purple dome lines) and the distribution of the change of the fields will be there and you are welcome to see your first “UFO.” We had to go through these steps to get measurements that we understand. Now these 3 reactors in the base replace the 6 in the middle. If you look this is the line of the equator. Because of the one single reactor that is in the center going up and the three underneath that are down, it makes it faster to travel in deep space with better protection. Armen, would you show what you are working on?

A: I am in my room.

10808 K: its ok we’ll show it next time. The first miniature reactors will be shown by Armen in the coming weeks. You will see how we have to understand everything step by step and now we are there. It works in the star formation and we saw the platforms hanging and rotating in Descansano. If you go back to 129 this will be your 129. But the field of the gravitational of these cores on the edge will bring it down. The weaker will feed it by 250 to 500 Tesla. The split among the 3 and then it is split among the 12. Now you understand how the stronger at the bottom, the 3 of them will feed the weaker line in between and the top by the same process as what we saw in Descansano. We had the 129 line here at the bottom (3 three units) and we had the intermediary (the 12) in the middle and the weakest (the center formation). This is trying to feed the weak and bring it back. For the first time KF announces the completion of the development of the spaceship technology.


10950 K: Now the race is on you, the supporter, NASA, Iranian space agency because they are working on other directions than on this establishment of field forces. What is going to happen if you follow the 6 lines in the middle the 6 reactors is that you can change these reactors slightly and what you are going to achieve in your craft is extremely simple. It is the compartment (1.10.31 minutes with the yellow line showing the compartment area).

Where you place these and how you place other reactors in respect to each other will give you rooms, floors and everything else. Now we understand the true shape of the space technology. We will show this in Accra in the coming weeks. We don’t need to build huge structures. We just need to make like a mono-railway, the stands where we just put cores one by one in the track.


People building spaceships are advised to get a toy railway track

11115 K: let me explain to you what you have to do, those of you especially in the background. Ask your teams to watch closely and you will learn a lot. What you need to know and what you will see is very simple. (Opens whiteboard) You need to get yourself like a children’s railway track. Start placing your Magrav cores to the railway and make it as frictionless as possible. If you don’t see anything with the first few add more cores that are double loaded so that when you place one you will see that they start moving. Then you will see your field attractions. You can make this 20 centimeter diameter (7.874015748 inches or 7 7/8; 20 cm divided by 2.54 = 7.874015748”). Then you can take it out 20 meters and then 200 meters.

11245 K: now with this railway track, this is a beginning (1.12.59 minutes). Do you remember when we started teaching about the ring magnets? You placed one and the others moved to accommodate each other. Now you see it here. When you start seeing your Magrav systems start positioning themselves then you see you have reached the unified fields. If you add enough in the right directions they will start rolling on the track. There is no need for motors. Your core has to be a double core minimum. You can create a triple core. This is the cost of the railway track and make sure it is connected so they don’t fly. Somehow lock it underneath or make a track that can hold both sides but lubricate it. Arman has a beautiful system in the US.


11422 K: now you start adding ball by ball, fixed but free so they can rotate free. You will find the cores like magnets will start positioning and you will start seeing the rolling of the balls. You have seen this in the CO2 boxes. Go back to the teaching 2 years ago when people were starting to position videos and on the sides of the boxes we could see the ganses floating and separating and at high speed. You achieved this. Now what you need to do when you achieve this…..and nobody has taught space technology so openly and I hope mankind can find peace with this….you place your reactor up and 2 reactors down and then the third one. And then all need to do is to load these and to rotate only one of them. Then the field flow starts and then it is uniform.

11543 K: don’t ask me why I didn’t teach you this from the beginning. You had to test it and experiment with it. You have to see it. This is the plasma field interaction. My dearest friend in the Iranian Space Agency in the space program, Iranian government, you are ready for this because you have done most of the work on the other side. What you understand with this is that you don’t need any construction materials. In a further time when your knowledge becomes more and the teaching goes into deep space you will not even need the track. You will create cores with the specific dimensions that when you put them next to each other they will hang on to the circle.

K: This is how it is done. (1.16.43 minutes). But we still have more to learn more. Having Jon in Arizona is a gift and he has shown you a lot of things. He has done a lot of tests. The static tests cannot stop because the interaction will bring more. There is no need for power generators if you can force the condition of motion through interaction of the fields. We don’t see any motors or generators any where in the universe. If and when you understood and achieved this, it is the ‘race for space.’ From now on work as a team on whatever you like. We have opened the door for the race to space with the spaceship program.

K: There are a few more things I have to teach you more but in time you will learn. You have seen the effect of 129 and you know it can be diverted; you have seen that. (1.17.47 minutes). As it comes getting to the weaker to become stronger it tries to feed the weak absorbed by the others… solidification. One of the biggest problems is fueling. What fuel combination do we use—how much acidic and how much alkaline do we use? Change the names acidic and alkaline to how much gravitational and how much magnetical. The ratio of the gravitational/magnetical will decide in each core if you fly up or you down, or if you create a shield protection.


11841 K: What is your fuel; how do you fuel yourself? Can you find copper in space? Can you find zinc in space? What about CH3 and alkalinity? What about acidity? All you need to do is to create the motion of the fields and to have a dimension of the fields, which in the universe can add up to any position of arrival. This means when you are in earth atmospheric condition the hydrogen will allow you to take the shape of the field forces on this planet and the distribution from the top reactor comes to be in parallel and in balance with the environment and so it allows you to work within the field strength of the earth.

11952 K: that is why you put the weakest reactor on the top according to the mass ratio. Please understand that when you are loading your reactors for space level mass ratio in all your cores is sacrosanct. It cannot be changed and the mass ratio in the three in the base has to be very high. The mass ratio in the equator line of the reactors has to be medium and the mass ratio on the top has to be very low so that you continuously create a funnel of the field flow of the magnetic gravitational fields. If you look at it and those of you who are working on the different parts will understand this (1.20.46 minutes) have a Y-circuit that is for enhancement of the voltage. The center of the Y is your top reactor. And the 3 ends of the Y are your 3 bottom reactors.

12107 K: if you get a Y connection of the capacitors and coils and position the center up with feed going down to come out you already see the star formation. Now you understand the connection (1.21.34 minutes). You create the potential difference and the weaker is trying to be fed by the stronger and this creates the circulation and the potential difference. In electrical current systems we call this the Y-connection. And then what you need is another connection, which is a Delta connection. This is the creation of the current and if you haven’t noticed up to now you already have the Y-connection the Delta together. The base 3 cores give you the Delta connection that creates the current and the third one on the top in conjunction with the 3 at the bottom, creates your potential difference.

12222 K: you have what has been your dream to have a combination Delta Y-connection where you have everything you want in it. I gave this design to our team in the Philippines a year and a half ago but they could not see it. I hope you see it; I know you are listening. The Y-connection is the 3 base at the same time adding the 4th you create your Delta Y in every phase in attraction and now you have the potential difference breaker which is your 12 lines or the equator line and you achieve immediate creation of the flight system. Total cost of this is less than $2000 or if you are good at getting interaction between a couple of ping pong balls then $200 or less will make yours the first UFO.

12331 K: But the problem you have is that you have to understand as I was explaining to Armen is the cores are very small inside. How are you going get inside it? Or, if you are going to create a core condition do you sit on top of it like earth as we do in the atmosphere it creates? The riddle of the space technology development of the space ship is nearly completed. And it goes back again, but what about the fuel? The masters of the technology have already been explained.

You need to create GANS of carbon and hydrogen

This is the combination of all the teachings and the understanding of every aspect of the teachings so you can go ahead. What material allows solidification in most of the conditions in the universe? It is crystallization. One of the best crystals we know in the universe is carbon. So now you have your basic material. On the other hand you need to have hydrogen which is big enough but allows the creation of the flow so that it doesn’t allow where you want it or where you don’t want the configuration of the solid state matter.

12534 K: so for the time being if you can produce plasma gans of hydrogen, and we are a few months away from that as I haven’t seen anyone break through this gap, you can create the condition inside and you play with the combination ganses. Go back to the essence of the teaching when we started. In all the teaching we always explain as I did in Trani that the whole spectrum of the teaching is very simple. It is that you have created in the past 3 to 4 years the gans of CH3. In most of your development you looked at CH3 as acidic and you brought alkaline CO2 or CuO. What about the carbon that gives you solidity? The oxygen doesn’t need to be anywhere else. Carbon gives you solidity. The hydrogen gives you flow. You need the gans that is carbon/hydrogen based that can give you crystallization and energy transfer from it.

