
ChoresSub-school: SeniorsLesson number: 4Week: 2Date: Thursday 23rd AprilWhat am I learning?I am learning to tidy my space. What is my teacher looking for?I can get my room organized and looking spick and span. “Clean your room!” How many times have you heard that being yelled at you in your life? Once a month? Once a week? Every day? Hopefully not that often, but I don’t think anyone in the world has avoided being told to clean their room. I know I didn’t. I shared a room with two brothers. You can imagine what that room looked like at the end of the day. But just like making a good workspace or cleaning down benches, just taking a few steps can make everything a lot easier and get your folks off your back. So let’s go on a journey through my room and try and get it to look a little tidier. Let’s start with a look at my bookshelf:Top Shelf: Leaning tower of board game boxes. A scarf for some reason. 5448300104775Fourth Shelf: Not too bad. There is a roll of string from Christmas wrapping I could do without. Third Shelf: Pretty Tidy. Don’t need to do much here. Maybe some DVD tidying. Second Shelf: A tape dispenser (cause who knows when I will need that?). There’s also a pile of stuff on the right hand side there. Who knows what’s in there? First Shelf: Not very organised, needs a tidy. Bottom Shelf/Floor: DVDs need a straighten up. Book bags on the floor. 435133It’s not a big change, but at least a board game won’t come tumbling down onto my head. It also reminded me that I really need to do some dusting. Oh my, so much dust. A task for another day. The rest of my room was similarly untidy. I fit a lot in there, but if I don’t keep it tidy, it gets a bit cramped. Especially if Paulie decides to join me while I work. Check my room out: -654040Drawers and lids open.Chip packets and cans on the floor. Books on the desk. How could you hope to get anything done in here? There is no room to breathe!4981575304800Now look at this! ?Much better, right? I can see the floor now! It didn’t take long. Maybe five minutes. Not even that. But here is something to remember: When you have finished with something, pack it away! It is a lot easier to put a little effort in everyday to keep things tidy than spending your weekend tidying and frustrating your folks. At that desk I do all my work for school, complete all my university assignments, assemble and paint my miniatures, play Minecraft with my friends and many other things. If I did not pack up after each of these activities I wouldn’t be able to move in there. So once I am done painting, it all goes away, the paints, the brushes, the models, everything. When I am finished working, away goes the computer, the notebooks and the pens and highlighters. Trust me, having a tidy room means you will enjoy what you are doing better, because you have more room to do it properly. Questions to ask your child:Is the floor clear? Are there any clothes or video game cases that I could step on? Would you rather do a little now, or a lot later? What things in your room do you use the most? Where could we keep them? ................

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