
Arroya Ranch (see Southspring)

Associations, Cattle Raisers

Atarque Sheep Co., Gallup, N.M.

Austin & Northern Land & Cattle Co., San Angelo


Bell Ranch (see Horses in Topical file)


Bravo Ranch

Bridewell Ranches


Cattle Co. Papers, (ephemera)

Chupadero Ranch (see West Ranches)

Coleman-Fulton Pasture Co.

Continental Land & Cattle Co.

Converse Cattle Co.

C Ranch (see also SC #42 – H.G. Bedford Collection)

Cross L Ranch


Diamond A Ranch



Fagan Ranch

Five Wells Ranch (see also SC #41 – McNair Letters)

Flying H Ranch, New Mexico

Four Sixes (see 6666 Ranch)

Frying Pan Ranch


Greene Cattle Company


Hansford Land & Cattle Co.

Hash Knife Ranch

High Lonesome

Hitch Ranches


Indio Ranch (see West Ranches)

Iowa Land Co.

Irvine County Ranch, California


JA Ranch

JH Ranch

JJ Ranch

Jumbo Cattle Co.


King Ranch

King Ranch newspaper clippings

Kokernot 06 Ranch


LS Ranch Map


Matador Land and Cattle Co. (2 wallets)

Matthews Ranch (Throckmorton County)

Maxwell Cattle Co.

Mexico Ranching

Midland Area Ranching

Missouri Land and Livestock Co.

Muscantine Cattle Co.



Oasis Ranch (W.F. Bill Roden)

101 Ranch (Oklahoma)


Panhandle Stock Association

Pine Creek Ranch, Nye, Nevada

Pitchfork Ranch

Powder River Cattle Co.

Prairie Cattle Co.


Quien Sabe Ranch



Ranches, Arizona

Ranches, General

Ranches, Hawaii

Ranches, Midland

Ranches, Texas

Ranching, Mexico

Ranching, Modern

Ranching, Spanish

Rayner Cattle Co.

Reynolds Ranch, Long X


Shoe Bar Ranch

6666 Ranch

Slaughter Long S Ranch and map (See also "Riders"in Topical File)

Southspring Ranch & Cattle Co. & Arroya Ranch, Roswell, N.M.

Southwest Texas Ranches

Spur Ranch

Swan Land and Cattle Company

Swenson Land & Cattle Co.

Swisshelm Cattle Co.


Tasker Ranch, Texas

Texas Cattle Raisers Association

Toros Cattle Co.

Two Buckle Ranch


Union Land & Cattle Co.


Vermejo Ranch, New Mexico


Waggoner Ranch

West (J.M.) Ranches, incl. Chupadero and Indio Ranches (4 wallets)

West Texas Ranches


XIT Ranch Cowboys


Y Ranch


Z Ranch

Zeebar Cattle Co. (2 wallets)

West and Zeebar files are in the next drawer

Inventory of JEH, II, C, Ranches, West (J.M.)

Wallet #1

Associations Cattle

Austin Daily Tribune

Automobiles, Trucks, etc.




Cattle Shipments

Cattle, General

Chupadero Ranch - 1

Chupadero Ranch - 2

Chupadero Ranch - 3 (maps)

Clear Lake Ranch

Correspondence, 1941

Wallet #2

Diseases of Livestock

Diseases, Cattle

Dorbant Ranch (Inventory of H.W. Evans)

Editorials (by JEH?)


Evans (H. West) Estate

Federal Laboratories Prospectus


Fences & Fencing

Figure 2 Ranch (Map)

Wallet #3


Game, Cultivation of



Indio Ranch

Interview re: West by JEH. Person interviewed is unknown (72 pages, from 7 tapes) prob. c.1985

Interview w/ JEH by Gresham (19 pages)

Inventory, J.M. West Cattle

Iron Mountain Ranch


Legends & Other Folklore

Misc. Papers

New Mexico Ranches

Pamphlets, Misc.


Ranch Affairs, Misc.

Ranch affairs, West

Range Lands

Range Program


Wallet #4

Round Mountain Ranch


West Cattle

West Ranch

West, J. Marion


Files contain information on the following ranches:

Clear Lake Ranch

Chupadero Ranch

Figure 2 Ranch

West-Cage - Indio


Round Mountain Ranch

West-Pyle Cattle Co.

Also the ranches of H. West Evans (Ft. Terret)

West enterprises included:

West Securities Co.

West Production Co.