12748 K: you have 2 choices: create hydrogen gans in one place and then create carbon gans in another and then load up your reactors accordingly by mass ratio. I keep on repeating, by mass ratio. How do you create carbon or hydrogen? How do you create gans of it? At the moment in Accra we have managed to create maybe 2 or 3 liters of it. It is enough to launch the first space ship technology space material. How do you know you have a gans? A simple test for me for years has been that when you touch nano material like carbon and rub it between your hands you see black like charcoal. When its a gans it does not stick you cannot create charcoal and the glove does not go black.

12910 K: To feed a technology you have to be able to make it, to touch it, to be able to feel it and this is one of the tests. Put some gloves on and if you manage to make the gans of carbon you will see some blackness on your gloves but the rest will not come; they will slide like a fish because they have to position themselves. This is what we mean. The blackness comes from the nano state of the graphite of the carbon and then you have the gans of the carbon. The nano becomes the stirrer keeping the dynamic mixture of the gans. It is like putting your bullet in the circle of the rotating sphere at high speed with a lot of balls in it. As you rotate as the blood goes it disturbs and starts rotating. The existence of the nano carbon and the gans carbon is one of the elements of your feed, one of the elements of your fuel. So, what you need to produce is not the CuO/Zinc. We have produced these for many applications for other things.

13100 K: but, now that we are concentrating on the flight you have to understand how you fuel it. You have seen people mixing, losing balls, moving things and losing the balls. When you use a mixture of only carbon and hydrogen, which has to be black, you don’t get it in any colors. CH3 will not give it to you. CH3 is the gans transfer of position where the 3 base H plasmas with the top create a weak combination, which allows the hydrogen to take more energy and then feed. That is why it is a pure sugar. (missing words 1.31.44 minutes).

13147 K: You have to find a way to produce CH on an atomic molecular base of each in a gans and in plasma condition as well as in nano condition. Now you understand why I use coca cola bottles and why the Belgian police and Americans call us a terrorist organization. It was because we produced nano in atomic hydrogen out of a coca cola bottle. If they wanted to make us a threat then nobody would look at what we do and they could steal the technology. But, the technology was free. This is how we became accused of being a terrorist organization and it was to silence us in the development of the pure atomic hydrogen, which is in the plasma condition. It is millions of more times powerful than the hydrogen that is used in the hydrogen bombs.

13253 K: But the only thing they didn’t understand was that in the plasma state, the gans state, we cannot do any harm and that is why we use it freely. You have to realize that from now on it is the race between the Americans, the Russians, the Iranians, the Ghanaians, and our friends in Belgium who are working so hard to be part of it and I’m sorry we have to keep you out. We explain to the people in Belgium why we are keeping you out. We are not keeping you out to punish you but we are keeping you out to keep you safe from the hands of DL and his team. You have all received threats and been interviewed. Now I get a lot of communication asking why we are separating you. I am not separating you; I am protecting you. Understand that you will see this in the future.

13400 K: you are the children who need to be protected more than anybody else from the hand of the guy (DL) that we explained about today. We respect you and you have been the corner of the build up of the foundation. Stay in that position and work the way you are doing. We have to keep you out to keep you safe until the prosecutions by the prosecutors are initiated and bring the criminals in. Understand something very clearly: the hydrogen is your acidic/magnetical part. The carbon is your gravitational, your weight side. Load your reactors so that one can feed the other according to the carbon and hydrogen in a gans and nano state, and don’t think if you make copper and it’s black it will be the gans of CO2. No way will that be or will it be the gans of carbon. You have to go the path of the CH3 or another path if you have another way to make the gans of hydrogen, the nano material of the hydrogen and the nano gans of carbon and nano material of carbon.

13554 K: You need the potential difference between the nano and the gans to create the dynamism of the fields enhanced by the presence of one that is stronger and one that is weaker to create rotation and solidification according to the strength of the position that you decide will be in the center cores that will teach you how to create different conditions. You can go in water; you can go in air or in deep space and the system constantly keeps its angular orientation of the solidification for manifestation of the entity. Your bones do not change when you go into water, or when you come somewhere else because they are already created structures and they stay that way.

13654 K: your blood flow does not change if you are in the cold or in the water. If you understood this and you have managed to create…. I will show you the gans of carbon next week as Armen cannot show you his right now. When you touch it and you feel it you have to understand which part is the hydrogen and that you can separate the carbon in combination with the lot. You allow the hydrogen gans to extract from the CH3 while you had the carbon in the plasma condition. I hope Armen understands this; you put hydrogen gans on the outside with a small amount of carbon and you put a lot of carbon with a small amount of hydrogen inside and you have your rotating ball of plasma. Do not look for physical motion; look for the interaction of the fields. This is important.

A suggestion of how to do your tracking

13825 K: you will see on the rail track positioning that if your mixture is not strong enough you might need a hundred of them. If your mixture is strong enough then 10 to 12 is enough. But 10 to 12 is not a secure system and you can still find a weakness. If you go to 36 it should do quite well. Make sure your track is very simple. Here is a suggestion of how to do your tracking.

13906 K: go on the internet and bring up the videos that are ‘real.’ In the structure of what you see as UFOs you see what we call the equator line. (1.39.35 minutes). And then you see that the position of your reactors gives you this. And the field flow goes like this (1.39.54 minutes). You see the indentation around the third lower core and you see this (1.40.00 minutes). The reason you see this one here is very easy…it’s very easy…it’s the railroad track with the cores that never go out of the track (1.40.14 minutes). If you make lubrication on the sides where the balls touch the track (1.40.36 minutes) the balls will start rotating on the track. You never lose anything. This is why when you look at the real UFOs you see lights rotating on the edge. These are all the cores. When it is a bright color and a dark color, the bright color is the position of the reactor. Where you see a different color is the space gap.


14109 K: So, all you need to do is to have two tracks that can encapsulate the cores and you have to make a position where you can add enough cores to push in. It’s like a bicycle chain until you start seeing it rolling. You don’t need any motors. You can speed up with the motors on the top to create a flow so they start absorbing energy and then you still can’t run these to see. But, as I explained before in the private teachings, once you connect your reactors to the power supply you are draining your system. The other way for you to do is to find a way and a material so that these (equator) cores don’t need lubrication but they find magnetic gravitational positioning in respect to the rail track. Magnets/polarity can be done very easily. You put hydrogen and carbon where you need CO2 (1.42.26 minutes) and then you find the balls rotate very easily and they are lubricated by the magnetic gravitational fields.

14244 K: Now you understand the structures you see in space, the minute you see them you can tell you can build it. We expect you to start building these systems very rapidly. And then what you do if you look at it from the top, you have your tracks running and you put your fixing walls and then you make the divisions. Look at what Jon showed up last week when he said he was 200 feet away from the core. The diameter is 400 feet. If any of you can tell us the length of a jumbo jet I think it is 70 meters. And, as I was explaining to Armen, this is one shape. Now if you look you have many internal shapes to make the spaceship. (1.43.46 minutes) capacity of this runs into the thousands. If you can platform it, you can carry hundreds of thousands of people who are well protected.

Political ramifications of developing the technology, or why the Great wall of China is a museum piece.

14404 K: But, this brings one question: the faster the Americans build it (the wall) and the Mexican KF or Brazilian KF supporters can build it, it becomes the reality of the Great Wall of China. It has no use because now we jump over the wall with aircraft, helicopters and more. 700 years ago the wall had a meaning and nobody could go over. With the aircraft it became a museum piece to walk over it. So, there is no need to build as much wall as they like. Mexico City-Washington will be 2 to 3 minutes.

14512 K: we push with the development of the spaceship program for the unification of mankind, not the separation of mankind. Unfortunately we cannot go backwards; we have to go forward. Now you understand why I have released the technology so rapidly. We took our time and studied the situation internationally and we saw that it was time to break the barriers and the walls--all walls that are man made, mentally made, psychologically forced, and imagined. The beauty of this is that you cannot block it; even if you put the field barrier because of the structure of the material it mutates to the field it is traveling in.

14620 K: there is no solution of peace until there is unification of man first. This is the first step we take on the 4th year of the teaching. You know how easily you can buy railroad track in the shop. You need two of the same. You connect them in a way the balls can go on them. Make them, lubricate them and then put one ball in at a time. At the beginning you won’t see much. Make it very, very loose. Then you will see the shape. Start with a small unit. I wish Armen could show this; he has one of the best ones. He is a genius. I talked to him about it and the next morning he said look what I found! And it works.

14721 K: It is perfectly lubricated and if you can put 2 of them together and he has it. I wish he could pull himself out of bed and the rest of you could start the race of the plasma technology. The beauty with this is that you can coordinate between the center cores in the center and the cores outside to create different materials as you need them in a given section—hydrogen, oxygen, amino acid or whatever you need. Whatever is your desire, you can achieve. Any questions?

