Light by Rabindranath Tagore - Devon Recovery Learning ...

15thApril 2020 – Weekly Musings by EstherTheme – lightWord of the week:35242553721000Eit – quartz placed in dreams to sparkle (Gaelic) (picture show a page from The Happiness Dictionary by Dr Tim Lomas, Piatkus, London, 2018This idea of capturing and appreciating light really struck me this week. It seems to me that we need to deliberately put in place things to capture the light in our lives at the moment, and to draw in the mental reward this brings. I’m finding it hard, draining, keeping going at the moment. The relentlessness of our situation makes me feel like I’m constantly struggling uphill. What I’ve decided to do is to give myself breaks, scatter about opportunities to capture some light. When was walking to the shops to pick up the essentials, a potentially overwhelming ordeal, I allowed myself to focus on the feeling of the sun on my face, the breeze in my hair. Flash! On my exercise across a deserted field I stopped and spun around, watching a buzzard as it seemed to mimic my movements, wings outstretched to catch the thermals. Eyes closed, the intense sunlight strobing through my lids I span, the earth shifting beneath my feet, and I felt free. Immersed in my senses I could literally feel the weight lifting. Not so much so that I could swoop and soar perhaps, but enough that I could breathe.In a group I belong to on Facebook members are dressing up to put out their bins. Called Put Your Bins Out in Your Ball Gown and supported in the last couple of weeks by non other than Amanda Holden (who has a much nicer ball gown than mine, in fact I don’t own one but I join in anyway!) the group was established by a ladies from the UK and Australia to encourage people to seize everyday moments during lockdown. People are posting pictures and videos of themselves dressing up for the chores, getting excited about going to the end of the drive to drag the bin out, painting faces and putting on their sparkle. A post which really grabbed me today was by a keyworker who had put on her sparkly eyeshadow before setting off for her shift. I loved that. Being able to find some sparkle even if it’s out of a pot or stitched to a fancy frock is more uplifting than it sounds and it’s stopped me from lingering in my PJs (though I’ve had those days too – essential self care!)So one idea, one eit, for this week might be to put on that outfit for the cancelled wedding, or that hat you’ve only worn once or the jewellery that hides in the dark of its box. Let those special items out into the light and let them bring some light into your life.PoemLight by Rabindranath TagoreLight, my light, the world-filling light,the eye-kissing light,heart-sweetening light!Ah, the light dances, my darling, at the center of my life;the light strikes, my darling, the chords of my love;the sky opens, the wind runs wild, laughter passes over the earth.The butterflies spread their sails on the sea of light.Lilies and jasmines surge up on the crest of the waves of light.The light is shattered into gold on every cloud, my darling,and it scatters gems in profusion.Mirth spreads from leaf to leaf, my darling,and gladness without measure.The heaven’s river has drowned its banksand the flood of joy is abroad.Continuing in the light theme, here’s a guided meditation for healing here’s a film of light on water to watch and be still for a few Mini craft projectIt might not be possible to get out and find a stream to watch quartz glint in, but there are other ways to bring some sparkle and light into your life with some recycled crafts.MaterialsPlastic bottles, washed out thoroughlySharpies or other coloured permanent markersScissorsFishing line or string.(Optional) beads, sequins, tin foil, feathers, glitter (preferably biodegradable), coloured film, found glittery objects – these things should not be too heavy or they’ll drag the spiral down.(Optional) glue gunInstructionsCut the base off the plastic bottle.Take the plastic bottle or bottles and create colourful designs in them using the permanent pens. Leave them to dry. Make one long spiral cut from the base to the top end of each bottle, ending just below the cap. Pull out the spiral to see all the colours. Use a glue gun to attach further decorations, making sure the spiral still has some bounce to it.Tie a length of fishing line around the neck of the bottles and hang in a window to catch the light or outside so the bottles blow in the wind.Mindful Walking94615044215050001426845002891790145034000Finding ways to take greater notice of our surroundings can really help to improve our wellbeing. One way of doing this might be to choose a subject to search for on your walks. As this week’s theme is light perhaps you could look out for reflections, shadows, dappled light through trees, sunsets, sunrises or the moon and stars. Feel free to send me your pictures so they can be added to our DRLC gallery when it’s up and running. Here are some of my pictures taken on a late afternoon walk just outside Honiton. ................

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