Welcome to the Reformed Church at Cranesville

Welcome to Cornerstone Church!

Sunday, August 7, 2011 10:00 a.m.

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” Matthew 18:20

Chiming of the Trinity Music Minister, Christine Tegeder

Word of Welcome! “God is Good! All the Time!”

Worship Leader, Faron Trick Presentation of the Bible

Call to Worship Faron Trick

Praise Songs “Lord Reign in Me,” “Draw Me Close”

Time for Children and Children’s’ Offering Courtney Cromie

The Lord’s Prayer

Congregational Response “Jesus Loves Me”

Prayers of Confession and Time of Personal Silence Courtney Cromie

Declaration of God’s Love and Forgiveness

Congregational Response “Great is Thy Faithfulness”

Affirmation of Faith: The Apostles’ Creed Faron Trick

Ritual of Friendship (Print your name on Friendship Pads)

Announcements Faron Trick

Joys & Concerns: Prayers of the People Courtney Cromie

Time of Greeting (Please say hello to your neighbor)

Hymn #525 “Here I Am, Lord”

Giving Thanks with our Offering of Gifts and Tithes

Offertory “Amazed” Christine Tegeder

Congregational Response “Give Thanks”

Prayer of Dedication Faron Trick

Old Testament Reading:    Deuteronomy 6:4-7 (p. 157)   Courtney Cromie

New Testament Reading:   1 Corinthians 4:14-21 (p. 157)          

Message  “Powerful Reminders: The Significance of Mentoring”             Courtney Cromie

Hymn #291      “Take My Life and Let it Be”

Benediction (Please join hands in a circle.)

Welcome! Cornerstone is a child friendly congregation—open to all. Our thanks for our Ministry with the Deaf. Each week, Sue Woolverton interprets. We appreciate her signing of the words and songs.

The Cornerstone Nominating Committee is currently taking nominations for Deacon Please give your nominations to any member of the nominating committee: Bob Wegner, Barbara Dougherty, Sueli Robert, Allyson Moyer, Bob Drake, or Sean Beeg.

Next week’s sermon is “Fruits of the Spirit”, based on Galatians 5:16-26 and preached by our new Pastor, Courtney Cromie.

Spread the Good News! Invite a friend to church! We are so blessed to have a new Pastor and a new Music Minister at Cornerstone. Help us spread the word so others can worship with us and share in this joyous and exciting time for our church!

Our Thanks to our Elders as Members of our Session

2011 Bob Wegner, Marye Barbagallo, Joan Mallison, Dominique Robert

2012 Sharron Smith, Jim Ryan, Barbara Dougherty, James Hughes

2013: Denise Mudalel, Ray Schleckser, Lisa Capurso, Okoro Okparaeke

Session Meeting – Monday, August 8th, 7:00 p.m., at the home of Lisa Capurso

Our New Board of Deacons – thank you for your service!

2011 Michele Calhoun, Laura Tunis

2012 Laura Stone, Alice Jones (Secretary)

2013 Betty Thompson (Moderator)

Pastor: Courtney Cromie, 561-703-2263

Music Minister: Christine Tegeder, 732-232-9238

Director of Christian Education: Kristen DiGirolamo, 732-657-7808

Treasurer: Gordon Connelly, 732-833-4264

Administrative Secretary: Elizabeth Hughes, 732-833-6857

Administrative Manager: Jim Ryan, 732-833-8514

Nursery Care: Patti Miller, 732-928-3212, Margaret Rose Barschow

Financial Peace University We will be offering again this year the Financial Peace University course, created by Dave Ramsey. If you want to learn how to handle your finances according to Biblical Principles, if you want to restore hope to your life, if you want to put your personal finances in order and in perspective, and reenergize spiritually yourself and your family in the process, you will want to participate in this course. Find out why more than 1 million families have taken this course! The course will be held once a week, on Sundays after worship during the months of September to December. We will be confirming the details over the next weeks. If you would like to receive more information on this great opportunity, ask or call Dominique Robert at 732-600-4886.

Concert at Presbyterian Church of Toms River (PCTR) – August 19th, 7:00 p.m. An evening of contemporary Christian music and original songs by Michael Barozzi. Lots of fun, and it’s free! Come sing and worship!

Bible Study Opportunities at Ocean Grove are available in the next several weeks: Evening Worship (8/14, 7:30-9 p.m.), Nativity on the Beach (8/22, 8:30 p.m.), Marriage Seminar (9/17, 6:00 p.m., $22.50). Please visit for more information, and let Pastor Courtney know if you’re interested in attending.

School Supplies will be collected on Sunday mornings at church until August 14th-there will be a collection bin in the back of the room. The supplies will be given to the Jackson Food Pantry for children in need. Thank you!!

Men’s Bible Study will meet on Wednesday, August 10th, 7:30-9:00 at Bob Wegner’s home 413 Leesville Rd. Join us to study the Gospel of John.

We appreciate our Ushers: Bob Wegner, Jim Bainbridge, Okoro Okparaeke, John Lukacs, Rodney Puig. Our ushers play a vital part in our worship. Our thanks to them!

Check out our web page: Cornerstone-. Our thanks to our Tech Team for our power point and updating our site: George Nebel and James Hughes.

Shop Rite Gift Cards are available for you to purchase each Sunday before worship, and 5% of the purchase price goes directly to the church. Thanks to all, we have raised $7595 for the Foundation Fund. For more information, contact Vernice DaConceicao.

Hospitality and Coffee—Hospitality is in need of juice boxes, cookies and healthy snacks, such as grapes, nuts, raisins, and fruits. THANK YOU to Dominique & Sueli Robert, Jim Ryan, Bev Kaiser, Tim Johnston, and Donnette Hubert for their hard work each Sunday.

Volunteers scheduled for next Sunday August 14th:

➢ Set-up: Bruce and Betty Thompson

➢ Greeters: Elizabeth Hughes

Cornerstone Meets at McAuliffe Middle School

35 South Hope Chapel Road, Jackson

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 140, Jackson, NJ 08527

2424. E-mail: pastor@

Cornerstone Presbyterian Church

A place where you can be who you are.

“Building Community on the Solid Rock of Jesus Christ”

Mission Statement:

We the people of Cornerstone

Are a part of God’s Grand Adventure to:

Ground our lives on the solid rock of Jesus Christ,

Build up each other in love through prayer, words and deeds,

And to create God’s community in Jackson and beyond.


Sunday August 7, 2011 10:00 a.m.[pic]


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