Report - University of Toledo


The University of Toledo Board of Trustees

Clinical Affairs Committee Meeting

August 16, 2011

|Committee Chair Dr. S. Amjad Hussain was present, as well as Committee members Ms. Susan E. Gilmore, Mr. William |ATTENDANCE |

|C. Koester, and Ms. Sharon Speyer. Faculty representative Dr. Sanford Kimmel was absent. Other Trustees present | |

|included Mr. Carroll L. Ashley and Mr. Joseph H. Zerbey, IV. Administrative Liaisons attending were Dr. Jeffrey | |

|Gold and Dr. Scott Scarborough and additional attendees included Mr. Dan Barbee, Ms. Susan Batten, Ms. Lauri | |

|Cooper, Ms. Olivia Dacre, Dr. Lloyd Jacobs, Dr. John Kane, Mr. Chuck Lehnert, Dr. Ronald McGinnis, and Ms. Joan | |

|Stasa. | |

|The meeting was called to order at 7:30 a.m. by Committee Chair Hussain in the Faculty Club Room on the Toledo |CALL TO ORDER |

|Hilton Hotel. | |

|Dr. Hussain requested a motion to waive the reading of the minutes from the July 13, 2011 Committee meeting and |APPROVAL OF MINUTES |

|accept them as written. A motion for approval was received by Trustee Gilmore and seconded by Trustee Koester. | |

|The minutes were approved by the Committee. | |

|Dr. Jeffrey Gold, Chancellor and Executive VP Biosciences and Health Affairs/Dean of the College of Medicine and |U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT – PROCESS |

|Life Sciences, provided the Committee with information about the “The Club of 100” -- The Pursuit of Excellence at|AND OUTCOMES |

|UTMC. He explained three critically important parts of this process as strong UT programs, the medical school, | |

|and an integrated delivery system. Dr. Gold spoke of the method used by U.S. News & World Report to rank the best| |

|hospitals in the nation. This exclusive ranking process began in 1990. This year, 4,773 medical centers across | |

|the U.S. were identified to determine the rankings in 16 specialty areas. To be in the running for a ranking in | |

|any of the 12 data-driven specialties a hospital had to meet any of four criteria – it could be a teaching | |

|hospital, it could be affiliated with a medical school, it could have at least 200 beds, or it could have at least| |

|100 beds plus four or more of eight key medical technologies. UTMC ranked No. 1 in Toledo as the Best Regional | |

|Hospital by U.S. News & World Report for rankings in seven adult specialties: Ear, Nose and Throat; Geriatrics; | |

|Nephrology; Neurology and Neurosurgery; Orthopedics; Pulmonology; and, Urology. Additionally, four UTMC | |

|Physicians were recognized for their outstanding efforts: | |

|Mark W. Burket, M.D. Cardiologist | |

|Christopher J. Cooper, M.D. Cardiologist | |

|Nabil A. Ebraheim, M.D. Orthopedic Surgeon | |

|Blair P. Grubb, M.D. Cardiologist | |

| | |

|Congratulations were expressed from all Committee members in recognition of these prestigious accomplishments. | |

|Ms. Olivia Dacre, Director Revenue Cycle and Clinic Operations, updated the Committee on the Customer-Centered |PATIENT REGISTRATION |

|Improvement Process in the Scheduling and Registration area. She reviewed the goals for patient scheduling and | |

|registration that were presented at a previous Committee meeting as well as the tasks that have been completed. | |

|Tasks planned for completion July through December 2011 include process improvements to software and hardware. | |

|Ms. Dacre also reviewed the kiosk screens patients would view for their requests and to view hospital records. | |

|She reviewed a 12-month timeline for CY 2011 of the tasks planned until the project is finalized. Key performance| |

|indicators were shared with the Committee that will be monitored on a monthly basis. Ms. Dacre displayed and | |

|explained graphs showing third party rejections related to registration processing, patient cash receipts at | |

|pre-registration or point of service, and pre-registrations as a percent of total registrations. | |

| | |

|The Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Survey that will be conducted September 2011 includes the following | |

|measurements: | |

|Wait time after scheduled appointment | |

|Wait time in exam room to see provider | |

|Ease of getting through to the clinic on the phone | |

|Convenience of office hours | |

|Ease of scheduling | |

|Courtesy of staff in Registration | |

|No show rates for patient appointments over the last year were provided to the Committee. A list of benefits that| |

|will result from implementing the preceding plan for improvements was discussed with the Committee. | |