14940 Dominique (D) from France. Can I imagine a relation between pedophile and gans of carbon and hydrogen and make all the teaching complete?

K: I will leave that to your soul.

D: ok.

15020 K: we have awakened a lot of people to the reality of what has been happening in the world of abuse. The authorities and police forces are baffled by how openly these people have operated and how we have been blind to it. How you are going to make a gans to bring it in is different. We don’t make accusations. We wanted to bring a change and the change has to come in a way that we are all prepared to make that change. The problem is not only changing the technology and understanding the technology, but understanding what the technology can bring in the way that is positive for humanity.

15125 K: We are doing a lot of work. I have put all my work and effort, ignoring everything else internationally around the KF, in completing the work in 2 or 3 locations of the KF. Hopefully we will start seeing the fruit of it. The process and understanding is we apply the knowledge to this from now on. A lot of people will start showing us different combinations of the structures of the flight systems. A few weeks ago I was talking to the head of NASA operation and he said; Mehran I am forbidden to speak to you. My even speaking to you has been forbidden by NASA. I told him: we are here to bring peace; we want to bring technology. And he said: we are so fearful of what you have brought. At the highest level of NASA HQ they are shaking in their boots at what you are delivering. We were told this by the top management.

15300 K: do we pray for them and educate the scientists? We are educating humanity and I hope they understand that we bring the gans out and we show it. Those of you who have worked around the Magrav systems and the dynamic systems, now you understand how easily you can work. We have to see things and feel the fields. Change your emotion to the control of the reactors. In the coming time you will understand. In the next stages of teaching you will understand that by being in the center you can control the speed of the rotation of all the cores. Because it is the hydrogen level inside you that you carry through the strength of the plasma of thoughts, those thoughts affect the speed of the rotation of the cores. It goes back to the teaching of the universal council: my wish is my command. Then you understand.

15408 K: you wish the hand to open and now you wish the speed of the rotation in the delivery of the fields because in the essence of the emotion of the man there are strong fields that create. Go back to the teachings of Dr. Kostova. In part of the teaching she explained that when a man dies the energy equal to the explosion of 18 Hiroshima bombs is released. You can imagine how little of it you need to create the field flow to create motion in one reactor so that the rest follow. The biggest problem and I have explained this to a lot of people is that the knowledge of today would not have been developed if the other development in the knowledge of the man was not there. It is understanding materials, understanding carbon and copper, then understanding the atomic structure of the nano materials and now understanding the gans materials and now the field interactions. And then when you have the field interactions you can see that you can produce the matter as you like.

15528 K: If you can create the field interaction you can create the strength of the emotion to change the behavior of the man. Can you use the reactors to create change of behavior? Yes you can. But one golden rule: the receiver needs to accept to be able to elevate. Christ accepted the crucifixion on the cross because he knew the next level would be higher. He didn’t accept to be demised on the cross, he became the sacrificing lamb by his own physicality. What happened when man put his son to be sacrificed, God sent the lamb. Christ made himself the lamb and because of it he got elevated because he brought all the energy of physicality into emotion and the bitterness of the man was worth the physical sacrifice. But, because he knew the energy of the sacrifice he would receive, he knew he could build the physicality to control his demise (1.57.11 minutes).

15716 K if you understand this you have your answer for what you were asking.

15733 B from Switzerland: I have heard that our galaxy is moving into a huge helium cloud so up until now our surroundings were governed by hydrogen. Have you heard of this?

15749 K: let me explain: if you read something I haven’t had time to finish or publish, it’s book 4 and there is a chapter on creation of the ring of Saturn. I have explained in this how the rings of the gaseous planets are created in the solar system. We are forever in different packages of environments in different gases or plasmas. And we always go through them and as a planet we go through the clouds that we call rings because they are created. In the outer boundaries of the solar system these clouds can be in the field strength of let’s say helium. It gets absorbed as the planet goes through it to create layers and layers. I call this ‘oystering.’ The same thing happens for our solar system in the galaxy and the same thing happens for the galaxy in the universe.

15918 K: where there is a loose combination of the fields created and then partially because of the interaction among themselves they manifest themselves as a field. We go through it and it’s inevitable. It depends on what path we reach it. Or we go through them. We have seen a lot of speculation on what happens, but it is normal. It is normality. Look at the rings of Saturn. I hope I get a chance to release the Rings of Saturn paper. Then you understand immediately. Just look at it as a bigger dimension and a bigger field strength. I don’t look at the press or these articles. But it is not fantasy and it’s quite normal. If you move into the edges or the boundaries of this solar system you have the clouds of helium and hydrogen. As they reduce in strength there is more to replace them.

20034 K: even our planet crosses certain field strengths in the present orbit and through it we absorb certain energies. And these energies become matters that add to the thickness of the structure of this planet. If we have right gravitational magnetic fields toward them they just fall in. remember if you live in dry places where there is rain only a few times a year, try this: when you come to the dry season and there is no rain and you have an angled roof, put a bucket under the drain where it comes off the roof. And wash the roof thoroughly and then collect the water that comes off the roof into the bucket. You eollect rain water. If you do collect rain water from the roof you should be able to do this very easily.

20145 K: then get yourself a magnet and rub in the bottom of the part where there is physical, solid matter. You will see metal things stick to it. And if you look very deep some of them are cosmic or solar dust which carries the strength of the metal, iron. If you could make a gravitational magnetic field you can look for copper and zinc. As our planet goes through different clouds of differing field strength according to the magnetic gravitational field of our planet, you continuously absorb these so they exist. Otherwise they don’t come from ‘nowhere.’

20235 K: and then you can see how earth continuously creates different layers. When you look at geological lines in places you see it. Where does all the material come from? it’s not that it comes from ‘under’ and goes ‘over.’ Each day millions of tons of material are absorbed from the space of the solar system. Our solar system continuously does the same from the galaxy and our galaxy continuously does the same from the universe, and our universe from the unicos. As materials are absorbed they step down and step down and then come to us.

20320 K: I have never seen a meteorite but how come I have so much meteorite dust in the bottom of the bucket I used when I washed the roof? If you are in Australia where there is little rain, then before the rainy season get the bucket and take and you will see meteorite dust and not water. So see this and understand this. These come because in space we have the magnetic gravitational of the earth is the matching of the material that it is passing through and we go through the same thing. Why don’t we get a different material in the desert? Because the gravitational magnetic field is a filter for bad material that is like the strength of the dust of the desert. We absorb the fields from under and it builds up.

20436 John from Argentina (J): when you are talking about hydrogen in this star formation are you talking about the one proton and one electron or is it deuterium?

K: it is the plasma and if you manage to make the gans it is energy as the gravitational magnetic field of the deuterium. When you make hydrogen gans you create a spectrum of the field strength. In Accra we have made our fuel before we make our reactors and it’s a blessing.

J: is this why they have been using many centrifugal machines in Iran?

K: next question. (meaning probably yes!)

20555 Boris from Brazil (B): I have two questions and the first, is there a possibility to separate the carbon and the hydrogen from CH3?

K: yes. It is very easy, extremely easy. The last question just before you asked your question. If you understand the question that was asked and you know what you are doing (with centrifuges?). If you have made the gans of carbon, (2.06.48 minutes) it should be very easy for you to extract the hydrogen gans. The beauty of the color of gold is in the eye of the beholder, the man. You will see it.

B: Ok.

K: its interaction will create a translucent whitish, goldish color in some cases. It is very much like when you produce the gans of copper. You go from green to reddish and then black according to the current flow. It is the same and one of the ways to measure this beautiful earth that a lot of you have done and never taken note of it. Put a large amount your ganses in a large jar. And then watch how they stand next to each other. Mark the height of the gans. Then move the bottles to another position and mark them again. Look at the heights after a few days. Don’t forget you have already created the interaction connection. You will see the height is different. The plasmatic condition brings a balance of the fields in compression or expansion. Then you understand how you can create hydrogen gans out of your CH3.

20842 B: ok. The second question is about the wheel in the middle. Can the balls all rotate or can they be fixed?

K: once you start rotating the center then you create a second gravitational field force. We have this available in certain conditions when you are gating. (2.09.18 minutes). You need it. For gating, which means you want to open a door to the outside, you need the central core rotation and this can be achieved with the flow of the central core. It is like the electron around the proton. You will understand that in most spaceship travels you cannot just open the door. You open the field gap here (2.09.50 minutes. at the equator) which allows you a physical crossing. In a very advanced system you just create the condition to allow you out (2.10.01 minutes) and you don’t need doors or gates. Once you understand this then transportation of elements is very easy.

B: thank you Mr. Keshe.

K: thank you indeed.


The blue structure bottom right is the opening of the field gap and the green curved line bottom left is showing how the energy can be drained by attachment to the electrical grid to the star formation.

