
WEEKLY REMOTE LEARNING PLANNING FORM ROOM # 20 WEEKOF: 9/28-10/2/2020 PARENT’S NAME: KatelynnDay of the WeekCC Goals being DAILY FOCUS (Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes- Daily Focus Question/ Lesson)Play focus[Planting seeds for play activities (aka learning centers) Insert 4 additional DETAILED center ideas/ activities DAILY- this does not include art, writing, literacy]MondaySep. 28, 2020Holiday - No SchoolPretend Play: Work with your learners to pretend to be the teacher teaching their siblings and toys how to follow the school rules. Review with your learner the school rules:Music and Movement: Blocks/building: Help learners use building blocks or recyclable materials (boxes, egg crates, plastic containers etc.) to build their school building or the school bus. You could use bottle tops for wheels if you want to help your learner build a school bus. Fine Motor/Manipulatives: Help learners work their fine motor skills using their clothing. Lay pants on a table and help learners work on pushing the button through the hole in the pants. Work on having your learners use their pincer grasps to move zippers on their backpacks. Sensory: Using play dough work on hand strengthening through rolling playdough and pushing it out and pinching it. Art: 49599856286500Name day craft (If you did not complete it last week please work on it today. We will need it for school on Wednesday September 30)Have prepped a cut out letter for the first letter of the students first name. Then students will decorate the letter and try to write their own names.Writing: Work on writing simple shapes drawing: circles, squares, and rectangle on your white board. Literacy: Students will use an alphabet book and the bounce patrol group for music to introduce the letter of the week and review its sound and words that begin with that letter. This week’s letter is /Ww/. Review the letter sound with your learner: Books- students will sit with a parent and be taught book handling and care, turning pages, attending to 2D images, and attending to a story being read to them. Work on picture identification and what and where questions while looking at books. Book suggestion: Math: Sorting by Object. Use things like forks, spoons, and butter knives or cotton balls, cue tips, and toilet paper squares or crayons, markers, pens, or shirts, pants, socks. Have students practice sorting these objects. TuesdaySep. 29, 2020Last week we learned more about our classroom and how we can play and learn in each of our centers. This week we will be learning about feelings and things that each of us have that make us special and add to our classroom. Today we will be reviewing with students their names. We will be having name day tomorrow. We will review what the importance of names is and how having our own names in the classroom helps us and makes us special. We will also practice presenting names like we will for name day.Music and Movement: Kitchen: Pretend to be the school lunch chef and create a school lunch menu, pretend to cook lunches from your school menu. Practice hand washing and pretend to make school breakfast. Talk with your learner what should we make for breakfast or lunchPretend Play: Play school- pretend to be different people within the school building. Pretend students are getting on the bus. Practice greeting the bus driver then practice bus safety rules and sing wheels on the bus while pretending to ride to school. Science: Students can create their own fingerprint by coloring on the pad of their finger with a washable marker and touching it to the paper. Parents can make one to and you can encourage other family members to make theirs so that your child can look at them and see how they are different. Sensory: Rice and beans: Students will work on finding objects in the sand and using tweezers to remove them. Students can work on hand coordination using a spoon to scoop and lift. Cutting/ Art: Letter of the week craft: Have students cut 4 strips of paper and glue them together to form the /w/. Let students draw or use paint to make the weather. Offer cotton balls for cloudy and white paint for snowing. Writing: Play “freeze” writing with your learner. Tell your learner when the music is playing, they can draw and scribble but when the music stops they freeze. Literacy: Books- students will sit with a parent and be taught book handling and care, turning pages, attending to 2D images, and attending to a story being read to them. Work on picture identification and what and where questions while looking at books. Work on finding words that begin with the letter of the week.This week’s letter is /Ww/. Review the letter sound with your learner. Book suggestion: Math: Sorting by Object. Use things like forks, spoons, and butter knives or cotton balls, cue tips, and toilet paper squares or crayons, markers, pens, or shirts, pants, socks. Have students practice sorting these objects.WednesdaySep. 30, 2020Today we will learn about different feelings and how being back in the classroom may cause us to feel different feelings. We will review some of the different feelings and things that might cause us to feel these feelings.Feeling happy to be out of the houseFeelings happy to meet knew people and friends. Feeling Excited to get to play with toysMusic and Movement: Pretend Play: Play school- pretend to be different people within the school building. Pretend to be the school nurse- check toy student temperatures and make sure they are ok.Blocks/building: Help learners use building blocks or recyclable materials (boxes, egg crates, plastic containers etc.) to build a classroom model that they could use to play with their toys and pretend their toys are going to school.Fine Motor/Manipulatives: Puzzles- students will use puzzles in multi-faceted ways including matching skills and identification skills by displaying 3 pieces and directing the child which one to select.Mr. Potato Head- students can also use Mr. Potato head to work on identifying body parts and can use it when identifying body parts that are used when following different classroom rules. Sensory: Water- students will use individualized small bins to engage in sensory water play, practice washing small toys or manipulatives with soap, to work on pouring and transferring liquid skills and. Art: Show students the activities they have at home. Encourage student to pick out a toy from their toys at home to draw or use to create a picture with paint at home. Writing: work with your learners on following directions for stopping and starting. Make a large dot or draw a star near the left side of a piece of paper and another dot/star directly across from it (horizontal lines). Give learner the direction to draw line across and show them where to start and stop. Literacy: Books- students will sit with a parent and be taught book handling and care, turning pages, attending to 2D images, and attending to a story being read to them. Work on picture identification and what and where questions while looking at books. Work on finding words that begin with the letter of the week.This week’s letter is /Ww/. Review the letter sound with your learner. Students will walk around the house with parents and identifying objects that start with our letter of the week. Book suggestion: Math: Sort objects by their function meaning by how we use the item. For example, sort between crayons and makers from forks and spoons by using the sorting categories what do we write with vs what do we eat with. All crayons and makers would go in one pile and all spoons and forks would go in the other when they are done sorting. ThursdayOct. 