|A minor change to the Committee Charge was requested and the members agreed that the word “will” in the last |COMMITTEE CHARGE |

|sentence should be changed to “shall.” | |

|Dr. Hussain requested a motion to enter Executive Session to discuss privileged information related to the |EXECUTIVE SESSION |

|evaluation of medical staff personnel appointments and quality reporting. The motion was received by Trustee | |

|Gilmore, seconded by Trustee Speyer, and a roll call of the Committee was taken by Ms. Stasa: Ms. Gilmore, yes; | |

|Dr. Hussain, yes; Mr. Koester, yes; and Ms. Speyer, yes. After discussion, the Committee voted to exit Executive | |

|Session. | |

|Chair Hussain requested a motion to approve the Chief of Staff Report – Attachment 1. A motion was made by |CHIEF OF STAFF REPORT |

|Trustee Speyer and seconded by Trustee Koester. The report was approved by the Committee. | |

|Other business conducted at the meeting included presentation of Resolution No. 11-08-19: “Approval of New Board |OTHER BUSINESS: RESOLUTION |

|of Trustees Bylaw and Rescission of Administrative Rules and Regulations.” This resolution was being presented in|NO. 11-08-19 |

|a continuing effort to make all University policies and rules consistent since the merger. Chair Hussain | |

|requested a motion to forward the Resolution to the Consent Agenda at the September 19 Board meeting. A motion | |

|was received by Trustee Koester, seconded by Trustee Gilmore and approved by the Committee for forwarding. | |

| | |

|Dr. Gold provided the Committee with two brochures about The Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine near Cleveland, | |

|Ohio. He indicated that approximately 18 months ago The Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine approached UTMC to | |

|enter into an academic affiliation and several meetings have ensued since. Due diligence processes have been |OHIO COLLEGE |

|developed and a Memo Of Understanding has been developed and entered into to examine building a closer |OF PODIATRIC MEDICINE |

|relationship with OCPM. At this time, this is for informational purposes only -- more details will be brought | |

|forward at future meetings. | |

|With no further business before the Committee, Chair Hussain adjourned the meeting at 9:10 a.m. |ADJOURNMENT |

Attachment 1


August 16, 2011

New Medical Staff Applicants

Usman Ahmad, M.D.

Internal Medicine Service

Provisional Staff Status

Privileges in Internal Medicine and Moderate Sedation

Vasuki Anandan, M.D.

Pathology Service

Provisional Staff Status

Privileges in Pathology

Raul M. Bosio, M.D.

Surgery Service

Provisional Staff Status

Privileges in General Surgery and Moderate Sedation

Khaled M. Shahrour, M.D.

Urology Service

Provisional Staff Status

Privileges in Urology and Use of the da Vinci Robotic Surgical System

Sandeep Vetteth, M.D.

Internal Medicine Service

Provisional Staff Status

Privileges in Internal Medicine and Moderate Sedation

Sooraj G. Yermal, M.D.

Anesthesiology Service

Provisional Staff Status

Privileges in Anesthesiology

New Clinical Associate Applicants

Nicole Giudici, P.A.-C.

Emergency Medicine Service

Privileges as Physician Assistant

Sponsoring Physician: Kris Brickman, M.D.

Karen Tormoehlen, M.S.N., C.N.P.

Family Medicine Service

Privileges as Certified Nurse Practitioner

Sponsoring Physician: Linda French, M.D.

Medical Staff Reappointments from Provisional Status to Full Staff Status

Luis E. De Las Casas, M.D.

Pathology Service

Active Staff Status

Privileges in Pathology

Stephen R. Grider, D.O.

Emergency Medicine Service

Active Staff Status

Privileges in Emergency Medicine and Moderate Sedation

Hooman Harooni, M.D.

Surgery Service

Courtesy Staff Status

Privileges in Ophthalmology

Krishe Menezes, M.D.

Neurology Service

Active Staff Status

Privileges in Neurology

Kenneth L. Muldrew, M.D.

Pathology Service

Active Staff Status

Privileges in Pathology

Stacy M. Stephenson, M.D.

Surgery Service

Active Staff Status

Privileges in Plastic Surgery


Alexander M. Chop, M.D.

Surgery Service

Effective: 04/08/11

Paul Clark, M.D.

Surgery Service

Effective: 07/07/11

Shirish M. Shah, M.D.

Obstetrics and Gynecology Service

Effective 07/01/11


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