21050 Rick (R): we have a couple of questions in the Q and A. Arvis is concerned about spaceships.

He says I see on the internet that we are approaching faster and faster to make the first space ships or at least levitation in the beginning. I am concerned about safety from the authorities. We are aware in the past that some have done this but then officials ban it or confiscate it with very worse cases for some individual. With my comprehension spaceships generate different fields in different axes and dimensions. What about the air control, navy control or satellites? Will they detect the UFOs?

21207 K: they see it because of its manifestations. The air forces have literally come to accept that they cannot touch these things. We go back to situation in Israel a few years ago when 2 Israeli jets took off to bomb Damascus. One of the massive hatreds that Israeli state has against Iran is the advancement of technology that Iran carries. The Iranian UFO appeared immediately over the site and ordered them to land or be destroyed. The two were landed. Never has this technology been used to destroy anything. The authorities are realizing more and more that the technology is available to other nations. So, this is forcing the condition.

21309 K: they did this to me and DL organized this the day before showing and as we see know he used the internet to discredit us for showing the flying car in Einhoven. They came to confiscate my new material and they left it that I was a criminal. They said you keep it; we just wanted you to be embarrassed. So a few days later we showed the embarrassment and how he was jumping to capture the video. The next day I explained to you the story in Ghent where I said in the meeting now for what you did to us the Saturday before we show the power of the technology on December 3rd. On the 4th of December the Iranian government captured the American flight system. It never harmed anyone and we have continuously offered our support to the Americans in any shape or form, and the Russians and the Chinese.

21418 K: Government when it is done by mass will do nothing but support this. Governments see what people want to influence their power. We don’t fight. We have seen in the past 8 years in the office of President Obama how much we were harassed. He is gone and carries no more power. Our power and knowledge is forever and these are temporary, meager people who come and think they can exercise. My knowledge will last for the eternity of the life of the man because I changed the course of the man. All they can decree something up or down or kill someone to feel happy. They have no power and it is the meager state of their minds.

21512 K: So, governments are open. We work with governments and we have to work with governments. Don’t be afraid of what they do. I am a good example of this as the head of the foundation. DL organized blowing up my car. He organized a high speed shooting outside near his house. He organized my poisoning and told the doctor how I had been poisoned when he was in Belgium and I was in Italy, and the doctor in Bulgaria. They will do anything and even on our way to Accra they tried to bring us down. We never disclosed it before but we will in the future.

21602 K: don’t be afraid. They can come after one but now when I teach like this millions of you watch; you spend time making the gans. Make a few balls and put them on the track and see what they do. It works. You have your flying system. Put it in the car and the car moves. You don’t need any other energy. Just try it and see how you can influence with another reactor the position of it. Is there a need for batteries or for an engine? Put it in a small toy and let the children enjoy it. The field is an atmospheric ray and it doesn’t affect you. We are entering a huge change from now on. Don’t be afraid; collaborate with the governments. You see how I worked with these guys by going to the prosecutors and now we wait for them to catch them. Work with the governments and show them the beauty of this technology and they will work with you. That is why we are working with most of the world governments who want to develop.

21710 K: the greed of the man is that he has power. There was a beautiful picture put on the internet in the past few weeks. As you know one of the world leaders was put out of office and he didn’t want to go. The collection of nations across the continent forced him to move but he wanted time to move. They said take whatever you like. He loaded so many goods on the jet when he was leaving the country that the jet could not fly. They had to unload some of the gold and the cash he was carrying that they he couldn’t take everything he was taking with him. It was like the time when the pharaohs used to die and they put gold around them to take them into the other world because they couldn’t carry everything. If you go on the internet you see the bars of gold he loaded and he loaded too much.

21815 K: Strangely enough the same president in 2000 offered me a jet from the same runway. I said ‘no way.’ He said, I got it for you Mr. Keshe. I told him it was infested and I wasn’t taking it. This is the same president. As soon as my managers get on the craft it is rotten inside. He said, no you can go ahead and take it. I think it is the same jet he was trying to fly out of the country with all the goods he could take. He had to leave some behind. These governments and positions are temporary things.

I have to bring to all the KF founders: we have to come to understand for the position of the Universal Council and the World Council a permanent position.

21917 K: Very soon Carolina as a member of the Universal Council will announce the position and location that we establish the World government and World council to follow what we set up. Then the world condition will be set for the benefit of all mankind in one position. Carolina and people close to us know what we are looking for and which area it will be. It has to be near the sea where no government can enforce an entry as we have at the moment with the UN. It is a world seat and they decide who can come in and what passports they accept. It should be an open port where anyone from this planet or universe can walk in. It has to be reachable by every man and we are looking and have found the location. It is Carolina and the Universal Council with their wish and the 6 directors of the World Council decide on the next move and the place to be chosen.

22050 K: We are establishing a lot of things and it takes a lot of work. At the moment I work 20 to 22 hours a day making sure everything is done. While they are learning how to govern and how to be correct as I see with a number of the World Council and Universal Council, I keep totally out of the way while they are learning because then it would become interference with what I wish or think should be done. The 6 members of the World Council have to start communicating with each other. They have been waiting for me to do something and I am not doing anything; it is your decision to make. You are the leaders and you have to start communicating what your wish and your plan is. We are setting up the structure for you where every man can walk. If you look in a way it has been set up once but it was not carried through because the unfortunate condition has set in, so we have moved this position. Those of you who are aware of what I am talking about you understand why the port of Haifa was chosen. This time there is no port and any man can walk in from land, sea or space to be heard and supported by the World Council.

22240 J: what comment can you make about John Kerry being kicked out of Antarctica around November 11 and then the next day we had those tremors in New Zealand?

K: I don’t know what you are talking about. I don’t listen to the world news as I have enough news across the world to adjust humanity to. We are taking huge steps on the direction of the world government and these things take a lot of time and energy and it’s part of my work. I am in the position of one who can bring changes, not for humanity but for the governments to work for humanity as a whole and then through the Universal Council beyond the boundaries of this planet. We are extremely powerful as a group and as the KF worldwide and a lot of rules and regulations go through the wall because a lot of you are doing the work. (2.24.01 minutes).

22403 K: the man who goes to where the red Indians are in danger (Justin Smith at Standing Rock, North Dakota) takes the soul of change and change will come. A lot of you are developing different methods and use of the technology for different applications. This morning early I received pictures that are unbelievable to show; if we show it the present world of medicine will roll over in its grave. Doctors in KF worked with a woman with breast cancer. The cancer is not there and the breast has totally gone. The breast was totally black from a huge tumor and now there is no sign of cancer. We will not release the name of the doctors, so as not to put then in danger, but the pictures are there if they decide to release them.

22517 K: Cure, processing, reversal whatever name you want to use the pictures so confirm the correctness of technology for cancer that it is beyond imagination. I wish the doctor would release just the pictures so we can show them. Then you understand there is a chance for those who lose their lives to breast cancer. If we have the authorization of the doctor to show the pictures in public I will show them. I praise those who worked so hard to change the life of a woman with a child. Now she can be a mother for life of the child. The pictures are so shocking when you see them. We watched for the past months how this doctor relentlessly used the technology to help and it worked. They could not find any cancer. This has never been done. Six or seven years ago in Holland I told the doctors that the tumor would become black. And now we see that the tumor turned black and shriveled and is gone. It is confirmed now in the physical dimensions.

22700 K: the knowledge is there. The application of the knowledge depends on how you want to apply it according to your understanding. People are walking away with not losing their arms and legs from diabetes. People are walking away from cancer, high blood pressure, eczema, epilepsy, turretes syndrome, damages done by injections to children that caused ADHD. All these are getting answers. In agriculture today we are testing the use of gans water on the mango trees in the agricultural zone. We test new understanding and we try to share. It is your responsibility to share. We don’t use any false website promotions with robots to bring something up. DL has used this to be right on top with KF. I sat with a minister last week and he said Mr. Keshe, we have come to see you to talk. Benjamin and I sat across from him. He said I want to call a specialist and he called one of the top plasma specialists. Then he said I have someone here to talk with you. I am sitting across from a guy called Keshe. The scientist said, oh, Mr. Keshe I’m a member of his Youtube. Then he thought something was strange because it came up Facts about Keshe.

22916 K: So we explained to him and the explanation came to Ghanaian children are being kidnapped from here for abuse. They said we have to look into it. They found the guy where we are losing our children and we have confirmation from the British government. You are promoting us to block everything around you and use all the tricks to be on the top. It is good because a lot of people are seeing the facts. Don’t be afraid of governments and what could happen. Be joyful that you can change your own life. Be joyful when you are given knowledge someone else somewhere can use it for the benefit of others or himself.

