Media Revision List - SFR

Media Revision List

|SOURCE |Link to Media |Comment |

|Dolce & Gabbana advert |Stereotypes – how men and women are presented|Suggests that men are superior to women and can control |

|5 men standing up |in advertising |them. |

|1 submissive woman lying down in the middle | |It may also have a dangerous message about male dominance|

| | |over women – even suggest rape. |

|American Pie Movie |Stereotypes. |Suggests that all young people are irresponsible and |

| | |obsessed with sex. It creates a negative image of young |

| | |people. |

|L’Oréal Advert and newspaper article |Dangers of advertising |It perpetuates the myth that the beauty standard is white|

|discussing this advert. |Identity and negative self-image. |skin, and blonde hair. This can create a negative image |

|Beyoncé was shown with lighter skin and |Adverts which only show one kind of beauty. |amongst black people who cannot “live up to” such an |

|blonder hair. | |image. Parallels can be made with The Bluest Eye by Toni |

|The company denied photoshopping her image. | |Morrison. |

|DVD – Outfoxed |Propaganda and Bias |Using euphemisms to encourage a more positive image of |

|A film documentary about Fox News Channel | |the war in Iraq e.g. sharpshooters instead of the war |

|which accuses it of bias and spreading | |snipers. |

|propaganda for the right-wing Republican | | |

|party in the USA. | |Shows how watching Fox News means that people have |

| | |unrealistic understanding of world events: |

| | |33% of Fox viewers believe that they have found WMD in |

| | |Iraq. Only 11% of viewers of other news channels believe |

| | |this. |

|The Dove Campaign – using their magazine |Advertising and its dangers. |They claim that by using “real women” they are |

|adverts and the Dove website: Campaign for |Self-image. |challenging notions of beauty and trying to say that we |

|Real Beauty. | |are all beautiful in our own way. |

| | | |

| | |A video on their website called EVOLUTION shows how |

| | |adverts completely transform a woman so that at the end |

| | |she no longer resembles herself. This shows that |

| | |Photoshop completely distorts the image we have of women |

| | |and creates unrealistic images – young girls aspire to an|

| | |image that does not really exist. |

| | | |

| | |In another advert called ONSLAUGHT, we see a young girl |

| | |confronted with thousands of images of women. The company|

| | |claims that such images means that young girls will have |

| | |low self-esteem and so may develop illnesses such as |

| | |anorexia or even turn to plastic surgery to change |

| | |“imperfections”. |

|Adbusters – an organisation which campaigns |Dangers of advertising |An anti-McDonald’s advert which shows a Big Mac Attack – |

|against the dangers of advertising and tries | |a man lying in a hospital bed attached to a heart |

|to make us aware of its lies. | |monitor. On the monitor we can see a M for McDonalds. The|

| | |advert therefore suggests that the company does not show |

| | |the true dangers of eating fast food – heart problems. |

| | | |

| | |Adbusters also have anti-Nike advert where they ask |

| | |questions about where the company produces their trainers|

| | |– reveals details about factory conditions and low pay |

| | |etc. Suggests such companies lie or hide such |

| | |information. |

| | | |

| | |Some mock adverts imitate Calvin Klein perfume adverts: |

| | |Obsession and Reality. They suggest that these show |

| | |unrealistic images of people which causes negative |

| | |self-images especially in young girls. In one image a |

| | |model is shown vomiting into a toilet – suggests the |

| | |reality behind such an image of thin models. |

| | | |

|DVD – Merchants of Cool |Dangers of advertising on young people |In one part of the programme, they look at how MTV |

|A PBS programme which looks at how | |markets their programmes at categories of teenagers: the |

|advertisers aim their products at teenagers. | |Mook (young boys) and the Midriff (young girls). |

| | | |

| | |Suggests that young people are now the target and the |

| | |victims of hard sell approaches. Could this be dangerous?|

|The Independent on Sunday news article: |Adverts as omnipresent. Danger of adverts on |By the age of 12, girls have seen about 77,500 adverts. |

|07/10/2007 |young minds. |This suggests that we are bombarded with adverts and so |

| | |are unable to avoid them. |

|Advert – Barnardos |Positive side to advertising – how charity |In this advert we can see that we need to make a |

|Shows a baby on a dirty floor injecting |adverts raise awareness. |difference between adverts which are selling a good, and |

|drugs. | |those which set out to help others. |

|It showed how battered children are at risk | |In this advert, the charity tries to raise awareness of a|

|from growing up to become drug addicts unless| |problem, and to make us give money to help others. |

|helped. | | |


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