Bible Trivia Cards2 - Bible Games

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

What is the ?rst book of the Bible?

Where can you ?nd the following verse in the


After Jesus was baptized, He was led by the

Spirit into the wilderness. How long did Jesus

fast while he was there?



A) Genesis


C) Psalms

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only

Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish

but have eternal life."

D) Matthew

A) Matthew 3:16

B) Revelation

A) 40 minutes

B) 40 hours

C) 40 days

B) Mark 3:16

D) 40 weeks

C) Luke 3:16

D) John 3:16

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Answer: A

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Answer: D

John 3:16

Answer: C

Matthew 4:1-2

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Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

What was Jesus¡¯ ?rst miracle?

What did Zacchaeus do in order to see Jesus?

Who was known as the Wise King?

A) He calmed a storm

A) He went to see Jesus at night

A) Saul

B) He turned water into wine

B) He sent a messenger to invite Jesus to

his home

B) David



C) He healed 10 lepers


C) He got 4 of his friends to lower him through

the roof

D) He walked on water

C) Solomon

D) Rehoboam

D) He climbed a tree

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Answer: B

John 2:1-11

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Answer: D

Luke 19:1-4

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Answer: C

1 Kings 4:29-31

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

What are the ?rst three words written in the


What did God tell Noah to build?

According to the Bible, what covenant is the

rainbow a sign of?



A) The revelation from


A) An ark of gopher wood

B) A tall tower that reaches to the heavens

B) In the beginning

C) A house upon the sand

C) Blessed is the

D) A house upon the rock

D) This is the

A) Christ's second coming

B) God will give Abraham more descendants

than can be counted

C) God will one day send burning sulfur down

like rain on the earth

D) God will never again send a ?ood to destroy

the earth

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Answer: B

Genesis 1:1

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Answer: A

Genesis 6:14

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Answer: D

Genesis 9:11-13

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

What did Moses' mother use to make the basket

in which she placed baby Moses?

What animal spoke to Balaam?

Which strong man in the Bible slayed a lion and

tore it into pieces with his bare hands?



A) Reeds

A) Samuel

B) Samson

C) Goat

C) Bamboo

C) Solomon

D) Camel

D) Fig leaves

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A) Sheep

B) Donkey

B) Wood


Answer: A

Exodus 2:3

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D) Simeon

Answer: B

Numbers 22:30

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Answer: B

Judges 14:6

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

What weapon did David use to ?ght Goliath?

How long was Jonah in the belly of a huge ?sh?

A) Bow and arrow

A) 1 day and 1 night

Who did King Darius order to be thrown into a

lion's den?

B) King Saul's sword

B) 3 days and 3 nights

C) Spear

C) 7 days and 7 nights

D) A sling and 5 smooth stones

D) 40 days and 40 nights


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Answer: D

1 Samuel 17:40

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A) Daniel

B) Jonah

C) Joseph

D) Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

Answer: B

Jonah 1:17

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Answer: A

Daniel 6:16

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

Who denied Jesus 3 times before the rooster


What was the name of Jesus' earthly father?

How many books are there in the Bible?

A) John

A) 44

B) James

B) 55

C) Josiah

C) 66

D) Joseph

D) 77



A) Thomas

B) Paul

C) Peter

D) John


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Answer: C

Matthew 26:75

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Answer: D

Matthew 1:16

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Answer: C

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

Who said, "Am I my brother's keeper?"

At the trans?guration of Jesus, who suggested

making 3 tents for Jesus, Moses and Elijah?

In which city did Jesus' family live in after

returning from Egypt?

A) James

A) Cana

B) Andrew

B) Bethlehem

C) John

C) Capernaum

D) Peter

D) Nazareth

People & Places

People & Places

A) Jacob

B) Cain

C) Esau

D) Abel

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Answer: B

Genesis 4:9

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People & Places

Answer: D

Luke 9:33

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Answer: D

Matthew 2:23

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

Jesus healed the mother-in-law of which


Which of these was NOT mentioned in the

Parable of the Good Samaritan?

Who was Jesus' most famous cousin?