MK approves of Whitney’s website and workshops around the world!

23005 K: I see a lot of people doing a lot of teaching and selling of goods in the name of KF for their benefit. Now one of our supporters has made a website. Rick will show you in a minute. We were trying to do this in KF and couldn’t do it for a year or so. Now she has done it and anyone who is teaching can go put what you are teaching whether Magrav systems or whatever. People from around the world can see these.

23055 R: Yes, let me see if Whitney is here.

23105 K: let me explain… this is what we tried to do. Put your teaching materials or links on there. If you are selling certified by KF products put them on there. We have seen a lot of people trying to intimidate teachers. Don’t get intimidated. The moment anyone tries to intimidate you get in touch with us. We are making a portfolio with all the police around the world. We go to them immediately. If there are any threats, we will respond with law enforcement because now we structure ourselves and we are using the Italian security service to support us for those who intimidate. You carry on and give conferences. When you do conferences regarding KF please work with the ethos of the KF. We see and hear people in Spain and Germany making a huge amount of money for lectures. You will finish yourself if you do this just to make money. People will see through you. Go with the ethos of teaching. Make the Magrav system. We see people teaching only for their pockets. No problem – do it correctly, please open it up.

23245 R: OK here is the link: Put your hand up for peace photo from

K: if Whitney is here let her explain.

R: there is another picture for me to show… (small delay loading the picture) 23426 Here is a map and here is the map with the link to where you can click on any points on the globe for local workshops in your area and you can put your plasma workshop on the map. There is an application form on the site.


23411 K: Can you get her online? Please ask her to come on next week and explain in detail.

R: this is a new site that has just getting set up in the last few days. Here’s the map and you can see different items.if we zero in we can see different items…


23550 K: Let me explain… none of these teaching of workshops has any connection to KF headquarters. These are the local supporters of our teaching and work who are spreading the knowledge. You see accusations from Red Circle that says Keshe is scamming people by teaching in Africa. These are KF supporters that are doing their own developments that we have not even been informed about. So, watch for the false accusations. When you do these presentations please make them compact and stay within the ethos of the KF. You will find that you will develop a lot of support if you are correct in your conduct.

More people needed for cancer research

23654 K: If you have cancer we need quite a few people for the complete cancer research that we need for the Ghana research. You don’t have to come to Ghana. You can contact the health section and Klaus can give you the email and there is a different arrangement that has been made that you can benefit from. We don’t explain this in the public. If you want to see or be part of the trials for any cancer, we take a $5000 donation and we will try to keep you on your continent and you don’t need to come to Ghana. It is important for us to show FDA officials across the program. We share the knowledge directly with governments and FDA and they can see when members of KF submit or want to be part of this they already have the data. We share this data with scientists around the world and only to scientists at our research level. We are not releasing it to the doctors but the doctors are told the process they need to follow. The whole process is done by the doctors and is done in clinics and surgeries and not ‘in back hotels’ as those like DL have accused. What they do is what they accuse others of.

23842 K: we are still looking for people with cancer. Send it to doctors@. We need to gather data. Let me explain to you what our position is. We need to see how and the way the technology works on different strengths of cancer in different age groups and different cancers or tumors. It’s huge pressure because we understand and what we are working with the authorities is that (research so far shows) there is unprecedented reaction in cancer treatment with no side effects. So we have been asked now that KF sets up the standards for plasma technology for health. This is what we are going to do. They see the results are correct. We see diabetes is gone for people and processes are correct from people who are reporting. We have people reporting for different results but what are the standards? So, we are working to make the new standards in plasma technology instrumentation for farming, health, instrumentation for health, food and more. So, our priority at the moment sits with the cancer research. If you have cancer and want to join the cancer trials, these trials are done by providing the new injections and other methods.

24045 K: I wish I had the freedom from the doctor to show the pictures. You will understand how a child will have a mother for a lifetime and the mother is not going to be dead. We cannot show it as it is a private picture from the teachings. But, we are looking for people with cancer who would like to try the injections. You can still carry on your chemotherapy and other treatments. But we need data to show this is non-toxic treatment for the research. We know the cancer cells come into control within a certain time given the dosage. We need to see how long the treatment is effective and how long we need to carry on. The trials are ongoing. We have already started the trials. The animal trials are ongoing at the same time, but the scientists of the governments have started their own trials themselves bringing patients. This has to be done.

24149 K: if you suffer from cancer and want to try a new path, please contact the doctors@. The guidelines are there and we have a limited supply because we have been certified to produce only so much of the injections. We can not do more than the amount that we have been allocated to produce. We need the numbers to come up to finish the whole process. We were not ready and a lot of people are pushing us for the information. We need a number of people in the trial so we can see the patterns and the numbers with the injection trials. Everything will be done by qualified oncologists and doctors who know what they are doing. This won’t be done in the ‘back streets’ and we are actually working with FDA committees in how to apply the technology in different ways. We are already working with governments who are testing.

Rick with more on the workshops in the USA and SA

24320 R: let me go back to the screen of the world map with some of the preliminary pins showing the workshops that have been put up in the last few days. I see a note here from Jon that he is working with Whitney who will be able to speak with us next week about different details on this project. You can see there are three different types of icons on the maps which are physical locations of the workshops (green), put your plasma workshop on the map (purple) and put your hand up for a workshop (yellow). People who want a workshop can indicate that and people who are having a workshop can indicate their workshops on the maps and then there are physical locations of ongoing workshops such as in Sedona, Arizona with Jon Bliven and others.

24505 K: where are the ones in Africa?

R: Here’s one in Johannesburg, South Africa with a workshop on plasma energy health tools and power units on February 25 at 10:00. And also on the 26th. There is a co-coordinator name. And Cary is going to be the presenter so she may be in South Africa on invitation. Swaziland workshop is also with Cary Ellis on February 18 and 19th. And the third is being given by Cary Ellis on the 4th and 5th and the 6th and 7th of February in Cape Town, South Africa. She did the ‘Cross America Tour’ of plasma energy workshops with Whitney. They ended up on Vancouver Island. So it seems that Cary will be on location. There is a link to Cary’s website with a number of different items on it. She’s very dedicated with doing the plasma workshops and does a great job with the slide show.

24800 K: thank you very much; this is what we were trying to do for 6 months and with her permission we will link this to KF sites. If anyone intimidates any of you doing workshops please get in touch with KF webmaster and we will see it through with security services. Our position is that we brought these people (DL and others) to the point that prosecutors were brought in and we want to make it that we are supporting across the world. If anyone in any shape or form is contacted by email, do not touch it. The track of where it came from is in the back of the email. Do not do anything with it. Just inform KF and we will get people to check your computer and the tracking information on the email and if they are using proxies or aliases or whatever. We will get them.

24900 R: they might need some security. Here is the site where you put your details in. You have to put in details.

24920 K: we understand this, we are setting up a force and in the next few weeks we will announce the Cyber Police Force for the KF. I am talking with people in the police forces so that we can link up with police forces and bring in one group of authorities who can accept the cases so we don’t have to go to different nationalities. This is very highly possible and the Italian Carabinieri police will accept it. Then just one center handles all the intimidation and all the rubbish that is going on about us.

A case of a huge breast tumor healed with application of fields and GANS washes

25006 K: OK now I have news for you I explained that I would show the power of the cancer process. We will not release the name of the doctor. Doctor Klaus has references to the pictures that are coming up regarding the cancer. Up to this moment if any person would have had this cancer, even today, thousands of women are dying because of it. What you see is a major breakthrough in the world of science. Dr. Klaus will you share the pictures and explain please?

25106 Dr. Klaus (DrK): yes, of course.

K: we do not release the name of the doctor or anything else. Please go ahead.

25118 DrK: first of all I want to thank all the doctors in the medical teachings who have applied different plasma (energy) devices in the last months. This is one result from a lady who had breast cancer and this lady was treated with the plasma core health unit. As you can see there was also a huge infection. And, she came to the doctor and was searching for help. This is what the plasma technology is able to do. You see the picture at the bottom where the cancer was completely removed. The doctor and the lady have the report from the hospital before and after the treatment. This happened during the medical teaching and we have always been in contact with each other. The doctors from around the world formed a network to exchange the knowledge and this is just one case where we can show the power of plasma technology. (2.52.42 minutes)


25244 K: let me explain so we can understand the pictures. Look at the first picture on the left with a white out section in the middle. A lot of women when they have breast cancer ignore it as they think it is going to go away. It’s going to go away; it’s a little lump, it will go away. Then it progresses to the first hole that you see in the left in the middle of the picture. Over here you see the hole and this is what I am trying to explain. This is where you see the first hole that appeared. It usually depends on where it is and usually is near the nipple. Then it grows to the size you see in the picture. This is actually the breast cancer tumor growing out.