1, 2020Today we will continue to learn about different feelings and how being back in the classroom may cause us to feel different feelings. Feeling sad, scared, or: angry because of new rulesBeing away from homeNew schedule to followNew people and places to get used to. Music and Movement: Kitchen: Practice and play getting ready to eat. What are the rules we should follow before we eat to stay healthy? Washing hands. Help your little learner review handwashing. Play pretend while practicing using forks and spoons to feed ourselves imaginary food and drinking from open cups. Pretend Play: Play school- pretend to be different people within the school building. Pretend to be the maintenance staff and help clean and fix things in the classroom. Sensory: Using play dough work on hand strengthening through rolling playdough and pushing it out and pinching it.Science: Students can attach the classroom rules to parts of the body that are associated with each of the rules.Art: Have students point or verbally identify a sad face. Then have students draw a picture of something or use colors that make you feel sad.Writing: Play “freeze” writing with your learner. Tell your learner when the music is playing, they can draw and scribble but when the music stops they freeze.Literacy: Books- students will sit with a parent and be taught book handling and care, turning pages, attending to 2D images, and attending to a story being read to them. Work on picture identification and what and where questions while looking at books. Work on finding words that begin with the letter of the week.This week’s letter is /Ww/. Review the letter sound with your learner. Students will use pictures to create a collage of words that start with that letter of the weekBook suggestion: Math: Sort objects by their function meaning by how we use the item. For example, sort cups from shirts and socks from books and magazines by using the sorting categories what do we drink from vs what do wear vs what do we read. All cups would go in one pile all clothing (shirts and socks) would go in another pile together and all books and magazines would be another pile when they are done sorting. FridayOct. 2, 2020Today we will learn about things that make the students special and able. We will review body parts and talk about how we are special: I am special I have 2 eyes that I can use to see. I have 2 ears that I can use to hear. I have 2 hands that can use to touch and play. I have 2 legs and feet that I can use to walk, run and jump.Music and Movement: Pretend Play: Play school- pretend to be different people within the school building. Pretend to be the teacher and go over the calendar and let your student lead the days of the week song by helping them point. Blocks/building: Help learners use building blocks or recyclable materials (boxes, egg crates, plastic containers etc.) to build a school bus and act out how to ride the school bus. (can be accompanied with singing wheels on the bus song)Fine Motor/Manipulatives: Beading- Beading can also be used as a sorting task based on bead color or a patterning task. If you do not have beads at home do not worry you can cut/poke or hole punch holes in paper shapes and have your student bead that onto string or you can cut plastic bending straws and have students use them as beads. Sensory: Paint: Use paint for sensory finger painting. Encourage students to draw numbers, letters, shapes, and feelings. If you do not have paint you can use water and pretend to paint with water. Art: Encourage students to draw a picture of their favorite classroom center or favorite place to play in their homes.Writing: work with your learners on following directions for stopping and starting. Make a large dot or draw a star near the top of a piece of paper and another dot/star directly below. Give learner the direction to draw line down and show them where to start and stop. Literacy Books- students will sit with a parent and be taught book handling and care, turning pages, attending to 2D images, and attending to a story being read to them. Work on picture identification and what and where questions while looking at books. Work on finding words that begin with the letter of the week.This week’s letter is /Ww/. Review the letter sound with your learner. Students will review their letter of the week collage and select a word from it to write/ trace and draw a picture of.Book suggestion: Math: Sort objects by their function meaning by how we use the item. For example, sort car toys from puzzle pieces from markers by using the sorting categories what do we roll vs what do we put in puzzle vs what do we color/draw with. All toys with wheels would go in one pile all puzzle pieces would go in another pile together and all markers would be another pile when they are done sorting. Social Emotional- Review Week 2: Focus Word- Listen – See Brain Builder and Home link below to review at home with your child. Read aloud for Friday: Core Goals:CC Domain 1 – PK.AL.FS.1: Actively and confidently engages in play as a means of exploration and learning – a. Interacts with a variety of materials through Domain 2 – PK.PDH.5: Demonstrates eye-hand coordination and dexterity needed to manipulate objects – e. Uses buttons, zippers, snaps, and hooks and loops successfully?CC Domain 3 – PK.SED.1: Recognizes himself/herself as a unique individual having his/her own abilities, characteristics, feelings, and interests – f. Identifies the range of feelings he/she experiences and that his/her feelings may change over time, as the environment changes and in response to the behavior of others.?CC Domain 3 – PK.SE.6: Understands and follows routines and rules. – b. Engages easily in routine activitiesCC Domain 4 – PK.CLL.AC.1: Demonstrate that they are motivated to communicate – a. Participates in small or large group activities for storytelling, singing, and/or finger play. ................

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