How to make flowers from plastic bottles - Changeworks

[Pages:8]How to make flowers from plastic bottles

Simple to do and really pretty!

Equipment needed:

? A 500ml plastic bottle with its lid

? Scissors ? Paints of various colours ? Paint brush ? Water to clean brushes

Tip! Tester pots from large DIY stores are ideal as the paint covers the plastic better. You can also use poster paints, but you will need to do several layers.

What to do:

1. Cut the bottom off the bottle at the point where the bottle tapers inwards towards the top.

What to do:

2. Cut vertically along the side seams of the bottle ? if there are no seams then you could use a marker pen to draw them on to guide you.

What to do:

3. Bend the petals back to give them a better shape so it looks like a pretty flower

What to do:

4. Paint the outside of the bottle if you want a shiny finish.

5. Allow the paint to dry.

6. You could paint the inside a different colour or paint the tips of the petals.

Next step:

Tip! Use old nail varnish to add details to your petals.

1. Use bigger bottles for huge flowers, but you might need bigger paint brushes.

2. You can hang them up, make a garland, or just display them!

? Changeworks 2015

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