There are other pictures that you will see and it is horrendous in the upper picture on the right. I have been through this before and we see how it happens. This tumor grows and the patient dies because there is no knowledge at the moment. What you see in the last picture on the bottom right is when the tumor has died. This is tissue and an expert plastic surgeon can do a re-construction. This is the cancer being totally dead. This is scar tissue. Now with injection therapy we are developing a system where we can inject with the data we have into the tumor and see the collapse of the tumor instead of going through this process the lady went through. What you see is that any person that would have a tumor like what you see here in the photos is dead. She is a mother who will not be there for her child; this lady is only 36 years old. This is done by one of the most highly skilled doctors and he’s not in the ‘back room of the hotel’ as DL and others falsely claim.

25500 K: this is what is impressing the scientists and that is why different governments are going on the fast track (with the research). The bottom picture shows the physical damage but the woman will stay with the child for the rest of her life. What you see in the top picture on the upper right results in the mother dying and the children have no more mother. You see the difference. Some of you women who are listening know what I am talking about because you are still ‘playing’ with what to do. You don’t want the chemotherapy. These technologies at the moment show no side effects and no damage. That is why we want to expand the cancer research very rapidly. This only took 60 days.

DrK: it was a bit more than 60 days.

K: 90 days with no side effects?

DrK: yes.

25610 K: if we could reach the tumor with the knowledge we have now (research-University of Tokyo-December, 2016) this would never have happened. This is why we want to create the data. If you have prostate cancer, you are the same. Men with prostate cancer leave it alone and believe it is nothing until ‘drip, drip’ they see the blood. Then they panic. The same process happens with internal cancers. This is what we are trying to do. This is the difference with a child to be born and be brought up in the arms of her mother. She has a 3 year old child if I am correct or a child being brought up as an orphan and everything else. The bottom picture shows the requirement of plastic surgery.

25706 K: We watched and monitored and we showed you the feet a couple of weeks ago with the man with elephant foot. We need to bring and we are inviting the cancer associations, the drug manufacturers to sit at the table with us. We have the material and it is for you to develop and spread it. If you look at it once the research is complete, it should be very easy to provide this around the world. When I showed the injection materials to the officials in the government they just took it in their hand. One dropped and broke, but the officials wanted to hold it. They said this is the secret to life and we just want to hold it.

25756 K: we bring the patients; we are learning and we don’t know everything. But, look at it this way with a woman with this condition. I’m sure there are thousands watching and I am sure there are some of our people who are carrying this secret under their bra. There is solution and now we see the solution. You don’t have to go to the extent (with an illness) to go legless. Other pictures I have seen of this it shows the breast has opened up and you could put your hand in a tunnel. Where you see the black and white you can actually put your hand inside. The tumor goes beyond. That is shock to men and women seeing this. But these are the reality with the photos taken by the doctor.

25855 K: we have to change; we have the knowledge to bring the change. This is safe and I released the data only to the authorities who can see it and check. Trial 1 and Trial 2 completed to the full satisfaction of the doctors that this is a major breakthrough. We are not talking about months. Now with the injections and the other things we are bringing it will be a couple of months. We can reduce this from 60 to 90 days. If you have cancer that has spread across the body we want to know. We don’t want to sacrifice a mouse to see if this works. You are already in danger of losing your life or winning. It’s your decision. We have the technology; it’s on the table. It is us who have to change and this is the change

25957 K: I saw this 5 years ago and one of our listeners knows exactly what I am talking about. He and I watched a woman every week carry her breasts in Barletta. A quarter of it is in a hospital in Holland. When I said if you go back to the teachings I said that when the doctors opened the tumor it was black inside. You see the tumor goes totally black. It’s there. The infection can be taken care of and the tumor does not grow. We are strong enough; we are powerful enough, we are correct enough to be able to show these photos. No organization does this because now with millions of supporters around the world, we can show these pictures to the oncologists and say this is how the breast was and where it is now. Why does the woman have no breast cancer? No operation has been before and now plastic surgery can be done.

30114 K: we will monitor what happens in 6 months and in a year. But now you see the impossibility that is in front of you. Go on the internet and look at pictures of different breast cancers; then you will se how real this is. Then you will understand it. We need to expand the knowledge of the man by the man without sacrificing more animals. (Notetaker inserts photos on a website )

The effect of animal trials on the medicine

30144 K: I was explaining this to a scientist very recently. Why do some of the trials and some of the medicines come up with negatives and other people pay for it? Because it carries the soul of the animal that suffered because of the man, the medicine is already damaged. Do the doctors and researchers understand the animals have a soul? This is beautiful. Do you understand what this means for a researcher like me who has worked on this for 40 years? This is a gift. We are thanking the knowledge for allowing one woman being able to live for her child. All we are interested to see know is if this lady creates an immunity to cancer. This is our next stage of development for monitoring and most likely we will monitor this woman for years. Now that the body has learned to reject cancer will it build for itself its own immune system (to cancer)? Can we create serums through this technology that help us allow that no more cancer grows?

Carolina suggests more education of young men and women to prevent such disease.

30309 R: there is another mother, whom I think you are familiar with, who wants to ask a question.

30339 Carolina (C): can the doctors put a better guideline for young mothers and women to pay attention to for spotting and reacting to the first signs of abnormalities? There is such fear in a lot of young women and girls because there are no guidelines for young women and girls from very early stage, for how to spot abnormalities and find information for answers so they don’t have to be scared to prevent these kinds of huge damages. (Notetaker inserts )

30444 K: I think most of these are on the internet and show what to look for and what to do and how to prepare yourself and not get involved in it. But, when the cancer comes to the point you see in the photos before now nothing could be done. We see thousands of women dying every day with these kinds of tumors.

C: but, if we have …..

30516 K: we can organize teachings but they don’t reach everyone. Even teaching how to prevent the cancer that was created is important. The prevention comes from the beginning of the life of the girl. Thank you very much Carolina. There is a very big hypocrisy that men think that only women die of breast cancer. Breast cancer in men is very high and very prevalent. The hypocrisy that we are men and they are women has to be put to bed. It is the same body in a different size and different shapes and parts. We are all open to all diseases equally irrespective of gender. It is the same with men and women with different cancers.

30643 K: I was teaching girls in front of the boys in the factories because we have 5 or 6 girls on the team. I was explaining that they were young and they could protect themselves from osteoporosis and breast cancer. The boys were shivering and I said, boys you can get this too. The women have menstruation and you have the same. It was very hard for them to accept this in Africa. These subjects are taboo. They were shivering and shaking, but then they understood they have the same patterns as the girls. They are highly educated but ‘blood’ is taboo. I explain this in many teachings that doctors and the girls will tell you and it’s on the internet that every month the woman’s alternative ovary releases an egg. Yes, it’s the same as with the man. Every month the alternative testicle releases the sperm. It is not that they both work every time. This is shocking to the man who thinks that both testicles work at the same time.

30809 K: it is the same with your lungs. One of your lungs works and every hour one of the lungs rests. It is the same with the nose. One nostril works and the other takes a rest. It is the same operation with your kidneys. They take turns. Men have cycles the same as the woman. In some places like the United States the man can say “it’s the wrong time of the month.” They will allow you a gap of in places that understand this that one may not be at his best for sitting for exams at a certain time of the month. We have to become open to the science of the creation so we can prevent the cancer especially breast cancer with women.

30911 K: The risk can be reduced if women understand the process. It’s the blockage of calcium in the channels for the milk. Then because it cannot go through during the menstrual cycle the calcium is deposited from the hip into the breast and then it goes out. We are looking into a system where you can wash your breasts, once a week or once or twice a month that would create a balance within the breast that any calcium concentration can be reduced into a plasma to be extracted through the channels in the soft condition.

30854 K: We can do this, the knowledge is there. We have the knowledge. The implication of working with the knowledge with the authorities, scientists and doctors to be able to do this. All you need to do is to wash the breasts with a specific mixture of ganses that are released to the doctors. And, it is just like applying a cream to the breasts. With the cream it is like the skin. Now there is plasma, the way we transfer the energy of the cancer out of the cancer. Now we don’t let that energy from the beginning because we created the way for the energy of the cancer to leave. The new technology on breast cancer and other cancers are so effective and easy to do.

31040 K: Now with most of the cases that we advise on we suggest washing the body with CO2 on certain parts where there is an organ cancer. We know the results are 100% effective. In one case the doctors thought they took the MRIs on the wrong side. I asked them how come the brain was on the wrong side. We have found a way to solving a lot of problems. Those of you in Norway where the health ministers attacked you, take them these pictures. Ask them how they could achieve this. They tried to destroy you by attacking you and some of you thought you couldn’t take the pressure. Tell the minister of the Norwegian government to explain to you how it is that you could go and meet this lady and the doctor? Let them take a delegation of doctors. They could take 500 doctors in a jumbo jet and take people so they can see, feel and understand.

