| Project DESIGN: OVERVIEW page 1 |

|Name of Project: Plastic Pollution to Solution |Duration: 6-8 weeks |

|Subject/Course: 2nd Grade Homeroom and Science Enrichment |Teachers: 2nd Grade & K-2 Science |Grade Level: 2 |

|Other subject areas to be included, if any: Math, Language Arts, Social Studies, Community |

| |

|Key Knowledge and Understanding |NGSS: K-2-ETS1 (Engineering Design) and ESS3.C (Human Impacts on Earth Systems) |

|(CCSS or other standards) |CCSS ELA: W.2.7 (Writing/research), SL.2.1 (Comprehension/collaboration), SL.2.6 (Speaking, listening, presentation) |

| |CCSS Math: 2.MD.A.1 (Measurement); 2.MD.C.8 (Money); Social Studies (Community and economics) |

|Success Skills |Critical Thinking/Problem Solving |T |Creativity/Innovation |E |

|T = Taught | |A | | |

|A = Assessed | | | | |

|E = Evaluated | | | | |

| |Communication/Collaboration |E |Persistence/Grit |E |

|Project Summary |Students will learn about ocean plastic pollution and its negative effects on marine life. Working in a makerspace, students will go through the engineering design process |

|(Includes student role, issue, problem|to create fun collection containers to encourage plastic bottle recycling at our school. Students will develop and maintain a sustainable, yearlong school-recycling |

|or challenge, action taken, and |program. Students will donate the profits from the recycling program to an environmental charity of their choice. Students will share their designs with outside community |

|purpose/beneficiary) |officials. |

|Driving Question | |

| |How can we make recycling plastic bottles fun and sustainable at our school? |

|Entry Event |Three part role-out: 1) Students will do a gallery walk of images of plastic pollution and items made from recycled plastic. 2) Students will visit a local recycling |

| |center and do Q & A with expert. 3) School custodian will explain his concerns about the growing amount of trash at our school. He will ask students for help to solve this|

| |problem. |

|Products |Individual: Students will write persuasive letters to local community officials |Specific content and success skills to be assessed: Language Arts, Science, Social |

| |about their recycling containers. Students will also reuse extra plastic bottles |Studies, Art, |

| |for art and science projects. |All success skills |

| |Team: Students will build fun plastic bottle collection containers. Students will|Specific content and success skills to be assessed: |

| |present their containers to the rest of the school. Students will implement and |Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, |

| |maintain a yearlong, school-wide recycling program. |All success skills |

| |

| Project DESIGN: OVERVIEW page 2 |

|Making Products Public |Students will work in small teams to design and build fun plastic bottle recycling containers for our school. Students will create a short introductory video to be shown in |

|(Includes how the products will be |the other classrooms, and then present the new containers to the rest of the school during a major school-wide event. |

|made public and who students will | |

|engage with during/at end of project)|Individually, students will write persuasive letters about their new recycling containers to local community officials. |

| |

|Resources Needed |On-site people, facilities: Custodian, parent volunteers, student body audience/participation |

| |Equipment: Laptops and iPads for research and video production |

| |Materials: Supplies for cardboard prototypes and final recycling containers, committee checklists, weekly recycling |

| |logs, engineering design notebooks, photos of plastic pollution and items made from recycled plastic |

| |Community Resources: Local recycling center, local marine education center, recycling specialists, marine biologists, |

| |and addresses of local community officials |

| |

|Reflection Methods |Whole Class Discussions |X |Gallery Walk Worksheet |X |

|(Includes how individual, team, | | | | |

|and/or whole class will reflect | | | | |

|during/at end of project) | | | | |

| |Small Group Discussions |X |Engineering Design Notebooks |X |

| |One-on-one Student Interviews |X |Other: | |

|Notes: |

| |

|The engineering portion of this PBL unit should be done in a makerspace where students have all of the necessary tools and supplies at their fingertips. For second graders, adult supervision and guidance is |

|required, especially when building the final designs using tempered hardboard, electric screwdrivers, and drills. |

| |

|Project Design: student Learning Guide |

|Project: Plastic Pollution to Solution |

|Driving Question: How can we make recycling plastic bottles fun and sustainable at our school? |

| |

|Final Product(s) |Learning Outcomes/Targets |Checkpoints/Formative Assessments |Instructional Strategies for All Learners |

|Presentations, Performances,|knowledge, understanding & success skills needed |to check for learning and ensure |provided by teacher, other staff, experts; includes |

|Products and/or Services |by students to successfully complete products |students are on track |scaffolds, materials, lessons aligned to learning outcomes |

| | | |and formative assessments |

| |K-2-ETS1-1: Engineering Design: |Interviews with experts |Field trip to recycling center |

| |I can ask questions, make observations, and gather |Engineering design notebook (problem, criteria, and |Access to experts (school custodian, recycling experts, |

| |information about a situation people want to change to |constraints) |marine biologists) |

| |define a simple problem that can be solved through the |One-on-one student interviews |Engineering design notebook |

| |development of a new object. |Teacher observations |Multiple resources (websites, books, videos, photos, |

|Team Project: | | |pictographs) |

| | | | |

|Design a Fun Plastic Bottle | | | |

|Recycling Container | | | |

| |K-2-ETS1-2: Engineering Design: |Brainstorming with peers |White boards/markers |

| |I can develop a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to|Engineering design notebook (list of |Engineering design notebook |

| |illustrate how the shape of an object helps it function as |materials, sketch of design plan) |Materials for cardboard prototypes |

| |needed to solve a given problem. |Cardboard prototypes |Modeling of iteration steps |

| | |Written reflections |Modeling of appropriate feedback |

| |Disciplinary Core Idea: ESS3.C |Teacher observations |Sample letter template |

| |Human Impact on Earth Systems: |Letter to local community officials |Collaborative committee checklists |

| |I can make choices to reduce impact on land, water, air, and|Year-long school recycling program |Field trip for beach clean up |

| |other living things. |Beach clean up | |

|Individual |Science: |Interviews with experts |Access to experts (school custodian, recycling experts, |

|Project: |I can gather information and share concerns about ocean |Teacher observations |marine biologists) |

| |plastic pollution and its negative effects on marine life. |School-wide presentations |Multiple resources (websites, books, videos, photos, |

|Write a | |Letter to local community officials |pictographs) |

|Persuasive | | |Sample letter template |

|Letter to Local Community | | | |

|Officials | | | |

| |Social Studies/Community: |Final recycling containers |Collaborative committee checklists |

| |I can be a productive, responsible citizen at our school. |Year-long school recycling program |Donation check for charity of choice |

| | |Reuse bottles for art and science | |

| |Math: |Year-long school recycling program |Template for weekly recycling logs |

| |I can calculate the profits from a school-wide recycling |Weekly recycling logs |Money manipulatives |

| |program. | | |


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