A) Thomas

A) A Levite

B) Peter

B) A Pharisee

C) Andrew

C) A Samaritan

D) Philip

D) A Priest

People & Places

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People & Places

Answer: B

Matthew 8:14-15

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People & Places

A) Simon Peter

B) John the disciple Jesus loved

C) John the Baptist

D) Matthew the tax collector

Answer: B

Luke 10:31-33

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Answer: C

Luke 1:36

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

What city was Saul traveling to when he

encountered a great and blinding light?

Who is the author of the book of Galatians?

In the book of Revelation, where was John when

he was instructed to write down what he saw

and send it to the 7 churches?

People & Places

People & Places

A) Damascus

People & Places

A) Galatia

B) Peter

B) Jerusalem

A) Cappadocia

C) Paul

C) Gaza

B) Pontus

D) James

D) Emmaus

C) Patmos

D) Asia

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Answer: A

Acts 9:3

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Answer: C

Galatians 1:1

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Answer: C

Revelation 1:9-11

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

Who wrote Psalm 23?

Who was Jacob's twin brother?

Where did the slave traders take Joseph?

A) Solomon

A) Esau

A) Egypt

B) David

B) Isaac

B) Midian

C) Asaph

C) Abraham

C) Sinai

D) Moses

D) Joseph

D) Moab

People & Places

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People & Places

Answer: B

Psalm 23

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People & Places

Answer: A

Genesis 25:24-26

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Answer: A

Genesis 37:28

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

Where did Moses escape to after killing an


What was the name of King David¡¯s father?

Where did Elijah challenge the 450 prophets of

Baal and 400 prophets of Asherah?

People & Places

People & Places

A) Sinai

A) Mount Carmel

B) Mount Hermon

C) Jesus

C) Moab

C) Mount Sinai

D) Jehu

D) Midian

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A) Jethro

B) Jesse

B) Edom

People & Places

Answer: D

Exodus 2:15

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D) Mount of Olives

Answer: B

1 Samuel 17:12

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Answer: A

1 Kings 18:19

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

Who were thrown into the ?ery furnace for

refusing to worship the golden image that King

Nebuchadnezzar had set up?

What was the name of Queen Esther's cousin

who saved the king's life?

Who returned to Jerusalem to lead the people in

the rebuilding of the city¡¯s walls?

A) Elimelech

A) Zerubbabel

B) Boaz

B) Haggai

C) Haman

C) Nehemiah

D) Mordecai

D) Ezra

People & Places

People & Places

A) Elisha and Elijah

B) Daniel

C) Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

D) Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

People & Places

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Answer: C

Daniel 3:20

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Answer: D

Esther 2:21-22

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Answer: C

Nehemiah 2:17

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

How many books are there in the New


How many of Jesus¡¯ brothers are named in the


A) 27

A) 0

After Jesus healed 10 lepers, how many of them

praised God with a loud voice and thanked


B) 29

B) 2

C) 37

C) 4

D) 39

D) 7

How Many?

How Many?

How Many?

A) 0

B) 1

C) 5

D) 10

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

In Jesus' miraculous feeding of 5,000, how much

bread and ?sh did they have at the beginning?

Jesus summed up "the Law and the Prophets"

into how many commandments?

How many attributes did the apostle Paul use to

describe the fruit of the Spirit?

A) 2 loaves of bread and 2 ?sh

A) 1

A) 9

B) 2 loaves of bread and 5 ?sh

B) 2

B) 10

C) 5 loaves of bread and 2 ?sh

C) 4

C) 11

D) 5 loaves of bread and 5 ?sh

D) 10

D) 12

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Answer: A

How Many?

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Answer: C

Matthew 13:55-56

How Many?

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Answer: C

Mark 6:38

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Answer: B

Luke 17:11-19

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How Many?

Answer: B

Matthew 22:40

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Answer: A

Galatians 5:22-23

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia

In the book of Revelation, John was instructed to

write down what he saw and send it to how

many churches that are in Asia?

How many days and nights did it rain for when

Noah was in the ark?

How many sons did Jacob have in total?

How Many?

How Many?

A) 1

How Many?

A) 7

B) 1

B) 40

B) 3

C) 7

C) 99

C) 5

D) 12

D) 150

D) 7

A) 0

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Answer: D

Revelation 1:4,11

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Answer: B

Genesis 7:12

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Answer: D

Genesis 35:22-26


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