31157 K: we start putting more and more pictures, data and physical testimonials up. As KF we can make the change and make this viral on the internet. Let people watch this and be proud that you are part of an organization that has found a solution for many problems of the physical man in the way of just drinking the water. I thank the doctor and the whole of the KF team. It doesn’t matter what little things you may have shown over the past years. This is the result of our work as one family. The ones who made coils showed they worked; the ones who made the gans showed they worked. This is a mother who can hug and love her child for the rest of her life.

31306 K: there is nothing better than the life. And she has received it from a beautiful and sincere doctor who is there only to serve humanity. As I was speaking to him yesterday he said he does not charge anything for doing this. It is all free. My time, my services are free.

Peoples’ Wishes can be their Commands

31350 Carolina: do you remember that we had a conversation when a lot of different things came? But you asked me to remind you to bring the topic of the wishes. And they are very important. Do you remember?

31417 K: yes. You have to understand in my household we eat, breathe and live the technology and the life of the foundation. There are always discussions and problems we discuss to get things done. One of the things we have always encourage and now it is part of the work of the Universal Council members is for them to understand the strength of the wish. This means my wish is my command. They start understanding gradually and seeing the results of the World Council members especially that they can make a difference. You wish to move your arm and the arm moves. I was explaining that this morning in the space technology.

31516 K: when you wish to go up or down or move your reactors will respond. The wish of the man comes from the reactor which is dynamic in all the strength. It is you who has to be able to understand if you are tuning into copper, into zinc or the strength of iron or hydrogen, or pain or change. Those of you who become close to your soul and understand the emotion, you will see a lot of your wishes becoming reality. The more you give the more I received and then we become of the same path. We cannot change the man himself, but we can create a condition that the man will receive enough that it will change him. Give freely; you are the top reactor. And the others are the three base reactors. You are the giver by wish and the more you give the more there is for them to receive so they can add to feed you higher.

31640 K: the wish of the man is the man is the most powerful tool that has ever been given to the man through his soul. You wish to die, you wish to have nothing to do with the son who is insubordinate, the way you wanted it the cancer comes to the prostate. We just saw the breast cancer. Go and read in part of the teaching why and how the cancer comes. The wish is so strong that it will happen. The wish of the man has to be peace and it will become peace. You will see how hard it will become to create wars. It does not matter in or what level. They can create disturbances but creating wars now become much less possible because it has become the wish of the world to achieve peace. We have had enough.

31805 K: there are two or three nations who are pushing and soon we will see as we what happened with the war that was planned in the Philippines with China because it was our wish that not happen. We saw the same in Syria and we will see it in another part of the world. We will see selling of the arms will not become an option; selling of arms becomes no option. In a short time in the coming years governments cannot justify that they have to buy arms and planes while their nations suffer of hunger. You will see the change in the course of the armies very soon. Nations cannot feed themselves so why should they buy arms? It is our wish to achieve peace.

31900 K: you wish to achieve it and if you wish to create the atmosphere of a link, the wish will happen. My wish is my command. If all the KF members said today is the 2nd of February; let’s make the 21st of March, the beginning of spring, the wish of world peace in a way that the arms and the armies will put their arms down in the coming time. That will happen. Promote peace for the 21st of March. Let’s see how many people will join us. Don’t do anything else, just give that for the needs of the man there is no need for war. We will see what happens.

31954 K: we told you about the flight system and now we have to teach you about the flight of the soul. What is on the screen explains it.


Your Wish is Your Command

I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the highest source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together.

32103 K: I wrote this years ago and I said the man will come to accept this new technology, not out of love, but out of fear of his own existence. And we are coming to that point. Carolina in the first world conference of the Universal Council offered the opposite one above… (Reads the piece on the left) When you offer peace it means there is no time to find a point of conflict. And this is the change that we bring. This is more or less the ethos we have to work on. It is the way the science has to be used and the way that we have to work. We promote peace. We work in two ways: we give with the hand of love and we care. But those who try to destroy peace and create conflict then we deal with them with the love of God. We let them destroy themselves and we give them the tools to do it to themselves for themselves.

32400 K: now we saw the picture of the woman with the breast cancer. If the pharmaceutical (companies) understand it means that we have offered peace from all cancers. But we have to learn together and you have to be able to develop it so that all the doctors can offer it and it doesn’t matter where they are. We look at every aspect and it’s not just the humans but the animals, the trees and the environment. The environment of space that we travel to if you respect it and offer it our peace then peace will come because we enter in the mindset of peace, the solution will come through peace. The wars are only in the minds of the man and not on bricks and borders.

32516 K: it is very strange; in the late 1990s when the Berlin wall came down, the Americans wrote on the aircraft hangers of Frankfurt airport Mission Accomplished in that they had managed to bring the wall down. Now they want to build a wall between two countries. I write Mission Failed in Totality for one nation but not for humanity. You have to understand that when you build walls you build walls for those who are the abusers. The ones who don’t abuse have the open arms of peace.

32640 Carolina: I think that a lot of people cannot imagine the power they carry through their wish and how to connect that wish through their emotional being. This is because of the sincerity of how they feel about something that has been done that is unjust or is unjust that is in front of them. How do you make that to make the change through their wish? I tried to circulate through my posts to explain this but maybe Mr. Keshe can explain in depth how to connect to your wish so that it becomes reality. Ask the Universal Council. A lot of members have achieved a lot of wishes. My wish was shown in the picture that it will be one letter removed in that picture with Mr. Keshe. If we achieved one wish in peace we have already achieved quite a few peace wishes that are all accomplished like Aleppo, the two that appeared in the conference in Rome when we had our meeting. But I think Mr. Keshe if you could explain more in depth how this wishing really gets accomplished in a very simple way so that every woman and every man, even a child, can realize and create the wish for it to appear. That would be very nice. Thank you.

32834 K: I think we have to go to understand what people understand of the wish. The way I understand the wish is I live at peace. I looked into Russia to use the satellite nations of the former USSR as a platform for the creation of the establishment of nations with no armies. I have a good contact that lived across the USSR in the 1990s when it opened up. And my wish was to achieve peace that with one nation like Russia and China would open borders without military zones. And my wish was to achieve this opening the borders without armies with Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Russia but I knew the conflict was too deep because nations like the United States would not allow it. This is how they milk money out of these things.

The state of the mind is the field spreading of the wish

32957 K: when we came to Africa and when we had the heads of the military people in the conferences I came to realize very rapidly in the first couple of days that my wish had been achieved. Military people in the conference understood and supported the need and use the army inside instead of having them at the borders. And then I understood why I came to Africa. Because my wish was to achieve peace I had been brought to where the peace will be used effectively. The state of the mind is the field spreading of the wish. I was with doctors a couple of days ago and he said that I was under a lot of stress. I said yes I was because I could not achieve what I wanted and that was to bring peace to humanity. That is putting a lot of pressure because the time that is spent in destruction can be spent on development. We are achieving it.

33120 K: We are achieving in Africa what I wanted to achieve in Europe because of the military forces and the money involved, we will be able to achieve in Africa much, much faster. That is why I was brought here. The wish was sincere so the tools and the souls for it have been brought into position. You cannot stop a conflict in the borders of a nation; you have to stop the conflict inside your own brain. We cannot live with hatred and show sincerity on the outside because the soul will not carry it. A lot of people use emotion to create conflict and they use it and abuse it. Try to learn to use your emotion only in a positive way and then you achieve and it becomes stronger and stronger.

33221 K: the more you walk away from conflict, the more you walk away from division, the more you walk away from creating something to confirm your own existence, works on the direction that it becomes more and more that you already exist because you see the change. Physical confirmation shows the level of more or less not having maturity in the state of the mind. We touch the souls and they change themselves. By creating conflict in yourself you have already failed. Inside has to be at peace with the husband or child. It has to be correct and not what I want but what makes the partner happy. Then you find through it you find peace even though in the times of confusion in conflict it has to bring peace.

There Shall Be No State of Israel!

33318 K: I see a lot of problems coming ahead with one man who exercising that he has the power. But we have taken the Love of God from him. This is the only way we do; we give and we make available all the best for the man. But because of his own way he will not receive it unless he gets enlightened by himself. The division of color and language, and putting people in airports and prisons or whatever, brings nothing but showing the immaturity of the race. If I wish I will end the state of Israel within hours. God forbid that it goes anywhere any further, I wish and it will happen. Because I see the cause of conflict feeding the others to become the same way. The state of Israel has to become part of the world government as part of the world family. We see who is inciting it and if you make the wish there shall be no State of Israel. I am very open about this. I take the challenge to President Netanyahu. Bring peace and stop the conflicts. The same goes with the new American president. We respect and honor both of you as the heads of your nations, but use your efforts to bring peace. My wish is my command.

