Cut & Paste Plasma Membrane

[Pages:4]Name __________________________________________ Class/Period _______________ Date _______________

Cut & Paste Plasma Membrane


1. Color the structures on the "Plasma Membrane Structures" handout.

2. Cut around the structures using the dashed lines as a guide.

3. Arrange the structures on the "Plasma Membrane Model" handout.

Use the dashed line on the "Plasma Membrane Model" handout as a guide as you position the phospholipid molecules.

Use the carbohydrate chains to make at least one glycoprotein and at least one glycolipid.

Think about how to incorporate the proteins into the model. You must include integral, peripheral, and transmembrane proteins.

You may use your book or other appropriate resources to help you organize your model. All structures must be correctly incorporated into the model.

4. When satisfied with the arrangement, glue all structures in place. Remember, a little glue goes a long way. Too much glue will cause the model to wrinkle.

5. Neatly label the following on your plasma membrane model:

Phospholipid Polar head Nonpolar tail Hydrophobic region

Hydrophilic region Integral protein Peripheral protein Transmembrane protein

Cholesterol Carbohydrate chain Glycolipid Glycoprotein

6. Define the following terms on the "Plasma Membrane Model" handout. Fluid Mosaic Model Selectively permeable

? A-Thom-ic Science 2016. For classroom use only. Do not post online.

Cut & Paste Plasma Membrane Structures

Carbohydrate Chains

Integral Protein

Peripheral Proteins

Phospholipids Cholesterol


Transmembrane Proteins

? A-Thom-ic Science 2016. For classroom use only. Do not post online.

Name ______________________________________________________________________________ Class/Period _______________ Date _______________

Plasma Membrane Model

Extracellular Space

Intracellular Space

Fluid Mosaic Model - ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Selectively Permeable - ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

? A-Thom-ic Science 2016. For classroom use only. Do not post online.

ANSWER KEY Extracellular Space

Polar Head

Plasma Membrane Model


Carbohydrate Chain

Integral Protein

Nonpolar Tail



Intracellular Space

Transmembrane Protein

Peripheral Protein





Fluid Mosaic Model - _A__m__o_d_e__l _d_e_s_c_r_ib__in__g_t_h_e__p_l_a_s_m__a__m_e__m__b_r_a_n_e__a_s_a__f_le__x_ib_l_e__p_h_o__sp__h_o_l_ip__id__b_i_la__y_e_r_i_n_t_e_r_s_p_e_r_s_e_d__w__it_h__p_r_o_t_e_i_n_s____ _t_h_a_t__a_r_e_f_r_e_e__t_o_d__ri_f_t_w__it_h__in__t_h_e__m__e_m__b_r_a_n_e_.________________________________________________________________________________

Selectively Permeable - _A__p_r_o__p_e_r_t_y_o__f _t_h_e__p_la__sm__a__m__e_m__b_r_a_n__e_t_h_a__t_a_l_lo_w__s__s_o_m__e_m__o__le_c_u__le_s__t_o_e__n_t_e_r_a_n__d_l_e_a_v__e_t_h_e__c_e_l_l _w__h_il_e_______ _p_r_e_v__e_n_t_in__g_o__th__e_r_m__o_l_e_c_u_l_e_s__fr_o_m___c_r_o_s_s_in__g_. ________________________________________________________________________________

? A-Thom-ic Science 2016. For classroom use only. Do not post online.


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