BASIC Elements - Duq

Sites II:More elements Rev 09/17/2015Start Weebly.Select your MyPractice Site Remember that Elements are building blocks of a site. All your text, pictures, video and most other content are added that way, through elements. Here is the BASIC section of the elements window: As you can see there are 8 BASIC elements, of which we’ll use mostly the first 3Also note the five icons at the top of the elements. We will discuss them along with the elements themselves. .A word or two. The first page Weebly sees is essentially an index page. Assuming we didn’t delete the heading, Let’s drag the American Indian page to the top of the list of pages:End of note…BASIC ElementsEvery site has a Title by default, MY PRACTICE SITE belowUse the TITLE element to edit the title: You're asked to provide a Title of some kind when you first create your site. It can this can be changed at any time. ?You also have the option to edit the text , delete the text, or upload an image logo. Let's look at these options?. If you don’t have a TITLE , go ahead and add one by selecting TITLE element and then clicking inside the header area..?My theme had a spot already reserved, so all that’s needed is a change in wordage:Scroll over the Title area to make a change. ?You can:choose to keep the current Text Title, Upload a Logo (image) orTurn the Title area off to make it disappear from the theme.?Here is my title.Here are the options:The current title optionsAnd here is what it looks likeIf you choose to stick with a Text title, simply type whatever you want. ? It should be fairly short and to the point (no more than six or seven words). ?If you prefer to upload a Logo image, scroll over the title and select the Logo buttonThis will open a dialog box prompting you to upload an image from your computer. ?The image must be a JPEG (JPG), GIF or PNG. Perhaps you created a banner in Photoshop.Notice the lack of font properties. Fonts have their own section.?OK, that’s TITLE element. STRUCTURE icons The second major icon switches to display STRUCTURE Elements We will eventually use SPACER and DIVIDER to separate sections from each other. Buttons and YouTubeThe final STRUCTURE element is a button, which is meant for linking to actions like play a video or jump to your blog we’ll look at them a bit later. To create buttons,Double-click the button elementEnter some properties:The last icon proves search functionality, which is somewhat limited in the free version, which we are usingMEDIA elementsThe Media elements are next::HIGH DEFINITION VIDEOAUDIOYOUTUBE DOCUMENTSYOUTUBELet’s play a YouTube. The approach is:Find and play the YouTube you want Search for “Playing YouTube videos in Weebly”Found one?Locate a Share button :Click it to see:Copy the https linkReturn to WeeblyAdd a You Tube elementClick on the element and paste in the URLYou can vary several parameters; here is size: Move away and the video playsDOCUMENTAssume you want to display a word document, or a pdf,…. Use DOCUMENTI’ll show the jma501 syllabusDrag a DOCUMENT element to the screenThis is what you should see:So: Click, select to upload the new file. Navigate to the document. Here is how I might display the class syllabusNavigate…Click OpenA conversion takes place and the document displayed:AUDIOHere is what you see:We can get around this problem by hand-coding a bit. Hold off until we discuss sound (and video)LayoutsEvery Weebly page has at least one layout. A given page might have several layouts or designs. Depending on the theme you've selected, anywhere from 4 to 6 different page layouts can be applied to each individual page of your site. For example, a landing page (a “linked-to page) page, a page with options for a large banner, a small banner and so on. The bottom is where we add content. The heading area at the top specifies the purpose of your website along with an attractive title or caption of your site. Adding an image or a slideshow about your site offers visitors the quick extract of your site which you can do it the image area by just dragging and dropping elements. The free version doesn’t support searchingPRACTICEHere is some fake Latin we will insert into a TEXT element Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, autem eligendi disputationi sit in, no sit ludus nominavi dissentias. Cu noster insolens usu, dicant nullam te mei. Vel te stet facer pertinacia, eum ea movet oratio instructior. Et probo fierent intellegam eam, vel torquatos efficiantur in?Select and drag a TEXT element to the white area page…Look for these words Select and copy the lorem ipsum text (ctrl-a, Ctrl C) from class notespaste the text we just createdNow, we want to place an image on the page, on the right side,. Weebly will create two equally sized columns and put the text in column one, the image in column twoDrag an IMAGE element to the page. See where the element landed:Drag the image to the right side of the text…look for the blue bar: ?You can add as many elements to a page as you want or need, the page itself will get longer and longer to accommodate however many elements you drag on,Click the upload Image shape Browse to an IMAGE you’d like to display. There are 4 sources My ComputerSearchFavoritesURLOR:Search your computer; search the Weebly libraries; search the favorites you perhaps found earlier, and search the Internet. I selected to search the database of free picturesPick oneYou’ll then see this: Be sure to search Free Photos!Click one and it will save into the IMAGE object:Click the IMAGE and you’ll see a set of properties ( We discuss in the next module). Edit ImagePractice on one of the photos.Double-click the image to show:Here is mine:resizing,adding thick borders, Adjust the column width Move the images aroundMISC?When you drop elements, Weebly generates two columns on the page that place the elements side-by-side with equal space allotted to each.?You can adjust the space between columns by using the narrow blue bar that appears between them. Just click and drag to the left or right The "X" in the upper right allows you to delete an element. Be careful when deleting, though, as a deleted element can't be brought back.?The arrow in the upper left allows you to copy an element (to the same page or another page) to move an element (to another page).?all elements include three basic options to be deleted, copied, or moved on the page. You'll see each of these options when you scroll over any element.?You can freely move the graphics anywhere on the page?.?? ?? ................

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