Mellard Interview Index, 1985


Tape 1

1- West

2- Monroe

3- Orville Bullington

4- Judge Hamlin, Mars McLain

5- Judge Hamlin, John Henry Kirby, Clear Lake, Vance Muse

6- Kirby, Muse, Hamlin

7- King Ranch, Judge Clarence Wharton, George Hill

8- Judge Platt

9- Ulmer, T. Knape

10- Dr. J.T. Ulmer, Platt, Phil Stevenson, R.B. Anderson

11- Waggoner Ranch, Judge G.L. Walker, Ulmer, Dan Moody

12- Lyndon Johnson

Tape 2

1- Clear Lake

2- Blakemore, J. Marion West

3- West Production, Co., Clear Lake

4- Buck Pyle, Clear Lake

5- Clear Lake, Chupadero, Jim Webb, Cages, Indio, Bob Cage

6- Chupadero, Cages, Clear Lake, West-Cage Cattle Co., Mr. Snyder

7- Snyder, Buck Pyle

8- Buck, Charlie Cummings, Figure Two, West-Cage

9- Buck

10- Chupadero, Buck, Grady Fields, Charlie

11- Charlie

12- Bob Cage, Grady Field, Figure Two, Korn Ranch

Tape 3

1- Cage, Palomas Cattle Co., Clear Lake

2- Indio, Clear Lake, Chupadero

3- Chupadero,Clear Lake

4- J.M. Pyle, Longfellow, Forest Lee (Buck) Pyle

5- Cage, J. Marion, Charlie Cummings, Chupadero, Longfellow, Indio, Bob Cage

6- Chupadero, Cages, West-Cage Cattle Co., Kansas, Flint Hills, Pine Creek

7- West-Cage Cattle Co. Mulvain, Rosalia, Round Mtn. Dorban

8- Chupadero, Round Mtn. Blakemore, Iron Mtn., Ira Yates, Y Ranch, Dick Wardlaw

9- Wardlaw

Tape 4

1- Mrs. J.W. Evans, Ft. Terrett

2- Andy (Fay), L.W. Evans, Jr.

3- Andy (Fay), Harold

4- Dr. P.I. Nixon

5- Andy, Mrs. Evans

6- Mrs. Evans

7- Mrs. Evans

8- J.D. Lowery, Chupadero, Clear Lake, Chinaman, Clear Lake

9- Longfellow, Buck Pyle

Tape 5

1. Hobby’s, Lobo Ranch, Pyle, Arthur Platt, J.T. Evans, Ft. Terrett, Jerry , West Cattle Co.

2- Pyle Cattle Co., Buck, J. Marion, Mr. Evans, Pyle

3- Buck, Monroe

4- Chupadero, Robert, Old John

5- Shorty Cooper, Figure Two, Bob Carter

6- J. Frank Dobie, Old John

7- John, Bob Hall

8- Catarina, John

9- Figure Two, Caseys, Chupadero,

10- Chupadero, Figure Two, Tom Lea, Frank Dobie, W. P. Webb, Betecheck

11- Buck Pyle, J. Marion


Tape 6

1- Platt, J. Marion, Arthur, Kansas

2- Cage, Kansas, J. Marion, (Sect. ) Ickes

3- Parten, Allred, O’Daniel

4- O’Daniel, J. Frank Dobie, George Waverly Briggs

5- O’Daniel, Dobie, Dan Harrison, Darr P. Collins

6- O’Caniel, Carr Collins, Orville Bulletin, Harrison, Rainey

7- Rainey, Chupadero, Phil Stevenson, Judge Clapp (Platt)

8- Briggs, Bob Carter, Shorty Cooper, Chupadero, Evans, Frank Hewett,

9- Evans Ranch, Cortez Ranch, H.West Evans Estate, Alfred Alee, Chupadero

10- Andy, Alee, Flint Hills, Rosalia, Legan Cattle Co. Columbus Cattle Co. Cage

Stevenson, Palomas

11- Stevenson, Palomas

Tape 7

1- Blakemore, J. Marion, Chipadero, Cullen

2- Cullen (Leroy), Snyder, Harrison

3- Andrew Fay, Evans, Snyder

4- Judge O.W. Willians, J.D. Cates, H.S. Stephenson

5- Marshall Stephenson, Cage, Joe Williams

6- Cage, Steve, Albert B. Falls Ranch, Bacon


gresham Interview index, 1991

(J. M. West is named throughout.)

1- Clear Lake, John Henry Kirby, L.L. Dent, Ross Sterling

2- Sterling, Clear Lake, Kirby, Chupadero

3- Sterling, Buck Pyle, Longfellow

4- Cage, Grady Fields, Cages (Bob), Indio, Figure Two, Korn

5- Korn, Chupadero, Longfellow, Buck, Charlie, Cage (Jim, Bob), Indio, Dolph Brisco

6- Iron Mt., Blakemore

7- Stuart Stedman

8- Austin Tribune, Phil Stephenson, Arthur Platt, Dan Moody, Ulmer

9- Evans, Ft. Terrett Andy (Fay)

10- Ft. Terrett, Chupadero, Kansas, Andy (Fay)


12-Andy (Fay), Mrs. Evans

13- Wesley West, Iron Mtn.

14- Clear Lake, Chupadero, Indio, “Robert”

15- Bob Carter, Chupadero, Robert, Longfellow, Shorty Cooper, Hugh Roy Cullen

16- Round Mtn., Cullen, Weslely West, LBJ

17. Morris Shepherd, W. Lee O’Daniel, Chupadero, Figure Two

18- Jesse Jones



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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