33516 K: isolation is not a solution. Bring peace and find a way of what is the fear of selling arms becomes the joy of being part of humanity. We have seen pressure build up in the past few weeks by the Jewish lobby in the United States in respect to people who are being arrested because of skin color or path of belief. My wish is the end of the State of Israel as a nation but as part of the universal family as the District of Israel as part of the world government. This will happen. There shall not be any state but one world with a part for the Jews. I come from the blood and my wish is direct. I am a Cohen. My advice goes directly to the new American president. We know you are listening and we welcome you as a world leader, but respect all as equal. This is my wish. We see the end of the State of Israel as a nation but we see the Province of Israel as part of the world community with the same dimensions and the same respect.

33727 K: I cannot wish for more until we achieve what we set up. Let me explain something very directly to the American President, President Trump. Use your power to create peace and harmony. Use the pen of the President to be the pen of peace. If you move against the peace we move and we move the pen. The physical pen does not count; we take the soul. With the pen of the soul we will write. I kept quiet and I will keep quiet but in time we will see. I call again on the State of Iran. We put the hand of peace to Israel a couple of years ago. We put the hand of peace again. Let us talk. Let us work on the peace and harmony. This is my wish and as the head of KF if I carry all your wishes we will achieve. Let us be finished with statehood and make this One Nation. This is our wish: world peace and to be able to touch the world leaders that they cannot create war.

Rene from Austria has a light that switches on and off with his proximity

34000 Rene from Austria: I have a question about the Magrav system. I notice that when I put a small LED lamp to the load side that I can switch it on and off by moving towards the Magrav. This is very strange because the lamp should not do this. If you want to see what I mean I have some pictures and a small video. With your permission I would show this.

K: is there any music with it? (copyright issues)

R: there is no music. There are only the pictures of the Magrav and the lamp I used and how it comes on and off.

K: Rick are you happy with this?

Rick: it’s okay, we have a few minutes left.

34201 Rene: Can you see the picture? This is my Magrav system and here is the lamp that I connected to the load side of the device.


From the right side the sound is off and I will start and make a point. Please have a look at this. This is the lamp that I used and the one in my hands is a new one. The one that has the strange effects has been hooked up for 3 weeks. You can see in a few seconds how the lamp comes on when I come near this device. (plays video)

44330 K: this is fantastic. I will explain what is happening. Your magnetic field is interacting with the field of the plasma. If you go further back and carry on without moving but with the same thing start thinking and by thinking you can turn the light on. Do not force this but wish this. Do you understand?

R: yes.

34414 K: your physical arm is part of your emotion, your physicality. And then at that strength it can interfere with the field of the Magrav system. Now you have to understand how to control such a high strength wish to lower strength that it can interact, and interaction of the fields create the light. I have seen this with a couple of presentations by other people. This is not the first time I have seen this. Don’t force this; just wish to see the physicality of the light. You can extend the light to the whole room if you can control it.

34503 R: the funny thing is when I first noticed these effects I made the video and now I am experimenting with it. It is strange. This is the lamp.

K: you don’t touch anything; you just get close to it.

R: yes, I am not touching.

K: it is coincidental that you have created a field of interaction. It is very coincidental. If you move it does it still come on?

R: yes, it goes on and off. This is the lamp that has never been to the load side of the device. It will behave as it should for about 10 days and then it will show the same effect.

K: what if you move the stand to somewhere else in the room? Try it, move it somewhere else.

R: okay, I will test this. It is an effect that I had with another person so I am not the only one who can come near the device and switch in the lamp on and off.

K: use this as a tester. And move it around and see if it still works. It is very nice.

Speeding up the production of CH3 GANS with a plasma battery capacitor

34705 R: I will test it. I have another question. I produced a CH3 gans and I have the idea to speed up the process not with a small battery but with a plasma battery capacitor. As I made the wiring with the capacitor instead of the battery the first think I noticed was the production of the gans went really really fast. The output of the gans is so huge I cannot describe it.

K: can you explain to us how you do this please.

R: I have a picture here (3.47.55 minutes) and this is the set up of the two. The bottle on the left is for the CO2 gans. The bottle on the right side is what I connect for the CH3 gans.


34806 K: this is copper that is nano coated and iron?

R: yes. This is nano coated copper on this side and there is also nano coated copper in the jar with the ‘clear water.’ This is a zinc plate in the same jar. There are some old nails that I washed. I connected this and the production of the gans started immediately.

34834 K: Educate us, this is your knowledge. You have a wire from the copper plate in the CH3, which goes over aluminum foil, correct?

R: yes, the plasma capacitor on this side is aluminum foil and on the other side is only the paper. In the middle there is nothing.

K: what is the bar in the middle that you wrap the paper around?

R: this is the insulation of the cable that I used for the center.

K: so this is a wire with a plastic cable on it.

R: yes, I have nano coated the plastic and the wire. Everything is nano coated.

K: so, how have you connected the other side of the wire to the system?

R: on one side you can see in the connection in the picture that I made to the center to this wire. And as you see I connected the other to the nano coated copper.

K: where did you connect the wire in the middle or is it just there on its own?

R: this wire?

35005 K: I see what you have done but the picture is not clear. You come down here to a winding in the jar on the left. Then you have another capacitor here with no connection (the tube on the table top) that links back to the other one in the jar on the right. And then you have connected the capacitor in the jar on the right to the copper in the jar on the left. So the center wire here is not connected to anything, am I correct? (3.50.46 minutes).

35050 Rick: I believe it is connected on the right hand side and wrapped around the tip where the arrow is.

K: so it is connected to this pin here, correct?

R: yes.

K: is there anything connected to here (the winding on the right end of the coil on the table top)?

R: so the winding is connected to the center.

K: so it is connected to the center pin as a feedback?

R: yes.

K: okay, now we understand. And then you have increased the production on the CH3 greatly?

R: yes. It’s incredibly high and the gans has different colors and everything in this gans is totally magnetical. I even notice in the gans there are some crystals that are produced when I shine a lamp in there. Everything is bright and shining.

35214 K: does your CO2 production go as quickly as well?

R: CO2 production starts fast and the output is not so high as in this glass with the CH3. But it is also very good and fast production.

K: what is the video?

R: these are the particles in the CH3 gans and on top you can see the amino acids. On the video when I start you can see how the gans is reacting to a rotating magnetical fields that I put underneath. If I start this?

35411 The magnet underneath is rotating.

Rick: we see the video.

K: we see the field meeting yes.

R: the white particles are crystals that I produced and I don’t what the particles are.

K: is that in the CH3 bottle?

R: yes, it is in the CH3 bottle.

35444 K: let me explain; the white particles are CO2 because you put the two jars next to each other I presume.

R: okay.

K: you are still looking at the physicality and you don’t have a zinc plate on the CH3 side so you think it cant happen. But you are producing 2 or 3 materials at the same time in each jar. Your copper winding on the right hand jar and the zinc on the left hand jar have created a field. The white is the CO2.

35540 Q: I saw a connection from the zinc plate on the CO2 side to the copper wire on the other side that we didn’t talk about.

35550 K: what you are showing us is very significant and I have been trying to teach this. Could you please come next week and share it with us when we have more time.

R: yes, it would be a pleasure.

K: please, and continue testing the light. If you are contacted by these people in Austria please ignore it and send us the report and we will hand it over to the authorities. Thank you very much. What you are showing us is beautiful. Thank you for today and thank you for sharing knowledge. Remember that we are here to change the course of humanity. We have shown the cancer today and the cancer research at the moment is what we are accomplishing with world health authorities in a physical way. That is what we have shown today and we can show more changes. If you would like to join in different research we have to be ready for it as a foundation and we are not ready. Do not give up and carry on until we are mature enough to join your intellect. Join us and teach us and we will teach each other.

35727 K: If you are suffering from cancer and you think that KF work can work for you, please send the email to doctors@ . We need to bring a lot to stop a lot and we need large numbers so that the FDA and members of health authorities can see the difference and it becomes part of the structure. A lot is happening that we cannot disclose and we will let you know.

I finish on one note: my wish is the end of the State of Israel as a State but (its continuance) as a District of the world government, like the United States and Iran will be districts and all the rest. Then we work as One Nation for the betterment of the human race. Thank you.

35828 Rick: thank you Mr. Keshe and that is the end of the 157th Knowledge Seekers Workshop on February 2, 2017. Thank you for attending and we will be back next week at the same time.


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